dmexco MAGAZINE PURE BUSINESS On the two days of dmexco, there’s just one focus: transforming trends into real-life business deals FACTS & FIGURES dmexco, the Hot Spot of the international Digiconomy, is breaking all records this year DAVID SHING The digital prophet from AOL will be one of the top speakers at dmexco 2016 Pure Business € 119 OFFICIAL DMEXCO Pure Party September 14, 2016 / 20:30 WOLKENBURG / MAURITIUSSTEINWEG 59 / 50676 COLOGNE FOOD & DRINKS INCLUDED Content Welcome to dmexco 2016 On September 14 and 15, Cologne will be the venue of THE event of the year: dmexco 2016. On the following pages you can find out what awaits you at the global business and innovation platform of the digital economy: all the news, information, and facts about dmexco 2016 at a glance! dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 04 Fab Four dmexco is one of the world’s four most important digital trade fairs 05 Pure Business On the two days of dmexco, there’s just one focus: transforming trends into real-life business deals 06 Trade Fair Capital Cologne is the digital trade fair capital of Europe — with access to the global market 07 User-focused In partnership with companies, BVDW drives the major trends 08 Facts & Figures Approximately 50,000 visitors and more than 950 exhibitors — dmexco 2016 in fi gures 10 “dmexco brings together the people that are leading across the many dimensions of digitalization to find synergies, challenge norms, and drive progress.” Jessica Federer Chief Digital Offi cer, Bayer AG Global Business & Innovation Platform Cologne is the place to meet high-powered experts and global players 13 Media Power For the major international media networks, dmexco is a must “At dmexco you see the future. It is an outstanding conference, I’m very impressed with the content and I’m blown away by the exhibits.” 15 dmexco Trend Themes The themes that are discussed at dmexco reveal the direction of the coming business year 17 Emerging Markets dmexco is continuously expanding its role as a hub of the global Digiconomy 18 Tips for Visitors Marc Pritchard Global Brand Building Officer, Procter & Gamble How dmexco visitors can make the most of their time at the trade fair 22 David Shing, AOL AOL’s “digital prophet” will be one of the top speakers at this year’s dmexco 25 Start-up Village 100 young digital companies will show what they can do — and set a record for participation 30 Photography: dmexco, companies New Generation The YouTube star AlexiBexi captures the spirit of a new generation 05 Pure Business In Cologne the focus will be on business. Christian Muche and Frank Schneider explain why 08 dmexco Facts & Figures dmexco 2016, the Hot Spot of the international Digiconomy, is breaking all previous records 22 David Shing, AOL This always-on digital guru from New York has a completely new vision of user-friendly video advertising 34 Experience Hall & Motion Hall Two new stages for two of the hottest trends: the Internet of Things and the moving image 35 Masthead dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 | 33 The Fab Four Finale of the annual business trip: After the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the Mobile World Congress (MWC), and the Cannes Lions, the global Digiconomy will meet at dmexco to take a final look at this year’s trends. n the field of music it’s the Beatles — and in the global digital economy it’s CES, MWC, Cannes Lions, and dmexco: the Fab Four! As the most important events in the digital hemisphere, they have top priority in the appointment calendars of the marketing, media, and technology industry. This is where the key trends are shaped and the commercial potential of tomorrow is defined. And the crowning finale of the annual business trip traditionally takes place in September at dmexco in Cologne. This year approximately 50,000 visitors will once again make a pilgrimage to dmexco from every corner of the world. This two-day event, which features 950+ exhibitors on more than 90,000 square meters of exhibition space, is the leading trade fair for the global digital economy. During the past seven years, dmexco has played a pioneering role in the digital transformation. It is the growth engine that drives the global Digiconomy forward by means of direct business deals, valuable new contacts, the evaluation of business ideas, new standards for the digital economy, maximum value creation, and concrete added value. It’s no coincidence that today it’s mentioned in the same breath as the other three top events. Together, they are the key global Fab Four of the digital industry. I The annual round kicks off with CES. At the Las Vegas Convention Center PE R DAY and various hotels, it