
九州大学大学院 博士課程教育リーディングプログラム
Advanced Graduate Course on Molecular Systems for Devices
分 子シ ス テ ム
Open Seminar
2016 年 12 月 7日 (水) 16:30 ∼18:00
会場: 伊都キャンパス 総合学習プラザ 110
Ito: Open Learning Plaza 1F Seminar Room(110)
Low-Power, Superfast Soft Actuators
Prof. Moon Jeong Park
Pohang University of
Science and Technology
Associate Professor
We describe a novel platform for the development of high performance
ionic polymer actuators, which could be used to achieve an unprecedented fast response time under low voltage operating conditions. The actuators comprise cation-conducting block copolymers that exhibited a
response time of tens of milliseconds and millimeter-scale displacement
under 1 V in air, which has not been achieved by any actuators thus far.
The important factor in its success involves the selective introduction of
zwitterions into the nanoscale ionic domains of the polymer layer, which
do not migrate under an electric field owing to the electro-neutrality.
These zwitterions were designed to have structural resemblance to the
polymer matrix and provide a polar medium with an exceptionally high
dielectric constant of 76, thus facilitating ion dissociation and increased
ion diffusivity. Accordingly, the ionic conductivities of the zwitterion-containing polymers increased 300-fold, while the single-ion conducting
characteristics were preserved. We believe that these findings could
enable the development of new soft actuators that can be used in the
production of next-generation artificial muscles.
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■ 主催:九州大学 大学院博士課程教育リーディングプログラム