OPTIONAL USB Data Stick RESPECT WIRE SPEC ! RJ45 ETH Buchse DYNGND BOOST rc 8mm blue DYNGND_BOOST AWG 8 AWG 8 21 22 57 14 O_S_LS26 51 45 58 52 28 I_S_ENGRUN 22 24 24 23 33 32 40 DNYPWR_BOOST rc 8mm red DNYPWR_BOOST DYNGND 6mm2 ECUGND DYNPWR analog input 33 ANA_33 analog input 34 ANA_34 lowside switches analog input 35 ANA_35 lowside switches lowside switches current 4A selectable universal / digital input ANADIG_02 selectable universal / digital input ANADIG_01 current 1A low dump res. selectable universal / digital input ANADIG_03 selectable universal / digital input ANADIG_04 selectable universal / digital input ANADIG_05 selectable universal / digital input ANADIG_06 selectable universal / digital input ANADIG_07 O_P_INJ7P O_P_INJ7N O_P_INJ8P O_P_INJ8N 20 20 O_P_INJ6P O_P_INJ6N 20 20 O_P_INJ5P O_P_INJ5N 20 20 O_P_INJ4P O_P_INJ4N 20 20 O_P_INJ3P O_P_INJ3N deliver control valve bank1 fcv 1 deliver control valve bank1 fcv 1 1 2 High pressure Injection 1 Cyl.1 2 1 High pressure Injection 2 Cyl.2 2 1 High pressure Injection 3 Cyl.3 2 1 High pressure Injection 4 Cyl.4 2 1 High pressure Injection 5 Cyl.5 2 1 . . ? 1 selectable universal / digital input ANADIG_08 20 20 O_P_INJ2P O_P_INJ2N ? . - ? . + not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. ? 20 20 O_P_INJ1P O_P_INJ1N 2 1 20 20 O_P_MSV2N 6 27 20 20 O_P_MSV2P 51 43 20 10 17 20 5 4 20 24 24 24 52 44 . - 58 59 . + 34 25 . - + 11 . - not def. 24 24 24 not def. 24 24 24 not def. + 18 Signal - 35 ? ? ? Signal + Signal - ? ? ? ? ? ? Signal + ? ? ? Signal - not def. not def. not def. + ? ? ? Signal - lowside switch current 2.2A current 3A + Signal - not def. not def. + ? ? ? ? ? ? Signal - Signal + Signal - ? ? ? O_P_MSV1N O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_AD_ANADIG08 analog input 32 ANA_32 not def. not def. + Signal - Signal + Signal - analog input 31 ANA_31 analog input 30 ANA_30 analog input 29 ANA_29 not def. not def. not def. + Signal - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 26 20 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_AD_ANADIG06 G_DYNGND_BOOST G_DYNGND_BOOST G_DYNGND_BOOST G_DYNGND_BOOST G_DYNGND_BOOST G_DYNGND_BOOST G_DYNGND_BOOST G_DYNGND_BOOST G_DYNGND_BOOST O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_AD_ANADIG07 analog input 28 ANA_28 + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Signal Signal - + Signal - + analog input 27 ANA_27 analog input 26 ANA_26 not def. not def. not def. not def. - + ? ? ? 66 65 49 V_DYNPWR_BOOST V_DYNPWR_BOOST V_DYNPWR_BOOST V_DYNPWR_BOOST V_DYNPWR_BOOST V_DYNPWR_BOOST V_DYNPWR_BOOST V_DYNPWR_BOOST V_DYNPWR_BOOST O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_AD_ANADIG05 analog input 25 ANA_25 analog input 24 ANA_24 - + Signal - Signal Signal analog input 23 ANA_23 + Signal - + ? ? ? ? ? ? 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_AD_ANADIG04 analog input 22 ANA_22 - not def. not def. not def. not def. + Signal - + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_AD_ANADIG03 66 65 56 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_AD_ANADIG02 66 65 40 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_AD_ANADIG01 66 65 31 24 24 24 G_R_SENS_BAT 66 65 30 24 66 65 29 Reference ground for Sensors supplied with UBAT supply O_V_SENS_BAT 66 65 22 for UBAT supply Sensors G_C_SENSSCR 66 65 21 24 57 24 63 for Sensor screening O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA35 19 