presents state-of-the-art devices in the entertainment industry, ranging from 4K televisions to gadgets V I S ITO R S enriched with artificial intelligence. PE R 4 DAYS Two years ago, CES added the E X H I B ITO R theme of connectivity and expanCES ded its focus to include the IoT trend. Thematic focus: At MWC in Barcelona, the focus is on consumer electronics telecommunication, especially the smartphone 295 000 m2 with all of its diverse applications, whereas in exhibition space Cannes it’s all about the creative economy and rd. 170 000 visitors its annual award ceremony. In recent years, rd. 3 200 exhibitors more and more technology companies such as Founded in 1967 Facebook, Google, and Adobe have been attracted to the Côte d’Azur, primarily to a parallel world that exists alongside the Lions. All of this shows that technology, marketing, and creation belong together — and as a powerful triad they generate concrete added value for consumers. And that’s exactly what dmexco will be doing this fall. The fact that the digital journey reaches its high point in Cologne is the result of the targeted positioning of dmexco, in terms of both content and scheduling, in the annual calendar of the global digital marketing industry. Whereas CES, MWC, and Cannes Lions became the melting pot of the marketing industry much earlier, dmexco worked out its position within the Fab Four systematically. As a result, this sequence of trade fairs first addresses the trends, then their possible variations, and finally real-life business. Thus the annual schedule for all the decision-makers of digital business perfectly covers all the key aspects. As a two-day show consisting of a trade fair and a conference, dmexco marks the end of one business year — and ushers in the new one. In 2017 the business trip will start all over again. 13 4 4 | dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 VISITORS PER E XHIBITOR PER TR ADE FAIR DAY The index “Visitors per Exhibitor per Trade Fair Day” shows the average number of contacts registered by the exhibitors per day. These calculations reveal that dmexco delivers the best values. 26 PE R DAY V I S ITO R S PE R E X H I B ITO R 2 DAYS dmexco Thematic focus: digital marketing 90 000 + m2 exhibition space 950 + exhibitors 50 000 + visitors Founded in 2009 4 DAYS Mobile World Congress Thematic focus: mobile communications 100 000 m2 exhibition space 101 000 visitors 2 200 exhibitors Founded in 1987 6 DAYS Cannes Lions Thematic focus: creative advertising 15 000 visitors 40 000 submissions Founded in 1954 PE R DAY 11 V I S ITO R S PE R E X H I B ITO R Christian Muche „dmexco stands for PURE BUSINESS!“ Frank Schneider f As a n enabl er o mexco SS,” d “PURE BUSINE d ing rol e in conf i rms its l ea merce. d igita l com dmexco is the central platform where the global digital economy concludes its business deals. As an enabler of “PURE BUSINESS”, dmexco confirms its leading global role in digital commerce year after year. dmexco sums up this position in its new claim and its new corporate identity (CI). The meaning in detail, and how dmexco generates real-life business deals, is explained in this interview with Christian Muche and Frank Schneider from dmexco. Photography: dmexco Why has dmexco introduced its new claim, “PURE BUSINESS”? Frank Schneider: With the new claim we are summing up something that our exhibitors and visitors appreciate: the fact that dmexco stands for the successful business of the global digital economy. As a global business and innovation platform, it’s the ideal place to make high-level business contacts, initiate transactions, directly generate orders, and enter into cooperative projects. But “PURE BUSINESS” is much more than a mere claim. Real-life business deals are concluded here, and they underscore dmexco’s DNA: its innate talent for the successful initiation and conclusion of business deals in the global Digiconomy. What’s the special thing about dmexco that justifies the claim “PURE BUSINESS”? Christian Muche: Business deals at the national and international levels are initiated and concluded at dmexco. We develop additional potential for new business by closely integrating the knowledge transmission and best-practice examples at the conference with the in-depth knowledge and showcases at the trade fair. In our conference program, leading brands and outstanding thinkers and visionaries show what is possible in future business operations, what is influencing business, how business is changing, and how it can be further optimized. Through timely and future-oriented key themes that are among the current drivers of the digital economy, we support the development of new business areas