Consolidated Financial Results Nihon Enterprise Co.,Ltd. 1Q FY2017 ending May (From June 2016 to Aug. 2016) Released 3rd October 2016 0 (TSE code: 4829) Table of Contents 1 Overview of Earnings Summary (Q1 FY2017 ending May) Highlights PL Quarterly growth Sales Sales(Contents Service Segment) Sales(Solutions Segment) COGS SG&A expenses 2 Contents Service Segment ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ (Q1 achievements) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.15 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.16 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.17 Business strategy Lifestyle Traffic Information and Entertainment 3 Solutions Segment (Q1 achievements) Business strategy Solutions(consigned development and others) Advertising agent service / Overseas EC service “Inaseri” / Initiative in new technologies 4 P.3 P.4 P.6 P.7 P.9 P.11 P.13 Forecast and Strategy ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.18 P.19 P.21 P.22 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.24 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.25 Forecast Roadmap ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.26 (app.) About company - Business domain - 1 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved Overview of Earnings Summary (Q1 FY2017) 2 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Overview of Earnings Summary Highlights (MN Yen) 1Q FY2017 S a l e s O p e r at i n g p r o f i t Ordinar y profit YoY 1,245 67 80 ▲5.6% 18.1% 33.4% Contents Service Segment Lifestyle Traffic Info. Entertainment Good progress in forming “contents-platform” centering around “Women’s Diary” and “Dealing” With stable sales in contents provision on carrier platforms (B-to-C), carried out traffic Info. distribution to enterprises (B-to-B) through strengthening alliances Innovative challenge in producing hit contents, while focusing on existing long run hit “Chokotto Game” and E-book service “BOOKSMART” Solutions Segment Solutions (consigned development and others) Good performance in total solution service including consigned development and debug. Newly released “e-Manabi”, a package service to support employee education Advertising agent service Despite negative impact of administrative regulation, stable sales due to measures such as new ad plan. At the same time focused on developing sales channel Overseas In lower market growth, hit QoQ record owing strong performance in B-to-B sales of mobile device and broadband 3 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Overview of Earnings Summary Consolidated PL (MN Yen) FY2017 FY2016 Q1 Q1 YoY Difference Growth rate Sales 1,245 1,319 ▲ 74 ▲5.6% COGS 728 728 0 ▲0.0% Gross profit 516 590 ▲ 74 ▲12.6% SG&A 449 533 ▲ 84 ▲15.8% Operating profit 67 57 10 18.1% Non-operating profit 14 3 10 323.2% 1 0 0 409.0% Ordinary profit 80 60 20 33.4% Extraordinary profit 19 17 1 9.4% 1 - 1 - Pre-tax profit 98 78 19 25.6% Total amount of corporation tax and others 29 46 ▲ 17 ▲37.3% Net profit 68 31 37 118.5% Net profit attributable to non-controlling interest Net profit attributable to the parent company 13 7 5 76.1% 55 24 31 131.8% Non-operating expense Extraordinary loss 4 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Overview of Earnings Summary Q/Q growth Good progress towards full year forecast (MN Yen) 1,600 1,474 1,400 10.5% 1,200 1,139 1,035 1,231 559 421 1,198 1,245 1,227 1,225 464 593 669 604 555 780 7.8% 928 718 1,007 8.0% 680 761 5.7% 5.3% 4.5% 4.3% 6.5% 4.6% 4.0% 613 638 638 647 643 200 0 ▲ 200 6.0% 5.6% 400 579 12.0% 10.0% 6.6% 600 1,319 1,103 8.2% 1,000 800 1,375 1,316 1,508 621 595 601 2.0% 546 545 1.1% 500 484 0.0% 114 108 90 84 81 80 78 60 60 ▲-0.6% 57 55 13 ▲7 ▲-2.0% 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY2014 Contents Service Segment コンテンツサービス事業 FY2015 Solutions Segment ソリューション事業 5 FY2016 Ordinary profit 経常利益 FY2017 Ordinary profit