Fraser Downs Freitag, 7. Oktober 2016 1 04:00 Race 1 2 04:17 Race 2 3 04:34 Race 3 4 04:51 Race 4 5 05:08 Race 5 6 05:25 Race 6 7 05:42 Race 7 8 05:59 Race 8 9 06:16 Race 9 10 06:33 Race 10 11 06:50 Race 11 12 07:07 Race 12 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 1600 m 8.000 20.000 20.000 5.300 5.300 4.000 15.000 15.000 2.800 7.400 10.500 6.600 ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 1 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs Seite 2 Rennen # 11 WANN STARTET IHR PFERD... Ad Scootin Ivy Andy The Manager Argle Hanover Art The Third Artsdestiny Astronomical Storm Bakardi Gold Balzac Billy Beer O Clock Beren Hanover Bettor In The Bank Bigtime Jet Blissful Angel Boom Shazam Bossy Branding Party Broadies Dancer Buddy Weiser Buddys Hope 9 12 4 5 7 9 2 5 3 11 1 3 12 5 7 5 5 1 11 Bulletsaflyin Cajun Beat Camita B And E Cassea Chasing The Girls Chewy Baca Coliseum Hanover D On Sanders Day In The Park Devious Diva Double Terror Elvis Paceley Four Diamonds Golden Time Gotta Have Nukes Gramrun Show Biz Great Quote Half A League Hammers Silver 7 12 6 8 2 11 12 10 4 7 12 12 11 10 1 3 5 2 4 Highland Big Brown Homesick Angel I Can Dream Iamarichcamto Illwinifican Incognito Cowboy Its Eds Idea Jaydan Jerryscooter Jet To The Beach Key To The Moon Lefty Malone Light The Shadow Lisplaced Loneridge William Mach Steady Marlin Hanover Medicine Hat Meet The World 3 6 6 5 11 11 10 2 10 8 4 9 8 5 6 2 9 1 6 Millbanks Bart Moonlight Spice My Boss Mysterious Lady Mystic Messenger Ninetymile Hanover No Guarantees Now Playing On Tahuya Time Pillage And Burn Pinkmakesboyswink Play Day Premium Stock Prime Time Bliss Procrastinatinpeat Read The Proposal Rock Allstar Rockulese Rollin In Paris 3 9 9 8 10 5 7 11 6 11 7 6 1 9 9 10 10 1 8 Ronny Woo Woo Say Again Snaggle Puss Son Of Anarchy Starface Sugar Shark Tahuya Know Tahuya Rico Tahuya Roadster Tahuya Silver Thats Allthatiyam The Angels Share Thrillaofthevilla Ticket To Roll Tricky Bet Tylertherottwyler Waitin Ona River Wendy Jay Wile E Coyote 9 6 2 1 10 4 12 10 12 8 7 8 12 6 4 12 10 8 3 WANN STARTET IHR JOCKEY / FAHRER... Allan Molloy Clinton Warrington Jr Glenn White John Abbott Kevin Anderson Paul Davies Serge Masse 3,5,6,7,11,12 4,12 8,12 1,5,6,8,9,10,11,12 10 3,5,6,7,9,10,11,12 2,6,8,10,11 Carl Sibiga David Hudon James Burke John Chappell Mark Abbott Rick White Timothy Brown 1,6,10 2,3,5,7,8,9,11,12 7 1,4,5,9 1,5,7,8,10 1,2,4,6,12 9 Christopher Linford Dennis Johnston Jim Marino John Hudon Mike Short Rod Therres Travis Bowman Brett Currie David Hudon Erik Neyhart Heather Sifert Kenneth Dorman Paul Urquhart Rick White Serge Masse Ty Oneill 11 2,5,8,9,12 6,8,10,12 1,6,10 5 5,6,9 1,2,12 6,8,10 5 9 2,3,7,8,10,11,12 1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12 5,7,9 2,4 1,3,4,6,10 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 WANN STARTET IHR TRAINER... Allan Molloy Clinton Warrington Jr Dennis Johnston Gordon Abbott John Chappell Michael Bourgeois Reginald Wonnenberg Roy Johnson Terry Burstyk 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 3,6,11,12 Ann Cooper 4,12 Darren Poloway 2,3,7,8,10,11,12 1,8,10 Grant Hollingsworth 4,5,9 John Hudon 7 Paul Davies 7 Richard Lancaster 6 Sean Lancaster 9 Timothy Brown 5,7 9 9 7 3 7,8 1,5,6,8,11 6,9,12 ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Brian Ingram Debra Mc Carthy Glenn White Jim Marino Kevin Anderson Randy Rutledge Rod Therres Shawna Griffin Vernon Sifert 3 1,5,7,10 8 1,2,4,10,11,12 10 2,9,11 1,3,4,10 5 10 Seite 2 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 1 04:00 1600 ML: 5.5 1 86.2 ROD THERRES 2 GOTTA HAVE NUKES 3 SON OF ANARCHY 7j. rotbraun W (Kents On Nuke - Samantha Sq Trainer: Rick White Besitzer: Rick White,Surrey,Bc-June K RICK WHITE 5j. rotbraun W (Driven To Win - Doctor Ruth) Trainer: Gordon Abbott Besitzer: Carole Abbott,Surrey,Bc 77.1 MARK ABBOTT 4 ROCKULESE 5 PREMIUM STOCK 7j. rotbraun W (Rocknroll Hanover - Pumped) Trainer: Heather Sifert Besitzer: Heather Sifert,Blaine,Wa CARL SIBIGA ML: 7 7 2 2 4 8 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 900 294 36 43 209 White Rick H White Rick H White Rick H White Rick H White Rick H Playbook - Sterlingcooper - Prairieillusion Prairieillusion - Gottahavenukes - Sterlingcooper Crownisle - Gottahavenukes - Westernolympian Cantbeatacheetah - Justfiction - Redstartyson Beachboytoy - Dealersedge - Thundernoise 