SERVAS BRITAIN Limited Company Registration No 4526885 MINTUES OF AGM – 10th May 2014 Coalbrookdale YHA, Shropshire (Company Statutory Business Items 1 -8) Jean Seymour welcomed everyone including Carla Kristensen of Servas Portugal. She then invited people to take a silent moment to remember Tom Jagger who was a member of a long standing Servas family and was lost in the mountains of Peru. A number of members spoke about their memories of Tom and how their own children had grown up as part of the Servas family. Part 1 – Formal Business Members attending 45: Chris Abram, Rosemary Abram, Carol Allen, Ruth Allen, David Asher, Chris Bell, Di Bell, Barbara Binns, Picot Cassidy, Lyn Collins, Andrew Currie, Anne Dowsett, John Dowsett, Geoff Dyson, Vicki Edmunds, Lois Gent,Tony Golding, Chris Green, Ann Greenhough, Lindsey Green, Jean Hale, Anne Heagney, Brian Heagney, Ian Hunter, Helen Jagger, Molly Kenyon, Amina Latimer, Rob Martin, Caroline Naysmith, Sue Penny, Seaton Phillips,Tim Phillips, Eileen Rawson, Liz Roman, Margaret Seelig, Jean Seymour, Ursula Stubbings, Jenny Sturt, Ken Sturt, Wendy Taylor, Bob Turner, Janet Tyrrell, Nick Warlow, Peter Woodall, Marian Woolhouse. Proxy votes received: 46 Total votes available 45 + 46 being 10% of membership. Guests (non-members) attending Carla Kristensen, (National Secretary of Portugal) 1. Apologies for absence and proxy votes 46 proxy votes and apologies - 45 vested in chair 1 proxy vote with Peter Woodall. Specific messages received from: Chris and Marian Slader and Gordon and Sheila Drake. 2.Minutes of AGM 11th May 2013 Proposed by John Dowsett seconded by Caroline Naysmith the minutes were accepted as a true record and signed by the National Secretary (internal) 3.Matters arising from Minutes of the formal business part of 2013 AGM not dealt with elsewhere None 4. Annual report of the Directors National Secretary report Jean Seymour (external) informed meeting that it had generally had good and productive year. Jean and Bob have served 4 years as joint secretaries. The last year there has been a smaller management committee, with others not on committee doing important jobs as part of specialist sub committees. A revised development plan had been updated by Bob. Servas Britain had maintained a high profile with Servas International. Jean thanked committee for their support over 8 years and those outside the committee + regional coordinators. Four of the current committee members were standing down, so there will be new blood on the committee to take Servas forward in friendship peace and tolerance. Bob Turner (internal) added that application for charitable status would not be taken forward, but Servas Britain moving forward in a positive way. Changes have been made to the way money is spent and the fees charged so that the books are balanced. In addition, significant donations have resulted in a small surplus to go to various development projects. Bob thanked those outside committee who have done a lot of work inc Anne Heagney who has worked on the database and as assistant coordinator in London. 5. Report of treasurer and Annual Accounts for 2013-14 See summary provided – distributed with the newsletter / agenda John Dowsett (Treasurer) presented the accounts that are in a healthy position with surplus. Those distributed had needed very minor amendment after auditing. Servas Britain, as one of the wealthier Servas countries, will be able to donate to Servas development projects. John gave thanks to Peter Woodall as the independent examiner of our accounts. In response, to questions about expenditure of the publicity budget, John reported that links with other ‘kindred’ organisations were being explored but other plans (eg wallet sized card) had been deferred. Ann Greenhough (Vice President of Servas International) reported that Servas International has decided on a new logo which will give Servas Britain an opportunity to re-design publicity material including a leaflet & possibility of Servas ‘card’. Acceptance of the Annual Accounts was proposed by Margaret Seelig, seconded by Bob Turner and unanimously agreed. 6. Election of Directors All Directors are elected for a term of 3 years with a maximum of 2 terms in one role. There are a number of Directors stepping down from their role who Bob Turner wished to thank. In alphabetical order: John Dowsett (stepping down as Treasurer) has served in a number of capacities for over 20 years, making an immense contribution and was national secretary from 2003-06. John is always very enthusiastic , dependable and committed to task at hand. In the treasurer role he has steered Servas to a position where there is a balanced budget. Behind the scenes John has helped Servas in making use of modern technology. At personal level Bob was very grateful for his wise counsel. Brian Heagney (stepping down from a recruitment role but also a long standing committee member). Brian’s role is not one of the ‘glitzy’ jobs, but he has been instrumental in setting up system to deal with enquires about Servas. In the last 3 years, Bran convened the publicity & recruitment sub-committee which created a firm foundation to move forward. Bob also thanked Brian and Anne for generously hosting the committee meetings and the Servas Christmas party. On a personal note Bob will miss Brian’s skills but knows he will remain part of Servas. Jean Seymour (stepping down as National Secretary – Internal) Bob said that it has been a great pleasure working jointly with Jean and handed over to Margaret Seelig who had known Jean for longer than they have been in Servas, and encouraged her to join and became National Secretary in 2006. It’s a very demanding role, so Jean decided she needed someone to work alongside her so she could develop the international dimension of Servas. She has worked absolutely tirelessly for Servas in Britain and