第 1 回継承日本語弁論大会 平成 29 年 1 月 29 日(日)午後 1 時~3 時 会場:在シカゴ日本国総領事館広報文化センター講堂 共催:在シカゴ日本国総領事館、シカゴ日本商工会議所、シカゴ日米協会、 シカゴ姉妹都市インターナショナル大阪委員会 継承語としての日本語を補習校や家庭で学んでいる生徒が増えています。現地校に 通いながら日本語学習も頑張っている小中高生の皆さん、大学で日本語の履修を続 けている大学生の皆さんを応援するため、前回の弁論大会で好評だった継承日本語 部門を独立させ、今回新たに継承日本語弁論大会を創設しました! 募集人数 20 名(応募多数の場合は第 一次予選通過者のみ当日出場 になります) 出場資格 応募方法 申込締切 募集対象 継承語としての日本語 を学習している小中高 生、大学生 当館管轄10州(アイオワ州、イリノイ州、インディアナ州、ウィスコン シン州、カンザス州、サウスダコタ州、ミネソタ州、ミズーリ州、ネブラ スカ州、ノースダコタ州)に在住の継承語(両親、または片親から受け継 いだ言葉)としての日本語を学んでいる小中高生、大学生。日本語ネイテ ィブスピーカー、日本で6歳以降の通学歴が通算2年以上の者は除く。 別紙の「参加申込用紙」に必要事項をご記入の上、規定の原稿用紙に手書 きのスピーチ原稿(小・中学生 2 枚以内、高校・大学生 4 枚以内)とスピ ーチを録音したオーディオデータ(CD 等)をお送り下さい。 平成 29 年 1 月 4 日(水)必着 お問い合わせはこちらまで。在シカゴ日本国総領事館広報文化センター 電話:312-280-0430、E メール:[email protected] ウェブサイト:http://www.chicago.us.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/spchcont.html Speech Contest Guidelines Categories Category 1: Elementary school and Middle school students who are heritage Japanese learners. Category 2: High school students and College students who are heritage Japanese learners. Contest Theme (Content has to be student’s original work) Category 1 & 2 : Any topic Length of Speeches Category 1: Not to exceed 2 pages Category 2: Not to exceed 4 pages The paper for speech drafts are available online at www.chicago.us.embjapan.go.jp/jic.html Student Eligibility This contest is open to all elementary school, middle school, high school, and college students who reside in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Category 1 & 2 : 1. Are non-native speakers of Japanese and heritage Japanese learners. 2. Have not schooled in Japan for more than two years in total after the age of 6. Judging Criteria Content, Organization, Language, Delivery, and Memorization Deadline Application, speech drafts written by applicant himself/herself, and audio recording with the applicant’s Japanese speech (one audio recording for one person) must arrive in the Japan Information Center (737 N. Michigan Ave., #1000, Chicago, IL 60611 Attn:Kojima) by January 4, 2017, regardless of the postmark date. The application forms are now available online at http://www.chicago.us.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/jic.html. Finalists will be selected from the applicants and notified via mail by January 13, 2017. 1st Annual Heritage Japanese Language Speech Contest Application Form 1. Name (Katakana) 2. Name (English) 3. Age First: Middle: Last: First: Middle: Last: 4. Email 5. Address 6. Title of Speech Japanese: English: 7. Name of School 8. Grade/Year 9. Name of Japanese Language Instructor Email: 10. Instructor's Contact Phone Number: information 1 (Elementary, Middle School) 11. Category 2 (High School, College) 12. Is any Japanese spoken in your home? Yes 13. How long have you studied the Japanese Language? 14. Have you participated in this contest before? No _______________ Yes No _______________ If yes, please state the category. 15. Have you lived in Japan after the age of 6? Yes If yes, please state the period that you lived in Japan. Did you attend any Japanese school while in Japan? If yes, please state the period that you attended Japanese schools. No ________________ Yes No ________________ 16. Please read and sign: 1) We hereby grant permission to the Consulate-General of Japan in Chicago and its representatives, to use: speech draft, photographs and/or digital images of the applicant for use in news releases and/or promotional materials. ______________________________ ______________________________ Singnature of Student ______________________________ Date ______________________________ Signature of Parent or gurdian (If applicant is under 18) ______________________________ Signature of Japanese Instructor Date ______________________________ Date Please send this application form, a handwritten speech draft, and an audio recording of your speech in Japanese to: Japan Information Center, Consulate-General of Japan in Chicago, 737 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1000, Chicago, IL 60611 Attn: Mrs. Kojima Japan Information Center Japanese Language Speech Contest Draft Page #: _________
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