MARKETBEAT Office Snapshot Q3 2016 Tokyo Economy TOKYO OFFICE Japan’s GDP expanded modestly by 0.7% on an annualized basis in the second quarter of 2016. The weaker growth compared to the previous quarter was mainly caused by the sharp appreciation of the yen. During the third quarter, the job market remained tight as the unemployment rate remained low, hovering at 3.1% in August, and the job to applicant ratio remained well above one. However, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) continued to struggle to reach its 2% inflation target as the Core CPI measure declined further. Prime Minister Abe announced a JPY13.5 trillion stimulus package in August, while the BOJ shifted its monetary policy to focus on yield curve control. Although their effects are uncertain thus far, both measures are expected to buoy the economy. Economic Indicators Q1 15 Q2 16 GDP Growth 2.1% 0.7% CPI Growth 0.0% -0.4% Unemployment 3.2% 3.2% 12-Month Forecast CBD Grade A Office Market Indicators Q2 16 Net Rent Q3 16 12-Month Forecast JPY29,463 JPY29,514 Vacancy Rate 4.51% 4.35% Rent excludes CAM charges Market Overview CBD Grade A Office Rent & Vacancy Rate 35,000 7% 30,000 6% 25,000 5% 20,000 4% 15,000 3% 10,000 2% 5,000 1% 0 0% 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 3Q16 Rent (JPY, tsubo/month) Vacancy Rate (%) During the third quarter, no new major properties opened although several properties under 5,000 tsubo were completed. The grand openings of Sumitomo Fudosan Roppongi Grand Tower and Kyobashi Edogrand are expected next quarter. Rent excludes CAM charges CBD Grade A Office Supply Pipeline 250,000 10-year Historical Average = 94,000 tsubo Outlook 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 2016 2017 The office market continued to show positive signs. The Tokyo CBD Grade A vacancy rate continued to decline, sinking to 4.35% in the third quarter, down from 4.51% in the second. No significant supply was introduced during the quarter, which contributed to the reduction of the overall vacant space in the market. The IT and pharmaceutical sectors continued to be active, as companies such as DMM and Roche Diagnostics were reported to be moving. Rent showed positive growth as Tokyo CBD Grade A rent marginally increased to JPY29,514 per tsubo per month, reflecting tenants wary attitude on office costs. Despite the slower pace of growth, rents grew 6.37% year-onyear this quarter, which put growth since January at 5.02%. 2018 2019 Economic growth remained moderate, while the stronger yen and weaker stock market resulted in declining corporate profitability. If this trend continues, we may see an increase in corporations looking to optimize their office strategies, reducing occupancy costs where appropriate. In the near term, limited new Grade A supply for 2017 combined with low vacancy leaves few options available. We therefore believe the market will continue on its current course until the following year as a large amount of new supply is scheduled for 2018 and 2019. This supply increase is expected to push up vacancy rates and exert downward pressure on rental rates. MARKETBEAT Office Snapshot Q3 2016 Tokyo MARKET VACANCY RATE Tokyo CBD 5-kus (5 wards) 4.35% GRADE A RENT JPY/TSUBO/MO JPY/SQM/MO US$/SF/MO EUR/SF/MO JP29,514 JPY8,928 US$8.2 €7.31 US$/JPY = 100.91; €/JPY = 113.41 as at 23 September 2016, Rent excludes CAM charges Construction Completions PROPERTY SUBMARKET GFA (SQM) GFA (TSUBO) COMPLETION DATE Otemachi Financial City Grand Cube Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku 193,800 58,624 Apr 2016 Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioicho Kioi Tower Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku 147,000 44,467 May 2016 Significant Projects Under Construction PROPERTY SUBMARKET GFA (SQM) GFA (TSUBO) COMPLETION DATE Sumitomo Fudosan Roppongi Grand Tower Roppongi, Minato-ku 202,500 61,256 Oct 2016 Kyobashi Edogrand Kyobashi, Chuo-ku 119,050 36,012 Oct 2016 Sophia Tower Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku 39,000 11,797 Dec 2016 Otemachi Park Building Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku 149,000 45,072 Jan 2017 Ginza 6-chome Project Ginza, Chuo-ku 147,900 44,739 Jan 2017 経済 4-6月期の実質GDPは年率換算で0.7%増と緩やかな成長であった。円高がさらに進んだことが主に起因し、前期に比べて低い伸びに留まった。労働市場は引き 続き需給が逼迫しており、8月の失業率は3.1%と低く、有効求人倍率も1.37となり、求人数が求職者数より多いことを示す1.0を大きく上回る状態が続いている。消 費者物価指数(生鮮食品を除く総合)は引き続き前年比マイナス圏で推移しており、日銀は2%の物価安定目標の達成に苦戦している。8月上旬、安倍首相は13.5 兆円の財政措置を発表、一方、日銀は新たな金融政策としてイールドカーブ・コントロールの導入を決定した。こうした政策の経済効果は未だ不透明であるが、景気 浮揚となることが期待される。 オフィス市場 2016年第3四半期のオフィス市場では前期同様、空室率下落と賃料上昇が見られた。東京CBDのAグレードオフィスの空室率は前期の4.51%から4.35%に引き続 き下落した。今期は大規模ビルの竣工はなく、空室面積の減少に寄与した。テナント動向は、IT企業と製薬会社が活発であり、今期はDMM、ロシュ・ダイアグノス ティックスといった企業の移転が報じられた。ITと製薬会社はここ数年オフィス市場の牽引役となっている。一方、第3四半期の賃料は29,514円(月・坪あたり)と、僅 かであるが前期の29,463円から上昇した。テナントは依然オフィスコストに敏感で、慎重な姿勢を見せており、賃料の伸びは緩やかである。しかし、賃料は前年同期 比では6.37%増、また年初からは5.02%の上昇となった。今期竣工した大型ビルはなかったものの、5,000坪以下のビルの竣工は複数見られた。来期には大型プロ ジェクトの「住友不動産六本木グランドタワー」及び「京橋エドグラン」がグランドオープンを迎える。 見通し 現在の経済成長は力強さに欠け、円高や株式市場の低迷は、企業収益を悪化させている。こうした状況が継続すれば、企業はオフィス戦略の最適化やオフィスコス ト削減を視野に入れるだろう。2017年は大型ビルの新規供給が少なく、現在の空室率も低いことから、短期的にはテナントの移転先の選択肢が限定的な状況が続く ものと思われる。しかし、2018年、2019年には供給増が見込まれており、空室率は押し上げられ、賃料も弱含みに転じることが予想される。 About Cushman & Wakefield Cushman & Wakefield is a global leader in commercial real estate services, helping clients transform the way people work, shop, and live. The firm’s 43,000 employees in more than 60 countries provide deep local and global insights that create significant value for occupiers and investors around the world. Cushman & Wakefield is among the largest commercial real estate services firms in the world with revenues of $5 billion across core services of agency leasing, asset services, capital markets, facilities services (branded C&W Services), global occupier services, investment management (branded DTZ Investors), tenant representation and valuations & advisory. To learn more, visit or follow @Cushwake on Twitter. Copyright © 2016 Cushman & Wakefield. All rights reserved. The information contained within this report is gathered from multiple sources considered to be reliable. The information may contain errors or omissions and is presented without any warranty or representations as to its accuracy. Timothy Gregersen Manager, Research, Japan Sanno Park Tower 13F 2-11-1 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-6113 Tel: +81 3 3596 7079 [email protected]
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