G 632 Central Academic Building University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada T6G 2G1 B [email protected] www.math.ualberta.ca/~binzou Bin Zou Curriculum Vitae Personal Information { Date of Birth: January 9, 1987 { Gender: Male { Citizenship: Chinese, Permanent Resident of Canada Education 2014 Ph. D. in Mathematical Finance (GPA 4.0 out of 4.0). University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Supervisor: Professor Abel Cadenillas 2009 M. S. in Mathematics (GPA 91.8 out of 100). Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China 2007 B. S. in Information and Computing Science (GPA 90.2 out of 100). Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China Research Interests Actuarial Science, Mathematical Finance, and Stochastic Control. Academic Position 7/2014-Now Sessional Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta. Publications [5] Zou, B., and Cadenillas, A. (2014): Optimal investment and liability ratio for an insurer when there is regime switching. Preprint, 24 pages. [4] Zou, B., and Cadenillas, A. (2014): Explicit solutions of optimal consumption, investment and insurance problems with regime switching. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 58, 159-167. [3] Zou, B., and Cadenillas, A. (2014): Optimal investment and risk control policies for an insurer: expected utility maximization. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 58, 57-67. [2] Zou, B., and Cadenillas, A. (2013): Optimal consumption, investment and insurance problem in infinite time horizon. Preprint, 26 pages. [1] Zou, B., and Yang, G. (2008): Optimal hedging strategy of futures. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, Vol.17, Suppl, 188-191. Teaching Experience Winter 2015 Summer 2014 STAT 141 Introduction to Statistics, University of Alberta. STAT 151 Introduction to Applied Statistics I, University of Alberta. 1/2 Honours and Awards (Selected) 2014 2014 2014 2011 2010 2009-2014 2009 2009 & 2007 2007-2009 2004-2005 2003-2006 SIAM Travel Award, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. GSA Professional Development Award, University of Alberta. Profiling Alberta’s Graduate Students Award, University of Alberta. J. M. Mitchell Graduate Scholarship, University of Alberta. Eoin L. Whitney Scholarship, University of Alberta. Teaching and Research Assistantship, University of Alberta. University Dissertation Award, Beijing Institute of Technology. Outstanding Graduate Award, Beijing Institute of Technology. National Graduate Student Fellowship, Beijing Institute of Technology. First-class University Fellowship, Beijing Institute of Technology. Outstanding Student Award, Beijing Institute of Technology. Conferences & Workshops 11/2014 SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics & Engineering, Chicago. Talk: Optimal Investment and Risk Control Policies for an Insurer. 10/2014 Research Opportunities Week, Technical University of Munich, Munich. Talk: Optimal Consumption, Investment and Insurance Policies with Regime Switching. 7/2014 18th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Shanghai. Talk: Optimal Investment and Risk Control Policies for an Insurer. 9/2013 2nd Workshop on Optimization in Finance and Risk Management, Fields, Toronto. Talk: Explicit Solutions of Optimal Consumption, Investment and Insurance Problems. 6/2012 9th PIMS Young Researchers Conference, University of Calgary, Calgary. Talk: Optimal Investment, Consumption and Insurance Problem. 10/2011 Graduate Student Colloquium, University of Alberta, Edmonton. Talk: A Brief Introduction to Mathematical Finance. 6-7/2010 MITACS-PIMS-UBC Summer Workshop in Risk Management and Risk Sharing, University of British Colombia, Vancouver. 11/2007 1st International Conference on Technology Innovation, Risk Management and Supply Chain Management, Beijing. Talk: Optimal Hedging Strategy of Futures. Actuarial Certification Society of Actuaries Passed examinations: Probability, Financial Mathematics, Models for Financial Economics, Construction and Evaluation of Actuarial Models. Hobbies Soccer, Skiing, Photography, Literature. 2/2
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