YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR SUCCESS GREAT STAFF MAKE THE DIFFERENCE Despite the ever changing world we work in, the key to success of every business has always been and will always be based on the ability of its people. We recognize the importance the role of work has in people’s lives and we help individuals and organizations to enjoy, develop and achieve their goals. Finding, attracting and nurturing talent is a highly competitive and challenging process and to be able to achieve this effectively and in a timely manner an organization needs to be able to demonstrate their values, their leadership, and their resources. We believe that for our client to maximize their potential the HR consulting company they work with needs to listen, understand, and help them to deliver their vision to their people. PRTR GROUP OF COMPANIES PRTR GROUP - OBJECTIVES Since PRTR’s establishment in 1990, we have witnessed the At PRTR we strongly believe that to provide added value for highs of the property boom, the collapse of the currency, each and every one of our clients we must listen attentively the pain Thailand suffered facing up to the stringent to their requirements and learn. We strongly believe that demands of the IMF, the demise of the American from the welcoming smiles at the reception desk to the mortgage market, the devastating floods and Thailand’s wisdom of senior management, everyone is there to add ongoing political power struggle. We are now playing our value and, ultimately, profit to their company. We believe part in Thailand’s future, which will see a steady annual that when clients instruct us to represent their interests, that growth, a responsibility has been transferred to us and we must decrease in poverty, an increasing domestic demand understand their business goals as well as their HR goals from a growing middle class and a business environment and focus our services on achieving both these goals. that dictates transparency and increased honesty. We Therefore, our objective is to provide what the clients want look forward to improving Thailand’s working environment by designing unique solutions that are not based on a by understanding the needs of its people and embracing single service, but will typically combine the services of the many ongoing challenges it presents with confidence many parts of our organization. improved health and welfare services, and integrity. • PRTR consists of 8 separate profit centers working within 4 separate companies. • PRTR has 3 offices in Bangkok and 1 office in the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand. • PRTR employs 232 staff with a further 41 staff supporting our client partners at their locations in Thailand. • To provide unique solutions that, typically, combine the services of many parts of our organization. • To ensure that our solutions are provided in a timely manner and address the business goals of our clients. • To maintain the highest levels of quality and ethical standards. • PRTR employs over 2,100 additional contract and permanent staff working at our clients within Thailand. • PRTR has exceeded 17% compound growth per year for the last 5 years. 2 RECRUITMENT SERVICE EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT PRTR Executive Recruitment's core business is identifying and assessing outstanding executives and recruiting them into senior leadership roles in Thailand. We are retained to work for a diverse group of select clients and form close partnerships with our clients in order to understand the nature of their business and their business goals. We are then in the best position to recruit an individual with the right competencies and experience to meet our clients’ specific leadership needs. • We have enjoyed a 96% placement success rate on all retained searches since 2010. • 68% of our clients are multi-national companies. • 64% of our revenue has come from existing clients since 2010. OUR EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT PROCESS Meet with Client Establish requirement and Ensure demand matches (decision maker) business needs with supply Propose recruitment solutions Present short list of candidates Agree firm timeline Start recruitment process and conduct in-depth interview Conduct reference check of Participate in contractual preferred candidates negotiations RESEARCH RECRUITMENT (HEAD HUNTING) Research Recruitment is designed for clients that are recruiting management level staff, require specific types of candidates from typically narrow vertical markets and require their company name to remain confidential during the search. PRTR will provide a shortlist of candidates within a 4-week period from the client’s point of authorization. More recently, Research Recruitment has been used by clients in establishing information relating to their competitor’s capabilities and in doing so, allows our clients to establish business goals and expectations of employee capabilities based on this information. The most common demand we have is to establish for our clients the size potential of a market, which allows our clients to judge their current ability and then locate and attract the most successful candidates from companies in that market. 