25.10.13 Np 29.09.13 Ad 22.09.13 Ad 08.09.13 Ad 01.09.13 Ad 1 6 8 2 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 64 50 25 18 179 Hennessy Rodney D Hennessy Rodney D Hennessy Rodney D Hennessy Rodney D Hennessy Rodney D Sonofanarchy - Donttelldaddy - Jackofdiamonds Comeshomefirst - Ohyeah - Sonicspark Blueeyedcowboy - Outlawlastchance - Getthereove Cigarparty - Sonofanarchy - Myboss Brendonridge - Sonofanarchy - Shylohchangerluck 12.11.13 Mea 05.11.13 Mea 29.10.13 Mea 22.10.13 Mea 16.10.13 Mea 9 1 2 4 3 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 800 36 57 35 213 Rawlings Dan Rawlings Dan Rawlings Dan Rawlings Dan Rawlings Dan Pldragon - Topofthemark - Foreclosuren Rockulese - Gogglespaisano - Bergerac Regiltiger - Rockulese - Bergerac Manhattantea - Luckyflier - Markitonice Topofthemark - Tsmcrusinusa - Rockulese 29.12.13 Frd 22.12.13 Frd 14.12.13 Np 30.11.13 Np 23.11.13 Np 6 6 1 2 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 27 49 179 188 14 Clark Keith L Clark Keith L Giesbrecht Philip Giesbrecht Philip Clark Keith L Gardengatell - Stonebridgelyric - Beachboytoy Stonebridgelyric - Gardengatell - Beachboytoy Bettorinthebank - Americanventure - Bignbad Berenhanover - Bettorinthebank - Tiptoptap Bettorinthebank - Shakerboy - Masadarocks 28.12.13 Np 21.12.13 Np 30.11.13 Np 23.11.13 Np 15.11.13 Np 5 6 6 2 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 281 144 429 35 19 Campbell J Brandon Campbell J Brandon Cullen Travis A Cullen Travis A Campbell J Brandon Aerialtime - Imawildcat - Brenin Aerialtime - Gottabadattitude - Brenin Berenhanover - Bettorinthebank - Tiptoptap Tinhorncreek - Medicinehat - Rascalshark Medicinehat - Broadiesdancer - Shylohthunder JIM MARINO BETTOR IN THE BANK 6j. grau W (Bettor Tuwin - Yumyum Candy) Trainer: Debra Mc Carthy Besitzer: Debra Mc Carthy,Willows,Ca 79.4 7 22.12.13 Frd 29.11.13 Frd 22.11.13 Frd 11.11.13 Frd 01.11.13 Frd 5j. rotbraun W (Blissfull Hall - Follow Your Ros Trainer: Jim Marino Besitzer: Cameron Gardner,Cloverdale 65.8 6 ML: 4 Rennpreis: 8.000 CLAIMING $15000 PLUS ALLOWANCES AE:NW 5001 L5S AE:NW 8|RACES OR $55,000 (BC BREDS $64,000) LIFETIME PLUS|ALLOWANCES 4j. rotbraun W (Western Ideal - Buddys Gal) Trainer: Rod Therres Besitzer: Veikko Pajunen,Vancouver,B ML: 9 ML: 6 Race 1 BUDDY WEISER ML: 5 ML: 4.5 Seite 3 Rennen # 1 1600 m 8.000 JOHN CHAPPELL MEDICINE HAT 76.2 6j. rotbraun W (Badlands Hanover - Michelles Trainer: Sean Lancaster Besitzer: Kelly Hoerdt,Beaumont-Peter JOHN ABBOTT Ergebnis: 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 3 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 2 04:17 1600 1 2 3 ML: 2.6 ML: 4.5 Rennpreis: 20.000 ROBERT MILLBANK MEMORIAL BREEDERS STAKE (2 YEAR OLD|COLTS & GELDINGS) 1ST LEG ($200 DECL & $200 STARTING FEE|DUE AT TIME OF ENTRY) SERGE MASSE JAYDAN 2j. rotbraun H (Youdontknowjack - Pavla Hano Trainer: David Hudon Besitzer: William Boden,Vancouver,Bc DAVID HUDON BAKARDI GOLD 2j. kastanie H (Badlands Hanover - Artfromthe Trainer: Jim Marino Besitzer: J J J Stables,Prince George-J 65.8 4 Race 2 2j. rotbraun H (Mach Three - Forever Holy) Trainer: Randy Rutledge Besitzer: Jennifer Dodsworth-Randy R 88.5 ML: 7 Seite 4 MACH STEADY 73.5 ML: 4 Rennen # 2 1600 m 20.000 JIM MARINO CHASING THE GIRLS 2j. rotbraun H (Mystery Chase - Savemethelas Trainer: Dennis Johnston Besitzer: Ray Thomson,Surrey-Dennis 88.5 DENNIS JOHNSTON 5 SNAGGLE PUSS 6 HALF A LEAGUE 2j. rotbraun W (Camystic - Blue Artist) Trainer: Rick White Besitzer: Rick & Janet White,Surrey,Bc ML: 9 RICK WHITE ML: 13 2j. rotbraun H (Shadow Play - Schadenfreude) Trainer: Donna Cunningham Besitzer: Dr James Findlay,Maple Ridg MIKE SHORT Ergebnis: 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 4 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 3 04:34 1600 1 2 ML: 2.6 ML: 13 DENNIS JOHNSTON 2j. rotbraun H (Sportswriter - G Vs Cam Can) Trainer: Rod Therres Besitzer: Rod Therres,Surrey-Blair Mill ROD THERRES GRAMRUN SHOW BIZ 2j. rotbraun W (As Promised - Shes Rarin) Trainer: Brian Ingram Besitzer: Karen Antonishka,Aldergrove, DAVID HUDON BEER O CLOCK 2j. rotbraun W (Village Jiffy - Lily Pond) Trainer: Dennis Johnston Besitzer: Dennis Johnston-Susan John 88.5 ML: 7 5 DENNIS JOHNSTON BIGTIME JET 2j. grau H (Jeremes Jet - Red Star Biggirl) Trainer: Paul Davies Besitzer: Lorne Duffield,Edmonton-Rod 64.4 ML: 9 6 ML: 4.5 Rennpreis: 20.000 ROBERT MILLBANK