internationally. She has attended many GA International and Youth conferences and forged links with many people in other Servas groups esp in South America. She has also organised events in Britain. She is going to be very much missed, but is staying in Servas and will continue to attend events. Marian Slader (stepping down as Travel Secretary) Bob asked Caroline Naysmith, who has worked closely with Marian, to give thanks. Marian became Travel Secretary in 2006 but has been part of an important family in Servas Britain for much longer. She has worked together with the host secretary in the transition from paper based to more technology based organisation. This has been a difficult, but necessary transition and has needed someone who works hard but has a sense of humour. She will not be disappearing from Servas and will continue to be active in Wales. Now they are retired, the Sladers have set up a link with Romanian orphanage, taking essential supplies – an interesting way for Servas to develop The following people have been proposed and seconded for the roles which are due for re-election: Post Joint National Secretary (External) Nominated Ruth Allen Proposed Jean Seymour Treasurer Host Secretary Jim Clevenger Caroline Naysmith Vicki Edmunds Jenny Sturt John Dowsett Bob Turner Seconded Marilyn Collins Bob Turner M Sturrock Marian Slader Bob Turner S Everett Ken Sturt Tugba Yimaz Jean Seymour Bob Turner Travel Secretary Committee Member (Publicity, newsletter, etc) Committee Member (Publicity, recruitment etc) All were unanimously accepted 7. Appointment of Company Secretary John Dowsett is willing to continue in this role. Unanimously accepted. It was noted that John is a member of the corporate governance committee 8.Appointment of Independent Examiner of Accounts Peter Woodall is willing to continue in this role – unanimously accepted. It was noted that Peter is a member of the corporate governance committee. End of Statutory Business Part 2 – Reports and Discussions 9. Matters arising from Minutes of the non-formal part of the 2013 AGM Item 10: Marian Slader had asked about whether a Letter of Introduction was needed if someone was meeting a host but not staying with them. Jean consulted with The EXCO of SI and it was felt that even if you just meeting a host you would need a Letter of Introduction. 10. Traveller Secretary’s report and discussion – see annual report from Marian Slader 11. Host Secretary’s report and discussion – see annual report from Caroline Naysmith. She noted there was now an overlap between the traveller and host secretary roles as those who join often wish to travel rather than host first. Travel secretary may no longer be appropriate – more a membership secretary. Overlap with recruitment secretary as well. Caroline's role is one of continuing development of record keeping systems which have improved but could still be better. Details for travellers can now be changed in the host list throughout the year. A question was asked about whether Servas Britain host can obtain the electronic host list and informing coordinators of new hosts. Both to be discussed outside the meeting by committee members. Question about members who do not want to be on electronic database remaining members and receiving mailings. Members must be on the database to appear in the hostbook though they will be posted mailings if they do not have an email address. . 12.Peace Secretary’s report and discussion – see annual report from Margaret Seelig Margaret would like to be informed of any peace related activities in the regions. 13. Publicity Officers’ reports and discussion – see annual report from Jenny Sturt & Brian Heagney Only be 2 newsletters per year instead of 3. One with host list and other electronically. Membership part of website was password protected – has information but not confidential and is no longer password protected. Jenny asked for information of regional events to put on the website. Question asked about the wallet sized cards for Servas: being worked on but not complete yet, and will wait until new logo is ready. Question asked about Facebook: how many ‘hits’ & has it been used? Had an initial impact on recruitment but this has tailed off – not a lot of effect overall. Set up by young person who has now left Servas, but hopefully new publicity person on committee will take over moderating role. Still there and available to use but not being used to its full potential. 14. Regional Coordinators’ reports and discussion – see report from Lindsey Green There are number of coordinators who attend / send report but others do not. Interviewing training pack being developed by David Asher and Rochelle Cooke (Yorkshire) in preparation for coordinators to ‘train’ new interviewers. Area A – Kent, E & W Susses, Surrey. Carol Allen Have had regular quota of both travellers and new hosts and have involved other hosts in interviewing. Meeting at monastery organised by Servas member who lives close by. Area B – Berkshire, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Isle of Wight, Channel Islands. Mike Lelliott New coordinator no report. Area C – Bristol area, Bath area, Somerset, Dorset. Lyn Collins No report Area D – Devon, Cornwall, Channel Islands, Isles of Scilly. Mark Wiltshire No report Area E – no longer exists. Essex now in area I Area F – London. Ruth Allen Regular monthly meeting + Christmas party. Communicating better with people but such a large area difficult to know everyone. Looking for another assistant coordinator. Area G – North of London. Marian Woolhouse and Geoff Dyson It has been a quiet year in the area with very few interviews being carried out and few travellers coming into the area, but emails forwarded and some communication with hosts. Two gatherings had been organised: a summer garden party and our usual new year walk. At both, we had some interesting discussion