notes to pages 000–000 314 notes to pages 209–212

21. “Intelligence Annex to Weekly Report of the Office of Military Government for Bavaria for the Period 8–15 November1945,” OMGBY, Intelligence Branch,
Weekly Intelligence Reports 1945–1947, NA, RG 260/390/47/19/1; “Intelligence Annex to the Weekly Detachment Report,” December 22, 1945, Office of Military Government for Kreis Scheinfeld, Detachment H-270, NA, RG 260/390/41/13/3;
“Intelligence Annex to Weekly Report of the Office of Military Government for Bavaria for the Period 22–29 November 1945,” OMGBY, Intelligence Branch, Weekly
Intelligence Reports 1945–1947, NA, RG 260/390/47/19/1; Snyder, “United States
Constabulary,” p. 211; “U.S. Survey Discloses Returning German Soldiers’ Views,”
New York Times, August 23, 1945; “SS Remnants Warn German Women: Bavaria
Underground Placards Threaten Reprisals for Any Fraternizing with the Yanks,”
New York Times, September 30, 1945; Domentat, Hallo Fräulein, p. 189; “Subversive Incidents Related to Fraternization,” in Starr, Fraternization with the Germans,
pp. 73–76.
22. Bericht des Landjägerbezirks Fürth an das Landratsamt, September 21,
1945, Staatsarchiv Nürnberg (StAN), Bestand Landratsamt Fürth, Nr. 40/1; report
from Stadtkreis-Landkreis Fürth, “Weekly Intelligence Report No. 1 for Week Ending 6 December 1945,” “Weekly Intelligence Report No. 2 for Week Ending 13 December 1945,” OMGBY, Intelligence Branch, NA, RG 260/390/47/19/1. Emphasis in
the original.
23. Perry Biddiscombe, “Dangerous Liaisons: The Anti-Fraternization Movement in the U.S. Occupation Zones of Germany and Austria, 1945–1948,” Journal of
Social History 34 (spring 2001): pp. 615, 620–21; Bach, America’s Germany, pp. 79–83.
24. Woller, Gesellschaft und Politik, pp. 71–72; “Weekly Intelligence Report
No. 5 for Week Ending 3 January 1946,” OMGBY, Intelligence Branch, NA, RG 260/
390/47/19/1; “Periodic Report for Week Ending 30 May 1946,” “Periodic Report for
Week Ending 11 September 1946,” Office of Military Government for Land Bavaria,
NA, RG 260/390/47/19/1. The German version ran as follows:
Die deutsche Frau treibt’s in schamloser
Weise mit Ausländern!
Schämst Du Dich nicht, Du Deutsche Frau?
Du weißt doch, daß Du uns alle in den
Schmutz hinabziehst und zugleich die Ehre
der Deutschen Frau befleckst.
Es dauerte sechs Jahre, um die deutschen
Soldaten zu schlagen, aber es dauerte nur
fünf Minuten, um eine Deutsche Frau rumzukriegen!
Wir haben keine Zigaretten und keine Butter,
der Ausländer hat Kaffee und Zucker.
Du scherst Dich nicht um seine Hautfarbe,