LOS ANGELES ZOO BOND & CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Miguel A. Santana, CAO - Chair Sharon M. Tso, CLA Ryan R. Carpio, Mayor’s Office John R. Lewis, Zoo General Manager JANUARY 2015 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Prepared by The Program Management Team Bureau of Engineering Los Angeles Zoo Department Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program Status Report – January 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Executive Summary 1.1 Program Summary 1.2 Master Program Schedule 1.3 Program Budget 1.4 Project Status Summary 1.5 Program Management Activities 1.6 Key Issues 2.0 Schedule 2.1 Master Program Schedule 2.2 Schedule Update 2.3 Master Program Schedule Diagram 3.0 Program Budget and Use of Funds Source of Funds Budget vs. Actual Expenditures 3.0-1 3.0-2 3.0-3 to 5 Project Status 4.1 5.0 2.0-1 2.0-1 2.0-2 Budget 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 1.0-1 1.0-2 1.0-2 1.0-3 1.0-3 1.0-3 to 4 Project Status Reports 4.0-1 to 6 Appendix 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Organization Chart Zoo Infrastructure Cost Report Advanced Planning Projects Status of Contracts 5.0-1 5.0-2 5.0-3 5.0-4 NOTES: 1. 2. A solid triangle bullet () denotes information or text that has changed since last month’s report. A solid square bullet () denotes information or text that has not changed since last month’s report. Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program Status Report – January 2015 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Program Summary This Monthly Progress Report is a summary of the status of the projects in the Los Angeles Zoo Bond and Capital Improvement Program assigned to the Bureau of Engineering Program Management Team through December 31, 2014. It provides the current status of the Master Program Schedule, Program Budget & Use of Funds, Expenditure, and the progress of each project in the Program. A copy of this report may be accessed online at http://eng.lacity.org/projects/zoo The Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program projects with the following scope of work are incorporated into this report: 8 Animal Exhibits (New & Replacements): A. Orangutan Holding Area & Exhibit B. Winnick Family Children's Zoo C. Zoo Entry Plaza & Sea Lion Exhibit D. Elephants of Asia (formerly known as Pachyderm Forest Exhibit) E. Living Amphibians Invertebrates Reptiles or LAIR (formerly known as Reptile & Insect Center) F. Rainforest of the Americas G. Campo Gorilla Reserve (formerly known as Gorilla Holding Area & Exhibit) H. Golden Monkey Exhibit Construction of a new exhibit and holding facility and completion of the Great Ape Forest Trail. Renovation and expansion of existing facility to enhance Nursery Building, animal exhibits, Amphitheater, visitor entry & pathways, animal holding, and the animal petting yards Construction of a new multi-level structure to serve as the main entrance & ticketing to the Zoo. The project also includes a new Sea Lion Exhibit. Expansion of the existing elephant exhibit to 6.1acres. Work includes a new elephant barn, adding more yard space with varying natural surfaces for elephants, adding new viewing structures with interpretive and education graphics, and new exhibits and facilities to enhance animal management. Construction of a new building complex that will house a significant portion of the Zoo's diverse reptile and amphibian collection and permit the development of an expanded invertebrate collection. Construction of new exhibits to display a wide variety of rain forest animals in naturalistic habitat exhibits including a new Jaguar Exhibit. Replace the existing with a new exhibit & holding facility. Construction of a new exhibit & holding facility. 1 Animal Health Conservation Center (Replacement) Construction of a new Animal Medical Complex with facilities for animal medical treatment and clinical research. The work includes offices, laboratories, a quarantine area and an animal commissary. 1 Children's Discovery Center (New) Construction of a new two-story structure adjacent to the entrance of the Zoo. The facility includes classrooms, auditorium and offices and shall serve as a learning facility for members and visitors to the Zoo. 2 Artwork Projects (New) A. Prop-A Artwork – Fence at CDC B. Prop-CC Artwork - WFCZ Percent for Arts commitment for the Proposition A1 and Gorilla Exhibit Projects. The artwork is a multi artwork relief metal panel fence Percent for Arts commitment for the Proposition CC projects. The Artwork includes the Hand washing Station, Follow-the-Leader Wall, and four Sculptures. Zoo Infrastructure (New & Replacements): A. General Zoo Infrastructure Work Construction and relocation of utilities to support the new projects. Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers 1.0-1 Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program B. DWP Electrical Conduit Work Installation of new electrical lines to service upper areas of the Zoo. C. Crystal Springs Drive Sewer Installation of a new sewer pipeline to service the Sea Lion Exhibit. D. DWP River Supply Conduit Replacement Installation of a new 72” major water supply pipeline. Road widening & changing traffic circulation around the Zoo parking lot. Installation of a new 750KVA transformer station to service the new Pachyderm Forest Exhibit and other animal exhibits in the middle zoo and installation a new 350 KVA transformer to service the Golden Monkey Exhibit and other adjacent existing animal exhibits. E. Zoo Drive Relocation F. 1.2 Status Report – January 2015 Replacement of Main Transformer TS-1A and Transformer TS-14 Master Program Schedule Through December 31, 2014, only one active project is left to complete. Refer to Section 2 for scheduling information. On November 21, 2013, the Zoo Bond Oversight Committee approved revisions to the Master Program Schedule. This action changed the overall program completion to June 30, 2015. Section 2 of this report shows the master schedule. On December 20, 2012, the Zoo Bond Oversight Committee approved the proposed revisions to the Master Program Schedule. This action changed the overall program completion to December 31, 2013. On September 29, 2011, the Zoo Bond Oversight Committee approved the proposed schedule revision to the LAIR. On March 31, 2011, the Zoo Bond Oversight Committee approved the proposed revisions to the Master Program Schedule. This action changed the overall program completion to April 30, 2013. 