Deutsch Englisch

FIM – Frauenrecht ist Menschenrecht e.V.
(Women’s Rights are Human Rights)
Counselling Center for Migrant Women and
their Families from Africa, Asia, Latin America as well as Europe
You � are in need
� experience violence
� live in germany with or without papers
� look for information, counselling and
We are here for you!
Approach us on queries about:
� residence and work permit
� asylum
� employment and securing livelihood
� marital, partnership and family problems
� parenting and child care
� accommodation and housing
� education and german courses
� health
� marital separation and divorce
� psychological, physical and sexual
� domestic violence
� female genital mutilation
� forced marriage and honour-based
� discrimination
We help you through
� information
� consultation in your language
� individual, couple and family counselling
� intervention, accompaniment and
contacts to government offices, doctors,
lawyers, temporary shelters, etc.
Consultation is free, confidential and anonymous (if desired).
TEL. no.:
TEL. no.:
gina D. Aguila
069 / 97 0 97 97 – 16
[email protected]
Charlotte ndamm-njikoufon
069 / 97 0 97 97 – 22
[email protected]