for our partners. How is the new dmexco CI, “PURE BUSINESS,” being expressed? Frank Schneider: The new dmexco CI centers on six outstanding individuals who symbolize the theme of “PURE BUSINESS” in vivid dmexco key visuals. In addition to the dmexco claim, what clearly strikes the viewers of these images is the graphic connection with the major cities of the international digital economy. In these capitals of the digital world, we observe the central themes of the Digiconomy all year round and seek out new business potential that will benefit dmexco visitors and exhibitors in their commercial operations. What insights does dmexco offer into the “PURE BUSINESS” of the future? Christian Muche: At dmexco, the key trends are connected with the current daily developments of real business, and the commercial potential of the future is defined. This year we are introducing two specialized new stages for two of the hottest trends in global digital business today. In the Experience Hall, the future meets business. Here, brands and innovators will be showing how they are already making use of current technology trends and future-oriented communication options in their daily business operations. These trends and options range from the Internet of Things to virtual reality. In addition, in the Motion Hall we have created the new international forum for video and the moving image. At the exclusive dmexco SCREEN. ings we will present the most exciting moving image trends and their potential for current and future business. dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 | 5 „Cologne is the digital trade fair capital of Europe“ dmexco is one of the top events taking place at Koelnmesse. And it represents the mission of Koelnmesse: being the international commercial hub offering sector leaders as well as midsized companies access to the global market. Gerald Böse, the President and CEO of Koelnmesse, offers interesting insights into the challenges of digitization in the trade fair business and the strategy of Koelnmesse in the area of digital entertainment. Mr. Böse, what role does digitization play as a trade fair theme for Koelnmesse? Gerald Böse: Digitization is an important and innovative market. We recognized its importance early on, and we are continually expanding its role at Koelnmesse. Our ongoing observation and analysis of the market and our strategic emphasis on future-oriented themes have led us to establish two leading trade fairs here in Cologne: dmexco, the global trade fair for the digital economy, and gamescom, the world’s biggest trade fair and highlight event for interactive games. So far, eight trade fairs have represented our overarching Digital Entertainment field of expertise, including traditional drawing cards such as photokina as well as newcomers such as DIGILITY, the professional conference and exhibition of virtual and augmented reality, which will celebrate its premiere in September 2016. Today Cologne is the digital trade fair capital of Europe, with exhibitor and visitor numbers that are growing year after year. Koelnmesse 3.0 In the future, easy access to online networks and the fast an d smooth utilization of digital service s will have a decisive influence on the success of a trade fair visit. They will also be key factors in the exhibito rs’ and visitors’ perception of the qualit y of a trade fair complex. 6 | dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 What are the challenges, and how does Koelnmesse deal with them? Gerald Böse: The speed of communication is increasing the difficulty to make information available to the right target group at the right time. As a result, having a strategy and a good basic concept is crucial in succeeding the trade fair communication. In addition, digital media channels that function well for one trade fair don’t necessarily work for every other trade fair. As a result, every trade fair, together with its respective target groups, has to be looked at separately. It’s also important for a trade fair company to equip its own employees with the right processes and digital tools in order to harmonize internal processes with external services Photography: Koelnmesse, BVDW How important are digital media channels for communication during the trade fair? Gerald Böse: Today they are already essential elements of our communication with exhibitors and visitors. Of course they are especially important at trade fairs with digitally savvy customers, such as dmexco and gamescom. Technical and digital elements such as apps, social media, mobile Internet pages, and digitally supported services help trade fair visitors to maintain an overview and orientate themselves in spite of