Armenian Banking Sector Overview 2012 1st half-year results August 2012 CONTENTS Basis of Preparation 2 At a glance 3 Sector Highlights 4 Bank Profiles 5 Appendix 1: Shareholders Structure & General Information 26 Appendix 2: Sector Insights 28 Appendix 3: Key Financial Indicators 31 Appendix 4: Bank Contact Details 35 Abbreviations 37 Glossary of Terms 38 © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc, a company incorporated under the Laws of the Republic of Armenia, a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP, and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Basis of preparation This report summarizes and analyzes the financial results of the 21 commercial banks of Armenia for the 1st half of 2012, as well as provides some insights into the recent developments in the sector. The financial information has been obtained solely from published interim reports and year end audited reports. We have used simple headline numbers in our analysis unless stated otherwise; each bank has its own way of reporting performance and this has proved to be the most consistent method of presenting their results. The general information, such as number of branches, employee headcount, etc, are mainly taken from the Notes to the Financial Statements prepared by the banks. The official websites of the banks serve as the only alternative source, however they are not always properly updated. Due to this, the figures presented may not necessarily be as of 30.06.2012. There may be figures more up to date or of an earlier date depending on the latest available information published by the banks. The main source of news is the official websites of the banks and the Central Bank of Armenia, as well as the official press releases published by various news agencies. © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc, a company incorporated under the Laws of the Republic of Armenia, a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP, and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. At a Glance The banking system is the biggest part of the Armenian financial market. As of 30 June 2012 the banking system total assets comprised 58.5% and total outstanding loans comprised 38% of GDP as of 31 December 2011. As of 30 June 2012, there were 21 commercial banks operating in the Republic of Armenia. They had 458 branches in Armenia and in Nagorno Karabakh, from which 180 are located in Yerevan. Key Financial Indicators of the Armenian Banking Sector as of 30 June 2012 (in million AMD) 2,209,606 1,757,675 1,595,251 1,435,802 1,821,798 1,126,403 387,808 226,085 131,039 108,868 11,517 58,712 9,030 78,395 2,057,275 1,552,248 1,399,692 1,258,812 1,685,630 1,055,813 371,646 226,085 223,889 179,737 21,575 103,209 17,176 142,962 1,763,697 1,395,950 1,264,693 1,081,588 1,411,246 855,964 352,451 218,572 104,177 85,112 9,833 49,377 7,816 66,425 Change (30.06.12/ 31.12.11) 7.4% 13.2% 14.0% 14.1% 8.1% 6.7% 4.3% 0.0% - Operating Expenses (43,867) (80,160) (36,939) - 18.8% Net Provision Expenses (11,613) (15,847) (2,910) - 299.1% 22,915 17,881 656 18,536 46,955 36,937 634 37,571 26,576 21,228 1,674 22,902 - -13.8% -15.8% -60.8% -19.1% 2012 1st half* Key Financial Indicators Assets Interest Earning Assets Gross Advances to Customers Loans Liabilities Deposits** Total Equity Charter Capital Total Income Interest Income Non-Interest Income Net Interest Income Net Non-Interest Income Operating Income*** Net Profit before Taxes Net Profit after Taxes Other Comprehensive Income Total Comprehensive Income 2011* 2011 1st half* Change (30.06.12/ 30.06.11) 25.3% 25.9% 26.1% 32.7% 29.1% 31.6% 10.0% 3.4% 25.8% 27.9% 17.1% 18.9% 15.5% 18.0% * The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period ** Deposits include current accounts *** Operating income is before provisions and administrative expenses Top Ten Banks of the Armenian Banking Sector as of 30 June 2012 (in million AMD) 250,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 -2,000 -4,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 ACBA Ameria HSBC ABB VTB ASHIB Unibank ArExImBank Ararat Converse Assets Loans Deposits Equity Income (right axis) Net profit/loss after taxes (right axis) © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 3 Sector Highlights Assets 25.3% Loans 32.7% Deposits 31.6% Equity 10% Income Compared with the second quarter of 2011, banking system assets grew by 25.3% and reached 2,209.6 billion AMD as of 30 June 2012. Assets grew in 20 banks and only “Mellat Bank” CJSC suffered a decrease. As of 30 June 2012 the total amount of outstanding loans disbursed by all 21 commercial banks in Armenia grew by 32.7% compared with the same date of 2011 and reached around 1,435.8 billion AMD. The outstanding balance of deposits to banks as of 30 June 2012 increased by 31.6% compared with the same date of 2011, reaching 1,126.4 billion AMD. As of 30 June 2012 total equity of banks reached 387.8 billion AMD, which exceeds the same indicator as of 30 June 2011 by 10%. During the period ended 30 June 2012, the banking system had total income of 131 billion AMD, which exceeded the total income for the same period of 2011 by 25.8%. 25.8% Profit - 13.8% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. Net profit before taxes of the banks for the period ended 30 June 2012 was AMD 22.9 billion, which is 13.8% lower, compared with the same period of 2011. Net profit after taxes of the banking system for the period ended 30 June 2012 was AMD 18 billion. 4 Bank Profiles Anelik Bank Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 2011 Rank 2011* total, % 1st half* 1st half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 76,880 54,175 40,313 62,684 36,967 14,196 10,816 4,447 3,254 (1,515) (1,367) (1,253) 73,050 51,201 39,324 57,782 35,696 15,268 10,816 8,168 5,606 (667) 13 8 63,624 44,814 35,373 47,738 29,594 15,887 10,816 3,818 2,675 (150) 32 207 3.5% 3.1% 2.8% 3.4% 3.3% 3.7% 4.8% 3.4% 3.0% 13.0% -7.6% -6.7% 13 13 13 13 11 12 9 13 13 4 21 20 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 5.2% 5.8% 2.5% 8.5% 3.6% -7.0% 0.0% - 20.8% 20.9% 14.0% 31.3% 24.9% -10.6% 0.0% 16.5% 21.7% 910.9% -4324.1% -706.0% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 80,000 4,500 60,000 3,000 1,500 40,000 Income 20,000 -1,500 Interest Income NPE NPT OCI Assets As of 30.06.12 Loans Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios 2012 1st half 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 94.1% 9th rank by the Charter capital Liquidity 52.4% Leverage In March 2012 Anelik Bank has introduced a special scoring system for the business credits rating. -30.7% NIM 2.8% ROE -9.3% ROA News 18.5% PM -50% -3,000 -1.8% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 5 Bank Profiles (continued) Areximbank – Gazprombank Group Key Financial Indicators Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* 115,589 94,372 90,337 99,350 35,229 16,239 12,347 5,963 5,073 (80) 529 529 95,860 78,873 74,681 80,149 32,756 15,711 12,347 9,432 7,764 (355) 1,030 1,030 80,498 67,235 62,605 65,405 24,290 15,093 12,347 4,337 3,580 (140) 412 412 5.2% 5.4% 6.3% 5.5% 3.1% 4.2% 5.5% 4.6% 4.7% 0.7% 3.0% 2.8% 8 8 8 8 12 11 7 10 9 17 13 13 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 20.6% 19.7% 21.0% 24.0% 7.6% 3.4% 0.0% - 43.6% 40.4% 44.3% 51.9% 45.0% 7.6% 0.0% 37.5% 41.7% -42.7% 28.2% 28.2% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 6,000 120,000 100,000 4,500 80,000 3,000 60,000 1,500 40,000 20,000 Income Assets Loans As of 30.06.12 Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity -1,500 2012 1st half As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios Interest Income NPE NPT 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 74.3% Liquidity 78.2% Leverage 14.0% News 8.9% PM NIM 2.5% ROE 3.3% ROA 0.5% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 8th rank by the Assets 8th rank by the Loans 7th rank by the Charter capital 10th rank by the Income In March 2012 Areximbank and EBRD signed a USD 10 million loan agreement for Small and Medium Business financing. 