ratio Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Overview of Earnings Summary Sales ■ Y/Y Growth Contents Service Segment, sales 19.5% down due to negative impact of carriers’ policy change in “fixed rate service” and others Solutions Segment, rose steadily by 6.0% (MN Yen) FY2017 FY2016 1Q 1Q YoY Difference Growth rate Contents Service Segment 484 601 ▲ 117 ▲19.5% Solutions Segment 761 718 42 6.0% 1,245 1,319 ▲ 74 ▲5.6% Total 6 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Overview of Earnings Summary Sales (Contents Service Segment) ■ Y/Y Growth Entertainment, decreased 33.4% due to less profitability in carrier service, despite increase of subscribers In all genre, focusing on business fields expansion through alliances! (MN Yen) FY2017 FY2016 1Q 1Q YoY Difference Growth rate Traffic Info. 213 215 ▲1 ▲0.9% Entertainment 205 309 ▲ 103 ▲33.4% 64 76 ▲ 11 ▲15.5% 484 601 ▲ 117 ▲19.5% Lifestyle Contents Service Segment (※1) (※1) Includes sales by Beijing YZH Wireless Net technology Co., Ltd. 7 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Overview of Earnings Summary Sales (Contents Service Segment) ■ Q/Q Growth Decreasing trend due to lower profitability in carrier service and others While obtaining stable sales&profit in existing hit contents, keep challenge to create new hit contents! (MN Yen) 700 600 500 579 105 613 109 638 128 400 300 287 279 293 638 116 298 647 116 285 643 109 298 621 102 294 595 601 85 76 289 309 546 545 74 74 253 247 500 484 68 64 214 205 200 100 186 224 217 222 244 235 224 220 215 218 224 217 213 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 0 1Q FY2014 FY2015 Traffic Info. 交通情報 Entertainment エンターテインメント 8 FY2016 FY2017 ライフスタイル Lifestyle Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Overview of Earnings Summary Sales (Solutions Segment) ■ Y/Y Growth Solutions(consigned development and others) , 5.1% down. Preferable order entries (acceptance inspection is scheduled 2Q) Advertising Agent Service, 21.8% up despite negative impact of administrative regulation Overseas, strong performance with 16.6% up. As a whole Solutions Segment increased 6.0% (MN Yen) FY2017 FY2016 1Q 1Q YoY Deffirence Growth rate Solutions 384 404 ▲ 20 ▲5.1% Advertising Agent Service 263 216 47 21.8% Overseas 113 97 16 16.6% Solutions Segment 761 718 42 6.0% 9 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Overview of Earnings Summary Sales (Solutions Segment) ■ Q/Q Growth Strong performance in Solutions (consigned development and others) , despite down in comparison to 4Q (order entries are increased due to many Japanese company's’ year end) Advertising Agent Service, stable despite down in comparison to 3Q and 4Q FY2016 Overseas, hit the YoY record in lower market growth due to successful sales measures 1,100 1,007 928 900 780 700 559 500 300 100 ▲ 100 101 207 421 58 98 464 61 593 51 225 669 46 404 147 249 264 255 1Q 2Q 3Q 316 4Q 76 555 44 247 82 219 264 1Q 2Q 3Q Solutions (consigned development) ソリューション(受託開発ほか) 259 216 680 102 761 396 113 453 263 238 257 263 FY2014 97 604 98 94 718 (MN Yen) FY2015 444 404 4Q 1Q 511 339 380 2Q 3Q FY2016 広告(広告代理サービス) Advertising Agent Service 10 4Q 384 1Q FY2017 Overseas 海外 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Overview of Earnings Summary COGS ■ Y/Y Growth COGS rose 3.3% due to increase of Solutions Segment sales ratio (MN Yen) COGS COGS ratio FY2017 FY2016 1Q 1Q YoY Difference 728 728 58.5% 55.2% 11 Growth rate ▲0 - ▲0.0% - Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Overview of Earnings Summary COGS ■ Q/Q Growth COGS improved due to sales decrease in Advertising Agent Service and others (MN Yen) 1,200 63.5% 1,000 64.0% 58.5% 58.7% 59.0% 800 600 55.2% 55.2% 54.2% 53.4% 52.2% 50.0% 400 51.1% 54.0% 52.4% 51.3% 49.9% 49.0% 200 0 617 517 550 629 687 615 642 758 728 655 866 958 728 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY2014 FY2015 COGS 売上原価 FY2016 44.0% FY2017 COGS