1.3 Program Budget ▲ Through December 31, 2014, $167.4M has been expended from approved Program Budget of $172,623,719 (refer to Section 3 for a detailed expenditure report). In its meeting held on September 25, 2014, the Zoo Bond Oversight Committee approved the Revised Program Budget. Prop CC interest earnings in the amount of $239,670 was added to the Program budget and replaced MICLA funds in the same amount. Hence, the overall Program Budget remains unchanged. Source of Funds is as follows: Proposition A-1 Proposition A-2 Proposition C Proposition CC Proposition K GLAZA Environmental Trust Fund No. 846 Zoo Enterprise Trust Fund LADWP Fund SCM Fund GLAZA/MICLA MICLA General Fund TOTAL $16,738,000 $12,500,000 $1,400,000 $70,940,703 $11,000,000 $15,063,303 $200,000 $3,380,000 $3,303,755 $918,680 $14,098,648 $15,130,630 $7,950,000 $172,623,719 In its meeting held on December 20, 2012, the Zoo Bond Oversight Committee approved the Revised Program Budget. The Program budget was increased from $172,331,766 to $172,623,719. 1.0-2 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program 1.4 Status Report – January 2015 Project Status Summary Active projects: 08.1 – Rainforest of the Americas: Jaguar Exhibit Construction is 90% complete. The following projects are complete: 01 - Orangutan Holding Area and Exhibit 02 – Animal Health Conservation Center 04 - Pachyderm Forest Exhibit 05 - Winnick Family Children’s Zoo 06 - Children’s Discovery Center 07 – Reptile & Insect Interpretive Center 08 - Rainforest of the Americas 09 - Zoo Entry Plaza & Sea Lion Exhibit 11.3- DWP Electrical Conduit Work 11 – Zoo Infrastructure 11.4- Crystal Springs Drive Sewer 11.6-DWP River Supply Conduit 12 - Gorilla Holding Area & Exhibit 12.1-Gorilla Exhibit Waterfall Repair 14 - Zoo Drive Widening and Relocation 15 – Golden Monkey Exhibit Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Post Construction is 50% complete. Completed Completed TS-14 and TS-1A are complete. Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed The two Public Percent Artwork projects are complete: 03 – Prop A1 Artwork @ CDC 10 – Prop CC Artwork @ WFCZ 1.5 Completed Completed Program Management Activities The Program Management Team is assisting the Zoo with archiving as-built documents and other program documents. The Bureau of Engineering is assisting the Zoo Department with activities related to the Advanced Planning Projects. The Bureau of Engineering in collaboration with the Zoo Department is working on concepts and pre-design of potential animal exhibit and/or infrastructure projects in the event there is enough savings in the Program Budget to add projects. 1.6 Key Issues A. Issue: Designating projects for the uncommitted Program funds Status: Due to previous Zoo Bond Oversight Committee (ZBOC) action of adding Proposition CC interest earnings into the Program and savings realized from completed projects, the Zoo Program has approximately $6M of uncommitted funds. In its July 2012 meeting, the ZBOC instructed the BOE to prepare alternatives to use the uncommitted Prop CC funds as well as a rough of order of magnitude for the alternatives. The BOE, in conjunction with the Zoo, assessed options for the uncommitted funds in the Program. These options included a new Jaguar Exhibit, Children’s Discovery Center Park/Picnic grounds and hiring a Master Planning consultant to develop a new Zoo master plan. These alternatives were presented to the ZBOC at its September 2012 meeting. The ZBOC postponed action on these options for the December 2012 meeting and instructed the BOE to coordinate with CAO 1.0-3 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program Status Report – January 2015 staff to look into all available non-MICLA funding sources of the Zoo Program and present recommendations for ZBOC approval. On December 20, 2012, the BOE presented the cost report on all on the uncommitted funds in the Zoo Program as well as the recommendation to use the available funds to construct a new Jaguar Exhibit at the Rainforest of the Americas project site which is currently in construction (Refer to Page 3.0-6 of the December 2012 Monthly Report). The ZBOC approved the BOE’s recommendation to prepare design documents in-house for a new Jaguar Exhibit and incorporate it into the Rainforest of the Americas project. The intent is to issue a change order to Metro Builders, the contractor for the Rainforest of the Americas. The BOE was also instructed to return to the ZBOC with the contractor’s change order cost proposal prior to issuing notice to proceed with the work. The ZBOC also approved extending the Rainforest of the Americas schedule from April 30, 2013 to December 31, 2013 to accommodate the time it takes to design and build the new Jaguar Exhibit. The ZBOC also recognized the Zoo’s request to open the Rainforest of the Americas to visitors prior to the completion of the Jaguar Exhibit hence approving an interim milestone completion date of for the Rainforest of the Americas project separate from the Jaguar Exhibit. On March 21, 2014, the ZBOC approved to issue the change order for the Jaguar Exhibit construction to Metro Builders pending Board of Public Works and City Attorney approval. On May 14, 2014, the Board of Public Works approved the supplemental agreement change order no. 176 in the amount of $2,500,000 for the Jaguar Exhibit construction to Metro Builders. Action Required: None. B. Issue: Uncommitted Prop CC Interest Earnings and other Program funds Status: In its July 2014 meeting, the ZBOC instructed the BOE to assemble and report on the current interest earnings on the Prop CC bond and other uncommitted Program funds. The BOE, in conjunction with the Zoo, will assess options for the uncommitted funds in the Program. In September 2014, the CAO instructed the BOE to prepare a revised Program Budget for ZBOC approval to add Prop CC interest earnings to the Rainforest of Americas project and reduce the MICLA funds designated for that project. On September 25, 2014, the ZBOC approved to replace $239,670 of MICLA funds with Prop CC Interest earnings. Action: None. 1.0-4 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program Status Report – January 2015 2.0 SCHEDULE 2.1 Master Program Schedule On May 14, 2014 the Board of Public Works approved Change Order Nos. 175 and 176 extending Metro Builders & Engineers contract to December 27, 2014. The extension includes the construction period for the new Jaguar Exhibit. On November 21, 2013, the ZBOC approved extending the Rainforest of the Americas project schedule from December 31, 2013 to June 30, 2015 with and interim completion milestone of January 31, 2014. This revised schedule accommodates completion of the new Jaguar Exhibit. This action changes the overall Master Program Schedule completion June 30, 2015. Major Phases of the Program are identified by the various colored bars on the diagram. The phases include PreDesign, Design, Bid & Award, Construction, and Post-Construction. 