about various Servas related topics. Marian and Geoff are standing down as coordinators for this area since they have moved to Lincolnshire. They would like to thank all those in our area who given us support over the years and those who have become good friends. We hope that some of our Servas friends will come and visit us in our new edge of the Wolds /near the seaside home. Bob thanked Marian and Geoff for their work in coordinating Area G over many years. Area H – Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire & Worcs. Margaret Stanley No report Area I –Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire. Liz Roman and Ian Hunter 3 new hosts. A planned peace meal was cancellled as no-one was interested. Get together in September in the north area (Peterborough) was unsuccessful so going back to Cambridge. Emails forwarded on by Ian. Area J – Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, West Midlands, Leicestershire. Helen & Peter Woodall Very quiet this year – fewer interviews or less travellers. No gathering organised but one planned in Birmingham for September. Area K – Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire. Jonathan Silvey & Bernice Taylor New coordinators. No report. Area L – Shropshire, Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Cheshire, Wirral. Catherine Shaw New coordinator. No report Area M – Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Isle of Man. Barbara Binns Quiet year – a few interviews. Most of hosts in Manchester but only a couple in Liverpool which is where travellers want to go. No gatherings in the region. Area N – North Humberside & South, West & North Yorkshire. Tim Phillips Ges Souttar (York) now assistant coordinator. Same number of hosts as last year. 12 hosts – 7 received travellers, 5 received none. Three events over the year. Sept – party at David and Ann where international executive attending. Oct – The York International shared meal – 100 people including 8 Servas members attending. Feb - at retirement community (Garden Village) – home of Servas host. 21 attended. Feedback from hosts is that they like paper host list. One person joined in August and received first enquiry and traveller in September. Area O – Durham, Cleveland, Tyne & Wear, Northumberland, Cumbria. Audrey Christie & Ken Bradshaw Written report sent. Host numbers increased by 20 - half had received visitors = 30 in all, but this was a third down on last year. Increased interest from new members – 7 interviews. One social gathering in 2013 and one planned for 2014 Area P – Scotland. Merv Savage & Val Hadden have relinquished their role and have been replaced by Giles Waley . Bob thanked them for their work for Servas over the years. A written report indicated a healthy situation with 37 members (7 new last year) + applications to join but not all come to fruition because some found the process of interview was too difficult. Successful gathering north of Scotland (Aberdeen) with talk from local host on their travels. Monthly gathering in Edinburgh on last Thursday of month – ticking over with small nucleus of members but swelled in summer by visitors. Next gathering will be Oct 4- 5th in Comrie. Area Q – Wales. Chris Slader No report from coordinator. Get together in Bangor last summer with good attendance. South Wales had gathering in Bridgend. 15 Servas International report Ann Greenhough – one of 6 people on international committee (Vice-President). Met twice face to face. Trying to move Servas on for going on line (SOL). Has been stalled but is going to happen. Two companies to a) do web site and b) do technical work. Only key people currently have access but it will work the way Travel Secretaries will access lists from Dolphin and paper lists will disappear. Servas struggling with move as a federation of different countries; but has potential benefit of reducing traveller fees as will not be sending out paper lists. Servas needs to have the confidence to move forward in this new era. Jean Seymour – main link between Servas Britain and Servas International and been delegate to GA – next one Oct 2015 in New Zealand. Any member can attend international meetings – contact Jean / Ruth if interested. Servas Britain has a reputation as reliable and well organised with good links with other countries. Other countries invited to send delegate to our AGM but only Portugal attending. Next youth meeting Kurdistan (end July / beg August). Servas International news circulated to all members by email. If anyone wants to get involved in Servas International activities, they can – you don’t have to be involved in Servas Britain nationally. Contact Jean or Ruth. 16. Any matters arising from AGM morning and afternoon and open forum. Ann Greenhough – if anyone wants to consider when planning their travels, discussion about Servas India having a meeting next year. Going to meeting in Georgia (former Soviet Republic) end October 2014. Proposal in memory of Tom Jagger – more discussion tomorrow. Launch Servas International Youth fund (following on from Dalesbridge 2009) – funded to help with the meeting – young people from countries where they have difficulty in funding travel. In 2009 explored more lasting youth fund; but now hoping to get it going again now. Based initially in Britain with its own bank account to take donations – from Servas countries and individuals. The aim is to have enough to fund young people to go to New Zealand, who have been active in Servas but cannot fund themselves. Will need to take opportunity to volunteer etc while in NZ. In long term make proposal for a permanent trust fund so members can leave donation in their wills to youth fund. In Britain, the appeal will be made in memory of Tom Jagger. Tony Golding offered a traffic free cycle adventure to an unknown destination
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