Phonebook for 33C3 Name (4805 entries) Number Location 2148 2260 2430 2461 2475 2485 2636 2716 2720 2750 2751 2752 2754 2755 2870 2907 3018 3019 3021 3026 3028 3081 3082 3083 3084 3161 3297 3402 3442 3604 3651 3705 3772 3805 3808 3933 3959 3995 3996 4191 © 2016 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 1 of 112 Name Number Location 4219 4606 4975 4988 4989 5685 5733 6202 6311 6360 6949 7215 🕌 7380 Mark Discreete 3071 no 2877 local p. 2996 sofa ___ 5055 __cdecl 2599 __t 6070 __t 6071 _eLMo_ 4229 _john 8895 _luc 4281 _MaxDev_ 6295 _MaxDev_ VoIP 6296 -_-' 5100 -- 3816 -- 6892 !Frankie 6001 Da wo Rauch ist ... ;-) .. 2446 . ... 6314 @annle__ (LENA) 5362 @apexys VOIP 3340 @birdy1976 4489 @cambid83 3216 @fga 3429 @fresskoma 6064 @InsulinJunkieDe 6470 @larkinia 7163 @Lasdem_at 6580 @loltimo 7756 @malexmave 7366 @SalocinHB 7487 © 2016 🛋 c-base congress 33c3 Ãœberall und nirgends Everywhere 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 2 of 112 Name Number Location @Schimmlreiterin 6471 @weizenspreu 6673 *freespace* 2224 *M*A*S*H* 4077 /madonius 4144 /usr/local 5390 /usr/local (USRL) 8775 I am where i am +5V 7805 33C3 +9V 7809 33C3 <not in use> 3165 ~| 6808 $t1n4 7862 0aute 6306 0HAI 6424 0x378 6849 tba 0x41 7410 that one guy with the vive 0x4A6F 5637 0x90 5780 CCH 0x90 DECT 5779 CCH 0xBEEF 2333 0xmartin 2196 VOC 11 4327 1 1122 3403 123 7587 1234Lea Rinke 5326 178 5178 178 sip 6178 1komma2 2561 1P10 4209 Roaming 20-100 6069 Cachan 23^2+42^2 2239 2618 2618 2999 3069 2B 8730 2martens 2627 2txt 2898 3016 3016 3118 3118 3291 3291 3295 3295 32c3dect 2548 3333 5235 33c2 6524 © 2016 milky way 33C3 Hamburg Chaospatinnen everywhere 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 3 of 112 Name Number Location 33c3 2576 33c3 3031 33C3 3393 33C3 3700 33c3 3794 33C3 5654 33c3 5786 33c3 6575 33c3 6576 33c3 6740 33C3 7092 33C3 7214 33c3 7395 33C3 7529 33C3 8547 33c3_DECT_nwh 4660 33c3_petaflot 4296 hamburg_cch 33c3-DECT 7891 33c3-DECT 33c3-dect 8855 33c3-struck 7378 me 33c3-TabVillage 3348 TabVillage 3436 3436 Earth 3450 3450 3519 3519 3693 5857 3dprinting 6118 3m1nd 4113 4012 4012 404 2404 4045 4045 4059 4059 4198 4198 4225 4225 4259 4259 4260 3710 4463 4463 4535 4535 46halbe 4612 4867 4867 4939 4939 4RZL RaumZeitLabor 4795 5091 5091 5118 5118 © 2016 Raumzeitlabor Hamburg CCH 33c3 Hamburg 33C3 weiss nicht CCC Level 1 hackcenter CCH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 4 of 112 Name Number Location 5214 5214 5314 5314 5335 5335 55+22 = ?? 5522 5540 5540 5618 5618 5717 5717 5790 5790 6075 6075 6090 6090 60RL0CK 7719 60RL0CK 7792 6128 6128 6155 6155 6275 6275 6291 6291 6556 6556 6667 7312 6779gsm 6779 6806 6806 6807 6807 6878 6878 7251 7251 7350 7360 7486 7486 7613 7613 784784 7872 7858 7858 7861-enibas 7861 7marcus9_DECT 2514 7marcus9_GSM* 2513 7w5t 7958 8229 8229 8331 8331 8350 8350 8484danis 8416 8j 2810 8lh 8128 8lh 8540 8tsee 7011 AFA 2161 A. Lien 2829 sometimes in Heaven A. Lien 2928 sometimes in heaven © 2016 7350 Metalab level 1 right Congress Klo 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 5 of 112 Name Number Location ∃x∈ℂ: x╹=2Ï° 8647 ಠ_ಠ5110 aaaa 5044 AB/silicium 3554 ablackack 7991 @CCH abraXxl 6526 CIA abu 2871 33c3 Acab 3155 Acab 3298 acdect 5623 acharonte 6943 Acheloos 4557 Acheloos GSM 6340 AcidPils 5871 acsip 5622 Ada 5022 Adam 2326 adar 2327 adfs 3331 adi 2595 Adlerfalke 3041 Adlerweb 3223 Freifunk MYK Adlerweb GSM 3220 Freifunk MYK Admutin 4312 Adora Belle 2939 33c3 adrien 5300 teahouse adrien 5303 teahouse Aeneas 2638 aerolife 2458 aetchen 2517 afics 2178 Afrowner 5245 agh DECT 2443 agh VoIP 2441 agne 4891 ahandi 2818 ahorn 2476 Aimo 4180 aj 2730 33C3 / WiFi aj 2732 somewhere at 33C3 ajuvo 3370 ak42io 5698 ak47 2547 © 2016 Mobeilfon Gliwice, Poland C3Pb Engel c3pb assembly 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 6 of 112 Name Number Location Akasch 4470 Akendo at 33c3 7971 Akira 5120 Akira 6300 CCH Akira 6301 CCH akk3 2553 alco01 5006 alcuna 2609 alcuna 7554 ALDI 2534 CCH Alek 2535 FLN Alex 5657 CCH Alex 6839 Alex 7674 Alex Dasein 7791 33C3 alex-k 8866 Stratum0, CERT, Press alex-k 8877 Stratum0, CERT, Press alex9604 4203 Fablab NBG Alexander 5789 alexandra 4134 Alexhats 4474 Alexhats 6696 AlexK 7553 alexlist 5524 AlexS 2187 Alexton 7181 Alfe /Jochen 2303 ali 4745 congress ali 5833 overall Ali Hackalife 3565 overall Alice 7515 Aloof 7866 Alopex2 7636 AlRus - DECT 3600 AlRus - GSM 3601 33C3 alsc 2572 CCH alsternerd 2578 33c3 alx 2539 Amani 2980 amaya 3038 ambromobil 5236 Amiko 4101 ammoth 2371 © 2016 33c3 paralleluniversum Chaos West CCH Hamburg Leitstelle511 muc3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 7 of 112 Name Number Location amoebaman 3413 amp 3991 Amplitron 5635 AMSD 6630 ana 7262 ana analogbyte 6465 Selfnet Assembly Anatok 3471 Earth 53.5620338° 9.98685° Anatok 7863 ancky 2617 and 5010 andereLampe 3211 unter'm Mikroskop auf'm 33c3 anderspree 4019 Rubytown/Lisp-HH andi f 3588 Andi VOC/muc 2632 andi- 2445 andif 2759 andoree 7121 andr3 3338 Andre 2429 Andre 2593 Android 3605 andy 2639 Andy 4335 Andy (GSM) 4336 Andy (Helferlein) 7500 AndyDECT 7099 AndyGsm 7089 AndySIP 7086 andz 7905 ANGO 2646 Angry Pete 7387 angrymarmelade 5660 ani 4273 Anja 7318 Anked 2653 anlumo 2658 anna 2662 annA 4894 Anna D 2236 Anna Krajewski 2657 anne 3036 anne 3848 Anne 4758 © 2016 33C3 33c3 33c3 CCH nerd2nerd muCCC Binary Kitchen ChaosWest Aaaaaaaaaaaa Assembly Zossen 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 8 of 112 Name Number Location anne 7751 Anne_mar 2155 Anne_mar2 2166 annegilles 2472 annegilles 2473 annemaus 7531 Annette 4324 Anni 1728 annskaja 2131 anobo 7886 Anoush 3883 Ansgar 4264 Ansgar (ffmyk, GSM) 4285 Ansgar (ffmyk, SIP) 7851 Ansgar (ffmyk) 7185 Ant 6342 Karlsruhe antenito 6100 Spain anthraxx 5353 AntiCat 5703 Anton 2686 Anton S (ANT S) 2687 Antonio 5218 3C33 Anus 6560 Hackerspaces NL anvi 2826 anyk 2695 apavlov 3789 apex 7688 APic 4216 Apo 3274 Apo 7663 apr DECT 2773 Apropos 6720 Ara B. 2722 ara_gsm 2932 Aram 2726 ardy 2739 argh 2744 argv 2748 Arktos 2968 arl4223 275 Armin (CERT) 2736 Armin (Toblinga) 2762 Arnd 5258 © 2016 Freifunk MYK 33c3 Irgendwo dazwischen Paparazzi UAV Himmel und Hölle NOC 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 9 of 112 Name Number Location Arne Rossius 2082 BlinkenArea Aron 2701 mal hier Mal da Aron (GSM) 6601 mal hier Mal da Mal anderswo ARS1 2771 arsh0r 4528 arte 3712 Artemis 5503 Artemis 7973 Arthur 2971 Moose table arturo 2204 33C3 arw 6727 AS2613/PorCus/Will 3877 asbjorn 3060 asbjorn 4050 asdf 7514 asdil1991 2802 Asmaps voip 4239 33c3 Aspi 2774 .* assel 2314 Raucherecke Assembly 2776 astera 4836 Asterix 7411 Astoreg 6818 Astra DECT 2787 Astra VOIP 2788 athena 3025 atomic 8090 atoth 2868 atoth 3000 atoz 2605 Atrox 7690 c3w atrox 7691 c3w Attilla 1337 NOC atze 2893 VOC aublue 2821 aufhaxer_DECT 8639 aurel 2873 Aurel 7591 Aurora 2896 ava 3053 Avessandra 3280 Awarenessteam 113 Awarenessteam 1130 © 2016 materie 33C3 Freifunk Mobil CCH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 10 of 112 Name Number Location Awarenessteam 1131 ax3lst 6057 Axel 2981 Axel 4088 ayleen 4130 Ayse 6039 azra 2972 azriel 2506 azura 2704 B-nutzer 2259 Ctreff-OSNA /Circlesitters B-Nutzer 3039 Ctreff Osna b0bby 3144 b0ggy 7980 b0rz 7576 B1T0 4099 33C3 b3nn 2366 pangcaf B3r6ur 2376 Frag, oder wo es Bier gibt b3t3w3 3013 b4 Nearly Human 5616 ba 6956 ba 7887 ba 7888 backstube 2225 33c3 badbadc0ffee 8822 Speakerdesk badboy 3414 badmaxx 2819 Badmouse 2661 bael 2235 bahnpirat 2246 Warpzone baldo (DECT) 7800 THERE IS NO BERATUNGSSTELLE Balrog 2938 Balrog SIP 4979 balu 2258 bam 5724 bam 6840 bananenbrot 7795 Bandie 2922 bangiebangs 2459 Bapf 7713 Bapf (GSM) 7813 Bar 1720 Barbarossa 7511 barbie 2272 © 2016 UAVP-NG Cryptoparty Chaos West 33c3 Hamburg 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 11 of 112 Name Number Location BarbNerdy 3345 Anti Error Lounge Barco 7420 muCCC barilla 6323 barnslig 4220 barnslig 5663 Bart 2537 Bartzi 2294 Baschtfon 7388 BASH 2274 Basic.Master 4447 Basilisk 5372 Basti 3257 basti 7071 Freies Labor bastla (DL7BST) 6144 Chaoswelle batteur 8997 batteur GSM 7968 Baum 4041 Baumarkt 7907 baumwolltier 2374 bAvatar 4562 bawe 2293 bbz 4284 bchaz 5125 Bear 3965 Beat 2550 Beatrix 2516 beaves 5374 BEDI 2334 Bedienungsanleitung 4040 Meh Bedienungsanleitung 4140 GSM bef sip test 2214 poc BEFO 2336 roaming around, no assembly beh 4234 BOC Beh 4523 Saal 4 Beini 7336 Beini 7399 BeJ 3175 Bela 2352 Bella 7738 Aaaaaaaaaaaa BELzEBUB SIP 4473 33C3 Ben 2712 Ben 3598 Ben(3j) 2950 © 2016 Everywhere except here 33C3 Kidspace 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 12 of 112 Name Number Location BenBE 2362 Bene 3632 bene 4827 Bene 7012 Benedikt 7943 beneth 2132 BenG 2830 beni (ineb) 4632 benibr 2364 Benjamin 2365 Benjamin 2983 Benjamin 2998 Benjamin GSM 5689 benjojo 4679 CCC benjojo 7344 CCC Benks (BEN1) 2361 FIfF Assembly benni 6336 benPhone 3131 bensorian 6985 bent 2406 beo 2360 Bernd 4322 bernd 7295 bernd dect 7296 Bernd Keller 2353 C3LOC, C3CERT Bernd Keller 5661 C3Cert,C3LOC Bernd Keller VoiP 2378 C3LOC, C3CERT Berni 2026 berta 2283 beseb-DECT 6302 Chaos-Darmstadt beseb-GSM 6304 Chaos-Darmstadt bfre 2373 no assembly BFX 2624 C2IS Bianca 2878 Bibbit 2422 bibor 6668 bier 2437 BiFi 2434 bigalex 2442 bigby 6913 bighil 2505 bigmike-33c3 4148 aaaaaaaaaaaa BIKE 2453 On the Street © 2016 NG-UAVP Assembly LOC running around mobil Freiwurst Assembly 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 13 of 112 Name Number Location Bike Bird DECT 7401 Earth Bike Bird GSM 7402 Earth Bike Bird SIP 7403 Earth bilbo_b 2141 FRAMA Assembly billy 2455 here BIN 4411 Binary Kitchen 2454 binaryDiv / Lexi 5394 Bine 2463 Binh 3990 biohazards dect 8150 bios 2467 Birger 4407 Birger 4507 bismillah 2337 bitbike 2194 bitbike[mobil] 2487 Bitcoin Assembly 4125 Bitcoin Assembly Bitnapper 4193 .* BitScout 4520 Bj03rn 6447 Bjoern 2478 bjoern 7747 VOC bla 4601 cch Bla 6712 bla 7340 blablabla 4559 Blablubbla 5680 CCH blackhark 5569 Freifunk Assembly blacksock 3052 CCH blackspear 3111 blackwing 2525 blafoo 5301 blafoo 5302 blauerbatzen 2311 blinry (BLIN) 2546 Blizzz 2549 Blubbel 4862 Blubser 2552 Blubser 2582 blue 2512 whf Blue.Box 6002 33C3 bluesman 2587 © 2016 überall auf dem 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 14 of 112 Name Number Location bluewave 2583 bluewave2 7786 blume 7533 blume2 3753 blurb 4787 BNVK 5671 bob 4984 Bobson 3623 BOC0 2620 Bocian67 5471 bodems 2134 Bodems 6175 everywhere Boerni 2989 33c3 BoIP 2647 BOLA 4860 Bombasti 3517 bond cmnf 2663 bongo 2664 BoomerNo8 8489 booo 5013 Boris 2674 Seidenstraße Boris 4416 Seidenstraße bort 2678 Bossi 7757 FraMa Bottle Collectors 2685 Hall H brödcaster 2785 brödcaster 2786 braack 2725 braack IP 4495 Brain 8731 brainfreeze 5376 bread-on-toast 2122 HCC breadontoast 2660 HCC breadontoastvoip 3751 hcc Brian 4789 33c3 bro 2760 33C3 broesel 7927 33c3 broetchen 5983 bronsen 5253 bru 3218 bru 3219 Bruno (BRNO) 2766 Bruno & Zoran 2390 © 2016 Hamburg Congress Centrum 33c3 Messe ChaosWest x 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 15 of 112 Name Number Location BSCH 2724 bse 2853 33c3 bsloth 3056 hh bsqrl-dect 3231 bstege 3967 btwsl 7126 BTX 5531 bubuu 6654 BugBlue 6855 Bugspriet 4300 bullycamper 2521 bummba 6037 burn 2876 Burnus 4163 Buster / Eric 4907 BUSY 2879 Butzei 7957 buzo / Stephan S. 2211 Frama, CCC-FFM buzz 3296 33c3 BVBV 2828 Bweqed 3748 bwess 6987 BWLF 2953 byoil (GSM) 4460 FlyingObjects Assembly byoil (voip) 4461 Flying Objects Assembly byte 7967 byteborg 7300 bytye 3127 c-base 6401 c-base 1 2491 c-base 2 8876 c-cat 1228 c-mon 5011 c007 3008 c007 gsm 2247 mobil c0f 3044 33C3 c0f 5672 33C3 c0r3nn 5577 Frama c2h 5836 c3 2349 c3 2668 C3 3599 Moving C3-GSM 2567 33c3 © 2016 .