3 300,000 candidates registered on our database DATABASE RECRUITMENT MASS RECRUITMENT Database Recruitment is designed for clients that are Mass Recruitment directly addresses the increasing recruiting staff from junior to lower management levels need of our clients for the project management of large and require a shortlist of candidates within a 5 working and ongoing permanent or contract recruitment day period from the point of the client’s authorization. requirements. These requirements, to date, have been in the recruitment and replacement of Telesales, Call • We have over 300,000 candidates registered on our database. Center, Customer Service, Product Consultants and • We ensure every candidate is interviewed by an experienced Recruitment Consultant and tested by a native English speaker. the responsibility of ensuring that a pre-agreed number • We interview 1,000 new candidates per month. scenarios are using our service. Administration staff for clients who want to outsource of staff are recruited and maintained to pre-agreed timelines. Typically clients who encounter the following • An urgent requirement to recruit large numbers of staff in a short period. • An ongoing requirement to recruit staff in a high attrition environment e.g. Telesales, Call Center Staff. • An ongoing business expansion which requires a large number of staff recruited on a monthly basis. 4 RECRUITMENT PROCESS OUTSOURCING (RPO) Increasingly, we are seeing more and more of our clients assigning PRTR to oversee all aspects of their recruitment. We are getting involved in planning and executing recruitment campaigns that might focus on seasonal student recruitment, one off recruitment resulting from business expansion or maintaining pre-set recruitment goals in high staff turnover environments. Part of our RPO process often involves Open House / Walk In Interview events and Campus Recruitment. OPEN HOUSE / WALK IN INTERVIEW We have an extensive background in carrying out Open House recruitment events and have become experts in organizing and executing these events. We help our clients by assessing and advising them on the likely number of applicants an event will produce and save our clients time and money by carrying out the event in a more efficient and experienced manner. We use our extensive contacts to gain the best positioning and deals in promoting each event and our clients can rely on our experienced teams of recruiters to properly assess and decide on the suitability of each applicant. Period Before Event Activities Work with clients to understand company culture and job vacancies Design appropriate selection method Compose job advertisement and arrange media to promote the event and vacancies Contact and arrange interview venue During Event Prescreen candidates and arrange interview time at event Provide experienced consultants to attend an event Facilitate event / gather candidates documents / arrange tests Conduct first round interviews After Event Provide summary report Provide feedback to candidates CAMPUS RECRUITMENT Campus Recruitment allows our clients to promote their company, vacancies and career opportunities and ultimately recruit talented students. The planning, organization and execution of Campus Recruitment has traditionally consumed a lot of our clients’ time and manpower. With our experienced team performing Campus Recruitment, our clients can focus on their core business while keeping their cost low. We listen to our clients’ requirements and understand their culture in order to design a customized selection process which includes interviewing, aptitude tests, discussions and presentations. 5 JAPANESE RECRUITMENT As a part of PRTR group, PRTR Japanese was established in 2009 specifically to better serve the Japanese business sector in Thailand and to provide services more reflective of the cultural expectations of these customers. We have experienced senior Japanese Managers who work with our Japanese customers to understand their requirements clearly and help them to understand the demand and supply of candidates in their particular market sector. Once we have selected potential candidates we ensure that each candidate is interviewed face to face by one of our Consultants, and where necessary by our Japanese Managers, specifically to assess their ability as well as their communication skills in Japanese. As PRTR Japanese has developed, we have demonstrated an increasing ability to successfully recruit Japanese nationals for senior management positions in Thailand