Thursday, October 13 Soup Assorted Salads Roast Turkey & Dressing Baked Ham Scalloped Potatoes Vegetables Dessert Mashed Potatoes/Noodles Vegetables Dessert Thursday, October 20 Soup Assorted Salads Bratwurst/Sauerkraut Rouladen Bratkartoffeln Vegetables/Red Cabbage Dessert Thursday, October 27 Soup Assorted Salads Perogies/Garlic Sausage BBQ Chicken Pieces Mashed Potatoes Vegetables Dessert Adults: $15.99(Coffee included) Children under 12: $7.50 (Milk/Juice included) Soup and Salad: $7.50 / Soup or Salad only: $4.00 Dessert: $2.50 (plus applicable taxes) We reserve the right to substitute or change Items on the Menu 16 “Show Your Valid Membership Card” Is strictly enforced. Staff will not be able to give you the 10% discount unless they are given proof of current Membership. Vouchers may only be used by Members! OKTOBER/OCTOBER 2016 Thursday, October 6 Soup Assorted Salads Stuffed Pork Loin Goulash DEUTSCHE VEREINIGUNG VON WINNIPEG GERMAN SOCIETY OF WINNIPEG Büro/Office: 121 Charles Street. Wpg. MB R2W 4A6 Ph. 589-7724 OFFICE Klubhaus/Club: 121 Charles St., Wpg. MB R2W 4A6 Ph. 582-8385 PUB Bürostunden/Office Hours: Mon & Tue 9 am to 4 pm, Wed 9 am to 12 noon, Thu 11 am to 7 pm, (Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Holidays CLOSED) OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY SECOND LAST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Email: [email protected] ▪ Website: Liebe Mitglieder, Freunde und Förderer! Im Rahmen unsere laufende Bemühungen Camp Neustadt zu verbessern, hat das Lager Verbesserungskomitee am 25. September einen gang durch das Lager gemacht. Früher im Sommer hat das Komitee schon einen gang durch das Lager gemacht , so wie auch im Jahr 2015. Das Komitee besteht aus Mike Jackman, Nancy Buchheim, und ich. MITTEILUNGEN/NEWS PUB SMORG MENU OCTOBER 2016 Übertretungen die beobachtet wurden sind nicht geschnittenes Grass, Türen, Kühlschränke oder andere Materialien auf dem Grundstück, abblätternde Farbe, Dachplanen, usw. Lagerbewohner werden daran errinert irhe Plätze ordentlich und gepflegt zu halten. Die Lagerbewohner die in diesem Sommer schon einen Mahnungsbrief erhalten haben, und erneut im Herbst, sollten bis zum 15. Oktober die Übertretung(en) aufheben, sonst könnte Ihre Lizenz für 2017 nicht erneuert werden. Die Deutsche Vereinigung von Winnipeg fördert Camp Neustadt als einen gut gepflegter and familienfreundlicher Sommerlager. In diesem Jahr haben wir eine beträchtliche Menge ausgegeben für Strassenreparaturen, Waschraum reparaturen, anstreichen des Spielstruktur für die Kinder usw. Geben Sie als Lagerbewohner ihren Teil um das Lager auf dem hohen Standard zu halten die es verdient hat. Recht Herzlichen Dank, Gary R. Rossol, CPA, CMA DVW Präsident (English Page 3) Monthly Membership Mee ng Monday, October 3, 2016 1 Vereinsnachrichten/Club News Die DVW Monatsversammlung findet am Montag, den 3. Okt. 2016 um 19:00 Uhr im Schanklokal statt. Die nächste DVW Monatsversammlung findet am Montag, den 7. Nov. 2016 um 19:00 Uhr im Schanklokal statt. The GSW Monthly Meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 3, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the PUB. The next GSW Monthly Meeting will be held on Monday, Nov. 7, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the PUB. Vorstandssitzung/Board Meeting: Mi'woch, den 19. Oktober um 18:30 Uhr Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 6:30 PM Untergruppensitzung/Undergroup Mee ng: Mi'woch, den 26. Oktober, 2016 um 19:00 Uhr Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 7:00 PM Vorstandsmitglieder – Members of the Board President Gary Rossol Vice President Karen Kolbe Treasurer Melissa Kryschuk Secretary Vacant Building Superintendent Sigfried Kunzler Entertainment Chairperson Esther Lenz Licensed Premises Chairperson Madeleine Kunzler Cultural Affairs Chairperson Anneliese Har9iel Camp Chairperson Michael Jackman Membership Chair Denise Toifl Past President Heinz Petsch Undergroup President Brass Band Heidschnucken Bundesliga F.C. Chess Club German Choir Neil Allision Alycia Magnusson Michael Kasimow Manfred Thaller Reinhold Pauls Karneval Group St. Hubertus Rosy Kowalenko Paul Di'berner Senior’s Group Skat Club Theatre Group Helga Stanik Dinah Kunst Vacant 2 “If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share.” share.” W. Clement Stone 15 Membership Membership has it’s advantages, become a member and experience the benefits of Gemütlichkeit Some of the benefits include: · Experience the ethnic cuisine at a 10% discount · Receive a discount on hall rentals · The privilege to vote at monthly meetings and the annual general meeting · An opportunity to rent a camping spot at Camp Neustadt. · To meet new people and be involved