AUTUMN.WINTER 17/18 REPORT OVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC ST REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudierider S.r.l MectexFABRIC START. Der HIGHTEX AWARD ist der Innovationspreis MUNICH Zum ersten Mal verliehen, wurden und zukunftsweisenden Stand:die H4 |innovativsten C 01 Produktentwicklungen für Fabrics und Additionals von ausstellenden Anbietern in den Bereichen Technologie, Smart Fibres, Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourcen-Effizienz, „0 03 2 55M5“ Finishing und Funktionalität ausgezeichnet. Mit dem HIGHTEX AWARD bietet die MUNICH FABRIC START ein Forum für die immer größere Nachfrage nach Innovation, Mehrwert und Alleinstellungsmerkmale Polyamide Material im Textil- und Modemarkt. Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Die ausgezeichneten Preisträgerwith stellen wirGlowing Ihnen auf den Folgeseiten vor. Membrane Dark Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g The HIGHTEX AWARD is the innovation Weightprize per m at MUNICH FABRIC START. The most innovative and future-oriented product developments for fabrics and Dark glowing membrane additionals from exhibiting suppliers were evaluated and awarded in the fields Special Function of technology, smart fibers, sustainability, resource efficiency, finishing and functionality for the first time. 2 CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS By setting up the HIGHTEX AWARD, MUNICH FABRIC START has created a forum that caters to the ever rising demand for innovation, added value and USP on the textile and fashion market. IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer The selection of the winners is presented the >following pages. 2. Waterproof ( Water on Column: 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing 1. PRIZE MECTEX Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l, Italy DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? light weight 3-Layer fabric, waterproof, windproof, breathable, glowing in the dark 1. PRIZE REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) MECTEX, Manifatture3.Italiane Scudieri Breathable (Ret: < 15S.r.l ) 4. Dark Glowing 003255M5 100% Polyamide DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Due to its phosphorescence, garments with thistime fabric willdifficult naturally in the dark. seen in the night or with lightglow conditions. The wearer will be seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. 1. PRIZE REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing 2. PRIZE SCHOELLER TEXTIL AG Switzerland DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. INNOVATION PRICE AT MUNICH FABRIC START Schoeller Textil AG Stand: H3 | B 04 „S CHOE LLE R®-NATURETEC 5937 8“ PA/ Merino/ EL Material 84% PA, 8% Merino Wolle, 8% EL Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 185 g Weight per m2 Nachhaltige Wolle / PFC-frei Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D O ES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? bluesign® system Zertifizierung läuft D ES C RIPT ION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Dieses Double-Weave Gewebe wurde von Schoeller speziell für das moderne Leben entwickelt. Die Funktionsmerkmale ermöglichen Designern in aller Welt die Kreation von Bekleidung, in der sich der Mensch von heute und von morgen wohlfühlt. Das Gewebe bietet die optimale Kombination zwischen einem Gewebe für Extrembedingungen, z.B. für die raue alpine Umgebung oder auf dem Computer-Bike, mit dem sich Pendler bei jeder Witterung bewegen müssen. Aber es bietet mit seiner angenehmen eleganten Optik und dem edlen Naturfasergriff auch den optimalen Begleiter für die urbane Umgebung. Diese Textilien eignen sich ideal für Reisen und den Alltag. Mit diesem Gewebe wird die Funktionsfaser Wolle ideal für den Sommer, sie kann als softe Innenseite des Textils next-to-skin ihre klimaregulierenden Eigenschaften optimal entfalten. I S TH E R E A SPEC IF IC D IF F E RE N C E TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? Mulesing freie, waschbare Merino-Wolle aus Tasmanien (dennoch bluesign® Zertifizierung möglich). Angenehm weicher Griff. Neue ecorepel® Bio Ausrüstung (Fluorcarbonfreie Wasserabweisung auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe). ecorepel® Bio imitiert den natürlichen Schutz der Pflanzen mit Hilfe eines hochfunktionellen, dauerhaft geruchslosen Hightech-Finishs. Es ist PFC-frei und wird komplett aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen gewonnen. 2. PRIZE REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) SCHOELLER TEXTIL 3. AG Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) Naturtec 59378 4. Dark Glowing 84% PA 8% MERINO WOLLE 8% EL DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Mulesing freie, waschbare Merino-Wolle aus Tasmanien. seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. Angenehm weicher Griff. Neue ecorepel® Bio Ausrüstung. 