DISTRICT OFFICE,IIIAYURBHANJ,BARIAPDA (SOCial welfare SectiOn) LtrNo.ち J βw._xx‐ A6 Dated..e.ehq)olL “ NOTICE Due to unavoidable circumstances,the Tender Call Noticc No 4322 dt.1312.2016 published h Odiya news papet the Dharid On 15.12 2016 and webhOsted in May面 )h珂 district websitee― .mavurbhani.nic.in.is hereby cancelled. 上 ADDIT10NAL DISTRICT IIAGISTRATE, MAYURBAHNJ y1" oyo. 4Y-oL tt 紗 Date_124//16 ` Copy tO thc Adve面 sement Managα ,The>い 4γ ル を publish the Notice bearlng No. 9:,Ob dt th a request tO diya daily news paper in Balasore Edition only. ち 家 ADDIT10NAL DISTRICT IIIAGISTRATE, 脇 N∝ 曼 / Dste 2'5f t? /MAYURBAIINJ ilr6 copy to District Informatics officer, NIC, Mayurbhanj for information and with request to webhost the notice in the district website. copy to the District Information and public Reration officer, Mayurbhanj for inforrnation. 亀 ,′ ADDIT10NAL DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, MAYURBAHNJ 沖降 ´
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