Table of Contents 【Lecture】 The Age of “Transborder−Literature” lan Hideo LEVY・‥ 1 【Articles】 Tales of Battle and Eχpressions of Sufering From the Perspective of World Literature KUSAKA Tsutomu…302 An Annotated Translation ofOe no Masahiro’s (大江匡衡ドKitano Tenjin Kugohei narabini Shujumotsumon 北野天神供御幣井種種物文”into Modern Japanese: Prayer for Fu11 Recovery of Health Composed by Nakahara no Nagakuni中原長国 YOSHIHARA Hiroto…275 Theoretical Framework in Language and Education Policy in Bangladesh Tania HOSSAIN…95 The lnteraction of Language and Nonverbal Behavior lnfluencing the Perception of Japanese Refusals Nich01as 0. JUNGHEIM…71 Johannes Nas and ”Ecclesia MiUtans”: Woodcuts−Propaganda in Confessional Conflict of the Late 16th Century TAKATSU Hideyuki・‥47 Robert Hans van Gulik’s Japanese Letters: His Friendship with Togyo Matsumaru, a Stone−Seal Artist INAHATA Koichiro…17 【Research Notes: Annual Meeting Presentations】 111trodllctio?l to Pol)耐ar Caltz4re St㎡ies Tuming to Japanese: Reading Kenji Ozawa’s H面miyo Concert as a Teχt KAKITANI Koichi‥・186 The 60s Pop Rev01ution: Exp10ring the Hegemonic Relationship between the Beatles and British Society WATANABE Aiko・‥166 Acceptance of Foreign Pop£ulture in Contemporary China Focusmg on Rock Music TAKAYA Aki・‥147 【Research Note】 Aspects of Japanese Anime in Contemporary lran TAKAGI Sanae…118 【Student Presentations】 Summary of Student Presentations in the Fa11 0f 2012 ・‥248 KIMURA Asami,KOMURA Yoshiyasu, FUKUZATO Miki, TAHARA Tatsuro,SAEKI Takuya, 0TANI Hitomi, 0HKURA Toshifumi, NAKAGAWA Ko,NAGATANI Takahiro 【Ronkei News / Diary】 Seminar Thesis Abstracts ・・ 33 0 1 3 3 NN N Ronki Event Archive ‥ TANAHARA lkki, SHIBASAKI Junya, WASHIO Ryotar0, KIUCHI Miki, ISHII Miho List of Seminar Theses and Graduation Theses 2012 ・ ・ 【Miscellany】 News / Rules of the Association / Board Members of the Association ‥ 206
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