Friday 16th May 2014 SINGING All Classes (P1-3) (P4,5) (P6,7) Approx time: P1-3 P4,5 P6,7 13th Annual 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm Own Choice of song, unaccompanied. INSTRUMENTAL/CLASSICAL All Classes (P1-3) (P4,5) (P6,7) PIANO , VIOLIN , Approx Times: 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.45pm OPEN P1-3 P4-5 P6-7 Feis Saturday 17th May 2014 INSTRUMENTAL/TRADITIONAL All Classes (P1-3) (P4,5) (P6,7) TIN WHISTLE , FIDDLE , Time: 10.30am Approx Time: 11.00am Approx Time: 12 noon OPEN (P1-3) (P4-5) (P6-7) Thursday 15th May 2014 to Saturday 17th May 2014 Acorn Centre Crosskeys Road Ahoghill “Every child a winner” YEW TREE FEIS “Every child a winner” Dear Principal/Parent/Guardian, Encourage your children to enter in the 13th Annual Cross Community Feis to be held in the Acorn Centre, Crosskeys Road, Ahoghill on Thursday 15th, Friday 16th and Saturday 17th May 2014. The Yew Tree Feis tries to link in with the NI Curriculum, we have chosen the topic “Colours”. Creation of Poems and Art entries and poems for recitation are all based on this topic. No preparation is required by schools. Pupils should use their Public Speaking, Drama, Singing and Music from previous competitions and examinations. As this event has proved to be very popular and has been well supported in the past it is hoped that this year will be no exception. All primary school children are encouraged to participate especially those who have no previous performing experience. All parents, grandparents, friends etc. are welcome to attend. This booklet contains details and copies of poems, however information may be obtained from St Paul’s Primary School Ahoghill telephone 25871613, at or telephone 25871588 or 25878111. ALL COMPETITION ENTRIES £2. . P7 POEM WHAT IS RED Red is a sunset Blazy and bright. Red is feeling brave With all your might. Red is a sunburn Spot on your nose, Sometimes red Is a red, red rose. Red squiggles out When you cut your hand. Red is a brick and A rubber band. Red is a hotness You get inside When you’re embarrassed And want to hide. Fire-cracker, fire-engine Fire-flicker red — And when you’re angry Red runs through your head. Red is an Indian, A Valentine heart, The trimming on A circus cart. Red is a lipstick, Red is a shout, Red is a signal That says: “Watch out!” Red is a great big Rubber ball. Red is the giant-est Color of all. Red is a show-off No doubt about it— But can you imagine Living without it? MARY O’NEILL P5&6 POEM THE PAINTING LESSON ‘What’s THAT, dear?’ asked the new teacher. ‘It’s Mummy,’ I replied. ‘But mums aren’t green and orange! You really haven’t TRIED. You don’t just paint in SPLODGES — You’re old enough to know You need to THINK before you work … Now — have another go.’ She helped me draw two arms and legs, A face with sickly smile, A rounded body, dark brown hair, A hat — and, in a while, She stood back (with her face bright pink): ‘That’s SO much better — don’t you think?’ But she turned white At ten to three When an orange-green blob Collected me. ART INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES ONLY All Categories (P1,2,3) (P4,5) (P6,7) Theme: Colours Size: A4 CREATION OF POEM (6- 8 LINES) Category P4-P7 INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES ONLY Theme: Colours Complete the entry form below. Art and Poem to be completed on or before Friday 9th May 2014. ENTRY FORM FOR ART & CREATION OF POEM FEE: £2 per entry NAME: . SCHOOL: . ‘Hi, Mum!’ CLASS: . TREVOR HARVEY CATEGORY: . Entry forms for Art and Creation of Poem are to returned to the Yew Tree Feis Committee at St Paul’s Primary School Ahoghill on or before Friday 9th May 2014. Attach entry form to back of entry. YEW TREE FEIS PROGRAMME Thursday 15th May 2014 RECITATION: SET PIECE All Classes (P1,2) (P3,4) (P5,6) (P7) Approx time: P1,2 P3,4 P5,6, P7 6.00pm 6.45pm 7.30pm 8.15pm RECITATION: OWN CHOICE (suitable for specific age group and bring copy of poem ) All Classes (P1,2) (P3,4) (P5,6) (P7) Approx time: P1,2 P3,4 P5,6 P7 6.45pm 7.30pm 8.15pm 9.15pm PUBLIC SPEAKING Category P4-7 Approx time: 7.00pm Prepared speech on any topic, not to exceed 3 minutes. DRAMA INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES ONLY Category P4-7 Approx time: 8.45pm Own choice of scene, act or play. Use of costume optional. Not to exceed 5 minutes. P1&2 MIXING COLOURS POEM Mix red and blue for purple, Mix red and white for pink, Mix red and black and yellow And you’ll get brown, I think. Why don’t you mix some colours? Mix two or three or four. You might just mix a colour No-one’s ever mixed before. ERIC FINNEY P3&4 RHINOS PURPLE, HIPPOS GREEN POEM My sister says I shouldn’t color Rhinos purple, Hippos green. She says I shouldn’t be so stupid; Those are things She’s never seen. But I don’t care What my sister says, I don’t care What my sister’s seen I will color What I want to— Rhinos purple, Hippos green. MICHAEL PATRICK HEARN
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