Getränke Lussi AG Stansstaderstrasse 63, 6370 Stans Tel: 041 - 618 60 20, Fax. 041 - 618 60 28 E-mail: [email protected] Spirituosen Träsch Zwetschgen Kirsch Pflümli Kräuter Honig- Birnenträsch Eigenbrand Birnenträsch Eigenbrand Birnenträsch Eigenbrand Lussi Kanister Lussi Lussi 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 10 lt 100 cl 50 cl 224.00 24.50 16.80 Birnenträsch Eigenbrand Birnenträsch Eigenbrand Birnenträsch Eigenbrand Birnenträsch Eigenbrand Lussi Kanister Lussi Lussi Lussi, Bügel 45.0% 45.0% 45.0% 45.0% 10 lt 100 cl 50 cl 20 cl 216.00 21.60 15.50 9.60 Birnenträsch Eigenbrand Lussi 40.0% 100 cl 18.90 Kernobst Eigenbrand Kernobst Eigenbrand Lussi Lussi, Bügel 45.0% 45.0% 100 cl 20 cl 21.60 8.90 Theilersbirne Theilersbirne Lussi Lussi 45.0% 45.0% 70 cl 35 cl 21.80 12.70 Zwetschgen Eigenbrand Zwetschgen Eigenbrand Zwetschgen Eigenbrand Zwetschgen Eigenbrand Lussi Kanister Lussi Lussi Lussi, Bügel 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 10 lt 100 cl 50 cl 20 cl 270.00 28.00 18.30 11.00 Kirsch Eigenbrand Kirsch Eigenbrand Kirsch Eigenbrand Kirsch Eigenbrand Kirsch Eigenbrand Kirsch Zuger Kirsch Lussi Lussi Lussi Lussi Lussi, Bügel Morand Etter 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 43.0% 41.0% 100 cl 70 cl 50 cl 35 cl 20 cl 70 cl 70 cl 27.80 20.80 19.80 16.50 10.30 33.10 46.50 Pflümli Eigenbrand Pflümli Eigenbrand Pflümli Eigenbrand Pflümli Lussi Lussi Lussi, Bügel Etter 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 41.0% 100 cl 50 cl 20 cl 70 cl 29.00 18.40 11.50 45.00 Kräuter Eigenbrand Kräuter Eigenbrand Kräuter Eigenbrand Kräuter Eigenbrand Kräuter "Schälle Bur" Lussi Kanister Lussi Lussi Lussi, Bügel Fassbind 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 42.0% 10 lt 100 cl 50 cl 20 cl 100 cl 229.00 23.20 16.80 9.60 30.60 Honig Kräuter Eigenbrand Lussi 29.0% 100 cl 30.00 Spirituosen Markt 23.12.2016 Seite 1 kräuter Halb - Halb Mischungen Williams Honigwilliams Grappa Grappa Honig Kräuter Eigenbrand Honig Kräuter Eigenbrand Honig Kräuter Eigenbrand Honig Kräuter Honig Kräuter Rotacher Lussi Lussi Lussi, Bügel Fassbind Holdener 29.0% 29.0% 29.0% 30.0% 40.0% 70 cl 50 cl 20 cl 100 cl 100 cl 22.20 17.50 11.50 30.60 35.90 Halb-Halb Eigenbrand Halb-Halb Eigenbrand Lussi Lussi, Bügel 45.0% 45.0% 100 cl 20 cl 22.90 9.60 Birnenmandli Birnenmandli Stanser Edelweiss Stanser Edelweiss Lussi Lussi Lussi Lussi 41.5% 41.5% 42.3% 42.3% 100 cl 50 cl 100 cl 50 cl 24.90 14.90 26.50 14.80 Williams Eigenbrand Williams Eigenbrand Williams Eigenbrand Williams Eigenbrand Williams Eigenbrand Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Lussi Lussi Lussi Lussi Lussi, Bügel Morand Morand la Valadière la Valadière Etter 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 43.0% 43.0% 37.5% 37.5% 42.0% 100 cl 70 cl 50 cl 35 cl 20 cl 70 cl 50 cl 100 cl 70 cl 70 cl 37.00 28.50 22.20 15.90 12.30 38.80 30.10 33.60 25.50 49.00 Honig Williams Eigenbrand Lussi 37.5% 100 cl 39.50 Honig Williams Eigenbrand Honig Williams Eigenbrand Honig Williams Eigenbrand Lussi Lussi Lussi, Bügel 37.5% 37.5% 37.5% 70 cl 50 cl 20 cl 29.90 23.20 12.80 Riesling x Sylvaner Cuvée Riesling x Sylvaner Cuvée Riesling x Sylvaner Grape Riesling x Sylvaner Grape Grappa 48 Quarantotto Merlot Sassi Grossi Merlot Barrique Elegantia Teroldego Gran Riserva Pinot Nero Riserva Müller Thurgau Riserva Moscato Riserva Moscato Riserva Moscato bianco Riserva Trentina Invecch. Gran Cuvée bianco Trentino Triè Riserva Amarone Stravecchia Moscato Albarel Stravecchia Ennetbürgen Ennetbürgen Ennetbürgen Ennetbürgen Fratelli, Matasci Gialdi, Tessin G. Brivio, Tessin Villa de Varda Villa de Varda Villa de Varda Villa de Varda Villa de Varda Villa de Varda Villa de Varda Villa de Varda Villa de Varda Villa de Varda Villa de Varda 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 48.0% 43.0% 43.