2016/2017 NAVIGATOR FOR DECISIONS Strategic Consultancy for the Transport Business COMPANY/NAVIGATOR THE NAVIGATOR HOW WE NAVIGATE SCI Verkehr GmbH is an independent, midsized consul- Longstanding sector expertise, our unique database tancy company specialising in strategic issues within the system, an international network of experts and solid international railway, infrastructure and logistics sectors. methodological knowledge form the basis for SCI Ver- We are professionals on our markets around the world kehr’s success. and have advised our clients on developing and implementing strategies since 1994.These include: We do not consider consultancy solely as a method for structuring and preparing the client’s available informa- u Launch of innovations into your markets tion. Going beyond this, we attach great value to incor- u Optimisation of processes porating our own specialist expertise on the sector and u Development of future-oriented business fields processes, and creating tangible added value for our cli- u Validation of your portfolio ents by using professional and standardised methods of u Opening up new regional market areas data analysis and forecast development. u Valuation of rolling stock assets u Targeted improvement of competitive position For this purpose, we draw on our systematically up- u Merger & Acquisitions dated global databases of projects and existing stock as the foundation and starting point for providing consul- We have close connections to the rail industry, with con- tancy services. These are also the basis for our fore- sultants in a wide range of specialist fields. We have an casts not modelled on the basis of general assumptions extensive network of German and international profes- or trend extrapolation, but on real projects and decisions. sionals specialising in the worldwide market for mobility. Our daily activities encompass market forecasts, busiHOW WE COMPILE OUR FORECASTS for companies, sites and portfolios. We also support our clients in the process of transactions in the railway sector, e.g. commercial due diligence and targeted search for solutions and partners as well as made-to-measure market and industry consultancy. WHO WE NAVIGATE Market volume (in EUR million) ness plans, competitor analyses and future prospects Modulation of our sector expertise Project database Year Our clients include notable companies from the global railway industry, rail operators, infrastructure companies Unlike other consultancy firms, SCI Verkehr can draw and logistics service providers in Europe, banks and upon up-to-date forecasts and data at any time. These leasing companies, as well as private equity houses methods allow us to gain valuable time for systemati- around the globe, in addition to public-sector clients cally developing customised solutions. such as regional business developers, municipalities, ministries at state and federal level and the EU. We are very proud of our extensive client list, which can be found on page 17. 02 SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions COMPANY/NAVIGATOR WHO NAVIGATES YOU Our consultants are the key to our success: in interdisciplinary and often international teams, our highly qualified and experienced professionals develop solutions for our clients to build on. Our professionals are renowned specialists in the sector and all have their own field of expertise. There are around 35 members of our team, MARIA LEENEN CEO of whom more than 25 are experts on the railway and logistics industries. We would like to introduce our senior crew to you: LARS NEUMANN Authorised Representative Head of Berlin Office NICOLAS WILLE Authorised Representative Head of Cologne Office PETER ABELMANN Authorised Representative Head of Logistics ANDREAS WOLF Authorised Representative Deputy Head of Cologne Office SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions 03 COMPANY/PRODUCTS SCI RAILDATA – THE BEST WAY TO GAIN KNOWLEDGE AND TIME ACCESS TO OUR DATA: SCI MARKET MONITORING Information is the foundation of all our decisions. Unfor- Without a doubt, SCI Verkehr has the best database sys- tunately, in most cases, there is not sufficient time to fil- tem in the international railway industry. The SCI MAR- ter out the relevant facts from the huge amount of data KET MONITORING tool gives our client access to our at our disposal. With SCI RAILDATA, we are taking over latest data on projects and fleets. Our clients can get for you! Our experts know about the railway business. specific market information customised to their products, On a daily basis, we research press releases and com- services and their (potential) market volume. pany reports as well as the national and international trade and daily press. Being classified into the sections The client will get: Players, Operations, Rolling Stock and Infrastructure/ •Perspective and transparency: System Technologies, we provide concise short messages about the international railway sector to you. In addition to that, you will find out about current tenders. more than 7,000 projects since 2002 •Speed and precision: an early and global market overview •Individuality and flexibility: SCI RAILDATA gives you an exclusive access to our online knowledge gateway, which means: customised adaptation of the online database •Simplicity and performance: straightforward interface and easy handling • Annually 50 issues of the newsletter with 60 to 70 •Efficiency and cost awareness: current messages in digital form with the option of a increase your efficiency in market analyses – PDF-format. Hereby you will keep track of current individualised and amazingly affordable developments in the sector. •Access to our database. Research in over 140,000 Contact: Ying Li German and 70,000 English short messages. Phone: +49 (221) 931 78-19 Learn more about project histories and contracting E-Mail: [email protected] processes, mergers and sales. •NEW: Find informative railway articles with bibliography Contact: Susanne Bölke Phone: +49 (221) 931 78-25 E-Mail: [email protected] You will