Inform mation Note Universitty of Zanjan Lau unching of o ACE-BK for Women Emp powerme ent and Workshop on Wo omen Em mpowerme ent for In nclusive Growth G a and Susta ainable Development August 30 – Septembe er 4, 2014 Ba ank Keshava arzi , Tehran--Zanjan, I. R. Iran GROUND 1. BACKG Achievem ment of inclusive grow wth and susttainable de evelopmenthas been p prioritized aas an important objective in many co ountries. Th he issue is sso importan nt that the United Nattions onceptsin th he list of MDGs. M This is why thee objective has becom me a has included the co developm ment agenda in many countries and a it has been b includ ded in planss developed by many reggional and internation i al organizations such as Asia Paccific Rural aand Agriculttural Associatio on (APRACA A), which haas been foccusing on re egional and agriculturaal developm ment. In Iran, such a gro owth and developmeent, accompanied witth justice, has also been b highlighteed in nation nal developm ment plans. men's The importance off the issuee has perssuaded many countries to consider wom participattion in sociaal and econ nomic areass as an effe ective facto or to achievve developm ment and to design various program ms to impro ove women n's economic and social participaation and to promote wom men empow werment. Implemen ntation of fair develo opment pro ograms and d equality of men an nd women are underlineed in Iran n.Thus, women em mpowerment and women's paarticipation n in developm ment activitties are alw ways priorittized in Iranian develo opment and international cooperation plans. Accordinggly and aim med at achieeving the national goaals and the operationaal objectivess, all organizattions such as ministrries and fin nancial insttitutions arre planningg in this area. a Followingg the signing of a Mem morandum o of Understaanding betw ween Bank Keshavarzi and APRACA tto launch an ACE‐BK fo or women eempowerm ment, the baank, as the ssole speciallized bank in th he agricultu ure sector,h has designed d some spe ecial women n empowerment progrrams in which joint projjects, to be b implemeented in collaboration with APRACA mem mber countriess and some national and international orrganizations, have beeen taken into consideraation. In addition, therre are somee forums an nd training w workshops planned byy the center aimed at designing d s sustainable financing models for women n and regional ment. As regards, a traaining workkshop alongg with an internationaal study vissit, a developm 1 joint conference and some plenary events have been planned by ACE‐BK for women empowerment to be held in September 2014 2. THE PROGRAM a. Launching of ACE‐ BK for Women Empowerment: ACE‐BK will officially be opened by Bank Keshavarzi Chairman and Senior Managers, APRACA Chairman, APRACA Secretary general, APRACA CENTRAB, Head of ACE‐BK for Women Empowerment, Vice‐president in Women Affairs, UN Representatives in Iran, APRACA members. b. Workshop on Women Empowerment for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development: The workshop on Women Empowerment for inclusive growth and sustainable development and the study visit will be held by ACE‐BK and in collaboration with some finance institutions and UNDP. c. International Study Visit onWomen Empowerment Projects in Zanjan Province. The Exposure Study Visit will be organized to demonstrate women empowerment through the projects implemented by various organizations in Zanjan province. d. International Conference of Asia Pacific Rural Advisory Services: The 1st International Conferenceof Asia Pacific Rural Advisory Serviceswith thetheme “Facilitating Information and Innovations for Empowering Family Farmers”. It will be organized and held at the University of Zanjan in partnership with Bank Keshavarzi. e. The 5th Congress of Extension and Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources Management: The congress, hosted by University of Zanjan, is aimed to exchange experiences on extension and education and Rural Advisory Services systems related to food security, sustainability of family farmers’ livelihoods and sustainable natural resources management including challenges, strategies and approaches for empowering farmers, cooperatives and producer organizations. f. Cultural Tour: Visit some of the historical monuments and traditional bazaar in Zanjan City. 2.1 Objectives The program aims to achieve the following: • Launch the APRACA Center of Excellence on Women Empowerment towards institutional partnership and cooperation; • Demonstrate the processes and systems of women empowerment in Islamic Republic of Iran and other parts of the Asia‐Pacific Region; • Develop the repository of Best Practices on women empowerment for inclusive growth and sustainable development; and • Develop and formulate a comprehensive framework for women empowerment through financial interventions. 