* Mobil c-base 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 16 of 112 Name Number Location C3-SIP 4430 33c3 C3d1 7750 /dev/urandom c3gsm 2594 C3HOC 1462 c3HOC 2462 C3HOC 4227 c3ROC 2111 In the waves... c3roc_sip_gate 2344 c3roc c3subtitles Regie 1780 c3subtitles Saal1 1781 c3subtitles Saal2 1782 c3subtitles Tech 1788 c3troc 8762 c5e3 2533 c5e3 gsm 2532 c7h 3379 cae 2262 Cahira 3552 calis 3042 calis DECT 5270 Callya 2684 Calvin 2586 caos 2267 Chaospott CAPO 3311 VOC CaptBlackTea 2464 CaptSutter 3336 CareBear\ 9899 Caro 2276 Caroline 2688 Near KaiO Carsten (EXIE) 3943 Ãœberall Carsten (EXII) 3944 Ãœberall carton DECT 2278 Milliways carton DECT backup 5459 Milliways carton GSM 5695 Milliways CASR 2277 Binary Kitchen catdog_gsm (defunct) 7070 catdog_voip 6060 cawi2001 4006 cAz2k 7463 cAz2k-gsm 7384 Cbass 6965 Cbass 6967 cbmainz 2269 © 2016 Aaaaaaaaaaaa 33c3 Mobile 33c3 Here and there 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 17 of 112 Name Number Location cbro 2328 CERT cc 2650 c cc 2656 c CC-33c3 6170 33c3 CCCAC 5142 Chaos West cccc 3330 CCH Pfoertner 1155 CCJordan 2256 cecukemon 2325 Cedric 3239 Cedric 8890 Cedric (bleu) 2538 Celuiell - Nina 7502 Centro 7959 CERT 112 CERT Orga 1816 CERT Room 2 1819 CERT cf 6508 Team23 cfr34k 3143 bytewerk cFrag CTreffOs 4908 cfstras 4332 ch0 7042 ch3 2643 Ch3nt3 4628 Chamaeleon 5462 Chaos macht Schule 6565 chaosbiber 2579 Chaosmaster 3027 Chaospatinnen 2420 Chaosstrickerin 3791 Chaosvermittlung 3380 Chaosvermittlung 3381 Chaosvermittlung 3382 Chaosvermittlung 3383 Chaosvermittlung 3384 Chaosvermittlung 8685 Chaoswelle 2935 chaot 3501 Charlie 2427 chatcannon GSM 3104 CheckpointCharlie 6171 33c3 CHEFE 6487 33C3 chefkoch 7210 ccc © 2016 CCH Pfoertner Main 33c3 @me ch3-location Chaoswelle FabLab Nurnberg 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 18 of 112 Name Number Location Cherrytree + MrSmile 4703 Cherrytree GSM 4704 Chessmaster 3853 Chester 6579 Chester SIP 6578 Chibi 3558 chicken or egg 6783 Chopopope 7547 chr1s 5322 chri 2474 Chris 5497 Chris 6958 Chris (Sockbat) 5937 Chris R 8943 chris1 3630 chris1911 2389 chriskee DECT 7020 Chrissi DECT 7444 chrissicool 2770 Christian 2908 Christian PÃ¥bøl 7898 Iphone Christine 2412 CCH Christoph GSM 3966 Christopher 2158 ChrisU 4080 33C3 ChrisU 4114 33C3 CHSR 2477 Binary Kitchen ChV 2480 ChV1 2481 ciacon 2470 ciacon 7595 Cian 2965 cifg 2438 Cija 2452 ciko DECT 3030 cinemast 3721 cironian 7752 Citra 2872 civ0 7680 /dev/tal ckck 3024 here there ckrs 2577 NoName Clari 5647 hier Clarity 2527 Seidenstraße © 2016 Embassy/Geheimorga CCC 33c3 mobile CCH mobil shackspace Local group 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 19 of 112 Name Number Location Claudia 7965 CleanAir 2175 clemo 2115 clemo 2117 clewer 6113 CLOC Garderobe 2562 clonejo 2565 Clou 2568 cmeid 2280 cmile 2645 cmpr 3135 co 7535 coco 3963 Cocothefreak 5130 codec 5656 codemonk 2633 Codey 2991 COeins 2607 coffeeholic (FAIL) 3245 cola1 2652 Coldney 3275 coldvoid 2450 Coletz 4906 Colipdia 2149 Colle DECT 2655 Colle GSM 5355 comawill 6444 Commander1024 2637 Chaos West/warpzone CommanderApe 2619 CCH CommanderApe 2694 CCH Conanfreak 7505 ConiKost 2601 33C3 ConsoleCowgirl 3776 Earth Contenna 3904 Chaostreff Flensburg Cookie 3537 Cookie sip 3528 cookie0 2197 cookie0 7785 COOL AMOK COOK BOOK 2665 coon 5888 CoopDot 6935 cooper 2667 core 3119 © 2016 Selfnet Assembly cmeid cch 33c3 33c3 CCH Chaoswelle 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 20 of 112 Name Number Location corna 5440 corsch @ 33c3 6990 Hamburg Corvin99 7299 33c3 Corx 2679 couchsofa (SOFA) 7632 count count 8291 cpresser 2778 Cpunkt 1003 cr0ss 6598 Crackpille 4788 craig 2728 craig 7339 CrankyAnkh 2654 crass 3723 himmel crazygolem 4454 behind you crazypants (PINK) 7465 Cri-kee 6834 crimson 2703 crinq 4578 cris 2747 crowzero 5000 crunsher 7920 CrustyPeanut 6626 Crypto Bar 1727 vor Saal 9 Cryptoflow DECT 3569 We are Scientists! Cryptoflow GSM 4689 We are scientists! Cryptoflow Math 5107 We are scientists! CSG 3222 CSG 4443 CSP 2616 csp mobile 2783 cstege 3968 ctucx 4142 cu 2833 cuba-dect 7353 cuba-sip 7352 cube 2823 cube|meta|atch 2824 cueball23 7221 Cups 4248 cups Cups 7737 cups cy8r001 2987 cy8r002 2982 © 2016 - 33C3 BK backspace 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 21 of 112 Name Number Location Cyber Bundeswehr 2863 Cyber Morninshow 2966 cyber-phil 2159 Subtitle-Orga 2927 Chaos West Cyberpolizei 7247 Cybso 7682 Cygn 2946 cyo 7442 cyo 8987 cyo_ 2960 cyo1 2961 cyonist 2906 cyriax 2974 Cyver 3550 33C3 cyzen 4663 virtual d_kr 7582 33c3 D_Town 3310 CCH D.Mills 3657 d.s.e 2496 d0b 8223 d0s 3128 D1ffu$0R 2298 d3f 5429 D3shke 3067 33c3 DA 7724 Kidsspace da1l6 - dect 2613 dadada 7979 dag-dect 3240 daherb 2707 daherb gsm 2706 Daizy 4223 daMihe 7797 Damn 3266 Dan 4635 DaN 7911 dan_nrw 4445 danb 3262 Daniel 2281 Daniel 2882 Daniel 4014 daniel 4623 Daniela (LOEW) 5639 DanielAW DECT 2411 © 2016 Chaos West Assembly muCCC Bastli Everywhere! Ãœberall 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 22 of 112 Name Number Location DanielAW GSM 7986 danielle 3975 danieln 4442 danieln 4824 Danilo DECT 2673 Danilo DECT 7080 danimo 3264 Dank 3265 Dank Toaster 6534 danne 7522 Danny 8899 My iPhone danrl 3260 NOC danrl 4353 NOC Dante 4401 Dante 4402 Dario DECT 3226 unter der Rolltreppe Dario GSM 3202 Rolltreppe Dariush 3719 Clusterfuck Darth Roaster 3256 DarthOblivius 2284 das_j 3273 das-g (DAs GUpta) 3248 mobil das-g (DAs GUpta) 3508 mobil das-g GSM(das GuPTA) 4782 mobil DasLampe - DECT 3921 33C3 DasLampe - GSM 3920 33C3 dasrotegnu 5311 here data 3282 Datenpate 6103 Dating-Hotline 4302 Dave 3283 Mobil Dave 6635 shack Dave (@anathem) 3284 David 2861 David 3843 David 4016 David 6020 davidak 2763 DAVO 3286 Daxi 3294 dazz 3299 dbalan 5021 known universe #1 dbdexter GSM 7736 POuL © 2016 ? CCH CCH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 23 of 112 Name Number Location dbenzhuser 2916 dbenzhuser GSM 2917 dbot 3268 dc6jgk 5004 dc9wx dect 4713 dc9wx gsm 4712 dc9wx w48 dect 4715 DCHT00 2488 ddb 3320 dde 3828 dqerw DDos Bar 1725 Hauptfoyer 1 Deadbeat 4124 dear 3327 Not at CCC deBaer 5473 /p Deck 3325 Mobil2 DECT 2210 DECT 2358 dect 2500 DECT 2631 dect 3578 DECT 4346 dect 4514 DECT 4743 dect 4982 DECT 5222 dect 5599 DECT 5628 Dect 5668 33C3 dect 6476 content DECT 6660 Dect 8338 dect 8999 DECT 33C3 2456 CCH DECT 33C3 5443 CCH DECT fab 2807 en bas Dect fser 2817 Underground DECT luxick (LUXI) 5894 ChaosWest DECT Phone 7834 33C3 dect schmidi 5383 /dev/lol Dect Shguro 4786 ChaosWest DECT vitio 2449 dect-fon 5683 mobil dect0 7563 mobile © 2016 hackcenter 33c3 Chaos West 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 24 of 112 Name Number Location Dect1 2962 dect2 4567 dect3 2142 dect4 7700 dedeibel 7767 Deelkar 3557 Embassy/Geheimorga default 5539 mobil defrostx 5501 defrostx1 3523 fo Deinkoks GSM 5650 CERT del 6258 33c3 Delirium 4970 H4x0rPsch0rr Delphalor 6593 Delta_VII 7096 Entropia deltaypsilon33c3 3478 OpenUdE demi 2322 denis 1138 dennis 6346 Dennis GSM 2531 Denny 7317 Denny_C4 5397 denschub 4671 /dev/urandom depeering 7914 NOC Der Imp 7987 Der Ingo 6729 der onkel 2811 Der Sabri 4204 der_Karl DECT 5075 der_Karl GSM 4794 der_Karl SIP 5175 Der_PeFi1 3426 der-flo 5342 deraffe 3372 DerAlte 3346 DerAndere 2306 DerBaer 3375 derchris 3277 dercorn 2628 derd0b 7823 DerDerwish 7939 DerDerwish1 7954 Derecho (MCU) 6280 dereulenspiegel 7990 © 2016 in front of his smartphone ;-) FabLab Nürnberg GSM everywhere 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 25 of 112 Name Number Location dereulenspiegel GSM 7885 derf 3373 derMicha 2113 derNiko 7816 Derp 2468 Milliways Derp 6675 Hamburg derpeter 7383 c3voc derPUPE 7873 auf dem sonnendeck DerSchulze 4457 Ãœberall derstorch 7620 DerTim 6174 deus figendi 3350 Deus GSM 3120 Diaspora DevWurm 7639 everywhere dexta 5423 Dezi 3394 dfgg DECT 2137 dg 3332 dg1vs 7583 33c3 DG4IX 4575 Chaoswelle DG8NGN 3272 DG8NGN 4542 DG8NGN 5266 DHermit 7497 diabo 7109 tbc Dial A Nasheed 4747 Loaderror DialADataMiner 7218 Hamburg diana 2575 Diaspora 3424 dieg0 3430 DieUlrike 3837 Sendezentrum Digital Brains 3267 Trouser pocket digitalcourage 7467 digitaldonkey 3498 dim-0 3460 dimi 3457 dimi2 3458 Ding 3464 dingens 2867 Dingsn 2925 dinkleberg 2136 Diodenschein 2929 Dirk 3479 © 2016 Diaspora assembly CCH CCH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 26 of 112 Name Number Location Dirk DECT 3344 Helferlein Dirk GSM 7910 Helferlein Dirk VoIP 3444 dirk42 2171 Dirkmb 3621 Dirkmb SIP 3622 dirko 3756 Dirksen 7041 Dritter Planet von der Sonne discordian prime 5713 33c3 ditch 4255 dividuum/infobeamer 3484 diy phone (nanooq) 5846 dj-spock 1701 djerun 7606 33c3 djerun 7645 33C3 djim 2914 frama djim 3977 frama DK3JF (bIGmAC) 3535 Chaos West DK7LST 4598 Chaoswelle dkf2010 SIP 7090 everywhere dkl 3322 infodesk DL/HB0BP 6326 dl3yc 7311 dl3yc 7355 dl6tom 6866 DL9SAU 3889 DLange 3400 dmnsk GSM 2892 dn42 3642 dn42 dnc@c3 7940 Hackcenter Dnns 3404 DNTO 6092 C3 DNTO GSM 6093 C3 DO2JHA / lol123tm 5442 DO9XE 6010 doc_coffee 2233 doc_kane 3826 docloy 3091 docsteel 2150 dodger 3634 doebi 3624 Doeme 2338 Doeme 7984 © 2016 Selfnet chaos west mobile Himmel NOC Bastli/CCCZH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 27 of 112 Name Number Location DOESNOTWORK4SCHIERMI 7244 Dohee - GSM 4742 Dohse - DECT 7464 Dohse - SIP 7664 dokon 4977 dom 3738 domanske 2889 Dome 2226 DOMI 3664 Dominik 4467 Dominik_SIP 3665 Domse Mobil 6647 Don 2859 Don 4100 don 4366 Donald 3653 DonKingMat 5070 donnerruebe DECT 4452 DonRichie 2424 33C3 DonRichie 4069 33C3 DontSwitch 8112 DOOM 7418 dunno DooMMasteR 3666 Stratum0 Dope 3673 dops 3209 dora 3674 dorian 3486 Dorina 4620 DosAmp 3787 Dot 5837 dot7 3687 Dotti Treehugger 2286 DougLad 3923 downhill 3696 dp 2529 dpunkturban 6145 Dqubed 3326 Dqubed SIP 3782 Dr. Ganmon 7332 Dr.Affe DECT 5003 Dr.Calvin 6986 33c3 Dr3n N3rdtreffen DN 3736 Speicherlücke dr4go 3543 das labor © 2016 33C3 Noisy Square Mobil Embassy of Duckburg 33c3 Ãœberall und nirgendswo 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 28 of 112 Name Number Location DRACula 3722 DRadio 1599 draemmli 8726 CCC-CH draradech 3727 frama dray 6411 drc 7489 DrCalvin 3221 drichter 5534 dridde dect 7180 driest 7972 33c3 dritter 5768 shackspace DRMR 3767 dropdatabase 3453 DrOps 3777 droptableuser 7903 DrRetro 3786 druesendieb42 4240 dsfreak93 7566 Kongress Dsruminde 6602 33c3 dtonal 5333 du 3890 dude 2570 Dude 2612 Dude 2827 dude 7098 Duisburch 3842 dulnan 5080 Duncan 3571 duracell 3872 dvb 3820 dwalin / jpru 2198 dwalin / jpru 2199 dword 8182 DX 3434 DXLD 3953 dzarth 5211 everywhere 🕌 7382 somewhere E.T. Aussenposten 3507 e2k 5580 E630A 3357 e7p 5377 Chaos West / NOC-Helpdesk e7p (SIP) 8377 Chaos West / NOC-Helpdesk earth 2188 earth © 2016 cch 33c3 Warpzone Heaven on the Flow H4 Chaos-West 