MEMORIAL BREEDERS STAKE (2 YEAR OLD|COLTS & GELDINGS) 1ST LEG ($200 DECL & $200 STARTING FEE|DUE AT TIME OF ENTRY) MILLBANKS BART 88.5 4 Race 3 2j. rotbraun W (Mister Big - Inez Seelster) Trainer: Dennis Johnston Besitzer: Bc Dennis Johnston-William 86.2 3 Seite 5 WILE E COYOTE 88.5 ML: 4 Rennen # 3 1600 m 20.000 PAUL DAVIES HIGHLAND BIG BROWN 61.2 2j. grau H (Mister Big - Princess Merlot) Trainer: Allan Molloy Besitzer: Gilles Gobeil-Sandra Williams ALLAN MOLLOY Ergebnis: 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 5 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 4 04:51 1600 ML: 3 1 ML: 6 Rennpreis: 5.300 MAIDENS (2 YEAR OLDS DRAW INSIDE) (SCHOOLING WINS|EXCLUDED) ROD THERRES SUGAR SHARK 3j. rotbraun S (Four Starzzz Shark - Lady N Di Trainer: John Chappell Besitzer: Tom Wood,Chilliwack,Bc JOHN CHAPPELL KEY TO THE MOON 4j. rotbraun W (Allamerican Cobalt - Windsun Trainer: Donna Cunningham Besitzer: Donna Cunningham,Langley, ML: 9 MIKE SHORT 4 HAMMERS SILVER 5 ARGLE HANOVER 4j. rotbraun W (Mach Three - Silvery Belle) Trainer: Clinton Warrington Jr Besitzer: Jackie Warrington,Surrey,Bc ML: 5 ML: 4 Race 4 2j. rotbraun S (Bettors Delight - Dominatricks) Trainer: Rod Therres Besitzer: Rod Therres,Surrey,Bc 79.4 3 Seite 6 TRICKY BET 86.2 2 Rennen # 4 1600 m 5.300 CLINTON WARRINGTON JR 3j. rotbraun S (Well Said - Allamerican Rand) Trainer: Jim Marino Besitzer: Jim Marino,Surrey,Bc 65.8 6 JIM MARINO DAY IN THE PARK ML: 7 3j. rotbraun S (Big Jim - Brightsunny Day) Trainer: Clinton Warrington Jr Besitzer: Mate Hecimovic,Surrey,Bc RICK WHITE Ergebnis: 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 6 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 5 05:08 1600 ML: 4.5 1 2 3 ML: 16 JOHN CHAPPELL 5 6 8j. rotbraun W (Brandons Cowboy - Witskey) Trainer: Paul Urquhart Besitzer: Simone Urquhart,Surrey,Bc JOHN ABBOTT LISPLACED 5j. rotbraun W (Lis Mara - Jennys Place) Trainer: Debra Mc Carthy Besitzer: Debra Mc Carthy,Willows,Ca PAUL DAVIES BALZAC BILLY 8j. rotbraun W (Brandons Cowboy - Kg Orchid) Trainer: Ty Oneill Besitzer: Lawrence Wilson,Abbotsford, DAVID HUDON BROADIES DANCER 6j. rotbraun W (No Pan Intended - Hawaiian D Trainer: Kenneth Dorman Besitzer: Janice Wheeler,Surrey,Bc ML: 13 JOHN HUDON 7 GREAT QUOTE 5j. grau W (Well Said - Hallmark Hanover) Trainer: Sean Lancaster Besitzer: Jerome Bouvier-Robert Diskin 77.1 ML: 6 8 ML: 5.5 ML: 11 MARK ABBOTT IAMARICHCAMTO 7j. rotbraun W (Camluck - Rich Jan) Trainer: Ann Cooper Besitzer: Dan Moore,Port Coquitlam,Bc 65.8 9 1600 unpl 1600 1600 1600 1600 30 Abbott John R 21 Abbott John R 43 Abbott John R 81 Abbott John R Nobodycan - Primetimebliss - Boomshazam Stealthediamonds - Anasazziroad - Primetimebliss Camblazer - Boomshazam - Marlinhanover Anasazziroad - Boomshazam - Marlinhanover Stonebridgelyric - Austinlavistababy - Justryan DAVID HUDON BRANDING PARTY 88.5 ML: 9 3 2 2 9 5j. rotbraun W (Somebeachsomewhere - Num Trainer: David Hudon Besitzer: Kelly Hudon,Surrey,Bc 64.4 ML: 4 27.12.13 Frd 22.12.13 Frd 17.11.13 Frd 08.11.13 Frd 02.11.13 Frd NINETYMILE HANOVER 76.2 4 Rennpreis: 5.300 CLAIMING $7500 PLUS ALLOWANCES 8j. rotbraun W (Badlands Hanover - Livinforthe Trainer: John Chappell Besitzer: Tom Wood,Chilliwack,Bc 88.5 ML: 7 Race 5 BOOM SHAZAM 79.4 Seite 7 Rennen # 5 1600 m 5.300 JIM MARINO ART THE THIRD 61.2 7j. rotbraun W (Mach Three - Arts Cover Girl) Trainer: Shawna Griffin Besitzer: Bryan Buchanan,Surrey,Bc ALLAN MOLLOY Ergebnis: 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 06.12.13 Frd 22.11.13 Frd 08.11.13 Frd 02.11.13 Frd 25.10.13 Frd 9 8 1600 1600 unpl 1600 4 1600 6 1600 03.11.13 Frd 27.10.13 Frd 20.10.13 Frd 05.10.13 Frd 21.09.13 Frd 6 1 8 5 2 21.12.13 Np 14.12.13 Np 23.11.13 Np 15.11.13 Np 02.11.13 Np 109 Bowman Travis E 572 Bowman Travis E 326 Chappell John D 128 Watt Bradley R Cenaltapride - Westernnitro - Ronnywoowoo Cenaltapride - Spoons - Marlinhanover Anasazziroad - Boomshazam - Marlinhanover Marlinhanover - Gardengatell - Spoons Armbrodublin - Livingitup - Spoons 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 33 131 141 86 11 Therres Rod Masse Serge Masse Serge Therres Rod Therres Rod Needyousobad - Kootenayharper - Fourdiamonds Lisplaced - Needyousobad - Kootenayharper Seadeuce - Astitchintime - Delitedebettor Ldsdragon - Witskeyblue - Makeminefive Ashotashall - Lisplaced - Outlawishfulthinkn 7 8 4 3 8 