Supplementary Online Content Foukakis T, von Minckwitz G, Bengtsson N-O, et al; Swedish Breast Cancer Group (SweBCG); German Breast Group (GBG); Austrian Breast & Colorectal Cancer Study Group (ABCSG). Effect of tailored dose-dense chemotherapy vs standard 3-weekly adjuvant chemotherapy on recurrence-free survival among women with high-risk early breast cancer: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.15865 eAppendix. List of collaborators eTable 1. Treatment dose levels of tddEC (mg/m2) eTable 2. Dose levels of tailored dose-dense docetaxel eTable 3. Dose-modification schedule for tailored dose-dense treatment based on the observed hematological toxicity eTable 4. Cumulative doses of study treatments in mg/m2 eTable 5. Summary of all events reported in the trial eTable 6. Secondary (non-breast) cancers diagnosed during follow-up eTable 7. Health-related quality of life scores using the EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ-BR23 instruments measured at baseline and at the end of treatment eFigure 1. Cumulative incidence of all events over time, including contralateral breast cancer (CLCA), loco-regional recurrence (LRR), distant recurrence (DM), secondary malignancy (SECA) or intercurrent death (ID) eFigure 2. Health-related quality of life according to treatment group This supplementary material has been provided by the authors to give readers additional information about their work. ©2016AmericanMedicalAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Downloaded From: on 12/12/2016 eAppendix.Listofcollaborators TheSwedishBreastCancerGroup(SweBCG)membersincludeNiklasLohman, Skånesuniversitetssjukhus,Malmö;MartinSöderberg,Skånesuniversitetssjukhus, Malmö;PerMalmström,Skånesuniversitetssjukhus,Lund;ZakariaEinbeigi, SU/Sahlgrenska;PerKarlsson,SU/Sahlgrenska;BarbroLinderholm, SU/Sahlgrenska;StigHolmberg,SU/Sahlgrenska;LottaDabrosin, UniversitetssjukhusetLinköping;ElhamHedayati,UniversitetssjukhusetLinköping; KennethVillman,UniversitetssjukhusetÖrebro;SamRotstein,Karolinska universitetssjukhuset(DS);BirgittaWallberg,Karolinskauniversitetssjukhuset (RH);TommyFornander,Karolinskauniversitetssjukhuset(SöS);HenrikLindman, AkademiskasjukhusetUppsala;JohanAhlgren,SjukhusetiGävle;PerEdlund, SjukhusetiGävle;LenaCarlsson,LänssjukhusetSundsvall;Nils‐OlofBengtsson, Norrlandsuniversitetssjukhus;EvaKarlsson,CentralsjukhusetKarlstad. TheGermanBreastGroup(GBG)membersincludeSabineSchmatloch,Elisabeth Krankenhaus;MatthiasKögel,StadtkrankenhausWorms;AndreasKohls,Ev. KrankenhausLudwigsfelde‐Teltow;Eva‐MariaGrischke,Universitätsfrauenklinik Tübingen;GeroldBaake,OnkologischePraxisPinneberg;GeraldHoffmann,St. Josefs‐Hospital;MariaDietrich,KlinikumFichtelgebirge;VolkerMöbus,Klinikum FrankfurtHöchstGmbH;RalfAdrion,KlinikumamBruderwald,Bamberg;Volker Heyl,AsklepiosPaulinenKlinik;BenjaminSchnappauf,KlinikumderJ.W.Goethe Universität;ThomasGöhler,GemeinschaftspraxisDresden;GabrieleZiemendorff, KlinikumLudwigsburg;IngoThalmann,KlinikumamSteinenberg;Claudia Schumacher,St.Elisabeth‐KKH;Dr.ErichWeiss,KlinikumSindelfingen‐Böblingen/ KlinikenBöblingen;Dr.OliverTomé,St.VincentiusKlinikenKarlsruhe;Wolfgang Bauer,KlinikumVillingen‐Schwenningen;AngelikaOber,St.VincenzKrankenhaus; AndeasSchneeweiss,UniversitätHeidelberg;HGHöffkes,KlinikumFulda;Helmut Forstbauer,GesellschaftfüronkologischeStudien,Troisdorf;Erich‐Franz Solomayer,UniversitätsfrauenklinikHomburg;DorisAugustin,Klinikum Deggendorf;HolgerSchultz,KlinikumBerlin‐Buch;BarmakAdhami,PraxisDr. Adhami;MichaelNiedermeier,OnkologischePraxisMemmingen;HansUlrichUlmer, StädtischesKlinikumKarlsruhe;AndreaHocke,UniversitätsfrauenklinikBonn; ManfredKusche,MarienhospitalAachen;ReinhardHackenberg,Klinikum