find a demo version of the You can find further information here: SCI MARKET MONITORING Project Database www.sciraildata.de/en online: www.sci.de/customer_database/demo/ 04 SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions COMPANY/PRODUCTS SYSTEMATIC GLOBAL MARKET INFORMATION: SCI DATABASE CONSULTANT TO THE LOGISTICS SECTOR The SCI DATABASE is a tool for the systematic prepara- We examine and optimise logistical processes in and tion, evaluation and maintenance of all relevant informa- between logistics sites and support our clients in tion on the players and assets in the railway and logistics making decisions on locations relevant to the sector. sectors as well as for the market for coaches and urban buses. For our clients, we optimize and design internal organizational structures relevant for logistics. The SCI DATABASE continuously collects and updates key figures on companies, vehicle fleets and network in- We analyse and assess specific logistical concepts as frastructure. It includes validated information on each well as infrastructural conditions on land, in the air and product segment, and infrastructure projects as well as on water. trends in transport, broken down by individual countries. In addition, the database includes a project database of SCI Verkehr is the head of LOG-IT Club e.V., the support- the current and future new development and upgrade ing and the networking organisation of “Logistik-cluster projects as well as public investment and finance plans. NRW”. The main tasks of “Logistik-cluster NRW” include building up and managing the logistics community in The modern structure and the constant maintenance of North Rhine-Westphalia and developing the product the SCI DATABASE ensure that our customers have the strategies of midsized logistics players. possibility to quickly and flexibly receive individual evaluations and analysis. Examples include competitors’ market shares and age structures as well as price and per- SCI MEASURES THE MARKET MOOD formance benchmarks. The SCI LOGISTIK BAROMETER is an indicator for the Therefore SCI Verkehr has a market intelligence that is economic trend in the transport and logistics sectors. unique in the industry. Since 2003, SCI Verkehr has continuously been observing prices and capacities as well as the latest trends and Contact: Nicolas Wille developments. Phone.: +49 (221) 931 78-12 E-Mail: [email protected] More than 200 of the sector’s decision-makers are interviewed every month. The SCI LOGISTIK BAROMETER is published monthly in the newspaper “DVZ Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung” and on our website. Contact: Peter Abelmann Phone: +49 (221) 931 78-0 E-Mail: [email protected] You can find further information here: You can find further information here: www.sci.de/en/products/scidatabase.html www.sci.de/produkte/scilogistikbarometer.html SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions 05 COMPANY/PRODUCTS HOW WE ANALYSE THE WORLD: SCI MULTI-CLIENT STUDIES: SCI Multi-Client Studies define a standard for systematic market observation with harmonised view and definition of the markets, prepare data on current stocks and forecasts, document current trends and provide detailed and comprehensive information on market and industry development. SCI Multi-Client Studies offer companies the possibility to assess and supplement available market data and help to reduce the time and expenditure needed for data collection. Furthermore, they are priceconscious decisionmaking and information framework, on the basis of which individual consultancy requirements can be identified and developed further with objectives in mind. The studies can be bought in our online shop. We would be happy to inform you in a personal conversation. Contact: Ann Kathrin Arntz Ahmed Yasin Phone: +49 (221) 931 78-0 +49 (221) 931 78-0 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] You can find further information here: www.sci.de/en/products/scimulticlient-studies.html 06 SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions MULTICLIENT-STUDIES WORLDWIDE MARKET WORLDWIDE MARKET FOR RAILWAY INDUSTRIES Price: from EUR 3,750 plus VAT Language: English Date of publication: September 2016 • An overview of the market development of the worldwide market for railway industries, subdivided into world market regions and product segments • Structure and development of the global railway technology market in Western and Eastern Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia/ Pacific, the CIS and Africa/Middle East • Size of the market, market development and future procurement potential for the product segments infrastructure, system technology and rolling stock until 2020 • List of infrastructure stocks and fleets for the main countries and operators and important vehicle and infrastructure projects in the period from 2011 to 2015 SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions 07 MULTICLIENT-STUDIES INFRASTRUCTURE Price: from EUR 3,400 plus VAT Language: English CONTROL COMMAND AND SIGNALLING – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Date of publication: August 2016 • Market volumes and forecast of the eight world market regions and 20 focus countries in the period 2015 to 2020 • The product groups electronic interlocking technology, ETCS, Operational Telematics and level crossing protection • New development and upgrade projects worldwide as well as the demand from network operators for maintenance and renewal • Analysis of the manufacturer landscape and identification of market drivers and developments Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English RAILWAY TRACK SYSTEMS – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Date of publication: August 2015 • Socio-economic key figures, market conditions and drivers of market development • Transport services, net lenghts and -development and infrastructure projects • Market shares of leading product suppliers • Market volume and market development 2014-2019 • Detailed presentations for 8 product markets of track