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 167 158 147 102 596 Davies Paul Davies Paul B Davies Paul B Davies Paul B Davies Paul B Allcanadianmjjz - Bobwatts - Loneridgeshannon Gtsjake - Greekruler - Redstartiger Greekruler - Caressofsteel - Outlawhighvoltage Greekruler - Redstartiger - Balzacbilly Ragingfingers - Playbook - Watchandpray 30.11.13 Np 23.11.13 Np 15.11.13 Np 01.11.13 Np 19.10.13 Ad 6 3 2 4 6 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 44 345 103 157 157 Davies Paul B Davies Paul B Davies Paul B Davies Paul B Davies Paul B Littlebitfaster - Leftymalone - Timelypromise Littlebitfaster - Timelypromise - Broadiesdancer Medicinehat - Broadiesdancer - Shylohthunder Medicinehat - Blistillmyheart - Burnthehouse Littlebitfaster - Lightninglegs - Leftymalone 20.10.13 Frd 12.10.13 Frd 28.09.13 Frd 21.09.13 Frd 14.09.13 Frd 2 6 1 6 3 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 16 323 54 26 88 Masse Serge Masse Serge Masse Serge Masse Serge Masse Serge Lildudepurrfection - Greatquote - Astronomicalstor Astitchintime - Tahuyarico - Imnseventhheaven Greatquote - Outlawishfulthinkn - Kootenayharper Ashotashall - Lisplaced - Outlawishfulthinkn Justhank - Outlawishfulthinkn - Greatquote 27.12.13 Frd 22.12.13 Frd 01.12.13 Frd 17.11.13 Frd 10.11.13 Frd 2 1 6 5 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 72 135 274 299 15 Johnston Dennis Johnston Dennis Johnston Dennis Johnston Dennis Davisjr Billy Redstararturo - Iamarichcamto - Redstarjohnny Iamarichcamto - Redstarjohnny - Procrastinatinpeat Mrprospector - Semperfortis - Redstarbogart Redstarjohnny - Procrastinatinpeat - Slowandeasy Iamarichcamto - Taylorspecial - Fiddlesmissile 26.12.13 Frd 08.12.13 Frd 01.12.13 Frd 15.11.13 Frd 08.11.13 Frd 3 6 7 1 7 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 139 59 237 142 524 Watt Bradley R Watt Bradley R Watt Bradley R Watt Bradley R Watt Bradley R Lifestricks - Outlawiseered - Artthethird Redstarjohnny - Hometowngringo - Coolone Mrprospector - Semperfortis - Redstarbogart Artthethird - Clintonsbruiser - Latinohall Latinohall - Hollywoodlenny - Northshoreboy Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 7 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 6 05:25 1600 1 2 3 ML: 5.5 ML: 4.5 6 7 ML: 13 Needyousobad - Adscootinivy - Killemwithmyawso JOHN ABBOTT MEET THE WORLD 3j. rotbraun W (Dragon Again - Village Journal Trainer: Serge Masse Besitzer: Serge Masse,Edmonton,Ab SERGE MASSE CAMITA B AND E 4j. rotbraun W (Camystic - Norma Norma) Trainer: Erik Neyhart Besitzer: Douglas Neyhart,Seattle-Erik TRAVIS BOWMAN SAY AGAIN 5j. rotbraun W (Well Said - Candice Hall) Trainer: Allan Molloy Besitzer: Leopold Labelle,Blaine,Wa ALLAN MOLLOY TICKET TO ROLL 4j. rotbraun W (Rocknroll Hanover - Odds On Trainer: Timothy Brown Besitzer: Bryan Buchanan-Robbie Ded 64.4 ML: 9 Watt Bradley R 5j. rotbraun W (As Promised - Schadenfreude) Trainer: Sean Lancaster Besitzer: Dr James Findlay,Maple Ridg 61.2 ML: 7 1600 JIM MARINO 72.6 5 7 HOMESICK ANGEL 73.5 4 Rennpreis: 4.000 CLAIMING $6000 PLUS ALLOW'S NW 4 RACES OR $20,000 LFT|(BC BREDS $25,OOO) 5j. rotbraun W (Shadow Play - Allamerican Dat 12.10.13 Frd Trainer: Paul Urquhart Besitzer: Simone Urquhart,Surrey,Bc 76.2 ML: 4 Race 6 PLAY DAY 65.8 ML: 6 Seite 8 Rennen # 6 1600 m 4.000 PAUL DAVIES ON TAHUYA TIME 4j. rotbraun W (Camystic - Little Rich Girl) Trainer: Erik Neyhart Besitzer: Donna Scrannage,Delta,Bc-E 86.2 ROD THERRES 8 I CAN DREAM 9 LONERIDGE WILLIAM 4j. rotbraun H (If I Can Dream - Daiquiri Blue C Trainer: Roy Johnson Besitzer: Roy Johnson,Surrey,Bc ML: 11 RICK WHITE ML: 16 5j. rotbraun W (Fort Apache - Eye Popper) Trainer: Heather Sifert Besitzer: Heather Sifert,Blaine,Wa CARL SIBIGA Ergebnis: 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 8 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 7 05:42 1600 1 2 ML: 16 Rennpreis: 15.000 MARY MURPHY BREEDERS STAKE FOR 3 YEAR OLD FILLIES 1ST|LEG (1ST DIVISION) ALLAN MOLLOY DEVIOUS DIVA 3j. rotbraun S (Ponder - Inez Seelster) Trainer: Michael Bourgeois Besitzer: Michael Bourgeois,Surrey,Bc DAVID HUDON BULLETSAFLYIN 3j. rotbraun S (Allamerican Navajo - Ross Ridg Trainer: Reginald Wonnenberg Besitzer: Reginald Wonnenberg-Gail Br ML: 21 JAMES BURKE 4 THATS ALLTHATIYAM 3j. rotbraun S (American Ideal - Yankee Indy) Trainer: Donna Cunningham Besitzer: Dr James Findlay,Maple Ridg 77.1 ML: 6 Race 7 3j. rotbraun S (No Pan