Sliced-eat Sticky Notes ? ! s i h t s ' t a h W Sliced-eat Sticky Notesは、スライスハムなどをバキュームしたリアルな パ ッ ケ ー ジ デ ザ イ ン をコンセプトにしています。とても薄いハム、ソーセージ、チーズ などはそのリアルなパッケージにメモをとるたびに楽しくなることでしょう。 Sliced-eat Sticky notes is a very realistic food concept sticky note like vacuumpacked sliced ham foodstuffs. Very thin sliced slice ham, sausage, cheese sticky notes is a vacuum-packed real design concept, which you can feel more interesting each memo.Make a note deliciously! Sliced-eat Sticky Notes ge r a L i n i M Sliced-eat Sticky Notes-Large Sliced-eat Sticky Notes-Large ¥580 +TAX (80枚入り) ¥580 +TAX (120枚入り) TYPE Frankfurter J A N 8809383100039 TYPE Vienna J A N 8809383100046 Sliced-eat Sticky Notes-Mini Sliced-eat Sticky Notes-Mini ¥520 +TAX (40枚入り) ¥520 +TAX (40枚入り) Sliced-eat Sticky Notes-Mini Sliced-eat Sticky Notes-Mini ¥520 +TAX (40枚入り) ¥520 +TAX (40枚入り) TYPE Frankfurter J A N 8809383100244 Sliced-eat Sticky Notes-Large Sliced-eat Sticky Notes-Large ¥580 +TAX (30枚入り) ¥580 +TAX (30枚入り) TYPE Roast J A N 8809383100053 TYPE Salami J A N 8809383100060 TYPE Chedda J A N 8809383100305 Sliced-eat Sticky Notes-Large Sliced-eat Sticky Notes-Large ¥580 +TAX (30枚入り) ¥580 +TAX (30枚入り) TYPE Chedda J A N 8809383100015 TYPE Salami J A N 8809383100282 TYPE Emmental J A N 8809383100022 TYPE Emmental J A N 8809383100312 Cheese Erasers ソフトな手触り、バキュームのパッケージ、チーズの色。見事なチーズのデザイン ですが、消しゴミとして活用でききちんと消すことができます。見た目だけでなく 消しゴムとしての機能を持つプロダクトです。 Soft texture and shape of cheese, vacuum packaging, and unique color of cheese –the Cheese Eraser not only comes the Cheese Eraser not only comes in a special design but it erases excellently. It is a design product with outstanding performance as an eraser. Cheese Erasers-Mini TYPE Yellow J A N 8809383100534 Cheese Erasers-Mini TYPE Brown J A N 8809383100558 ¥300 +TAX ¥300 +TAX Cheese Erasers-Original Set of 5 TYPE Yellow J A N 8809383100541 ¥950 +TAX (5ピース入り) Cheese Erasers-Orig inal Set of 5 TYPE Brown J A N 88093831005 65 ¥950 +TAX (5ピース入り) s ' t a Wh ? this! Tea Bag Bookmarks ? ! s i h t s ' t a h W Tea bag Bookmarks-Set 0f 3 Tea bag Bookmarks-Set 0f 3 Tea bag Bookmarks-Set 0f 3 ¥750 +TAX (3枚入り) ¥750 +TAX (3枚入り) ¥750 +TAX (3枚入り) TYPE Red J A N 8809383100503 TYPE Blue J A N 8809383100497 TYPE Green J A N 8809383100510 Tea bag Bookmarks-Set 0f 3 Tea bag Bookmarks-Set 0f 3 ¥750 +TAX (3枚入り) ¥750 +TAX (3枚入り) TYPE Yellow J A N 8809383100527 TYPE Black J A N 8809383100480
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