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 50 cl 35 cl 50 cl 35 cl 50 cl 50 cl 70 cl 50 cl 50 cl 50 cl 50 cl 70 cl 50 cl 50 cl 50 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 29.50 22.80 26.50 19.90 27.70 40.00 76.50 39.00 39.00 39.00 41.00 59.00 37.00 37.00 28.00 54.00 104.00 104.00 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 102.00 102.00 102.00 Müller Thurgau Stravechia Roncola Villa de Varda Pinot Nero Stravecchia Cortalta Villa de Varda Teroldego Stravecchia Broilet Villa de Varda Spirituosen Markt 23.12.2016 Seite 2 Calvados La Vieille Prune Mormorio Riserva Villa de Varda Chardonnay Mormorio Villa de Varda Mito Riserva Villa de Varda Amarone Gran Cru Bertani Sclave Villa de Varda Amarone Riserva Villa de Varda Brunello Gran Cru Romitorio Ris. Villa de Varda Barolo Gran Cru Massolini Ris. Villa de Varda Più bianco Ris. Villa de Varda Chardonnay, Tosolini Friaul Girale Tosolini Romandolo Decanter Tosolini Amarone Villa Colonna Toscana Brunello Montalcino Colonna Toscana Amarone Riserva Messer Benci Aldobrandini Brunello Aldobrandini Toscana Barolo Aldobrandini Piemont Moscato Aldobrandini Piemont Sessant'anni Feudi di San Marzano Fior Di Vite Nardini Bianca Nardini Reserva Moscato Morbida Smooth Poli Sarpa Poli Uva Viva Poli Paesanella ohne Erba Paesanella mit Erba Paesanella Amarone Paesanella Cru-Reserva Elisi Berta Elisi Berta Amarone Musa Berta Tre Soli Tre Berta Roccanivo Berta Paolo Berta Casalotto Berta DiLidia Berta Oltre in Vallo Berta Monte Acuto Berta Devina Berta Dellavalle Porto Dellavalle Castagno Sandro Bottega Bianco Sandro Bottega Fumé Sandro Bottega Riserva Privata 10 J. la Collina 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 40.0% 40.0% 50.0% 50.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 37.5% 37.5% 41.0% 41.0% 43.0% 43.0% 40.0% 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 42.0% 44.0% 42.0% 42.0% 38.0% 38.0% 43.0% 42.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 50 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 50 cl 70 cl 100 cl 100 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 100 cl 100 cl 50 cl 50 cl 100 cl 50 cl 50 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 50 cl 88.00 80.00 58.00 110.00 59.00 124.00 124.00 45.00 25.30 107.50 89.50 36.90 39.80 56.90 56.90 53.50 48.80 47.50 22.10 53.50 53.90 40.90 36.50 40.90 21.30 22.40 29.80 26.80 71.50 35.80 37.50 109.00 109.00 184.00 107.50 66.00 75.50 75.20 105.00 107.80 67.00 25.90 29.90 41.20 39.50 Calvados Morin Chât. de Breuil V.S.O.P Kugelflasche 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70 cl 22.90 32.50 La Vieille Prune Lussi 40.0% 70 cl 39.50 La Vieille Prune Lussi 40.0% 35 cl 22.50 Spirituosen Markt 23.12.2016 Seite 3 La Vieille Prune Morin La Vieille Prune Trois Rois La Vieille Prune Trois Rois La Vieille Prune Barrique Fassbind La Vieille Prune Räber La Vieille Prune Studer La Vieille Poire Marc Diverse Spirituosen Cognac Cognac Armagnac 41.