2 2.2 Tracks and themes • Understanding of women empowerment concepts and definitions; • Role of women empowerment in inclusive growth and sustainable development; • Best practices of women empowerment in Asia Pacific region; • Financing to women: Systems and process • Analyze the result‐based management framework and its application to women empowerment process; 2.3 Expected outcome • Functional ACE Women Empowerment Knowledge Repository for Asia‐Pacific Region • Current challenges of processes and systems of women empower in the Region • Operational and comprehensive framework for women empowerment through financial interventions. 2.4Duration The program will be conducted from August 31 to September 4, 2014, excluding travel time. 2.5Venue 2.5.1 Opening Ceremony Bank Keshavarzi Headquarters Address: No.247, Patrice Lumumba St., Jalal‐al‐Ahmad Exp. Way, Tehran 1445994316, I.R. Iran P.O. Box 14155‐6395 Tel: (+98 21) 88252246, 84895602 Fax: (+98 21) 88253625 Email: icd@agri‐ 2.5.2 Training Workshop and Conference Al Ghadir International Conference Complex University of Zanjan University Blvd., Zanjan Zip Code: 45371‐38111 Zanjan Grand Hotel ( ) Address: Basij Square, Zanjan Tel .: 0098 2433788190 3 3. PARTICIPATION 3.1 Participants The program is suited for officers of public and private banks, microfinance institutions and non‐government organizations engaged in rural and urban finance, rural development, agriculture extension, and women empowerment programs. The Forum is open to all APRACA members, local financial institutions, UN agencies, embassies representatives, government and non‐government agencies and finance – related institutions. 3.2 Expected number of participants The host organization will conduct the program with a maximum of 25 international participants. In case participation will exceed the maximum of 25 nominees, only two nominees from each institution will be accommodated. 4. COSTS The events costs will be covered by Bank Keshavarzi and UNDP. However, each participant will be charged a participation fee of US$250* which covers meals (lunches), airport reception and send‐off, domestic transportation for the field visits, travel from Tehran to Zanjan, cultural exposure, training materials and supplies and other administrative requirements. The fee does not include the international round trip air ticket, hotel accommodation, dinners and incidental allowances for all travel‐related miscellaneous expenses like laundry, overseas calls, fax/email messages, mailing stamps, etc. in accordance with their existing rules and regulations. Please be advised that after Bank Keshavarzi’s confirmation of nominees' attendance in the program, and for any reason, in case the nominee cancels his/her participation, the nominating bank/institution will be required to pay the full training fee. Note:* ‐ APRACA will pay the registration fees for one participant from maximum of fifteen (15) members based on “FIRST‐COME‐FIRST‐SERVE” 5. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 5.1 Host Organizations Bank Keshavarzi (Agriculture Bank of Iran) No. 129 Patrice Lumumba St., Jalal‐al Ahmad Expressway, Tehran 14454, I.R. Iran Tel:(98 21) 8825 2246, 8489 5593 Fax:(98 21) 882 53625 E‐mail : icd@agri‐; shabanzad@agri‐ Website: ; www.agri‐ In Collaboration with: University of Zanjan United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 4 5.2 Language English is used as a medium of instruction and discussions. All presentations and materials are also in English. Participants are expected to have a working knowledge of the English la nguage. However, some lecturers may speak in Farsi but simultaneous interpreters will be present to translate the lectures in English and same arrangement will be done during the visits and official meetings. 5.3Dress Code Participants are expected to wear business attire during the workshop and conference, and smart casual or casual for other activities such as study visits, city tours and inter‐city visits. Women's hair should be covered with a scarf or shawl in public places. Ladies are also recommended not to shake hands with men. 5.4 Identification All participants will be issued with a personal identification badge, which they are requested to wear at all times. 