Poster PFMC-16

16th International Conference on
Plasma-Facing Materials and Components
for Fusion Applications
Düsseldorf / Neuss 16th –19th May 2017
Tutorials for Young Scientists, 15th May 2017
A tutorial course with contributions from experts in the fields.
Photo: Düsseldorf-Marketing &
Tourismus GmbH
International Conference 16th –19th May 2017
Main Topics
– Tungsten and tungsten alloys
– Low-Z materials
– Erosion, redeposition, dust and fuel retention
– Materials under extreme thermal loads
– Technology and testing of plasma-facing components
– Neutron effects in plasma-facing materials
– Fusion devices and edge plasma physics
Member of the Helmholtz Assocication
Invited talks / contributed oral presentations / posters
Proceedings will be published in Physica Scripta (peer-review).
Important dates
Abstract submission open:
Deadline for abstract submission:
Information to authors:
Deadline for registration:
Deadline for late registration:
Paper due:
Photos: Neuss Marketing GmbH
Venue: “Zeughaus” Neuss
7th November 2016
22nd January 2017
3rd March 2017
26th March 2017
30th April 2017
19th May 2017
Photo: Forschungszentrum Jülich, Marcin Rasinski
Scientific Programme Comittee
Local Organisation Comittee
Sebastijan Brezinsek (Chair)
Guang-Hong Lu, China
Takeshi Hirai, ITER
Wolfgang Jacob, Germany
Christian Linsmeier, Germany
Thierry Loarer, France
Guy Matthews, UK
Igor Mazul, Russia
Noriyasu Ohno, Japan
Marek Rubel, Sweden
Bill Wampler, USA
Jan W. Coenen (Chair)
Angelika Hallmanns
Sven Wiesen
Timo Dittmar
Dmitriy Borodin
Beate Schmitz
Marek Rubel (Chair)
Marius Wirtz
Martin Koeppen
Thorsten Loewenhoff
Further information:
Email: [email protected]
Photo: IPP Michael Herdlein