50% 100% In April 2012 Gazprombank LLC lent more than USD 100 million to Areximbank - Gazprombank Group. 6 Bank Profiles (continued) Ardshininvestbank (ASHIB) Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 176,707 133,110 110,055 143,766 105,806 32,941 13,802 10,687 8,313 (1,597) 1,342 1,433 160,390 109,001 91,446 128,880 95,235 31,510 13,802 18,198 14,214 (3,038) 2,360 2,496 128,292 105,248 84,375 97,183 73,560 31,109 13,802 8,607 6,782 (420) 1,947 2,094 8.0% 7.6% 7.7% 7.9% 9.4% 8.5% 6.1% 8.2% 7.6% 13.8% 7.5% 7.7% 6 6 6 6 2 4 5 4 4 3 7 7 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 10.2% 22.1% 20.4% 11.6% 11.1% 4.5% 0.0% - 37.7% 26.5% 30.4% 47.9% 43.8% 5.9% 0.0% 24.2% 22.6% 280.5% -31.1% -31.6% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 180,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 120,000 6,000 4,000 60,000 2,000 - Assets As of 30.06.12 Loans Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity -2,000 2012 1st half As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios Income Interest Income NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 51.8% Liquidity Among the top 10 by all the key financial indicators 62.3% Leverage 18.6% PM 12.6% NIM 3.6% ROE 4.2% ROA 0.8% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% News In June 2012 Ardshininvestbank and the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank signed a USD 8 million credit agreement for mortgage financing. 100% 7 Bank Profiles (continued) Artsakh Bank Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 81,083 65,384 55,836 68,992 44,447 12,091 6,561 6,904 4,688 (501) 1,123 1,123 68,855 58,006 50,556 57,280 38,753 11,576 6,561 8,963 7,910 (701) 1,644 1,644 62,026 50,908 40,337 52,452 38,704 9,574 6,561 4,102 3,435 (243) 922 922 3.7% 3.7% 3.9% 3.8% 3.9% 3.1% 2.9% 5.3% 4.3% 4.3% 6.3% 6.0% 12 12 10 12 10 14 15 8 11 7 8 8 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 17.8% 12.7% 10.4% 20.4% 14.7% 4.4% 0.0% - 30.7% 28.4% 38.4% 31.5% 14.8% 26.3% 0.0% 68.3% 36.5% 106.1% 21.8% 21.8% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 90,000 8,000 75,000 6,000 60,000 4,000 45,000 30,000 2,000 15,000 Income Assets As of 30.06.12 Loans Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios -2,000 Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 61.1% Liquidity 68.9% Leverage 14.9% 10th rank by the Loans 10th rank by the Deposits 8th rank by the Income 8th rank by the Net Profit After Taxes 16.3% PM NIM 3.9% 9.5% ROE ROA 1.5% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 8 Bank Profiles (continued) Armenian Development Bank Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 44,678 34,357 31,403 36,500 28,742 8,178 4,526 2,604 2,264 (84) 448 452 36,006 26,827 24,473 28,237 24,381 7,769 4,526 3,819 3,179 (61) 676 682 31,239 23,751 18,475 23,778 14,895 7,461 4,526 1,609 1,395 11 326 331 2.0% 2.0% 2.2% 2.0% 2.6% 2.1% 2.0% 2.0% 2.1% 0.7% 2.5% 2.4% 17 18 14 16 14 19 20 16 16 16 14 14 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 24.1% 28.1% 28.3% 29.3% 17.9% 5.3% 0.0% - 43.0% 44.7% 70.0% 53.5% 93.0% 9.6% 0.0% 61.9% 62.4% 880.2% 37.3% 36.8% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 45,000 3,000 2,500 2,000 30,000 1,500 1,000 15,000 500 - Assets Loans As of 30.06.12 Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity -500 As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios Income Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half News Cost to Income Ratio In June 2012 Armenian Development Bank opened its 6th branch. 50.9% Liquidity 70.3% Leverage 18.3% 17.2% PM NIM 3.2% ROE 5.6% ROA 1.1% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 9 Bank Profiles (continued) HSBC Bank Armenia Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 197,691 169,869 124,085 164,349 127,460 33,342 10,439 10,079 8,109 (141) 3,515 3,812 179,065 140,772 108,025 148,749 121,709 30,317 10,439 18,487 14,157 16 6,585 6,636 155,157 133,864 90,843 127,984 109,126 27,173 10,439 8,499 6,676 30 2,751 3,008 8.9% 9.7% 8.6% 9.0% 11.3% 8.6% 4.6% 7.7% 7.4% 1.2% 19.7% 20.5% 3 3 4 3 1 3 10 5 6 13 1 1 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 10.4% 20.7% 14.9% 10.5% 4.7% 10.0% 0.0% - 27.4% 26.9% 36.6% 28.4% 16.8% 22.7% 0.0% 18.6% 21.5% 571.3% 27.8% 26.7% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 200,000 12,000 160,000 10,000 8,000 120,000 6,000 80,000 4,000 40,000 2,000 Assets Loans As of 30.06.12 Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios -2,000 Income Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 45.6% Liquidity 1st rank by the Deposits 1st rank by the Net Profit After Taxes Among the top 10 by almost all the key financial indicators 62.8% Leverage 16.9% News 34.9% PM NIM In May 2012 HSBC Bank Armenia opened a new branch in Yerevan. 4.2% 11.0% ROE ROA 1.9% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% In June 2012 International Finance Corporation provided USD 15 million financing to the bank for expanding the renewable energy and energy efficiency projects financing. 10 Bank Profiles (continued) Byblos Bank Armenia Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 45,251 38,707 25,135 36,223 21,087 9,028 8,125 1,914 1,893 (24) 153 84 37,820 32,278 20,122 28,876 16,189 8,944 8,125 3,069 2,918 (11) 266 277 34,922 30,211 18,326 26,168 12,437 8,755 8,125 1,396 1,328 48 106 87 2.0% 2.2% 1.8% 2.0% 1.9% 2.3% 3.6% 1.5% 1.7% 0.2% 0.9% 0.5% 16 16 19 17 16 17 11 19 19 18 16 17 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 19.6% 19.9% 24.9% 25.4% 30.3% 0.9% 0.0% - 29.6% 28.1% 37.2% 38.4% 69.5% 3.1% 0.0% 37.1% 42.6% 150.7% 44.6% -3.2% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 50,000 2,000 40,000 1,500 30,000 1,000 20,000 500 10,000 Income Assets As of 30.06.12 Loans Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity -500 2012 1st half As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios Interest Income NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half News Cost to Income Ratio 75.6% Liquidity 55.5% Leverage 20.0% In March 2012 Byblos Bank Armenia has become a member of Nasdaq OMX Armenia. 8.0% PM NIM 2.5% ROE 1.7% ROA 0.4% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. Since March 2012 Byblos Bank Armenia cooperates with IFC in mortgage lending within the framework of the housing energy efficiency lending program. An agreement of USD 10 million is already obtained. In April 2012 Byblos Bank Armenia opened a new branch in Yerevan. 