日本貿易の現状 -2016年版- 目次 Foreign Trade 2016

日本貿易の現状 -2016年版- 目次
Foreign Trade 2016 Index
本論編 Main Chapter
Ⅰ . 貿易概況
……………………………………………………………………… 2
Overview of Trade …………………………………………………………… 3
1.輸出:3年連続で増加 …………………………………………………… 2
Exports: Exports up for third consecutive year ………………………… 3
2.輸入:6年ぶり減少に転じる …………………………………………… 4
Imports: Imports down for first time in six years ………………………… 5
3.通関収支と貿易総額:通関赤字は大幅に縮小、貿易総額は154.1兆円 … 6
Total Trade Value and Trade Balance (Customs-cleared Basis): Deficit
contracts substantially, Total Trade Value of ¥154.1 trillion …………… 7
4.円レートの変化と貿易指数の動き ……………………………………… 8
Foreign Exchange and Trade Index Fluctuations ……………………… 9
(1) 円レート:4年連続で円安が進行 ………………………………… 8
Foreign Exchange: Yen continued to depreciate against dollar for
fourth consecutive year ……………………………………………… 9
(2) 輸出指数:数量は再びマイナス、
価格は6年連続でプラスに …… 8
Export Indexes: Export volume index down again, export unit value
index up for sixth consecutive year ………………………………… 9
(3) 輸入指数:数量・価格とも6年ぶりマイナスに ………………… 8
Import Indexes: Both import volume index and import unit value
index declined for first time in six years ……………………………… 9
5.四半期別増減寄与 Quarterly Contribution…………………………… 10
(1) 地域別 By Area ……………………………………………………… 10
(2) 商品別 By Commodity ……………………………………………… 11
Ⅱ . 主要国別・地域別貿易 ……………………………………………………… 12
Trade by Major Area and Country ……………………………………… 13
貿易総額は78.7兆円 ………… 12
Asia: Balance of trade surplus of ¥2.0 trillion, Total Trade Value of
¥78.7 trillion ……………………………………………………………… 13
(1) 中国:輸出は3年ぶり減少、輸入は4年連続で過去最大を更新 … 12
China: Exports down after two years of growth, imports broke
highest record for fourth consecutive year ……………………… 13
(2) アジアNIEs:輸出入とも増加つづく …………………………… 14
Asian NIEs: Both exports and imports continued upward growth … 15
(2)-1 韓国:輸出入とも減少 ………………………………………… 16
R. Korea: Both exports and imports down ……………………… 17
(2)-2 台湾:輸出入とも増加つづく ………………………………… 18
Taiwan: Both exports and imports continued upward growth … 19
(3) ASEAN:輸出は4年連続で増加、
輸入は6年ぶり減少 ………… 20
ASEAN: Exports up for fourth consecutive year, imports down for
first time in six years
……………………………………………… 21
(3)-1 タイ:輸出入とも増加 ………………………………………… 22
Thailand: Both exports and imports up
………………………… 23
(3)-2 インドネシア:輸出入とも減少つづく ……………………… 24
Indonesia: Both exports and imports continued downward trend … 25
(4) その他アジア:輸出は増加、
輸入は減少 ………………………… 26
Other Asian countries: Exports up and imports down …………… 27
2.米国:輸出入とも増加つづく ………………………………………… 28
USA: Both exports and imports continued upward growth ………… 29
3.EU:輸出入とも増加つづく …………………………………………… 30
EU: Both exports and imports continued upward growth …………… 31
(1) ドイツ:輸出入とも減少に転じる ……………………………… 32
Germany: Both exports and imports turned downward ………… 33
輸入は6年ぶり減少 ………………………… 34
Oceania: Exports up, imports down for first time in six years ……… 35
5.中南米:輸出入とも減少 ……………………………………………… 36
Middle South America: Both exports and imports down …………… 37
(1) ブラジル:輸出入とも減少つづく ……………………………… 38
Brazil: Both exports and imports continued downward trend …… 39
(2) メキシコ:輸出入とも増加つづく ……………………………… 40
Mexico: Both exports and imports continued upward growth … 41
6.ロシア:輸出入とも減少 ……………………………………………… 42
Russia: Both exports and imports down ……………………………… 43
輸入は6年ぶり減少 ……………… 44
Middle East: Exports up for fourth consecutive year, imports down for
first time in six years …………………………………………………… 45
8.アフリカ:輸出入とも減少 …………………………………………… 46
Africa: Both exports and imports down ……………………………… 47
Scientific, Optical Instruments: Exports down after two years of growth,