2.2 Schedule Update ▲ As of December 31, 2014, there is only one project, Rainforest of the Americas-Jaguar Exhibit, left to complete. The post construction phase of the Rainforest of the Americas is held until completion of the Jaguar Exhibit. The following table provides a listing of projects by phase and indicates the project’s progress in relation to the Approved Master Schedule: PHASE AHEAD Project in Design: None Project in Bid & Award: None Projects in Construction 08.1 - Rain Forest of the Americas: Jaguar Exhibit Projects in Post-Construction 08 - Rain Forest of the Americas Completed Projects: 01 - Orangutan Holding Area and Exhibit 02 - Animal Health Center 03 - Prop A1 & Gorilla Exhibit Artwork at the Children’s Discovery Center 04 - Pachyderm Forest Exhibit 05 - Winnick Family Children’s Zoo 06 - Children’s Discovery Center 07 – LAIR (Living Amphibians, Invertebrates and Reptiles) 09 - Zoo Entry Plaza & Sea Lion Exhibit 10 - Prop CC Artwork at the Winnick Family Children’s Zoo 11 – Zoo Infrastructure – DWP Transformer TS-1A and TS-14 Replacement 11.3 – DWP Electrical Conduit Work 11.4 - Crystal Springs Drive Sewer 11.6A - DWP River Supply Conduit Replacement 12 - Gorilla Holding Area & Exhibit 14 - Zoo Drive Widening & Relocation 15 – Golden Monkey Exhibit Gorilla Exhibit Waterfall Pipe Repair Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers ON BEHIND 2.0-1 LOS ANGELES ZOO BOND AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROVED MASTER SCHEDULE JANUARY 2015 Project Title 2008 Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2 2009 Q4Q1Q2 2010 Q4Q1Q2 2011 2012 Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2 2013 Q4Q1Q2 2014 Q4Q1Q2 2015 2016 Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2 PROGRAM START ZOO INFRASTRUCTURE GORILLA HOLDING AREA AND EXHIBIT Goilla Project Complete 1/7/08 Waterfall Pipe Repair Waterfall Pipe Repair Complete 10/31/11 PACHYDERM FOREST EXHIBIT Construction Complete 12/10/10 Post-Construction Pachyderm Forest Project Complete 6/10/11 GOLDEN MONKEY EXHIBIT Golden Monkey Exhibit Complete 2/12/08 REPTILE & INSECT CENTER Construction Complete 3/7/12 Post-Construction Reptile & Insect Center Complete 2/14/14 RAIN FOREST OF THE AMERICAS Design Bid and Award Construction Rainforest Construction Complete 4/8/14 Jaguar Exhibit Rainforest of the Americas Complete 6/30/15 PROGRAM END 6/30/15 Data Date: Dec. 31, 2014 MS Jan 2015 Hold/Extend Period BidAward Progress Cons Milestone PostCons PreDesign External Milestone Design Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers 2.0-2 Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program Status Report – January 2015 3.0 BUDGET 3.1 Program Budget and Use of Funds ▲ Through December 31, 2014, total expenditure is $167.4M of the approved Program Budget of $172,623,719. In its meeting held on September 25, 2014, the Zoo Bond Oversight Committee (ZBOC) approved adding Prop CC interest earnings in the amount of $239,670 to the Program budget and removed MICLA funds in the same amount. This action revised the funding source amounts of the Rainforest of the Americas project but did not change the overall Program Budget. In its December 2012 meeting, the ZBOC approved adding $291,953 of Proposition CC interest earnings to the overall Program Budget, hence increasing it from $172,331,766 to $172,623,719. These monies were added to the Rainforest of the Americas project to build a new Jaguar Exhibit. LOS ANGELES ZOO BOND & CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROGRAM BUDGET PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS DESIGN & INSPECTION COSTS PROJECT/ CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COSTS TOTAL Completed Projects: 1 Orangutan Holding Area & Exhibit $ 5,066,624 $ 984,303 $ 239,808 $ 2 Animal Health Conservation Center $ 12,528,284 $ 2,066,519 $ 548,571 $ 15,143,374 6,290,735 3 Prop-A Artwork – Decorative Fence at CDC $ 220,000 - - 4 Pachyderm Forest Exhibit $ 35,646,821 $ 3,911,466 $ 1,923,012 $ 41,481,299 5 Winnick Family Children's Zoo $ 2,704,977 $ 624,487 $ 296,428 6 Children's Discovery Center $ 10,140,523 $ 2,322,422 $ 1,074,055 $ 220,000 $ 3,625,892 $ 13,537,000 7 Living Amphibians, Invertebrates & Reptiles $ 11,593,034 $ 2,063,257 $ 512,109 $ 14,168,400 9 Zoo Entry Plaza & Sea Lion Exhibit $ 16,584,255 $ 2,606,288 $ 1,869,385 $ 21,059,928 10 Prop-CC Artwork - WFCZ $ 340,000 $ - $ DWP Electrical Conduit Work $ 332,925 $ - $ 11.4 Crystal Springs Drive Sewer $ 887,800 $ - $ 30,880 $ 918,680 11.6 DWP River Supply Conduit Replacement $ 2,915,450 $ - $ 43,800 $ 2,959,250 855,853 11.3 12 Gorilla Holding Area & Exhibit $ 14,667,640 $ 1,404,642 $ 14 Zoo Drive Relocation $ 1,600,000 $ - $ 15 Golden Monkey Exhibit $ 5,164,604 $ 730,396 $ 11,580 500,000 $ 340,000 $ 344,505 $ 16,928,135 $ 1,600,000 $ Subtotal Completed Projects: 6,395,000 $ 145,012,198 Active Projects: 8 Rain Forest of the Americas $ 17,038,600 $ 11 Zoo Infrastructure $ 2,465,199 $ 3,811,400 $ - $ 1,198,650 - Subtotal Active Projects: PROJECT SUBTOTALS $ 139,994,220 $ 20,113,485 $ 9,083,592 $ 22,048,650 $ $ 2,465,199 24,513,849 $ 169,526,047 Bond Financing $ Program Contingency $ 985,691 City Staff & Office $ 1,831,981 * Refer to Source of Funds on Page 3.0-2 GRAND TOTAL: 280,000 $ 172,623,719 3.0-1 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program January 2015 3.2 Source of Funds NO PROJECT TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET COMPLETED PROJECTS 1 Orangutan Holding $ Area & Exhibit 6,290,735 $ Prop-A-1 Prop A-2 Prop C Prop CC $ 633,735 $ 150,000 15,143,374 $ 11,011,000 $ 3,982,374 $ 150,000 $ 11,913,540 $ 8,319,111 $ 4,850,000 $ 2,300,000 $ $ 139,432 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 400,000 $ 9,500,000 $ 2,213,303 $ 3 Prop A1 & Gorilla Exhibit Artwork $ 4 Pachyderm Forest Exhibit $ 41,481,299 5 Winnick Family Children's Zoo $ 3,625,892 6 Children's Discovery Center $ 13,537,000 $ 38,697 7 Reptile & Insect Interpretive Center $ 14,168,400 $ 9,466,100 9 Zoo Entry Plaza & Sea Lion Exhibit $ 21,059,928 $ 16,894,928 10 Prop. CC Artwork - $ WFCZ 340,000 220,000 $ $ 344,505 $ 918,680 11.6 LADWP River Supply Conduit Replacement $ 2,959,250 12 Gorilla Holding Area & Exhibit $ 16,928,135 14 Zoo Drive Widening & 15 Golden Monkey Exhibit $ 1,600,000 $ 6,395,000 DWP Electrical Conduit Work 11.4 Crystal Springs Drive Sewer SUBTOTAL: $ Zoo Enterprise Trust