ratio 売上原価率 12 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Overview of Earnings Summary SG&A ■ Y/Y Growth SG&A dramatically improved as advertising expenses decreased 47.6% (MN Yen) FY2017 FY2016 1Q 1Q YoY Difference Growth rate 72 138 ▲ 65 ▲47.6% (Others) 376 395 ▲ 18 ▲4.8% SG&A 449 533 ▲ 84 ▲15.8% 36.1% 40.4% (Advertising expenses) SG&A ratio 13 - - Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Overview of Earnings Summary SG&A ■ Q/Q Growth SG&A ratio increased due to sales down SG&A decreased due to optimized advertising investment & cost reduction (MN Yen) 576 600 521 500 461 348 400 457 417 364 584 572 356 343 530 542 376 412 533 100.0% 380 500 395 371 329 90.0% 483 413 449 80.0% 376 70.0% 320 60.0% 300 50.0% 41.4% 200 40.5% 40.3% 100 113 96 127 42.4% 43.8% 178 212 47.8% 43.3% 47.7% 39.4% 40.4% 215 153 40.0% 33.9% 32.0% 36.1% 30.0% 20.0% 204 129 138 128 70 10.0% 72 0 0.0% 1Q 2Q 3Q FY2014 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q FY2015 Advertising expense (広告宣伝費) 2Q 3Q FY2016 Others (その他) 14 4Q 1Q FY2017 SG&A ratio 販管費率 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 2. Contents Service Segment Q1 achievements Strategy by segment Promote to create hit contents and to form a “contents platform” by strengthen alliance, new contents distribution and service expansion Expanding services centering major contents Healthcare 『Woman's Diary』 Flea-market 『Dealing』 Messenger App Traffic Info. 『Fivetalk』 『Traffic Info. Service』 15 E-Book 『BOOKSMART』 Casual game 『Chokotto Game』 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 2 Contents Service Segment Lifestyle Proceed to form a “Contents platform” centering around “Woman's Diary”,” Dealing” and “Fivetalk” Strengthen alliance to expand business fields “Woman’s Diary”(healthcare App) “Dealing”s(flea market App) “Fivetalk” ・Newly opened ”Tomodachi hiroba” contributed to good DAU trends (Since August) Expansion of service ・Enhanced usability by adapting new payment methods ・Focused on alliance to increase transaction number × unit price Completed Phase1 development to start new service w/monthly charge ・A stock model to increase sales volume and stability New service development based on escrow system ・Promoted new services including Cto-C EC and sharing economy ライフスタイル Started joint operation with Excite Japan Co., Ltd. ・Completed necessary updates for joint operation, and started ad space sales (chat App) Expansion of service ・Mutual contents link through alliance weight control Contents platform TTC marriage Diet shopping child birth nursing health house chores 16 entertainment money vehicle carrier Child care pet Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 2 Contents Service Segment Traffic Information A long ran hit content on carrier platform Expanded distribution channel ・”App Store” (August 2016) ・ Robot App for ”Pepper” (September 2016) Focused on B-to-B through alliances ・Cloud service for cargo transportation company ・Distribution for “shopping mole”, “bus location system”, “digital broadcasting” and “Michino-eki” Entertainment Focused on an existing popular game “Chokkot game” “BOOKSMART” to increase subscriber ・Service expansion including rental service, web browser and others (June 2016) ・Tighten partnership with Tokyo-Shoten commercial union and publishers (June 2016) ? Innovative challenge to produce a new hit content! 