33C3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 29 of 112 Name Number Location EBK ahab 7717 EBK christian 6440 echo 2557 EchoTest 8129 ecki 6042 dect eDA 7030 everywhere edanomil 7524 Congress eddy_dect 3339 ede 4739 edna 3362 EDWN (madeddie) 3396 eest9 2543 Effes dect 2590 Cch Effes gsm 2592 Cch eftex-DECT 5681 CCH egal 3425 heaven ... and !heaven ;-) Egon 3466 Egor 3468 eibwen 5559 eightdot 3688 eike 4658 Ein_unding 2814 einball (BALL) 6065 einfachtorben 4483 Einfachtorben Voip 3844 EinPinsel 3258 elan 3526 elbunto 7945 elektrobier 2341 elektronenvolt 7319 Elektrospy GSM 3779 Elfo 7544 ELIA 3542 Chaos West Elia 6590 main elias 7023 FuWaR Eligs 3349 muCCC Elke S. 3553 CCH Ellen 3568 Hamburg EllenVanThom 3556 c-base elNiklas 7729 CCH elocin 2381 elomatreb 4856 loaderror elomatreb 6780 loaderror © 2016 echo Everywhere Diskordia Chaospott 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 30 of 112 Name Number Location eloop 5007 Eloy 7002 elsii 4840 ELU 5002 elzbeth 3593 Emer 3637 Warsaw hackerspace EMichalek 6432 Aaaaaaaaaaaa Emil und Elise 7222 Emilia 6423 Emily 2426 Emma 3321 Emzy 3697 Bitcoin Assembly eNBeWe 7525 Everywhere at once End 3633 Energy 3303 Engel_Lena 7557 Engel_Nina 5665 EngelA 6871 EngelG 6870 EngelRaphael 4799 Enno 2888 Enno 5027 Enno Lenze 5743 ente 2447 ente 4948 Entil'Zha 3692 entropix 3467 muCCC enum 3686 congress. really. envy 3689 EorlBruder 5707 EPVPN 01999 equescalculi 8191 equi 3784 Equilizer 6213 Erñesto 2566 /dev/null Erebus 3732 mobil Erebus II 3730 mobil erfindergarden 2891 hardwarehacking Eric 3270 Eric Muelling 6781 Erisische Bewegung 3747 Eriu 3970 Eriu Dect 3969 © 2016 Energy's DECT-Phone Chaoswelle Whirlpool where ente is equi 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 31 of 112 Name Number Location ERNA 8330 erolfr 3765 erpel 4409 erwin 2248 esclear 2864 esenneddy 7272 esgeh 2263 ess 5820 Ess 6760 estina 7846 eTc 3737 eth0 3840 HackerspacesNL ethylomat 3849 NoName e.V. / ZaPF Ethylomat 4627 ETO_ 3860 Eva 7113 EVE&EVE DSL 8375 EvitaGSM 4808 ewe 3930 ewe_VOIP 3931 ewindow 7567 xxx Ex 3962 Chaos West Exilis 3945 MOON exit 3948 Exploit Bar 1726 ext1 3821 ext4 3984 Exxess 3937 eyk-dect 3371 eykstar-gsm 3354 ezpz 3979 F. 6642 f00b4r 3007 f00b4r 7988 f0o 7045 f0o0o 7562 everywhere f1r3 dect 4178 Aaaaaaaaaaaa F2 6643 F30-GSM 2930 f3d 2151 f3d f3d DECT 2217 f3d f3lt 3358 f800gsdus Chris 4060 © 2016 Chaoswelle Entropolis Rangfoyer 4.OG milliways 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 32 of 112 Name Number Location fab 3228 Fab 3229 Fab!an DECT 5351 Fab!an GSM 5352 fabi DECT / DC1SAF 5783 Fabi GSM / DC1SAF 5784 Fabian 7854 Fabian DECT 2789 Fabian Freifunk WW 3227 Fabian GSM 2791 Fabian SIP 2790 fabianurban 2212 fabianurban 2425 FabLabNürnberg Assy 3562 FabLab Nurnberg Fabpicard 3949 Ãœberall faheus 3243 FabLab Nuremberg fahrstuhl 3185 fail0verflow table 3855 fairsein2 3250 fairsein3 3251 fala @ VoIP 3252 FAQin 4245 FAQiNcell 3276 faryon 2761 cch FAU FabLab Lasercut 3347 ICMP Faultier 3285 aufm Baum Fcel2 3271 federtanz 8269 feiji 4823 feliks 4569 felix 3061 openfpga, coreboot, entropolis Felix 3549 Chaos West Felix 4877 Ãœberall/Haquium Marburgensis felix 5548 felix 5549 Felix Kazuya 3352 Felix Kazuya 5233 FelixH 2943 felixs 7425 voc Fellmoon 4746 Milliways FEM0 3360 VOC FEM1 3361 VOC FEM7 3367 © 2016 Freifunk Westerwald 33C3 das labor 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 33 of 112 Name Number Location Fen 3206 Fengel 3645 fengor 3647 fenkt 3365 Fensterbank 2913 feph 3374 fernsehmuell 3376 Fettlaus Mobile 2958 Feuerleitstand 3445 Feuermurmel 3125 feuerrot 4000 ueberall fexontour 5729 CCH feye 7478 fgau 2218 pyneo FHB0 3420 Food Hacking Base fheusel 7917 fheusel 8446 Fiasco 2213 fidepus 6335 Maschinendeck fidepus 7666 Maschinendeck fiete 3138 CCH fieu 2909 en bas fightling 5439 Fii 5284 fil 2205 file 3153 txt.file DECT fio 5040 shackspace Fionera-Mobil 3672 Auf dem Kongressgelände Fionera-Tisch 2103 Internet firefly 2640 WeAreScientists FirevlyDECT 4252 fischkind 3475 FISH 3670 FISH 3671 fish_ 6661 fish_backupphone 6665 FISS 3477 fiurin 3489 fizzo 2745 FJC 3533 FJW 3591 fjw 4698 Flaana 2792 © 2016 Diaspora Podcast Bühne 33c3 CCCH fischland POuL Assembly 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 34 of 112 Name Number Location flacs 3522 Flausch 3981 33c3 Flausch 3982 33c3 Flauski 2482 flaxo 3307 in my pocket fleaz 3532 In my pocket Flemming Dect 8442 Chaostreff Flensburg Flip 3095 Flix 3592 Flix 4010 Flix 4070 Flln 6520 Everywhere flo 3576 FuWaR flo 4349 Flo 7842 Flob 7550 Flob Flob 7556 Flob flobob [DECT] 6507 Floetenschlumpf 5507 flokli 2250 flop 3567 flop 3838 flope 6003 florian_ 3563 FlorianCG 4009 FlorianCG_GSM 4031 FlorianCG_GSM2 4021 FlorianG 4767 florolf 2621 Florz 4299 FloS 2509 FloS 3356 Binary-Kitchen FloS 8629 33C3 flovo 2207 flovo 3308 flovo 3309 Flox 7017 FLSH (benthor) 3574 fluffel voip 3583 Fluffy 2905 Fluktusdukt 2396 flummer 2920 flummer 7810 © 2016 mobile 33C3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 35 of 112 Name Number Location flummer 7819 flux 0 3648 33c3 flux 1 3649 33c3 FlyingObjects 3115 Flypps 3597 fm 2931 fm 6261 fm 7075 fm 7195 fm 7196 FNJA 3652 fnord 2923 fnord 4423 Fnord 6256 fnox 7894 Foaly 4884 Fogs 5193 Folken 4102 Heaven Folkenette 4103 33c3 fomp 3667 foo 3662 foo 3993 foo 5709 foo 7100 foo 7200 foo 7287 Foo der Zauberer 3927 foobar 5931 food 3003 FOOD 3663 Foorbie 4937 büro foosip 2775 ipland footilde 3005 Fotoniker 5959 fototeddy 3812 Fototeddy gsm 3813 Foxi 3694 foxy 3099 fpletz 3759 Fragilant 8399 frainz 3874 Hackzogtum FraMa 3762 Frama frank 5184 33c3 © 2016 CCH Everywhere 33c3 33c3 foobar /dev/null Milliways 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 36 of 112 Name Number Location Frank 7796 Frank 8668 Frank Rieger 3726 Franka 3134 frankfnord 3956 franky 5038 Franzi 6890 franzt_mob 3774 33c3 franzt_mob 7992 33c3 fraublauwal 2596 fraufischer 7415 fraulutz 3629 FrauSafran 3728 frBau 5422 freakfairy 6297 FRED 3733 Fred 7104 Fred GSM 4071 Fred's Phone 8900 Frederik 7743 fredi 5155 Fredl DECT 6429 aaaaaaaa Assembly frednet 7568 200m Radius Free caffeine 5633 Where I am FreeFall Moving 6750 33c3 freestate | BOTZ 2689 33c3 freestyler 4305 Freifunk 3734 Frex 3739 Frex alt 3740 fridel 4018 fridel 6863 Friedafon 2231 \dev\tal Fripi 5677 CERT Fripi 2 4151 CERT FRKS 3757 Fronbasal 3766 FRTL 3785 FSEI 5441 fslb 3775 fsPhilipp2499 2499 ftpd 3873 fucc | tempelgogo 3822 © 2016 Roaming Rubytown/Lisp-HH somewhere 33c3 33c3 33c3 TUM 33C3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 37 of 112 Name Number Location Fuchs 3824 Am Fuchs Fuchsphone 5183 Im Fuchs fuchsstein 8314 fucs 3827 fuffi 4241 fugs 3847 fuks 3857 Funielphone 3864 funk 3865 Funnfone 3866 Everywhere FUNSSIP 3867 33C3-All furrywalls 4007 Frankfurt Fusselchens Telefon 8533 Fusselkater 3852 futex 7044 fuultier 2139 fuxs 3897 fuz 6400 c-base-Assembly fuzzle 6019 33c3-cccfr assembly fvn 3997 fwg 3940 fxkr 3957 fxrh 3974 fzahn 3924 Hinterzimmer fzn - dect 3615 CCH g0tt 4688 GABAerg@DECT 3545 time and space GABAerg@GSM 3546 time and space Galaxis 7523 Galaxis-SIP 3195 gammlaa 2526 Chaospott gandalf 7149 transferring... gandaro 4292 ganna 2296 GAPS 4277 Garderobe 1222 Garderobe garfieldairlines 2428 Kitty's pocket gariepinus 2354 mobile Garwins DECT 7946 gbe 2718 GBuechler 7260 GC 3529 GCHQ 4247 © 2016 Everywhere Bytewerk, Chaos West 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 38 of 112 Name Number Location gecko 4673 geco2 4859 geco2_sip 4858 gedsic dect 4337 GeeF 4333 Geeri 8844 gegenschall 6197 geht net GSM 3070 Geil 4345 Gemuesesuppe 2574 gemunu 3237 General_P 7494 gengar 6364 genofire 3292 genofire 3911 geod 7555 geoextra 2947 georg 2710 33c3 Georg 4420 Hamburg Georg 5718 GERM 4376 Gerry 4379 Geru iPhone 4378 Gesche 4110 Getraenkelager 1710 gfuc1 7114 gfuc2 7115 gglnx 6969 ghost 5151 ghost gsm 2598 gibre 33C3 GSM 7134 gicklbyte 4425 * GIGA 2727 33C3 gigadoc2 3443 gigadoc2 5393 Gigo 4446 Gino acalabbo 4645 girl 4475 here Gizmo 4496 All Creatures Welcome Glaxx 4529 GLNK 4565 Globalhawk 8910 gluttony 6486 © 2016 somewhere Seidenstraße Getraenkelager 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 39 of 112 Name Number Location gmerz 4306 33C3 gna's dect 7764 33c3 gnom 4666 gnom gnomus 6868 BOC gnrc (generyc) 4672 foo gnrp 4485 gnrp GNUnet 4687 YBTI gnuX-se 4386 gnxtr 3323 Gobold DECT 6012 Hacksaar Gobold SIP 6013 Hacksaar GonZo2000 7616 good luck have sex 4547 gorman 4260 Gorman2 4261 gorman3 6430 gorman4 6433 gorman5 6437 gotocell 7607 GPD 4732 gpoint 3369 gpoint 6977 Graeme 7293 gramels 2379 gramels GSM 2380 gramels VoIP 2382 Grandmaster Raccoon 2910 Gras 4727 greenblue 5150 Gregoa 6901 Gregory 7004 grg 4734 hall 3 grg 4737 mobile grind SIP 8082 grindhold DECT 8081 grizzly 2937 Graz, Austria grmpf 2109 c-base Grossi 4952 33C3 Grrr 3086 Grrr grrr2 2840 gruetzkopf DECT 8472 gruetzkopf GSM 5832 grundrausch3n 6555 © 2016 hackcenter CCC strolling around snake oil country 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 40 of 112 Name Number Location grundrausch3n SIP 6557 grusim 1 3650 gsbus dect 2681 gsbus gsm 2682 gsbus sip 2683 GSM 2597 gsm 2604 gsm 2714 gsm 2945 gsm 3254 gsm 3431 gsm 3582 Gsm 3871 GSM 4146 GSM 4176 gsm 4403 GSM 4654 GSM 476T gsm 4940 GSM 5356 gsm 5598 GSM 5901 gsm 6343 GSM 6824 Gsm 6886 gsm 7205 GSM 7704 GSM 7811 Gsm 7960 Hamburg GSM 7974 ChaosWest GSM PoC Sascha 7633 GSM vogelchr 4595 gsm yo 5404 gsm0 4571 GSM1 2964 gsm1 4670 GSM1 4761 GSM2 2967 GSM2 4762 GSM GSM3 4763 GSM GSMhackel 5487 gtrs 4870 gtrs 2 4871 © 2016 33C3 cch cch - no thanks yyoo GSM maschinendeck 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 41 of 112 Name Number Location Gu 3992 gude 4833 GUDG 4834 guenther sip 33c3 2610 guide 4843 guilhem 4690 Guinness 5788 Gunni 4864 gunther 4868 guru 4878 foobar gvtr 4887 hinter dir! Gwenyvere 4936 Fairy Dust Forest H|f|sh 4427 Earth h0 3386 h01ger 7077 33c3 h0lt 4058 33c3 h0uz3 6606 h1rich 2696 Chaos West h1rich 2697 GSM h3ndr1k 3073 H8H 5337 Habrok 4127 hackbard.celine 4262 HackerHotline 8484 hackfoo 2600 Earth Hackfoo Moto 3602 Earth Hacki 8833 hackthaplanet 5340 Hactar 2501 Haegar 6996 HaggisMcMutton 5723 hai 3876 HairyFotr 4280 Hajo 4256 hakai 7448 mobil Hakuna MaMate 4246 cch Hakuna MaMate 7423 halfur 4537 Halle3 7857 Hammi 2489 Han2 6931 Handy 2954 Handy 3139 © 2016 computerwerk assembly Cachan 33c3 das klub Chaos Wild West LOC / Halle H hh 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 42 of 112 Name Number Location Handy 5069 Handy 5764 handy 6355 heaven Handy 6422 Everywhere handy 6875 handy 7136 Handy 7206 Handy 7474 hanfi 2622 HanHan 3090 hanjo 3695 Hanna 5889 Hanna 6094 Hannes HRO 7651 Hackspaces MV hannesr 4266 my pocket hans 2104 Hamburg Hans Baum DECT 3741 n/a Hans Baum SIP 7646 n/a Hans Peter DECT 5132 N.a. Hans SiP 6518 Hall4 hanseatic 4267 hanseatic SIP 4287 hansenerd 2332 hansolos phone 5121 Happy Maz 4629 HappyCat 5488 Somewhere... over the rainbow HappyDECT 4224 c3subtitles HappyGSM 4413 c3subtitles HappySIP 4412 c3subtitles Haralk 2479 harb 4275 hardfalcon 6063 Haripesch 4536 HARM 4276 harv 4278 Harvey 4954 Harvey (2nd, GSM) 4956 Harzilein 33c3 SIP 3793 hase 4279 hasehandy 4572 Haselnuesschen 6877 HaSi 4274 Chaos West haurane 33C3 7675 somewhere © 2016 33C3 Hamburg pocket 33C3 shackspace 