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 42.0% 70 cl 150 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 31.30 64.50 30.30 39.50 44.00 54.50 La Vieille Poire Barrique Fassbind 40.0% 70 cl 42.50 Williams Vieille Poire Baron Louis Williams Vieille Poire Baron Louis Goldflitter 36.0% 36.0% 70 cl 70 cl 54.50 59.00 Marc de Dôle Morand Marc Morin Kugelflasche 43.0% 40.0% 50 cl 70 cl 23.30 25.40 Erdbeer-Geist Lussi 41.0% 35 cl 13.20 Erdbeer-Geist Aprikosen Aprikosen Apricot la Valdière Apricotine Framboise Mirabellen Mirabellen Enzian Eigenbrand Enzian Eigenbrand Enzian Eigenbrand Enzian Ueli's Herdöpfeler Wachholderbrandwein Gravensteiner Saké Genji, Japanischer Reiswein Himbeergeist St. Germain Holunder Slivowitz (Zwetschgen) Aalborg Taffel Akvavit Lussi Lussi Lussi 41.0% 41.0% 41.0% 37.5% 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 37.5% 40.0% 37.5% 41.0% 18.5% 42.0% 20.0% 40.0% 45.0% 20 cl 70 cl 35 cl 70 cl 70 cl 35 cl 50 cl 50 cl 100 cl 50 cl 20 cl 100 cl 100 cl 100 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 10.40 34.00 19.50 28.00 45.90 19.65 17.10 19.00 38.50 21.60 12.30 32.40 32.90 22.30 22.90 19.80 38.90 34.30 20.30 30.95 Bisquit VS *** Classique Godeau*** Godeau*** Godeau*** Marmot Meukow V.S.O.P. Meukow XO 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 100 cl 70 cl 35 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 31.10 35.20 26.20 14.80 33.20 46.20 103.00 Hennessy Fine de Cognac V.S.O.P Hennessy XO Martell VS *** Rémy Martin V.S.O.P. Rémy Martin V.S.O.P. 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 35 cl 70 cl 46.40 168.00 34.70 25.80 45.90 Marquisa 40.0% 70 cl 31.30 Spirituosen Markt Kugelflasche Morand Morand Morand Lussi Lussi Lussi Lussi, Bügel Ueli's Ueli's Ueli's Lussi Schladerer 23.12.2016 Seite 4 Weinbrand / Brandy Gin Rum Baronet Carlos Primeros Gran Ris. Carlos Primeros Imperial XO Fundador Solera Osborne Veterano Stock 84 V.S.O.P. Vecchia Romagna Metaxa 5 Stern Apricot Brandy Bols MiGin Gin 27 Bombay Saphire Bombay East Curtain's Escape 7 Gordon's Hendrick's Hayman's Family Reserve Monkey 47 The London No1 Blue Tanqueray NoTen Tanqueray Rangpur Tanqueray London Dry Tequila Rum Asbach Uralt Deutschland 38.0% 70 cl 27.90 Spanien Spanien Spanien Spanien Italien Italien Griechenland 36.0% 38.0% 38.0% 36.0% 30.0% 38.0% 38.0% 38.0% 24.0% 100 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 20.30 30.90 83.90 23.30 20.95 22.10 22.70 20.95 22.50 40.0% 43.0% 40.0% 42.0% 37.5% 40.0% 37.5% 41.4% 41.3% 47.0% 47.0% 47.3% 41.3% 43.1% 50 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 50 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 27.50 36.60 28.80 32.90 14.30 17.60 16.95 37.80 36.50 43.50 63.00 33.50 31.55 22.90 38.0% 38.0% 38.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 28.90 25.50 28.70 37.5% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 32.0% 40.0% 38.0% 35.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 22.90 22.50 38.40 26.90 22.80 23.20 25.50 17.90 25.50 27.90 44.90 40.0% 37.5% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 50.0% 40.0% 37.5% 37.5% 80.