17 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 3. Solutions Segment Q1 achievements Strategy by segment Expand solution business by offering a total solution, from App development, system implementation, voice and new technologies, at one stop shop Group synergy 18 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 3 Solutions Segment development Solutions (Consigned and others) 1/2 Good performance in System integration, App development and debug ・Customer management system + App development for a recycle shop dedicated to apparel ・Proceeded disaster prevention system development ・WEB service development for local air line company, and others Voice technology “Primus”(※1) ・Delivered to a construction and building company for tunnel constructions ・Dialing restriction & voice recording function contributed to acquire financial securities companies as new clients Local revitalization and sharing economy Local revitalization (consecutive operation) marriage, pregnant, delivery and child care (in Chiba) ) Info. sharing (Yokoshiba Hikar ) Child care support (Shimoda city) New service Smartvalue Co., Ltd. (business and capital tie-up) ( under planning and developing ) Promote local revitalization by creating “environment where women can live their lives vigorously” based on sharing-economy Proceeded joint projects of contents provision, such as marring hunting, marriage, pregnancy, child birth and child care, to local governments Provided pregnancy and child birth related contents for ”implementation, operation and maintenance of child care support application project” (Nagoya Pref./Aug. 2016) Cloud for tourism business operators, “Yubisashi Navi!” Consecutively operated History Explorer AR Navi ”Shiroishi Shiro-Shiro Navi” and “Aizu Wakamatsu city Navi” and others Superior environment for carrier and child care (※1) “Aplos one” is OEM product developed by a consolidated subsidiary “and One Inc.” 19 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 3 Solutions Segment development Solutions(Consigned and others) 2/2 Package service ・Released a new service, “e-Manabi” (June 2016) ・Promoted sales activities in market needs w/increase of employee education cost ・Delivered to a large restaurant chain-store (Aug. 2016) Contents development (w/gamification) + distribution platform Survey on education and training cost for employee in FY2015 numb er of comp any scale and industry Trainers movie contents upload, students assignment, follow-up on cloud Students PC・Tablet・Smarthone Package movie contents, distribution server, access control with ID/PW, communication & test functions total cost for education (10thousand yen) cost per employee (yen) FY2014 FY2014 FY2015 FY2015 result result forecast result forecast /forecast total 106 4,533 5,651 36,877 47,170 1.28[1.27] less than 1000 40 9,862 12,214 43,775 53,525 1.22[1.28] from 300 up to 999 39 1,902 2,379 34,077 41,513 1.22[-] less than 299 27 437 655 30,704 45,926 1.5[-] manufacture 41 5,403 6,269 32,415 39,073 1.21[1.20] non manufacture 65 3,984 5,261 39,692 52,277 1.32[1.31] ( source : SANRO Research Institute,Inc.) in-coming call Transfer HQ Client A via ext. tel netowork in-coming call Client B Branch Outing Outing Extension telephone network Landline phone + Smartphone (for free) IP Phone software Purchase at reasonable price Buy er data leakage eavesdrop closed network automatic bulk kitting Settings Division A Buyer Supplier Call with OABJ Time 10Az mins Current price Supplier Data entry Division B Supplier Supplier Reverse auction service Messenger App for business use Continuing sales to government sector and private enterprises Reviewed pricing and sales channel to promote sales 20 Kitting support tool for smartphone Strengthen sales channel measures Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 3 Solutions Segment Advertising Agent Service Contents provisioning Negative impact of administrative regulation at the store ・Competitive against carriers’ contents ・Self imposed regulations at many store Plan lowering the barrier to place ad Sales consignment CP (for contents provider) Seems nice! Try this! Sales NE Store Customer Distribution to multiple stores Introduced Payment (for store) Attractive incentive plan Focused on developing sales channel Overseas Despite decreasing smartphone market trends in China, sales to enterprises contributed to 20% up in number of smartphone sold Opened Yu Qiao Store (started operation in April 