50% 100% 11 Bank Profiles (continued) Inecobank Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 93,370 80,354 70,952 76,957 24,754 16,414 6,926 6,424 5,611 (183) 1,683 1,675 87,230 67,901 62,254 72,231 29,465 14,999 6,926 9,891 8,353 (374) 2,603 2,656 68,218 54,633 43,607 54,683 19,935 13,535 3,463 4,580 3,796 (90) 1,172 1,192 4.2% 4.6% 4.9% 4.2% 2.2% 4.2% 3.1% 4.9% 5.2% 1.6% 9.4% 9.0% 11 9 9 11 15 10 13 9 8 9 6 6 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 7.0% 18.3% 14.0% 6.5% -16.0% 9.4% 0.0% - 36.9% 47.1% 62.7% 40.7% 24.2% 21.3% 100.0% 40.3% 47.8% 104.4% 43.6% 40.5% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 7,000 100,000 6,000 80,000 5,000 60,000 4,000 40,000 3,000 2,000 20,000 1,000 Assets As of 30.06.12 Loans Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity -1,000 As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios Income Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 42.8% Liquidity 76.0% Leverage 17.6% News 26.2% PM NIM In April 2012 Inecobank attracted USD 10 million from European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE) for enhancing the Micro and Small enterprises loan portfolio. 4.4% 10.7% ROE ROA 9th rank by the Loans 9th rank by the Income 6th rank by the Net Profit After Taxes 1.9% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 12 Bank Profiles (continued) Converse Bank Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 95,386 70,397 52,991 78,227 59,251 17,159 4,860 5,397 3,817 248 775 809 137,594 62,708 46,190 121,116 102,374 16,478 4,860 10,356 7,388 (1,689) 76 78 81,283 54,380 43,297 64,550 46,751 16,734 4,860 4,873 3,528 (423) 324 357 4.3% 4.0% 3.7% 4.3% 5.3% 4.4% 2.1% 4.1% 3.5% -2.1% 4.3% 4.4% 10 10 11 10 9 9 19 12 12 21 11 10 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 -30.7% 12.3% 14.7% -35.4% -42.1% 4.1% 0.0% - 17.4% 29.5% 22.4% 21.2% 26.7% 2.5% 0.0% 10.8% 8.2% 158.5% 139.5% 126.5% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 140,000 6,000 120,000 5,000 100,000 4,000 80,000 3,000 60,000 2,000 40,000 1,000 20,000 - Assets Loans As of 30.06.12 Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios -1,000 Income Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 77.9% Liquidity 55.6% Leverage 18.0% PM 14.4% NIM 2.8% ROE 4.6% ROA 10th rank by the Assets 9th rank by the Deposits 8th rank by the Net Non-Interest Income 0.7% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 13 Bank Profiles (continued) ACBA – Credit Agricole Bank Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 239,801 189,105 163,412 192,470 82,404 47,331 30,000 14,685 12,532 (1,142) 1,954 1,994 218,232 170,288 146,131 172,895 73,078 45,337 30,000 26,631 22,423 (387) 6,139 6,144 192,679 154,984 127,995 150,566 57,413 42,113 30,000 12,601 10,482 (221) 3,030 2,920 10.9% 10.8% 11.4% 10.6% 7.3% 12.2% 13.3% 11.2% 11.5% 9.8% 10.9% 10.8% 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 2 5 4 4 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 9.9% 11.1% 11.8% 11.3% 12.8% 4.4% 0.0% - 24.5% 22.0% 27.7% 27.8% 43.5% 12.4% 0.0% 16.5% 19.6% 416.7% -35.5% -31.7% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 250,000 15,000 12,500 200,000 10,000 150,000 7,500 100,000 5,000 2,500 50,000 - Assets Loans As of 30.06.12 Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity -2,500 As of 30.06.11 Income Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Key Ratios Cost to Income Ratio 57.7% Liquidity 68.1% Leverage 19.7% PM 13.3% NIM 3.9% ROE 4.2% ROA 0.9% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 1st rank by the Assets 1st rank by the Loans 1st rank by the Charter Capital 1st rank by the Income Among the top 10 banks by all the key financial indicators. News In January 2012 ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank signed an agreement of USD 30 million with IFC on SME and agriculture sectors lending. 50% 100% 14 Bank Profiles (continued) Armeconombank Key Financial Indicators Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* 59,771 47,095 30,760 50,790 34,676 8,981 2,333 3,977 2,900 (95) (42) (31) 60,285 38,655 29,251 51,063 33,137 9,222 2,333 8,077 5,487 497 520 59,766 42,388 30,017 50,802 29,254 8,964 2,333 3,680 2,691 165 233 262 2.7% 2.7% 2.1% 2.8% 3.1% 2.3% 1.0% 3.0% 2.7% 0.8% -0.2% -0.2% 14 14 15 14 13 18 21 14 14 15 18 18 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 -0.9% 21.8% 5.2% -0.5% 4.6% -2.6% 0.0% - 0.0% 11.1% 2.5% 0.0% 18.5% 0.2% 0.0% 8.1% 7.8% 157.5% -117.9% -111.8% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 60,000 4,000 50,000 3,000 40,000 2,000 30,000 20,000 1,000 10,000 - Assets Loans As of 30.06.12 Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 97.3% Liquidity 9th rank by the Net Non-Interest Income 51.5% Leverage -50% -1,000 Income Interest Income 15.0% PM -1.0% NIM 3.5% ROE -0.5% ROA -0.1% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 15 Bank Profiles (continued) Armbusinessbank Key Financial Indicators Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* 183,423 146,610 120,377 162,233 100,341 21,191 17,500 9,303 8,199 (2,173) (1,298) (1,342) 167,138 121,787 108,742 144,605 94,229 22,533 17,500 16,481 14,848 (1,630) 893 967 143,687 105,074 96,629 124,988 72,769 18,699 13,450 7,989 6,856 (322) 1,027 1,184 8.3% 8.3% 8.4% 8.9% 8.9% 5.5% 7.7% 7.1% 7.5% 18.7% -7.3% -7.2% 4 5 5 4 5 6 3 6 5 2 20 21 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 9.7% 20.4% 10.7% 12.2% 6.5% -6.0% 0.0% - 27.7% 39.5% 24.6% 29.8% 37.9% 13.3% 30.1% 16.4% 19.6% 574.1% -226.5% -213.3% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 200,000 10,000 160,000 7,500 120,000 5,000 80,000 2,500 40,000 - Assets Loans Deposits Equity -2,500 As of 30.06.12 As of 31.12.11 As of 30.06.11 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Key Ratios Cost to Income Ratio 73.5% Liquidity 11.6% PM -14.0% NIM 1.8% ROE -5.9% ROA -0.7% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% Among the top 10 banks by all the key financial indicators. News 65.6% Leverage -50% Income Interest Income 100% In February 2012 ABB signed a Memorandum of Understanding with “The Pragma Corporation”, primary contractor of the USAID Enterprise Development and Market Competitiveness program, becoming one of the three partner banks of the program. In March 2012 ABB signed an agreement with BPC Banking Technologies aimed at development of its own processing center based on Smart Vista Software. In January and May 2012 Armbusinessbank opened two new branches. 16 Bank Profiles (continued) VTB Bank (Armenia) Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 181,490 159,839 137,007 151,784 95,663 29,706 13,776 14,513 13,292 (2,772) 1,968 1,910 177,477 155,372 122,742 149,930 79,478 27,547 13,776 21,118 17,247 (4,332) 1,670 1,707 151,922 126,155 104,245 123,280 78,908 28,642 13,776 9,806 8,098 (94) 2,620 2,713 8.2% 9.1% 9.5% 8.3% 8.5% 7.7% 6.1% 11.1% 12.2% 23.9% 11.0% 10.3% 5 4 3 5 6 5 6 2 1 1 3 5 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 2.3% 2.9% 11.6% 1.2% 20.4% 7.8% 0.0% - 19.5% 26.7% 31.4% 23.1% 21.2% 3.7% 0.0% 48.0% 64.1% 2850.8% -24.9% -29.6% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 200,000 15,000 160,000 12,000 120,000 9,000 6,000 80,000 3,000 40,000 - Assets Loans As of 30.06.12 Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity -3,000 2012 1st half As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios Income Interest Income NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 43.5% Liquidity 75.5% News Leverage 16.4% PM 13.6% NIM 5.1% ROE 6.9% ROA Among the top 10 banks by all the key financial indicators. In April 2012 VTB Bank (Armenia) opened a new branch in Yerevan. 