2. PRIZE REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing 3. PRIZE OFFICINA +39 Italy DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. INNOVATION PRICE AT MUNICH FABRIC START Officina +39 Stand: H5 | #35 „RECYCRO M“ Cotton Powder Material Color to dye fabric garments produced from 100% recycled textile cotton waste Precise composition or description of article CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Recycling textile waste is transformed into powder and then used for the dyeing of new garments and fabrics. Synthetic dyes are avoided. DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Thanks to an innovative technology, we use pulverized textile scarps (e.g. pulverized scarps yellow or blue or red…) as dyestuff or pigment. It can be applied on cotton, wool, linen and on other natural fibers and blends. Recycrom™ can be applied by exhaustion dyeing, dipping, spraying and screen printing. IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? The Recycrom™ dye is made of 100% recycled textile powder. Basically the process involves recycled, used clothing material into colored powder like dyes. These dyes can then be used for dyeing various textile items with eco-sustainable inputs and not environment harming chemical dyes. 3. PRIZE REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: OFFICINA +39 RECYCROM Cotton Powder 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Recycling textile waste is transformed into powder and then used for the dyeing of new seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. garments and fabrics. Synthetic dyes are avoided. 3. PRIZE INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Auf den nächsten Seiten finden Sie einen ausgewählten Anteil Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable verschiedenster Innovationen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge. Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 agselection of various innovations On the following pages you will find Weight per m in alphabetical order. Dark glowing membrane 2 Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START 496 Fabric LAB Ltd. Stand: H6 | B 04 „INDIGO JACQ UARD E NZYME B L E AC H ING “ 72% Cotton, 28% Polyester Precise composition or description of article 61” Width CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D O ES T H E ART I C L E STAN D O U T ? Combine indigo concept and jacquard weaving technique to have this unique denim fabric. DES C RIPTIO N O F THE S PECIFIC F EAT U R E / I N D I V I D UAL S H O RT D ES C R I PT I O N In this indigo jacquard fabric, we combine jacquard cut out technique and indigo fray concept to create a unique, chic, and stylish indigo jacquard. At the same time, to bring out the beauty of weft yarn: Stratum. IS THERE A S PECIFIC DIFFE RE NCE TO S I M I L AR M AT ER I ALS, A U N I Q U E S EL L I N G P O I N T ? Stratum yarn, which can have a 3D visual pattern morphing effect under different lighting. Also, it‘s created by ATY technology, a unique texturizing method which produces a layer of air between skin and fabrics to reduce the uncomfortable feeling. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 496 Fabric LAB Ltd. 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) Indigo Jacquard Enzyme4.Bleaching Dark Glowing 65% CO 35% PES DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be In this indigo jacquard fabric, we seen combine jacquard cut out technique and indigo fray concept to create a in the night time or with difficult light conditions. unique, chic, and stylish indigo jacquard. At the same time, to bring out the beauty of weft yarn: Stratum. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START A. Sampaio & Filhos Stand: H4 | G 15 „CO R D UR A ® PES 3 7, 5 ®“ 62596 Material 100% PES (Cordura + 37,5) Precise composition or description of article 190 Width 175 g Weight per m2 Cordura ® PES 37,5 ® Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? This fabric is a combination of unique features. DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Exterior Face: High Tenacity Condura PES for increased resistance to abrasion. Interior Face: 37,5 ®Permanent patented technology provides a unique driving force to continuously remove moisture vapor that increase drying rates significantly. Includes antibacterial. IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? This is a unique material regarding its composition and features. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) A.SAMPAIO & FILHOS3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) Codura® / PES 37,5 ® 4. Dark Glowing 100% PES (Codura® / PES 37,5 ®) DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Exterior Face: High Tenacity Condura PES for increased resistance to abrasion. Interior Face: 37,5 ®. seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. Permanent patented technology provides a unique driving force to continuously remove moisture vapor. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Anthyia Stand: H4 | C 19 „ AN – Q 3 8 2 “ 100% Ramie (knitted) Material Pure knitted ramie fabric with interlock technology Precise composition or description of article 180 cm Width 223 g Weight per m2 Antibacterial | Breathable | Absorbing | Cool sense Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Sustainable, strongest natural material with comfort and affordability for the textile market. DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Comfort: traditional Ramie is known for its itchiness and hairiness, Anthyia knitted 100% pure ramie and ramie mix fabrics are strong, soft and smooth. AN – Q A 382 was knitted with 48 Nm Anthyia 100% organic fine yarn and interlock technology. This double sized fabric has great stability after washing: with both transversal and vertical shrinkage within 5-6 % at twist degree less than 3%. It is well known that ramie fibers are breathable, absorbent, antibacterial and anti-odor, so is our AN – Q A 382. Our ramie antibacterial testing result is provided upon request. IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? Alternative to cotton, viscose, modal which are either consuming too much energy, creating too much pollution or not natural at all. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing ANTHYIA AN - Q382 100% Ramie (knitted) DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Comfort: traditional Ramie is known for its itchiness and hairiness, Anthyia knitted 100% pure ramie and ramie seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. mix fabrics are strong, soft and smooth. This double sized fabric has great stability after washing. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Artistic Milliners Pvt Ltd Stand: H7 | B 24 „ A M X – 502 8 7 – L“ Fabric Material 57% Cotton, 18% Tencel, 10% Cordura, 13% Poly, 2% Lycra Precise composition or description of article 51/52” Width 339 g Weight per m2 CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Today‘s consumer is seeking a versatile product offering a durable solution to create a product that lasts longer but still feels luxurious. This product delivers the durability of Cordura and the softness of Tencel. DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE The specific feature is durable. This product has enhanced abrasion resistance up to 3 times more than standard denim but remains incredible soft. IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? The concept was to blend Cordura and Tencel in the warp of the fabric to create luxury, strength and an concept of durability. One of the challenges of using high tenacity nylon in the past was to maintain softness but not loose durability and drape. This unique mix of Tencel and Cordura overcomes this, the fabric is then build with recovery weft yarn to provide perfect fit and movement. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) ARTISTIC MILLINERS3.PVT LTD (Ret: < 15 ) Breathable AMX - 50287 - L 4. Dark Glowing 57% CO 18% Tencel 13% PA 10% Cordura 2% LY DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be The specific feature is durable. This product has enhanced abrasion resistance up to 3 times more than seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. standard denim but remains incredible soft. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START b-systeme SU Stand: S1 | E 124 „1 0 02 0“ Space Aluminia Shell Material 80% PA, 18% EA, 2% ME Precise composition or description of article 150 cm Width G 245 / 255 / mtl Weight per m2 Active Theamal Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Stretch fabric top shell climate DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Patent 0001315560 REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) SU 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing B-SYSTEME 10020 80% PA 18% EA 2% ME DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Stretch fabric top shell climate. High thermal climate control. seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Bottonificio Fenili SRL Stand: H1 | D 18 „ M AGNET TO GGL E“ Wood and Wool Material Lacquered Wood – Wool and Metal Magnet Precise composition or description of article 17,5 cm length – line 28” Width 11,5 g Weight per m2 CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Innovative, easy to close and to open Natural materials combined with magnet REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) BOTTONIFICIO FENILI 3. SRL Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) Magnet Toggle 4. Dark Glowing Wood / Wool DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Innovative, easy to close and to open. Natural materials combined with magnet. seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Cadicagroup Spa Stand: H2 | D 04 „WOV EN L AB EL“ Polyester-Polyurethane Material Woven label in High Definition with ultrasound-cut edges Precise composition or description of article 90 mm x 103 mm Width 2,8 g Weight per m2 Main label Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Label for outerwear. Its quality is suitable for application on different materials, be it technical, classic (i.e. shirts, coats and trousers) or sports garments. Flexible product for any type of design / font according to the style of the garment. The yarn is available in different thicknesses (DEN); it is possible to create structured bases in different sizes, thus making this label adaptable to different fashion styles. DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Shiny and sharp look, plastic feel with mélange pattern. Great steadiness and heat resistance. IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? For the first time we made it possible to add a Polyester and Polyurethane yarn, generally used for other applications, to a woven label. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) CADICAGROUP SPA 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) Woven Label 4. Dark Glowing PES / PU DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be For the first time we made it possible to add a Polyester and Polyurethane yarn, generally used for other seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. applications, to a woven label. Great steadiness and heat resistance. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Calik Denim Stand: H7 | B 30 „ 701 50 D“ Pants + Fabric Material 87% CO, 9% PES, 3% T400, 1% EL Precise composition or description of article 137 cm Width 390 g Weight per m2 Sustainability Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Our so called „Oxygene“ stands for a greener and sustainable denim production process. DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Sustainable fabrics in the market are not really good looking, not fashionable and not comfortable. We have created something that is smart and fashionable at the same time. IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? 5 less features: less water, less chemical, less energy, less time, less pollution. Good reaction with laser and ozone. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing CALIK DENIM 70150 D 87% CO 9% PES 3% T400 1% EL DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Our so called „Oxygene“ stands for a greener and sustainable denim production process. 5 less features: less seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. water, less chemical, less energy, less time, less pollution. Good reaction with laser and ozone. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Dienpi SRL Stand: H7 | B 20 „ L ABE L W I T H AU GMENTED REAL I TY “ Alcantara Material Interactive label Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? For giving a “new life” to the label revolutionizing the presentation of the product. DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE With augmented reality, marketing will use a new tool of great emotional impact. If you take a picture with your smartphone the 3D content will start. IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? The company can include any 3D content to show - 3D logo of the brand, a corporate movie or other. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) DIENPI SRL 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) Label with augmented reality 4. Dark Glowing Alcantara DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be For giving a “new life” to the labelseen revolutionizing the presentation of the product. The company can include in the night time or with difficult light conditions. any 3D content to show - 3D logo of the brand, a corporate movie or other. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Eurojersey SPA - Agentur Hornung GmbH Stand: S2 | E 217 secondFLOOR „ M AD Q CO L . 2 02 “ Sensitive Sculpt Light Material 59% PA, 41% EA Precise composition or description of article 145 cm Width 167 g Weight per m2 Shapewear, Graduated Compression, Shaping and Functional support, Freedom of Movement Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Sensitive sculpt light guarantees perfect fit and maximum support ensuring absolute comfort. DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Lightness combined with support and comfort, excellent fit and shape retention hence to the high percentage of Lycra (41%), breathable, quick drying, ultra flat surface IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? High compression power without restrictions, shaping but light Three-dimensional elasticity ensuring the right support REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) EUROJERSEY SPA 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) MADQ Col.202 4. Dark Glowing 59% PA 41% EA DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Lightness combined with supportseen andincomfort, excellent fit and shape retention hence to the high percentage the night time or with difficult light conditions. of Lycra (41%), breathable, quick drying, ultra at surface. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Kumash Tekstil A.S Stand: H3 | A26 „ JEF ERS O N A8 “ 98% Cotton, 2% ElS Material Cotton Stretch complex indigo yarn dyed Jacquard outerwear Fabric Precise composition or description of article 140 cm Width 280 g Weight per m2 Indigo yarn dyes Jacquard Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Complex indigo yarn dyed (different yarn sizes & different tones. Complex woven jacquard. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) KUMASH TEKSTIL A.S. 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) Jeferson A8 4. Dark Glowing 98% CO 2% EL DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Complex indigo yarn dyed. Different yarn sizes & different tones. Complex woven jacquard. seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Muehlmeier Bodyshaping GmbH Stand: H1 | C 20 „ H H 59 1 1 9 -W55“ Außen: Brushed Fabric | Innen: Charmeuse Material M-Tec Real Breast Feel & Touch „Life Slide“ Precise composition or description of article CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Super weicher Tragekomfort, Touch & Feel wie eine natürliche Brust Super soft wearing comfort, Breast indentical Touch & Feel DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Die einzigartige Kombination von verschiedenen Materialien wie Soft-Foam und Memory-Foam in einer geschichteten 3D-Struktur kreiert eine BH-Schale mit brustidentischer Haptik. Das brushed Material an der Innenseite der Schale steht für ihr supersoftes und unschlagbar weiches Handfeel IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? Der Cup bietet einen sehr angenehmen Tragekomfort, formt die Brust natürlich und fühlt sich an wie eine zweite Haut. The cup offers an exceptional wearing comfort, shapes a natural breast and feels like a second skin. www. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) BODYSHAPING 3. BreathableGMBH (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing MUEHLMEIER HH59119-W55 Brushed fabric / Charmeuse DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Super soft wearing comfort. Breast indentical Touch & Feel. The cup offers an exceptional wearing comfort, seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. shapes a natural breast and feels like a second skin. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Nilorn Germany GmbH Stand: H2 | B 01 „ H O S EN PATCH “ PES / Jacron Material Patch: PES Fil aus recycelten PET Flaschen, Flaglabel Jacron, Metall Precise composition or description of article CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Nachhaltiges Produkt: Filz aus recycletem PET-Material, Flaglabel aus recyclelbarem Jacron, Metallteile sind Chrom- & Nickelfrei, Alternative zu Leder und PU-Materialien, Progressive Optik REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) NILORN GERMANY GMBH 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) Pants Patch 4. Dark Glowing PES / Jacron DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Nachhaltiges Produkt: Filz aus recycletem PET-Material, Flaglabel aus recyclelbarem Jacron, Metallteile sind seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. Chrom- & Nickelfrei, Alternative zu Leder und PU-Materialien, Progressive Optik. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Okinawa SRL Stand: H6 | B 03 „ DENI M L EATH ER“ Leather Calf Material Real calf leather finished with blue natural indigo Precise composition or description of article 1- 1,5 m2 Width CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Used and vintage denim look, same as for denim fabrics, machine-washable DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Washable in the washing machine up to 40°C. Various effects: stone washing, lasered, abrasion, printed, mat, shiny. Finished with natural plant indigo woad. IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? Washable leather (up to 40° in the washing machine) with extraordinary dimensional stability, no bleeding, very similar look to denim fabrics, same ageing and vintage characteristics. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: OKINAWA SRL Denim Leather Calf Leather 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Washable in the washing machine up to 40°C. Various effects: stone washing, lasered, abrasion, printed, mat, seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. shiny. Finished with natural plant indigo woad. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Swarovski Swarovski Stand: H1 | B 02 Stand: H1 | B 02 „CRYSTA L ULTR AF I NE RO CKS “ „CRYSTA L ULTR AF I NE RO CKS “ Swarovski Kristalle Swarovski Kristalle Material Material Crystal Ultrafine Rocks hotfix, eine Farbe mit neuen Effekten, Crystal Ultrafine Rocks hotfix, eine Farbe mit neuen Effekten, zwei Trägermaterialien (transparent/schwarz) zwei Trägermaterialien Precise composition or(transparent/schwarz) description of article Precise composition or description of article Minimum Breite 3,4 mm Minimum Breite 3,4 mm Width Width Das Produkt ist flexibel und dünn Das Produkt ist flexibel Special Function und dünn Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Das Produkt ist flexibel, dünn und leicht deshalb ideal zur Verwendung im Textilbereich. Außerdem Dasweist Produkt ist flexibel, dünn und deshalb ideal zur Verwendung im Textilbereich. Außerdem es eine hohe Brillianz aufleicht und auf Kundenwunsch können Motive angefertigt werden. weist es eine