Heilbronn;AndreasRossmann,KlinikumWeiden;TilmannLantzsch,Krankenhaus St.ElisabethundSt.Barbara,Halle/Saale;JürgenSchulze‐Tollert,Kreiskrankenhaus Freudenstadt;ChristophLerchenmüller,GemeinschaftspraxisMünster;Ekkehart Ladda,PraxisamKlinikumNeumarkt;ElkeWierick,OnkologischeTagesklinik Lohsa;HansWernerTessen,OnkologischeSchwerpunktpraxisGoslar;GerdRaudies, KlinikumBietigheim;AlexandraSallmann,KlinikumRheinfelden;BerhardtMartin, KlinikumTuttlingen;ChristophUleer,GemienschaftspraxisHildesheim;Kristina MariaLübbe,HenriettenstiftungHannover;RicardoFelberbaum,Klinikum Kempten;WolfgangWiest,St.VincenzundElisabeth‐HospitalMainz;MarcSütterlin, UniversitätsfrauenklinikMannheim;ChristophThomssen,Universitätsfrauenklinik Halle/Saale;Uwe‐JochenGöhring,JohanniterKrankenhausBonn;HansTesch, OnkologischeGemeinschaftspraxisFrankfurt;AxelGatzweiler,KrankenhausSt. ©2016AmericanMedicalAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Downloaded From: on 12/12/2016 Joseph‐StiftDresden;WolfgangJanni,UniversitätsfrauenklinikUlm;Marcus Schmidt,UniversitätsfrauenklinikMainz;AndeasWerner,DiakonissenKrankenhaus Dresden;LeliaBauer,KlinikumWeinheim;AgustinusTulusan,KlinikumBayreuth; Tjong‐WonPark,MedizinischeHochschuleHannover;MichaelBerghorn, KrankernhausCelle;ThomasNoesselt,KlinikumHameln;StephanHenschen, KlinikumSchwerin. TheAustrianBreast&ColorectalCancerStudyGroup(ABCSG)membersinclude HerbertStöger,MUG‐Med.Univ.‐KlinikGraz;ChristianMarth,MUI‐Univ.Klinikf. FrauenheilkundeInnsbruck;AngelikaPichler,LKHLeoben;MichaelFridrik,AKH Linz;VolkerÖmer,KHBHSLinz;AloisLang,LKHRankweil;RichardGreil,LKH Salzburg/PMU;HaraldWeiß,KHBHBSt.Veit/Glan;JohannesAndel,LKHSteyr; JosefThaler,KlinikumWels–GrieskirchenGmbH;ArikGalid,Brustzentrum Hanusch‐KH;PaulSevelda,KHHietzingWien;ChristianSinger,MUW‐Med.Univ.‐ Klinikf.Frauenheilk.;GüntherSteger,MUW‐Med.Univ.‐Klinikf.Inn.Med.I; ElisabethMelbinger‐Zeinitzer,LKHWolfsberg;JörgKeckstein,LKHVillach;Felix Keil,LKHLeoben;ChristophTinchon,LKHLeoben;ErnstKubista,MUW‐Med. Univ.‐Klinikf.Frauenheilk.;MichaelStierer,BrustzentrumHanusch‐KH;HansJörg Neumann,KHBHBSt.Veit/Glan;ThomasBauernhofer,LKHLeoben;Gertraud Tschurtschenthaler,KHBHSLinz;HellmutSamonigg,MUG‐Med.Univ.‐KlinikGraz. ©2016AmericanMedicalAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Downloaded From: on 12/12/2016 eTable 1. Treatment dose levels of tddEC (mg/m2) Dose levela Epirubicin Cyclophosphamide 38 60 75 90 105 120 450 600 600 600 900 1200 Step-3 Step-2 Step-1 Step 1 (starting dose) Step 2 Step 3 Mesna 240 x 3b a Starting dose step was the protocol recommended level for the first course of chemotherapy. If a dose reduction was indicated according to the dose modification schedule (eTable 3) or other reasons, doses below the starting level were used (designated as negative to indicate the lower dose level). b Hours 0, 4, 8 after cyclophosphamide if administered intravenously, hours 0, 2, 6 if administered orally. Abbreviations: tddEC, tailored dose-dense epirubicin and cyclophosphamide. eTable 2. Dose levels of tailored dose-dense docetaxel Dose levela Dose (mg/m2) -1 0 (starting dose) 1 2 60 75 85 100 a Starting dose step was the protocol recommended level for the first course of chemotherapy. If a dose reduction was indicated according to the dose modification schedule (eTable 3) or other reasons, doses below the starting level were used (designated as negative to indicate the lower dose level). ©2016AmericanMedicalAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Downloaded From: on 12/12/2016 