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 100 cl 75 cl 100 cl 50 cl 50 cl 21.20 25.10 28.30 41.95 43.80 34.90 61.80 20.60 10.50 28.95 Lussi Appenzell José Cuervo Especial Respesado Sierra Silver Sierra Gold Bacardi white Bacardi Carta Negra Bacardi 8 Jahre Bacardi Reserva Bacardi Razz Bacardi Carta Oro Brugal Anejo Captain Morgan Claro Coruba braun Diplomatico Reserva Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Dom. Republick Escape 7 Reserva Havana Club Anjeo 3 J. Havana Club Anjeo Reserva Havana Club Anjeo 7 Jahre Matusalem Gran Reserva Negrita weiss, Rumtopf Pyrat XO Ron del Sol, Colonial Ron del Sol, Colonial Stroh Rum 80 Panama Cuba Cuba Cuba Dom. Republick Brasilien Karibik Frankreich Frankreich Österreich Spirituosen Markt Jamaica 23.12.2016 Seite 5 Cachaça Whisky Schweiz Whisky Japan Whisky Bourbon Whisky Likör Whisky Zacape 23 Zacape Res. Limitada 2013 Australien Australien 40.0% 45.0% 70 cl 70 cl 55.50 98.00 Cachaça 51 Pitu Cachaça Cachaça Tucano do Brasil Mangaroca Pura Brasilien Brasilien Brasilien Brasilien 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 26.80 23.90 28.20 21.80 Bergsturz 10 y. Z'graggen 40.0% 70 cl 79.00 Langatun Gold Bee Langatun Old Deer Langatun Old Bear Säntis Malt peatet, DreifaltigkeitLocher Säntis Malt Smal Oak, grün Locher Säntis Malt Alpstein XI Sherry Locher Säntis Malt Snow White I Locher Säntis Malt Snow White III Locher Säntis Malt Himmelberg Locher Säntis Malt Föhnsturm Locher Säntis Malt Cream Locher 28.0% 40.0% 40.0% 52.0% 40.0% 48.0% 48.0% 48.0% 43.0% 46.0% 18.0% 50 cl 50 cl 50 cl 50 cl 50 cl 50 cl 50 cl 50 cl 50 cl 50 cl 50 cl 36.00 47.50 49.50 54.50 46.00 72.00 71.00 71.00 39.50 49.50 25.50 Hibiki Harmony 43.0% 70 cl 103.00 Hakushu Dist. Reserve Hakushu 12 y. 43.0% 43.0% 70 cl 70 cl 99.00 133.00 Four Roses Kenntucky 40.0% 70 cl 24.95 Jim Beam Jim Beam Honey Wild Turke 81 Wild Turkey 101 Jack Daniel's Jack Daniel's Single Barrel Jack Daniel's Honey Jack Daniel's Winter Jack Jack Daniel's White Rabbit Saloon Canadian Club Crown Royal Kenntucky Kenntucky Kenntucky Kenntucky Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Canada Canada 40.0% 35.0% 40.5% 40.5% 40.0% 45.0% 35.0% 15.0% 43.0% 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 32.00 29.50 28.50 37.90 32.90 55.80 34.50 18.00 62.50 27.70 37.50 Southern Comfort Likör 35.0% 70 cl 27.90 Drambuie Irish Mist Likör Likör 40.0% 35.0% 70 cl 70 cl 32.10 33.20 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70 cl 35 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 23.50 32.60 13.20 20.40 62.90 34.95 73.50 31.30 Ballantine's Black Label Johnnie Walker 12 y. Red Label Johnnie Walker Red Label Johnnie Walker Platinum Johnnie Walker Chivas Regal 12 y. Chivas Regal 18 y. Dimple de Luxe 15 y. Spirituosen Markt 23.12.2016 Seite 6 Famouse Grouse Gold Label 5 y. J & B Justerini & Brooks Monkey Shoulder William Lawson's Irish Single Malt 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 24.50 18.60 21.00 34.80 18.80 Bushmills 10 y. Bushmills Old Bushmills 21 y. Tree Wood Connemara Connemara 12 y. Hyde 10 y. Jameson Jameson Select Reserve Jameson Gold Midleton Paddy Redbreast 12 y. Teeling Small Batch Rum Cask Teeling Singel Grain Tullamore Dew Tyrconnell Irish Irish Irish Irish Irish Irish Irish Irish Irish Irish Irish Irish Irish Irish Irish Irish 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 46.