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA34 66 65 37 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA33 66 65 45 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA32 66 65 53 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA31 66 65 62 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA30 66 65 48 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA29 66 65 55 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA28 66 65 61 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA27 66 65 47 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA26 66 65 38 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA25 66 65 39 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA24 66 65 54 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA23 66 65 28 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_3 G_R_SENS5_3 I_A_ANA22 66 65 46 24 24 24 66 65 60 O_P_MSV1P 13 15 32 33 36 41 42 50 64 7 8 9 12 14 16 20 23 24 G_DYNGND 3 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Combined Plug MS7 AS 618-35SC DYNPWR ECU ground rc 8mm blue ECU_GND +12V digital power supply rc 8mm red +12V ? ? ? 1 3 Optional instead of ring connectors AWG 8 (alternatively instead of Powerbox) DYNGND ? ? ? X2 AWG 20 Time Sync in/out 24 42 41 50 49 40 BI_TIMESYNC 35 34 36 27 40 X1 ENGINE on/off switch B_ENGON_IN I_S_LAPTRIG pair_1 USB wire pair_2 24 24 24 24 26 25 18 17 40 2 4 1 3 2 LAPTRIGGER INPUT RJ45 ETH Buchse 3 6 1 2 BI_USB_DP BI_USB_DN G_R_USBGND O_V_USB5V G_C_USBSCR BI_GETH_D1+_Tx+ BI_GETH_D1-_TxBI_GETH_D2+_Rx+ BI_GETH_D2-_RxBI_GETH_D3+ BI_GETH_D3BI_GETH_D4+ BI_GETH_D4G_C_COMSCR 8 pair_1 Ethernet wire pair_2 CAN_1_L CAN_1_H +12V engine on sw rc 8mm red +12V 7 6 24 24 24 24 CAN_2_L CAN_2_H 3 6 1 2 5 4 BI_RETH2_RX+ BI_RETH2_RXBI_RETH2_TX+ BI_RETH2_TXG_C_COMSCR G_C_COMSCR CAN_3_L CAN_3_H 3 2 pair_1 Ethernet wire pair_2 BI_LIN G_C_COMSCR 1 8 20 20 24 7 6 24 24 24 24 BI_RS232_TX 3 6 1 2 5 4 pair_1 Ethernet wire pair_2 BI_RS232_RX 3 2 24 24 24 24 66 61 65 54 64 60 59 53 40 1 8 BI_ETH2_RX+ BI_ETH2_RXBI_ETH2_TX+ BI_ETH2_TXG_C_COMSCR 56 48 7 6 pair_1 Ethernet wire pair_2 55 62 5 4 BI_ETH1_RX+ BI_ETH1_RXBI_ETH1_TX+ BI_ETH1_TXG_C_COMSCR 40 13 12 3 2 Ansicht von hinten 24 24 24 24 pair_4 pair_3 pair_2 Ethernet wire CAT6 pair_1 9 40 G_C_COMSCR O_A_MUX1 O_A_MUX2 O_A_MUX3 O_A_MUX4 O_A_MUX5 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 16 24 1 8 Kl.30_Motronic main relay . rc 8mm red Kl.30_Motronic r/main BI_RETH1_RX+ BI_RETH1_RXBI_RETH1_TX+ BI_RETH1_TXG_C_COMSCR ETH_TX+ (D1+) ETH_TX- (D1-) ETH_RX+ (D2+) ETH_RX- (D2-) ETH_D3+ ETH_D3ETH_D4+ ETH_D4- CAN wire 15 TURBO_2+ TURBO_2- CAN wire 40 29 30 38 39 31 TURBO_1+ TURBO_1- 24 24 8 7 SPEED_4 CAN wire 47 46 SPEED_3 24 24 6 24 24 24 2 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 1 24 24 7 6 3 6 1 2 11 24 24 5 4 USB data stick USB RJ-45 Buchse Ansicht von hinten RJ45 ETH Buchse POWER_SUPPLY_DIAG Unit_GND 11 12 8 9 19 20 17 18 3 2 Ansicht von hinten RJ45 ETH Buchse SCREEN 2 3 CAN1_low CAN1_high 16 4 22 1 RJ-45 Buchse RJ-45 Buchse OPTIONAL with MAIN RELAY 24 Components Bosch Motorsport (ABS,PBX90,MSA-Box,Bypass,HPI) RJ-45 Buchse Ansicht von hinten CAN 1 ext. components with function request (gearcontrol, steeringwheel,..) CAN 2 ext. components (measure components) CAN 3 DIAG 24 5 63 - use the right SPECed wire signed "Ethernetwire" 100 Mbit/s? ecu interface (MSA-Box2) AS 012-35SN SPEED_2 24 V_DYNPWR V_UBAT CAM_2 4 20 Realtime Ethernet interface 100 Mbit/s SPEED_1 24 CAM_1 24 3 20 20 Life Plug MS7 AS 618-35SN 37 G_DYNGND G_ECUGND CRANK2+ CRANK2- 24 24 10 19 CRANK1+ CRANK1- 24 24 43 44 CAN wire 7 RS232 . 