systems (rails, switches and crossings, sleepers, slab track/ballastless track, construction works and planning), 4 types of transport (high-speed and conventional railway, metro and light rail systems/tramways), 8 market regions worldwide and 24 national core markets Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English RAILWAY ELECTRIFICATION – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Date of publication: November 2014 • Overview and analysis of the worldwide market for railway electrification, divided into eight world market regions and 19 countries presented in detail for the period 2013 to 2018 • The size and development of the markets for catenary equipment and traction power equipment and AC- and DC-electrification • Differentiation by four types of transport and the purpose of the investment (new development, upgrade, renewal and maintenance) • Information about the leading suppliers of catenary equipment and traction power equipment and their market shares in the market regions • Length of the electrified line networks, main new development and upgrade 08 SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions MULTICLIENT-STUDIES VEHICLES ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English Date of publication: April 2016 • Overview and analysis of the worldwide market for electric locomotives differentiated by regions • Analysis of the current fleets with regard to operational purposes, quantities and age structures as well as the derivation of future procurement potential until 2020 • Analysis of the price development, the market shares of large locomotive manufacturers and a forecast of the future vehicle requirements in the individual regions • List of total vehicle fleets and the current procurements of electric locomotives in the annex to the study HIGH-SPEED RAIL AND INTERCITY TRANSPORT – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Price: from EUR 3,400 plus VAT Language: English Date of publication: August 2016 • Overview and analysis of the worldwide market for high-speed and intercity trains, as well as high-speed rail in the period 2015 to 2020 • Trends and market volumes in the procurement and refurbishment of high-speed and intercity trains • Differentiation between the three following market segments: intercity high-speed trains from 190 km/h, high-speed trains from 250 km/h and very high-speed trains over 300 km/h • Trends in the new development and upgrade of related infrastructure • Excursus on alternative high-speed concepts • List of manufacturers and operators of high-speed trains in the annex DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English Date of publication: September 2015 • Overview and analysis of the worldwide market for diesel locomotives differentiated by region • Analysis of the current fleets with regard to operational purposes, quantities and age structures as well as the derivation of future procurement potential until 2019 • Analysis of the price development, the market shares of large vehicle manufacturers and a forecast of the future locomotive requirements in the individual regions • List of total diesel locomotive fleets as well as market shares and deliveries in the annex to the study SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions 09 MULTICLIENT-STUDIES VEHICLES Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English PASSENGER COACHES – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Date of publication: June 2016 • Study concerning the worldwide market for passenger coaches, differentiated by regions and important country markets • Analysis of the worldwide installed bases with regard to quantities, types and age structures • Overview of manufacturers of passenger coaches including a presentation of the worldwide market shares • Forecast of future procurement demand in the period 2015 to 2020 • List of the worldwide installed bases and the current procurements of passenger coaches in the annex of the study Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English MULTIPLE UNITS – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Date of publication: Februar 2016 • Market volumes and procurement potential in the worldwide market for DMU and EMU up to 190 km/h differentiated by regions and important national markets in the period 2015 to 2020 • Analysis of the current fleets with regard to operational purposes, quantities and age structures • Overview of manufacturers of multiple units including a presentation of the worldwide market shares • List of the vehicle fleets and the current procurements of DMU and EMU in the annex of the study Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English FREIGHT WAGONS – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Date of publication: July 2015 • Analysis of major trends in freight transportation regarding operational, technical and regional aspects • Presentation of freight wagon fleets differentiated by vehicle category and ownership worldwide; separation into eight regions, including a detailed overview of the most relevant countries • Procurements of freight wagons by (former) state-owned railway companies, private rail companies and leasing companies as well as a forecast of the future demand for vehicles in the period 2014 to 2019 • List of freight wagon fleets worldwide in the annex of the study 10 SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions MULTICLIENT-STUDIES VEHICLES LIGHT-RAIL VEHICLES – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English Date of publication: August 2015 • A look at the worldwide market for light-rail vehicles (LRV) differentiated by region, including an in-depth analysis of all relevant national markets • A comprehensive analysis of the current fleet stocks concerning quantities and age structures as well as future procurement potential up to 2019 • An overview of the most important drivers behind the procurement and refurbishment of light-rail vehicles in the individual regions • A worldwide presentation of light-rail transit systems, future infrastructure