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 43 of 112 Name Number Location havilland 8075 havoc 2518 HaWe 4293 hax 4294 HB0BP 6324 HB9FOH 3364 HB9FOH 7135 HB9FOI 7782 hbr 4270 hcs/zsk (Sascha) 2251 hdhe 3829 HDMI 4364 hds 4192 hdz 439 heavy 9355 heavynight 3023 heckpiet 2265 heckpiet-voip 6701 33c3 hefe 7683 hackcenter Heiko 5588 Heiko 7924 heimlichhorst 3389 heisenberg 2295 HeJ 2372 c3pb helg_ 3707 33c3 helhum 4354 HELL 7419 HELL 7734 hellfyre 4355 helo DECT 8600 helo GSM 6801 helpusobi 7347 HEMA 4362 CCH henchen2410_GSM 2410 33C3 henchen2410_SIP 3107 33c3 henning (ccchh) 2995 Henrik 5987 Henryk 5015 henschel 3459 under the stairs HEP 4371 Chaos-West herbern 5060 Chaos-West herdir 2955 Herget 7766 © 2016 Neotopia hdhd infuanfu weltraum Heiko beneath Stratum 0 Assembly everywhere 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 44 of 112 Name Number Location Hermi 2648 Hermi 2649 Herr Reineke 5111 Herr Safran 4377 herrbett 2388 HerrKah 4417 HerrLevin_ 5384 HerrLevin_ (voip) 5386 hesk 4375 Hetti 4384 Hetti 5020 heurekus 7900 Heurekus GSM 7904 heurkea 7901 heute ohne SIP 7471 hexa/n5x/sip 2202 Heyduda 8186 HHelenaV 7944 hi hi 2902 Hick 5554 HickeyHick 5566 hideki23 2385 highTower 2222 CERT highTower GSM 2221 CERT highTower VoIP 2220 CERT hilke 5734 Himmel 1023 Himmel 1 1032 Himmel 2 1033 HimmelMobil 1025 HimmelMobil 1026 HimmelMobil 1027 Hina (satanskrapfen) 4462 CCH Hinerk 2395 CCCFFM Hinterzimmer 1800 hinze 3980 hirn 4476 hirnpfirsich 5454 hirnpfirsich (GSM) 7983 hirnsalat 6997 his k-ness 5802 hk(dect) 8062 3476 © 2016 Sendezentrum hackcenter 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 45 of 112 Name Number Location hmrc87 2734 hobbel 7412 hobbes 7949 hobbit 4664 HobbyIngenieur GSM 7742 HobbyIngenieur SIP 7723 hobbyqs-dect 6503 33c3 hobbyqs-voip 6504 33c3 HodanVomVodan 2699 Holger 4558 Holger Fastenrath 8493 Holgi 6544 holm 3198 holm 3199 holzi 8443 Homerdini GSM 7106 Homerdini SIP 7105 honk DECT 2466 honk GSM 2451 honk SIP 2399 honk SIP2 2522 HonkHase 4665 horizon-dect 4363 horizon-gsm 4674 Horst 2690 Horstwursti 7995 hoschiP 8742 Hotaru 4682 Chaos inKL. how9 7433 Anarchist Village Hpfmn 7938 Hraka 4753 HsKA 3207 htw 2391 Hufflepuff coredump 7079 hugo 3035 hummel 5684 hunz 4869 Husonautenfon 3566 hutt - main 4888 hve 3113 hve 6111 HW42 (-1) 4941 hws 6088 © 2016 33c3 33C3 Mobil Congress Everywhere 33C3 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 46 of 112 Name Number Location Hydrox GSM 3769 hyperion 2201 Hypfer 4776 I'm JJ 4655 φl 6670 I2PEchelon 6404 i615 4615 ianfas dect 4085 ianfas sip 4086 Icebreak-DECT 8823 33C3 ich 6481 dort ich 7534 IconI 5849 ICQ 5190 IDFX 4339 ido's HTC 4078 mobil Idolf 2348 CCC Idris 8922 All of TIme and Space Igel 4435 iggy 4449 ihmis-suski 2368 iiiDECT2 3439 iiiGSM 3438 Ijon 4566 Ikaru 4527 Where I am Ikarudect 4326 Jugendhackt ike 2147 Diaspora assembly Ike 4453 Ikrs 4577 iLennart DECT 5907 ilja 4552 Immo 3078 Subtitle implr dect 2138 33C3 Imrael 7789 everywhere Ina 4777 INCO 4626 inf sip 4630 Infodesk 1111 Infodesk 4636 Infodesk 1 1112 Infodesk II 1113 Informancer 8737 informaniac 3713 © 2016 NoisySquare Infodesk 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 47 of 112 Name Number Location Informatikus 6312 infu cordless dect 4638 Inge 5491 Hier und da InK350 4350 earth, probably Inna 4662 Inonoob 7584 insane 2794 iNSANE GSM 4510 insanelygreat 6800 int2k DECT 4436 iNT2k GSM 4439 interlace 3012 INUM 4686 iota 3074 iQ 4579 iQ SIP 3313 Irgendwas blaues 4238 irgendwas2 4561 iridium-GSM 4748 irl 4752 iron 3110 irre 4773 Isbl 4725 Chaoswelle ischmittis 4133 33c3 ISDN 4736 Gempie's Phone ishy 3132 OTR iSIP 5883 Isk1 4751 ismael 2179 IsoLinearCHiP 4760 Isolus 4212 It's Dog 3643 It's me 7176 Itec 4832 Itec dect 3702 Itec gsm 3703 Itec voip 3701 itsme 8111 itsmegsm 4644 Iures 3329 ivren 4874 NoName ix gsm 4602 cch ix gsm2 4603 cch © 2016 Shell 33c3 CCCAC (Chaos West) überall irl Doubleoctophorpbuero 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 48 of 112 Name Number Location izibi 6529 J-Ha 5042 j3d1 5331 J7 6776 ja 5535 nein JA 7710 Kidsspace Jö 5631 33c3 Jörg 5286 Jörg 6305 Jaan 5226 Jab 2223 JabberTheHug 8500 Jack 5225 jack 6380 Jack Sparrow 3884 Jackie GSM 4015 Jackie-DECT 4002 Jackie-SIP 4005 JAckTheAngel 5282 CCH Jacob 5068 Assembly-ch Jacobd 3555 jadzia 7451 jadzia Handy 7452 JaggerJo 6621 hamburg Jakob 4850 Hamburg jakob suedpfalz 5200 Jakobs Nebenstelle 6717 HH Jali 5255 CCH Hamburg jalr 5257 JaLu 2206 Jambalaya 2897 jamesbody 8788 jan 2317 Jan 3201 33C3 Jan 3900 überall jan 5264 Jan 5269 jan 8228 Jan (fairsein) 3247 Jan DLF 5799 Saal xx Jan Giessmann 7923 Sendezentrum jan Tomini 3548 jan1s 4532 © 2016 Hamburg CCH Chaos West Remote - MONeH Small Cells NNeV 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 49 of 112 Name Number Location jan2d2 2128 Jana (JANA) 5262 Janakas 7043 JaNein42 2997 JanHP 7477 Janik 2101 Janik 4253 Janik 4472 Janik 5474 Janik 6633 Janik 7277 Janik 7707 Janik 7778 janina 7746 Janine 3905 janis dehexadop 8532 jannic 5634 33c3 Jannik S. 5645 CCH Janosch 4301 jantastic 4958 JaQoB 4173 Jared 7009 jaseg DECT 5558 jash 5274 jasle 3390 jasle 3391 jasle 3392 Jasper 5777 jasper 7804 Jassy 6889 jay 2345 jay 5675 jay 5766 Jay16K 8604 JayDee 3004 Jaydee 4361 JayFoxRox 5370 JayJay 2852 jcn 3451 jcp 7812 JD 2735 jdew 5339 jdew DECT 4451 © 2016 - Here Hackcenter Chaospott, Chaos West All over 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 50 of 112 Name Number Location jdjd 5701 JDT 8200 Jedi 5334 jeedi 4269 right behind you Jelena_BalCCon 2911 BalCCon jen 5360 Heaven jen 7217 jenix 3164 Jenni 7919 Jenny 5344 jens 3170 Jens 3835 Jens 5367 Jens 5696 Jens 6860 Jens 7870 jessica 5693 Jessie 4675 Jewels 4729 Here. Jewels SIP 2731 Da. jfk 5350 jgjl 3964 jhass 5023 Jim 3534 jimi 3856 jinxx 5699 Jira 5472 jiray 7061 jiray-sip 2978 jiska 3334 jix' dect 5490 jk 6655 jkb0 5520 JKO Mobile 5560 JKO mobile 6112 JLLY 7781 hackerspacesnl jml 5763 muc3 Jnugh 4574 jo 4235 jo Jo 6512 Laniakea Jo-Jo 5758 Mag.Lab Assembly Jo-Jo-DECT 6162 Mag.Lab Assembly joanna 1142 Hinterzimmer © 2016 33c3 Herbrich Corporation CCC HH 33C3 hier chaos Flensburg 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 51 of 112 Name Number Location Joanna 2742 jochen 2189 Jochen 2340 jockel 3500 joe 4563 Joe 5630 joe 8593 Joeatx 4678 Joedoxa 2659 joel 2393 joel 4932 joepie91 2602 Joerg 3176 Joergi 7007 Joergi-working 7255 Joern 6777 Joern 6778 jof 2465 jogrme00 6271 Joha 5640 joha 5642 CCCH Johanna 5843 Tum Johannes Lauinger 2900 33c3 Johannes Rudolph 3088 John 3811 john 5646 Johnny 7815 johthor 6542 joke 7853 Joker 5653 Jokke 5655 jokutzle 6715 Jom 2120 jomo 5666 jonas 3279 jONAS 6627 Jonas_87 3015 Joni 4437 Joni 5664 Jonna 3885 Jonny-TX/CTreffOS 2304 CTreffOS Assembly Jonphone 7735 33C3 Jor 3481 © 2016 33c3 Entropia 33c3 33c3 Terra Congress Center somewhere 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 52 of 112 Name Number Location jorlamd 6101 Josch 2229 joscha 3102 Joscha 7575 joschi 3037 JoShi 5674 jotbe 5682 jotbe-gsm 2865 JottJott 7119 33C3 jovimon 3803 Spain jovimon 7472 Spain jovimon 8461 Spain jovimon 8462 Spain Jowi 5694 jp gsm mobil TEST 6322 mobil halt ne? jp mobil 6321 weiß ich doch jetzt noch nich JPA 2921 33C3 JpL 5750 jps 5323 js 7187 Jsh1 7362 Jsh2 4182 jst 6080 jtbx 5829 Ju 8333 Judge DECT 4997 Judith 2717 Judith 5834 juewei 3506 Fablab Nürnberg juewei2 3596 Fablab Nürnberg juha 5842 juka 5285 juka@jugendhackt JuLe 3314 33Ce jules 5570 JULI 5854 Julia 1002 Julia 2238 Julia 7774 Julian 3572 Julian B. 4215 Julian B. 5738 Julian F 7171 Juliane 3530 © 2016 Hamburg FraMa 33c3 33c3 mobile 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 53 of 112 Name Number Location Julien 6007 julijane 3585 Julinka 6930 julius 2102 Jungfranckianer 7298 JUNK 5865 junk 6663 Jur 5870 Jusic 5160 jussty DECT 2919 Aaaaaaaaaaaa Assembly JUSTAGUY 7408 33c3 Justelex 3539 jwacalex 5523 JWhy DECT 5949 JWhy SIP 5948 jz 1004 jz 5946 k0hf-mobile 7211 somewhere k0hf-mobile-gsm 4685 anywhere(TM) k0hf-sip 4680 somewhere else k323r 3154 k3t Gerd 4373 Kabe(lsalat) 5223 kaerF 5373 kai 2108 kai 2192 Kai 6160 C4 kai 6161 chaos west / c4 Kai Perwein 2507 KaiO 5246 BOC KAIS 5247 Tabvillage Kaka 3783 kaleimai 2523 Sendezentrum kalle 5561 CCH KampfCaspar 3355 CCC-CH KampfCaspar gsm 6374 Kampfhamster 2254 kankan 2936 kankan 6936 kantorkel 6226 KAOS 7427 KAOS GSM 7993 karas 5727 © 2016 somewhere over the rainbow Earth Bamberch mobile Digitalcourage Mobile CCH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 54 of 112 Name Number Location Karl 7877 karman 3117 Karmel80 4580 karolherbst 5430 karolherbst 7608 karoneun 7117 karotte 6983 karovoip 7116 Kartoffel 6435 HSNL Kasia 5925 Gliwice, Poland kasoban 5276 Kaspar 3831 kaspar 4861 Kass3tte 5778 Kassenteam 1900 Kassentresen 1901 Kat 6899 Kathi 2320 Katja 5686 Katti 5288 Katy 5855 katzazi 4744 Katze 6369 Kinky-Geeks katze 8789 everywhere Katzenamt 4147 Katzenamt 5287 Katzenfreund 4357 kaulquake 2469 kay 529 kaythxbye 6611 Kazuya Mobil 3495 KC Schmierwurst 7111 kcdsf 6656 kehx 5349 Kein Plan 3655 keith 7449 Keldor 5800 Kellerkind 6339 33c3 KemisolonGSM 4504 CCH Kenny 5769 33c3 Keroth 4268 On person kessy 4724 ketas DECT 2670 © 2016 33C3 33c3 Ãœberall und nirgendwo am Kater Berlin Hamburg schätze ich CCH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 55 of 112 Name Number Location ketas GSM 2672 CCH ketas SIP 2671 CCH Kevin 5387 keymaker 4090 ccc KFR 7951 33C3 Kgl 2312 Kgl 2713 KHAN 5426 Ki 5400 kidparanoja 5256 Kids 4374 Kidspace 5437 KidsSpace Roundrobin 4693 kieselerde 3720 kijmmy 5469 kiliankoe 5456 Kill 5455 Patenonkel kilobyte22 - DECT 4004 in my pocket Kinine 3137 Milkyway KINK 5465 KinkyGeeks Assembly KinX 5460 Kire 4589 kirils (DECT) 6666 H311 kirils (GSM) 6699 DECT is preferred Kirsten 6568 CCH Kirstin 5476 Kitkat 4576 KITZ 5489 Kiwoe 3187 Chaos-Bodensee kklaus 2808 040 klaas 7008 klassiker DECT 5667 KLAU542 5512 klein dect 6255 Kliment - Dectophone 5568 Kliment GSM 2268 klofrau 6667 klonfish 3151 klonfish 3152 klx 6351 Klystron 6451 Kmhm 6761 Kmue 5910 © 2016 33C3 Kidsspace ccc Everywhere everywhere 33c3 EG 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 56 of 112 Name Number Location knILCH 4524 KNIT 5648 Knospe 3255 knuth 5688 Kobra 4919 koch 5624 koebi 3935 Koen 4033 koex 5039 kohlrabi 7224 KOK 2186 CCH kolAflash DECT 3612 33C3 kolAflash SIP 3613 33C3 Kolja 2651 Kolloid 6371 POC Kolloid GSM 6370 POC Komasa 5662 Kommi 3454 Konmei 4677 Konrad 7601 koomi 2886 koosch 2880 KopiererGuru DECT 2780 KopiererGuru sip 2781 korfuri's DECT 3305 korfuri's GSM 3315 Kormarun Dect 4998 Kosh 4029 Koziej 6819 kr 2316 Kr0l 5705 see-base, chaos bodensee kraln 3395 on-person Kram 5726 CCH Kri 7708 33c3 krikkit 5745 Kristian 6680 Kritis 5787 KrK 5230 KrK 5231 krkl 4825 krkl 5755 krkl_gsm 5759 krobin 3182 © 2016 bett, schlafend boc nnev-assembly 33C3 33c3 mobile 33C3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 57 of 112 Name Number Location krrrcks 6123 krrrhx 5505 krrrhx 6802 krumper (David) 7157 kt 4111 kt&f 4444 Kuenstlerbetreuung 1704 kugg 3197 kugg2 5844 KUGL 5845 kuma 2503 Kunsi 5867 Kurczak 6726 kuro 7331 kurorori 3456 kurth 7049 Kurtzu 5878 KurzGedanke 7503 Kusi 5874 kw 5711 kwadro 5434 kwasny 5572 Kyelar 7060 Kylo 5956 L DECT 5215 L Mobile 6215 L-LSD 5573 backstage L.Ribis