Intended - Artfromtheh Trainer: Ann Cooper Besitzer: Ann Cooper,Surrey-Tim Purki 88.5 3 Seite 9 ARTSDESTINY 61.2 ML: 7 Rennen # 7 1600 m 15.000 MARK ABBOTT 5 BOSSY 6 NO GUARANTEES 3j. rotbraun S (Kiawah - Im Bossy) Trainer: John Hudon Besitzer: John Hudon,Surrey,Bc ML: 5 JOHN HUDON ML: 2.6 3j. rotbraun S (Shadow Play - Michelles Fury) Trainer: Debra Mc Carthy Besitzer: J J J Stables,Prince George,B 64.4 7 PAUL DAVIES PINKMAKESBOYSWINK 3j. grau S (Village Jiffy - Follow Your Rosa) Trainer: Dennis Johnston Besitzer: Bc William Pambrun-Dennis J 88.5 ML: 9 8 ML: 5.5 DENNIS JOHNSTON YESYOUCANHOS 72.6 3j. rotbraun S (Youdontknowjack - On Dragon Trainer: Richard Lancaster Besitzer: Ray Soh,Delta,Bc TRAVIS BOWMAN Ergebnis: 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 9 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 8 05:59 1600 ML: 11 1 ML: 13 DAVID HUDON 2 JET TO THE BEACH 3 ROLLIN IN PARIS 3j. rotbraun S (Jeremes Jet - Midnight Jenny) Trainer: Glenn White Besitzer: Mike Morrison,Madeira Park- 3j. rotbraun S (Roll With Joe - Never In Paris) Trainer: Richard Lancaster Besitzer: Wild Dunes Stables,Surrey,B 72.6 TRAVIS BOWMAN CASSEA 3j. rotbraun S (Major In Art - Cassidys Grin) Trainer: Gordon Abbott Besitzer: Seaspray Stables Ltd,Nanaim 77.1 5 MARK ABBOTT TAHUYA SILVER 3j. rotbraun S (Tahuya Panda - Tahuya Childe Trainer: Erik Neyhart Besitzer: Douglas Neyhart,Seattle,Wa- 76.2 6 JOHN ABBOTT LIGHT THE SHADOW 3j. rotbraun S (Shadow Play - Winona Hanove Trainer: Serge Masse Besitzer: Lucy Raymond,Edmonton,Ab- 73.5 7 SERGE MASSE THE ANGELS SHARE 3j. rotbraun S (Four Starzzz Shark - Schadenfr Trainer: Sean Lancaster Besitzer: Dr James Findlay,Maple Ridg 65.8 8 ML: 6 Rennpreis: 15.000 MARY MURPHY BREEDERS STAKE FOR 3 YEAR OLD FILLIES 1ST|LEG (2ND DIVISION) 3j. grau S (Youdontknowjack - Changefortheb Trainer: David Hudon Besitzer: William Boden,Vancouver,Bc 88.5 4 ML: 4 Race 8 GLENN WHITE ML: 16 ML: 7 Seite 10 WENDY JAY ML: 3 ML: 9 Rennen # 8 1600 m 15.000 JIM MARINO MYSTERIOUS LADY 88.5 3j. rotbraun S (Mystery Chase - Lady Motion) Trainer: Dennis Johnston Besitzer: Ray Thomson,Surrey-Dennis DENNIS JOHNSTON Ergebnis: 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 10 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 9 06:16 1600 ML: 5.5 1 2 3 JOHN CHAPPELL PRIME TIME BLISS 14j. rotbraun H (Blissfull Hall - Armbro Knots) Trainer: Terry Burstyk Besitzer: Deborah Burstyk,Surrey,Bc JIM MARINO MOONLIGHT SPICE 7j. rotbraun W (Usher Hanover - Millenium Mo Trainer: Randy Rutledge Besitzer: Jennifer Dodsworth,Aldergrov 64.4 ML: 4 4 ML: 4.5 PAUL DAVIES 5j. rotbraun W (Astronomical - Sing Mitzi For Trainer: David Hudon Besitzer: Kelly Hudon,Surrey,Bc DAVID HUDON RONNY WOO WOO 11j. rotbraun W (Pro Bono Best - Xylene) Trainer: Paul Urquhart Besitzer: Simone Urquhart,Surrey,Bc 76.2 ML: 9 6 ML: 11 JOHN ABBOTT LEFTY MALONE 6j. rotbraun W (Stonebridge Regal - Neverendi Trainer: Timothy Brown Besitzer: Sandra Brown,Surrey,Bc 93.4 TIMOTHY BROWN 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 27.12.13 Frd 22.12.13 Frd 08.12.13 Frd 29.11.13 Frd 25.10.13 Frd 2 3 4 4 3 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 27.12.13 Frd 22.12.13 Frd 08.12.13 Frd 01.12.13 Frd 17.11.13 Frd 3 1 2 2 4 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 7j. rotbraun W (I Scoot Hanover - Arizona Dre Trainer: Darren Poloway Besitzer: Darren Poloway,Surrey,Bc 72.6 CHRISTOPHER LINFORD MARLIN HANOVER 72.6 9j. rotbraun W (Bettors Delight - Maura Hanov Trainer: Grant Hollingsworth Besitzer: Elizabeth Hollingsworth,White TRAVIS BOWMAN Ergebnis: 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs Nationaldebt - Jettracker - Passtheport Outlawlastchance - Getthereovernight - Whosurboo Comeshomefirst - Ohyeah - Sonicspark Nationaldebt - Incognitocowboy - Ivbeeneverywher Cigarparty - Sonofanarchy - Myboss 20 Marino Jim R 30 Marino Jim R 64 Marino Jim R Marino Jim R 45 Hennessy Michael Nobodycan - Primetimebliss - Boomshazam Stealthediamonds - Anasazziroad - Primetimebliss Stonebridgelyric - Gardengatell - Stepuptotheplate Mmmmmh - Taxrelief - Artofarts Boomshazam - Thievingmagpie - Primetimebliss 80 102 52 78 22 Chappell John D Chappell John D Chappell John D Chappell John D Chappell John D 06.12.13 Frd 29.11.13 Frd 22.11.13 Frd 15.11.13 Frd 08.11.13 Frd 3 3 1 2 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 109 81 6 84 55 23.11.13 Np 