gastvortrag - Universität Innsbruck

Das Institut für Systematische Theologie
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R.R. Reno was formerly a professor of theology and ethics at Creighton
University and is editor of First Things, an influential American journal on
Religion and Public Life. He will reflect on populism and the current political
situation in the U.S. addressing key topics from his most recent book
Resurrecting the Idea of a Christian Society (Washington, DC: Regnery Faith,
Respondents: Roman Siebenrock and Wolfgang Palaver
(Institut für Systematische Theologie)
Montag, 23.1.2017, 18 Uhr
Universität Innsbruck / Theologische Fakultät
6020 Innsbruck - Karl-Rahner-Platz 1 – 1. Stock
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