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 46.0% 46.0% 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 36.80 25.60 131.00 49.20 88.50 86.50 26.60 41.80 79.90 194.00 28.00 58.50 41.50 46.00 23.80 31.20 Aberlour 10 y. Aberlour Double Cask 12 y. Aberlour 16 y. Aberlour 18 y. Aberlour a'bunadh Speyside Speyside Speyside Speyside Speyside 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 43.0% 59.7% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 34.30 36.80 69.50 77.80 79.50 Ardbeg 10 y. Ardbeg Corryvreckan Ardbeg Uigeadail Islay Islay Islay 46.0% 57.1% 54.2% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 52.95 81.30 77.90 Auchentoshan Tree Wood Auchentoshan 12 y. Auchentoshan 21 y. Lowland Lowland Lowland 43.0% 40.0% 43.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 72.80 53.90 149.50 Auchroisk Speyside 43.0% 70 cl 73.80 Speyside 40.0% 70 cl 53.90 Balvenie 14 y. Caribbean Cask Balvenie 15 y. Sherry Cask Balvenie 17 y. Peatet Cask Balvenie 17 y. Double Wood Balvenie 21 y. Port Wood Balvenie First Fill Ben Riach Couriositas 10 y. peated Ben Riach 12 y. Sherry Wood Ben Riach 16 y. Ben Riach Heart of Speyside Ben Riach Birnie Moss Peated Ben Riach 18 y. Latada Speyside Speyside Speyside Speyside Speyside Speyside Speyside Speyside Speyside Speyside Speyside Speyside 43.0% 47.8% 43.0% 43.0% 40.0% 47.8% 46.0% 46.0% 43.0% 40.0% 48.0% 46.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 75 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 73.50 109.50 155.00 141.00 205.00 56.00 54.90 55.50 64.50 42.50 51.20 140.00 Benromach 10 y. Benromach 15 y. Benromach Peat Smoke 62 ppm Speyside Speyside Speyside 43.0% 43.0% 46.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 61.00 94.30 69.90 Balvenie 12 y. Single Malt 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% Spirituosen Markt Double Wood 23.12.2016 Seite 7 Single Malt Bowmore Islay 12 y. Bowmore Islay 15 y. darkest Bowmore Islay 18 y. Islay Islay Islay 40.0% 43.0% 43.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 52.00 83.00 115.50 Bunnahabhain 12 y. Bunnahabhain 18 y. Bunnahabhain Cèobanach Islay Islay Islay 46.3% 46.3% 46.3% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 66.80 140.50 90.50 Caol Ila 12 y. Caol Ila Islay Islay 43.0% 43.0% 70 cl 70 cl 46.70 60.80 Cardhu 12 y. Speyside 40.0% 70 cl 37.70 Clynelish 14 y. Highland 46.0% 70 cl 46.00 Cragganmore 12 y. Cragganmore Dist. Eddition Speyside Speyside 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70 cl 38.90 53.90 Dalmore 15 y. Highland Dalmore 18 y. Highland Dalmore 1996, 18 y. DB Highland Dalmore King Alexander III Highland 40.0% 43.0% 46.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 78.80 119.65 104.00 143.50 Dalwhinnie 15 y. Dalwhinnie Dist. Eddition Highland Highland 43.0% 43.0% 70 cl 70 cl 43.50 60.80 Edradour 10 y. Edradour Caledonia Highland Highland 40.0% 46.0% 70 cl 70 cl 57.00 67.50 Glenfiddich 12 y. Glenfiddich 14 y. Rich Oak Glenfiddich 15 y. Glenfiddich Dist. Eddition Glenfiddich 18 y. Glenfiddich 21 y. Glenfiddich Age of Discovery Glenfiddich the Original Highland Highland Highland Highland Highland Highland Highland Highland 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 51.