02.11.13 Np 19.10.13 Ad 06.10.13 Ad 29.09.13 Ad 6 3 3 5 6 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 138 Gagne Jean Francois Gagne Jean Francois 44 Gagne Jean Francois 203 Gagne Jean Francois 18 Gagne Jean Francois 08.12.13 Frd 17.11.13 Frd 11.11.13 Frd 02.11.13 Frd 3 4 2 5 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 87 74 65 25 2 26.12.13 Frd 08.12.13 Frd 29.11.13 Frd 22.11.13 Frd 15.11.13 Frd 6 2 4 5 5 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 06.12.13 Frd 22.11.13 Frd 17.11.13 Frd 08.11.13 Frd 02.11.13 Frd 5 3 3 3 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 8 JOHN HUDON Hudon Gerry J Hoerdt Kelly O Hoerdt Kelly O Hudon Gerry J Hoerdt Kelly O 3 AD SCOOTIN IVY 7j. rotbraun H (Camcracker - Sweetypea) Trainer: David Hudon Besitzer: Kelly Hudon,Surrey,Bc unpl 1600 1600 unpl 1600 4 1600 5 1600 461 51 184 71 22 20.10.13 Frd 12.10.13 Frd 28.09.13 Frd 14.09.13 Frd PROCRASTINATINPEAT 22.12.13 Frd 9 ML: 6 9 6 4 3 3 7 ML: 13 ML: 16 25.10.13 Np 13.10.13 Ad 29.09.13 Ad 15.09.13 Ad 08.09.13 Ad ASTRONOMICAL STORM27.10.13 Frd 88.5 5 Rennpreis: 2.800 CLAIMING $3,000 PLUS ALLOWANCES NW $2100 L3S (MUST|HAVE RACED IN A $4500 CLM,COND CLM OR LESS IN PREVIOUS|START) 5j. grau W (Clintons Cigar - Kramers Rule) Trainer: John Chappell Besitzer: Blaine Chappell,Olds,Ab 65.8 ML: 7 Race 9 MY BOSS 79.4 Seite 11 Rennen # 9 1600 m 2.800 261 Therres Rod 61 Therres Rod 24 Therres Rod Abbott John R Bowman Travis E Chappell John D Chappell John D Chappell John D Americanventure - Berenhanover - Moonlightspice Moonlightspice - Bignbad - Seadeuce Seadeuce - Moonlightspice - Joltofwhiskey Delitedebettor - Moonlightspice - Idealart Joltofwhiskey - Westernbaron - Dirtroadsscholar Lisplaced - Needyousobad - Kootenayharper Lildudepurrfection - Greatquote - Astronomicalstor Outlawishfulthinkn - Willeybite - Fourdiamonds Greatquote - Outlawishfulthinkn - Kootenayharper Needyousobad - Lisplaced - Kootenayharper Cenaltapride - Westernnitro - Ronnywoowoo Promisetolynette - Cenaltapride - Ronnywoowoo Ronnywoowoo - Latinohall - Hollywoodlenny Livingitup - Ronnywoowoo - Kgmattattack Ronnywoowoo - Lifestricks - Kismyjet Littlebitfaster - Timelypromise - Broadiesdancer Rowncroyal - Officialconnection - Leftymalone Littlebitfaster - Lightninglegs - Leftymalone Moderncowboy - Caboreal - Lightninglegs Justabitcrazy - Moderncowboy - Broadiesdancer Hudon David P Hudon David P Hudon David P Davisjr Billy Hudon David P Iamarichcamto - Redstarjohnny - Procrastinatinpeat Redstarjohnny - Hometowngringo - Coolone Redstarjohnny - Procrastinatinpeat - Slowandeasy Hectorprotector - Millbankssniper - Redstararturo Procrastinatinpeat - Mmmmmh - Rayscrownroyal 97 23 77 289 42 Mckellar David R Mckellar David R Mckellar David R Mckellar David R Knight Scott L Lifestricks - Outlawiseered - Artthethird Mycandidate - Adscootinivy - Hfthankswill Lakersrelectric - Northshoreboy - Mycandidate Ronnywoowoo - Latinohall - Hollywoodlenny Artthethird - Clintonsbruiser - Latinohall 60 15 120 29 7 White Glenn White Glenn White Glenn White Glenn Knight Scott L Cenaltapride - Westernnitro - Ronnywoowoo Cenaltapride - Spoons - Marlinhanover Camblazer - Boomshazam - Marlinhanover Anasazziroad - Boomshazam - Marlinhanover Marlinhanover - Gardengatell - Spoons Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 11 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 10 06:33 1600 1 2 ML: 16 JIM MARINO TAHUYA RICO 6j. rotbraun W (Allamerican Cobalt - Under Fiv Trainer: Erik Neyhart Besitzer: Erik Kristopher Neyhart,Suma JOHN ABBOTT WAITIN ONA RIVER 5 GOLDEN TIME Clark Keith L Clark Keith L Chappell John D Davis Bill H Blurricane - Redstarboytoy - Nomorethistime Blurricane - Tahuyarico - Idontreallycare Idontreallycare - Outlawishfulthinkn - Blurricane Dirtroadsscholar - Justhank - Imnseventhheaven Justhank - Fourdiamonds - Outlawishfulthinkn 02.12.13 Phl 19.11.13 Yr 12.11.13 Pcd 02.11.13 Phl 24.10.13 Yr 5 4 1 4 5 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 94 69 3 170 31 Miller Andy Bartlett Jason Napolitanojr George Callahan Corey Sears Brian Hesabeachboy - Davepanlone - Pacificreignn Dragonridge - Tysabigstar - Baccaratstena Goldentime - Kevlarhanover - Kiowacreekrocket Winsmithart - Fourstarzalex - Realattitude Strongsignal - Bigbambu - Mghomerun 22.10.13 Hop 15.10.13 Hop 08.10.13 Hop 17.09.13 Hop 05.09.13 Hop 2 4 3 6 3 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 