2016) Shanghai Telecom, Yu Qiao Store ・With location merits(business city and newly developing residential area) taking convenience style of operation in addition to broadband sales to households 21 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 3 Solutions Segment EC service “Inaseri” Established Inaseri Co.,Ltd. (June 2016) and 研究開発 announced joint operation with WHOLESALES COOPERATIVE OF TOKYO FISH MARKET for its first official EC service “Inaseri” Proceed system development on schedule towards service release ①put-up fish and sea food based on the next day’s arrival info. ②order by 2:00 AM Wholesaler Restaurant and food shop Wholesaler Restaurant and food shop Restaurant and food shop Wholesaler ③NIPPON EXPRESS works as a forwarder, and transport companies deliver each items to food shops on the same day of order closing ④ Payment (Credit or Bank debit) Kaimawari Station Initiatives IoT ・Started joint development of an IoT brand “GEMS” with Takasho TAKASHO CORPORATION (July 2016) ・”Fivetalk” for IoT Smart Agri. Energy Developed App and system for Aizu-Wakamatsu’s “next generation food production trial business” Enlarged empirical survey is on going 22 Started the operation of “Higashikiwa solar power plants” (May 2016). Promoted local revitalization based on solar power generation and IT Wired drone ・ W/Aizu Univ Jointly developed drone control tech. which enables longer flight time and aggregated payload ・Started a project with a manufacture for industrialization Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved Forecast and Strategy 23 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 4 Forecast and Strategy Forecast and progress Good progress, referring to 1Q ratio in YoY trends, 23.5% for sales, 20.5% for operating profit, 23.0% for ordinary profit (MN Yen) FY2017 (Forecast) FY2016 (Result) YoY Difference Growth rate Progress 5,300 5,530 ▲ 230 ▲4.2% 23.5% Operating profit 330 219 110 50.2% 20.5% Ordinary profit 350 252 97 38.6% 23.0% Net profit attributable to the parent company 135 327 ▲ 192 ▲58.7% 41.2% Sales 24 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 4 Forecast and Strategy Roadmap Expansion of business fields in smart devise eras M2M Sharing Economy IP phone Robot Messenger IoT Call center Traffic Info. Wearable Smart Agri Security Music Fin Tech HEMS Game Ringing Tone Decoration (song) mail Ringing Tone (melody) Automatic car driving AI Big data Regional revitalization E-book IVR Drone My number 25 3D VR GPS Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved (Appendix) Business Domain Lifestyle Contents Service Distributing information and entertainment contents on platform including App Store, Google Play, carries’ fixed rate service Traffic Info. Entertainment Solutions Solutions (consigned development and others) With the expertise obtained through contents operation, offering IT solution service and Advertising Agent service and others locally and globally Advertising Agent Service Overseas 10 consolidated subsidiaries 因特瑞思(北京)信息科技 有限公司 (※) 4 non consolidated subsidiaries 瑞思放送(北京)数字 信息科技有限公司 瑞思創智(北京)信息科技有限公司 at the LOUNGE was merged with 4QUALIA Co., Ltd. on 1st Oct 2016. NE group operates two major businesses with group synergy 26 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 日本エンタ 検索 Earnings results, IR presentation materials, press release, and company information are available at also delivered via "timely disclosure alert mail" service. ※View and forecast contained in this document are based on our assessment at the time of document issuance, and accuracy of the information is not guranteed. Please note that actual outcomes and results may differ materially from the information due to any changes caused by various factors. ※In this document there are some rounding variances in calculations. 27 Nihon Enterprise Co., Ltd. All rights reserved
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