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 42.50 53.80 58.50 61.80 86.60 185.00 126.00 101.50 Glenlivet 12 y. Glenlivet 15 y. Glenlivet 16 y. Glenlivet Speyside Speyside Nàdurra Oloroso Speyside Nàdurra First Fill Speyside 40.0% 40.0% 60.7% 59.8% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 38.95 63.30 83.60 82.50 Glenlivet 18 y. Glenlivet 21 y. Glenlivet 25 y. Speyside Speyside Speyside 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 85.90 164.50 298.50 Glenkinchie 12 y. Glenkinchie Dist. Eddition Lowland Lowland 43.0% 43.0% 70 cl 70 cl 41.30 57.50 Glendronach Highland 48.0% 70 cl 107.80 Glen Grant 170 y. Jubiläum Speyside 46.0% 70 cl 135.00 Glen Moray 16 y. Glen Moray Elgin Classic Port Speyside Speyside 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70 cl 56.00 38.30 Glenmorangie 10 y. Highland Glenmorangie 18 y. Highland Glenmorangie Lasanta Sherry Cask Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban Port Cask Glenmorangie Nectar d'Or Sauternes Cask Glenmoragie Tùsail Highland Glenmorangie Signet Highland 40.0% 43.0% 43.0% 46.0% 46.0% 46.0% 46.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 43.60 89.50 54.20 56.30 62.90 99.00 189.00 Spirituosen Markt Dist. Eddition Archive Parliament 21 y. 23.12.2016 Seite 8 Single Malt Glen Scotia Victoriana Glen Scotia Exeptional 15 y. Campbeltown Campbeltown 51.5% 46.0% 70 cl 70 cl 107.00 78.00 Hammer Head 23 y. Distilled 1989 Isle of Orkney 40.7% 70 cl 82.90 Highland Park 12 y. Highland Park 18 y. Highland Park Dark Orgins Isle of Orkney Isle of Orkney Isle of Orkney 40.0% 43.0% 46.8% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 49.20 159.50 93.50 Isle of Jura 10 y. Isle of Jura 12 y. Elixir Isle of Jura Isle of Jura 40.0% 46.0% 70 cl 70 cl 43.20 57.30 Kilchoman Machir Bai Islay 46.0% 70 cl 61.50 Lagavulin 16 y. Lagavulin Islay Islay 43.0% 43.0% 70 cl 70 cl 61.90 84.00 Laphroaig 10 y. Longmonrn Distillers Longrow Peated Islay Speyside 40.0% 40.0% 46.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 47.70 57.80 52.50 Macallan 1824 Amber Macallan 1824 Sienna Macallan 1824 Ruby Macallan Fine Oak 21 y. Highland Highland Highland Highland 40.0% 43.0% 43.0% 43.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 59.80 127.00 199.50 410.00 Mortlach Raere Old Nomad Speyside Highland 43.4% 41.3% 70 cl 70 cl 73.60 45.80 Octomore 6.1 Black Octomore 06.3 Islay Barley weiss Octomore 07.1 Octomore 07.3 Ocotmore 07.4 Islay Islay Islay Islay Islay 57.0% 64.0% 59.5% 63.0% 61.2% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 139.00 199.00 134.00 165.00 185.00 Oban 14 y. Oban Highland Highland 43.0% 43.0% 70 cl 70 cl 52.90 70.50 Old Pulteney 12 y. Old Pulteney Navigator Highland Highland 40.0% 46.0% 70 cl 70 cl 47.50 67.00 Port Charlotte Islay Barley 2008 Islay 50.0% 70 cl 70.50 Royal Lochnager 12 y. Highland 40.0% 70 cl 40.95 Scapa Skiren Isle of Orkney 40.0% 70 cl 58.20 Campbeltown 53.2% 70 cl 74.90 40.0% 70 cl 49.90 Springbank Dist. Eddition Dist. Eddition Cask Strength Strathisla 12 y. Wodka Talisker 10 y. Talisker Dist. Eddition Talisker 18 y. Talisker 57° North Talisker Storm Talisker Port Ruighe Talisker Skye Tamdhu 10 y. Tobermory 15 y. Isle of Skye Isle of Skye Isle of Skye Isle of Skye Isle of Skye Isle of Skye Isle of Skye Speyside Isle of Mull 45.8% 45.8% 45.8% 57.0% 45.8% 45.8% 45.8% 43.0% 46.3% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 42.90 55.50 97.00 70.80 45.00 54.00 48.00 61.00 135.00 Xellent Absolut Gorbatschow Schweiz Schweden Berlin 40.0% 40.0% 37.5% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 40.20 23.90 21.60 Spirituosen Markt 23.12.2016 Seite 9 Smirnoff Smirnoff Gold Trojka Trojka Wyborowa Stolichnaya Grasovka Bison Wodka Liköre Diverse Liköre Diverse Liköre Beeren Crème 37.5% 37.5% 40.0% 40.0% 37.5% 40.0% 40.