by directly sourcing them from Thailand and by also relocating the best Japanese nationals from overseas. We have 300,000 candidates, including Japanese nationals and Japanese speaking Thai nationals, registered on our database. • We ensure every candidate is interviewed by an experienced Recruitment Consultant and consideration will be given to all aspects of the candidate’s employment history as well as compatibility with our customer’s environment, specific cultural demands and the required image. • Candidates will have their English listening, speaking and writing capabilities checked by a native English speaker to assess their English skill as well as by a Japanese manager to assess their Japanese skill. • We will provide a shortlist of candidates within a 5 to 10 working day period. • A fee only becomes payable when a candidate commences work for our client and a 3 month replacement guarantee is provided. 7 日系企業様向けサービス PRTRは4つのグループ会社、8箇所の事業所から成る人材紹介会社です。事務所はバンコクに3ヶ所、イースタンシーボードに1拠点を構え232 名ほどの社員が業務に携わっております。また 41名ほどがHRサポートとしてクライアント様のオフィスに、さらに2,100名以上がタイ国内の お客様の事業所にて派遣社員として日々業務に励んでおります。PRTRは20年以上の実績を積み重ね過去5年間で毎年17%を超える成長を 実現して参りました。 PRTR Japaneseの設立 PRTR JapaneseはPRTRのグループ企業として2009年に設立されました。日系企業様特有のニーズに合わせて、ご要望を伺い、採用に関す るアドバイスも含めきめ細やかなサービスをご提供するために設立された会社です。タイ進出、新規設立の企業様にもタイにおける採用の流 れから、習慣、傾向などに関する情報をオンタイムで提供、日本語で気軽にご相談いただいております。 タイ人採用 - 一般社員からマネジメントまで ご紹介させていただく候補者の選別には弊社コンサルタントによる面接にてスクリーニングを行い、ネイティブスピーカーによるEnglishテス トを実施しております。また日本語を話すタイ人候補者の方には日本人による日本語テストを実施しております。 タイ人の採用は幅広く、一般社員から経営層にいたるまで数多くの候補者がデーターベース上に保存されており、更なる候補者が面接を経 てシステムに登録されております。また日本人の採用に関しましても管理職以上を中心にさまざまなポジションを担当させていただいており ます。日本人の場合にはタイ在住者だけでなく、日本または他国で活躍している方々にもネットワークを広げ求職者のサポート、クライアント 様へのご紹介を実施しております。 採用までの流れ 募集されるポジションや、仕事内容、企業様が求める人材の経験やスキルについてヒアリングさせていただきます。訪問 求人企業様と 打ち合わせ 、電話、メールなどご都合に合わせて詳細は打ち合わせが可能です 打ち合わせ時にお伺いした内容を元に、PRTRの優れた人材登録データベースからキーワードにより検索、専門性の高 検索 候補者リスト の作成 いオンライン求人広告からさらに優秀な人材にアプローチ、多種多様なネットワークを駆使して条件や適正を見極めた うえで候補者リストの作成を行います。 弊社コンサルタントがリスト上の候補者と直接話をし、職歴詳細、スキル、語学力、今回の応募理由、企業様への適正な PRTRと候補者 の面接 候補者と企業 様の面接 面接フィード バック、契約 締結と条件交 渉の代理 どのチェックを行い、候補者を絞り込みます。 選考過程を経た候補者を企業様へ推薦させていただき、企業様と候補者との間で面接日程の調整を行います。 面接の後は、企業様と候補者のそれぞれに対して、面接のフィードバックを行います。企業様から候補者に内定通知が あった場合には、勤務開始日などの条件確認を候補者の代理で行います。 企業様と候補者が合意できれば採用決定となり、雇用契約が締結されます。弊社への手数料はこの時点で発生いたし ます。尚、入社から3ヶ月以内に退職されてしまった場合には、再紹介保障としまして同一の職種、職位、給与の人材を 採用 無料にてお探しさせていただきます。 (一度のみ) コンサルタントの仕事は人材のご紹介だけではありません。弊社PRTR Japaneseではクライアント企業様に最適なリク 入社後のアフ ターサービス ルートメントソリューションを提案させていただくプロフェッショナルアドバイザーです。採用決定後も企業様とご紹介さ せていただきました人材に連絡を取り、双方が長期間に渡り、よい関係を築いていけるように努めております。 88 PRTR–ES (Eastern Seaboard) BASED IN LAEM CHABANG, SRIRACHA-EASTERN SEABOARD AREA PRTR-ES provide Based on the demand that PRTR Bangkok received recruitment and outsourcing services in the Eastern was established in 2006 to from manufacturers in the region, a strategic Seaboard area, spanning from Map Ta Phut to decision was made to open a satellite business with Wellgrow Industrial Estate. Our main focus is to specialist provide talent for the manufacturing industry. requirements within the area. Given the proximity of consultants to focus on clients’ our office to the major industrial estates in the Eastern Seaboard, PRTR-ES are in a better position to meet with clients and candidates face to face with greater ease and efficiency, providing both parties with invaluable on the ground market knowledge in this ever expanding employment sector. In essence, PRTR-ES live and breathe manufacturing in every discipline and at every level, from the automotive to FMCG industry. PRTR–ES has developed its own unique ability to focus on the more technical recruitment needs whilst maintaining the original values of the PRTR group. We have developed a separate database of applicants within the Eastern Seaboard and a team of Thai and Expatriate recruiters with the experience to provide our clients with an unrivaled service in the area. 10 HR AND STAFF MANAGEMENT HR OUTSOURCING (MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTANCY) PAYROLL OUTSOURCING HR outsourcing is designed to assist our clients to Payroll Outsourcing is designed for clients in Thailand achieve cost savings in all areas of HR and improve the who want to concentrate on their business goals and efficiency of both their HR management and HR move their focus away from non value added internal development functions. Our HR Outsourcing service process management. PRTR’s Payroll Outsourcing will allow our clients to focus on their core business service will ensure that clients’ staff receive the right while PRTR ensures that all HR related work is performed amount of salary at the right time, pay slips are in line with the rules and regulations stipulated within provided to the staff (with the client’s logos if required) the Thai Labour Laws. before the salary transfer date and any staff payroll questions and concerns are given the highest priority. We provide project based or one off HR services that It is PRTR’s responsibility to ensure that all legal and may include performance evaluation, compensation government tax requirements are fulfilled in line with and benefits analysis, change management and the requirements of the government of Thailand. employee satisfaction surveys. We focus on providing our clients with practical advice from our experts, which in turn helps our clients to implement and execute an effective HR strategy. 