imports up for fourth consecutive year………………………………… 73
Ⅲ . 主要商品別貿易 ……………………………………………………………… 48
Trade by Major Commodity ……………………………………………… 49
Ⅳ . 世界貿易の概況 Overview of World Trade …………………………… 74
1.食料品:輸出入とも増加つづく ……………………………………… 48
1.世界の貿易 ∼米中日∼ World Trade: USA, China and Japan … 74
Foodstuff: Both exports and imports continued upward growth …… 49
2.米国の貿易 Foreign Trade of USA …………………………………… 75
2.木材:輸入の減少つづく ……………………………………………… 50
3.中国の貿易 Foreign Trade of China ………………………………… 76
Wood: Imports continued downward trend …………………………… 51
4.日本の貿易 Foreign Trade of Japan ………………………………… 77
3.鉱物性燃料:輸出入とも減少 ………………………………………… 52
Mineral Fuels: Both exports and imports down ……………………… 53
輸入は増加つづく ………………………… 54
Chemicals: Exports down, imports continued upward growth ……… 55
5.鉄鋼:輸出入とも減少に転じる …………………………………… 56
Iron & Steel Products: Both exports and imports turned downward … 57
5.米国の輸入 ∼商品別・国別∼ USA Imports: By Commodity and
Country / area …………………………………………………………… 78
6.中国の輸出 ∼商品別・国別∼ China's Exports: By Commodity
and Country / area ……………………………………………………… 80
【トピック】中国の商品別・相手国別 輸出入トレンド Special Focus:
China's Export and Import trend by Commodity and Country / area…… 82
が5年連続で増加 ……………………………………………………… 58
Textile Yarn, Fabrics: Both exports and imports continued upward
資料編 Data Chapter
growth; Clothing & Accessories: Imports up for fifth consecutive year … 59
1.2015 年の日本の貿易 Japan's Trade in 2015 ………………………… 87
ぶり減少 ………………………………………………………………… 60
(1) 月別貿易 Exports and Imports by Month …………………………… 87
Parts of Computer: Exports up; Computers & Units: Imports down for
(2) 貿易指数 Indexes of Trade …………………………………………… 88
first time in six years …………………………………………………… 61
(3) 商品別輸出 Exports by Principal Commodity ……………………… 89
8.半導体等電子部品:輸出入とも増加つづく ………………………… 62
(4) 商品別輸入 Imports by Principal Commodity ……………………… 90
Semiconductors etc.: Both exports and imports continued upward
(5) 地域別輸出 Exports by Area (Country) ……………………………… 91
growth …………………………………………………………………… 63
(6) 地域別輸入 Imports by Area (Country) ……………………………… 92
9.音響・映像機器:輸出入とも減少 …………………………………… 64
(7) 地域別貿易バランス Trade Balance by Area (Country) …………… 93
Audio & Visual Apparatus: Both exports and imports down ………… 65
(8) 国別貿易
(2015年) Exports and Imports by Area (Country) ……… 94
10.通信機:輸入は6年連続で増加 …………………………………… 66
2.貿易構造 Trade Structure ………………………………………………… 100
Telephony, Telegraphy: Imports up for sixth consecutive year ……… 67
(1) 貿易額と伸び率 Trade Value and Growth ………………………… 100
輸入は6年ぶり減少 …………… 68
(2) 地域別輸出構成比 Ratio of Exports by Area (Country) …………… 101
Motor Vehicles: Exports up for fourth consecutive year, imports down
(3) 地域別輸入構成比 Ratio of Imports by Area (Country) …………… 102
for first time in six years ………………………………………………… 69
(4) 地域別貿易バランス Trade Balance by Area (Country) …………… 103
(5) 主要地域別貿易 Trade by Major Area (Country) …………………… 104
連続で増加 ……………………………………………………………… 70
①対アジア貿易 Trade with Asia …………………………………… 104
Ships and Aircraft: Exports of ships up for first time in five years,
②対中国貿易 Trade with China ……………………………………… 106
imports of Aircraft up for fourth consecutive year …………………… 71
③対米国貿易 Trade with USA ……………………………………… 108
輸入は4年連続で増加 …… 72
④対EU貿易 Trade with EU …………………………………………… 110
⑤対中東貿易 Trade with Middle East ……………………………… 112
(6) 主要貿易相手先 Top 10 Trade Partners …………………………… 114
(7) 貿易取引通貨別比率 Ratio of Trade by Currency ………………… 116
(8) 商品別輸出構成比 Ratio of Exports by Commodity ……………… 117
