東洋大学ライフデザイン学部 契約制外国語教員募集要項

2017 年 1 月 12 日
Announcement for a Contract-based Full-time Foreign Language Lecturer Position
Ⅰ.採用概要 Summary of Recruitment
1. 採用職名:契約制外国語講師
Type of Employment: Contract-based foreign language lecturer
2. 身分:専任講師
Status: Full-time English Lecturer
3. 募集人数:1 名
Number of positions: 1
Affiliation: Faculty of Human Life Design, Department of Health Care and Sports
5.主な担当授業科目: 英語コミニュケーションⅠA、英語コミニュケーションⅠB、英語コミニュケーションⅡA 英語コミニュケーションⅡB
※週あたり 10 コマの授業を担当する。
Main courses to be taught: English Communication IA/IB, English CommunicationⅡA/ⅡB
※ Ten 90-minute classes per week (1.5 hours per class) at Toyo University (Asaka campus)
Other Assigned Responsibilities (Examples)
※ Student academic guidance outside class when necessary.
Entrance examinations (preparation; supervision), participation in English Program
faculty meetings and attendance at university-related events.
※ No need to attend the monthly faculty meetings.
Native speaker of English or non-native speaker of English with near native-speaker-level
English proficiency.
(2)国内外の教育研究機関で、英語教育に携わった経験がある者、TEFL、TESL、TESOL 等の資格を
An applicant who has international teaching experience and with a TEFL, TESL, or TESOL
or an equivalent certification is preferred.
A credential review will be conducted by the credential review committee.
Teaching Experience:
Must have a master’s degree and a minimum of two years’ college/university level
English teaching experience. Preference will be given to candidates with such
teaching experience in Japan.
研究業績:刊行された学術論文 3 本以上を有する者。
Research Publications:
Candidates must have published three or more academic papers in recognized
Applications from candidates who do not meet the above prerequisites will not be
The selected lecturer will be expected to participate in English promotion activities and in
LSC ( Learning Support Center ) related events. Furthermore, the lecturer should be
involved in curriculum and course material development.
(5)オフィスアワー(1 コマ)を設定できる者。
Must be able to offer an office hour (1.5 hours per week).
Some Japanese proficiency preferred.
Preferably will reside within reasonable commuting distance from the university
7.採用年月日 Starting Date:2017(平成 29)年 4 月 1 日
April 1, 2017
8.勤務地 Workplace:東洋大学朝霞キャンパス(埼玉県朝霞市岡 48-1)
48-1 Oka, Asaka-shi, Saitama-ken, 351-8510
9.採用形態 Term of Office
年俸制による 1 年契約とし、1 期 4 年採用することができる。
健康な場合にはさらに 1 期 4 年に限り契約を更新することができる。
One-year contract subject to annual renewal up to four years. Depending on work
performance, the contract may be extended annually for up to an additional four
10.給与: ①年俸制 年額 600 万円(税込み) ※支払方法は月額として 50 万円
Salary per annum: JPY6,000,000(pre-tax)
Payment shall be made on a monthly basis in the amount of JPY500,000.
Transportation for commuting to be covered separately with amount depending on
location of residence.
③研修費 外国語教育向上のため、研修費として年間 28 万円を支給する。
Annual Allowance for research purposes: JPY280,000
④退職金 支給しない。
No retirement allowance provided.
Ⅱ.応募方法 Application
1.提出書類 Documents to be submitted:
(1)履歴書 1部(システム入力後に出力し提出)
One original Curriculum Vitae (submission after filling out the web-form)
(2)研究業績 1部(論文、著書、学会等発表、その他の活動についてそれぞれシステム入力後に出
One complete list of research publications under the respective categories: academic papers,
books, presentations, and other activities. (submission after filling out the web-format)
(3)主要業績(論文・著書等)の現物 異なるものを3点(抜き刷り可)
Research publications: three main items‐Applicants must include three copies of each
Brief summary of one or more main items indicated in (3) above.
(5)各種証明書 Academic degrees and Certificates
②TEFL、TESL、TESOL 等の資格があれば、それを証明する書類の写し
Please attach photocopies of undergraduate degrees, as well as any certificates held in TEFL,
TESL, TESOL, or related fields.
①教育研究についての抱負、将来構想など 1000 字(英語の場合は 600 語)程度にまとめること
②A4判で作成すること 書式は特に問わない
Teaching philosophy and future vision (around 600 words). White, 4-size paper should be
The application materials will not be returned to the applicant
2.応募締切:2017(平成 29)年 2 月 6 日(月)17 時【システム登録完了・書類必着】
Application Deadline: Applications (hard copies) must be received no later than February 6, 2017
(Web-registration completion by 17:00)
3.応募書類提出先:〒351-8510 埼玉県朝霞市岡 48-1
※「健康スポーツ学科 <契約制外国語講師> 教員応募書類在中」と朱書きの上、書留または宅
The application material must be sent by courier to:
Department of Health Care and Sports, Faculty of Human Life Design
Toyo University
48-1, Oka, Asaka, Saitama 351-8510
Ⅲ.選考方法 Selection Process
(1) 第 1 次選考:書類審査 Preliminary Screening: Screening of application materials
(2) 第 2 次選考:Secondary screening
面接および 20 分程度の担当科目「英語コミュニケーション」に関する模擬授業。
Interviews and the presentation of a sample lesson about English Communication I or Ⅱ
※第 2 次選考は、第 1 次選考終了後に該当者に連絡します。
※2017(平成 29)年 2 月 15 日(水)に第 2 次選考を行います。
Applicants who are short-listed after the preliminary screening will be requested to
attend an appointment for the secondary screening on February 15, 2017
(3) 第 3 次選考:役員面接
Final interviews with Toyo University board of trustees
Ⅳ. その他 Other
(1)この公募に関する問い合わせは E-Mail にて下記までお願いいたします。
東洋大学ライフデザイン学部 健康スポーツ学科
教授 淺間 正通
E-Mail:[email protected]
Contact information:
Inquiry regarding the position details or application process is encouraged by contacting;
Masamichi Asama (Professor) [email protected]
The personal information contained in application documents will not be used for purposes
other than screening applicants for employment.