Titoli in 3 lingue

International Criminal Justice: Does it Still Matter?
A dialogue among doctrine and practice on the “state of health” of international criminal justice
Un dialogo tra dottrina e prassi sullo “stato di salute” della giustizia penale internazionale
Ein Dialog zwischen Theorie und Praxis über den „Gesundheitszustand“ der internationalen
Meran-Merano, November 4th and 5th, 2016
Bürgersaal | Sala civica
via O. Huber-Str. 8
Admission free | Eintritt frei | Ingresso libero
Friday, November 4th | 1st Session
14.00 Opening and welcoming speeches
Representatives of autorities and
Prof. DDr. Konrad Bergmeister, President, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
14.30 Dr. Dr. h.c. Cuno Tarfusser, Judge, ICC Pre-Trial Division | President, AKME
Das schwierige Verhältnis, auch international, zwischen Politik und Justiz
Il difficile rapporto, anche sul piano internazionale, tra politica e giustizia
The difficult relationship of politics and justice
15.00 Prof. Dr. Bertram Schmitt, Judge, ICC Trial Division
Der ICC zwischen civil law und common law
La Corte penale internazionale permanente tra civil law e common law
The ICC between civil law and common law
15.30 Prof. Dr. Piotr Hofmański, Judge, ICC Appeal’s Division
Die Entwicklung der internationalen Strafrechtsprechung
L’evoluzione della giurisprudenza penale internazionale
The evolution of international criminal jurisprudence
16.30 Prof. Dr. Federica Gioia, ICC Legal Officer
Il “giusto processo” davanti alla Corte Penale Internazionale
Das “faire Verfahren” vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof
The “fair trial” at the ICC
17.00 Shyamala Alagendra, ICC, former trial lawyer OTP
Why international criminal justice still matters: experiences from the field
La rilevanza della giustizia penale internazionale: esperienze sul campo
Warum die internationale Strafjustiz noch zählt: Erfahrungen aus der Praxis
17.30 Karim A. A. Khan QC, ICC Defence counsel
The ICC seen from the perspective of a defence counsel
La Corte penale internazionale permanente dal punto di vista della difesa
Das Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in der Perspektive der Verteidigung
18.00 Discussion
19.00 Dr. Dr. h.c. Cuno Tarfusser, Judge, ICC Pre-Trial Division | President, AKME
Closing remarks
Riflessioni conclusive
Saturday, November 5th | 2nd Session
09.15 Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Nesi, University of Trento
Da Roma ad oggi: lo stato di salute della giustizia penale internazionale.
Von Rom bis heute: der Gesundheitszustand der internationalen Strafjustiz
From Rome to the present: the state of health of international criminal justice
9.45 Dr. Astrid Reisinger Coracini, University of Salzburg
Internationale Strafgerichtsbarkeit zwischen Erwartung und Wahrnehmung
La giustizia penale internazionale tra aspettative e percezione
Expectations, perceptions and the objectives of international criminal justice
10.15 Coffee break
10.45 Prof. Dr. Peter Hilpold, University of Innsbruck
Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof und die Schutzverantwortung
The ICC and the responsability to protect
La Corte penale internazionale e la responsabilità di proteggere
11.15 Dr. Roberto Wenin, University of Trento
Lo statuto di Roma quale Silicon Valley della comparazione?
Das Römische Statut: ein Silicon Valley der Rechtsvergleichung?
The Rome Statute: a Silicon Valley of comparative law?
11.45 Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos, University of Göttingen, Judge LG Göttingen
Zur Zukunft des Völkerstrafrechts
Sul futuro del diritto penale internazionale
The future of international criminal law
12.15 Discussion
13.00 Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Nesi, University of Trento
Closing remarks
Riflessioni conclusive