5.5Technical and Cultural Tours Participants will have some cultural tours and visits (if preferred). The inner‐city and inter‐city transportation expenses will be borne by the host. 5.6Visa Support Participants are expected to obtain visa to Iran in their respective countries prior to their departure. Bank Keshavarzi shall send appropriate invitation letters and related documents for their visa application upon the participants' request. 5.7Medical and Travel Insurance Bank Keshavarzi shall not cover the cost of medical treatment nor the cost of participants’ medical/travel insurance. All participants are advised to arrange for their own insurance coverage prior to their trip to Iran. 5.8Travel and Airport Arrangement Pick‐up (Aug 29):All participants will be met by the host at Imam Khomeini International Airport (IKA) upon arrival on August 29. A representative of the host will be holding a placard with the name of participant written on it for easy identification. Therefore, the flight details are requested to be sent in advance. Pick‐up (Sep 4 and 5):The participants will be seen off on September 4 and 5 5.9Reservations and Nominations To fully arrange for the events, kindly submit the typewritten nomination form and send it to the contact persons below not later thanJuly 30, 2014 (Thursday). 5 5.10 Hotel Accommodation The host organization will book the participants at the following hotels(Hotels and shops usually do not accept credit cards or traveler’s checks.) 5.10.1 Tehran Azadi Grand Hotel ( ) Dr. Chamran Express Way, Evin Cross Road, Tehran 19976, Iran Tel .: +98 21 29 112 ; Fax : +98 21 2234 4478 E‐mail : [email protected]; Single Double‐bedded Junior Suite Royal Suite Duplex Suite Rls. 3,500,000 approximately Rls. 5,000,000 approximately Rls. 6,850,000 approximately Rls. 9,750,000 approximately Rls. 12,350,000 approximately Presidential Suite Rls. 15,000,000 approximately USD145.00/night USD210.00/night USD280.00/night USD400.00/night USD500.00/night USD610.00/night *%15 services and %3 tax will be added to rates 5.10.2 Zanjan Zanjan Grand Hotel ( ) Address: Basij Square, Zanjan Tel .: 0098 2433788190; Single Double‐bedded Junior Suite Rls. 1,760,000 Rls. 2,670,000 Rls. 3,730,000 approximately approximately approximately USD 90.00/night USD 140.00/night USD 190.00/night *%15 services and %3 tax will be added to rates 6 6. CONTACT PERSONS All participants are requested to address their emails and registration forms to: BANK KESHAVARZI (AGRICULTURE BANK OF IRAN) Mr. Mohammad Reza Sha'banzad Bank Keshavarzi (Agriculture Bank of Iran) International Cooperation Department Tel: +98 21 848 95602 , 8825 2246 Fax: +98 21 88253625 Cell Phone: +98 912 2582077 E‐mail address: icd@agri‐ shabanzad@agri‐ [email protected] Copy to: Dr. Arghavan Farzin Mo'tamed (Ms.) Email address: Head of ACE‐BK for Women Empowerment motamed@agri‐ Manager of International Cooperation Department, Bank Keshavarzi APRACA Ms. Thanawan Ampaipanvijit Asia‐Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Administrative Officer Association APRACA Secretariat Room A303, Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives Bldg. 469 Nakhonsawan Road, Dusit, Bangkok, THAILAND 10300 Tel. (+662) 280‐0195, 282‐1365 Fax (+662) 280‐1524 Email address: [email protected] www: 7 PROVISIONAL PROGRAM(Program details are subject to slight changes) Saturday, August30,2014 Opening Ceremony of ACE‐BK for Women Empowerment 08:00‐08:15 08:15‐09:00 Welcome Address by Dr. Arghavan Farzin Mo'tamed, Head of ACE‐BK for Women Empowerment Opening Address by Dr.Mohammad Talebi, Chairman and CEO, Bank Keshavarzi 09:00‐09:15 Keynote Speaker: Vice‐president in Women Affairs 09:15‐09:30 Keynote Speaker: Ministry of Foreignn Affairs APRACA Speakers: 09:30‐10:30 10:30‐10:45 10:45‐11:30 11:30‐11:45 11:45‐12:30 12:30‐13:00 13:00‐15:00 15:00 19:00 • APRACA Chairman • APRACA Secretary General UNDP Representative Speakers from APRACA Centres of Excellence ACE‐BK Work Plan:Dr. Arghavan Farzin Mo'tamed, Head of ACE‐BK for Women Empowerment Open Discussion, Comments, and Suggestions for Joint Projects Opening of ACE‐BK on Women Empowerment Center Lunch Travel to Zanjan by Coaches Arrival in Zanjan and Accommodation in Zanjan Grand Hotel Sunday, August 31, 2014 Workshop on