the flood of information that is available to them. „Focusing on consumers“ An interview with BVDW President Matthias Wahl reveals that the association is in tune with the times. With special assistance from OVK — Circle of Online Marketers, the German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW), which is the owner of the dmexco trademark, drives the major trend themes of the industry. Mr. Wahl, the Internet of Things is expected to radically change our lives. It will open new business opportunities for companies and offer them entirely new ways to communicate with their target groups. How is the BVDW supporting companies that are moving in the direction of “Every thing is digital”? Matthias Wahl: The Internet of Things is providing a massively expanded information base. Especially in the area of digital marketing, it‘s opening a revolutionary way to address target groups within a specific context. However, this complex development step is also creating challenges for the sector. The BVDW, whose members come from all parts of the value chain, is supporting companies as they tackle the process of digital transformation. In particular, that includes companies that are only now discovering their digital potential through developments such as the Internet of Things. This is why we are promoting the networking of the market participants among themselves, and why we advocate framework conditions that support practice — in terms of policy as well as content. Especially when it comes to the Internet of Things, it’s essential for the sector to focus on the consumers’ perspective. At dmexco 2016 we will fill this gap with the Experience Hall, where we will focus on the users’ personal experience and inspire visitors to design their own business models. When we talk about the advertising of the future, we mean moving images. How does the association plan to generate fresh momentum in this area at dmexco? Matthias Wahl: A few years ago, the moving image was almost a niche format. Today it’s riding the trend toward content marketing and continuing to make a strong impact on the digital advertising market. In order to address this development effectively, we are offering a very special platform for the themes of video and the moving image in the new Motion Hall at dmexco. In the seminar program of BVDW, we will also be addressing the latest themes and taking a close look at the merging of linear TVs with digital video. Companies are very willing to participate in the digital transformation, but the proportion of companies — especially midsized companies — that have already implemented this process is still rather small. How are the BVDW and dmexco planning to help companies implement this transformation? Matthias Wahl: Companies that have understood what it’s all about quickly develop a willingness to participate in the digital transformation, but in many cases they’re still not capable of doing so. A recent BVDW study of the German economy’s level of digital maturity, using trading companies as an example, produced a disturbing picture of such companies’ ability to operate successfully in the future. The mission of the BVDW is to support these companies as they engage in the digitization process. In this connection, it’s extremely important to create networks between companies in traditional sectors and digital pioneers. However, this alone will not be enough. That’s because the digital transformation brings with it many different kinds of challenges, ranging from changes in the working environment to the legal framework, which often lags behind actual developments. At the BVDW, we promote a shared understanding of recent developments, provide orientation, and represent the interests of the digital sector in the political and social arena. For all these activities, dmexco is our association’s most important forum. Event tips: BVDW seminars at dm exco 2016 IN TE RN ET OF TH IN GS r8IPXJMMXJOUIFSBDF UPDSFBUFUIF connected car? r)PXXFXJMMMJWFJOUIF GV homes will enhance the UVSF)PXTNBSU qualit y of life MOVIN G IM AG E r8JMMMJOFBS57BOEEJHJ UBMWJEFPDPOUJOVF to merge in 2017? DI GITA L TR AN SFOR MATIO N r6SCBO$POOFDUJWJU Z r8PSL5IFFGGF DUTPGEJHJUJ[BUJPO on future work environ ments dmexco dmexcoMAGAZINE MAGAZIN 2016 | 7 Bigger, more international, more highpowered: dmexco 2016 in figures 24 program 0+ hour s conferen ce of dmexco is one of the global “must attend” events of the digital economy. As a unique combination of leading exposition and extraordinary conference, it brings together top brands with the decision-makers, visionaries, techies, and creative minds of the international Digiconomy. Presence of sector leaders 90 000 + m2 950 + EXHIBITION AREA E XHIBI T O RS F ROM AL L O V E R T H E W O R L D 1 5 S TA G E S Increase in exhibitors from 2009 to 2016 + 320 % International 475 Intern rnational 23 34 2009 2010 8 | dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 2011 2012 Inte ern r ational 206 20 PROPORTION OF INTERNATIONAL E XHIBITORS IN 2 016 2013 2014 50% 2015 2016 Photography: Companies International 30 Internationa nal 45 International 88 International 127 Internatio ona n l 396 International top speakers Increase in visitors from 2009 to 2016 + 570 T OP SPEAKE RS 2016 + 350 % Chris Cox Chief Product Officer Facebook Dana Anderson Senior Vice President & CMO Mondelez International Internation nal 15 618 2014 Paul Bulcke CEO Nestlé 2015 Interrnational 20 000+ Shane Smith CEO & Founder Vice Media Julia Goldin CMO Lego Tim Armstrong Chairman & CEO AOL 2013 International 7975 International 6575 Visitor structure 18 % 12 % Other Internation nal 5550 Healthcare, social institutions 16 % Transport and logistics Media and information 2% 2% Training and further education 13 % 3% IT and communication technology, consumer electronics 3 % Sports and fitness Food and beverage industry 3% 3% Consultants Automotive sector 8% 4% Consumer and luxury goods Tourism, hotel and catering sector 9% 2010 Pharma, chemical, and biotechnology Intern rnational 3860 International 2370 2009 2% 2011 2% 2012 Dealers, wholesalers, and mail-order trade International 1700 Financial services, insurance, corporate consulting dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 | 9 All the significant brands and leading companies of the global Digiconomy will be on hand at dmexco 2016. International movers and shakers, decisionmakers from the biggest advertisers, representatives of digital brands and agency networks, publishers, and creative masterminds will be coming from all over the world and from every sector to present their latest innovations at dmexco and sound out the potential for new business. This is where the key trends for the entire economy will be on show, ranging from digital video to the internet of things, connected worlds, virtual and augmented reality, visual communication, and creative storytelling. 10 | dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 Photography: dmexco Summit meeting of the digital economy TOP 10 COUNTRIES SENDING EXHIBITORS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UK USA BENELUX FR ANCE AUSTRIA SWITZERL AND ISR AEL ITALY 9 SPAIN 10 POL AND TOP BRANDS* Fotos: dmexco *Extract 12 | dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 Hot Spot for agencies dmexco is not only a unique digital sector event but also a Hot Spot for the major media agencies. All of the globally operating media networks and the leading national media agencies, as well as representatives of their international customers, will be on hand at dmexco. This will be an ideal opportunity to make contact with decision-makers and pioneering thinkers from renowned companies operating all over the world, and to work with them to develop new and innovative business strategies. Omnicom Media Group GroupM Network: Mindshare, MEC, Mediacom, Maxus, Essence, Xaxis, Light Reaction, Plista, Connect, Quisma, PBU Billing volume: € 92,04 billion Publicis Media Network: Starcom, Zenith, Mediavest/Spark, Optimedia/Blue 449 Network: OMD, PHD, Annalect, Trakken, Resolution, Accuen, AeraSolutions, Fuse Billing volume: approx. € 50 billion Dentsu Aegis Network Network: Carat, Dentsu, Dentsu Media, iProspect, Isobar, McGarryBowen, Posterscope, Vizeum, MKTG Top customers: Unilever, L’Oréal, Ford, Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, Mars, ColgatePalmolive, NBC Universal, Glaxo-SmithKline, Yum! Brands, General Mills, Vodafone, Bayer, Subway, Anheuser-Busch Inbev, Fiat Chrysler, American Express, Kimberly-Clark, Chanel Top customers: Puma, PayPal, Postbank, Samsung, Asics, Airbnb, Deutsche Bank, Lorenz Snack-World, Desigual, Coty, Deutsche Post, Fielmann, Toyota, Nestlé, Obi Top customers: Renault-Nissan, McDonald’s, Apple, Peugeot-Citroën, PepsiCo, Estée Lauder, Walt Disney Company, Liberty Global/ Unitymedia, Hasbro, Barcardi, Unilever, GSK, Bayer, SAP, Canon, Ferrero, Porsche, Expedia, Airbus, Elizabeth Arden IPG Mediabrands Havas Media Group Pilot Group Mediaplus Group Network: UM, BPN, Initiative; Society, Ansible, Cadreon, IPG Media Lab, Magna Global, Mediabrands Insights, Orion, Rapport, Reprisemedia Network: Havas Media, Havas Sports&Entertainment/ Ignition, Arena Media, Forward Media; Affiperf, Socialyse, Mobext, Ecselis, Adcity, Artemis Alliance, Cake, Proximia, Ais, Luxhub, Havas Productions Billing volume: Billing volume: € 829 million > € 200 million