Doctoral Programs TIMETABLE (Apr. 6, 2016~Apr. 3, 2017) As of September 13, 2016 1 (9:00-10:30) Term Day Course No. Subjects ECO 8881 E Asian Financial Markets (Session II) Mon STI 6011 E/J Tue (Apr.4 ≀ Wed Instructor Hayashi ECO 8881 E Asian Financial Markets (Session II) Ito Takatoshi Comparative State Formation (Advanced) Empirical Approach to Policy Analysis STI 6001 E Jul.24) Course No. Instructor LAN 2030 JA Course No. Subjects 4 (15:00-16:30) Instructor Room Course No. Subjects Onimaru Arai Okugawa, et al. F ECO 6030 E ECO 7871 E C C I STI 6021 E/J Science and Technology in International Politics / 国際政 Yakushiji 治学と科学技術 ECO 6610 E Advanced Econometrics III (Session II) Hayashi F LAN 2030 JB GOV 7101 J Intarakumn erd Basic Japanese 3C Iwata, et al. I PAD 8021 E ECO 7711 J STI 7161 E/J Fri GOV 8231 E Mon A Advanced Microeconomics IV (Session II) Munro A Strategy of Economic Development (Apr.12,26,May10, 24,June 7,21,July 5,19) Otsuka G LAN 1120 J Beginners' Japanese 2 Iwata, et al. H ECO 7010 E ≀ ECO 7070 E Passionate and Pragmatic Public Speaking II E J LAN 1030 JB Basic Japanese 3B Iwata, et al. H ECO 6090 E Theoretical Foundation of Economic Policy Sonobe C A GOV 7000 E ECO 6080 E Security and International Chey, et Studies Dissertation Seminar al. E H A Agricultural Economics Advanced Macroeconomics IV (Session I) Energy and Environmental Science&Technology/環境エ ネルギーと科学技術 費用便益分析 (Cost-Benefit Analysis) (Session II) G GOV 8401 E Advanced International Relations in Europe C GOV 8231 E Transnational Organized Crime and Security (8/1, 8/8) Hara A Ikeda D 研究会 室 4E GOV 6100 J 政策過程論特別演習 (Special Seminar for Policy Process) Iio G GOV 8311 E Advanced Comparative Political Economy Kanchooc hat Kidokoro Yukihiro H ECO 6810 E Advanced Development Economics Iwama I GOV 8231 E Transnational Organized Crime and Security (8/1, 8/8) G STI 7171 E/J EPP 7011 E Nei, Shibata Fukumi C Yamauchi Fukumi インフラストラクチャーの デザイン特論 (Advanced Shinohara Design of Infrastructure) D I DEV 7061 J C MOR 6400 E Operations Research Oyama, Tsuchiya H C GOV 8231 E Transnational Organized Crime and Security ( 8/8) Fukumi C Tue GOV 8231 E (Jul. 30 ≀ Wed Sep. 23) Transnational Organized Crime and Security (8/2) Fukumi K Kitaoka Pressello Hsu ECO 8141 J Summer Faden Politics and Diplomacy in Postwar Japan Iio Fukumi LAN 0210 E H 政策過程論 (Policy Process) Transnational Organized Crime and Security (8/1) I GOV 7231 E J Nei Iwata, et al. Instructor Room J Intermediate Japanese 3B Outline of Energy Policy / エ ネルギー政策概論 D Subjects Graduate Seminar I~VII Okugawa, et al. Ohno K., Ohno I., Shimamura Arai Course No. 6 (18:20-19:50) Wie, Hasegawa, Porapakkar m Yagi Policy Design & Implementation in Developing Countries Instructor Room Hasegawa G Advanced Japanese 3 Selected Topics in Policy Studies (India, an Emerging Sunil Mani High Technology Giant in the Making) Basic Japanese 3A 5 (16:40-18:10) Advanced Microeconomics III (Session I) Applied Macroeconomics of Public Policy (Spring I) Economics of Innovation (Session II) Thu LAN 1030 JC Room ECO 6020 E LAN 3030 J ECO 6720 E Subjects 3 (13:20-14:50) ECO Advanced Econometrics II C Intermediate Japanese 3A I 6710 (Session I) E MOR Mathematical Modeling Oyama, LAN 6300 Analysis Tsuchiya, E 1030 E/J / 数理モデル分析 Morohosi J Selected Topics in Policy Studies (Understanding Silicon Valley: Its Implication to Innovation Kenney, Policy) A Lecuyer (April 13,18,25, May 2, 23,30, June 