Women Empowerment for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development (Day 1) 08:00‐08:15 Welcome Address: Dr. Arghavan Farzin Mo'tamed, Head of ACE‐BK for Women Empowerment 08:15‐08:30 Opening Address: Mr. Behzad Nik Khah, Executive Director of BK branchesin Zanjan Province 08:30‐08:45 APRACA Representative 08:45‐09:00 UNDP Representative 09:00‐10:00 10:00‐10:30 10:30‐11:00 11:00‐11:30 11:30‐12:00 12:00‐12:30 12:30‐14:00 14:00‐14:30 14:30‐16:00 16:00‐16:30 16:30‐17:00 17:00‐17:30 The Role of Women in Inclusive growth and Sustainable Development Break and Refreshment The Role of Banks and Finance Institutions in Women Empowerment for Inclusive Growth Importance of Result‐based Management in Formulation of Strategies UN Success Stories: Women Empowerment APRACA Members Success Stories: Women Empowerment Lunch Training Workshop: Introduction Team Works Break and Refreshment Presentation of Team Works Results Wrap‐up 8 Monday, September 1, 2014 Workshop on Women Empowerment for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development (Day 2) 08:00‐08:15 08:15‐08:45 08:45‐9:00 09:00‐9:35 09:35‐10:30 10:30‐11:00 11:00‐12:30 12:30‐14:00 14:00‐16:00 16:00‐16:30 16:30‐17:00 21:00‐23:00 Review of Day 1 Sessions Success Stories of Women Empowerment Success Stories of Women Empowerment in APRACA Member Countries with a focus on Inclusive Growth Workshop Schedule Team Works Break and Refreshment Team Works Lunch Team Works Presentation of Team Works Results Wrap‐up Gala Dinner hosted by Bank Keshavarzi Tuesday, September 2, 2014 International Conference of Asia Pacific Rural Advisory Services and the 5thCongress of Extension and Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources Management 08:00‐09:00 09:00‐10:00 10:00‐11:00 11:00‐11:15 11:15‐12:45 12:45‐14:00 14:00‐16:00 16:00‐16:15 16:15‐18:00 20:00‐22:00 Registration Conference Opening Ceremony: Welcome Speeches Keynote Speeches Break and Refreshment Parallel Sessions, Questions and Discussions Lunch Parallel Sessions, Questions and Discussions Break and Refreshment Parallel Sessions, Questions and Discussions Dinner hosted by University of Zanjan Wednesday, September 3, 2014 International Study Visit on Women Empowerment Projects in Zanjan Province 08:00‐17:00 Visit Some of the Empowerment Projects of Bank Keshavarzi in Zanjan Province. Thursday, September 4, 2014 Cultural Tour 08:00‐15:00 Cultural Tour: Visit to some of the historical monuments and traditional bazaar in Zanjan Friday, September 5, 2014 Back to Home Countries 9 Inform mation N Note Launching of ACE‐BK for Women Empowerm ment Worksshop on Wom men Empow werment for Inclusive Grrowth and Sustainable D Development International Study Visit on Women Empowerment Projectss in Zanjan P Province August 30 –– September 4, 2014 Zan njan, I. R. Iran Please fill in these formss and e‐mail tto icd@agri‐, shabanzad@agri‐‐ (ccc: motamed@ @agri‐ or fax to +98 21 88253625not later tha anJuly 30, 20 014 Name: Position: P Organisatiion: Address: Tel: Fax: E‐mail: PASSPORTT PARTICULA ARS:(Preparee separately ffor accompa anying person(s) Full Name: ……………………… ……………… Nationality: ……… …………………… ………….. Date of Birth: ……………………… ……………… Place of Birth: ……… …………………… …………… Father's Name: ……………………… ……………… Passport N No: ……… …………………… ……… Place of Issue: ……………………… ……………… Date of Isssue: ……… …………………… ……………… Date of Isssue: ……………………… ………………… Date of Exxpiry: ……… …………………… …………… Place to Apply for Visaa: … …………………… …………… ACCOMMODATION:(P Please Tick) Tehran ( ) Azadi Gran nd Hotel ( ) Dr. Chamrran Express W Way, Evin Cro oss Road, Teehran 19976,, Iran Tel .: +98 2 21 29 112 ; FFax : +98 21 2 2234 4478htttp://www.azaditehran Single e Twin Junior Suitte Royyal Suite Duplex Suite Rls. 3,500,,000 USD 145.00 Rls. 5,000,000 USD 210.00 Rls. 6,850,00 00 USD 280.00 Rls. 9 9,750,000 USD D 400.00 Rls. 12,350,000 0 USD 500.00 Presiden ntial Suite e Rls. 15,000 0,000 USD 610 0.00 *%15 servicces and %3 taax will be addeed to rates. Th he rates are su ubject to sligh ht changes. Zanjan ( ) Zanjan Graand Hotel ( ) Address: B Basij Square, Zanjan ; Tel: 0098 24337 788190; Single e Rls. 1,760 0,000 USD 90.00 Double‐bedded D d Rls. 2,670,000 USD 140.00 Ju unior Suite Rlss. 3,730,000 USD 190.00 *%15 servicces and %3 taax will be addeed to rates. Th he rates are su ubject to sligh ht changes. FLIGHT DEETAILS: Date Fligh ht No. From ‐ To Dept. Tim me Arr. TTime Remarks 10
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