projects and forecast of the network development up to 2025 • An overview of light-rail vehicle manufacturers including an analysis of their product ranges and current market shares BUSES – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English Date of publication: July 2015 • Strategies, figures, data and facts of the most important vehicle manufacturers • Depiction of production capacities and product portfolios • Market volumes and market shares • Analysis and forecast of the markets and current trends and drivers 2015 to 2020 • Overview of the worldwide procurement projects METRO VEHICLES – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Price: from EUR 3,400 plus VAT Language: English Date of publication: December 2016 • A regionally differentiated look at the worldwide market for metro vehicles including an in-depth analysis of all important markets • A comprehensive analysis of the current fleet stocks concerning quantities and age structures as well as future procurement potential up to 2021 • An overview of the most important drivers behind the procurement and refurbishment of metro vehicles in the individual regions • A worldwide presentation of metro systems, future infrastructure projects and forecast of the network development up to 2025 • An overview of metro vehicle manufacturers including an analysis of their products ranges and current market shares SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions 11 MULTICLIENT-STUDIES MANUFACTURERS Price: from EUR 3,400 plus VAT Language: English WORLDWIDE ROLLING STOCK MANUFACTURERS Date of publications: September 2016 • Worldwide trends and market volumes in the rolling stock industry • Analysis of the production sites by product segment and production capacities • Manufacturer analysis by regional presence, products and profitability • Detailed profiles of the 50 most important rolling stock manufacturers worldwide, including company • Contact addresses and basic information on all 300 rolling stock manufacturing sites worldwide in the annex to the study Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English WORLDWIDE MANUFACTURERS OF RAIL INFRASTRUCTURE Date of publication: March 2014 • Address and management data • Ownership structures (parent companies and subsidiaries) • Portfolio of products manufactured and offered, production locations, capacities and outputs • Turnover, employee figures, EBIT margins, focal points of investments in the coming years • Rankings of the top companies for track systems, electrification and control command and signalling as well as for selected core products Price: from EUR 3,400 plus VAT Language: English DIGITISATION – DIGITAL SOLUTIONS FOR ORGANISATION AND PROCESS OPTIMISATION OF EUROPEAN RAILWAY OPERATORS Date of publication: October 2016 • Overview of the planning and disposition processes in European railway undertakings in the rail passenger and rail freight segment • Overview of existing digital solutions for the handling of planning and disposition processes • Description of main providers of digital process solutions in the market • Discussion on digitisation projects, trends and challenges in the process and IT landscape of railway operators 12 SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions MULTICLIENT-STUDIES AFTER – SALES RAIL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE – GLOBAL TRENDS IN THE AFTER-SALES MARKET Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English Date of publication: September 2014 • After-sales market volume for worldwide rolling stock • Differentiation by light and heavy maintenance as well as refurbishment/ modernisation • Analysis of the particular operators and vehicle fleets in the eight world market regions (incl. detailed analysis of the most importand country markets) • Trends, developments and prospects in the after-sales market until 2018 • Depiction of the most important players, differentiated by manufacturers, operators and independent providers • List of current maintenance and refurbishment projects in the annex to the study as well as contact details of important sites SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions 13 MULTICLIENT-STUDIES COUNTRY/REGIONS Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English THE RAILWAY MARKET IN SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Date of publication: April 2016 • Most important trends and developments in the South and Central American railway sector • Description of national markets, their railway systems and their most important players • Analysis and prognosis of the most important infrastructure projects as well as future procurement potentials • Overview on the market developments for railway technology, segmented into product groups up to 2020 • Fact Sheets of the most important players in the regional market Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English THE RAILWAY MARKET IN RUSSIA AND THE CIS Date of publication: October 2014 • Structures and development of the rail sector in the CIS and other countries with a gauge of 1520 mm with emphasis on Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine • Profiles of the most important market players considering the prevalent market conditions • Overview of the most important cooperation projects of foreign industrial companies • Introduction of the ongoing and planned infrastructure projects • Installed bases and market volumes for vehicles and infrastructure • Market overview and profiles of the most important companies for vehicle Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: German/English THE GERMAN RAILWAY MARKET Date of publication: March 2015 • Socio-economic key figures, market conditions and market structure • Portfolio and development of rail networks and vehicle fleets • Development of transport performance, transport markets and tender volume in the regional rail transport, (inter- and intramodal) competition and regulation • Market volume and market development of product markets for vehicles, infrastructure and systems technology • Detailed overview of transport and infrastructure companies, manufacturers, existing railway and urban rail networks, central infrastructure projects, vehicle procurement and vehicle maintenance in the annex to the study 14 SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions MULTICLIENT-STUDIES COUNTRIES/REGIONS THE CHINESE RAILWAY MARKET Date of publication: September 2016 Price: from EUR 3,400 plus VAT Language: English • Depiction of the structure of the Chinese railway market and analysis of important drivers • Presentation of development trends and planned projects • Trends and size of the market and future procurement potential until 2021 • Analysis and forecast of the transport markets within freight and passenger transport until 2021 • Description and evaluation of the demand for rolling stock and infrastructure services • Overview and profiles of the major players in the Chinese railway market THE AFRICAN RAILWAY MARKET Date of publication: November 2015 Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English • Socio-economic key figures, market conditions and drivers of market development • Development of transport performance, rail networks and vehicle fleets 2014 to 2019 • Market volume and market development of product markets for vehicles, infrastructure and systems technology 2014-2019 in four sub regions (Northern-Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southern Africa, South Africa) • Fact Sheets of important infrastructure projects, transport- and infrastructure companies, investors and manufacturers SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions 15 MULTICLIENT-STUDIES TRANSPORT MARKETS Price: from EUR 3,300 plus VAT Language: English EUROPEAN RAIL FREIGHT TRANSPORT MARKET Date of publication: February 2016 • Overview of the European railway freight transport market, including major trends and development perspectives • Analysis of the rail freight transport markets in 18 countries • Rail freight transport volume as well as analysis of the transport market incl. analysis of key industries • Rail freight infrastructure development • Analysis and benchmark of the most important rail freight transport operators in Europe, including turnover and development of market shares, Fact Sheets of 30 top operators Price: from EUR 3,400 plus VAT Language: English RAIL TRANSPORT MARKETS – GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS 2016–2025 Date of publication: October 2016 • Structure and development of the global rail transport markets segmented into eight world market regions • Individual analysis of the 30 most important national markets worldwide • Forecast of the transport volumes for the period between 2016-2025 as well as analyses of market drivers • Differentiated analysis of urban rail transport, rail passenger transport and rail freight transport • Socioeconomic and development data as well as transport intensity, average trip and transport distances, modal split and infrastructure Price: from EUR 3,000 plus VAT Language: German/English MARKETS FOR COMMUTER AND REGIONAL RAIL TRANSPORT – EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENTS Date of publication: June 2012 • An overview of the legal framework at European level for the organisation and financing of commuter and regional rail transport services • Individual analyses of the 13 most important markets • Information about the current market volume of the commuter and regional rail transport segment (in EUR, pkm, train-km) • A comprehensive presentation of the institutional market structures: important players, financing and public funds as well as rolling stock • Basic data on awarding transport contracts and an overview of franchises incl. information about operators, contract terms and service output • Fact sheets of the relevant operators of commuter and regional rail transport 16 SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions CLIENTS WE NAVIGATE WORDLWIDE A A.T. Kearney, Inc. ABB Henschel AG ABB Jiangjin Turbo Systems Co. Ltd. ABB Secheron Ltd., Switzerland ABN AMRO Abris Capital Partners ABS Schienenfahrzeug- und Landmaschinenbau GmbH Accenture AB AEG Schienenfahrzeuge GmbH AEG SVS Power Supply Systems Ahaus Alstätter Eisenbahn AG Air International Transit, Australien Akiem, France Albatros Corporacion, Spain Alcan Composite Structures, Alcan Airex AG Alcan Deutschland GmbH Alco Spring Industries Inc. Allco Leasing GmbH Allianz pro Schiene Alpha Rail Team GmbH & Co. KG Alpha Trains Alstom LBH GmbH Alstom S.A. Alstom, Stendal Alterna Capital Partners ALTPRO d.o.o., Croatia Amberg Measuring Technique Ltd. Amphenol Air LB AmstedRail Amtrak Office of Inspector General Angel Trains Cargo Angel Trains, UK Angewandte System Technik Ansaldo Signal N.V., The Netherlands Ansaldobreda S.p.A., Italy apra-Gerätebau GmbH & Co. KG Arbel Fauvet Rail Arriva International, UK ARS Altmann AG Arthur D. Little, France Ascendos Rail Leasing Ascom AG Association des Industries Ferroviaires Association Francaise du Rail Astorg Partners Atena Equity Partners - SCR, S.A. Atlas Datensysteme GmbH, Essen Auctus Management GmbH & Co. KG Axis Communications AB AXTONE Sp. Z o.o. AZ Espana S.A. B Babcock & Brown, London BAE Systems Ltd. Bahnen und Häfen, Gladbeck Bain & Company Italy Inc. Balfour Beatty Rail GmbH Bank of America Barth & Co. Spedition GmbH & Co. KG BASF SE, Ludwigshafen Bayer MaterialScience AG Bayerische Landesbank BC Partners Beacon Rail Leasing Limited Bearing Point SAS, UK Becorit GmbH Behr Industry GmbH & Co. KG BeNEX GmbH BERKELIUM S.L. Berlin Transport GmbH Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe Berner & Mattner Systemtechnik GmbH BERNMOBIL Bildungszentrum Oberjosbach Bitzer Kühlmaschinenbau GmbH Blue Ribbon Partners GmbH, Munich BMASI Strategy, S.L. BNP Paribas Bochumer Verein Verkehrstechnik GmbH Bock Kältemaschinen GmbH Bombardier Transportation Germany GmbH + Co. KG Bombardier Transportation DWA Bonatrans a.s. Booz & Company GmbH Booz Allen Hamilton BP International, UK Britische Botschaft, Berlin Brunel GmbH BSL Management Consultants GmbH & Co. KG BSR Bodensanierung u. Recycling GmbH BTMU Capital Corporation Buck GmbH & Co. KG BUG Verkehrsbau AG Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung, Berlin BUREAU VERITAS S. A. BWG GmbH & Co. KG C CALYON - Structured Finance Dept Captrain Deutschland GmbH Capvis Equity Partners AG Cargocare AG Carrier Kheops BAC Caterpillar Inc Cattron-Theimeg Europe GmbH & Co. KG CBRail S.