6, 13) LAN Iwata, et 4030 Superior Japanese 3 I al. J DEV Advanced Infrastructure and Analysis of Science and Technology Policy Process / 科学技術政策過程論 Sunami G 7501 Regional Development: Ieda D (Session II) E Lessons from the Past Advanced Econometrics III (Session II) ECO 7700 E Room Ito Takatoshi ECO 6720 E GOV 7321 E Spring 2 (10:40-12:10) C GOV 8231 E GOV 8231 E Transnational Organized Crime and Security (8/2, 8/9) Fukumi C GOV 8231 E Transnational Organized Crime and Security (8/2, 8/9) Transnational Organized Crime and Security (8/3) Fukumi C Fukumi C GOV 8231 E Couse No. Subjects LAN 0030 E Thesis and Policy Paper Writing GOV 6220 E Strategic Studies Research Seminar Yoshizaki G LAN 0190 E Academic Communication for Japanese Speakers Nakatsug awa, Elwood K LAN 0200 E Discussion and Debate for Policymakers Medrano J Okamoto Ryosuke I Okamoto Ryosuke I 公共経済学 (Public Economics) (8/30, 9/6, 9/13, 9/20) Transnational Organized Crime and Security (8/9) Fukumi Instructor Room Petchko, ACDEF et al. GH C Thu Fri * Intensive Course: Day Course No. Subjects 2 (10:40-12:10) Instructor Room Course No. MOR 6001 E Subjects Mon LAN 2010 JA 3 (13:20-14:50) Instructor Introduction to Quantitative Methods / 数量分析基礎 ECO 6770 E Oyama, Morohosi Room Iwata, et al. Introduction to Applied Econometrics (Advanced) Chen F GOV 7311 E Comparative Politics DEV 7101 J 交通政策と事業評価特論 (Advanced Topics in Transportation Policy and Project Evaluation) I STI 7151 E/J H E ECO 8751 J Porapakka rm Superior Japanese 1 日本政治研究特別演習 (Special Seminar for Japanese Politics) 経済シミュレーション分析 (Economic Simulation Analysis) Iwata, et al. Takenaka Hosoe I I F Fall STI 7081 E ≀ Comparative Analysis on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Intarakumn erd E Feb. 2) STI 7071 E/J LAN 3010 J Science and Technology Diplomacy/科学技術外交論 Advanced Japanese 1 Yakushiji Yagi H CUL 6010 E/J Advanced Topics in Cultural Capital and Policy Issues / 文化資源特論 Kakiuchi 垣内研究 室 Thu LAN 1010 JD LAN 1010 JE Basic Japanese 1D Basic Japanese 1E Chey Iwata, et al. Iwata, et al. E H LAN 2010 JB H STI 8051 E/J 政府と市場 (Government and Market) Intermediate Japanese 1B Energy Security/エネルギー 安全保障 Hosoe Iwata, et al. Nei, Kutani G H Mon ECO 6760 E GOV 8241 E ECO 6760 E GOV 8241 E LAN 3020 J Tue Winter Wed (Feb.8 ≀ Apr. 2) GOV 8241 E Thu Fri GOV 8241 E ECO 6700 E LAN 1020 J Advanced Global Economic History C STI 7180 E GOV 7201 EB ECO 6730 E Advanced Energy Policy Advanced International Relations Intermediate Japanese 2A Applied Econometrics Iwata, et al. Matsumoto Matsumoto Basic Japanese 2C Iwata, et al. Sugihara H LAN 4020 J Nei, Toyoda Yamamoto Hsu Superior Japanese 2 Course No. Subjects Basic Japanese 1B Iwata, et al. H GOV 6210 E International Political Economy Workshop Chey E Iio Researc h Meeting Room 4D GOV 6920 J 社会科学方法論=質的分析 (Social Science Methodology for Qualitative Analysis) STI 7031 E/J ビブリオメトリクスとその 応用(Bibliometrics and Kuwahara Applications) ECO 6000 E Advanced Microeconomics I (Session I) Ishihara J ECO 6010 E Advanced Microeconomics II (Session II) Ishihara J CUL 6070 E/J I C F Heritage Policy System in Japan Diplomatic History of Modern Japan(Advanced) STI 7131 E/J Trends of Science and Technology, and Policy / 科 学技術の動向と政策 ECO 8001 E Mathematics for Economic Analysis (Advanced) GOV 7201 EA MOR 7011 E Iwata, et al. Kakiuchi Policy for Higher Education and University-Industry Sumikura Cooperation/ 高等教育政策・産学連携政策 国土政策と社会資本整備特 論 (Advanced Topics in Morichi National Development Policy and Infrastructure Kitaoka, Pressello Arimoto Munro 垣内研 究室 Shiraishi, Takagi I ECO 7010 E ≀ ECO 7070 E Graduate Seminar I~VII Wie, Hasegawa, Porapakkar m D STI 7201 E/J Science and Technology Policy and Entrepreneurship / 科学技術政策とアントレプレ ナーシップ Maki E LAN 1010 JC Basic Japanese 1C Iwata, et al. H H GOV 7471 E State and Politics in Africa (Advanced) I GOV 6930 J I C A Iwama D Quantitative Data Analysis Oyama, Morohosi, Tsuchiya G Ikeda A GOV 8241 E LAN 1020 JA H Honna J Arai H Ono, Kahy, Wickens G,I,J LAN 0040 E English for Academic Purposes O'Neil, Elwood, Nakatsug awa C,E.F LAN 0220 E Takeuchi D Policy Proposal Writing (Session II) Petchko et al. M 社会科学方法論=量的分析 (Social Science Methodology Masuyama for Quantitative Analysis) G Advanced Macroeconomics I (Session I) Porapakka rm B ECO 6060 E Advanced Macroeconomics II (Session II) Fujimoto J Faden J Honna J LAN 0140 E International Development Policy Ohno Izumi GOV 7461 E Basic Japanese 2A State and Politics in Southeast Asia (Advanced) Kakiuchi 垣内研究 室 Honna J Ohno Izumi F Professional Writing for Policymakers F Iwata, et al. H LAN 0160 E Qualitative Writing Wickens H Describing Tables and Figures Elwood C LAN 0180 E Academic Vocabulary Development Elwood, Nakatsug awa C,D Michishita H J 垣内研 Kakiuchi 究室 Heritage for Development Khoo LAN 0010 E c LAN 1020 J GOV 7241 E Basic Japanese2B Honna J Iwata, et al. H Advanced International Security Studies H A GEN 8001 E PAD 7681 E International Development Policy Social Security System in Japan Ono I *This timetable is subject to change. * Intensive Course: GOV8241E Non-Traditional Security (advanced): February 13-17 Instructor Room Dissertation Writing (Fall Session I) Non-Traditional Security (advanced) (Feb.13) Honna E Yagi Iwata, et al. Subjects ECO 6050 E GEN 8001 E E G GOV 6401 E International Relations in East Asia (Advanced) Advanced International Relations CUL 6100 E/J Advanced Topics in Arts Policy / 芸術政策特論 Intermediate Japanese 2B Couse No. LAN 0130 E H Non-Traditional Security (advanced) (Feb.15) Advanced Japanese 2 Instructor Room E Non-Traditional Security (advanced) (Feb.17) Advanced Econometrics I G LAN 1010 JB Non-Traditional Security (advanced) (Feb.14) Applied Econometrics Ueyama A Advanced Econometrics IV (Session I) Advanced Macroeconomics III Non-Traditional Security (advanced) (Feb.16) CUL 6020 E/J LAN 2020 J ECO 6901 E G Fri ECO 6070 E LAN 2020 JA I Iwata, et al. GOV 6451 E ECO 7021 J Faden Basic Japanese 1A STI 7061 E/J Wed Advanced Politics of Global Money and Finance Passionate and Pragmatic Public Speaking Instructor Room LAN 1010 JA DEV 7041 J GOV 8221 E Subjects 6 (18:20-19:50) B Tue (Oct. 7 Course No. LAN 0120 E Comparative Paths of Science Technology and Innovation Policy / 科学技術イノベーション政策の史的比較 (Session I) Research GOV Takenaka Meeting 6110J Room 4F Hibino Room 5 (16:40-18:10) H Computer Programming for Economics (Session II) Intermediate Japanese 1A 4 (15:00-16:30) Course Subjects Instructor No. GOV Advanced Political Economy Tsunekaw 8111 of Modern Japan a E LAN 4010 J ECO 7721 EA *This timetable is subject to change. GOV8231E Transnational Organized Crime and Security, Fukumi: Aug.1,2,3 (Period 1,2 &3) ; Aug. 8,9 (Period 3,4 &5) 1 (9:00-10:30) Term 公共経済学 (Public Economics) (9/1, 9/8, 9/15, 9/22*) *9/22は5限のみ (5 period only on 9/22) ECO 8141 J
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