Technical Note The patented Sample Compression Technology™ provides of even thickness, is formed eliminating the need for unmatched precision and accuracy with reliable measure#2 Sampl e Compression Technology™ ment geometry even for challenging samples including surface tension. At the same time the sealed micro- proteins and products in volatile solvents. This technology テクニカルノート environment limits evaporation. From below, light shines through the sample, is reflected by the upper mirror and is especially designed for ultra-low sample volumes of Introduction 0.3 µl to 2 µl. The patented Sample Compression Technology™ provides returned through the lower quar tz window in the pedestal A capillary film, shaped into a precisely defined flat layer (see figure 1 orange arrows) onto the detector. of even thickness, is formed eliminating the need for unmatched precision and accuracy with reliable measure#2 サンプル圧縮テクノロジー Principl e of Smal l Vol ume Measurements ment geometr y even for challenging samples including The sample concentration in UV/ VIS spectroscopy proteins and products in volatile solvents. This technology is calculated based on the Beer-Lamber t law: is designed for ultra-low sample volumes of 序especially 文 surface tension. At the same time the sealed microThe actual distance between the two quar tz surfaces is environment limits evaporation. From below, light shines half of the path length as a result. This reduced distance through the sample, is reflected by the upper mirror and has an immensely positive influence on the drop stability 表面張力に依存することなく液柱を作り、光路を確保します。 returned through the lower quar tz window in the pedestal especially for challenging samples like proteins or samples (see figure 1 orange arrows) onto the detector. 同時に閉鎖環境がサンプルの蒸発を防ぎます。光がサンプルを with volatile solvents. 通って上部の鏡に到達・反射して下部の台座のクォーツ面を通 The actual distance between the two quar tz surfaces is って検出器に届きます(図1、黄色の矢印)。 The NanoPhotometer ® NP80/ N60/ N50 always reads the half of the path length as a result. This reduced distance 0.67 mm path length first and only if the sample is not in 2つのクォーツ表面間の実際の距離は、光路長の半分です。距 has an immensely positive influence on the drop stability the linear range, moves the pedestal to form the second 離を短くすることにより、蛋白質溶液や揮発性溶媒中のサンプ especially for challenging samples like proteins or samples shor ter 0.07 mm path (figure 2). ルにおいて、特にドロップの安定性に非常に良い影響をもたら with volatile solvents. 0.3 µl to 2 µl. サンプル圧縮テクノロジー(特許取得済み)は、蛋白質溶液や揮 c = concentration (g/ l) 発性溶媒中のサンプル測定時も、比類のない精度と正確性を提供 1 1 A = absorbance value c = A x e of x Smal l Vol ume Measurements Principl Ɛ d Ɛ = extinction coefficient of sample (g*cm/ l) します。このテクノロジーは、0.3 〜2.0 μL の微量測定のために The sample concentration UV/ VIS spectroscopy D = pathinlength (cm) 設計されました。 is calculated based on the Beer-Lamber t law: This equation describes the correlation between concen微量測定の特徴 c = concentration (g/ l) tration,1 absorbance and path length. 1 A = absorbance value Measurements need cUV/VIS = A x 分光高度計において、サンプルの濃度は x BeerƐ d the linear to be within range for any spectrophotometer Ɛ = extinction coefficient of sample (g*cm/ l) to D = precise. path length Lambert の法則を基に計算されます。 be trustwor thy and For(cm) ease of use and to avoid manual dilution errorsC=濃度(g/L) the NanoPhotometer ® creates a vir tual dilution of each sample. Depending on the concenThis equation describesA=吸光度(g・cm/L) the correlation between concentration of the sample the system applies an automatic ε=サンプルの吸光度係数 tration, absorbance and path length. Measurements need adjustment of the path length. The instrument always to be within the linear range for any spectrophotometer to d=光路長(mm) measures first the longer 0.67 mm path and if necessar y be trustwor thy and precise. For ease of use and to avoid この法則は、濃度、吸光度、光路長との相関関係を表してい as a second step the shor ter 0.07 mm path. manual dilution errors the NanoPhotometer ® creates a ます。どの分光光度計でも、測定結果は、信頼性と正確性の vir tual dilution of each sample. Depending on the concenSampl e Compression ために、直線関係にあることが必要です。簡便性および手動 tration of the sample the system applies an automatic In comparison to other technologies, the NanoPhotometer ® での希釈のミス防止のため、ナノフォトメーターでは、サン adjustment of the path length. The instrument always uses an optical geometry similar to a microscope setup. プルを擬似的に希釈します。