in the activities of the Society and its Undergroups Denise Toifl—Membership Chair President’s Message Dear members, friends, and sponsors, As part of our ongoing efforts to improve Camp Neustadt, the Camp Improvement Committee did a walk around on September 25th. This was a follow up to a walk around completed earlier this summer, as well as one completed in 2015. The Committee includes Mike Jackman, Nancy Buchheim, and myself. Infractions include grass not being cut, doors, fridges or other materials residing on the property, peeling paint, roof tarps, etc. Campers are reminded to keep their spot tidy and well maintained. Those campers that previously received letters this summer, and again in the fall will have until October 15th to resolve their infraction, or their license to renew may not be renewed in 2017. The German Society is promoting Camp Neustadt as a well maintained, family friendly summer camp. We have spent a considerable amount this year on road repairs, washroom repairs, painting the children’s play structures and so on. As a camper, please do your part in keeping the camp at the high standard it deserves to be. Thank you, Gary R. Rossol, CPA, CMA GSW President 14 Applicant Sponsor 1 Sponsor 2 Kim Thomas Russel Griffin Ron Ednie Michael Jackman Manuel Amorim Sandra White-Barry 3 Choir News Der Treue Husar We are pleased to announce our FUNDRAISER! Hello Members, Happy Autumn! Tickets are now available for our Kick Off Party on Saturday, November 12, 2016 star ng at 7pm. Night lunch will be available. I hope to see you there. Prepara ons for our Conven on are going well. We are gratefully accep ng dona ons or adver sing in our program. See you at the CraB Sale. Rosy Kowalenko -Der Treue Husar President Neil Allison President 4 FALL - WINZER CONCERT We will be bringing you a number of everyone's favourite fall and wine songs, including a sing-along. We hope you will support, and join, us for a fun afternoon! Date: Place: Sunday, October 23, 2016 German Society of Winnipeg 121 Charles Street Upper Hall Time: 2:00 - 4:30 Admittance: $5.00, available at the door and from choir members. Coffee, tea, wine, beer and several kinds of fine cakes, and cheesecakes will be offered for purchase. The new German Society Cookbook, which contains many beloved recipes, will also be available for purchase. Price: $15.00. For each cookbook sold the choir will receive $4.00. Band News October is our busiest month of the year with Oktoberfests in Kenora on October 1 and at the Club on the 15th. Active living centres are also keeping us busy: Sturgeon 2 on Sept 29, Stirling House on Oct 6, River Ridge on Oct 20 and Rivewood on Oct 27. It seems that people like Oktoberfests! This will be a concert to celebrate our upcoming season and we are calling it a “Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons” Jim Bishop Our busy season is approaching again, and we have several concerts lined up. They will be capped off by our trip to Calgary for the Prairie Sängerbund concert in May, which will be its last concert because all the choirs are slowing down, with the original members aging out. It has been a great run and a wonderful way to keep our German songs alive here in Canada. It will be a bitter-sweet ending because we will be saying goodbye to people who have shared many happy moments, on stage and off, with us. More news next month! Regina Knoll PS: The choir has a home page now with the other undergroups of the German Society. Please check it out! Here is the link: 13 Notice to All Members! COOK BOOKS: Cook books are here and you can purchase them for only $15.00 from the office any time. SOBEYS GIFT CARDS: September -December 6, 2016 you can purchase your Sobeys Gift Cards from Denise, Rosie K. Anneliese, in support of the Treue Husar for their anniversary coming up in 2017. OKTOBERFEST: October 15, 2016 upper hall tickets on sale $10.00 from the office. Sell tickets to your friends and family we need a full hall, we will be selling souvenirs: t-shirts, hats, pin, button and beer mugs. CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE: November 5 , 2016 in the lower hall, get your crafts ready and book your table, application forms are in the office. Membership Chair Denise Toifl Come join us in the Upper Hall on October 15, 2016 at our Oktoberfest for some Gemütlichkeit and music by the GSW Brass Band and recorded music by Franz Unger. Doors open at 7:30 pm. Tickets are available at the GSW office. Please contact the office for more information!! We are looking for some volunteers to help with some odd jobs around the Club House. Please contact the GSW office or Siggy if you can volunteer some of your time! Any and all help is appreciated, even if it’s just an