Fund GLAZA 5,507,000 2 Animal Health Conservation & Research Center 11.3 Prop K FUNDING SOURCES Environmental LADWP Fund SCM Fund Trust Fund GLAZA / MICLA MICLA 03-04 General Fund Settlement MICLA 05-06 General Fund CIEP 05-06 MICLA 06-07 MICLA 08-09 220,000 586,460 $ $ 14,098,648 $ $ - $ 1,785,000 $ $ - 652,300 $ 400,000 $ 118,194 $ 960,904 $ 3,650,000 4,165,000 340,000 $ 344,505 $ 918,680 $ 2,959,250 $ 5,000,000 $ 2,860,740 $ 7,000,000 $ 4,809,941 $ 1,400,000 145,012,198 $ 16,738,000 $ 12,500,000 $ 1,400,000 $ $ 47,675,117 $ $ 11,000,000 $ 15,063,303 $ 200,000 380,000 $ 2,193,356 3,380,000 $ 200,000 $ 3,303,755 $ 918,680 $ 14,098,648 $ 2,193,356 $ 5,950,000 $ 4,809,941 $ 652,300 $ 1,479,098 $ 3,650,000 ACTIVE PROJECTS 8 Rain Forest of the Americas $ 11 Zoo Infrastructure $ 22,048,650 $ 19,121,430 2,465,199 24,513,849 $ $ - $ - $ PROJECT TOTAL: $ Bond Financing Program Contingency $ 280,000 $ $ 985,691 $ 301,900 City Staff & Office $ 1,831,981 $ 1,831,981 GRAND TOTAL: $ 172,623,719 $ 16,738,000 $ 12,500,000 - 1,730,275 SUBTOTAL: 169,526,047 $ 16,738,000 $ 12,500,000 $ $ 1,400,000 $ 1,400,000 $ $ 20,851,705 $ - $ 68,526,822 $ 11,000,000 $ $ - $ 15,063,303 $ - $ 3,380,000 $ 200,000 $ - $ 3,303,755 $ $ 918,680 $ - $ - $ 14,098,648 $ 2,193,356 $ $ 5,950,000 4,483 $ 1,347,700.00 $ 1,575,037.00 $ $ - - $ 262,115 $ 266,598 $ 1,347,700 $ 2,047,846 472,809 $ $ 5,076,539 $ 2,000,000 $ 3,526,944 $ 3,650,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 3,526,944 $ 3,650,000 280,000 $ 70,940,703 $ $ 11,000,000 $ 15,063,303 $ 3,380,000 $ 200,000 $ 3,303,755 $ 918,680 $ 14,098,648 $ 2,193,356 $ 5,950,000 683,791 $ 5,760,330 ZBOC Approved Budget Revisions on September 25, 2014: 1. Add $239,670 of Prop CC Interest Earnings into the overall Program Budget. Amount is added to the Rainforest of the Americas Project. 2. Overall Prop CC funds is increased from $70,701,033 to $70,940,703 3. Reduce MICLA 05-06 funds designated for the Rainforest of the Americas from $244,153 to $4,483. 4. Overall MICLA 05-06 funds is reduced from $6,000,000 to $5,760,330 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers 3.0-2 Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program Status Report – January 2015 3.3 Budget vs. Actual Expenditures ZOO BOND PROJECT 1 2 4 6 7 8 TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES THRU UNSPENT SEPT 2014 DEC 2014 DEC 31, 2014 BALANCE Construction Costs $ 5,066,624 $ 5,066,624 $ Design & Inspection Costs $ 984,303 $ 984,303 $ - PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ 239,808 $ 239,808 $ - $ 6,290,735 $ 6,290,735 $ - Construction Costs $ 12,528,284 $ 12,528,284 $ - Design & Inspection Costs $ 2,066,519 $ 2,066,519 $ - $ - - Animal Health Conservation Center $ 548,571 $ 15,143,374 220,000 $ - $ 548,571 $ - $ 15,143,374 $ - $ 220,000 $ - Prop A1 & Gorilla Exhibit Artwork-CDC Construction Costs $ Design & Inspection Costs $ - $ - $ - PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 220,000 Construction Costs $ 35,646,821 Design & Inspection Costs $ 3,911,466 $ - $ 220,000 $ 35,646,821 $ - $ - $ 3,911,466 $ - Pachyderm Forest Exhibit PM/CM Mgmt. Costs 5 CURRENT BUDGET Orangutan Holding Area & Exhibit PM/CM Mgmt. Costs 3 APPROVED $ 1,923,012 $ - $ 1,923,012 $ - $ 41,481,299 $ - $ 41,481,299 $ - - Winnick Family Children's Zoo Construction Costs $ 2,704,977 $ 2,704,977 $ Design & Inspection Costs $ 624,487 $ 624,487 $ - PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ 296,428 $ 296,428 $ - $ 3,625,892 $ 3,625,892 $ - $ - Children's Discovery Center Construction Costs $ 10,140,523 $ 10,075,191 $ Design & Inspection Costs $ 2,322,422 $ 2,322,422 $ - PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ 1,074,055 $ 1,074,055 $ - $ 13,537,000 $ 13,471,668 $ 65,332.00 $ - 65,332.00 Reptile & Insect Interpretive Center Construction Costs $ 11,593,034 $ - $ 10,053,330 $ 1,539,704.00 Design & Inspection Costs $ 2,063,257 $ - $ 1,904,690 $ 158,567.38 PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ 512,109 $ - $ 429,775 $ 82,334.33 $ 14,168,400 $ - $ 12,387,794 $ 1,780,605.71 1,187,217.74 Rain Forest of the Americas Construction Costs $ 17,038,600 $ 859,845 $ 15,851,382 $ Design & Inspection Costs $ 3,811,400 $ 4,028 $ 3,289,527 $ 521,872.95 PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ 1,198,650 $ - $ 1,085,171 $ 113,478.86 $ 22,048,650 $ $ 20,226,080 $ 1,822,569.55 863,873 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers 3.0 - 3 Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program Status Report – January 2015 3.3 Budget vs. Actual Expenditures ZOO BOND PROJECT 9 10 11 11.3 11.4 11.6 12 14 APPROVED CURRENT TOTAL BUDGET EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES THRU UNSPENT SEPT 2014 DEC 2014 DEC 31, 2014 BALANCE Zoo Entry & Sea Lion Exhibit Construction Costs $ 16,583,960 $ 16,493,162 $ Design & Inspection Costs $ 2,606,583 $ 2,606,583 $ - PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ 1,869,385 $ 1,869,385 $ - $ 21,059,928 $ 20,969,130 $ 90,798.00 340,000 $ 322,481 $ 17,519.01 $ - 90,798.00 Prop CC Artwork - WFCZ Construction Costs $ Design & Inspection Costs $ - $ - $ PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ - $ 7,519 $ (7,519.01) $ 330,000 $ 10,000.00 1,649,224 $ 550,974.85 $ 340,000 2,200,199 $ - - Zoo Infrastructure Construction Costs $ Design & Inspection Costs $ $ - $ $ - $ PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ 265,000 $ - $ 254,207 $ 10,792.83 $ 2,465,199 $ - $ 1,903,431 $ 561,767.68 332,925 $ 332,925 - - $ - DWP Electrical Conduit Work Construction Costs $ Design & Inspection Costs $ - $ - $ - PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ 11,580 $ 11,580 $ - $ 344,505 $ 344,505 $ - 887,800 $ 887,800 $ - $ - $ - Crystal Springs Drive Sewer Construction Costs $ Design & Inspection Costs $ - $ - $ - PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ 30,880 $ 30,880 $ - $ 918,680 $ 918,680 $ - 2,915,450 $ 2,959,250 $ - DWP River Supply Conduit Construction Costs $ Design & Inspection Costs $ - $ - $ PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ 43,800 $ - $ $ 2,959,250 $ - $ 2,959,250 $ (43,800.00) 43,800.00 $ - Gorilla Holding Area & Exhibit Construction Costs $ 14,667,640 $ - $ 14,542,278 $ Design & Inspection Costs $ 1,404,642 $ - $ 1,404,642 $ PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ 855,853 $ - $ 855,853 $ $ 16,928,135 $ - $ 16,802,773 $ 1,600,000 1,600,000 125,362.31 125,362.31 Zoo Drive Relocation Construction Costs $ $ - $ Design & Inspection Costs $ - $ - $ - $ - PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ 1,600,000 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers 1,600,000 $ - 3.0 - 4 Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program Status Report – January 2015 3.3 Budget vs. Actual Expenditures ZOO BOND PROJECT 15 APPROVED CURRENT TOTAL BUDGET EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES THRU UNSPENT SEPT 2014 DEC 2014 DEC 31, 2014 BALANCE Golden Monkey Exhibit Construction Costs $ 5,164,604 $ - $ 5,162,257 $ 2,347.18 Design & Inspection Costs $ 730,396 $ - $ 724,441 $ 5,954.53 PM/CM Mgmt. Costs $ 500,000 $ - $ 497,867 $ 2,132.81 $ 6,395,000 $ - $ 6,384,565 $ 10,434.52 4,466,869.77 PROJECT SUBTOTAL $ 169,526,047 $ $ 165,059,177 $ CITY STAFF & OFFICE $ 1,831,981 $ 863,873 - $ 1,823,574 $ 8,407.44 BOND FINANCING AND ARBITRAGE REBATE $ 280,000 $ - $ 277,147 $ 2,853.00 PROGRAM CONTINGENCY $ 985,691 $ - $ 301,900 $ 683,791.00 $ TOTAL PROGRAM USE OF FUNDS: $ 172,623,719 $ 863,873 $ 167,461,797 $ 5,161,921.21 SOURCE OF FUNDS Proposition A-1 $ 16,738,000 $ - $ 16,738,000 $ - Proposition A-2 $ 12,500,000 $ - $ 12,500,000 $ - Proposition C $ 1,400,000 $ Proposition CC $ 70,701,033 $ 110,026 $ 1,400,000 $ $ 68,407,290 $ 2,293,742.83 50,000.00 Proposition K $ 11,000,000 $ - $ 10,950,000 $ GLAZA (Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association) $ 15,063,303 $ - $ 15,063,303 $ - Zoo Enterprise Trust Fund (ZETF) $ 3,380,000 $ - $ 3,380,000 $ - Environmental Trust Fund No. 846 $ 200,000 $ - $ 200,000 $ - LADWP Fund $ 3,303,755 $ - $ 3,303,755 $ - SCM Fund $ 918,680 $ - $ 918,680 $ GLAZA/MICLA $ 14,098,648 $ - $ 14,098,648 $ MICLA $ 15,370,300 $ $ 12,580,391 $ General Fund $ 7,950,000 $ $ 172,623,719 $ 753,847 863,873 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers 2,789,909.38 $ 7,921,731 $ 28,269.00 $ 167,461,797 $ 5,161,921.21 3.0 - 5 Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program Status Report – January 2015 4.0 PROJECT STATUS 4.1 Project Status Reports The status reports are a summary of the project scope and a brief description of accomplishments and issues from the previous month for each project in the Program. JUNE 2014 The following is a list of significant issues in the Program: DECEMBER 2014 MAY 2014 ▲ The Jaguar Exhibit construction is 90% complete. Construction completion is extended due to rains. NOVEMBER 2014 The Jaguar Exhibit construction is 85% complete. Retention in the amount of $100,000 is being withheld from Metro Builders until all the Rainforest LSS punchlist and warranty items are complete. OCTOBER 2014 The Jaguar Exhibit construction is 70% complete. The Rainforest of the Americas general construction is 100% complete. Metro Builders obtained the certificates of occupancy on April 8, 2014. The Grand opening was held on April 29, 2014. The supplemental agreement change order to issue the Jaguar Exhibit construction to Metro Builders is in process. MARCH 2014 The Rainforest of the Americas general construction is 99% complete. Grand opening has been set for April 29, 2014. In a special meeting held on March 21, 2014, the ZBOC approved to issue the Jaguar Exhibit construction as a change order to Metro Builders in lieu of competitively bidding the project. The Jaguar Exhibit construction is 40% complete. Metro Builders continues to work on punchlist and warranty items on the Rainforest project. AUGUST 2014 The Jaguar Exhibit construction is 30% complete. Project is anticipated to be complete in January 2015. JULY 2014 On May 14, 2014, the Board of Public Works approved the supplemental agreement change order to issue the Jaguar Exhibit construction to Metro Builders. APRIL 2014 SEPTEMBER 2014 Metro Builders has begun work on the Jaguar Exhibit and construction is 5% complete. FEBRUARY 2014 The Rainforest of the Americas general construction is 98% complete. Metro Builders is working on obtaining the final certificate of occupancy. Jaguar Exhibit bid documents are complete. JANUARY 2014 The Rainforest of the Americas general construction is 97% complete. Metro Builders, the general contractor, anticipates obtaining the final certificate of occupancy by the end of February 2014. The Jaguar Exhibit construction is 15% complete. 4.0-1 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program JUNE 2013 DECEMBER 2013 Metro Builders, the general contractor of the Rainforest of the Americas, continues to complete construction but has been delayed due to glass installation and LSS issues. Status Report – January 2015 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 83% complete. BOE is looking at other delivery methods for the Jaguar Exhibit. MAY 2013 NOVEMBER 2013 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 95% complete. The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 80% complete. The Jaguar Exhibit construction documents are being processed for competitive bidding through the Board of Public Works. Issuance of the Jaguar Exhibit for construction is held until the Rainforest of the Americas project is substantially complete. APRIL 2013 OCTOBER 2013 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 92% complete. The Jaguar Exhibit Bid Documents are being reviewed for constructability. The ZBOC Meeting set for October 31, 2013 was cancelled. SEPTEMBER 2013 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 75% complete. The Office of Contract Compliance continues with the close-out activity for the LAIR. MARCH 2013 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 70% complete. Design of the new Jaguar Exhibit is in review. The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 90% complete. The Board of Public Works approved Amendment No. 3 to the Portico Group’s contract for architectural/ engineering design services of the Rainforest of the Americas project. AUGUST 2013 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 87% complete. JULY 2013 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 85% complete. FEBRUARY 2013 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 65% complete. Design of the new Jaguar Exhibit continues and is anticipated to complete next month. JANUARY 2013 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 63% complete. The Bureau of Engineering in conjunction with the Los Angeles Zoo has begun design on the new Jaguar Exhibit. Construction of this exhibit will be issued as a change order to Metro Builders, the contractor of the Rainforest of the Americas. Jaguar Exhibit design documents are being revised in order to accommodate alternate delivery methods. 