eTable 3. Dose-modification schedule for tailored dose-dense treatment based on the observed hematological toxicitya Nadir day: 8 or 11/12 Day 8 or 11/12 (except nadir value) WBC Platelets Day 14/15 Action Platelets WBC Platelets WBC >1.0 >50 and ≥1.5 ≥75 and ≥3.0 and ≥100 Dose escalation. Continue to next step ≤1.0 ≤50 and/or <1.5 <75 and ≥ 3.0 and ≥100 Repeat same step for next cycle Any ≤15 and/or Any Any and ≥3.0 and ≥100 Reduce 1 step >1.0 >50 and ≥1.5 ≥75 and 2.5-2.9 and ≥100 Repeat same step for next cycle Any Any and Any Any and 2.0-2.9 and/or 75-99 Reduce 2 steps; if tolerated then escalate according to schedule Any Any and Any Any and and/or <75 Delay cycle by 1 week; reduce dose by 2 steps when normal values return <2.0 a Epirubicin and cyclophosphamide (cycle 1-4) or docetaxel (cycle 5-8). All values are in 109 cells/ L. Abbreviations: WBC, white blood cells count. In addition to hematological toxicity, dose reduction with one step was recommended after occurrence of diarrhea grade ≥3 or stomatitis grade ≥3. Dose reduction by one or two steps was recommended, after uncomplicated or life-threatening neutropenic fever respectively. For patients with fatigue grade 2 or more during treatment with docetaxel, it was considered not to escalate further, with re-evaluation at each course. ©2016AmericanMedicalAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Downloaded From: on 12/12/2016 eTable 4. Cumulative doses of study treatments in mg/m2 Tailored dose-dense group Control group Epirubicin Cyclophosphamide Docetaxel Fluorouracil Epirubicin Cyclophosphamide Docetaxel Mean 396.5 Q1 388.4 Median 405.8 Q3 433.5 3296 318.6 3000 3306 3892 299.4 334.7 359.5 1487.1 1497.1 1500 1510.3 Abbreviations: Q1, first quartile; Q3, third quartile. ©2016AmericanMedicalAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Downloaded From: on 12/12/2016 296.3 1484.3 298.9 300 300 285.5 1497 1500 1500 291.8 300 300 eTable 5. Summary of all events reported in the trial No. of patients with events Treatment group Type of event tddEC-D FEC-D All events Contralateral cancera Loco-regional recurrence Distant recurrence New cancer, nonbreast BC death Non-BC death First events Contralateral cancera Loco-regional recurrence Distant recurrence New cancer, nonbreast Death Study end points Primary, BCRFS Secondary 1, DDFS Secondary 2, EFS Secondary 3, OS 7 27 101 18 68 14 9 47 126 19 88 16 4 22 91 16 6 16 74 227 37 156 30 7 34 111 19 11 118 110 139 82 Total 11 56 202 35 17 151 134 182 104 269 244 321 186 Abbreviations: tddEC-D, tailored dose-dense epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel; FEC-D,standard fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by standard docetaxel; BC,breast cancer; BCRFS, breast cancer relapse free survival; DDFS, distant disease free survival; EFS, event-free survival; OS, overall survival. a Including 4 events of ductal cancer in situ, 3 in the tddEC-D group and 1 in the FEC-D group. ©2016AmericanMedicalAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Downloaded From: on 12/12/2016 eTable 6. Secondary (non-breast) cancers diagnosed during follow-up No. of patients with events per treatment group Diagnosis AML/MDS Gastric adenocarcinoma Pancreatic adenocarcinoma Rectal adenocarcinoma Gynaecological cancer Glioma Lung cancer Lymphoma Malignant phyllodes tumour Salivary gland cancer Skin cancer incl. Melanoma Thyroid cancer Total tddEC-D FEC-D 3 3 1 0 3 2 2 0 1 1 2 0 18 2 1 3 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 4 2 19 Abbreviations: tddEC-D, tailored dose-dense epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel; FEC-D, standard fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by standard docetaxel; AML/MDS, acute myeloid leukemia / myelodysplastic syndrome. ©2016AmericanMedicalAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Downloaded From: on 12/12/2016 eTable 7. Health-related quality of life scores using the EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ-BR23 instruments measured at baseline and at the end of treatment Instrument and scales EORTC QLQ-C30 Global health status* Physical functioning* Role functioning* Emotional functioning* Cognitive functioning* Social functioning* Fatigue Nausea and vomiting Pain Dyspnea Insomnia Appetite loss Constipation Diarrhea Financial difficulties EORTC QLQ-BR23 Body image* Sexual functioning* Sexual enjoyment* Future perspective* Systemic therapy side effects Breast symptoms Arm symptoms Upset by hair loss Baseline scorea Mean (95% CI) tddEC-D FEC-D (N=800) (N=829) End of treatment scorea Mean (95% CI) tddEC-D FEC-D (N=686) (N=733) Mean Differenceb (95% CI) Pc 68 (67-70) 88 (87-89) 64 (62-66) 66 (65-68) 85 (83-86) 75 (73-77) 27 (26-29) 3 (3-4) 25 (23-27) 12 (11-14) 31 (29-33) 9 (8-11) 6 (5-7) 6 (5-7) 20 (18-22) 68 (66-69) 89 (88-90) 65 (63-67) 66 (65-68) 86 (85-87) 73 (71-75) 26 (25-28) 3 (3-4) 25 (24-27) 12 (10-13) 30 (28-32) 10 (9-12) 7 (6-8) 5 (4-5) 20 (18-22) 44 (42-46) 63 (62-65) 38 (35-40) 63 (61-65) 69 (67-71) 52 (50-54) 61 (59-63) 8 (7-10) 42 (40-45) 49 (46-51) 46 (44-49) 32 (30-35) 17 (15-19) 21 (19-23) 26 (24-29) 56 (55-58) 73 (72-74) 52 (50-54) 67 (65-68) 74 (73-76) 62 (60-64) 49 (47-51) 6 (5-7) 29 (27-31) 39 (37-41) 39 (37-42) 21 (19-23) 16 (14-18) 15 (13-17) 26 (24-28) -13 (-15 to -10) -9 (-11 to -7) -14 (-17 to -11) -4 (-6 to -2) -5 (-7 to -2) -12 (-14 to -9) 12 (9 to 5) 2 (1 to 4) 14 (11 to 17) 10 (7 to 13) 6 (3 to 9) 12 (9 to 15) 1 (-2 to 4) 6 (3 to 9) 1 (-2 to 3) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.004 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.500 <0.001 0.623 78 (77-80) 29 (27-31) 68 (65-71) 42 (40-45) 11 (10-12) 79 (77-80) 30 (28-32) 67 (64-69) 42 (40-44) 11 (10-12) 59 (57-61) 15 (13-16) 53 (49-56) 49 (47-52) 55 (53-56) 62 (60-64) 19 (17-21) 57 (53-60) 48 (46-51) 44 (43-46) -2 (-5 to 1) -5 (-7 to -3) -4 (-9 to 1) 0 (-3 to 3) 11 (9 to 13) 0.122 <0.001 0.098 0.765 <0.001 25 (24-27) 28 (27-30) 3 (2-4) 26 (25-28) 28 (27-30) 3 (2-4) 14 (13-15) 19 (17-20) 37 (34-40) 16 (14-17) 20 (19-22) 33 (30-36) -1 (-3 to 1) -1 (-3 to 1) 4 (-1 to 8) 0.191 0.329 0.091 a The range of possible scores is between 0 and 100 for all measures. A high score on functional scales (marked with an asterisk) indicates a high level of functioning, and a high score on symptom scales indicates a high level of symptoms. b Mean difference between groups at end of treatment controlling for country, hormone receptor status and baseline values. Differences in scores between 5-9 points are considered as small and between 10-19 as moderate. c by Wald tests. Abbreviations: tddEC-D, tailored dose-dense epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel; FEC-D, standard fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by standard docetaxel. ©2016AmericanMedicalAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Downloaded From: on 12/12/2016 eFigure 1. Cumulative incidence of all events over time, including contralateral breast cancer (CLCA), loco-regional recurrence (LRR), distant recurrence (DM), secondary malignancy (SECA) or intercurrent death (ID) tddEC-D 20% 15% 10% 5% 0 0 1 No. at risk 1002 960 2 3 91 0 850 4 5 6 7 759 486 218 87 Year ID SECA 25% Cumulative