研修成果報告 - 東京農工大学

Seminar2016 on Technology Transfer and Community-based Precision Agriculture
SATREPS Subject: Development and Adoption of Latin American Low-input Rice Production
System through Genetic Improvement and Advanced Field-management Technologies
Precision Agriculture & Technology Transfer
Progress Report: 日本でのインターンシップ成果の報告
-In Spanish with Japanese TranslationJST−JICA共同の地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラムSATREPSのひとつ,南米コロンビアにおける先端稲作技術の開
主催 東京農工大学大学院農学研究院
講師 Ms Vivian Ximena Blanco Rodriguez
Mr Nilson Alfonso Ibarra Becerra
日時 2016年10月4日(火)
場所 3号館205室
Ms. Vivian Ximena Blanco Rodriguez is working as a professional
engineer in Agronomy of FEDEARROZ, and promoting an
innovative project AMTEC. She has got Diploma in agricultural
engineering at the University of Tolima, Columbia. Technology
transfer is her mission task in the SATREPS project.
Guest Speaker:
*Ms. Vivian Ximena Blanco Rodriguez
Professional engineer agronomy, Fedearroz
Visiting Researcher, TUAT
*Mr. Nilson Alfonso Ibarra Becerra
Professional engineer agronomy, Fedearroz
Visiting Researcher, TUAT
Date: October 4, Tuesday. 13:00-15:00
Place: Room 205, Build 3, TUAT Fuchu Campus
Host: Dept. Environmental and Agricultural Engineering,
Institute of Agriculture, TUAT
This event is financially supported by Project SATREPS (Science and
Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development), and
organized by Prof. S. Shibusawa a leader of Subtheme 4 “Outreach and
Technology Transfer -Community-based Precision Agriculture-” in the
Subject “Development and Adoption of Latin American Low-input Rice
Production System through Genetic Improvement and Advanced Fieldmanagement Technologies (2013∼2018)” managed by Leader Prof. K.
Okada, the University of Tokyo.
Mr. Nilson Alfonso Ibarra Becerra is working as a professional
engineer I Agronomy of FEDEARROZ, and promoting an
innovative project AMTEC. He has got Diploma in agricultural
engineering at the University of Tolima, Columbia. Soil sensing
and mapping is his mission task in the SATREPS project.
連絡先 澁澤 栄(SATREPS 第4課題責任者)(042-367-5762)
東京都府中市幸町3-5-8 府中キャンパス 3号館303室
[email protected]