August 11, 2016 Nikolay Doroshenko Head of product management and development department GAZPROMNEFT LUBRICANTS LTD Block A, 14/3, Krzhizhanovskogo St., Moscow, Russia, 117218 Dear Mr. Doroshenko: This letter is to inform you of the approval of the following products that have met the requirements for the Fives Cincinnati P-xx specifications. AFTON CODE Fives Cincinnati P-SPEC Gazpromneft Hydraulic HLP 32 P-68 Gazpromneft Hydraulic HLP 46 P-70 Gazpromneft Hydraulic HLP 68 P-69 Lab REF# 80716 80816 80916 TRD 8/11/2016 8/11/2016 8/11/2016 The product tested meets Thermal Stability requirements and any chemical and physical tests that were conducted by Fives Cincinnati. The test datasheet is attached. The lubricant supplier has evidence that the products generate passing results versus the full complement of requirements, if tested. These approvals are for a period of three years from the Test Report Date (TRD). We are granting the approvals for this product based on the sample submitted to us for evaluation. Should any change or reformulation occur on this product, we are to be notified of these changes at once and the reformulated material must be submitted for evaluation and reapproval. Samplings of all approved products are made periodically from the field for evaluation. Should the product sampling disclose significant variations from that which has been approved, the product will immediately be removed from the Approved Products list. Sincerely, William Rouse Jr. Quality Director ( Interim Materials and Lubricants Laboratory Manager) Fives Cincinnati 2200 Litton Lane Hebron, KY 41048 – United States Tel: +1 (859) 534 4786 – Fax +1 (859) 534 4913 [email protected] Enclosure: test datasheet CC: Brian Rhode Parker Hannifin France SAS Vane Pump Division 14 route du Bois Blanc – BP 539 18105 Vierzon Cedex France Tél. : +33 (0)2 48 53 01 20 Fax : +33 (0)2 48 53 01 37 GAZPROMNEFT-Lubricants Ltd. Att Mr. Treskov Yaroslav Krzhizhanovskogo street 14 Building 3, block A, 6th floor 117218 MOSCOW RUSSIA Vierzon November 15th, 2012 Subject : Fluid Gazpromneft Hydraulic HLP approval extended. Kind attn : Mr. Treskov Yaroslav Dear Sir, With reference to the documents submitted, the subject fluid is approved for inclusion on our list PARKER DENISON approved fluids for : HF0, HF1, HF2 Approval number : 405(1) This fluid will be listed under the brand name… The manufacturer to be listed as……………….. The ISO classification as………………………... The approved grade as………………………….. The listing date will expire……………………… Test passed………………………………………. Gazpromneft Hydraulic HLP GAZPROMNEFT-Lubricants Ltd. HM ISO VG 32,46 & 68 December 2017 Read across with files 170 & 188 Please note the product will be on the list until December 2017, the listing being for a limited period of 15 years. This last condition is due to the fact that many fluids on the list are no longer available and we try to make it a more usable document. The pumps technology is changing during this long period, the customers applications too also, this fluid will be removed of the list at this date without run a T6H20C test following the procedure TP-30533. Hoping this will not cause any inconvenience Best Regards Best Regards Philippe Parreau Consultant for Parker Hannifin France SAS, Vane Pump Division Siège Social /Headquarters Parker Hannifin France SAS 17, Rue des Bûchillons - BP 524 ZI du Mont-Blanc - Ville-la-Grand FR - 74112 Annemasse Cedex Société par actions simplifiée Au capital de 53 630 360 euros Siren 448 863 688 RCS Thonon-les-Bains 2003 B 