1.1% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 17 Bank Profiles (continued) Araratbank Key Financial Indicators Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* 109,401 66,928 48,491 95,390 72,662 14,011 5,962 5,638 4,858 (162) 1,859 2,038 87,576 66,547 38,380 75,335 54,977 12,241 5,962 8,317 6,664 (326) 2,214 2,229 68,367 48,707 32,174 57,237 42,355 11,130 5,962 3,822 3,170 (130) 1,107 1,118 5.0% 3.8% 3.4% 5.2% 6.5% 3.6% 2.6% 4.3% 4.5% 1.4% 10.4% 11.0% 9 11 12 9 8 13 18 11 10 11 5 3 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 24.9% 0.6% 26.3% 26.6% 32.2% 14.5% 0.0% - 60.0% 37.4% 50.7% 66.7% 71.6% 25.9% 0.0% 47.5% 53.2% 24.6% 68.0% 82.3% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 120,000 6,000 100,000 5,000 80,000 4,000 60,000 3,000 40,000 2,000 20,000 1,000 Assets Loans As of 30.06.12 Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios Income -1,000 Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 9th rank by the Assets 8th rank by the Deposits 5th rank by the Net Profit After Taxes 37.0% Liquidity 44.3% Leverage News 12.8% In January 2012 Ararat bank signed an agreement of USD 4 million with EDB aimed at SME and Micro lending. 33.0% PM NIM 4.8% In April and June 2012 the Araratbank opened two new branches in Yerevan. 14.2% ROE ROA 1.9% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% In June 2012 Araratbank reported that the bank is planning to have an IPO in NASDAQ OMX Armenia in September – October 2012. 18 Bank Profiles (continued) Ameria Bank Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 221,859 176,834 151,838 185,217 104,884 36,642 25,448 11,113 9,443 (848) 2,504 2,525 200,943 158,706 134,053 166,171 91,333 34,772 25,448 18,546 16,269 (305) 4,055 4,100 177,440 143,020 115,029 145,097 82,654 32,343 25,448 7,904 7,263 (434) 1,587 1,671 10.0% 10.1% 10.6% 10.2% 9.3% 9.4% 11.3% 8.5% 8.7% 7.3% 14.0% 13.6% 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 6 2 2 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 10.4% 11.4% 13.3% 11.5% 14.8% 5.4% 0.0% - 25.0% 23.6% 32.0% 27.7% 26.9% 13.3% 0.0% 40.6% 30.0% 95.4% 57.7% 51.1% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 12,000 250,000 10,000 200,000 8,000 150,000 6,000 100,000 4,000 50,000 2,000 Assets Loans As of 30.06.12 Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios -2,000 Income Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 38.5% Liquidity 68.4% Leverage News 16.5% In April 2012 Ameria Bank opened a new branch in Yerevan. 22.5% PM NIM Among the top 10 banks by all the key financial indicators. 3.1% 7.0% ROE ROA 1.2% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 19 Bank Profiles (continued) Mellat Bank Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 17,150 12,091 2,779 6,545 2,210 10,605 6,850 660 423 92 329 329 26,370 15,164 2,076 16,093 1,991 10,277 6,850 4,370 856 568 2,157 2,157 43,555 35,555 2,200 33,808 2,376 9,747 6,850 2,688 2,045 631 1,627 1,627 0.8% 0.7% 0.2% 0.4% 0.2% 2.7% 3.0% 0.5% 0.4% -0.8% 1.8% 1.8% 20 20 21 20 21 16 14 21 21 20 15 15 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 -35.0% -20.3% 33.9% -59.3% 11.0% 3.2% 0.0% - -60.6% -66.0% 26.3% -80.6% -7.0% 8.8% 0.0% -75.4% -79.3% -85.4% -79.8% -79.8% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 50,000 3,000 40,000 2,500 2,000 30,000 1,500 20,000 1,000 10,000 500 - Assets As of 30.06.12 Loans Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity As of 30.06.11 Income Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT 2011 1st half Key Ratios Cost to Income Ratio 50.7% Liquidity 16.2% Leverage 61.8% 49.8% PM NIM 3.0% ROE 3.1% ROA 1.5% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 20 Bank Profiles (continued) BTA Bank Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 9,771 6,783 4,889 4,247 2,415 5,524 6,520 668 615 77 121 118 9,383 6,509 4,708 3,976 2,075 5,407 6,520 1,274 1,176 16 207 192 9,052 6,107 4,203 3,602 1,684 5,450 6,520 659 568 93 232 235 0.4% 0.4% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 1.4% 2.9% 0.5% 0.6% -0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 21 21 20 21 20 21 16 20 20 19 17 16 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 4.1% 4.2% 3.8% 6.8% 16.4% 2.2% 0.0% - 7.9% 11.1% 16.3% 17.9% 43.4% 1.4% 0.0% 1.4% 8.2% -17.3% -47.7% -50.1% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 10,000 700 600 8,000 500 6,000 400 300 4,000 200 2,000 100 - Assets As of 30.06.12 Loans Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity As of 30.06.11 -100 Income Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Key Ratios Cost to Income Ratio 88.3% Liquidity 50.0% Leverage 56.5% 18.2% PM NIM 6.7% ROE 2.2% ROA 1.3% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 21 Bank Profiles (continued) Prometey Bank Key Financial Indicators Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* 43,838 36,865 28,727 24,352 13,371 19,485 14,400 2,511 2,222 (182) 783 717 40,830 32,274 25,544 22,061 11,411 18,769 14,400 4,171 3,433 (263) 1,157 1,252 33,417 27,539 21,095 15,295 7,041 18,122 14,400 1,884 1,521 (238) 561 605 2.0% 2.1% 2.0% 1.3% 1.2% 5.0% 6.4% 1.9% 2.0% 1.6% 4.4% 3.9% 18 17 16 19 18 7 4 17 17 10 10 12 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 7.4% 14.2% 12.5% 10.4% 17.2% 3.8% 0.0% - 31.2% 33.9% 36.2% 59.2% 89.9% 7.5% 0.0% 33.3% 46.1% -23.4% 39.4% 18.5% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position 50,000 Key Indicators of the Financial Results 3,000 2,500 40,000 2,000 30,000 1,500 20,000 1,000 10,000 500 - Assets As of 30.06.12 Loans Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios Income -500 Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 32.4% Liquidity 4th rank by the Charter Capital 10th rank by the Net Profit After Taxes 65.5% Leverage 44.4% News 31.2% PM NIM 4.3% ROE 4.1% ROA 1.8% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% In April 2012 Prometey Bank opened two new branches in Yerevan and Abovyan. 100% 22 Bank Profiles (continued) Unibank Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 132,457 100,847 91,979 114,735 104,121 17,723 11,401 8,343 6,627 (254) 953 1,054 114,543 92,909 84,204 97,874 90,590 16,669 11,401 15,918 12,095 (1,855) 1,807 1,666 112,859 84,933 72,504 96,565 89,054 16,295 11,401 7,394 5,660 (491) 1,043 1,095 6.0% 5.7% 6.4% 6.3% 9.2% 4.6% 5.0% 6.4% 6.1% 2.2% 5.3% 5.7% 7 7 7 7 4 8 8 7 7 8 9 9 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 15.6% 8.5% 9.2% 17.2% 14.9% 6.3% 0.0% - 17.4% 18.7% 26.9% 18.8% 16.9% 8.8% 0.0% 12.8% 17.1% -48.3% -8.6% -3.8% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position 140,000 Key Indicators of the Financial Results 10,000 120,000 8,000 100,000 6,000 80,000 4,000 60,000 40,000 2,000 20,000 - - -2,000 Assets As of 30.06.12 Loans Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity 2012 1st half As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios Income Interest Income NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Favorable rankings Cost to Income Ratio 64.6% Liquidity 69.4% Leverage News 13.4% In January 2012 Unibank introduced new system “Salesforce” for Customer Relations Management. 11.4% PM NIM 2.6% ROE 5.5% ROA Among the top 10 banks by all the key financial indicators. In May 2012 the bank opened two new branches in Yerevan. 