サンプルの濃度に応じて光路長 measures first the longer 0.67 mm path and if necessary 0.3 µl – 2 µl of sample are applied to the pedestal, which を自動で調節します。ナノフォトメーターは最初に 0.67mm as a second step the shor ter 0.07 mm path. acts as a “microscope slide”. The “cover glass” is a mirror の長い光路長で測定し、必要に応じて 0.07mm の短い光路 embedded into the lid which when lowered squeezes the Sampl e Compression 長でも測定します。 drop between two quar tz surfaces (indicated by red lines In comparison to other technologies, the NanoPhotometer ® in figure 1 & 2). uses an optical geometry similar to a microscope setup. サンプル圧縮テクノロジー 0.3 µl – 2 µl of sample are applied to the pedestal, which ナノフォトメーターは顕微鏡のセットアップに似ています。 acts as a “microscope slide”. The “cover glass” is a mirror embedded into μL theもしくは lid which1.0〜2.0 when lowered squeezes the サンプル(0.3 μL)は顕微鏡のスライ drop between two quar tz surfaces (indicated by red lines mirrored ドガラスとして機能する台座に乗せます。カバーガラスは、 します。 The NanoPhotometer ® NP80/ N60/ N50 always reads the 0.07mm 光路長 0.67 mm path length first and only if the sample is not in mirrored the linear range, moves the pedestal to for m the second quar tz glass ミラー quar 台座 tz glass shor ter 0.07 mm path (figure 2). window mirrored quar tz glass 図 2.サンプルが2つのクォーツ表面に挟まれた図(光路長:0.07mm) Figure 2: Sample drop squeezed between two quar tz surfaces quar tz glass (0.07 mm path) window ナノフォトメーター NP80/N60/N50 は、初めに光路長 0.67 ㎜で測定します。もしサンプルが測定可能範囲を超えた場合、 台座が動き、短い光路長 0.07 ㎜で測定します。 Contained Sampl e Environment Sample Compression Technology™ the added benefit Figure 2: Sample drop squeezed between twohas quar tz surfaces (0.07 path)the sample in place and evaporation can be of mm holding サンプルの環境 neglected. This sealed and protected microenvironment allows reliable protein measurements and the analysis of サンプル圧縮テクノロジーはその場所にサンプルを維持すること、 samples in volatile solvents. Even kinetic studies in small Contained Sample Environment また蒸発を軽減するという利点があります。この閉鎖系の環境は、 volumes are possible with this technology. Sample Compression Technology™ has the added benefit 信頼性のある蛋白質測定と揮発性溶媒中のサンプル測定を可能にし ofます。 holding the sample in place and evaporation can be Concl usion quar tz glass neglected. in figure 1 & 2). This sealed and protected microenvironment 2つの石英表面の間にドロップを押しつぶす様に設計された、 The patented Sample Compression Technology™ is key to quar tz glass allows reliable protein measurements and the analysis of 蓋に埋め込まれたミラーです。 結論 obtain reliable accurate readings from ultralow volume window samples in volatileand solvents. Even kinetic studies in small 0.67mm 光路長 mirrored quar tz glass ミラー Figure 1: Sample drop squeezed between two quar tz surfaces quar tz glass 台座 (0.67 mm path); light path indicated by orange arrows. window samples. the with contained microenvironment geometr y, サンプル圧縮テクノロジーは、超低量のサンプルで信頼性と正確性 volumes are With possible this technology. the instrument is optimized for reliable performance in all の高い測定を可能にする鍵となります。この測定技術によって、ナ climate zones and also is ideal for challenging studies like Conclusion ノフォトメーターは信頼性の高い測定を実現します。表面張力の低 low surfaceSample tensionCompression proteins, volatile solvents or kinetics The patented Technology™ is key to い蛋白質溶液や揮発性溶媒を含むサンプルなどの測定に理想的な装 in a drop. obtain reliable and accurate readings from ultra-low volume 置です。 samples. With the contained microenvironment geometr y, the instrument is optimized for reliable performance in all Impl en GmbH | E-Mail: suppor Schatzbogen 52 | 81829 Munich | Phone: +49 89 7263718 20 | Fax: 89is7263718 [email protected] climate zones and+49 also ideal for54challenging studies like 図1.サンプルドロップがクォーツ表面間に押しつぶされた図(光路長: Figure 1: Sample drop squeezed between two quar tz surfaces Copyright 2016 Implen GmbH | Version: March 2016 0.67mm)光路はオレンジ色で表示された部分。 (0.67 mm path); light path indicated by orange arrows. Implen GmbH Schatzbogen 52 | 81829 Munich | Phone: +49 89 7263718 20 | Fax: +49 89 7263718 54 | E-Mail: suppor [email protected] Copyright 2016 Implen GmbH | Version: March 2016 Implen GmbH low surface tension proteins, volatile solvents or kinetics Seite 1 www.i m pl in a drop. Seite 1 www.i m pl Schatzbogen 52 | 81829 Munich | Phone: +49 89 7263718 20 | Fax: +49 89 7263718 54 | E-Mail: [email protected] Copyright 2016 Implen GmbH | Version: March 2
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