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 50 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 16.80 21.40 17.80 12.50 18.20 21.40 25.60 Kleiner Feigling (Feigenaroma) 20.0% 70 cl 19.50 Black Trojka Blue Trojka Caramel Trojka Green Trojka Green Trojka Green Trojka Orange Trojka Pink Trojka Red Trojka Gold Trojka Devil Trojka 17.0% 20.0% 24.0% 17.0% 17.0% 17.0% 17.0% 17.0% 24.0% 22.0% 33.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 50 cl 455 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 15.90 15.90 17.60 15.90 11.20 103.00 15.90 15.90 15.50 17.90 24.30 Pet Flasche Polen Pet Flasche Amaretto Disaronno Mandel 28.0% 70 cl 22.80 Nocino Ticinese Frangelico Curaçao bleu Bols Grüne Banane Bols Kümmel Isola Verde Pimm's Passoa Nuss Haselnussliqueur 25.0% 20.0% 21.0% 17.0% 20.0% 25.0% 17.0% 50 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 26.50 26.80 19.90 21.95 14.40 18.60 16.95 17.0% 70 cl 19.60 24.0% 15.0% 20.0% 21.0% 18.0% 17.0% 21.0% 40.0% 40.0% 15.0% 70 cl 50 cl 70 cl 70 cl 20 cl 70 cl 70 cl 100 cl 100 cl 70 cl 24.95 14.20 24.60 19.50 13.20 15.90 24.50 31.30 31.30 16.60 15.0% 17.0% 21.0% 15.0% 17.0% 70 cl 70 cl 50 cl 70 cl 70 cl 16.60 23.00 23.00 18.30 18.50 18.0% 16.0% 17.0% 17.0% 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 20 cl 21.20 13.70 16.90 8.50 Passoa Mango White Peach Zimt Goldschnee Zekilla Tequilla-Zimt + Chili Soho Litchi Liqueur Willisauer Ringli Likör Sex on the Beach Irishman Hot Irishcoffee Holdrio Pfefferminztee-Zwetschgen Ana's Aperitivo Cassis de Dijon L'Heritier Strawberry Bols Chartreuse Myrtille, Heidelbeer Xuxu White Cream Wodka Trojka Pfirsich Zimt Litchi Erdbeer Erdbeer-Sahne Appenzeller Rahm Likör Whisky Highlander Cream Bailey's Original Bailey's Original Spirituosen Markt 23.12.2016 Seite 10 Eier Kokos Kaffee Kernobst Fruchtbrand Zitrus Flambieren VermouthAperitifs Bitter Aperitifs Eiercordial Royal Eiercognac Colomb Eiercognac Colomb Eiercognac Ovignac Barmettler Eierkirsch Barmettler Eierkirsch Barmettler Eierkirsch Barmettler Eierkirsch 15.0% 15.0% 15.0% 16.0% 14.3% 14.3% 14.3% 14.3% 100 cl 100 cl 70 cl 70 cl 100 cl 75 cl 50 cl 25 cl 12.00 18.35 14.10 31.60 29.50 24.00 19.95 11.10 Malibu Batida de Coco 21.0% 16.0% 70 cl 70 cl 19.30 15.90 Kahlua 20.0% 70 cl 27.60 Berentzen Apfelkorn Berentzen Saurer Apfel 18.0% 16.0% 70 cl 70 cl 13.80 13.80 Bündner Rötheli, Kindschi 22.0% 70 cl 21.90 Bündner Rötheli, Kindschi Bündner Rahm-Likör, Kindschi 22.0% 17.0% 100 cl 70 cl 27.80 21.60 Cointreau Grand Marnier Orangen Likör Grand Marnier Orangen Likör Limoncé Stock 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 25.0% 70 cl 70 cl 35 cl 50 cl 26.50 33.90 17.50 14.50 45.0% 54.0% 54.0% 40.0% 70 cl 35 cl 70 cl 70 cl 34.50 16.30 29.50 18.50 Cinzano bianco / rosso 15.0% 100 cl 10.80 Dorona weiss / rot Martini bianco Martini rosé Martini rosso Martini dry Noilly Prat Noilly Prat 14.5% 15.0% 15.0% 15.0% 18.0% 18.0% 18.0% 100 cl 100 cl 100 cl 100 cl 100 cl 100 cl 37.5 cl 6.70 11.95 13.10 12.90 13.10 18.95 8.40 Appenzeller 29.0% 100 cl 30.95 29.0% 29.0% 29.0% 11.0% 40.0% 39.0% 28.0% 23.0% 16.5% 50 cl 20 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 70 cl 100 cl 100 cl 18.60 9.60 20.80 13.50 