0.8% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 23 Bank Profiles (continued) ArmSwissBank Key Financial Indicators Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* 48,623 44,626 26,257 37,354 17,202 11,268 7,002 2,892 2,636 (157) 748 759 47,979 41,431 21,842 37,505 15,740 10,474 7,002 4,767 4,327 (301) 1,199 1,444 38,398 34,706 17,953 28,357 13,388 10,041 7,002 2,117 1,944 (430) 321 1,011 2.2% 2.5% 1.8% 2.1% 1.5% 2.9% 3.1% 2.2% 2.4% 1.4% 4.2% 4.1% 15 15 18 15 17 15 12 15 15 12 12 11 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 1.3% 7.7% 20.2% -0.4% 9.3% 7.6% 0.0% - 26.6% 28.6% 46.3% 31.7% 28.5% 12.2% 0.0% 36.6% 35.6% -63.3% 133.0% -24.9% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position Key Indicators of the Financial Results 3,000 50,000 2,500 40,000 2,000 30,000 1,500 20,000 1,000 10,000 500 Assets As of 30.06.12 Loans Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity As of 30.06.11 Income -500 Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half Key Ratios Cost to Income Ratio 28.1% Liquidity 54.0% Leverage 23.2% 25.9% PM NIM 2.9% 6.9% ROE ROA 1.5% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 24 Bank Profiles (continued) ProCredit Bank Key Financial Indicators Amount, mln AMD Share in 2012 1st 2011 1st Rank 2011* total, % half* half* Assets Interest Earning Assets Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital Income Interest Income Net Provision Expenses Net Profit (Loss) after Taxes Total Comprehensive Income * 35,385 29,325 28,178 29,633 12,710 5,752 6,490 2,317 2,100 (119) (198) (198) 30,650 25,039 24,067 24,822 11,217 5,828 6,490 3,837 3,422 (152) - 313 - 314 27,295 21,740 20,303 21,709 9,778 5,586 6,490 1,814 1,619 (63) - 150 - 150 1.6% 1.7% 2.0% 1.6% 1.1% 1.5% 2.9% 1.8% 1.9% 1.0% -1.1% -1.1% 19 19 17 18 19 20 17 18 18 14 19 19 Change, % 30.06.12 30.06.12 /31.12.11 /30.06.11 15.4% 17.1% 17.1% 19.4% 13.3% -1.3% 0.0% - 29.6% 34.9% 38.8% 36.5% 30.0% 3.0% 0.0% 27.7% 29.7% 89.4% -31.3% -31.3% The indicators of the financial position are as of the last day of the corresponding period Key Indicators of the Financial Position 40,000 Key Indicators of the Financial Results 2,500 2,000 30,000 1,500 20,000 1,000 500 10,000 Income Assets Loans As of 30.06.12 Deposits As of 31.12.11 Equity As of 30.06.11 Key Ratios Interest Income 2012 1st half NPE NPT OCI 2011 1st half News Cost to Income Ratio 107.9% Liquidity In May 2012 the Procredit Bank opened a new branch in Yerevan. 79.6% Leverage 16.3% PM -50% -500 -8.5% NIM 4.6% ROE -3.4% ROA -0.6% 0% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 50% 100% 150% 25 Appendix 1 Shareholders Structure & General Information The shareholding structure of the Armenian banks is very different. There are both resident and nonresident shareholders. Meanwhile, almost in all the Armenian banks non-resident shareholders are presented. Non-resident participants, both legal entities and individuals, are mainly from Russia, Switzerland, Iran, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, France, United Kingdom, USA and Kazakhstan. There are several international organizations that have shares in several Armenian banks (e.g. IFC, DEG, EBRD, KfW and OPEC Fund for International Development). During the reviewed period there were no mergers and/or acquisitions within the sector. Anelik Bank Shareholders (> 5%): Credit Bank S.A.L. Samvel Chzmachian Galina Voronina Armen Ghazaryan Areximbank-Gazprombank Group (69.5%) (12.3%) (12.3%) (6%) Branches: 12 (6 in Yerevan) Staff: 499 employees Artsakh Bank Shareholders (> 5%): Vartan Sirmakes Hrach Gabrielyan Shareholders (> 5%): "Gazprombank" OJSC (100%) Branches: 16 (7 in Yerevan) Staff: 422 employees Armenian Development Bank (43.1%) (39.1%) Branches: 18 (6 in Yerevan) Staff: 570 employees Byblos Bank Armenia Shareholders (> 5%): Ruben Hayrapetyan Arayik Mekhakyan Grigor Termenjyan Onik Aleksanyan “Eastinvestor” LLC (20%) (17%) (16%) (10.2%) ( 9.1%) Branches: 6 (3 in Yerevan) Staff: 150 employees Inecobank Shareholders (> 5%): “Center for Business Investments”LLC (97.2%) Branches: 55 (13 in Yerevan) Staff: 1,172 employees HSBC Bank Armenia Shareholders (> 5%): HSBC Europe BV Wings Establishment (70%) (30%) Branches: 8 (8 in Yerevan) Staff: 398 employees Converse Bank Shareholders (> 5%): Byblos Bank S.A.L. (65%) EBRD (25%) OPEC Fund for International Development (10%) Shareholders (> 5%): Avetis Baloyan Karen Safaryan DEG IFC Branches: 4 (3 in Yerevan) Staff: 88 employees Branches: 14 (7 in Yerevan) Staff: 501 employees © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. Ardshininvestbank (37.1%) (33.2%) (13.5%) (10%) Shareholders (> 5%): "Advanced Global Investments” LLC (95%) Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Catholicosate (5%) Branches: 29 (10 in Yerevan) Staff: 587 employees 26 Appendix 1 Shareholders Structure & General Information (continued) ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank Armeconombank Armbusinessbank Shareholders (> 5%): CREDIT AGRICOLE S.A (15.6%) Sacam International SJSC (12.4%) Mutual Regional Village Associations from all marzes of RA (71%) Shareholders (> 5%): Saribek Sukiasyan Khachatur Sukiasyan Robert Sukiasyan EBRD Branches: 42 (6 in Yerevan) Staff: 1016 employees Branches: 39 (19 in Yerevan) Staff: 936 employees VTB Bank (Armenia) Shareholders (> 5%): “VTB” OJSC (100%) Branches: 68 (24 in Yerevan) Staff: 739 employees Mellat Bank Shareholders (> 5%): Bank Mellat of I.R.I Ararat Bank (100%) Shareholders (> 5%): "Flash" Ltd. EBRD (74.2%) (25%) Branches: 41 (20 in Yerevan) Staff: 497 employees Unibank Shareholders (> 5%): "BTA Bank" JSC ZRL Beteiligungs AG "Mobilex Energy Limited" Ltd. (48.9%) (31.1%) (16.2%) Branches: 41 (20 in Yerevan) Staff: 857 employees Branches: Staff: 95 employees Branches: 31 (12 in Yerevan) Staff: 645 employees Shareholders (> 5%): Ameria Group (CY) Limited (100%) Branches: 9 (5 in Yerevan) Staff: 422 employees Shareholders (> 5%): "Prometey City" LLC "ZakNeftegazstroy Prometey" OJSC (50%) (46.1%) Branches: 8 (6 in Yerevan) Staff: 144 employees ArmSwissBank Shareholders (> 5%): Vartan Sirmakes (100%) Prometey Bank Branches: 5 (4 in Yerevan) Staff: 127 employees Shareholders (> 5%): Ripatonso Holdings Limited 75.4%) Gagik Zakaryan (12.3%) Georgi Piskov (12.3%) Shareholders (> 5%): CHRYSTIE MANAGEMENT INC. Ameria Bank BTA Bank Branches: Staff: 39 employees © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. (22.6%) (19.5%) (10.3%) (25%) ProCredit Bank (100%) Shareholders (> 5%): ProCredit Holding EBRD KfW (68.5%) (16.7%) (14.9%) Branches: 12 ( 9 in Yerevan) Staff: 311 employees 27 Appendix 2 Sector Insights Assets As of 30 June 2012 assets grew in 20 banks and only “Mellat Bank” CJSC suffered a decrease. The interest earning assets form 80% of total assets of the banks. As of 30 June 2012 interest earning assets of banks grew by 25.9% compared with 30 June 2011. In the meantime, the interest income has grown by 25.8%. The net interest margin was 3.5% for the reviewed period. (2011 1st half : 3.9%) As of 30 June 2012 “ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank” CJSC had the highest value of assets - about 240 billion AMD, which is 10.9% of the total assets of banking system. “BTA Bank” CJSC had the lowest level - 9.8 billion AMD (0.4% in total assets). It is worthwhile mentioning that the top five banks (ranked by assets) totaled 