á.r.l., Luxemburg Centro Sviluppo Materiali S.p.A.; IT Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. Charterhouse Capital Partners China CNR Corporation Limited China International Marine Containers Ltd., China China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Industry Group Corporation Cideon AG, Switzerland CIT Group Inc. Civil Engineering Office, Dresden CKD Kutna Hora, a.s. CKD Vagonka, a.s. Coca Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG Commerzbank Commerz Real AG Commission of the European Community GD VII Commonwealth Bank Compin Group CONDOR Sicherung- und Service GmbH Connex Regiobahn GmbH Connex, Frankfurt Connexxion Holding NV Contitech Luftfedersysteme GmbH Cummins Diesel Deutschland GmbH D DaimlerChrysler AG DAL Structured Finance GmbH Danish State Railways Danobat Railway System S. Coop. DB AG DB AG Systemtechnik DB Bahnbau GmbH DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung GmbH DB Personenverkehr GmbH DB Regio AG DB Regionalbahn Rhein-Ruhr AG DB Schenker Rail AG DE-Consult GmbH Delimon GmbH Dellner Kupplungen GmbH Delta Rail Deuta-Werke GmbH Deutsche Bank Deutsche Beteiligungs AG Deutsche Binnenschiffsreederei Deutsche Fonds Holding AG Deutsche Gleis- und Tiefbau GmbH Deutsche Leasing Finance GmbH Deutsche Leasing Polska S.A. SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions 17 CLIENTS WE NAVIGATE WORDLWIDE Deutsche Maschinen- und Schiffbau GmbH, Rostock Deutsche Messe AG, Hannover Deutsche Systemtechnik, Kiel/Bremen Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, North-Rhine Westphalia Deutz AG DHL Management Die Ingenieurwerkstatt GmbH Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant, JSC, Ukraine DIFRE Erneuerbare Energien Consulting Deutschland GmbH Dimetronic S.A. District Administration for district Wesel DKS GmbH Dortmunder Stadtwerke AG Draka Comteq Cable Solution B.V. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Ltd. DSB International DSM Engineering Plastics Duisport DuPont Performance Coatings GmbH & Co. KG Duro Daković Specijalna vozila Ltd. Durtrack AG Dutch Embassy, Germany DVB Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main DVV Media Group GmbH DWA, Waggonbau Görlitz GmbH E E-Leather Ltd EAO AG Eato Eisenbahn Anlagen Handel GmbH Eisenbahn und Häfen GmbH Eisenbahn-Verkehrsmittel GmbH Eisenwerk Arnstadt GmbH EKS Isodraht GmbH Electronic Network Elektroinstallation u. Anlagenbau GmbH ELIN EBG traction GmbH, Austria EMERAM Capital Partners GmbH EMPRESA DE MANUTENÇÃO DE EQUIPAMENTO FERROVIARIO; Portugal Entwicklungsgesellschaft Wegberg-Wildenrath Envitech Communication Inc., Canada Enzesfeld-Caro Metallwerke AG era-contact GmbH Ermewa SAS Ernst & Young LLP, UK Ernst & Young SRL, Romania ESW GmbH 18 SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions ETC Transport Consultants GmbH Eurofima Euromaint Rail AB Europäische Akademie für umweltorientierten Verkehr GmbH Europäische Investitionsbank Europorte SAS Eurotech S.p.A. EuroTrac GmbH EVA EVAC GmbH EWS Railway LTD Express Wagons, a.s. Extel Systems Wedel F FAG Kugelfischer AG Fahrleitungsbau GmbH Fahrzeugmanagement GmbH Fahrzeugtechnik Dessau AG Fahrzeugwerke Nord GmbH Faiveley Transport Italia SPA Faiveley Transport Leipzig GmbH & Co.KG FARA ASA Federnwerke Grueber GmbH & Co. KG Feldbinder Spezialfahrzeuge GmbH Ferrostaal AG Firema Transporti S.p.A. First Reserve Corporation First Sensor AG Fonds Strategique dZInvestissement Fooke GmbH France Wagons, France Franke Aquarotter AG Frankenfeld Spedition GmbH & Co. KG Franz Kaminski Waggonbau GmbH Freistaat Sachsen, Sächs. Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Arbeit Freudenberg Schwab GmbH Friedrich Krombach GmbH Funkwerk Information Technologies Karlsfeld GmbH Furrer+Frey AG G GBM Gleisbaumechanik Brandenburg GmbH GE Equipment Services - Rail Services GE Rail Services GmbH GE Transportation Gebr. Bode GmbH & Co. KG Gebrüder Weiss GmbH genost Consulting GmbH German Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Housing German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology German Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung NRW Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH Gewerkschaft der Eisenbahner Deutschlands Glas Trösch Holding AG, Switzerland GMH-Holding Goodman Germany GmbH Graaff Transportsysteme GmbH Grammer AG Grampet Group Graz-Köflacher Bahn u. Busbetrieb GmbH, Austria GRE - Gauff Rail Engineering GmbH & Co. KG Greenbriar Equity Group LLC Greenbrier Germany GmbH Groupe Ermewa SA GSI Fonds GmbH & Co. KG Gutehoffnungshütte Radsatz GmbH H Hafen Duisburg Rheinhausen GmbH Häfen und Güterverkehr Köln AG Hagebau Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH Hamburgische Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung mbH Hamburger Hochbahn AG Hamburger Sparkasse AG Hanning & Kahl GmbH Hannover Leasing GmbH & Co. KG HANNOVER MOBILIEN LEASING GmbH Hans Böckler Stiftung Hansestadt Lübeck HARTING KGaA HaslerRail AG Havelländische Eisenbahn AG HBOS Hegenscheidt MFD Heitkamp Rail GmbH Hekatron Vertriebs GmbH Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Helbling Corporate Finance AG Hitachi Europe Ltd. Hochtief Projektentwicklung GmbH Hörmann Funkwerk Kölleda GmbH Hörmann-RAWEMA GmbH CLIENTS WE NAVIGATE WORDLWIDE HSH Nordbank AG Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huber + Suhner AG Hübner GmbH Hulett Aluminium (PTY) Ltd. Hyundai Rotem I I.T.I. Finanziaria S.P.A IBEG Systems GmbH ICA Traffic GmbH IFS - RWTH Aachen IFTEC GmbH & Co. KG IG Metall 3i Group PL IHG Logistics GmbH & Co. KG IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH Implenia AG Implenia Bau AG Indanet