1 2 3 4 5 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - 24 24 24 S + - useable for options like - alternator control - wiper control + Ethernet interface DIAG LIN-BUS S - . . ? ? ? ? ? ? + S - . . + S - . . + S - . ? ? ? ? ? ? . . . . ? ? ? + S - . ? ? ? + S - DIAG_MUX_OUT N S + - . + diagnosis output turbo charger speed 2 Turbo_2 N S S - up to 1Mbit/s switchable Terminator GND_MUX turbo charger speed 1 Turbo_1 Speed sensor 4 speed4 Speed sensor 3 speed3 N N + camhaft sensor 4 CAM4/speed2 camhaft sensor 3 CAM3/speed1 camhaft sensor 2 CAM2 camhaft sensor 1 CAM1 RESPECT WIRE SPEC/LENGTH ! - use the right SPECed wire signed "Ethernetwire" CAN intefaces selectable Hall or inductive sensors selectable Hall-Effect or DF11 sensors selectable Hall-Effect or DF11 sensors crankshaft sensor 2 CRANK2 turbo charger speed sensors AS 0-10-35-SN . . selectable Hall or inductive sensors crankshaft sensor 1 CRANK1 speed sensors camshaft sensors or speed sensors MUX_OUT1 MUX_OUT2 MUX_OUT3 MUX_OUT4 MUX_OUT5 crankshaft sensors 2 1 2 Only ignition driver selectable int. ignition powerstage or ignition driver Impor t ant High pressure High pressure Injection 7 Injection 8 Cyl.7 Cyl.8 High pressure Injection 6 Cyl.6 !! Et her net wir e CAT6E H-Bridge for Moog valves current 12mA D2+ D4− Cylinder 1 Injection valve Cylinder 2 Injection valve Cylinder 4 Injection valve Cylinder 3 Injection valve Cylinder 6 Injection valve Cylinder 5 Injection valve Cylinder 7 Injection valve Cylinder 8 Injection valve Cylinder 9 Injection valve Cylinder 10 Injection valve Cylinder 12 Injection valve Cylinder 11 Injection valve ignition coil 2 IGN 2 ignition coil 1 IGN 1 H-Bridge 3 current 8.5A HB3 ignition coil 3 IGN 3 ignition coil 4 IGN 4 ignition coil 6 IGN 6 ignition coil 5 IGN 5 ignition coil 8 IGN 8 ignition coil 7 IGN 7 ignition coil 10 IGN 10 ignition coil 9 IGN 9 GND_engine rc 8mm blue ignition coil 11 IGN 11 GND_engine rc 8mm blue ignition coil 12 IGN 12 GND_ENG GND_ENG Moog valve 1 M1 D2− D1− Moog valve 4 M4 Moog valve 3 M3 Moog valve 2 M2 D4+ D3− D1+ D3+ - M 15 1 . 4a 15 1 ? . ? D2+ D2− wh/or or D3+ bl D3− wh/bl D4+ wh/br D4− br 20 20 20 54 47 39 48 O_P_IGN07 O_P_IGN08 G_C_ACTSCR O_P_IGN09 O_P_IGN10 O_P_IGN11 O_P_IGN12 O_A_MOOG1P O_A_MOOG1N O_A_MOOG2P O_A_MOOG2N O_A_MOOG3P O_A_MOOG3N 66 62 63 57 31 24 24 24 Ethernetwire 20 22 29 32 56 4 15 21 23 41 49 55 58 BLUE Tx- GREEN Rx- Min bend radius: dyn: 47mm stat: 24mm 6mm2 tbd. 6mm2 DYNGND_IGN RED Tx+ Yellow Rx+ DYNGND tbd. DYNGND 4x AWG24 28 30 20 20 40 O_S_LSH2 38 20 46 24 14 24 13 24 20 24 7 O_P_IGN06 24 22 20 37 O_P_IGN05 24 22 20 20 16 O_P_IGN04 24 42 O_P_IGN03 24 22 20 20 22 8 24 24 O_P_IGN02 20 9 O_P_IGN01 20 33 O_S_HBR3P 20 3 O_S_HBR3N 20 50 O_S_LS25 20 2 O_S_LS21 O_S_LS22 O_S_LS23 O_S_LS24 20 1 O_S_LS03 O_S_LS04 O_S_LS05 O_S_LS06 O_S_LS07 O_S_LS08 20 20 26 O_S_LS01 O_S_LS02 20 ? wh/gn gn 20 22 20 22 20 22 20 22 20 22 20 22 20 22 20 22 20 11 36 35 64 O_S_LS20 20 17 59 6 51 43 65 O_S_LS19 20 20 20 20 12 34 O_S_LS18 20 20 20 20 20 20 45 O_S_LS17 20 20 25 O_S_LS16 20 44 O_S_HBR2N O_S_LS15 20 5 O_S_HBR2P 20 61 20 20 27 O_S_LS14 20 53 O_S_LS13 20 10 O_S_HBR1N 20 60 20 20 18 20 52 O_S_LS12 O_S_HBR1P 20 19 Actuator Plug MS7 AS 618-35SB ? D1+ D1− CAT 5 O_S_LS11 20 ? O_S_LS10 20 ? ? O_S_LS09 20 ? not def. not def.. not def.. . G_DYNGND_IGN G_DYNGND_IGN G_DYNGND_IGN G_DYNGND_IGN G_DYNGND_IGN G_DYNGND_IGN 4a 20 20 20 20 20 20 1 O_S_LSH1 15 . . 