hohe Brillianz auf und auf Kundenwunsch können Motive angefertigt werden. DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Crystal Ultrafine Rocks ist geschmeidig, sehr dünn, leicht und bietet mit 54 Kristallen pro cm2 eine Crystal Ultrafine Rockswelche ist geschmeidig, sehr dünn, leicht und bietetim mittextilien 54 Kristallen pro cm2 für eine brilliante Oberfläche, sich für verschiedene Anwendungen Bereich sowie brillianteund Oberfläche, welcheeignet. sich fürDieses verschiedene im textilien Bereichbesetzt sowie für Taschen Schuhe perfekt ProduktAnwendungen ist bei 40°C waschbar. lückenlos mit Taschen und Schuhe perfekt eignet.double-pointed Dieses ProduktChatons. ist bei 40°C waschbar. lückenlos besetzt mit double-pointed Chatons. IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? Flexibler, dünner und geschmeidiger als unser Produkt Crystal Fine Rocks. Uns ist nicht Flexibler, dünner und geschmeidiger als unserProdukt Produktauf Crystal bekannt, dass es ein ähnliches dem Fine MarktRocks. gibt. Uns ist nicht bekannt, dass es ein ähnliches Produkt auf dem Markt gibt. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) SWAROVSKI 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) Crystal Ultrafine Rocks 4. Dark Glowing Swarovski Kristalle DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Flexibler, dünner und geschmeidiger als unser Produkt Crystal Fine Rocks. Uns ist nicht bekannt, dass es ein seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. ähnliches Produkt auf dem Markt gibt. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Tintex Textiles SA Stand: H3 | D 22 „ REF. 4 1 09 “ Jersey 100% WO Material Colorway by Tintex, dyed with a globally unique biocolouring process - the algo natur ecological process Precise composition or description of article 1,55 (usable) Width 140 g Weight per m2 Responsible base layers Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Sustainability, resource-efficient finishing, technology, High-Tex, the unique and responsible nature. DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Colorau by Tintex (Algo Natur) is a innovative Biocoloring process for textiles, using enzymes and natural extracts that guarantees fastness and performance; provides a natural colour range for wool, cotton and tencer. IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? The newest responsible and innovative coloring solution for fashionable textiles and conscious products. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) TINTEX TEXTILES SA3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) REF.4109 4. Dark Glowing 100% WO (Jersey) DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Colorau by Tintex is a innovative seen Biocoloring process for textiles, using enzymes and natural extracts that in the night time or with difficult light conditions. guarantees fastness and performance; provides a natural colour range for wool, cotton and tencel. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START TMG Textiles Stand: H4 | E 20 „8 4 .3 3 9/01 X“ 100% Cotton Material One side with pigment dye and waterproof finish, other side light brushed 92% CO, 8% PU Precise composition or description of article 150 cm Width 265 g Weight per m2 Outwear casual jackets / coats Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Single fabric with doublefaced look and additional waterproof finish. If washed, slight fade-out effect on the dyed side. DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Could be used for light casual or functional jackets & coats, no lining will be needed, very warm and good touch inside. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing TMG Textiles 84.339/01X 92% CO 8% PU DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be Could be used for light casual or seen functional jackets & coats, no lining will be needed, very warm and good in the night time or with difficult light conditions. touch inside. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Trimalhas – Knit Inspirations S.A Stand: S1 | E 109 „ JE LE N A 1 0 0“ 100% CO Organic Material Jersey Jacquard Precise composition or description of article 1,55 m Width 180 g Weight per m2 Organic Jersey Jacquard Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN W H AT WAY D OES T H E A RT I C LE STA N D O U T ? This article stands out for its technical expertise design permitting to rapidly change the jacquard to another and produced with the most natural, healthy raw material. DES CRIPT IO N OF T H E S P EC I F I C F E AT U R E We considered the comfortability, stability and contribution to ecological and social sustainability. I S T H E R E A SPECIFIC D IFFERENCE TO S I MI L A R MAT E R I A LS, A U N I Q U E S E LLI N G P OI N T ? Using organic cotton with the eco system, amongst other features, helps the environment, but also helps to balance the eco system and enhances health, because of less pesticides. The organic certificate guarantees that hazardous chemicals have not been used in cotton productions and companies know about the history of their products thanks to clear standards checked by an independent certification body. Besides, these standards can be transparently communicated to buyers and consumers. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) KNIT INSPIRATIONS 3. Breathable (Ret: S.A. < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing TRIMALHAS Jelena 100 100% CO, Organic DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be This article stands out for its technical expertise design permitting to rapidly change the jacquard to another. seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. Considered the comfortability, stability and contribution to ecological and social sustainability. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Vilartex Stand: S1 | E 110 „VLT 4 52 6 / A“ Interlock Material 100% PES Precise composition or description of article 115 ems Width 785 g Weight per m2 Futuristic Versatile Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? This knit can be used not only in textile market but also in shoes and interior coverings. DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE This is a very compact article with a high level of strength; with a layer between both knits, a thermo-regulation and breathable comfort is reached. IS THERE A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE TO SIMIL AR MATERIALS, A UNIQ UE SELLING P OINT? This knit is finished with flame retardant process and waterproof finishing. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: VILARTEX VLT 4526 / A 100% PES 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be This is a very compact article withseen a high level of strength; with a layer between both knits, a thermo-regulation in the night time or with difficult light conditions. and breathable comfort is reached. This knit can be used not only in textile market, in shoes and interior. INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START WE NORDIC – Label Studios Stand: H2 | D 10 „ HANG TAG“ Stone Paper Material 33 x 95 mm Width Hangtag Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS I N W H AT WAY D O ES T HE ART IC L E STAN D O U T ? Paper made out of stone. Stone paper also called rock paper is an environmental friendly alternative to paper made from wood – it is a sustainable production – uses not a single drop of water and no tree has to die. D ES C RI PT I O N O F T HE S P EC IF IC FEAT UR E No water is used in production | No bleaching or chemicals | 25% - 50% less CO2 when it burns No use of wood | Water resistant | Degradable – Limestone is left | Coating not needed | A very soft and nice surface | The stone paper is very strong but still soft and nice touching. It has a surface that can resist dirt and water while the paper does not need a coating. When you touch the stone paper hangtag, you will not think that it is out of stone. It is really a nice piece of paper. I S TH E R E A S PEC I F I C D I F F E RE N C E TO S IM IL AR M AT ER IALS, A U N IQ UE S EL L IN G P O IN T ? Stone Paper is an environmentally friendly alternative to normal tree paper (paper containing wood or plant fibres). The production of tree paper uses a lot of resources to decomposition of plant fibers. Bleaching and raw materials are often in the form of wood. Stone paper is a much more simple product that consists of only two components (crushed limestone and HDPE), which bind to the paper sheet. Stone is very easy to get – there is a lot of raw material. When you touch the stone paper hangtag, you will not think that it is made out of stone. It‘s really a nice piece of paper. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? Company: Article: Composition: WE NORDIC Hang Tag Stone Paper 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) LABEL3.STUDIOS Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing DES CRIPTION OF THE SPECIFIC FEATURE Specific Features: Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be No water is used in production | No bleaching or chemicals | 25% - 50% less CO2 when it burns seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions. No use of wood | Water resistant | Degradable – Limestone is left | Coating not needed | A very soft surface. REPORT INNOVATION AWARD AT MUNICH FABRIC START Manifatture Italiane Scudieri S.r.l Mectex Stand: H4 | C 01 „0 03 2 55M5“ Polyamide Material Hyperlight 3-Layer Fabric, Waterproof / Breathable Membrane with Dark Glowing Properties Precise composition or description of article 143 - 148 cm Width 90 g Weight per m2 Dark glowing membrane Special Function CHARACTERISTICS | CERTIFICATES | AWARDS IN WHAT WAY D OES THE ARTICLE STAND O UT? 1. Hyperlight weight 3-Layer 2. Waterproof ( Water Column: > 10000) 3. Breathable (Ret: < 15 ) 4. Dark Glowing NEXT EDITION DES CRIPTION OF THEstSPECIFIC FEATURE 31st JANUARY + 1 FEBRUARY 2017 Due to its phosphorescence, garments with this fabric will naturally glow in the dark. The wearer will be seen in the night time or with difficult light conditions.
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