AG Industriewaggon GmbH Infineon Technologies AG INFO-Beratungs-GmbH ING Bank N.V. Ingenieurbüro jg-consulting Ing. Büro H. Vössing GmbH Ingersoll-Rand plc Initiative Bahn NRW Innovare , Inc.Schweden Institute for Natural Monopolies Research Intercontainer-Interfrigo s.c. Interfleet Technology Ltd., UK Interpipe Ukraine INVEST Financial Corporation IPA Slovakia IPEM Institut Moskau IRS Leasing Ltd., UK Istanbul Ulasim A.S. ITT Corp. IVECO France J J.C.F. Kaufmann Metallwarenwerk GmbH & Co. KG Japan Overseas Rolling Stock AS Joint Stock Company Managing Company VKM K KAEFER Isoliertechnik GmbH & Co. KG Kapsch CarrierCom AG Karosserie + Lack Zentrum Jörg Frischkorn GmbH Kelsan Technologies Corp. Keolis Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH KG Allgemeine Leasing GmbH & Co. Kieler Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH Kiepe Elektrik GmbH, Düsseldorf KLW-Wheelco S.A., Switzerland Klüber Lubrication München SE & Co. KG Knorr-Bremse - Systeme für Schienenfahrzeuge GmbH Knürr AG Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Ltd. Koncern Fabrika Vagona AD Korea Railroad Research Institut Kreis Wesel, Der Landrat Krupp Fördertechnik GmbH, Duisburg Krupp Mobilkrane GmbH, Wilhelmshaven Krupp Verkehrstechnik Essen und Kiel KTB Import - Export GmbH & Co. KG Kühne Institut f. Logistik, Universität St. Gallen Kummler+Matter AG, Switzerland Künstler Bahntechnik GmbH Kurt Nitzer (GmbH & Co.) KG KYB Corporation L L&S Transportation Systems GmbH L.E.K. Consulting GmbH Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Lantal Textiles AG, Switzerland last mile logistik netzwerk Latvijas Dezelzcels Lavoisier SAS Lease Valuation International Inc. Lehman Brothers, UK Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH Leonhard Moll Betonwerke LEONI & STUDER Transportation Systems GmbH Letsema Liebherr Transportation System Linklaters LLP Lloyds Banking Group LLOYDS TSB Bank PLC, UK LOG-IT Club e.V. Logistik Initiative Hamburg e.V. logos AG Logwin LTK ENGINEERING SERVICES Lübecker Hafengesellschaft mbH Lühring GmbH M 3M Aerospace and Aircraft Maintenance Macquarie Bank Limited London Branch Macquarie Rail MAFEX MAN Ferrostaal AG MAN AG MAN Truck & Bus AG MAN Ferrostaal AG Marubeni Corporation, Japan Maschinen- und Stahlbau Dresden Matrix Gesellschaft für Unternehmensentwicklung mbH Mayser GmbH & Co. KG McKinsey & Company, Inc. MDT Limited MEBATEC GmbH MEC Coal Melecs MWW GmbH & Co. KG Mercer Management Consulting GmbH Messe Berlin GmbH Messe Köln International Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund GmbH Metz Anlagentechnik GmbH Metzeler Schaum GmbH Metzger+Richner Transport AG Microelettrica Scientifica Spa Ministry of Economics and Transport, Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economics, Technology and Transport, North-Rhine Westfalia Ministry of Economics, Technology and Employment, Saxony-Anhalt Ministry of Finances and Economics, Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Transport, Building and Housing, Sachsen-Anhalt Mitron OY Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Mitsubishi UFJ Mitsui & Co. Mitsui Rail Capital Europe B.V., Belgium Mittelrheinische Treuhand GmbH Molinari Consulting AG, Switzerland Montan-Grundstücksgesellschaft, Essen Morgan Stanley | Corporate Services Movesta Lease and Finance GmbH MTU Friedrichshafen SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions 19 CLIENTS WE NAVIGATE WORDLWIDE N Nabtesco Corporation Nahverkehr Rheinland GmbH Nahverkehr Schwerin GmbH Nahverkehsservice Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH, Magdeburg Nanjing Kangni Mechanical & Electrical C. Ltd. National Australia Bank Ltd. NC Advisory GmbH NCB Lohmann GmbH Nederlandse Spoorwegen NedRailways, Germany NedTrain Consulting, The Netherlands Neptun Warnow-Werft, Rostock Netherlands Business Support Office, Hamburg Neumann Elektronik GmbH NEW.S Nexans Nexans Deutschland Industries GmbH & Co. KG Nexans Asia Pacific Niederrheinische Verkehrsbetriebe AG Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy Nomura Norddeutsche Eisenbahngesellschaft Flechtingen Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale Nordic Capital Limited Norgren Ltd. Noske Kaeser GmbH NOWE GmbH NS Reizigers B.V. O ÖBB AG ÖBB Personenverkehr AG ÖBB Technische Services GmbH ODEWALD & COMPAGNIE Gesellschaft für Beteiligungen mbH OKD, Doprava OLEO International Oliver Wyman Consulting GmbH On Rail Gesellschaft für Eisenbahn- ausrüstung und Zubehör mbH One Equity Partners Europe GmbH OOO Eisenmann Optifin Invest s.r.o. Orenstein und Koppel AG, Lübeck Organisation Netzwerk Eisenbahnlogistik NRW OSE AE, Greece Oslo Sporvognsdrift A/S Ostmecklenburgische Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH 20 SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions Ostseeland Verkehr GmbH Oxford Analytica Ltd. Ox-traction N.V. P Panrail Railway Equipment GmbH Paribus-SK-Rail Management GmbH Parsons Brinckerhoff Pte Ltd., Singapur Partnership Metrorapid NRW Patentes Talgo S.A., Spain Paul Wurth S.A. PC Soft GmbH PE Arriva AG Penn Machine Company Penta Investments PESA Bydgoszcz SA pfenning Logistik GmbH Pfleiderer Infrastrukturtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Phoenix Contact GmbH Phoenix Dichtungstechnik GmbH Pilz GmbH & Co. KG Pintsch Bamag GmbH PKP, Poland Planco Consulting GmbH Plasser & Theurer Export von Bahnbaumaschinen Gesellschaft m.b.H. PMA Vertriebscenter Polynomics AG Polzug International GmbH PORR AG Porsche Consulting GmbH Postbank Leasing GmbH Powerlines Group GmbH PriceWaterhouseCoopers Prignitzer Eisenbahn GmbH Probotec Limited, UK Progress Rail Services Projekt Ruhr GmbH, Essen proLean Consulting AG Prover Technology AB Prysmian Spa PSI Logistics GmbH PSPC Private Sector Participation Cons. Q QIQIHAR RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK CO.,LTD QUADRIGA CAPITAL III Limited R Raab-Oedenburg-Ebenfurter Eisenbahn AG RAG Bahn und Hafen GmbH RAG Deutsche Steinkohle AG RAG Immobilien AG, Essen Rail Cargo Austria Industriewaggon GmbH RAIL INTERIORS S.p.A. RAILPOOL