40 17 82 133 30 Tetrick Trace Smith Tyler Tetrick Trace Tetrick Trace Smith Tyler Sandshark - Jerryscooter - Mrprsdntbluegrass Rountuitbluegrass - Smithers - Eroliver Badbug - Cintower - Jerryscooter Mysticalshooter - Smithers - Acesagain Preciouspresent - Acesagain - Jerryscooter 29.12.13 Frd 20.12.13 Frd 08.12.13 Frd 29.11.13 Frd 22.11.13 Frd 5 1 9 7 6 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 79 Marino Jim R Marino Jim R 26 Bowman Travis E 476 Bowman Travis E 157 Hennessy Michael R 01.12.13 Frd 17.11.13 Frd 11.11.13 Frd 02.11.13 Frd 20.10.13 Frd 5 8 4 1 1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 KEVIN ANDERSON 9j. rotbraun W (Western Ideal - Affluence) Trainer: Debra Mc Carthy Besitzer: Debra Mc Carthy,Willows,Ca 64.4 PAUL DAVIES STARFACE 4j. rotbraun W (Armbro Deuce - Athenas Art) Trainer: Gordon Abbott Besitzer: Seaspray Stables Ltd,Nanaim MARK ABBOTT 7 JERRYSCOOTER 8 ROCK ALLSTAR 5j. schwarz W (I Scoot Hanover - Hillcrest Swe Trainer: Heather Sifert Besitzer: Heather Sifert,Blaine,Wa ML: 5.5 CARL SIBIGA 9j. rotbraun W (Rocknroll Hanover - Timeisony Trainer: Dennis Johnston Besitzer: Pace A Lot Stable,Abbottsfor 88.5 9 ML: 9 46 29 27 20 4j. rotbraun W (Jk Royal Flush - Daylon Ara) Trainer: Kevin Anderson Besitzer: Kevin Anderson,Blaine,Wa 77.1 ML: 13 unpl 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 TRAVIS BOWMAN 4 6 ML: 6 2 6 4 4 5j. grau W (Camystic - Ella Quinn) Trainer: Vernon Sifert Besitzer: Earla & Vernon Sifert-Insight ML: 4.5 ML: 11 29.12.13 Frd 26.12.13 Frd 20.12.13 Frd 08.12.13 Frd 17.11.13 Frd MYSTIC MESSENGER 72.6 ML: 7 Rennpreis: 7.400 NW 6 RACES OR $35,000 LIFETIME (BC BREDS $44,000) PLUS|ALLOWANCES (BC BREDS NW 7) AE: CLAIMING $10,000 PLUS|ALLOWANCES Also Eligible: ITS EDS IDEA 4j. rotbraun W (Bettors Delight - Hornby Lucky Trainer: Jim Marino Besitzer: J J J Stables,Prince George,B 76.2 3 Race 10 READ THE PROPOSAL 65.8 ML: 4 Seite 12 Rennen # 10 1600 m 7.400 DENNIS JOHNSTON D ON SANDERS 6j. rotbraun W (Jennas Beach Boy - Natural Gi Trainer: Rod Therres Besitzer: Robert Collier,Victoria-Jane K 86.2 10 ROD THERRES 43 20 34 8 16 Knight Scott L Knight Scott L Knight Scott L Knight Scott L Knight Scott L Gardengatell - Stonebridgelyric - Beachboytoy Rockallstar - Westridgewarrior - Arroway Ihearvoices - Cowboyhanover - Westernolympian Prairieillusion - Gottahavenukes - Sterlingcooper Redstartyson - Cantbeatacheetah - Sterlingcooper Delitedebettor - Moonlightspice - Idealart Joltofwhiskey - Westernbaron - Dirtroadsscholar Whywewerechosen - Idealart - Idontreallycare Donsanders - Whywewerechosen - Onelastshot Donsanders - Tahuyarico - Redstarbootleg ITS EDS IDEA 73.5 3j. rotbraun H (Western Ideal - Keystone Edna Trainer: Serge Masse Besitzer: Lucy Raymond,Edmonton,Ab SERGE MASSE Ergebnis: 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 12 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 11 06:50 1600 ML: 5.5 1 2 ML: 4.5 TRAVIS BOWMAN BEREN HANOVER 6j. rotbraun H (Rocknroll Hanover - Bet Me Ha Trainer: Allan Molloy Besitzer: Ruth Cridland,Pitt Meadows,B ALLAN MOLLOY 4 5 ML: 11 7 8 ML: 13 Dennis George Dennis George Callahan Corey Smolin Robert Smolin Robert Highjoltage - Tampabayescape - Poweroftaran Democracyn - Jeremesgeneral - Peoplearecrazy Chewybaca - Badrusty - Ladysdelight Briefsboy - Tinkandtiger - Richessemperor Oldmanriver - Myboycal - Stdavidhanover 27.12.13 Frd 14.12.13 Np 30.11.13 Np 23.11.13 Np 16.11.13 Np 2 6 1 1 5 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 13 10 10 176 51 Clark Keith L Clark Keith L Clark Keith L Clark Keith L Clark Keith L Americanventure - Berenhanover - Moonlightspice Bettorinthebank - Americanventure - Bignbad Berenhanover - Bettorinthebank - Tiptoptap Berenhanover - Timberlinecourt - Cowboycaper Bluestaradmiral - Gablebluechip - Tiptoptap 26.12.13 Frd 20.12.13 Frd 01.12.13 Frd 17.11.13 Frd 11.11.13 Frd 2 2 2 2 7 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 23 15 67 17 69 Bowman Travis E Bowman Travis E Bowman Travis E Currie Justin R Currie Justin R Keepsakev - Fourdiamonds - Lonerider Onebadlandnite - Fourdiamonds - Keepsakev Cleclasthurrah - Fourdiamonds - Softspoken Justhank - Fourdiamonds - Outlawishfulthinkn Needyousobad - Lisplaced - Starrbuckslildude 20.10.13 Frd 05.10.13 Frd 21.09.13 Frd 14.09.13 Frd 17.08.13 Frd 4 7 8 4 6 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 33 Marino