incidence 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0 0 1 No. at risk 1001 957 DM 2 9 12 3 4 Year 5 6 7 870 781 514 219 82 LRR Cumulative incidence FEC-D CLCA Abbreviations: tddEC-D, tailored dose-dense epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel; FEC-D, standard fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by standard docetaxel. ©2016AmericanMedicalAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Downloaded From: on 12/12/2016 eFigure 2. Health-related quality of life according to treatment group A. Mean difference (tddEC-D vs FEC-D) at baseline B. Mean difference (tddEC-D vs FEC-D) at end of treatment Scale Difference (95%CI) P-value Scale (95%CI) Global health status* Physical functioning* Role functioning* Emotional functioning* Cognitive functioning* Social functioning* Fatigue Nausea vomiting Pain Dyspnoea Insomnia Appetite loss Constipation Diarrhoea Finacial difficulties Body image* Sexual functioning* Sexua enjoyment* Future perspectice* Systemic therapy side ef fects Breast symptoms Arm symptoms Upset by hair loss 1 (-1 to 3) -1 (-2 to 0) -1 (-4 to 2) 0 (-2 to 2) -2 (-3 to 0) 2 (-1 to 4) 1 (-1 to 3) 0 (-1 to 1) -1 (-3 to 2) 1 (-1 to 3) 1 (-2 to 4) -1 (-3 to 1) -1 (-2 to 1) 1 (0 to 3) 0 (-3 to 3) 0 (-3 to 2) -1 (-3 to 2) 1 (-3 to 5) 0 (-3 to 3) 0 (-1 to 2) -1 (-3 to 1) 0 (-2 to 2) 0 (-1 to 1) 0.484 0.152 0.577 0.970 0.116 0.229 0.357 0.981 0.681 0.453 0.701 0.298 0.412 0.049 0.924 0.914 0.599 0.533 0.880 0.643 0.377 0.846 0.923 Global health status* Physical functioning* -13 (-15 to -10) 0.000 -9 (-11 to -7) 0.000 -14 (-17 to -11) 0.000 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 FEC-D higher score 5 10 15 20 tddEC-D higher score Difference Role functioning* Emotional functioning* Cognitive functioning* Social functioning* Fatigue Nausea vomiting Pain Dyspnoea Insomnia Appetite loss Constipation Diarrhoea -4 (-6 to -2) -5 (-7 to -2) -12 (-14 to -9) 12 (9 to 15) 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 2 (1 to 4) 14 (11 to 17) 10 (7 to 13) 0.004 0.000 0.000 6 (3 to 9) 12 (9 to 15) 1 (-2 to 4) 0.000 0.000 0.502 0.000 6 (3 to 9) 1 (-2 to 3) Financial difficulties Body image* Sexual functioning* -2 (-5 to 1) -5 (-7 to -3) -4 (-9 to 1) Sexual enjoyment* Arm symptoms 0 (-3 to 3) 11 (9 to 13) -1 (-3 to 1) -1 (-3 to 1) Upset by hair loss 4 (-1 to 8) Future perspective* Systemic therapy side effects Breast symptoms -20 -15 -10 -5 FEC-D higher score 0 5 10 15 20 tddEC-D higher score A total of 1629 patients participated in the health-related quality of life study (800 in the experimental group and 829 in the control group). A. At baseline (800 in the experimental group and 829 in the control group). B. At the end of treatment (686 in the experimental group and 733 in the control group). Scales for EORTC QLQ-C30 are above and for EORTC QLQ-BR23 below the horizontal gray line. A high score on functional scales (marked with an asterisk) indicates a high level of functioning, and a high score on symptom scales indicates a high level of symptoms. Differences in scores between 5-9 points are considered as small and between 10-19 as moderate. The scores for each scale are detailed in eTable 7. Abbreviations: tddEC-D, tailored dose-dense epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel; FEC-D, standard fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by standard docetaxel. ©2016AmericanMedicalAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Downloaded From: on 12/12/2016 P-value 0.644 0.122 0.000 0.098 0.765 0.000 0.191 0.329 0.091
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