240 APE 291D The global leader in motion and control technologies Electric Drives and Controls Hydraulics Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Pneumatics Service Hydraulic Fluids on a Mineral Oil Basis for Axial Piston Units RE 90220-01/12.10 Replaces: 08.10 Table of mineral oil included in groups HLP(HM) and HVLP to DIN 51524, parts 2 and 3 The following table is not necessarily axhaustive and no recommendation is implied. Subject to revision! ISOViskositätsklasse Hersteller ADDINOL ARAL AVIA VG 22 HLP Hydraulic Oil HLP 22 Aral Vitam GF 22 Avia Fluid RSL 22 VG 32 HVLP Hydraulic Oil HLVP 32 Aral Vitam HF 32 Avia Fluid HVI 32 BELGIN MADENI YAGLAR Best Lubricant Blending LTD BP Energol HLP-HM 22 Bartran 22 Brugarolas Bartran HVX 22 Fluid Drive HM-22 Bucher & CIE COREX Motorex AG HLP 22 Bartran HV 32 HLP Hydraulic Oil HLP 32 Aral Vitam GF 32 Avia Fluid RSL 32 VG 46 HVLP Hydraulic Oil HVLP 46 Aral Vitam HF 46 Avia Fluid HVI 46 HLP Hydraulic Oil HLP 46 Hydraulic Oil Hydraulic Oil HLP 68 HLP 100 Avia Fluid RSL 68 Avia Fluid RSL 100 HIDROTEX BS68 HIDROTEX BS100 Hercules (LISHI) Zona Hydraulic Oil VG 68 Energol HLP-HM 68 Hercules (LISHI) Zona Hydraulic Oil VG 100 Energol HLP-HM 100 Bartran 68 Bartran 100 Fluid Drive HM-68 Fluid Drive HM-100 COREX HLP 68 COREX HLP 100 Rando HD 68 Rando HD 100 HYSPIN AWS 68 Paradene 68 AW HYSPIN AWS 100 Hercules (LISHI) Zona Hydraulic Oil VG 46 Energol HLP-HM 46 Bartran Autran MBX HVX 46 Fluid Drive HM-32 Beslux Divol Beslux Divol HV 32 HV 46 COREX HLP 32 COREX COREX EP VI 360 EP VI 510 HLP Avia Fluid RSL 46 Hercules (LISHI) Zona Hydraulic Oil VG 32 Energol HLP-HM 32 Bartran HVX 32 Hydraulic Oil HVLP 68 HLP Aral Aral Vitam GF 68 Vitam GF 100 HIDROTEX BS32 Bartran 32 HVLP VG 100 Aral Vitam GF 46 Avia Fluid ZAD 46 HIDROTEX BS46 Bartran HV 46 VG 68 Bartran 46 Avia Fluid HVI 68 Bartran HV 68 Bartran Bartran SHF-S46 HVX 68 Fluid Drive HM-46 Beslux Divol HV 68 COREX HLP 46 COREX EP VI 610 COREX HV 515 Alpine Granat HV 515 CALTEX CASTROL Rando HD 22 HYSPIN AWS 22 Rando HDZ 32 HYSPIN AWH 32 Rando HD 32 HYSPIN AWS 32 Paradene 32 AW TQ-D Rando HDZ 46 HYSPIN AWH 46 Rando HD 46 HYSPIN AWS 46 Paradene 46 AW Rando HDZ 68 HYSPIN AWH 68 RE 90220-01/12.10 ISO Viscosity Class Manufacturer Hessol Lubrication Bosch Rexroth AG Hydraulic Fluids on a Mineral Oil Basis VG 22 HLP Hydraulic Oil HLP 22 Gazpromneft Lubricants VG 32 HVLP HLP Hydraulic Oil HLP 32 VG 46 HVLP HLP Hydraulic Oil HLP 46 VG 68 HVLP 3/6 VG 100 HLP HLP Hydraulic Oil Hydraulic Oil HLP 68 HLP 100 Hydraulic Oil Hydraulic Oil Hydraulic Oil HVLP 32 HVLP 46 HVLP 68 Gazpromneft Gazpromneft Gazpromneft Gazpromneft Gazpromneft Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic HLP 68 HVLP 32 HLP 32 HVLP 46 HLP 46 Gazpromneft Hydraulic HD 46 KLÜBER Kompressol KUWAIT Petroleum Q8 LAMORA HLP 32 Kompressol CH 22 Q8 Haydn 22 Kompressol CH 32 V Kompressol CH 32 Q8 Haydn 32 Holst 32 Hydraulik S32 Q8 Händel 32 Heller 32 LIQUI HLP 22 ISO MOLY LUBRICANT COMPANY, SINOPEC CORP. HVLP 32 ISO LUKOIL Lubricants Company LAMORA HLP 46 Kompressol CH 46 V Q8 Hoffmeister HVLP-D-46 HLP 32 ISO HVLP 46 ISO Morris Lubricants MRD ÖMV Kompressol CH 100 Q8 Haydn 68 Holst 68 Hydraulik S68 Q8 Haydn 100 HLP 68 ISO HLP 100 ISO Q8 Händel 68 Heller 68 HLP 46 ISO HVLP 68 ISO SINOPEC HM32 SINOPEC HM46 SINOPEC HM68 LUKOIL GEYSER ST 32 SINOPEC METALLURGY SPECIAL HYDRAULIC OIL LUKOIL GEYSER ST 46 LUKOIL GEYSER ST 68 LUKOIL GEYSER ZF 32 LUKOIL GEYSER ZF46 Hydromil Super L-HM 46 LUKOIL GEYSER ZF 68 Mobil DTE 22 Mobil DTE 24 Mobil DTE 25 Mobil DTE 26 