GmbH RAIL ONE GmbH Randstad Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG RCS GmbH Components and Systems Reglo AS Region Hannover Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsförderung Standortentwicklung Reiner Bohnen Internationale Spedition GmbH & Co. KG Reinisch Austria GmbH REmax WHG Immobilien Rexwal Services SA Rexxon GmbH Rheinbahn AG Rheinconsult GmbH, Düsseldorf Rhenus AG Rhomberg Bahntechnik GmbH RockDelta a/s Rogers Corporation Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Rose Systemtechnik GmbH Rotem Company, Korea Royal Bank of Scotland RSB Logistik GmbH, Cologne RSM Rail Service Management GmbH S SA ViewCom A/S, Denmark SAB Wabco BSI Verkehrstechnik GmbH Sabler Consult GmbH, Vienna SAFOP SPA, Italy Saft’s Industrial Battery Group (IBG) Saint Gobain Sully Saint-Gobain Sekurit GmbH SALCEF SpA Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel GmbH Santander Sapa Extrusion Europe SBB Cargo AG, Switzerland SBB Cargo Deutschland GmbH SBB Personenverkehr Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co.KG Schalker Eisenhütte GmbH Schaltbau AG, Munich Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Schenck Process GmbH CLIENTS WE NAVIGATE WORDLWIDE Schmiedewerke Gröditz GmbH Schooner Capital LLC Schott Jenaer Glas GmbH Schraubenwerk Zerbst GmbH Schreck-Mieves GmbH Schroeder & Co. Vertriebs GmbH Schwab Verkehrstechnik AG Schwedische Staatsbahn, SJ Schweizer Elektronic AG S.C ROMVAG S.A. Secheron SA, Switzerland Selectron Systems AG, Switzerland Serco-NedRailways Servtrans Invest SA SG Technologies GmbH SGL CARBON SE Siemens AG TS Siemens Bank GmbH Siemens d.o.o. Siemens Financial Services GmbH Siemens Schienenfahrzeugtechnik GmbH Siemens Schweiz AG Siemens Transit Telematic Systems AG Siemens Verkehrstechnik GmbH Sika Schweiz AG SIRTI S.p.A. SKF Global Railway Marketing SKF Österreich AG SKF Group Headquarters, Göteborg Skoda Dopravni Technika SKODA TRANSPORTATION s.r.o. SMA Solar Technology AG SMA und Partner AG Societe General Group SOLARIS Bus & Coach S.A. Stadler Bussnang AG, Switzerland Stadler Pankow GmbH Stadler Rail AG Stadt Bocholt Stadt Bochum Stadt Burgwedel Stadt Essen, Tiefbauamt Stadt Hennigsdorf Stadt Neumünster Stadt Wunstorf Fachbereich Wirtschaftsförderung Stadtwerke Schwerin GmbH Stadtwerke Wuppertal - Verkehrsbetriebe Stakhanov Wagon Works OJSC Steer Davies Gleave, UK Stemmann-Technik GmbH Stinnes AG Stop-Choc Schwingungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG Strato Inc. STRATORG S.A. Strukton Systems SüdLeasing GmbH Sumitomo Benelux S.A. / N.V. Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. Europe Ltd. SWB-Dienstleistungs GmbH SYNDEX, France Synopsys, Inc UPS Deutschland Inc. & Co. OHG U.S. Government V T Tatravagonka a.s., Slovakia Technologiezentrum Verkehrstechnik GmbH, Hennigsdorf Telenor Sverige AB Terra Firma Investments (GP) 2 Ltd., UK TFK Transportforschung GmbH Thales Deutschland The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ The Boston Consulting Group AB Thermo King Deutschland Thyssen Eisenbahn und Häfen GmbH Thyssen Krupp GfT Gleistechnik GmbH Tiefenbach GmbH Tognum AG Toshiba Corporation Toshiba International Ltd. Toyo Engineering Corporation Traktionssysteme Austria GmbH Tram S.A. Transmashholding, ZAO Russia Transnet Gewerkschaft trans-o-flex Schnell Lieferdienst Gmbh Transpetrol GmbH Transport Planning Office, Dresden Transportation Systems Hitachi Ltd. TransTec Vetschau GmbH Transtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Transwerk, South Africa Trenwith Group Trinity Rail GmbH TSTG - Schienen Technik GmbH T-Systems GEI GmbH TU Hamburg Harburg TÜV Automotive GmbH TÜV NORD Systems GmbH & Co. KG TÜV Rheinland, Cologne TÜV Süd Rail GmbH U uct Umschlag Container Terminal GmbH Uetersener Eisenbahn AG UGL Rail, Australia Uniconsult United Group Rail Universal de Productos Electricos, S.A., Spain VAE GmbH Valspar Industries GmbH Veolia Transport Verband der Bahnindustrie Verband Deutscher Eisenbahnfachschulen Verkehrs Industrie Systeme GmbH Verkehrsbetrieb Potsdam GmbH Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr Verkehrswissenschaftliche Lehrmittelgesellschaft mbH VIS Halberstadt GmbH Voestalpine Bahnsysteme GmbH Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG Voith Turbo Lokomotivtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Voith Turbo Scharfenberg GmbH & Co. KG VolkerRail Deutschland GmbH Volkswagen AG Vossloh AG, Werdohl Vossloh Eisenbahn & Verkehr GmbH, Werdohl Vossloh Kiepe GmbH Vossloh Locomotives GmbH Vossloh Rail Systems GmbH Vossloh Schwabe Lichttechnik Vossloh SFT GmbH VR Equitypartner GmbH VR Leasing AG VTG Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg W Wabtec Corporation Waggon Union GmbH Waggonbau Niesky GmbH Waggonbau Talbot, Aachen Wagony Swidnica S.A. Walter Bau AG Walter Gasthaus Gleis- und Tiefbau GmbH Walter Mäder Aqualack GmbH WASCOSA AG, Switzerland Wärtsilla Corporation Webasto AG Weilburger Coatings GmbH WESTbahn Management GmbH Westfälische Almetalbahn GmbH Westfracht SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions 21 CLIENTS WE NAVIGATE WORDLWIDE WestLB AG WFG Heinsberg White & Case LLC Wincanton GmbH Wirtschaftsförderung Dortmund Wirtschaftsförderung Hamm Witzenmann GmbH Wonderful Sky Financial Group Limited Wytwornia Podkladow Strunobetonowych Kolbet S.A. Z Zaklady Naprawcze Lokomotyw Elektrycznych S.A. ZELISKO Ges.m.b.H., Austria ZENIT GmbH ZF Bahntechnik GmbH ZF Friedrichshafen AG ZF Sachs AG Zöllner GmbH Zufall GmbH & Co. KG Zuken GmbH Zweckverband für den Nahverkehrsraum Leipzig 22 SCI/Verkehr • Navigator for Decisions Hamburg Office SCI Verkehr GmbH Schanzenstraße 117 20357 Hamburg Phone: +49 (40) 5071970 Fax: +49 (40) 50719720 Cologne Office SCI Verkehr GmbH Vor den Siebenburgen 2 50676 Köln Phone: +49 (221) 931780 Fax: +49 (221) 9317878 Berlin Office SCI Verkehr GmbH Köpenicker Straße 48/49 Eingang G 10179 Berlin Phone: +49 (30) 2844540 Fax: +49 (30) 28445420 E-Mail: [email protected] www.sci.de Imprint: © SCI Verkehr GmbH
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