46.4% of the assets of the banking system as of 30 June 2012. Nevertheless, the banking industry concentration is not high and is defined as unconcentrated according to the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, which has the value of 0.068. Compared with the reporting period of 31 December 2011 the HHI increased by only 0.001 point. Loans As of 30 June 2012 the top five banks (ranked by loans) totaled 48.5% of the total outstanding loans as of 30 June 2012. The major part (97.2 %) of the total sum of the outstanding loans were provided to residents of Armenia from which 60.6% were companies (state owned companies were provided with only 1.2% of this amount), 35.9% households and only a small part were not for profit organizations and other financial organizations (OFI). Compared with the same quarter of the previous year the share of loans to households in the total amount of outstanding loans has decreased and the share of companies has slightly increased. Structure of loans by creditors Non-residents 3% Residents 97% © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. Private sector 59.4% Households 35.9% OFI 2.1% Not for Profit Organizations 1.5% State owned companies 1.2% As for the base currencies of the loans, it should be noted that households and other financial institutions are mainly provided with loans in AMD (65.8% and 67.9% of total loans provided to them respectively) in contrast to companies and non for profit organizations which prefer loans in foreign currencies (81.9% and 91% of total loans provided to them respectively). 28 Appendix 2 Sector Insights (continued) Loans to industry, trade sector loans and consumer loans traditionally make up the major part of total loans for the banks, 24%, 23% and 18% respectively for the reviewed period. The biggest growth in lending was in the agriculture and the service sector (volume of loans grew by 27% in each sector). Structure of loans by economy sectors 4% 9% Industry 24% Agriculture Construction 18% Transport and Communication 7% Trade Service sector 5% 7% 3% 23% Consumer loans Mortgage Other The biggest loan portfolio belonged to “ACBACredit Agricole Bank” CJSC, which comprised 11.4% of the total banking system for the reviewed period. As of 30 June 2012 the loans/deposits ratio was 1.27 compared with 1.26 calculated as of 30 June 2011. Liabilities As of 30 June 2012 banking system total liabilities grew by 29.1%, compared with the figure as of 30 June 2011, to reach 1,822 billion AMD, of which 62% are deposits and 31% are liabilities to other banks and financial institutions. Deposits As of 30 June 2012 the biggest share in term deposits were held by households (77% of total amount of term deposits), while on-demand deposits were mostly held by the companies (44%). Structure of deposits Non residents 21% On demand 33% AMD 30% Term 67% Residents 78% Other currency 70% The major part of outstanding balance of the deposits was from the residents (79%), 67% of which were term deposits. The deposits were held mainly in foreign currencies. © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 29 Appendix 2 Sector Insights (continued) Structure of deposits 6% 5% 1% 5.8% of total amount of on demand deposits). As the diagram shows, households had the biggest share (66%) in the total amount of deposits and were followed by companies who held 22% of the total deposits. The highest level of deposits were held by “HSBC Bank Armenia” CJSC - about 127.5 billion AMD, which comprises 11.3% of the total deposits of the banking system of Armenia. 22% 66% Households Non for Profit Organizations State owned companies Private companies OFI As of 30 June 2012 Inecobank and Converse bank had a decrease in deposits of 16% and 42% respectively compared to the period ended 31 December 2011, and the deposits of Mellat Bank decreased by 7% compared to 30 June 2011. Equity The 10% increase of equity as of 30 June 2012 compared to the same period in 2011, was mainly due to the additions to the charter capital (3.4% increase compared to the figure for the previous period) and the increase of retained earnings (26% increase compared to the figure for the previous period). 2 banks (Inecobank, ABB) out of 21 made injections to their share capital since 30 June 2011. The total equity to total assets ratio was 17.6%, which is 3.4 percentage points less compared to the same ratio for 2011. As of 30 June 2012 “ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank” CJSC had the highest level of equity - about 47.3 billion AMD, which is 12.2% of the total equity of the banking system. “BTA Bank” CJSC had the lowest level - 5.5 billion AMD (1.4% in total equity). 46.4% of the total equity of the banking system belonged to the top five banks (ranked by the equity) as of 30 June 2012. Income Income from interest was about 109 billion AMD, which is about 83.1% (2011 1st half year: 81.7%) of the total income of the banking system. 46.6% total income of the banking system belonged to the top 5 banks (ranked by the total income). During the reported period, all the banks increased their incomes compared to the same period in 2011 except Mellat Bank, which had more than 75% decrease in total income. Profit/loss During the reported period, 17 banks operating in Armenia were profitable (totaled AMD 25.8 billion profit before taxes), while 4 banks (Anelk Bank, ArmEconomBank, ArmBusinessBank and ProCredit Bank) incurred total losses of AMD 2.9 billion. During the reported period, despite the economic recovery several most of the banks have increased their net provisions compared to the previous period in 2011. Net profit after taxes of the banking system for the period ended 30 June 2012 was AMD 17.9 billion. Ratios For the period ended 30 June 2012 the return on assets (ROA) and the return on equity (ROE) ratios for the Armenian banking system were 0.8% and 4.7% respectively. “Inecobank” CJSC and “Ararat Bank” CJSC had the ROA – 1.9% and “Ararat Bank” CJSC had the highest ROE – 14.2% For the period ended 30 June 2012 the net interest margin and profit margin for the Armenian banking system was 3.5% and 13.6% respectively. “BTA Bank” CJSC had the highest net interest margin – 6.7% and “Mellat Bank” CJSC had the highest profit margin of 49.8%. © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 30 Appendix 3 Key Financial Indicators Key Indicators of the Financial Position as of 30.06.2012 Assets Interest Earning Assets Gross Advances to Customers Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital 76,880 54,175 53,365 40,313 62,684 36,967 14,196 10,816 115,589 94,372 91,043 90,337 99,350 35,229 16,239 12,347 176,707 133,110 122,492 110,055 143,766 105,806 32,941 13,802 81,083 65,384 59,671 55,836 68,992 44,447 12,091 6,561 44,678 34,357 31,572 31,403 36,500 28,742 8,178 4,526 197,691 169,869 142,749 124,085 164,349 127,460 33,342 10,439 7 "Byblos Bank Armenia" CJSC 45,251 38,707 35,036 25,135 36,223 21,087 9,028 8,125 8 "Inecobank" CJSC 93,370 80,354 75,908 70,952 76,957 24,754 16,414 6,926 9 "Converse Bank Corp" 95,386 70,397 62,529 52,991 78,227 59,251 17,159 4,860 239,801 189,105 185,781 163,412 192,470 82,404 47,331 30,000 11 "Armeconombank" OJSC 59,771 47,095 12 "Armbusinessbank" CJSC 183,423 13 "VTB Bank (Armenia)" CJSC 1 "Anelik Bank" CJSC 2 "Areximbank – Gazprombank Group" CJSC 3 "Ardshininvestbank" CJSC 