Top customers: Oetker Group, Otto Group, Procter & Gamble, ARD, Oakley Capital (Parship, Elitepartner), Scout24 Group, EnBW, Hochland Deutschland, Melitta, Lotto24 Top customers: Adelholzener, Bergader, Bonprix, Cafe Royal, Hornbach, Interwetten, McArthurGlen, SaalbachHinterglemm, WesternUnion, WMF Billing volume: > € 33 billion Top customers: Johnson & Johnson, FCA Group, MillerCoors, Coca-Cola, BMW, Unilever, Sony Billing volume: € 70,03 billion Billing volume: € 17,70 billion Top customers: Telefónica, Hyundai/Kia, PSA (Peugeot/Citroën), LVMH, Sears, Emirates, Puig, Axa, Orange, El Corte Ingles Billing volume: € 40,52 billion Top customers: GM, Microsoft, Kellogg‘s, Diageo, Ferrero, Adidas, Mondelez, Mastercard, Mattel, Beiersdorf, Panasonic, Shiseido, 20th Century Fox, Coca-Cola Source: Company information, research by W&V dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 | 13 Die F.A.Z.-App DERTAG Die wichtigsten Nachrichten und Kommentare der letzten 24 Stunden in einer App · · · · VIELFACH PRÄMIERT TOP NUTZERBEWERTUNGEN ÜBER 275.000 DOWNLOADS FÜR iOS UND ANDROID 14 JETZT KOSTENLOS LADEN From video to virtual reality: dmexco trend themes in 2016 Video, artificial intelligence, programmatic ad buying, virtual reality and much more — dmexco is the business and innovation platform where the major trend themes are discussed from a new angle and a perspective that’s relevant to business. The goal is to find out which trends have the potential to give the global digital economy a boost. VIDEO PROGR AMMATIC OUTE RNET In daily marketing activities, video is still used all too often as a byproduct for reaching larger target groups beyond TV advertising. However, this is a fatal error, because the moving image functions completely differently on TV and on the Web. Users accept advertising on the Internet only if they are really interested in it. The utilization context is crucial. Automated commerce with an advertising inventory is well established in the field of digital marketing today. It’s now time to launch it in fast-growing areas such as TV and creativity. The Internet has been the Outernet for quite a while now. It’s no longer limited to PCs and laptops. Instead, it can already be found everywhere in our daily lives — via wearables, mobile devices, and the likes. It’s a link with other trendy areas such as VR and the Internet of Things. CONTE NT-MARKETING VIRTUAL RE ALIT Y Photography: Companies COGNITIVE DATA Cognitive computing is expected to make big data analysis more precise and more results-oriented. The aim is not only to read large and unstructured volumes of data very quickly and evaluate them according to certain patterns, but also to deal intelligently with this data. Self-learning IT systems can not only communicate with people and other computer systems in real time but also remember previous interactions and draw conclusions independently. In the process they also take their surroundings into account. This is a completely new dimension that has already been used very successfully in planning advertising campaigns. Pokémon Go has introduced augmented reality in the mass market. But tracking down virtual monsters via smartphone is only the beginning. AR and VR will enable companies to use new types of commercial communication with consumers, who will be able to directly experience brands and the advantages offered by specific products. VISUAL COMMUNICATION We perceive 80 percent of all our incoming information visually. And unlike reading, for example, seeing is completely intuitive. That’s what makes tools such as Snapchat and Instagram so successful and adds an additional component to advertisement planning. The trend is away from “push communication” and towards content that informs, advises or entertains — and that’s only one way that companies’ communication is changing. A further change is the fact that content marketing has to use the channel where a specific person would like to be addressed. How can I help you? INTE RNE T OF THINGS The IoT is radically altering the way companies communicate with customers. Smart homes with “talking fridges,” connected cars, and digitized points of sale are giving us completely new insights into customer behavior — in real time. The big question is: At which point of the customer journey can companies address the user? