Proto-Indo-European Linguistics (PIEL) Urindogermanische

Proto-Indo-European Linguistics (PIEL)
Urindogermanische Sprachforschungen
General information and guidelines
Proto-Indo-European Linguistics (PIEL) – Urindogermanische Sprachforschungen,
established in 2016, is an international scientific journal accepting contributions in
English and German for the time being.
PIEL ( specializes in Indo-European (IE) languages and the
reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European (PIE). We are especially interested in
phonology, morphology, etymology, sound laws, and semantic questions.
PIEL is free, article-based, open source and only published online. We focus on
philological, linguistic and digital aspects of IE and PIE, and are strongly committed to
the comparative method of reconstruction and natural science. With regard to these
issues, the contributors are advised to consult the article Preface to Proto-IndoEuropean Linguistics, where further details on these aims are provided.
Jouna Pyysalo (General Editor, University of Helsinki)
Mans Hulden (Language Technology Editor, University of Colorado Boulder)
Publisher: Proto-Indo-European Lexicon Project,
Contributors’ guidelines for submitting an article
Articles may be written in English or German.
Please submit your article as identical Word and pdf documents.
Only Unicode symbols of a single Unicode font should be used.
Keep the layout as simple as possible (reduce the use of bold type, underlines,
and different types of headings).
Instead of endnotes use footnotes. Please do not use them for references, but
only for additional comments. Short references should be added directly in the
text in full form instead of ‘ibid.’, ‘op. cit.’, ‘loc. cit.’ etc.
A language needs not to be in italics, if preceded by an abbreviation of that
language (Hitt. ḫa-aš-šu-uš), otherwise in italics (ḫa-aš-šu-uš).
Meanings and translations are given in ‘single’ quotation marks, while quoted
text is given in “double” quotation marks. Various brackets such as < ḫa-aššu-uš> for the orthographic, /ḫaššuš/ for the phonemic and [ḫašuš] for the
phonetic form can also be used without italics, if the source language has
already been indentified. Since the form and/or meaning of many words is
disputed, a reference to the source dictionary with the original translation in
any language is appreciated.
An article should be prefaced with an abstract.
A full list of bibliographical references should be given at the end of the
article, using the format of the examples below:
EICHNER, Heiner. 1973. Die Etymologie von heth. mehur. Münchener Studien zur
Sprachwissenschaft 31: 53-107.
MAYRHOFER, Manfred & PETERS, Martin & PFEIFFER, Oskar E. 1980 (eds.).
Lautgeschichte und Etymologie. (Akten der VI. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen
Gesellschaft.) Wiesbaden: Reichert.
SZEMERÉNYI, Oswald. 1967. The new look of Indo-European. Reconstruction and
typology. Phonetica 17: 67-99.
----- 1970. Einführung in die vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft. Darmstadt:
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
----- 19904. Einführung in die vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft. 4.,
durchgesehene Auflage 1990. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
TISCHLER, Johann. 1977-2016. Hethitisches etymologisches Glossar. Mit Beiträgen
von Günter Neumann und Erich Neu. (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur
Sprachwissenschaft 20). Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität
----- 1980. Hethitisch ḫ und die Rekonstruktion des indogermanischen
Phoneminventars. In: Mayrhofer, Manfred & Peters, Martin & Pfeiffer, Oskar E.
1980 (eds). Lautgeschichte und Etymologie, 495-522. (Akten der VI. Fachtagung
der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft.) Wiesbaden: Reichert.
10. Articles for publication should be submitted to the general editor, who is also
responsible for other correspondence:
Jouna Pyysalo
Department of Modern Languages
Unioninkatu 40 B
PO Box 24
00014 University of Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: jouna (dot) pyysalo (at) helsinki (dot) fi
All articles will be refereed by peer reviewers.