Course Description: EFL 106/306 English for Security Staff (警備員の

Course Description: EFL 106/306 English for Security Staff (警備員のための英語)
Instructor: Thomas Holland
中級 106
上級 306
Tuesdays 14:00 – 15:00
Thursdays 14:00 – 15:00
Duration: 14 weeks
Starts: Aug 6
Starts: Aug 8
Ends: November 29, 2016
Ends: December 1, 2016
Frequency of Classes: 1 x 60 minute lesson per week
レッスン時間:60分/ 週1回
English Level: Intermediate (Tuesday) and Upper Intermediate (Thursday)
英吾能力: 中級(火曜日)中上級(木曜日)
Room 会議室
: Lab 2 C600b
Intended Audience: OIST security staff 対象者:OISTの警備員
Course Description: This course is intended for members of OIST security staff, and
provides fundamental grammar and vocabulary that can be immediately useful in the
workplace when assisting OIST researchers, staff, and family members. English for HelpLine
and emergency response is a key component of this course.
The focus of this course is two-fold: First, to develop and practice overall English
communication skills to promote effective communication between security staff and OIST
members; and secondly, to acquire job-specific language on topics such as helping visitors,
giving directions, making polite requests, dealing with fires, parking and transportation,
disaster preparation, and responding to the OIST HelpLine. This course features role-plays,
listening, reading, and writing, and utilizes authentic audio/visual materials.