Synopsis of funded projects

Projects funded by the programme «Research in Palliative Care»
Prof. Gian Domenico Borasio, Lausanne
Service des soins palliatifs, CHUV
Validation d’un outil d’identification des patients nécessitant des soins palliatifs généraux
ou spécialisés
CHF 169’500.–
Prof. Georg Bosshard, Zürich
Klinik für Geriatrie, UniversitätsSpital Zürich
Palliative sedation in Switzerland – medical routine or specialized care?
CHF 106’261.–
Prof. Valerie Fleming, Winterthur
Departement Gesundheit, ZHAW
Where new life meets death: a research based best practice model for palliative and
bereavement care
CHF 159’000.–
Prof. Ralf Jox, Lausanne
Chaire de soins palliatifs gériatriques, CHUV
Alzheimer’s Disease-specific Intervention of Advance care planning (ADIA)
CHF 173’200.–
Prof. Andrea Koppitz, Winterthur
Departement Gesundheit, ZHAW
Dementia-pall-intervention against symptom burden in Swiss nursing homes based on
CHF 20’000.–
Prof. Sophie Pautex, Genève
Unité de gériatrie et de soins palliatifs communautaires, HUG
Comparing the effectiveness of palliative care for elderly people in long term care facilities
in Europe… «and Switzerland» part I
CHF 64’700.–
Dr. Gudrun Theile, Zürich
Kompetenzzentrum Palliative Care, UniversitätsSpital Zürich
Mobile health technologies for palliative care patients at the interface of in-patient to out-patient
care: A feasibility study to predict deterioration of patient’s health status and aiming to prevent
unplanned hospital re-admissions
CHF 132’863.–
Dr. Monika Theresa Wicki, Zürich
Departement Weiterbildung und Forschung, Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik
Gesundheit und Entscheidungen am Lebensende von Menschen mit Behinderung –
eine Längsschnittstudie
CHF 99’000.–
Prof. Gian Domenico Borasio, Lausanne
Service des soins palliatifs, CHUV
French validation of the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale (IPOS)
CHF 114'350.–
Dr. André Fringer, St. Gallen
Institut für Angewandte Pflegewissenschaft, FHS
Voluntary Stopping of Eating and Drinking (VSED) in Switzerland from different points of view.
CHF 128'300.–
Dr. Claudia Gamondi, Bellinzona
Servizio Cure Palliative, Ospedale San Giovanni
Palliative ch members’ attitudes towards assisted suicide:
a mixed methods study
CHF 83'500.–
Prof. Andrea Koppitz, Winterthur
Departement Gesundheit, ZHAW
Pain Intervention for people with Dementia in nursing homes (PID)
CHF 114'775.–
Dr. Manuel Trachsel, Zürich
Institut für Biomed. Ethik und Medizingeschichte, Universität Zürich
Palliative Care for Patients with Severe Persistent Mental Illness
CHF 217'836.–
Dr. David Blum, St. Gallen
Onkologische Palliativmedizin, Kantonspital St. Gallen
Monitoring of Patients Needs, Professional Triggers and delivered Basic Palliative Care
Interventions in Routine inpatient, ambulatory and home Care of Advanced Incurable Cancer
Patients: MENTOR-Cancer, a phase I/II complex intervention study
CHF 80'000.–
Prof. Kerri Clough-Gorr, Bern
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, Universität Bern
Variation of palliative care in cancer patients in Switzerland
CHF 131000.–
Prof. Bernice Elger, Basel
Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Universität Basel
Respect for patient self-determination as quality indicator in palliative care:
current state, problems and solutions in acute care hospitals
CHF 236’491.–
Dr. Claudia Gamondi, Oncology, Bellinzona
Servizio Cure Palliative, Ospedale San Giovanni
Mobility grant for further education abroad
CHF 40’000.–
Prof. Mike Martin, Zürich
Psychologisches Institut, Universität Zürich
Facts boxes for burdensome medical interventions in dementia palliative care (DemFACTS)
CHF 222’648.–
Dr. Sophie Pautex, Genève
Unité de gériatrie et de soins palliatifs communautaires, HUG
A national palliative care database: a tool to better define the needs of palliative care patients
in Switzerland
CHF 96'700.–
Dr. Sophie Pautex, Genève
Unité de gériatrie et de soins palliatifs communautaires, HUG
Comparing the effectiveness of palliative care for elderly people in long term care facilities
in Europe... «and Switzerland»
CHF 170'500.–