Cell. 3620 POUL L00nquawl 4755 l00ptr 4983 l0calhost 5478 Chaos West l0rd 5585 here l33t 5773 l33tname 3263 L3D *DECT* 4232 L3D *GSM* 4231 see-base L3D *SIP* 3242 see-base L3xuz 4091 Labyrinth 2088 Lac 3531 Lady'O'Bug 5239 There LadyLienchen 5213 everywhere Lager Allgemein 1009 © 2016 Maschinendeck Lounge Chaos inKL beim Kaffe Bastli CCC-CH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 58 of 112 Name Number Location Lager Allgemein 1011 Lager LOC 1010 laiv 5248 Lale 2691 lambda 5348 noise floor laot 5268 BOC Lara 2492 larkin 6691 lars 3914 Lars 5864 Lars 7832 Lars (HORN) 4676 larsan 2182 larsdect 3124 larsh404 8110 larsigsm 3122 larsm 3971 chaos west larsm 8525 chaos west Laserlady Sarah 7252 lasse 5277 LATE 3778 LATE2 3780 Lauma 6562 congress Laura 2721 poc laurena 7859 lauser 2170 Laya 7571 Lazertis (elmi) 3564 le 7889 Le Grex 4291 Le100PVH 6287 100PVH Zentrale Lea 4221 Heaven and everywhere in CCH Leah 4600 Ãœberall leah 6165 mobile LeASKA 2812 Unterwegs im CCH leckerpils 7161 in my hosen-pocket led02 5332 LeDect 4044 leeo 5336 leetphone 3133 LEFT 3212 Left pocket GSM 7404 LeGrille 7950 © 2016 everywhere Ãœberall Unterwegs im CCH Milliways 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 59 of 112 Name Number Location leif 5313 Leif 5343 Leines 4249 lemming 5364 Lena 2271 lenaschimmel 2635 Lenni 2979 Lenz 7479 Leodin 7772 leon 2342 leon 5366 Leon Cristopher Die 5234 Leon S 4564 Leon Sarodnik 5365 leonh 3503 Leons phone 3541 leopardengruen 5525 LePhone 3033 Unterwegs im CCH LePhone SIP Backup 3034 Unterwegs im CCH Lety 2820 Elektroglitzer lexy 5399 not located Leyrer DECT 5392 aaaaaaaa Assembly lh 3682 muCCC Lia Ju 7050 Lianju 7843 lichti 5424 NNeV LIDL 5435 CCH LIFT 5438 Elevat0r ligi 5444 LIIZ 5449 All creatures Team Lil-Missy 6477 KinkyGeeks Lila Fisch 5452 Everywhere lili 4304 lilli 5457 Lilly 2805 Lilly GSM 4072 lImbus DECT 2779 lImbus GSM 6269 limlug 2143 limon 5466 Lina 1703 Lindort 3014 Lindworm 5463 © 2016 33c3 Queer Feminist Geek Assembly mobile Mainframe Lounge 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 60 of 112 Name Number Location lino 6645 lino over ip 2915 Linus 2589 Linus 4990 Linus 4993 linusL 5468 LinusN 2331 linx 3196 Lisa Dau 2403 Lisa F. DECT 2153 Lisk 5479 lislis 5341 LIVE 5483 Lix 2343 Lix 5495 Lizinvt 5498 lks 2255 lksj 5576 Llandon 3661 Hostentasche Llandon 5526 andere Hosentasche llankru DECT 5237 here, there, everywhere LLF 8642 llit 7798 lm 6260 lobo 4720 localhorst DECT 8521 localhorst guest1 8523 localhorst guest2 8524 localhorst SIP 8522 localhorst_ 6822 LOCKpicking 5625 lokke 7852 lol 2563 lol 4568 loljj 3882 Lollenhuber 5984 LOLZ 5659 Londrik 6998 longneck 2375 Loofmann 7010 loonix 2933 lord 5673 Lorenz 5679 © 2016 Zürich/München diaspora* or Rubytown HH @33c3 OpenLab Augsburg Lockpicking Area on person stustanet We are scientists! 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 61 of 112 Name Number Location lortas 7881 Halle3 losh 5008 somewhere LoSh GSM 5009 somewhere lotho 2383 mobile Lounge / DisKo 1700 Lounge Lounge Bar 1723 Halle H lowcard 5923 LRibis 3929 lrnzo 2329 lsr 2799 aroundhere lsr gsm 2797 here Lubkovo 6385 33c3 LucasMineXD 5824 lucendio 4150 CCH Lucky 3699 Here Lucky13 7013 Lucrezia 3006 Lucus 6561 luelistan 2901 Luft 5838 LuGam 6480 Lukas 2234 33c3 Lukas Attax Rinke 5632 Hamburg Lukas T. 4389 On Tour Lukas T. 5976 lukasz 5579 Luke 5053 Heaven Luke 7653 Entropolis Luke's Phone 5227 Aaaaaaaaaaaa Luki 3595 lukiduk 6008 lukiduk_dect 6044 LULZ 5859 Lupo 3328 lusy 5879 luto DECT 5886 lutoma 6000 Lutz 8676 LUX-DECT 5890 LUX-SIP 5891 luz 6809 lynx DECT 5942 lynxis 5969 © 2016 POUL Seidenstrasse on my belt, i guess Mobile coreboot 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 62 of 112 Name Number Location lynxis-gsm-test 5968 gsm lynxis-gsm-test23 2394 im spectrum LYRA 5972 JanHenrik lys 7696 M-ou-se 2310 M!-Team 4325 M!-Team Padawan 7733 m0nky 4214 m0rix 6079 m0rix 6674 m0rix 6679 m11 6353 M1k3y 3490 shack M1P3 6473 Mainframe m2m 6262 m2m SIP 6362 M3philis 8272 m4nu 6468 M4RC 4320 m4rt1n 6238 m4rt1n 6239 m4rtin 7679 M4x 7952 Müller 6539 Nord Münster Warpzone 6799 Warpzone MacGyver 7650 CCH Macke 1005 MacLemon 6566 Macst3r 5052 mad 6231 mad too! 6235 ##buero MadDoc - CERT 2798 33c3 maddosaurus 8677 33c3 madeddie (krnk) 5765 madez 2398 madez 3398 MADO 6236 EVERYWHERE maeb 6232 noc hd maennchen 7542 33c3 maenz 2988 Magnus 4992 Magnus 6767 magu 6248 © 2016 Saal 4 pangasiuscafe Aaaaaaaaaaaa CCH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 63 of 112 Name Number Location maha 6242 Maik 6245 mAiL-mAn 5720 mailonator 2801 mailonator 2803 Main 2397 Main 2772 Main Phone 6220 mainframe 2299 Mainframe (pge) 7430 Mainframe Mainframe Assembly 4765 Assembly of the Mainframe mainframe.alpha 4334 mainframe.beta 5445 mainframe.charlie 8778 mainframe.dumb 3862 6846 major 5421 maglab makefu 6253 shack makertobi 6888 Attraktor e.V. Malabee 2869 Hamburg malaclypse 6252 Aaaaaaaaaaa malek 33c3 7351 malek 33c3 SIP 7350 malf 6210 malled 6571 maltejk 5813 * maltejk 5814 * mami 6264 mammut 6952 carry-on mamsellchaos 5267 wherever i need to be mamu 2174 around the world Man3tti 5051 Manawyrm 6502 c3 Manawyrm 6510 loaderror Assembly Manawyrm 6581 SIP not-preferred mangala 3101 NOC Manolis 6657 CCH manu 6268 manu mobile 6768 manuel 4095 mapc 6272 mar 5589 Mara 1336 © 2016 33C3 33C3 Personal cccfr 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 64 of 112 Name Number Location mara 3511 maralorn 6329 Chaos Darmstadt Maraun 7127 33c3 Marc 2384 Marc 3009 Marc_c3RE (SIP) 4584 Marcel 4838 Marcelle 7718 aaaaaaaaaaaa Assembly marcjohne 7687 33c3 marcni 2608 marenz 2569 Mari 6932 Maria 4139 maride 6190 * Marie 2264 33c3 Mario 5017 Mario 6117 Mario 6522 mariok 6274 Mark 2413 markP 7458 marks 7701 Markus 5446 Markus 7604 Markus 7605 Markus_T21 2116 33C3 Markus_T21 2119 33C3 Markush 8721 MarkusH 8722 Markusk 2899 33C3 marmarek 2528 Qubes assembly marmot2 6790 marsi 2677 marsi 6277 marsi 7722 Mart 7770 Martin 5127 Martin 6373 Martin 6506 Martin 7760 martin entropia 2242 martin entropia 4200 Martin Opennet 4199 © 2016 33c3 CCH ctf (likely) Bremen 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 65 of 112 Name Number Location Martin Opennet 5519 Martin radiomono 5005 Sendezentrum Martin Schmitt 8887 Zamenhof Assembly Martin1001 4258 martls Hotline 2432 martls very hotline 6278 MartSIP 7771 Maru 2154 marudor 2302 marudor 4202 Marvin 3029 Marvin 5464 Marvin 7880 MarvinGS 6786 Mainframe Assembly or DDOS Bar MarwolTuk 4096 on the fly. MarwolTuk FF 8192 at the end of the line mask 7740 C4-Area masterbase / jenny 5369 c3voc mate 3668 Fachschaft MPI assembly Mate-o-Meter 6283 matk 6285 Matt 6288 matt 6289 Matthias 4754 matthias 7928 MatthiasL 7512 MatthiasPHI 3561 Matti 8743 33c3 Matti2 3156 33c3 mattimo 6884 Matz Kruemelborg 3435 Matze 2240 Matze 3832 matze 8880 matze 8883 mauriceCCC 5271 max 2133 Max 6110 Max 6292 Max_ 6290 Maxi 3253 MAXI 6294 Maxi1524 2502 © 2016 Subtitles Mobil 33c3 Fairy Dust Forest Nil c3 33c3 Maxi1524 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 66 of 112 Name Number Location maximt 7112 maxw 3316 Maxx 6299 May 7629 maybebuggy 2183 maybebuggy - GSM 2184 mayosemmel 2160 FabLab Nbg MaZderMind 3302 VOC maze 7513 33c3 Mazemax - netz39 6293 mbklr 2307 MBX/Wassertrinker 7883 mcarne 2330 mcdect 7204 mced 4549 Mckbrother 2407 mcst 6681 mcst 6682 md 7373 MD main handy 5873 md-2 7374 mdantzer 2756 mdantzer 3077 MDCK 6325 Mobil3 mdennemaerker 6233 hacksaar Mds 5606 me 6011 Me 7516 me 7643 Me3 2559 me5 6823 Medienengel 1148 meebey 6332 NOC HD meep 6337 binary kitchen MegaFon 3174 Hamburg megfault 4791 moving :3 megfault//voip 7491 moving :3 mein engel dect 2228 heaven Meise 6462 Hinter Dir Mel 3603 Earth Mel 6690 Melanie 6352 melle 3351 © 2016 33C3 de 33c3, Hamburg 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 67 of 112 Name Number Location Melle 6223 Melle 7720 Menschenrechte 2087 menschmeier 2172 meoblast001 4726 MeraX 5725 Merlin 3149 metafex 3536 metafex 7145 metalgamer 7997 mexell 6955 mey 639 mfh 6347 mgr9 6479 MGW 6490 MGW2 8648 mia 2435 mia 3524 Miau 6428 Miaumiaumiau 3718 Micha 4351 Transferorbit Michael 4233 Ruum42 (CCC-CH) Michael 4295 Ruum42 (CCC-CH) Michael 6173 Space michaela 2118 nochd MichaelK (2nd DECT) 6652 OpensStreetMap (DECT backup) MichaelK (DECT) 6651 OpensStreetMap (DECT) MichaelK (SIP) 6650 Openstreetmap (SIP) MichaW 2219 michawen 3433 Michi 5721 Michi 7711 MichiK 4265 michiwend DECT 7635 michiwend GSM 6493 michl 5242 Michos 5544 Michos SIP 5545 mick 6025 c3pb microfx 3560 33c3 midor 5461 midor 6436 Miez / Anna 6439 © 2016 Diaspora Assambly 33c3 33c3 where the beer is OpenLab Augsburg 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 68 of 112 Name Number Location mightymo 4343 migiii 4652 migiii 4656 migiii 4657 migu 2551 miguel 4131 Mika Milan 5913 Mikael 6452 mike 6453 Mike 8555 Mike Sperber 7801 MikeTsenatek 8510 33c3 miku 6458 Pangasiuscafe MILK 6455 Millaguie 6567 Millaguie gsm 6592 Milletimisev 6844 cch milobit 6456 BalCCoN milos a58h 2584 Milou 3946 Milou 5612 milp 2675 Mimi 2630 Mimi 3926 mimi 4730 mimi 7316 MiMuij 3055 mindfuckup 2952 MINION 3233 33C3 Mink 4254 CCH Minnozz 2401 CCH mino 8990 Minocula 3518 minzemitzimt 2301 miosta 7177 Mirabellensaft 6472 Mirco 8543 miri64 6121 miriamino 6466 mirkocosmos 6631 Mirwi 6460 Chaosvermittlungs Assembly mischk* 7769 rb MissInfo's Hotline 8459 Chaos-West © 2016 Kidsspace Entropolis CCH 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 69 of 112 Name Number Location mist 6478 CERT Misu 3750 Ccc Mitch Altman 2676 Hardware Hacking Area mithro 6484 miTim 7191 mjg 7490 mkalte 6697 yes mkl DECT 6550 33C3 mkl GSM 6551 33C3 mkl SIP 6552 33C3 mks-gsm 6909 Everywhere mks-sip 6869 Everywhere mlen 6536 MM 4003 mm 4026 MM easy 6623 mm3 2495 MMcBride GSM 2483 MMcBride SIP 2484 mntl 6685 mnzl 6695 mo 2705 mo2000 6625 mob3d 4768 mobil 6723 mobil 6882 MobilDectDingsi 7878 mobildingsi 7838 mobile 3742 mobile mobile 5619 mobile mobile 5850 Mobile 6981 entropia Mobile main 6980 entropia Mobile2 8448 Mobile2 Moburkhardt 2999 yes mockfrog 2536 modal 3559 modprobe 5626 Cch Moe 6636 ChaosWest Moe_Pfussel 8615 Fablab Nuernberg moeffju 6358 Moehre 7657 moemoe 4228 © 2016 Hamburch mobile everywhere CCC 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 70 of 112 Name Number Location MoepMan 6637 Regensburg MoepMan SIP 6607 Regensburg mogi 6644 BK moho dect 6646 somewhere moi 4428 gsm Moi 8187 mojo 5363 moko 8679 molo 8949 momo 6421 infodesk momo 8103 near teh lake^TM monarc 7999 MondGSM 7229 Hamburg Monikavn 6315 Shell Monkey Emergency 4911 Monokles 6464 Moon 4847 moonlies 4392 moonlies 4943 Mopple/Teresa 2508 moqmar 3573 morbi 6724 LOC moreentropy GSM 5841 Freifunk moreentropy SIP alt 5840 Freifunk Morelle 1702 Lounge Morgan's Phone 2126 Morgan's Pocket morgil 8783 33c3 moritz 2556 Moritz 3246 Moritz (moiz) 6649 Moritz (MRZJ) 6795 Moriz 2440 MorK 5375 morph 6774 Morre 6677 morricone 2702 Mort 6078 morty 6678 mortzu 5030 moschlar 6672 mose / m053 6053 FabLab Nürnberg mose / m0se 6073 FabLab Nürnberg Mot 7755 © 2016 Cyberia Cafe & Club CCH u.a. OpenLab Auxburg 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 71 of 112 Name Number Location Mot 7788 motorola-c139 7644 motp 6687 moxl 7665 Mozart 2815 mp6_ 2433 mp6-dect 6443 MPLI 6754 