30.60 23.20 23.80 26.20 21.95 Flämmli Williams Flämmli d'Orange Flämmli d'Orange Grand Napoléon à L' Orange Appenzeller Appenzeller Averna Aperol Bénédictine Fernet Branca Branca Mentha Campari Cynar Spirituosen Markt Lussi Lussi Lussi Pet Flasche 23.12.2016 Seite 11 Absinth Anis Aperitifs Trend Liköre Trend Liköre Maraschino Madére Malaga Marsala Porto Galliano Vanilla Luzerner Alpenbitter Licor 43, Cuarenta y Tres Ramazzotti Jägermeister Jägermeister Jägermeister SPICE Underberg Trio Pack Suze Angostura Bitter Aromatic 30.0% 21.0% 31.0% 30.0% 35.0% 35.0% 25.0% 44.0% 20.0% 44.7% 70 cl 100 cl 70 cl 70 cl 100 cl 70 cl 70 cl 6 cl 100 cl 20 cl 26.30 15.60 29.90 20.20 30.45 23.40 23.95 5.50 22.50 18.90 Absinth Lussi Absinth Anise Kübler 51.0% 53.0% 70 cl 100 cl 29.50 50.90 Grichenland 38.0% 70 cl 19.60 Pastis 51 Pastis Le Veritable Pernod Sambuca Molinari Frankreich Italien 45.0% 45.0% 40.0% 40.0% 100 cl 100 cl 70 cl 70 cl 30.10 24.80 24.40 25.80 Smirnoff Ice Mix Drink 6 Stück 4.0% 27.5 cl 12.95 Buddel Willi Kleiner Feigling Geiler Affe 25 Stück 30 Stück 30 Stück 19.0% 20.0% 18.0% 2 cl 2 cl 2 cl 27.60 38.00 45.50 Quicky 20 Stück PET 20.0% 3 cl 27.80 Knobler Bündner Rötheli Jägermeister Jägermeister Gaudi Max Party Flügel Süsser Arsch Tucano Strawberry Cream Shot Zündkerze 20 Stück PET 25 Stück 60 Stück 9 Stück 10 Stück 10 Stück 8 Stück 4 Stück 12 Stück 15.0% 22.0% 35.0% 35.0% 17.0% 15.0% 15.0% 17.0% 15.0% 3 cl 2 cl 2 cl 2 cl 2 cl 2 cl 2 cl 3 cl 2 cl 26.95 39.00 89.90 13.95 11.80 15.90 15.40 6.50 23.50 Maraschino Isola Verde 20.0% 70 cl 12.50 Dom Duarte Honorable 17.0% 18.0% 100 cl 37.5 cl 13.95 6.90 Madelios 16.0% 37.5 cl 5.40 Marsala Marsala Miranda 17.0% 17.0% 100 cl 37.5 cl 11.25 5.30 Dom Duarte Dom Duarte Sandeman Tawny rot Sandeman White Sandeman Founders Reserve Graham's 10 J. 19.0% 19.0% 19.5% 19.5% 20.0% 20.0% 100 cl 75 cl 75 cl 75 cl 75 cl 75 cl 13.95 10.80 13.70 13.60 16.95 33.90 Ouzo 12 Spirituosen Markt 23.12.2016 Seite 12 Sherry Punch Graham's 20 J. Graham's six Graps Graham's Vintage LBV 2011 Graham's Fine Tawny Graham's Fine White Graham's Natura Reserve Graham's The Tawny Presidential 10 J. Presidential 20 J. Presidential 40 J. Honorable 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 19.0% 19.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 19.0% 75 cl 75 cl 75 cl 75 cl 75 cl 75 cl 75 cl 75 cl 75 cl 75 cl 37.5 cl 52.20 23.90 24.50 18.60 16.80 22.50 27.80 35.10 49.80 99.00 6.90 Don Diego Sandeman Medium Dry Tio Pepe Madelios 15.0% 15.0% 15.0% 17.0% 75 cl 75 cl 75 cl 37.5 cl 7.50 9.90 16.80 5.80 Jagertee-Punch, Freihof Jagertee-Punch, Freihof Rum Punch mit Alkohol 44.0% 44.0% 25.0% 100 cl 50 cl 100 cl 34.50 18.50 18.50 Apfel-, Rum-, Orangen-, Punch Fruchtcrème Diverses ohne Alkohol siehe Preisliste Mineral Diverse Fruchtcrème Sirup ohne Alkohol siehe Preisliste Mineral Kugelausgiesser Preis auf Anfrage Hexen-, Winterzauberpunch Eis Cranberry Jus Rose's Lime Jus Diverse Fruchtsäfte 2.5 cl / 4 cl siehe Preisliste Mineral siehe Preisliste Mineral siehe Preisliste Mineral siehe Preisliste Mineral Preise inkl. MwSt. Preisänderung vorbehalten! Diese Preisliste beinhalten nur einen Teil unseres Getränke-Sortiments. Für weitere Auskünfte stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Besten Dank! Spirituosen Markt 23.12.2016 Seite 13
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