hour. 12 5 Camp Neustadt News Hello Campers, As we approach the end of the season, please ensure that your water valves to your cabins are shut off as part of your cabin shutdown. This will help us with starting up the water system in 2017. I am hopeful that the water will remain on until after Thanksgiving weekend. However, if the weather cools we may have to shut-down earlier. I will provide as much notice as possible. Seniorengruppe Liebe Senioren! Im Oktober treffen wir uns zwei Mal im Schanklokal um 13 Uhr: Mittwoch, den 12. Und 26. Das sind garantiert die letzten Treffen ohne Schnee in diesem Jahr. Helga Stanik – Präsidentin The Camp Improvement Committee did another walk-around of the camp on September 25. Unfortunately some campers have not taken action regarding the upkeep and maintenance of their sites, but I would like to thank those campers that received letters earlier this year and have taken action. Your efforts are noticed and appreciated. Please be advised that the camping fees at Camp Neustadt will be increasing for 2017. Lot Fees will be increasing by $50. As well Holding Tank Fees, for those without a holding tank, will be increased by $125. For background, the last increase in Lot Fees was 2013. We have had increases in our Hydro rates and water testing fees for the past few years and these will continue to increase. As well, our operating costs are increasing and we are looking at further improvements in the condition of the camp. The thinking is that smaller increases each year are better than larger increases every few years. This allows the GSW to better manage funding from year to year. In comparison to other camps close by Camp Neustadt still has significantly lower lot fees. Thanks Everyone, Mike Jackman Camp Chair 6 Folklorama Feedback Did you visit the German Pavilion during the Folklorama Festivities 2016? The GSW would appreciate feedback from you, both favourable and suggestions for things that could be changed to make the Pavilion better! Please submit your feedback to the office by email [email protected] or by telephone 204-589-7724. 11 German Society of Winnipeg Advance Notice of Special Events scheduled for the next 6 months 2016 For all other regular activities and meetings refer to the monthly Newsletter. (UH): Upper Hall (LH): Lower Hall (SL): Schanklokal/Pub (DR): Dining Room October 2016 November 2016 December 2016 Oct. 10, 2016 Nov. 5, 2016 Dec. 3, 2016 65th Birthday Party Pub Rental Thanksgiving SL Oct. 15,2016 Nov. 5, 2016 February 2017 March 2017 Clubhouse: 121 Charles Saturday November 19th, 2016 Frühschoppen SL Drinks @ 6.00 p.m. Dinner @ 7.00 p.m. Tickets: $30.00 Taxes included Reserve your Eisbein or Kassler before November 12th, 2016 Contact: the Pub or call 204-582-8385 or 204589-7724 or pick up your tickets in the Pub Please let us know your preference of either Eisbein (smoked or pickled) or Kassler Order Early Space is Limited! E-mail: [email protected] GSW Christmas Craft Sale UH January 2017 Jan. 1, 2016 GSW Eisbeinessen “in the Pub” LH Nov. 6, 2016 Nov. 12, 2016 Kick-Off to Karneval SL Oct. 23, 2016 Nov. 19, 2016 German Choir Winzer Eisbein Essen Concert UH Dec. 25, 2016 Christmas SL Oct. 29, 2016 Hall Rental UH 10 7 OCTOBER (UH): Upper Hall (LH): Lower Hall (SL): Schanklokal/Pub (DR): Dining Room SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 2016 UH): Upper Hall (LH): Lower Hall (SL): Schanklokal/Pub (DR): Dining Room THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY NOTES 1 Breakfast 9:00 Am to 2:00 PM 2 3 4 Treue Husar Dance Practice (UH) 5:00 PM Member Meeting (SL) CLOSED! 9 10 THANKSGIVING Treue Husar Dance Practice (UH) 5:00 PM 11 5 Skat/Chess (SL) Choir Practice (LH) Heidschnucken Dance Practice (UH) 12 Kaffeekränzchen (SL) CLOSED! Skat/Chess (SL) Choir Practice (LH) Heidschnucken Dance Practice (UH) 6 Smorgasbord 4:30 PM (SL) 7 8 Schnitzel Friday 5:00 PM CLOSED! (Thanksgiving Weekend) 14 15 Schnitzel Friday 5:00 PM Breakfast 21 22 Schnitzel Friday 5:00 PM Breakfast 28 29 Breakfast Schnitzel Friday 5:00 PM 9:00 Am to 2:00 PM Band Practice (LH) 13 Smorgasbord 4:30 PM (SL) 9:00 Am to 2:00 PM Band Practice (LH) 16 17 18 Treue Husar Dance Practice (UH) 5:00 PM 19 Skat/Chess (SL) Choir Practice (LH) 20 Smorgasbord 4:30 PM (SL) CLOSED! CLOSED! Heidschnucken Dance Practice (UH) Brass Band Playing 9:00 Am to 2:00 PM Board Meeting 6:30 PM 23 GSW Choir Concert (UH) 2:00 – 4:30 PM Treue Husar Dance Practice (UH) 5 PM 24 30 31 CLOSED! Treue Husar Dance Practice (UH) 5:00 PM 8 25 26 Kaffeekränzchen (SL) CLOSED! CLOSED! Skat/Chess (SL) Choir Practice (LH) Heidschnucken Dance Practice (UH) 27 Smorgasbord 4:30 PM (SL) Band Practice (LH) Upper Hall Rental 9
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