11 STAFF OUTSOURCING PRTR combines our recruitment teams with our payroll and HR outsourcing services teams to achieve a complete Outsourcing Staff solution. PRTR’s Staff Outsourcing service allows our clients to match their staff needs to their business demands without the legal, image and monetary risks of employing full time staff. Staff Outsourcing services are designed for clients who typically experience the following issues: • High staff turnover. • An overload in HR administration tasks. • Being too busy at payroll time. • Have difficulty meeting the requirements of the Thai labour law. • Have a limited permanent head count. • Have seasonal staff fluctuations. • Have manufacturing or sales demand fluctuations within their business. Standard Services Provided HR Outsourcing Payroll Outsourcing Staff Outsourcing HR advisory x x Performance evaluation x x Staff training x x Recruitment and Replacement x Employment of staff x Income calculation and submission x x Social security calculation and submission x x Tax calculation and submission x x Pay slip preparation and distribution x x 12 BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING (BPO) Business Process Outsourcing Services were introduced in 2006 and developed due to the demand of our clients for non-core business process outsourcing. PRTR works with local and multi-national companies in understanding their business requirements, identifying areas that can be outsourced, developing processes to fulfill these requirements and then taking responsibility for the day to day operation. The benefits to our clients are as follows: • Cost saving by lowering capital and labour costs. • Improvement in performance resulting from PRTR’s experience and expertise. • Improvement in performance resulting from the client having more time to focus on their core business. • Flexibility to expand their business. PC (PRODUCT CONSULTANT) SALES TEAM MANAGEMENT PRTR’s PC / Sales Team Management service directly addresses the need of our clients to add an increasing level of value to their outsourcing, specifically by combining the outsourcing of the sales performance management and recruitment with the HR project management of large and ongoing sales forces. This allows our clients to increase the efficiency of their sales channel. • We take responsibility for hitting pre-agreed sales targets. • We currently manage sales forces for cosmetic products, medical products, construction products and consumer electronics products. 13 BACKGROUND CHECK Employing new staff is considered an investment in any business and if those people turn out to be not who they say in their resume then business is in a high risk position and it could be a very expensive mistake. Therefore in order to make sure that our client’s make the right decision, PRTR has offered a reference checking and employment verification service. PRTR have examined many candidate records and have conducted many reference checks and we will continue to assist our clients in employing the best quality job applicants possible by quickly retrieving precise and reliable information directly from the relevant sources. Standard checking criteria • Employment verification • Education verification • ID card verification • Criminal record verification • Credit bureau record verification • Bankruptcy record verification CONTACT US BY THE SERVICE YOU REQUIRE • Executive Recruitment – [email protected] • Research Recruitment – [email protected] • Database Recruitment – [email protected] • Mass Recruitment – [email protected] • Recruitment Process Outsourcing – [email protected] • Eastern Seaboard Recruitment and Outsourcing – [email protected] • Japanese Recruitment 日系企業様向けサービス – [email protected] • HR Outsourcing – [email protected] • Staff Outsourcing – [email protected] • Payroll Outsourcing – [email protected] • Business Process Outsourcing – [email protected] • PC / Sales Team Management –Sanicha@prtrbpo,com • Background Check – [email protected] OR IF YOU HAVE A GENERAL ENQUIRY OR CONCERN PLEASE CONTACT US Email [email protected] Telephone +662 716 0000 If you have any comments about the quality of our service please contact our Managing Director: [email protected] Recruitment & Outsourcing HR, Staff & Payroll Management es bpo Business Process Outsourcing Recruitment & Outsourcing Employee Background Screening
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