Revised in October 2016 各国・各地域の留学生グループ YNU International Student Groups 下記のリストには、横浜国立大学 2016 年度の各国・各地域の留学生グループ連絡担当者の連 絡先が出ています。 新入留学生のみなさん、先輩とコンタクトをとってみてください! This is the 2016 contact list for international student groups. Dear new international students, please feel free to contact your sempai! ※当リストは学生の情報共有のためのものです。学外の方のご利用はご遠慮ください。 This list aims to encourage communication between YNU students. Please do not use for commercial purposes. 国・地域等 連絡担当者 メールアドレス ‘AT を@にしてください Country/Area Contact Person Email Address: ‘AT → 横浜地区中国 胡啓慧 コケイケイ ynu.china‘ @ QQ 群 193571128 留学生学友会 fb:横滨地区学友会 China Chinese Students' Association in Yokohama Message: 韓国留学生会 Lee Jaeyoung yokohama1‘ Korea ユ fricati7e‘ ジンソン!/groups/409099552455476/ Message: Please contact Korean Students Association to get information for your enjoy campus life. K.S.A provides information that is useful in your abroad life and we hold an interesting events. 台湾 Taiwan ベトナム Le Ngoc Bao Vi lengocbaovi237‘ Vietnam レ・ゴック・バオ・ヴィ Message: Welcome to YNU! If you need help or have any questions any time, please do not hesitate to contact me or send a message to Vietnamese Community via the link above. You are always welcomed. インドネシア Ferdian Yunazar ferdian.yunazar‘ Indonesia Message: マレーシア Muhammad Lukman Bin Ibrahim ルクマン Malaysia Message: Welcome to YNU. I hope that we all can get along well and please contact me if you need lukmanbeing ‘ any assistant. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu. バングラデシュ Mahfuzul Hoque マフーズ‘ PW: 1952bengaliMT Bangladesh Message: WELCOME to YNU!!! If you are a newly enrolled student at YNU, please contact via the mail shown above. We have YNU-BD group in the facebook. Also, YOKOMS group for our Muslim community. ミャンマー Yinmin Pa Pa ユーミン パパ Myanmar Message: モンゴル Otgonbayar Soyolmaa Mongol オトゴンバヤル yinminpapa‘ soyoloo16‘ ソヨルマー Message: Welcome to YNU! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. スリランカ Damintha Pathirana daminthapathirana‘ Sri Lanka Message: カンボジア TE Muykim Cambodia Message: Welcome to Yokohama National University, a great place for life. Thing is always hard at tmuykim‘ first, so please feel free to contact me if I can be of any help. Revised in October 2016 各国・各地域の留学生グループ YNU International Student Groups 国・地域等 連絡担当者 メールアドレス ‘AT を@にしてください Country/Area Contact Person Email Address: ‘AT → ブラジル Gustavo Karuka Brazil Message: Brazilian or non-Brazilian, feel free to ask me anything about YNU or life in Japan in グスタボ カルカ @ massaki22‘ATgmail. com general. アフリカ Thomas Basikolo thomasbasikolo‘AT グループ Message: Welcome to YNU. This is Thomas, contact person for the African students in YNU group. Africa This group serves as a platform where students from Africa can share or exchange information, トーマス and/or ideas. Feel free to contact me on any issues that you would like to address. Together we can do more. Feel welcome to this beautiful campus. Aibek Toktorbai uulu モスリム アイベック Thomas dostomo‘ グループ Muslim Message: Assalaamu alaikum Dear Muslim students. If you have any question regarding the Praying room and halal food in YNU, please feel free to contact us. インド India ネパール シュレスタ・マニタ Nepal Message: キルギス Aibek Toktorbai uulu (中央アジア) Message: Please Kyrgyz manitajk‘ アイベック dostomo‘ feel free to contact me if you need any information, by sending me email. (Central Asia) ヨーロッパ Catharina Trones カタリナ c.haesken‘ Europe Message: スペイン語 Francela Davila フランセラ ダビラ ynu.espanol‘ グループ Spanish- Message: speaking group please send us an email! ロシア Kashtanova Elena カシタノワ Russia Message: Hi! If you are interested in the Spanish language or Latin-American Culture, エレーナ simonyyy‘ Hello! Dear Russian students, if you have any questions send me a message. Who has any interest in Russia or Russian culture, please contact me. I’m looking forward to talking with you. Email Address: ‘AT → @ * このほかの国や地域の留学生グループで連絡先になってくれる人は、国際戦略推進機構 ふじい(fujiik’まで ぜひ知らせてください。 * To those who are willing to be persons in charge for the international student groups from other countries and areas, please contact Prof. Fujii of ISC at fujiik’AT
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