Jim 89 Marino Jim R 19 Marino Jim R Marino Jim R 7 Marino Jim R 25.10.13 Np 13.10.13 Ad 29.09.13 Ad 15.09.13 Ad 08.09.13 Ad 6 5 1 2 7 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 107 97 52 157 334 Clark Keith L Clark Keith L Clark Keith L Clark Keith L Clark Bobby L Nationaldebt - Jettracker - Passtheport Blueeyedcowboy - Jettracker - Sonicspark Incognitocowboy - Donttelldaddy - Tjstiger Nationaldebt - Incognitocowboy - Ivbeeneverywher Comeshomefirst - Shylohchangerluck - Reginabeac 25.04.13 Rideau Carleton 11.04.13 Rideau Carleton 28.03.13 Rideau Carleton 21.03.13 Rideau Carleton 14.03.13 Rideau Carleton 4 2 1 2 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 131 27 20 68 220 Dalborg Thomas Dalborg Thomas Dalborg Thomas Dalborg Thomas Dalborg Thomas Blissfullbro - Lincolnjimmy - Shysterhanover Blissfullbro - Buddyshope - Shysterhanover Buddyshope - Winbakwhammy - Perfectaggo Aluckyduck - Buddyshope - Tigerwouldtoo Tigerwouldtoo - Buddyshope - Jetbluemiracle 4j. rotbraun W (Allamerican Native - Builttowin Trainer: Dennis Johnston Besitzer: Ray Thomson,Surrey-Dennis DENNIS JOHNSTON FOUR DIAMONDS 5j. rotbraun W (Four Starzzz Shark - Lady N Di Trainer: Brett Currie Besitzer: Tom Wood,Chilliwack-Brett C PAUL DAVIES NOW PLAYING 6j. rotbraun W (Usher Hanover - Inez Seelster) Trainer: Randy Rutledge Besitzer: Randy Rutledge,Aldergrove,B SERGE MASSE INCOGNITO COWBOY 5j. rotbraun W (Brandons Cowboy - Incognito Trainer: Allan Molloy Besitzer: Ruth Cridland,Pitt Meadows,B 88.5 ML: 9 10 76 18 39 171 ILLWINIFICAN 73.5 ML: 6 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 JIM MARINO 64.4 6 6 8 1 9 4 5j. rotbraun W (Cams Card Shark - Sky Yanke Trainer: Jim Marino Besitzer: J J J Stables,Prince George,B 88.5 ML: 7 04.12.13 Dd 21.11.13 Dd 06.11.13 Dd 26.10.13 Bmlp 19.10.13 Bmlp PILLAGE AND BURN 65.8 ML: 4 Rennpreis: 10.500 OPEN PACE 7j. rotbraun W (Relentless Yankee - Die Searc Trainer: Sean Lancaster Besitzer: Dr James Findlay,Maple Ridg 61.2 3 Race 11 CHEWY BACA 72.6 Seite 13 Rennen # 11 1600 m 10.500 DAVID HUDON BUDDYS HOPE 76.2 6j. rotbraun W (Western Ideal - Diamond Mil) Trainer: Sean Lancaster Besitzer: Jerome Bouvier-Maryna Hano JOHN ABBOTT Ergebnis: 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs Donsanders - Tahuyarico - Redstarbootleg Seadeuce - Mrprospector - Joltofwhiskey Thundernoise - Gauchohanover - Genuinepromise Breezinonbye - Jemmasjet - Zeballos Kootenaypositive - Whywewerechosen - Imnsevent Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 13 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs 12 07:07 1600 ML: 13 1 ML: 16 ML: 11 JIM MARINO 4j. rotbraun W (Village Jiffy - Jennys Place) Trainer: Allan Molloy Besitzer: Ruth Cridland,Pitt Meadows,B ALLAN MOLLOY TAHUYA KNOW 4j. rotbraun W (Brandons Cowboy - Manda Pa Trainer: Erik Neyhart Besitzer: Erik Kristopher Neyhart,Suma TRAVIS BOWMAN CAJUN BEAT 4j. grau H (Bettors Delight - Mambo Western) Trainer: Timothy Brown Besitzer: Robbie Dedecker-Bryan Buch 64.4 ML: 6 5 PAUL DAVIES TAHUYA ROADSTER 4j. rotbraun W (Brandons Cowboy - Tahuya C Trainer: Erik Neyhart Besitzer: Douglas Neyhart,Seattle,Wa- 76.2 ML: 4 6 JOHN ABBOTT ANDY THE MANAGER 4j. rotbraun W (No Pan Intended - Four Starz Trainer: Rick White Besitzer: Rick & Janet White,Surrey,Bc ML: 4.5 GLENN WHITE 7 ELVIS PACELEY 8 DOUBLE TERROR 9 BLISSFUL ANGEL 4j. grau W (Rocknroll Hanover - Captain Holly) Trainer: Rick White Besitzer: Rick & Janet White,Surrey,Bc ML: 5.5 RICK WHITE 4j. rotbraun W (Western Terror - Doubletheple Trainer: Clinton Warrington Jr Besitzer: Jackie Warrington,Surrey,Bc ML: 9 ML: 7 Rennpreis: 6.600 HDCP NW2 (BC 3) OR $7,500 (BC $10,000)LFT PLUS|ALLOWANCES NW 4 (BC NW 5)RLT OR $21,000 (BC $26,000)LFT PLUS|ALLOWANCES Also Eligible: COLISEUM HANOVER THRILLAOFTHEVILLA 72.6 4 Race 12 4j. rotbraun W (Voracious Hanover - Model Isl Trainer: Jim Marino Besitzer: Paul Sanders,Surrey,Bc 61.2 3 Seite 14 TYLERTHEROTTWYLER 65.8 2 Rennen # 12 1600 m 6.600 CLINTON WARRINGTON JR 4j. rotbraun W (Blissfull Hall - Angelic Smile) Trainer: Dennis Johnston Besitzer: William Pambrun,Abbotsford- 88.5 10 DENNIS JOHNSTON COLISEUM HANOVER 88.5 3j. rotbraun H (Bettors Delight - Chana Hanov Trainer: David Hudon Besitzer: Kelly Hudon,Surrey,Bc DAVID HUDON Ergebnis: 07.10.2016 - Fraser Downs Quoten: ©2016 by Wettstar / KG / Meeting ID: 111762 Seite 14
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