4.0-2 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program DECEMBER 2012 Status Report – January 2015 JUNE 2012 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 60% complete. The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 35% complete. On December 12, 2012, the City Council approved Amendment No. 1 to the Portico contract for the Rainforest project extending contract time to September 30, 2013. The HVAC repairs in the Main LAIR Building are complete. HVAC repairs in the Desert LAIR are in progress. MAY 2012 NOVEMBER 2012 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 53% complete. On November 19, 2012, the Board of Public Works approved Final Change Order no. 152 to Royal Construction for the LAIR project. OCTOBER 2012 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 50% complete. Final Close-Out Change Order 152 for the LAIR is in process for Board of Public Works approval. SEPTEMBER 2012 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 48% complete. Final close-out and construction change order negotiation is complete. All issues between the City and Royal Construction related to the LAIR are resolved. AUGUST 2012 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 45% complete. The HVAC repairs in the LAIR are complete. Project is in the Post-construction/Close-out phase. JULY 2012 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 40% complete. The HVAC repair in the LAIR continues and is anticipated to be complete by August 2012. The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 32% complete. Post construction activity continues on the LAIR. APRIL 2012 The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 30% complete. Royal Construction is working on the HVAC fixes in LAIR. MARCH 2012 The Grand Opening for the L.A.I.R. was held on March 8, 2012. The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 28% complete. FEBRUARY 2012 Royal Construction Corp., the L.A.I.R. contractor, continues with punchlist work. The Grand Opening is set for March 8, 2012. The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 25% complete. JANUARY 2012 The contractor for the L.A.I.R. is completing punchlist items. A temporary Certificate of Occupancy was obtained on January 25, 2012. The Rainforest of the Americas construction is 20% complete. 4.0-3 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers ` Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program PROJECT 01 - Orangutan Holding Area & Exhibit PLANNED SCOPE This project consists of construction of a new animal exhibit and holding facility to house the Zoo’s orangutan collection and completion of the Great Ape Forest Trail. The exhibit is named the “Red Ape Rain Forest”. Status Report - January 2015 PERCENT COMPLETE PROGRESS REPORT Status: COMPLETE - Construction was completed on June 25, 2000 and Grand Opening was held on July 13, 2000. The project was completed under budget. 100% 02 - Animal Health Conservation Center Funding: Prop A-1, Prop CC & ZETF Approved Budget: $6,290,735 Architect: CLR Design, Inc. Contractor: S.J. Amoroso Total Project Cost: This project consists of construction of a new Animal Medical Complex with facilities for animal medical treatment and clinical research. The work includes offices, laboratories, a quarantine area and an animal commissary. Status: COMPLETE - Construction completed on December 17, 2001 and Building Dedication held on June 27, 2002. Project received Cultural Affairs 2000 Architectural Design Excellence Award. $6,290,735 Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Bid & Award Construction Phase PostConstruction Construction Phase PostConstruction Construction Phase PostConstruction Construction Phase PostConstruction Construction Phase PostConstruction 100% 03 – Prop A1 & Gorilla Exhibit Artwork 04 - Pachyderm Forest Exhibit Funding: Prop A-1, ZETF & Prop CC Approved Budget: $15,143,374 Architect: NBBJ, West Contractor: BMP Group Total Project Cost: The Percent for Arts commitment for the Proposition A1 and Gorilla Exhibit Projects were combined to provide funding for artwork within the Children’s Discovery Center project. The artwork is a multi artwork relief metal panel fence. Status: COMPLETE - The artwork fence of animal silhouettes was fabricated and installed along the Children’s Discovery Center’s service yard and was completed in January 2005. The Artwork fence is part of the network of Zoo's perimeter security fencing. Funding: Prop A1 Approved Budget: $220,000 Artist: Michael Amescua Contractor: Michael Amescua Total Project Cost: This project consists of renovating and expanding the existing Pachyderm exhibit on a 6.1 acre site located in the middle of the LA Zoo. $15,143,374 $220,000 Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Bid & Award 100% Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Bid & Award Status: COMPLETE - Construction completed in December 2010. Elephants of Asia exhibit opened to the public in December 2010. The Board Accepted the project on January 20, 2012. 0% 100% 05 - Winnick Family Children's Zoo Funding: Prop A2, Prop CC & MICLA Approved Budget: $42,009,575 Architect: The Portico Group Contractor: AKG -Saifco JV Expenditure to date: This project consists of renovating and expanding existing facility to enhance Nursery Building, animal exhibit, Amphitheater, visitor entry & pathways, animal holding, and the animal petting yards. Status: COMPLETE - Construction was completed on August 13, 2001 and the Grand Opening was held on August 16, 2001. Project received APWA’s 2001 “Project of the Year” award. $41,481,299 Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Bid & Award 100% Funding: GLAZA, Prop K, Prop A & ZETF Approved Budget: $3,625,892 Architect: CLR Design, Inc. Contractor: Department of General Services $3,625,892 Total Project Cost: Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Bid & Award 4.0-4 ` Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program PROJECT 06 - Children’s Discovery Center PLANNED SCOPE This project is a new two-story structure adjacent to the entrance of the Zoo. The facility includes classrooms, auditorium and offices. The center shall serve as a learning facility for members and visitors to the Zoo. The future Children’s Discovery Room will showcase inter-active educational exhibits. Funding: Prop K, GLAZA, Prop CC, & Gen Fund Approved Budget: $14,148,303 07 - Reptile & Insect Interpretive Center This new building complex will house a significant portion of the Zoo's diverse reptile and amphibian collection. The project also includes visitor spaces, pathways, viewing decks, and exterior animal exhibits. Status Report - January 2015 PROGRESS REPORT Status: COMPLETE - Construction was completed in December 2004 and the Grand Opening was held in June 2005. PERCENT COMPLETE 100% Architect: NBBJ, West Contractor: KPRS Construction Services $13,471,668 Expenditure to date: Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Bid & Award Status: COMPLETE - Grand Opening was held on March 8, 2012. BCA has completed the project acceptance report. The Board accepted the project on February 14, 2014. Construction Phase PostConstruction Construction Phase PostConstruction 0% 100% Architect: The Portico Group Contractor: Royal Construction Corp. $12,387,794 Expenditure to date: Funding: Prop CC / MICLA / General Fund Approved Budget: $14,168,400 08 - Rainforest of the Americas The project will developed to display and accommodate a wide variety of rain forest animals in naturalistic habitat exhibits. project also includes visitor spaces, pathways, viewing shelters, animal holding and animal management staff areas. Funding: Prop CC / MICLA / General Fund Approved Budget (includes Jaguar Exhibit): $22,048,650 08.1 - New Jaguar Exhibit The project consists of constructing a new 7,100 sf Jaguar Exhibit which includes a 1,600 sf holding building. The new exhibit will be located at the northend portion of the Rainforest of the Americas site. 09 - Zoo Entry Plaza & Sea Lion Exhibit This project consists of demolishing the existing pedestrian bridge and constructing a new multi-level structure to serve as the main entrance and ticketing to the Zoo. The project also includes a new multi-level Sea Lion Exhibit. The project is being built with the Children’s Discovery Center. Design Phase 50% Architect: The Portico Group Contractor: Metro Builders & Engineers Group $20,226,080 Expenditure to date: Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Status: CONSTRUCTION - Work activities experienced delays due to rain this month. Jaguar Holding Building interior work and caging installation continues. Caging mesh installation is in progress. Construction of the Jaguar pond as well as exhibitry inside exhibit are complete. Irrigation and landscape work has started. 50% Bid & Award Construction Phase PostConstruction 10% 90% Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Bid & Award Construction Phase PostConstruction Construction Phase PostConstruction Status: COMPLETE - Construction was completed in January 2005. Grand Opening was held on June 23, 2005. 100% Architect: EHDD Architecture Funding: Prop CC / General Fund Approved Budget: $21,059,928 Bid & Award Status: POST CONSTRUCTION - Construction is complete. The certificates of occupancy were issued on April 8, 2014. The grand opening was held on April 29, 2014. Final close-out will be completed with the Jaguar Exhibit. Architect: BOE In-house Design Contractor: Metro Builders & Engineers Group $2,384,931 Expenditure to date: Funding: Prop CC / MICLA Approved Budget: $3,400,000 Pre-Design Phase Contractor: KPRS Construction Services $20,969,130 Expenditure to date: Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Bid & Award 4.0-5 ` Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program PROJECT 10 - Prop CC Artwork @ WFCZ PLANNED SCOPE The Percent for Arts commitment for the Proposition CC projects were combined to provide funding for the artwork within the Winnick Family Children’s Zoo. The Artwork includes the Hand washing Station, Follow-the-Leader Wall, and four Sculptures. Status Report - January 2015 PROGRESS REPORT Status: COMPLETE - Construction was completed on August 13, 2001 and the Grand Opening was held on August 16, 2001. PERCENT COMPLETE 100% Artist: Armando Alvarez 12 - Gorilla Holding Area & Exhibit 14 - Zoo Drive Widening & Relocation 15 – Golden Monkey Exhibit Funding: Prop CC Approved Budget: $340,000 Contractor: Alvarez and Dept of General Services $330,000 Total Project Cost: This project includes demolishing existing Gorilla exhibit & holding area and constructing a new state-of-the-art Gorilla Exhibit and holding facilities. Grand Opening was celebrated on November 8, 2007. The Board of Public Works approved the Project Acceptance Board Report on July 22, 2008. Status: COMPLETE - Pipe replacement work is complete. Waterfall is working. Project Acceptance report is in process. Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Bid & Award Construction Phase PostConstruction Construction Phase PostConstruction Construction Phase PostConstruction 100% Funding: GLAZA, Prop CC & MICLA Approved Budget: $16,928,135 Architect: Jones & Jones Contractor: AKG Construction, Inc. $16,802,773 Expenditure to date: The project consists of road widening and changing traffic circulation around the Zoo parking lot. The work includes closing a portion of Crystal Springs Road and installing a landscape median to help immigrate storm water drainage. Status: COMPLETE - Road construction was completed August 2001. Landscape work was completed October 2001. Project received Western Council of Construction Consumer’s 2003 Infrastructure Honorable Mention Award. Funding: Prop C / Environmental Trust Fund #846. Approved Budget: $1,600,000 Design-Build: Bureau of Street Services $1,600,000 Total Project Costs: The planning, design and construction of 3,000 sq. ft. Golden Monkey habitat, 300 sq. ft. viewing structure and a 1,000 sq. ft. holding building. The project site is located in the northerly Asian Forest area of Zoo. Status: COMPLETE - The project is complete and the Certificate of Occupancy has been obtained. Record Drawings and as-builts are complete. Project was turned over to the Zoo Department in August 2008. PrePhase Design Phase Bid & Award 100% Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Bid & Award 100% Funding: MICLA, Zoo Enterprise Trust Fund & Prop CC Approved Budget: $6,395,000 Architect: The Portico Group Contractor: Dept of General Services $6,384,565 Expenditure to date: Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Bid & Award Construction Phase PostConstruction 4.0-6 Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program Status Report – January 2015 5.0 APPENDIX 5.1 Program Management Team & Organization Chart City of Los Angeles MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS City of Los Angeles ZOO BOND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CAO – Chair CLA, Mayor’s Office & Zoo Department LOS ANGELES ZOO COMMISSION City of Los Angeles City Administrative Office & City Legislative Analyst City of Los Angeles ZOO DEPARTMENT City of Los Angeles DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING PSOMAS *PMCM Consultant LOS ANGELES ZOO BOND COMMUNITY OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Program Managers Construction City of Los Angeles Architects, Engineers & Designers City of Los Angeles City