4a 1 20 15 G_DYNGND G_DYNGND G_DYNGND G_DYNGND 4a 20 20 20 20 1 V_DYNPWR V_DYNPWR 15 not def. 4a 24 1 O_A_MOOG4P 15 O_A_MOOG4N 4a 1 not def. 15 not def. 4a AWG 20 1 AWG 20 15 . . 4a . 2 . 1 . 2 1 H- 2 1 . 2 . 1 2 . 1 2 . 1 . 2 1 . . . 2 1 . 2 1 2 . 1 2 . 1 . 2 H+ + 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . . . . . . + electronic throttle control 2 ath 1 ath 2 I_A_LSU2UN twisted pair twisted pair 1 5 4 3 2 6 + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - analog input 04 ANA_04 analog input 05 ANA_05 analog input 06 ANA_06 analog input 07 ANA_07 analog input 08 ANA_08 analog input 09 ANA_09 analog input 10 ANA_10 analog input 11 ANA_11 analog input 12 ANA_12 analog input 13 ANA_13 analog input 14 ANA_14 analog input 15 ANA_15 analog input 16 ANA_16 analog input 20 ANA_20 analog input 21 ANA_21 cylinder pressure sensor 1 CYLPR1 cylinder pressure sensor 2 CYLPR2 cylinder pressure sensor 3 CYLPR3 cylinder pressure sensor 4 CYLPR4 cylinder pressure sensor 5 CYLPR5 cylinder pressure sensor 6 CYLPR6 cylinder pressure sensor 7 CYLPR7 cylinder pressure sensor 8 CYLPR8 fast analog input 44 up21 fast analog input 45 up21_2 fast analog input 46 up22 fast analog input 47 up22_2 fast analog input 48 FASTANA_48 fast analog input 49 FASTANA_49 exhaust gas temp. sensor1 exhaust gas temp. sensor2 texh 1 texh 2 knock sensor 1 bank 1 knock sensor 2 bank 1 knock sensor 3 bank 2 knock sensor 4 bank 2 KNOCK1 KNOCK2 KNOCK3 KNOCK4 lambda sensor Bank1 D261.205.356-01 LSU 4.9 lam_1 Nernst - Pump + Nernst - Signal + Signal - Signal + Signal - Signal + Signal - Signal + Signal - Signal + Signal - Signal + Signal - Signal + Signal - Signal + Signal - Signal + Signal - Signal + Signal - Signal + Signal - Signal + Signal - - electronic throttle control 1 6 - small letters are underlined - rc = ringwire - use ethernetcable CAT5 - use for Gb ethernet at least spec CAT6 - firewirecable as spec IEE1394 - all CAN networks must be terminated with 60Ω - please respect strictly the pairs while using datawires like USB or Ethernet - ethernet wire´s must be wired separately - wire diametre must be adapted depending on usage H- + M - 5 4 3 2 Pump M - Signal + Signal + acceleration pedal sensor aps S1 H+ - + S2 H- S1 H+ + S Signal - Signal + Signal S - + S2 - twisted pair twisted pair 2 1 Attention : - all not marked wire´ are AWG24 24 I_A_LSU2VM 2 1 . def. not not def. .not def. not def. . def. not not def. 2 1 24 I_A_LSU2IA 2 1 24 G_C_SENSSCR I_A_LSU2IP 30 24 24 I_A_LSU1UN 22 24 I_A_LSU1VM 33 1 + 20 20 35 23 24 I_A_LSU1IA 40 24 G_C_SENSSCR I_A_LSU1IP 39 24 24 G_R_KS I_A_KS2B 32 24 24 G_R_KS I_A_KS2A 35 31 24 24 66 55 . def. not not def. twisted pair 24 24 24 twisted pair 24 24 24 not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. not def. ? ? ? 66 62 D261.205.356-01 . ? ? ? . def. not . def. not ? ? ? G_R_KS I_A_KS1B I_A_TEXH2P I_A_TEXH2N G_C_SENSSCR 5 . def. not . def. not 1 3 not def. not def. 24 24 24 6 . . 