mprt_dect 6770 mprt_gsm 6771 mquintus 3278 mr_moe 3635 mr_red@attraktor 4066 Mr. Blue 5251 Mr.Bubbles 3011 mrbl 6725 mrBronze 2418 MrDuck 6331 MrGadget 3660 mrk 4303 mrmoe 6766 mrngm@dect (MRNG) 6764 mrngm@gsm 6765 mrpi 3606 python MrPurpleXXX 3020 33C3 MRQ "MR02" 6702 CCCAC MRQ GSM "MR03" 6703 CCCAC MrRemoS 4456 33C3 MrsHannaS 5546 33C3 MrsMarpels 4298 MrSmile GSM 4702 mrtt 4721 the great beyond mrtt 6788 lamooorte MS 6270 ms@33c3 7630 33c3 ms@33c3 7631 33c3 MSFT 6738 HackerspacesNL MsGlitter 4587 Warpzone msk-meks 6357 at meks msp 2200 mspreng 6408 mspreng-gsm 6409 msquare/engelsystem 2558 © 2016 33c3 FabLab Nuremberg 33C3 sendezentrum 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 72 of 112 Name Number Location MSvB 2822 Mozilla Assembly MSvB 6782 Mozilla Assembly msw (DECT) 6793 moving msw (GSM) 6794 moving msw (VoIP SIP) 6797 moving muCCC 5089 muCCC Muede 8383 Muenir 2321 Muffin 6833 Mukotai 4075 Multiplexer 2813 Murdoc 6832 murphy 2851 mus 4488 mus 6876 Hackcenter Muse 6873 Everywhere musevg 7156 mushu 5515 mutantmonkey 5219 mutax 6829 Muvlon (ECHI) 3244 mwfc 4074 mx 4143 mxa 6920 my 3482 33c3 mygsm 3955 under the stairs myla 3289 myon 6966 mysip 4440 myth 6984 N-te alias Carina 3683 n0p GSM 6072 n0p-DECT 6062 N1@33C3 4866 n1c0 6120 NachtStern 6366 naddi 6234 nade 2400 Nagua GSM 3100 namibj 3586 namiko 7998 nano @gsm 6265 nano / fala DECT 6266 © 2016 HH Congress CCCAC Assembly (sometimes) hxp kinkygeeks 33C3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 73 of 112 Name Number Location nanometer 2560 33c3 Nanometer 2940 33C3 nanooq 6009 heaven nanoseb 7802 Nase 7977 Nata 6827 Natanji DECT (NTNJ) 6865 Queer Feminist Geeks Natanji GSM 6900 Queer Feminist Geeks nate 3121 Navi 6284 nazco 4646 nd 3636 nd 6363 nd-gsm 6126 everywhere ndy 4030 somewhere, sometime Nearly Human 5617 Cryptoparty nebukad 3337 Assembly Flying Objects necrosis 8568 Stuttgart necrosis_VOIP 8658 Stuttgart neels 6689 gsm Negiert 4545 CCH NegiertGSM 8298 nek0 6350 Nelly 3001 nennemich 2318 NeoNice 4115 NeoRaider 6367 Neotopia 6368 Fairy Dust Forest Nerade 2112 Nerd2Nerd Assembly Nerade 6372 Nerd2Nerd Assembly nerdinand 2524 Nerduser83 7283 Nervengift (GIFT) 4438 nethad 6842 nethad-gsm 6843 Netmage 2335 netsmurf 6383 Nett 6388 Network Operator 6333 NETZ 6389 Netz39 Basis 3939 neun 6386 neur 6387 © 2016 roaming Hier und da all over the place CCC Entropolis NOC 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 74 of 112 Name Number Location neur0 5328 neva 6382 newfag 2854 newram 6610 newram 7564 nexus 2511 Neza 4013 NHG Dect 4999 NHG SIP 3999 nibbler 6257 Nic 5603 nic0 6420 niccolop 3269 here NICgsm 6005 CCH nichdu 2990 anywhere NiciDieNase 6273 NiciDieNase [GSM] 4509 Nick Farr 6425 Nick O. 7435 Nicky S. 7625 33C3 Nico 2591 DECT Nico 4001 nico 7908 nicoduck 6426 nicogsm 7906 Nicola 5567 Nicolas 4522 nicoo 4369 Somewhere inside CCH nicoo 7369 Oh, fox off Niels 5510 niems 2243 nightflight 7431 Nightst0rm 7976 nightvisi0n 5638 Nika 2641 inside Niki 6454 - niklas 2629 phone Niklas - Entropia 6734 cch Niklas R. 7390 Nils 6157 Nils42 4798 nilsarne 3487 devtal NilsK 6457 33C3 © 2016 3.Stock_jetzt Entropolis Fancy Suit Pocket near the lake 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 75 of 112 Name Number Location nina 6229 Nina 7337 nina dect 4179 Aaaaaaaaaaaa nina's cat 6227 CCC-CH ninji 5557 nino 7447 nioram 3448 yolo nioram_dect 7174 everywhere nioram_sip 7074 everywhere nioram_sip_pc 7964 my backpack nios 6467 Assembly:Aaaaaaaaaaaa NIOS_HD 6137 aaaaaaaaaa nitramred 7570 33c3 niyawe 4213 niyawe 4226 Njumaen 7021 Njumaen 7022 Noack 5327 Noah | Yatekii 6624 nobody 6620 Noby 6629 NOC 1210 NOC Helpdesk 1212 noelle-dect 6676 nogut 7073 noitome 7598 Nokia 3410 Nokia 3538 Nokia 5261 Noko18 6718 nomaster 7537 nomdect 8421 nomoketo 6728 nomoketo 2nd 6658 noniq 8502 NoOne 2719 NoOne 2740 NoOne 2741 NoOneKnows 3752 Unimatrix01 NoOneKnows2 5847 Unimatrix01 Nope 4942 33c3 noppax 4082 Level2 Nordsee Magic Phone 4634 @ © 2016 CCC-CH #uavp Binary Kitchen NOC Helpdesk orion nebula 33c3 CCH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 76 of 112 Name Number Location Normalzeit 3343 northalpha 7521 nos 3646 nospoon 2615 not in use 3363 notmatti 6686 Noujoum 6474 nox-x 4208 NRKO 6756 NSA 6721 NSFW 6739 nttd 6883 nuit 6640 Random nuke 6853 PLU-Engel irgendwo unterwegs nukoolar 6856 nullmark 2992 nullmark-gsm 2993 nulluFON 2105 numbleroot 7033 Nuna 4482 NuPagadi 6872 Nuschka 6862 nuts 6887 nwspk 6700 nxn 6960 Nyan 6926 Nyc 6922 NYPD 6973 Nyx 2114 Nyx 3685 Nyxa 6992 O__o 6006 o1y 2121 o1y 7776 obelix 3377 obelix 6259 obfusk 4097 obfuskdect 4098 oboro 6785 d obri 4123 33c3 OctoPrint-Telegram 3761 Hall oe3cts 3287 33C3 OE9FRV Fabian DECT 3743 We are scientists! © 2016 somewhere 33c3 Everywhere Freifunk 33C3 New York City 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 77 of 112 Name Number Location OE9FRV Fabian GSM 3746 We are scientists! OE9FRV Fabian SIP 3744 We are scientists! ohmu 5893 NY ohmu808 7409 ohneQ Puerto Patida 6463 Sendezentrum oida 5433 lounge oida 6243 oida 7276 oida 7376 okflo 6732 Okhin 6546 oksana 6572 okulus 6585 okulus GSM 6584 olasd 6527 old GSM 5748 oldmcandroid 6988 Ole 4650 Ole_GSM 5238 33C3 Ole33C3 6533 CCH Hamburg OLEA 6431 Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwy OLEA-GSM 6441 Pitres, Conchinchina oleander 6532 (° ͜ʖ °) olel 6535 olf 6531 OlFvanRapos 7762 Oli 7837 oli-f 6893 Olif 6684 Oliv 6548 oliver84-dect 5621 oliver84-sip 5641 oliver86-gsm 5644 Olli 6375 Olli 8623 OlliK 8849 OlliK_GSM 7947 olpi 2164 olt 6586 Olymp 8760 omfg 6634 CCH Omnidome 8287 omnidome one and only 3449 ccc © 2016 lounge / rf1 / muccc Tea House 33C3 We are scientists! CCH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 78 of 112 Name Number Location onebit 4042 BOC oneon 2555 CCC-CH, CCCZH oni 3810 opendev 6338 opendev 6736 orco 2809 ORGA 6742 ORGY 6749 ors 7035 somewhere Ortsbrandmeister 4112 33C3 os10000 2339 CCH Oscar 6722 Chaoswelle ostkind 7654 Other Phone 2127 oTTer 6880 oTTer 6881 Otto DECT e 7182 otto-otto 2994 otto1 3032 outys 7942 p_b_ 7120 p. 7475 p. gsm 7476 paalsteek 4222 Pablo 4466 PACE 7223 pacey 7062 packet 7258 Paddy 2554 pajowu 5275 Paltyra 7379 Pandakatze 4201 pandapandapanda 7637 Panzki 7469 Papabear_dect 4872 Papabear_sip 4875 papaver 8342 papi 7274 Papillon 4684 papl 7275 para 7271 Parad0x 3397 Auf Wanderschaft / Freifunk Paradx 7381 Cch © 2016 All around Assembly Hamburg Around the CCH Entropolis Midgard pangasiuscafe 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 79 of 112 Name Number Location Parsley 5853 Parsley 9853 Party Line 8800 pascal 4243 pascal 4519 Pascaline 6619 Passe0815 7270 Heaven path 2723 Milliways Patrick 7367 Congress patrickh 5492 patrickod 4338 PattaFeuFeu 7282 Paul 2806 Paul 3581 Paul 4421 Paul 4434 Paula 7841 paws 7297 paz 3690 cch PBB VoIP 4414 /dev/null pcdog 3988 Everywhere pcfe 5521 pcopfer GSM 4297 pDA 7032 peach 6662 PECTB 4692 Pede 7333 Pedro 4448 PeFi 7334 Pejama 4484 pellaeon 5033 pelrun 3114 Australia Penguwin 7648 OffByOneError pengYou 4772 pennylane 5411 Chaoswelle Pepe 5338 asdf pepe 6381 pepe Pepper 2544 Pepper 5887 Pepper GSM 2540 pera 7372 percidae DECT 5180 percidae GSM 5181 © 2016 Conference Room 42 Hamburg everywhere Osef Hamburg C4, Chaos West 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 80 of 112 Name Number Location percy 6554 perryf1ynn 2800 33c3 Personal 7345 33C3 pescum 7726 cert Pet-Ra 6201 pet2001 4032 PetePriority 2642 PetePriority 7484 Peter 5999 Peter 7302 peter pan 2510 peter_n2n 6267 PeterVanPan 2571 33c3 PETN 3845 somewhere petra 4707 petra gsm 4708 petzi 3432 pez 6885 pfaerd 7348 cch Pfealzer 4480 walk around Pfealzer Backup 4481 walk around phaer 3915 pharmafirma 7833 Bastli / CCC-CH pharmafirma (backup) 7899 Bastli / CCC-CH pharmafirma / Lynn 5966 SIP mobile / outside CCH pheerai 6547 pheerai_gsm 6549 Phel 3054 Phil (DECT) 7745 33C3 Phil Backup 1 4358 DECT Phil Backup 2 4359 DECT Phil Backup 3 4360 DECT Phil GSM 3745 33c3 Phil Main 4356 DECT Phil test 4570 33c3 phil.s 5627 Philhil 3096 philhil 3098 Philip (PHLP) 7457 PhilipH 3472 PhilipH 3854 Philipp 2107 Philipp 4410 © 2016 Hambrug 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 81 of 112 Name Number Location philipp 4972 Philipp aka FLIP 3547 PhilmacFLy 7445 PhilmacFLy Sip 7359 philoup 5808 philpem 6962 phils 5575 phk / terminal21 7450 phlix 8340 phmy 7488 phoebe kacper wikiel 5691 Phoenix 6254 Phoenixa 3641 Phone 3485 Phone 4087 Phone 4205 phone 4501 phone rayka 6772 phone1 6769 phrazer 6040 phrazer 6050 phryk 8487 phsacar 4149 PhyNerd 4863 pia 7424 pidone 2545 here Piele 3833 piep 7148 Hamburg Piet 7438 pikken 2614 piko 7456 pim 7560 Haquium Marpurgensis Ping 7164 CCH Pingu 6787 Pingu (DECT) 3669 pinguintiger 4797 pinkdispatcher 7434 pinkdispatcher 7437 piomboDECT 2765 piomboGSM 2737 piomboSIP 2764 Pip 3205 pipboy20k1 2145 © 2016 Augsburg OpenLab NOC Pangasiuscafe hsawa asm congress in the cloud 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 82 of 112 Name Number Location piPPo 7948 Piri 4865 Pirito 7441 Pit. 7048 pitastrudl 3085 pivot 7480 pixel 6004 Pixiono 3136 pixl 7495 PIZA 7492 Pizza 5900 pkirchner 6805 PKIX 7549 pkoerner81929 3017 CCH plantsch 3051 CCH Plentyn 6616 Milchstrasze ploek 7565 plonk 7165 Ploy 7139 Ploy Backup 7931 plue 5025 Everywhere pluempyx92 3225 pluempyx92 pluempyx92 5852 PM98 7642 knowwhere pnX-gsm 3640 mobile PoC 2000 PoC BeF 2004 PoC Bernie GSM 2034 PoC Daniel 2003 PoC Dr4k3 2014 PoC Kasa 5272 PoC Merlin 2012 PoC raupe 3169 PoC reneger 2019 PoC reneger 2023 PoC Sascha 2001 PoC Stefan 2017 PoC Stefan GSM 2018 poc test 2100 poelzi 7594 PoempelFox 4963 Poldy_33C3 3146 33C3 PollDi DECT 3368 planet earth ;) © 2016 NoWhere VOC Warpzone PoC PoC / Stratum 0 PoC PoC 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 83 of 112 Name Number Location PollDi GSM 6848 pommeskatze 6327 Pony Partyline 3708 Pony* 3693 POPE 7673 porcupine 5970 pr0n 7706 Presseraum 1149 Presseteam 1150 primeos 4647 CCH primeos 7787 /dev/random Prisma 6475 privaDerEeseCT 7398 Privat 4422 private 2436 We are scientists! private 4257 We are scientists! privatereese_voip 7397 Freifunk pRiVi 7748 Problame GSM 7256 profemo 6999 Profigemse 4367 Profigemse 7763 Profpatsch 5232 Projektleitung 1000 Projektleitung 1001 Projektleitung pronto 2185 pronto protux 7536 33C3 pschneider 2257 pseudo 3072 pseyfert 7739 psittacus 5562 Congress psy 7790 LOC psy 7799 LOC Psycho 5099 PsychoTR0N 4321 33C3 PublicPhoneEntrance 1992 CCH Eingang PublicPhoneInfodesk 1990 PublicPhonePoC 1993 PublicPhoneShirtv. 