4 "Artsakh Bank" CJSC 5 "Armenian Development Bank" OJSC 6 "HSBC Bank Armenia" CJSC 10 "ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank" CJSC 8,981 2,333 146,610 128,316 120,377 162,233 100,341 21,191 17,500 181,490 159,839 147,649 137,007 151,784 95,663 29,706 13,776 14 "Ararat Bank" CJSC 109,401 66,928 72,662 14,011 5,962 15 "Ameria Bank" CJSC 221,859 176,834 158,440 151,838 185,217 104,884 36,642 25,448 16 "Mellat Bank" CJSC 17,150 12,091 6,652 2,779 6,545 2,210 10,605 6,850 9,771 6,783 5,135 4,889 4,247 2,415 5,524 6,520 43,838 36,865 32,523 28,727 24,352 13,371 19,485 14,400 132,457 100,847 95,973 91,979 114,735 104,121 17,723 11,401 20 "ArmSwissBank" CJSC 48,623 44,626 28,538 26,257 37,354 17,202 11,268 7,002 21 "ProCredit Bank" CJSC 35,385 29,325 29,306 28,178 29,633 12,710 5,752 6,490 2,209,606 1,757,675 1,595,251 1,435,802 1,821,798 1,126,403 387,808 226,085 17 "BTA Bank" CJSC 18 "Prometey Bank" LLC 19 "UniBank" CJSC Total © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 42,591 59,984 30,760 48,491 50,790 95,390 34,676 31 Appendix 3 Key Financial Indicators (continued) Key Indicators of the Financial Position as of 30.06.2011 Assets Interest Earning Assets Gross Advances to Customers Loans Liabilities Deposits Equity Charter Capital 63,624 44,814 42,276 35,373 47,738 29,594 15,887 10,816 80,498 67,235 63,734 62,605 65,405 24,290 15,093 12,347 128,292 105,248 93,260 84,375 97,183 73,560 31,109 13,802 62,026 50,908 45,752 40,337 52,452 38,704 9,574 6,561 31,239 23,751 19,571 18,475 23,778 14,895 7,461 4,526 6 "HSBC Bank Armenia" CJSC 155,157 133,864 113,080 90,843 127,984 109,126 27,173 10,439 7 "Byblos Bank Armenia" CJSC 34,922 30,211 27,546 18,326 26,168 12,437 8,755 8,125 8 "Inecobank" CJSC 68,218 54,633 51,820 43,607 54,683 19,935 13,535 3,463 9 "Converse Bank Corp" 81,283 54,380 48,639 43,297 64,550 46,751 16,734 4,860 192,679 154,984 152,965 127,995 150,566 57,413 42,113 30,000 11 "Armeconombank" OJSC 59,766 42,388 39,687 30,017 50,802 12 "Armbusinessbank" CJSC 143,687 105,074 99,470 96,629 13 "VTB Bank (Armenia)" CJSC 151,922 126,155 68,367 48,707 177,440 143,020 43,555 35,555 32,865 2,200 33,808 2,376 9,747 6,850 9,052 6,107 4,337 4,203 3,602 1,684 5,450 6,520 33,417 27,539 23,243 21,095 15,295 7,041 18,122 14,400 112,859 84,933 79,858 72,504 96,565 89,054 16,295 11,401 20 "ArmSwissBank" CJSC 38,398 34,706 19,624 17,953 28,357 13,388 10,041 7,002 21 "ProCredit Bank" CJSC 27,295 21,740 21,739 20,303 21,709 1 "Anelik Bank" CJSC 2 "Areximbank – Gazprombank Group" CJSC 3 "Ardshininvestbank" CJSC 4 "Artsakh Bank" CJSC 5 10 "Armenian Development Bank" OJSC "ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank" CJSC 14 "Ararat Bank" CJSC 15 "Ameria Bank" CJSC 16 "Mellat Bank" CJSC 17 "BTA Bank" CJSC 18 "Prometey Bank" LLC 19 "UniBank" CJSC Total © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 1,763,697 1,395,950 8,964 2,333 124,988 72,769 18,699 13,450 114,045 104,245 123,280 78,908 28,642 13,776 43,019 29,254 32,174 57,237 42,355 11,130 5,962 128,164 115,029 145,097 82,654 32,343 25,448 1,264,693 1,081,588 1,411,246 9,778 5,586 6,490 855,964 352,451 218,572 32 Appendix 3 Key Financial Indicators (continued) Key Indicators of the Financial Results for the period ended 30.06.2012 Net NonNet Net NonNet Operating Operating Profit Total Interest Provision Interest Interest Interest Income before Expenses Income Income Expenses Income Income Income taxes Net Profit after taxes 4,447 3,254 972 1,477 900 2,598 2,444 5,963 5,073 352 2,185 110 2,834 2,106 (80) 10,687 8,313 1,283 4,376 1,276 6,743 3,496 (1,597) 1,651 1,342 6,904 4,688 307 2,436 211 4,556 2,785 (501) 1,270 1,123 2,604 2,264 144 976 108 1,280 651 (84) 10,079 8,109 1,287 6,586 1,097 8,367 3,813 (141) 1,914 1,893 36 870 15 871 658 (24) 8 "Inecobank" CJSC 6,424 5,611 376 3,275 322 4,033 1,724 (183) 9 "Converse Bank Corp" 5,397 3,817 693 1,871 540 3,299 2,569 248 6,980 680 8,661 4,996 (1,142) (95) 1 "Anelik Bank" CJSC 2 "Areximbank – Gazprombank Group" CJSC 3 "Ardshininvestbank" CJSC 4 "Artsakh Bank" CJSC 5 "Armenian Development Bank" OJSC 6 "HSBC Bank Armenia" CJSC 7 10 "Byblos Bank Armenia" CJSC "ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank" CJSC 14,685 12,532 1,151 (1,515) (1,361) (1,367) 647 546 529 448 4,412 3,515 188 153 2,126 1,683 977 775 2,522 1,954 11 "Armeconombank" OJSC 3,977 2,900 667 1,521 532 2,464 2,396 12 "Armbusinessbank" CJSC 9,303 8,199 582 2,366 408 3,295 2,421 (2,173) (1,298) (1,298) 8,011 941 9,166 3,989 (2,772) 2,404 1,968 3,235 236 3,860 1,428 (162) 2,270 1,859 5,194 810 6,534 2,516 (848) 3,171 2,504 13 "VTB Bank (Armenia)" CJSC 14,513 13,292 1,007 (42) 5,638 4,858 11,113 9,443 16 "Mellat Bank" CJSC 660 423 139 410 137 646 328 92 411 329 17 "BTA Bank" CJSC 668 615 24 444 7 480 424 77 133 121 18 "Prometey Bank" LLC 2,511 2,222 93 1,498 35 1,729 560 (182) 987 783 19 "UniBank" CJSC 8,343 6,627 679 2,501 556 4,094 2,646 (254) 1,193 953 20 "ArmSwissBank" CJSC 2,892 2,636 84 1,259 71 1,503 423 (157) 923 748 21 "ProCredit Bank" CJSC 2,317 2,100 111 1,239 38 1,382 1,492 (119) (228) (198) 11,517 58,712 9,030 78,395 43,867 (11,613) 14 "Ararat Bank" CJSC 15 "Ameria Bank" CJSC Total © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 131,039 108,868 391 (27) 1,139 22,915 17,881 33 Appendix 3 Key Financial Indicators (continued) Key Indicators of the Financial Results for the period ended 30.06.2011 NonTotal Interest Interest Income Income Income Net Net Net Net NonNet Operatin Operating Profit Profit Provision Interest Interest g Income before after Expenses Expenses Income Income taxes taxes 3,818 2,675 991 1,526 950 2,628 2,356 (150) 122 32 4,337 3,580 280 1,834 94 2,404 1,736 (140) 529 412 3 "Ardshininvestbank" CJSC 8,607 6,782 942 4,245 927 6,055 3,138 (420) 2,497 1,947 4 "Artsakh Bank" CJSC 4,102 3,435 260 1,838 160 2,405 1,083 (243) 1,078 "Armenian Development Bank" OJSC 1,609 1,395 99 733 70 918 558 6 "HSBC Bank Armenia" CJSC 8,499 6,676 1,094 5,634 922 7,285 3,818 7 "Byblos Bank Armenia" CJSC 1,396 1,328 43 568 20 614 514 8 "Inecobank" CJSC 4,580 3,796 293 2,355 241 3,086 1,566 9 "Converse Bank Corp" 4,873 3,528 657 1,769 483 2,940 2,118 (423) 12,601 10,482 1,035 6,692 680 8,455 4,374 (221) 3,860 3,030 1 "Anelik Bank" CJSC 2 5 10 "Areximbank – Gazprombank Group" CJSC "ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank" CJSC 11 "Armeconombank" OJSC 3,680 2,691 540 1,555 417 12 "Armbusinessbank" CJSC 7,989 6,856 527 2,428 399 13 "VTB Bank (Armenia)" CJSC 9,806 8,098 940 5,074 885 14 "Ararat Bank" CJSC 3,822 3,170 361 2,025 261 15 "Ameria Bank" CJSC 7,904 571 3,950 388 16 "Mellat Bank" CJSC 2,688 2,045 149 1,131 147 659 568 50 450 18 "Prometey Bank" LLC 1,884 1,521 80 19 "UniBank" CJSC 7,394 5,660 20 "ArmSwissBank" CJSC 2,117 21 "ProCredit Bank" CJSC 1,814 17 "BTA Bank" CJSC Total © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 2,421 371 326 30 3,497 2,751 48 148 106 (90) 1,431 1,172 165 399 325 324 233 1,904 (322) 1,207 1,027 3,304 (94) 3,329 2,620 1,140 (130) 1,306 1,107 1,965 (434) 2,008 1,587 1,772 364 631 2,039 1,627 37 526 413 93 207 232 1,126 (2) 1,406 474 (238) 694 561 775 2,387 683 4,029 2,233 1,944 46 1,029 32 1,188 357 1,619 97 1,029 24 1,151 1,263 (63) (175) (150) 104,177 85,112 9,833 49,377 7,816 66,425 36,939 (2,910) 26,576 21,228 7,263 3,433 2,261 11 922 6,727 2,576 4,407 (491) 1,305 1,043 (430) 401 321 