(9) 商品別輸入構成比 Ratio of Imports by Commodity ……………… 118
(10) 輸出入上位10品目 Top 10 Trade Commodities …………………… 119
(11) 製品輸入 Imports of Manufactured Products by Type …………… 120
(12) 主要資源の輸入集中度
Major Resources−Dependency
on Imports 2015 ………………………………………………………… 121
(13) 主要国際貿易港の貿易 Value of Trade via Japan's Major International
Seaports ………………………………………………………………… 122
(14) 航空貨物主要商品別貿易 Air Cargo Exports and Imports by Principal
(1) わが国の経済協力 Japan's Economic Cooperation ……………… 135
(2) わが国政府開発援助
の地域的配分 Japan's Distribution of
ODA by Area …………………………………………………………… 136
(3) わが国政府開発援助
の受取国順位 Ranking of Top Recipients
of Japan's ODA ………………………………………………………… 136
(4) 主要国の経済協力
(2012年) Economic Cooperation by Major Donors
(2012) …………………………………………………………………… 137
(5) 主要国の政府開発援助
(2014年) Major
Donors' ODA Distribution by Recipient Area (2014) ………………… 137
11.国際比較 Comparisons with Major Countries ……………………… 138
(1) 貿易額 Trade Value …………………………………………………… 138
①財 Goods …………………………………………………………… 138
Commodity ……………………………………………………………… 123
②サービス Services ………………………………………………… 139
3.原油の輸入 Imports of Petroleum ……………………………………… 124
(2) 世界貿易に占めるシェア Share in the World Trade ……………… 140
(1) 輸入額・輸入量・輸入価格
Value, Quantity and Unit Value (Customs-cleared Basis) …………… 124
(2) 地域別・国別輸入構成比
Ratio of Imports by Area/Country (Quantity Basis) …………………… 124
①財 Goods …………………………………………………………… 140
②サービス Services ………………………………………………… 141
(3) 貿易の商品構成 Details of Traded Goods/Services ……………… 142
①財 Goods (CY2014) ………………………………………………… 142
(3) OPECの動向 Recent OPEC Developments ………………………… 125
②サービス Services (CY2014) ……………………………………… 143
4.為替相場 Foreign Exchange Rate ……………………………………… 126
(4) 貿易依存度 Trade Dependency ……………………………………… 144
(1) 変動相場制移行後の円相場
Value of Yen after Introduction of Floating Exchange Rate System … 126
(2) 2015年の東京外国為替市場
Foreign Exchange Rate in Tokyo interbank 2015 …………………… 127
(3) 主要通貨の対ドル為替相場
①財 Goods …………………………………………………………… 144
②サービス Services ………………………………………………… 145
(5) 貿易特化係数 Trade Specialization Coefficient …………………… 146
①財 Goods …………………………………………………………… 146
②サービス Services ………………………………………………… 146
Value of Major Currencies against the US Dollar……………………… 127
(6) 交易条件 Terms of Trade …………………………………………… 147
5.国際商品相場 Fluctuation of International Commodity …………… 128
(7) 経常収支 Current Accounts ………………………………………… 147
6.日本経済の動向 Developments in the Japanese Economy ………… 129
(8) 外貨準備高 Foreign Exchange Reserves …………………………… 148
(1) 景気の変化 Change of the Economic Condition …………………… 129
(9) 名目国内総生産 Nominal GDP ……………………………………… 148
(2) 基調判断の変化 Assessment of the Current State of the Economy … 130
(10) 実質経済成長率 Real GDP Growth ………………………………… 149
7.技術貿易 Trade in Technology ………………………………………… 131
(11) その他の国・地域の実質経済成長率 Real GDP Growth in Other
8.国際収支(IMF ベース)
Balance of Payments ……………………… 132
Countries/Areas ………………………………………………………… 149
(1) 総括表 Summary ……………………………………………………… 132
(12) 消費者物価上昇率 Changes in Consumer Prices ………………… 150
(2) サービス収支 Services Balance …………………………………… 133
(13) 中央銀行公定歩合等 Official Discount Rates, etc. ………………… 151
9.対外直接投資(地域別・業種別(2014 年)
Overseas Direct Investment by Area and Industry (CY2014) ……… 134
10.経済協力 Economic Cooperation …………………………………… 135
12.2015年の通商関連の主な動き Development in Major Trade Issues 2015 … 152
13.わが国をめぐる経済連携協定の締結・交渉状況 EPAs etc. concluded
or under negotiation by Japan ………………………………………… 160
14.2016年度わが国貿易収支、経常収支の見通し ……………………… 162
FY2016 Outlook for Japan's Trade Balance and Current Account … 174
本 論 編
Main Chapter