1991 Puck 5152 puckgerDECT 4289 pukingmonkey 7141 Puzzle 6934 © 2016 33c3 Equestria Freifunk OpenLab Augsburg / NixOS Verkauf 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 84 of 112 Name Number Location pv 7895 pxp 5858 pylon 2580 Chaoswelle Pylon 7956 OffByOneError pyro 2758 pyro 5388 CCH PyroPeter 7981 Hosentasche q# 7699 q3k dect 4735 33c3 on q3k q3k gsm 7356 33c3 on q3k Qchen (Cake) 2253 qpd00z 2874 FabLab Nuremberg qpd00z 5877 FabLab Nuremberg qsx 8086 qsx 8087 qsx 8088 quax 5929 quax gsm 5930 quorth gsm 7784 QuxLabs HQ 7040 Qwer 7937 r0ms 7067 r0st GSM 7078 Ra 6091 raa 7220 rabbit 4880 RabbitAtNet 7286 Rafiki 4039 RAID 7243 Raim 5533 RaiRai 7249 raisouli 2140 Raketen.papa 3551 Congress Ralf 7253 Membershipdesk Ralfinator 3527 Hacksaar Assembly Ralfinator 5574 Hacksaar Assembly Ralfs Phone 7856 33c3 RaMar 3427 rami 7264 Rampone 7671 Raneko 6356 Ranlvor DECT 7265 Ranlvor DECT2 7266 © 2016 under the table 33c3 FIfF Hackspace MV / Entropolis 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 85 of 112 Name Number Location Raph 2743 Rapha 5998 Raphael 7982 Raphi 4207 RaphMobil 4486 RasT 7278 ratzupaltuff 7765 2123 Raven 2769 raven 3575 ravenqueen 5001 ravinrabbid 3901 Ray 7294 rAZ 6151 rcc 7558 33C3 rddlr home 2793 CCCAC Assembly real-or-random 8460 reddog 7572 reddog 8441 Redplanet 7375 regines 4844 RegyMove 7349 rehwanne 2323 reindyr 8467 reindyr DECT 8765 Reini (dect) 3423 Reini (gsm) 5425 Reli 5502 relm 3521 33C3 Rem0te 2270 Hackertours / CCC Prime remmy @theR3m 7364 hugcenter remya 3142 René 7363 Rene 3976 rene ccc de 2490 Rens 7003 Reppu 6867 Resi 7371 Reto (FreeBird) 7386 rettichschnidi-dect 7496 rettichschnidi-gsm 5385 Revillo 5310 revolt112 6989 © 2016 anywhere in space Metalab / mobile (no device!) 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 86 of 112 Name Number Location Revolution 5149 revolverheld 4047 REWE 7393 rexxnor 6303 rez1prok 7975 RFguy 2767 rgacogne 5354 rhalina 7573 Rhonda 6320 Richard 2894 Rick Astley 7279 rickuz 2471 heaven riedelwerk 6530 Feinstaub Projekt Stuttgart riedelwerk 8653 Feinstaub Projekt Stuttgart Rik 7006 RikschaAndi 2634 Rimuc 3046 Rince 723 EDRi or Mitarbeiterdesk ringbuchblock 3312 /dev/lol ringbuchblock 3342 rio 2796 riot 7468 ripper 7470 Rippy 7779 Ristridin 6041 rixx 7499 rjb 7527 33c3 rmrf 7753 ham RMS 3631 FSF rnix 7649 rob 2926 robbi5 dect 5528 robbi5 gsm 5529 Robert (MYST) 6978 CCH Robert GSM 2862 CCH Robert Helling 2180 muCCC robgnu 8181 OnAir ROBO 7626 roboto@darkfasel 4313 ROC 1048 Rocken 7652 rogger dect 4554 rogger gsm 4555 © 2016 World CCH PL Chaos West C3re Hamburg Aaaaaaaaaaaa Assembly schon im Himmel geschaut? muccc@assemblyhaall Heaven 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 87 of 112 Name Number Location roh 7640 Rohr 7647 Seidenstrasse roikiermedia 2795 Chaostreff Flensburg rolas 6553 rolfomat 5757 Roman D 2230 Zossen romek 6488 33c3 ron 7400 CCH rona-dect 7662 congress area Ronny 2963 Roosted 6815 Roosted 7422 Rooster 2825 root 7668 rootman 4499 rorist-gsm 7137 rotanid 2975 rotanid 2985 rotanid 2986 Rotmolch 2431 33c3 rotty 7681 1723 Roxi 7694 rs 2895 rsck 7725 NoName Rubicon 2885 - Rudi 2585 Rudolf Loercks 2460 Rudolf Loercks 3754 Rudolf Loercks 8060 rufus 7783 rullmann 8837 rummatee 6991 Rummikub 7436 russss 6789 rux 5687 ryo 7744 rysiek 5797 S. Wulf 3589 S. Wulf 3590 s0krates 2581 S1FeHa 5168 subtitle s1lvester 3112 RZL s4y 5973 © 2016 HSNL Assebly: Aaaaaaaaaaaa 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 88 of 112 Name Number Location s4y 5974 s5 5244 Sören 3335 SAAL 7225 Saal 1 Audio 8001 Saal 1 Translation 8011 Saal 1 Translation 2 8021 Saal 2 Audio 8002 Saal 2 Translation 8012 Saal 2 Translation 2 8022 Saal 6 Audio 8006 Saal 6 Translation 8016 Saal G Audio 8004 Saal G Translation 8014 Salz 7259 Sam 7261 u.a. OpenLab Auxburg sam 7389 CCH Sam (CGN) 5221 Chaos West Sam (DECT) 4441 Bastli (CCC Zürich) Samdney 3987 Sammy 3103 33c3 Sammy 3129 Loaderror Sammy 3130 Loaderror SAMP 7267 Mobile samvie 2564 on person Samy DECT 7269 sander 2890 Sander 7005 Sandzwerg SAND 7263 Sara S 6434 sarah 3108 sarah-33c3 7213 me sasa 2515 33c3 sascha 5357 kinky-geeks Sasha 4780 33c3 Sasha 8388 Saskia137 6731 Saskia137 6733 Saug 7284 Seidenstrasse saul goodman 7285 texas sbbo 7226 Scaleo 7897 Scapi 4330 © 2016 cell Chaos-West Cch 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 89 of 112 Name Number Location schaaafi 7741 Schaarsen 4876 schaf 4341 Scharada 2493 schicki 6131 33c3 schiermi 7241 ccc-ffm / FRAMA Schinken 4141 Schlacko 3126 schlangenoel 6147 Schlender 7245 Schlurke 3238 schMA 3306 schmittlauch 3378 Schmonnie 6354 Schmuggler 5578 schnapspraline2 7246 Schneekugel 1705 schneider 7622 muccc Schnitzel 7661 Chaos West Schnitzel 7669 Chaos West schnitzelmoser 2402 Neotopia schnoer 7162 Schnurloshirn 2319 Schnurps 4667 Schnurps 4669 schrolli 5513 Schteeven 2392 33c3 schuetz0phren 2504 Hidden Places schuetzophren 6942 CCH schuetzophrenGSM 6923 everywhere but nowhere Schumi 7248 CCH ScottyTM 3333 POC ScottyTM 3366 POC ScottyTM 3399 POC Scribty 7551 Scribty 7552 sdier 3437 sdier-dect 3461 sdier-gsm 3428 SE Poetry Slam 7526 se1by 2275 seb 2708 Seb 7732 © 2016 CCH Frankfurt CCH milliways SE Poetry Slam 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 90 of 112 Name Number Location seba DECT 3577 seba sebalis 6600 translation • booths, H13-14 Sebastian 3834 Sebat 7228 Sebi 2408 Chaospott sec 732 muccc Secondary 2497 sECuRE 2957 Security 110 sedrubal 7338 sedrubal (voip) 2884 seef 6653 sefischer 3473 segfault 7343 segfault64 2520 Seidenstraße 7855 SELI 7354 semidark-sip 2784 Hamburg Semtex 7599 Halle 3 semtex 7600 Helferlein Sendezentrum 7909 Sendezentrum Orga 7962 Das Sendezentrum sepf 4778 Aufbau Abbau Sephir 2309 Sepp 7377 Seppel 2839 ser8phin 7446 seras 4586 home Seras26 5504 Strings&Tea serrainoalesiso 2875 CCC ServiceLine 8123 sessho 3899 seto 4177 Seu 5243 seven 7714 SevH 7310 seyr 3758 sgeisler 7504 shack, map, martin 3520 Shanks 3179 shannon 2363 shannon 2367 shannon 3440 © 2016 CCH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 91 of 112 Name Number Location Shantalya 7426 ShaRe 7817 Sharp 7057 shibumi 7545 ShikuDE 7546 shiller 3515 shiller sip 3516 Shinji 5480 Shipwreck 8750 shiro 3859 Shirt Verkauf 1018 sho 7460 SHOC shownotes opctr 7462 sendezentrum shokinn 2866 .local shreyder 5553 shroombab 2266 Si2Po DECT 5885 Si2Po GSM 8558 siccegge 5273 ICMP siccegge GSM 4348 ICMP sid 4218 sidd kinolux 4023 Sideboard (Sascha) 6612 Sidechannel 3353 Sidechannel 3385 siehm 2611 Sifu 6191 SiGe 7443 Sigi 7777 signalwerk 7955 Silentium 7453 Silias 7454 Silk 7455 Seidenstrasse Silvan 5081 FSFE Silvan SIP 5082 FSFE sim 5467 Simiil-DECT 7268 Simon 3324 simon 4750 simon 4951 Simon 5436 simon 7128 Simon 7466 © 2016 Chaos West BOC Pluto Verkauf planet Earth Chaos West 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 92 of 112 Name Number Location Simon F. 2106 Simon.K 3388 SimonOx 6574 SimScha 3691 FuWaR sin_nombre 3089 33c3 sinuatus 7461 sip 3452 SIP 4084 sip 4236 sip 4910 sip 6200 Sip 7793 SIP 7835 Sip 8334 SIP (mobile) 7088 Sip Flemming 7428 sip2 7335 SIPhackel 3493 Siptest 5509 sir 4020 sir_wombat 3505 sirgoofy 4639 siri 7473 queerfeministgeeks SirUffsALot 7273 33c3 SirYanis07 5212 everywhere sitha 7875 Halle3 sithagebo 5943 Halle3 sithglan 4526 Sitic 5831 Sitic 6845 sja 8853 skh 7540 skidr0w 7212 skoops 7577 33c3 skoops GSM 6609 Aaaaaaaaa skorpy DECT 4465 skorpy GSM 4464 skrizi 7574 Skruppy (SKRU) 7578 sky-phone 5740 skye 7593 skyfmmf 3359 Skypex 3097 © 2016 Zürich/München 33c3 33c3 33c3 33C3 Loaderror CCH 33c3 Somewhere but not here 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 93 of 112 Name Number Location slacc 8100 Lockpicking Area slaveriq 4551 slaveriq- dect 4553 slightly 4769 sliker 2405 slow 7569 Slush 2129 RaumZeitLabor assembly level 1 Smarti 5527 Smartphone C3 smash 4723 smashgsm 4714 smay4finger 3886 smay4finger 3888 smeik 4784 smitty 3611 smog 5312 smrqdt 7677 SMS-Chatroulette 7588 smtw 7689 assamblies Smurf0815@33C3 4764 Fairy Dust Forest smy1es 7876 Congress SN4T14 5499 Milliways Snafu 7624 CERT Snafu PRIMAER 7623 CERT snoato 7966 33c3 snoopy 5511 Snooz 2209 CERT snowball 7667 c3pb SnowdensMom 5600 earth SnowdensMom GSM 5601 earth Soenke 4196 Helferlein Soeren Weber 2359 sokrates 5101 sokrates gsm 5102 solo 7656 somedect 6313 sonja 5636 sonnenschein 2644 sonstsip 2542 Ukulele Sonstwer 2541 Ukulele SOPA / Heinrich 7672 Sophienland 8290 Somewhere @ CCH SoulOfNoob 5279 CCH SpaceCafe 2292 © 2016 TING Attraktor 33c3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 94 of 112 Name Number Location spaceDect 6543 spacekookie deluxe 8929 SpaceLena 5506 Spacepope 3628 Spare#1 3887 Speakers Desk 1020 Speakers Desk 1021 Special Services 8666 Specialist 6617 speters 4722 sphaera 2020 BlinkenArea Spida 4217 Hackcenter, UAVP-NG Area Spike 4949 Spilkz 4511 spiral 3494 spokey 2415 Spot 7314 spq 2777 spralexx DECT 2912 spralexx SIP 7421 sqli 7754 sqozz' dect 2249 sqrl 7775 squ 2305 Near the Lake SRCR 7727 Seidenstrasse sre 6773 universe>solar-system>earth ssp 8777 ST 2078 PoC Stäbchenfisch 7280 Cyber Stück 5543 Staebchenfisch 7281 Stagemanagement 1602 StainBase 2273 starauschek 6589 Starbug 284 stargo 2746 stargo SIP 5995 stark 3200 staz 4548 ee Std 5652 Int stdv 6947 metalab Stean 7839 FraMa stecky 3880 bytewerk © 2016 33C3 33c3 ham /dev/random ICMP 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 95 of 112 Name Number Location steeph 5862 stefan 2416 stefan 2904 Stefan 4064 stefan 4092 stefan 4815 Stefan 5169 stefan 5815 Stefan Core 3846 Stefan__ 3064 stefand 4118 stefand (GSM) 4117 stefand (SIP) 4119 StefanG 2208 stefaus 4560 Steff (GSM) 8998 Congress Steff (PBX) 8988 Congress Steff (SIP) 8989 Congress Steffen 2203 Steffen 2244 Steffen S. 3318 Steffen VoIP 2245 steffen/hash1 6082 C3MA steffend_ 3387 cch Steffie 2288 Steffie VoIP 2287 Steph 6541 steph 7709 steph 7712 stephan 8351 Stephan 8486 Stephan Glauner 6745 stephan voip 8352 stephy 2959 sternenseemann 2883 Stijn 7845 StillesOe Adrian 2918 stk 5785 STM-Saal 1 1612 STM-Saal 2 1622 STM-Saal 6 1662 STM-Saal G 1642 STM-Sendez. 1652 © 2016 los cyberspace los cyberspace Rust Programmer Ãœberall himmel Jugend hackt assembly 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 96 of 112 Name Number Location stoertebeker 2855 Stokel 7432 Stolperstein 2357 Dance Dance Revolution Stonie 2834 egal Stonie 2835 STOR 7867 stp 4342 strangecat 5289 strfrys phone 7953 everwhere stroh* 5895 saal2 Strom 7697 strom-peter 7871 Halle 4 strontium 2193 test strontium 3293 Strontium 6348 strothiphone 3823 Strukturtelelefon 3514 CCH struppi 5551 bytewerk struppi 5552 bytewerk Stuermchen 7840 Heaven stuff 4873 here Sturmmoewe 2836 33c3 stwe 7893 substanzlos 7929 Sucaml 3422 Universe sucaml GSM 3421 everywhere suckup 2625 Sugarray 5775 Sumi 7864 Sumpffrosch 4683 Sunny 3066 Sunny 3068 superkaii 5791 SuperQ 6377 superq gsm 6378 superq gsm2 6379 supertoub 2146 SuperTux88 8894 diaspora* SuperVirus 8477 ChaosWest // warpzone SuperVirus GSM 5477 ChaosWest // warpzone suppenzorro 8444 sur5r 2015 sur5r 6688 © 2016 earth Fairy Dust Forest NOC 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 97 of 112 Name Number Location sur5r SIP 2165 susanne s. 2169 susi 7874 Aaaaaaaaaaaa susi 8420 Aaaaaaaaaaaa Susticle 2190 suxo 7896 sva 782 svbergerem 2782 sven 2715 svenja 7865 SvenL 7836 svn-7860 7860 SW 7638 SwissMagic 6244 ccc SWW13 4210 localhost SWW13 4211 localhost swym 7996 sycoso (syco) 7926 sylvio_dect 2414 SyN. 7961 synpusep 4588 syntonym 4793 sysel 2409 SZ Podcastingtisch 7978 Das Sendezentrum T.horse10 8410 33c3 t0my 2181 T3l3k0m Ph0n3 8353 T42 7142 low earth orbit T42 DECT 7242 right behind you T4cC0re 5405 aka Xendo t4rwin 6341 Earth ta 5345 Törtle 2881 TabascoEye 3224 TabascoEye 8222 Tabvillage 6820 Tagkaffee 8244 Taico 7001 takel 8723 Tako 6528 TALK 8255 Talvi 2215 tama 8262 © 2016 PoC beim Stock c-base 33C3 Everywhere Tabvillage Noisy Square see-base 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 98 of 112 Name Number Location Tamwyn 6758 Tanja 8236 tanjeff 7015 tanto 8814 