34 Appendix 4 Contact Details Anelik Bank Director: Samvel Chzmachian Address: Yerevan, Vardanants str. 13, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 593333, 273333, 226581 TELEX: ANELSU E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: ANIKAM22 Artsakh Bank Director: Kamo Nersisyan Address: Yerevan, Kievyan str.3, RA; Stepanakert, Knunyancneri 25, NKR Tel/Fax: (+37410) 277719, 277729, 277749 TELEX: E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: ARTSAM22 Areximbank Gazprombank Group Ardshininvestbank Director: Armen Khandkaryan Address: Yerevan, 6-10 Northern ave.,0001, RA Tel/Fax: (374 10) 514040, 8202, 520995, 51-40-60 TELEX: 243-111 RKARM AM E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: RKASAM22 Director: Mher Grigoryan Address: Yerevan, G.Lusavorchi 13, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 528513 567486 TELEX: 243-286 LALA AM E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: ASHBAM22 Armenian Development Bank HSBC Bank Armenia Director: Karen Sargsyan Address: Yerevan, Paronyan str. 21/1, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 591515, 591405 TELEX:(684)243-116ADBAM E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: ARDEAM22 Byblos Bank Armenia Inecobank Director: Ararat Ghukasyan Address: Yerevan, Amiryan str.18/3, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 530362, 535296 TELEX: 24-33-60 (068) E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: AEIEUS33 Director: Avetis Baloyan Address: Yerevan, Tumanyan str. 17, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 510510, 510573 TELEX: E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: INJSAM22 ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank Armeconombank Director: Stepan Gishian Address: Yerevan, Byron str.1 Tel/Fax: (+37410) 568585, 543485 TELEX: 243-103 ACBA AM E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: AGCAAM22 © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. Director: Armen Naljyan Address: Yerevan, Amiryan str. 23/1 Tel/Fax: (+37410) 563697, 538835, 562705, 538904, 530506 TELEX: 243274MOZG AM E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: ARECAM22 Director: Astrid Clifford Address: Yerevan, Teryan str. 66, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 515000, 515001 TELEX: E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: MIDLAM22 Converse Bank Director: Tigran Davtyan Address: Yerevan, V.Sargisyan str. 26/1, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 511200, 511211, 51 12 12 TELEX: 6462 28 49 CONV.RU E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: COVBAM22 Armbusinessbank Director: Ara Kirakosyan Address: Yerevan, Nalbandyan str. 48 Tel/Fax: (+37410) 592020, 592017, 523929, 54 40 16 TELEX: 243134 IBANK.AM E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: ARMNAM 22 35 Appendix 4 Bank Contact Details (continued) VTB Bank (Armenia) Director: Yuri Gusyev Address: Yerevan, Nalbandyan str. 46 Tel/Fax: (+37410) 580451, 565578 TELEX: E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: ARMJAM22 Mellat Bank Director: Mohammad Bagher Bagheri Address: Yerevan, Amiryan str.6, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 581791, 581523, 540885 TELEX: E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: BKMTAM22 Unibank Director: Vardan Atayan Address: Yerevan, Charenc str. 12/53, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 592259; 595555, 555140 TELEX: 243313 UNI AM E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: UNIJAM22 © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. Ararat Bank Director: Ashot Osipyan Address: Pushkin str. 19, Yerevan, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 546363, 547894 TELEX: E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: ARMCAM22 BTA Bank Director: Nur Bakbergenov Address: Yerevan, Nalbandyan str. 48/1, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 527471, 547451б , 527451 TELEX: 243124 ECO AM E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: BTAIAM22 ArmSwissBank Director: George Machanyan Address: Yerevan, Vazgen Sargsyan str.10, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 540728, 540736, 540751, 529593, TELEX: E-mail: [email protected] Website: а SWIFT: ARSJAM22 Ameria bank Director: Artak Hanesyan Address: Yerevan, Grigor Lusavorchi str.9, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 589906, 561111, 565958 TELEX: 684-243352 E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: ARMIAM22 Prometey Bank Director: Emil Soghomonyan Address: Yerevan, Hanrapetutian str.44/2, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 562036, 521705, 582977, 545719 TELEX: E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: PRMLAM22 ProCredit Bank Director: Asmus Rotne Address: Yerevan, 105/1 Teryan Str., area 11, 7th floor Citadel Business Center, RA Tel/Fax: (+37410) 514860 TELEX: E-mail: [email protected] Website: SWIFT: PRCBAM22 36 Abbreviations AMD Armenian Dram CBA Central Bank of Armenia CJSC Closed Joint Stock Company CRM Customer Relations Management DEG Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EDB Eurasian Development Bank USAID/EDMC United States Agency for International Development/ Enterprise Development and Market Competitiveness GDP Gross Domestic Product HHI Herfindahl-Hirschman Index IEA Interest Earning Assets IFC International Finance Corporation KFW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (Reconstruction Credit Institute) LLC Limited Liability Company NfPO Non for Profit Organizations NIM Net interest margin NPT Net Profit after Taxes OCI Other Comprehensive Income OFI Other Financial Institutions PM Profit margin RA Republic of Armenia ROA Return on Assets ROE Return on Equity USD United States Dollar © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 37 Glossary of Terms Herfindahl-Hirschman Index Calculated by squaring the market share of each firm competing in the market and then summing the resulting numbers. Index below 0.1 indicates an unconcentrated index; index between 0.1 and 0.18 indicates moderate concentration; index above 0.18 indicates high concentration. Leverage Calculated as the total equity divided by the total assets. Liquidity Calculated as the total outstanding loans divided by the total assets. Net interest margin Calculated as the net interest income divided by average interest earning assets. Profit margin Calculated as the net profit divided by the total income. Return on Assets Calculated as the net profit divided by the average total assets. Return on Equity Calculated as the net profit divided by the average total equity. © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc. All rights reserved. 38 Contact us Andrew Coxshall Managing Partner, Southern Caucasus T + 374 10 56-67-62 + 995 32 93-57-13 E [email protected] Zaruhi Furunjyan Manager, Head of Advisory Services T + 374 10 56-67-62 E [email protected] The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation. © 2012 KPMG Armenia cjsc, a company incorporated under the Laws of the Republic of Armenia, a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP, and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. The KPMG name, logo and ‘cutting through complexity’ are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International).
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