Mobil DTE 27 Mobil DTE Excel 22 Mobil DTE Excel 32 Mobil DTE Excel 46 Mobil Mobil DTE Excel 68 DTE Excel 100 Mobil DTE 13 M Mobil DTE 10 Excel 32 MOL RT Ungarn Kompressol CH 68 V Q8 Haydn 46 Holst 46 Hydraulik S46 Q8 Händel 46 Heller 46 LOTOS Oil MOBIL Kompressol CH 46 LAMORA HLP 68 Kompressol CH 68 MOL HYDRO HME22 MOL HYDRO HV32 PENNASOL HLP 22 HLP 22 PENNASOL HVLP 32 HLP-M 32 Mobil DTE 15 M Mobil DTE 10 Excel 46 MOL HYDRO HM32 HME32 HLPD32 LIQUIMATIC 4 PENNASOL HLP 32 HLP 32 ZNF 32 MOL HYDRO HV46 PENNASOL HVLP 46 HLP-M 46 HLP-S Mobil DTE 16 M Mobil DTE 10 Excel 68 MOL HYDRO HM46 HME46 HLPD46 LIQUIMATIC 5 PENNASOL HLP 46 HLP 46 ZNF 46 MOL HYDRO HV68 PENNASOL HVLP 68 HLP-M 68 MOL HYDRO HM68 HME68 HLPD68 LIQUIMATIC 6 PENNASOL HLP 68 HLP 68 ZNF 68 MOL HYDRO HME100 PENNASOL HLP 100 HLP 100 Instandhaltung Fordern Sie bei Ihrem Schmierstofflieferanten Sicherheitsdatenblätter nach DIN 52900 für die von Ihnen bezogenen Produkte an. Diese Beinhalten u.A.: 8.3 • Chemische und physikalische Angaben. • Schutzmaßnahmen, Lagerung und Handhabung. • Maßnahmen bei Unfällen und Bränden. Entsorgung elektrischer und elektronischer Bauteile Bei der Entsorgung elektrischer und elektronischer Bauteile sind die örtlichen Gesetze und Verordnungen zu beachten. 8.4 Hydrauliköl- und Schmierstofftabelle ACHTUNG Ein Testlauf der Maschine im Werk wird prinzipiell mit zinkhältigen Öl durchgeführt. Es gibt aber keine Bedenken einer Betreibung der Maschine auch mit einem vergleichbaren zinkfreien Öl durchzuführen. Die Restmenge beim Auslieferungszustand beträgt ca 5%, daher muss man beim jeweiligen Öllieferanten nachfragen ob ein Vermischen in diesem Verhältnis den Betrieb zulässt. Diese Produkte wurden uns von den Mineralölgesellschaften empfohlen. Nachweisbar gleichwertige Produkte eines anderen Fabrikates können auch verwendet werden. Kapitel 8 - 2 EP6DE0SA HM4DE0SC 0510WT Instandhaltung Nur vorfiltriertes Hydrauliköl der Reinheitsklasse 17/15/12 nach ISO 4406 verwenden! Lubrication point Hydraulic equipment*) Gearbox, axial bearing and oil lubrication Central oil lubrication Designation to DIN 51502 HLP 46 DIN 51524 T2 CLP 220 DIN 51517 T3 Agip OSO 46 Central lubrication grease and grease Three-phase motor & electric motors**) Pneumatics & electromagnetic coupling CG 220 DIN 51517 T3 K 2/3 R - 40 DIN 51825 HLO 10 / CL 10 DIN 51524 T1 Agip Blasia 220 Agip ASP 220 Agip Exidia 220 - Agip ACER 10 Aral Vitam GF 46 Aral Degol BG 220 Aral Deganit B220 - Aral Vitam DE 10 AVIA FLUID RSL 46 AVIA GEAR RSX 220 Slideway oil RSU 220 - AVIA FLUID RL 10-C BP Energol HLP-HM 46 BP Energol GR-XP 220 BP Maccurat 220 D - BP Energol HLP-HM 10 Castrol Hyspin AWS 46 Castrol Alpha SP 220 Magnaglide D 220 SLX Grease Castrol Hyspin AWS 10 NUTO H 45 SPARTAN EP219 FEBIS K 219 - SPINESSO 9 HYDRAN TS 46 GIRAN 220 HYDRAN G220 Pluton EM CIRKAN 10 Mobil DTE 25 Mobilgear 630 Mobil Vactra Oil No. 4 - Mobil Velocite Oil No. 6 RENOLIN B 15 VG 46 RENOLIN CLP 220/220 Plus RENEP CGLP 220 - RENOLIN B 3 VG 10 Q8 Haydn 46 Q8 Goya 220 Q8 Wagner 220 - Q8 Haydn 10 Shell Tellus 46 Shell Omala 220 Shell Tonna S 220 Aero Shell Grease 16 Shell Morlina Straburags NBU8EP EP6DE0SA HM4DE0SC 0510WT TNK Hydraulic HLP 46 TNK Reductor CLP 220 - - - - Lukoil Geyser ST 46 Lukoil Steelo 220 - - - - Gazpromneft Hydraulic HLP 46 Gazpromneft Reductor CLP 220 - - - - *) Für Hydrauliköl gilt: Nur Öl nach Reinheitsklasse 15/12 nach ISO 4406 verwenden, grundsätzlich vorfiltrieren! **) Nur für luftgekühlte Drehstrommotore Kapitel 8 - 3
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