Taps 2860 TARDIS 8273 tas 6310 tasmo 8276 tata 8282 Tatchiaz 8285 tatzelbrumm 3409 tbsprs 7879 tcatm 6459 tced 3509 Tcheno 5396 td 6279 td00 8300 tDA 7031 tdl 2355 tdotu@c3 8643 Planet Earth tec 2313 Hall H tec 832 Hall H tecer 4950 Chaos Bodensee techNIK 2603 techno 2369 im Bällchenbad techy 4382 Hacklabor Assembly teemee 5280 teemee 5281 teflox 6023 Hacklabor Assembly Teh Knutsen 4230 Hamburg Tekk 4994 TEkkNO 5484 Telefon 3401 Telefon 3587 Coffeenerds telefon 6085 hosentasche Telefon kaputt 2080 Telefonfrosch 3839 Telefreizeit 2841 Telefreizeit 2844 telefreizeit 7087 telekobold 7612 temi 8364 temp 2216 © 2016 33c3 Mainframe 33c3 33c3 everywhere 33C3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 99 of 112 Name Number Location Tempel 2417 tensai 2227 tensai 6328 teo_piaz 4128 33c3 Teoric 4017 Chaospott terminal 7172 werkzeugH Teslktj 7124 Hier Test 3203 Jugendhaclt test 3301 Test 6158 test 7304 test 7517 test 8811 test 7307 7307 test-1 5432 test-2 8889 test-3 2110 test-4 2347 testarossa 6061 where da fuq am i ?? Testo 3788 Nomad Teufelchen 3922 Teufelchen 4696 Texec 3300 Texec 4960 tg(x) 4849 tgi 7676 Th0m4s 6448 th0t0 5899 th3r3al 3341 thasti 3213 thasti GSM 7315 the compiler 4242 The Joker 5347 the_nihilant DECT 3870 the-x 3910 the-x 3912 thecount 2163 thefishknows 7173 tHEgEO 2191 tHEgEO GSM 7219 theHolgi 6540 theHolgi GSM 6545 thejonny 5669 © 2016 DECT kaputt - SIP 6328 nutzen 33c3 virtual VOC GNUMPFhausen ccc werkzeugH icmp 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 100 of 112 Name Number Location thejonny_sip 5670 TheMaze 2089 thepaffy 2711 Theresa (TERI) 8374 therox 2588 therox 7413 TheTime 1275 This is just a test 8378 thoax 4094 Thoddi 8313 Thom 4237 Thomas 5361 thomas 5932 Thomas 7227 Thomas 8649 Thomas 8983 Thomas Covenant 2753 Thomas Weinbrenner 2261 thomas0782 5321 thomas0782@gsm 5320 thomascovenant 6240 thomascovenenant 2757 thomascovenenant 5810 ThomasDOTwtf 2177 thomic 2768 thor77 2977 thora 4433 thora 4477 thora 7641 Thorsten 2297 Thorsten 6384 Thorti 6446 33C3 thuh 4608 Keiner thuh 4609 thuh 4610 Thunderbolt 2680 Thunderbolt 7933 HH Thunderbolt 7985 HH thunfisch 3010 Chaos West / Warpzone e.V. tidirium 2168 tiefpunkt 8433 Tig3rch3n 4290 Tii 8440 © 2016 cloud Queer Feminist Geeks Äther Congress Me⊂CCH⊂HH⊂Earth⊂SolSys 33c3 VOC Chaos West Assembly 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 101 of 112 Name Number Location Till 2858 till 8455 Till B. 8432 Tilman 4323 Tilo 3080 Tim 8808 tim neumann 2176 Tim Pritlove 1234 Tim Pritlove 4775 TIME 8463 timek 8465 timlukas 7970 Timm 2423 timme 4432 Timo 8466 Binary Kitchen Timon 6648 Congress Timon 7385 timot 7659 timotest 3654 timov 7101 timpact 3925 Tina 7721 tine 4633 TING 3241 virtual TING Backstage 6427 TING tingeltangelmike 2623 hevn-hll Tinowa 7915 Podcastpat_innen Tiny 8845 Tiny_GSM 7941 tioan 6345 c3pb tioan-gsm 6445 c3pb TiRu 4415 tj 2749 tjado / tejado 6066 Tjingz 3204 tks 2857 TL 2356 TLV 2351 tme 6263 tmpg | tempelgogo 8674 tmsi23 2308 tmsi23 3147 phone tnias GSM 3317 mobile © 2016 Sendezentrum Freifunk CCCFr 33C3 CCH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 102 of 112 Name Number Location tnt 4969 Tny 8690 TO 7728 Kidsspace TO 7731 Kidsspace+ TOA 2850 Tobi 2350 Tobi 2448 Hamburg Tobi 7342 CCH Tobi DECT 6163 33C3 Tobi042 8627 Tobias G. 7969 Tobias G. 8991 tobidot 3412 TobiX 7081 Tobkra 3190 33c3 TobT 8628 Binary-Kitchen;Cert TobT IP 8624 Binary-Kitchen;Cert tobuto 5896 toco 8626 toco2 2698 tofrenz 2124 Hamburg tofrenzvoip 2125 Hamburg tofu 8638 loc tokudan 8659 tomate 8683 tomgreen 3499 tomww 3704 tomww__ 2842 Toni 6641 HH took@33c3 2377 HH toomuch 4104 toor 8667 Torge DECT 6153 Torge sip 6154 tost 5643 TOTH 8684 toto 4599 towa 8692 towo 8696 TOWR 8697 Milliways toybaer 3579 right around that other corner tppct 6146 tr33beard 8183 © 2016 Sendezentrum, SFE packages 33C3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 103 of 112 Name Number Location Trade 6403 trailblazr 3973 Trang 8764 transistor 8993 trapicki 8727 TraXo 5115 Hackcenter TraXo 6116 roaming trb 4282 there trb 4283 trever 8738 trial-n-error 2279 trilader 8745 trinity108 6954 Cyberspace trino 33c3 2241 33c3 trish 6246 milliways troid 5382 Troll 6228 TRON 8766 tronicum 4288 tronicum Handgurke 7357 tronjr 5325 trouble 2237 tru 7678 trueangel 5739 Truhe's Phone 2837 trurl 2300 trurl's phone 7882 trurl's phone 2 7884 trysih 6791 Tschaeck 5263 tschipie 6993 Tsurai 3580 tsys/Toble_Miner 8051 Loaderror tsys/Toble_Miner GSM 3214 Loaderror ttdennis 3875 TTH 5105 AAAAAAAAAAAA ttk DECT 3773 CCH TTT3 DECT 8384 TTT3 GSM 8385 tuedel 5835 TUEX 8839 tuk-kae 2519 turalon 2924 © 2016 Hamburg Bastli / CCC-CH Moose assembly 33c3 DC 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 104 of 112 Name Number Location Turtle 7932 Tusk 8875 Tux1 8891 Tux2 5112 tuxcoder 7892 tuxcoder 8892 tuxinaut 2832 TVLuke 2387 twam 8926 twam SIP 6298 twe 2167 Twi 8940 Twi 8941 Twiboo 8942 Twiboo DECT 3894 twiddern 5123 body twiddern 5403 Body twist 4848 n2n twl 3234 upper floor twl 3235 upper floor twl 3236 upper floor TwoFx phi 6180 Txmoped 6737 txt.file GSM 7994 ty812 6211 tyler 4206 tzwenn 8996 u fgt 8348 ubahn 3676 udo 7014 uebelhacker DECT 4308 ugehac 7520 strawberryfields UHOH 8464 33C3 Ulf -halb9- W. 4590 Hall 3 - Mainframe Oldenburg Ulfang 4251 ulip 7655 Ulli 4408 Ulope 5431 ulrich 2324 Ulvieh 7501 uly55e5 2573 um 6775 unbedenklich 3215 © 2016 anywhere milliways Hamburg 33C3 33c3 Hamburg toronto CCH 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 105 of 112 Name Number Location Underground-Geof 5067 Unicorn 7541 Uphill 6511 Uphill 6928 Uptime Bar 1724 Bar vor Saal 3 Uraavat 7963 33c3 Urmel 3167 urmel 5378 Ursula 3259 uschebit 2289 uschebit 8248 username 7159 username 7160 UTOPIA 4826 Uvo 4835 uwap DECT 8927 uwe 2970 33C3 uwe premium 3771 wouldn´ t tell Uwe Schneider 5760 v0tti - DECT 8912 VOC v0tti - GSM 7912 VOC v45h 7130 here v4hn 3463 33c3 Vaaaaagina 3455 vale 8253 vali 7670 vali 8669 value 8956 VanF 8263 VanillaChief 2232 VanillaChief 5475 Vanion 8264 vanita5 8687 vanitas 6222 vann 8266 vavoida 7170 Veilchen 2693 Venice 2144 Venty 3711 Vera 2738 Vereinstisch 1211 vero 8376 Vespasian 5982 © 2016 cch h3 binary kitchen ::1 HACKCENTER mia 33C3 werkzeugH Ether Hamburg 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 106 of 112 Name Number Location Vespasianus 5989 veyron 8397 VICI 8424 victor 4329 Vieth 3141 villakunterbunt 7902 vimja (DECT, LEGO) 5346 CCC-CH vimja (PUNX) 7869 CCC-CH Vincent DECT 4145 Vio 4531 virtual 4681 vista's phone thing 8478 vista's smart thing 4244 VITAS 8686 GOC VITAS (SIP) 8787 GOC Vivi Roofs 2421 VKHH 8544 Vo' 3145 VOC A 2162 VOC Saal 6 CCH-Pers. 1668 VOC Sendez. Mischer 1650 VOC Tisch U 1605 VOC ZAR mobil 1609 Voct 2157 vodka 8635 vodka gsm 8636 vogelchr DECT 4593 VoiceMail 8888 VOID 4404 warpzone voip 3770 33c3 Voip 8185 Volker 6622 vollkorn 5676 vonAndersWo 6953 voxel 5050 VT100 5678 vtcn 8826 VTEC 5368 vtor 8867 chaos-west VV 4842 Everywhere. Maybe. vv01f 7913 c3d2 VVV 4883 Everywhere. Maybe. w0lkenlos DECT 7129 © 2016 Hamburg KIF earth AAAAAAAAAAAA Mixer, Chaoswelle,Sendezentrum 33C3 in every Holy C line of code 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 107 of 112 Name Number Location w3b 2156 w3b gsm 5532 w3rkjana 4533 translator wahrwolf 4653 cch wahrwolf 7532 cch waithamai 5690 33c3 waldi 2386 Waldmeister 3288 walklife 3232 walklife GSM 3040 ? walklife voip 4774 33c3 Walter 2838 EDRi assembly Walter Hötzendorfer 4122 Walterphone 6237 wandafish 3474 Wang 2700 Ward (in reverse) 3729 Warldow 2692 Warmerkaffee 5199 watz 2626 wbg:IP01 4926 33C3 wbg:IP02 4923 33C3 wbg:Philips 4924 33C3 wbg:Sinus 4925 33C3 weakmath 2606 Formal Space weasel 2282 webmind 6664 Hamburg weed 6570 hc Weed 9333 weet 5658 backstage weezerle 2370 Equestria weiss nicht 3178 wellenformer 2486 welterde 2984 Wene 7890 Wene (GSM) 3639 werderpoddi 7634 wetterfrosch 3764 Neuland whax 3799 ccc wheee 2733 Hackzogtum Whistles 7459 C3 Whity 4546 whytek 3079 © 2016 inside around 33C3 ccc 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 108 of 112 Name Number Location Wifi-cable 3050 Wiiilmaa 2173 Wiiilmaa GSM 3173 Wiko Rainbow 7083 wilga 6139 Will-Do 5453 CCC Will-h 9455 NOC WilliButz 2887 windoof-dect 3304 wintermute 5254 Wire 3749 wischi 5935 woazli 6669 woju 3658 Secure Desktops assy (QubesOS) woju 7658 Secure Desktops assy (QubesOS) wokke1 5884 wokke2 5880 Wolfi von K 2135 Wolke 2252 wolle 4741 wombat 8992 wonderer 5591 Wonka 3210 wonko 9665 WooDWorkeR 4659 woody 7091 wook 3607 Wooooonaaa 7069 WZ Workshop Saal 13 1513 Workshop Saal 13 Workshop Saal 14 1514 Workshop Saal 14 Workshop Saal D 1521 Workshop Saal D Workshop Saal E 1522 Workshop Saal E Workshop Saal F 1523 Workshop Saal F wose 4756 wrtlprnft 4011 wsa 6442 wsx 3850 wtbk 5825 wtbk 6825 wtfzn 3465 wu gsm 3022 wumpe 2419 Wurstikus 2816 © 2016 RZL 33c3 heaven 33c3 c-base 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 109 of 112 Name Number Location Wurstikus 6798 wuschel 3002 wuschl 2831 Wuwu 7082 wwww 3797 Wydec 2903 wyld1 7989 x0r 2346 x1n4u 3049 x4FF3 7123 x4x 4419 x4x-sip 4418 x7 5306 xAlex 4008 xamanu 2285 xamiax 3938 Xchange 8080 xelt 6911 Xen 4424 xerael 3656 xerael 6181 xfdi 4340 xian 6249 xif 4271 Freiwurst xif 4272 Freiwurst Xilent 8881 xnic 2804 Hamburg Xobs 5957 Singapore xoh | hoxy 4699 in my pocket xoh | hoxy 5201 Xoration 3735 hier und da xorhier 7543 bytewerk xorhier_sip 4668 bytewerk xp dect 4640 on person xpac 4250 xro (c 2xro DECT) 2976 xspeed159 6281 xspeed159 6282 Xuio DECT 6982 xyl0o 5756 y0sh 4400 y0sh's DECT y0sh 5500 y0sh's SIP yab 2709 33c3 © 2016 33C3 33c3 Las Pegasus Presseteam FlyingObjects Assembly AAAAAAAA entropia 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 110 of 112 Name Number Location YaGo 7110 Yako 4544 Yana 3488 YANN 5043 Yannic 3249 yanosz 4055 Planet Earth yanosz-gsm 4056 Chaos West yass 2457 yayachiken 4991 YE 3677 YE Sip 3678 yebdkshdvf 6251 yela 8995 Fairy Dust Forest Yellow 4352 Sauber Yes 6594 No yeti 6746 33c3 Ying (GNIY) 4649 Yolgie 7429 yolo 4770 YoSiJo 4964 YoSiJo yourcoke 5651 cert YpsilonZett 7930 33c3 Yrrsinn 6500 c3pb ysf / youssef 3825 YtvwlD-FP1 5953 Chaos-West yur 5542 33c3 Zack 3698 Hier und da zaesa 2729 Binary Kitchen zakx 2666 Zanooda 7868 zap 4927 Zaphira 4740 ZaphodB 2444 Zauberfisch 3123 Zaubermaus 5358 Congress Zaubermaus2 5359 Congress Zaunei 3492 zaurak 6784 Zcor 4490 33C3 Ze Phone 7730 CCH ze3t 5967 zeitwurm 5997 ZeldAurore 6194 © 2016 Chaos West Hyrule 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 111 of 112 Name Number Location zeltophil 9358 ZenDroid 7794 33c3 zeno4ever 4286 zenox dect 2152 zenox GSM 2195 zenox sip 2130 Zeppelin G. 2530 foo ZeroCool 5550 33c3 ZeroOne 8224 zes 937T RF1 zeus dect 5240 CCH zeus sip 5241 CCH Zg2 7619 zg3409 2498 Ireland zichy 7000 Lokale Gruppe Ziliphone 6286 33C3 ZimboBoydDect 7773 ZimboBoydGSM 7768 ZimboBoydSip 7780 Zimtzicke 5848 Zinki 2494 zippy/GNUMPF 6902 zivillian 4502 zkar 4556 zoidberg 2291 zoidberg_gsm 2290 ZombB 2669 Noisy Square / cryptoPARTY! Zoran 2439 Berlin Zunkel 4487 Hackcenter Zunkel - GSM 4487 4455 hackcenter zuntrax 4971 zwanzigcent 2028 Zwei 6224 zxcvbnm 3319 ZZEPPOSS 6979 © 2016 33C3 20m Radius um den Infotresen 33C3 28.12.2016 • 14:16 • Page 112 of 112
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