2 4 . . AS 007-35SN. AS 607-35PN 5 1 3 - 6 + 2 4 66 54 - 4 5 6 dynamic ground rc 8mm blue DYNGND 66 61 24 24 I_A_TEXH1P I_A_TEXH1N G_C_SENSSCR 65 60 35 DYN Power rc 8mm blue DYN_Power 24 ausgelegt - kleine Buchstaben sind unterstrichen - rc = Ringverbinder - Ethernetkabel mit Spec. CAT5 verwenden - für Gb Ethernet min Spec. CAT6 verwenden - Firewirekabel nach Standard IEE1394 - jede CAN Verbindung muss mit 60Ω abgeschlossen sein - bei USB und Ethernetleitung unbedingt auf Paare achten - Ethernetverkabelung muss seperat geführt werden - Kabelquerschnitte müssen nach Bedarf angepasst werden G_R_KS I_A_KS1A O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_SENS5_2 I_A_ANA49_FADC 51 58 35 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_SENS5_2 I_A_ANA48_FADC 9 15 36 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_SENS5_2 I_A_ANA47_FADC 9 15 52 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_SENS5_2 I_A_ANA46_FADC 9 15 59 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_SENS5_2 I_A_ANA45_FADC 9 15 43 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_SENS5_2 I_A_ANA44_FADC 9 15 64 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_PCYL I_A_ANA43_PCYL G_C_SENSSCR 9 15 44 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_PCYL I_A_ANA42_PCYL G_C_SENSSCR 9 18 4 35 24 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_PCYL I_A_ANA41_PCYL G_C_SENSSCR 9 18 34 35 24 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_PCYL I_A_ANA40_PCYL G_C_SENSSCR 9 18 26 35 24 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_PCYL I_A_ANA39_PCYL G_C_SENSSCR 9 18 25 35 24 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_PCYL I_A_ANA38_PCYL G_C_SENSSCR 9 18 17 35 24 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_PCYL I_A_ANA37_PCYL G_C_SENSSCR 9 18 11 35 24 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_2 G_R_PCYL I_A_ANA36_PCYL G_C_SENSSCR 9 18 10 35 24 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA21 9 18 5 35 24 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA20 24 16 19 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA16 24 16 1 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA15 24 16 8 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA14 24 16 7 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA13 24 16 37 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA12 24 16 45 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA11 24 16 38 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA10 24 16 53 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA09 24 16 28 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA08 24 16 12 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA07 24 16 46 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA06 24 16 47 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA05 24 16 20 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_1 G_R_SENS5_1 I_A_ANA04 24 16 3 24 24 24 I_A_ANA03 24 16 29 24 GR_SENS5_THR2 21 24 O_V_SENS5_THR2 I_A_ANA19 57 24 24 I_A_ANA02 48 14 24 G_R_SENS5_THR1 2 24 O_V_SENS5_THR1 I_A_ANA18 63 24 24 O_V_SENS5_APS2 G_R_SENS5_APS2 I_A_ANA17 56 6 24 24 24 O_V_SENS5_APS1 G_R_SENS5_APS1 I_A_ANA_01 50 49 13 24 24 24 42 41 27 Achtung : - alle nicht bezeichneten Leitungen sind auf AWG D261.205.356-01 . DYN GND_IGN rc 8mm blue DYN GND_IGN dyn power ignition rc 8mm red +12V Sensor Plug MS7 AS 618-35SA 1 2 3 - twisted / twisted pair DYNPWR 10mm2 DYNPWR lambda sensor Bank2 D261.205.356-01 LSU 4.9 lam_2 F02U.S00.488-01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20151005 NeA 01 Anlage For projects with max. 2 knock sensors use symetrical wiring. This means sensor one between KS1A and KS1B. Sensor 2 between KS2A and KS2B F02U.VXX.XXX-0X . . BASISPLAN_MS7 SeR RaM . BEG/EMS3 BASISPLAN_MS7 F02U.S00.488-01 .
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