of Los Angeles AKG/Saifco Construction Blois Construction Metro Builders, Inc. Royal Construction Corp. Bureau of Contract Administration The Portico Group Jones & Jones EHDD NBBJ BOE Architectural Division Bureau of Accounting GSD/City Forces Construction 5.0-1 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program 5.2 Status Report – January 2015 Zoo Infrastructure Cost Report On May 31, 2007, Zoo Bond Oversight Committee approved the Cost to Complete Report and Revised Program Budget. The Revised Program Budget includes an increase in the Zoo Infrastructure budget from $1,546,738 to $2,465,199. Proposition CC Bond included a budget commitment of $5.0 million for Zoo Infrastructure repairs. Since 1999, several monies have been transferred and allocated to different project within the Los Angeles Zoo Bond and Capital Improvement Program as well as additional funds has been added to Zoo Infrastructure. Listed below is a cost report which includes the various accounts held for Zoo Infrastructure as of May 31, 2007: LOS ANGELES ZOO BOND & CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ZOO INFRASTRUCTURE DESCRIPTION Approved Budget Proposition CC Budget Prop CC Interest Earnings for Infrastructure Accounts TOTAL BUDGET: NO FUND ACCT 1 15F S204 Zoo Infrastructure - General $ 212,821.47 2 15F S205 Zoo Infrastructure - Animal Health $ 1,287,178.53 3 15K T204 Zoo Infrastructure - General $ 478,662.34 4 15K T205 Zoo Infrastructure - Animal Health $ 1,605,728.73 5 199 P204 Zoo Infrastructure - General $ 6 199 P205 Zoo Infrastructure - Animal Health 7 199 P206 Zoo Infrastructure - Orangutan 8 DESCRIPTION TOTAL $ 5,000,000.00 $ 705,588.73 $ 5,705,588.73 APPROPRIATION AMOUNT Total Amount as of 5/31/07: Additional Funds * – ZBOC approved on May 31, 2007 (accounts to be determined) EXPENDED AMOUNT TOTAL BALANCE $ 157,388.83 $ 55,432.64 $ 1,287,178.53 $ - $ $ 478,076.32 586.02 $ 1,605,728.73 $ - 599,693.68 $ 517,376.05 $ 82,317.63 $ 887,768.98 $ 887,768.86 $ 0.12 $ 633,735.00 $ 633,735.00 $ - $ 5,705,588.73 $ 918,461.00 $ 5,089,762.02 $ 615,826.71 $ $ 918,461.00 Total Amount as of 2/29/08: - $ 1,534,287.71 * The Source of Additional Funds is as follows: FUND ACCT DESCRIPTION 15K T203 Zoo Entry & Sea Lion 15K T209 Gorilla Exhibit & Holding Area 15F S204 Golden Monkey 15K T210 Golden Monkey 199 P210 Golden Monkey 298 A624 Golden Monkey TOTAL FUNDING ADDED: AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 79,597.00 72,115.00 22,955.24 214,496.23 56,488.53 472,809.00 918,461.00 5.0-2 Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program 5.3 Status Report – January 2015 Advanced Planning Project – Work Descriptions & Preliminary Budgets Listed below is a summary of projects that have completed advanced planning. Conceptual Description, conceptual plans, and preliminary budgets are available. ADVANCED PLANNING PROJECT BUDGET ITEM NO. PROJECT WORK DESCRIPTION STATUS ORDER OF MAGNITUDE 01 Zoo Parking Lot Master Plan Parking Lot improvements to receive LADWP solar trees, Storm Water BMPs, & Botanical Garden elements. Prop O funded; Bids received; Construction is anticipated to start in February 2010. $7,000,000 02 Pachyderm Forest -Bull Barn Enhancement Bull Barn, additional Exhibit embellishments, & Viewing Structure. On April 19, 2006 the City Council approved to change the scope of the Pachyderm Forest Exhibit and the associated additional budget; the Mayor concurred with the City Council’s decision. $13,900,000 03 Transformer Replacement The existing transformer (MTS-1) located in the existing elephant barn which provides power to most of the Zoo’s animal exhibits needs to be replaced. The transformer is in disrepair and can not accommodate the loads of the new exhibit. Also, a second transformer (TS-14) used to provide power to the Golden Monkey Exhibit needs to be replaced in order to accommodate new power loads and to bring that existing power source to meet current code. On May 31, 2007, the ZBOC approved additional funds to be added into the Zoo Infrastructure in order to fund the replacement of the two transformers. DWP has completed the work. $1,200,000 04 LA Zoo Restroom Remodel Renovate existing restrooms at the front concession area and adjacent to the new Gorilla Exhibit Project is cancelled. $350,000* 05 Lighting Master plan Master plan study to provide lighting throughout the LA Zoo. LA Zoo and GLAZA applied for Prop K funding but application was not accepted. $650,000 06 Sea Lion Exhibit Generator Provide and install an emergency generator for the Sea Lion Exhibit. Zoo Dept has obtained funding; GSD has issued PO to vendor. $300,000 07 Pressure-reducing Valves at Front Entry Complex Provide and install pressure-reducing valves (PRVs) at various locations in the Front Entry Complex to prevent water leaks and damage cause by water leaks. GSD has completed the work. $40,000 $23,440,000 TOTAL *Note: Amounts shown may increase or decrease after detailed scope of work is defined. Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers 5.0-3 Los Angeles Zoo Bond & Capital Improvement Program 5.4 Status Report – January 2015 Status of Contracts Listed below is a summary of the active contracts in the Los Angeles Zoo Bond and Capital Improvement Program through December 31, 2014: NO FIRM NAME PROJECT/SCOPE STATUS CONTRACT CEILING AMOUNT PAID DEC 2014 $ 1,832,600 $ 1,797,191 $ 2,400,000 $ 2,394,114 $ $ PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS: C110040 The Portico Group Rainforest of the Americas A/E Design Services C111358 Psomas & Associates C115226 Psomas & Associates Project/Construction Management Consultant Services On Call Engineering Design Services C109287 AMEC Rainforest of the Americas – TOS for Geotechnical Monitoring and Reporting C121566 Kleinfelder West, Inc. Jaguar Exhibit – TOS for Geotechnical Monitoring and Reporting NO FIRM NAME PROJECT Amendment was executed on 1/13/14; Expires 6/30/14 Amendment was executed on 6/13/12; Expires on 12/31/13 Amendment in process; Expires on 3/14/14 TOS revision approved NTP issued on 5/14/14 49,860 46,120 $ 300,000 $ 287,853 $ 63,230 $ 26,634 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID DEC 2014 $8,198,000 $10,053,330 $10,053,330 $11,711,707 $ 16,680,000 $15,851,382 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS: C115707 C119174 Royal Construction Metro Builders & Engineers LTD Living Amphibians Invertebrates and Reptiles Rainforest of the Americas Department of Public Works/Bureau of Engineering Program Managers 5.0-4 The Program Management Team Bureau of Engineering Los Angeles Zoo Department
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