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE EMERGING MARKETS The World Bank has defined more than 50 countries, including South Africa, Brazil, China, and Poland, as emerging economies. Retail companies, and e-commerce as well, should already be adapting to the needs of these up-and-coming markets. In addition, certain regions such as Silicon Wadi in Israel are providing the blueprint for successful global business. Autonomously driving cars, smart machines, networked systems, and humanoid robots that instruct school classes and interpret feelings better than we can do ourselves — this is just the beginning. A new world of communication and interaction with consumers is opening up. But critics are already wondering´: what would happen if artificial intelligence were to start making and implementing its own decisions? dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 | 15 In unserer 360-Grad Vermarktungswelt sehen Sie alles rund um exklusive Premium-Inhalte und neueste digitale Innovationen. Sie finden uns wieder in Halle 8, Stand B 011, C 010. Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Expansion in growth markets Photography: Fotolia Along with its core markets in Europe and the U.S., dmexco is now entering growth markets such as Brazil, China, and Japan. dmexco is thus continuing to expand its position as a central hub for global digital business. ocê fala portuguê s? Visitors to this year’s dmexco will need to be prepared for this question, as Brazil will now have its own pavilion at the trade fair for the first time. Digital business associations such as IAB Brazil and the LatAm mobile marketing association, as well as the Digitalks trade journal and the Brazilian embassy’s investment unit SECOM, are all looking to establish international contacts. “Interest in global business relationships is huge, and dmexco is the perfect place to establish new international contacts,” says Celeny da Silva, the new representative for Brazil and Latin America, who along with dmexco invited advertising companies to a Brazilian networking event during the Cannes Lions festival. During a sunset cruise with caipirinhas, the hosts and their guests discussed possibilities for linking domestic business activities with markets abroad using the dmexco business platform. V Christian Muche and Frank Schneider believe there are many opportunities, and as the individuals responsible for dmexco they have set themselves a major goal: to consolidate global digital business at one location in order to make it flourish through international communication. They also view Brazil as an important growth market with “tremendous creative potential.” Brazil has indeed demonstrated this to be the case — and not just with the 90 awards it won in Cannes. For example, this emerging market is now ninth in the global rankings for gross domestic product, with a GDP of US$1.8 trillion. The GDP rankings are currently led by the USA, China, and Japan. The USA is a longstanding partner of dmexco. With key digital players, such as AOL, Google, Facebook and, as of late, Snapchat, Americans form the core element of the international digital economy. The AT Kearney con- sulting firm reports that the USA is also one of the biggest players in e-commerce. Germany and the UK are right behind, followed by Japan and China. This is why Muche and Schneider also want to add exhibitors from these two Asian growth markets to the dmexco lineup. The two therefore personally invited a 40-member delegation from China and Japan, including retailers, entrepreneurs, and heads of associations and agencies, to Cologne. The purpose of the visit will be to gain initial impressions, establish new contacts, and discuss relevant issues. Ideas for a joint project (of a digital nature, of course) might even be generated before the year is over. Indeed, digitization, which is now part of every aspect of our daily lives, is increasingly making such cross-border business a relatively simple undertaking. With this new initiative, dmexco is underscoring its role as a hub for global digital business. For more than two years now, the dmexco networking events — the dmexco Satellites — have moved into fast-growing and vibrant economies such as India, Singapore, and Israel. This past spring, digital pioneers and leading marketing experts from Israel met for the first time in Tel Aviv. The focus here was on virtual reality and the tremendous opportunities it offers for the advertising industry to reach consumers in new and more emotional ways. However, the Satellites offer only a small taste of what’s to come at dmexco in Cologne. For example, Muche and Schneider have now brought Brazil to dmexco, and new markets are set to follow next year with the help of the first dmexco Satellite in São Paulo, for example. dmexco dmexcoMAGAZINE MAGAZIN 2016 | 17 dmexco at a glance More than 50,000 visitors are expected to attend the world’s most important digital trade fair this year — and dmexco will make sure every one of them feels good in Cologne. The organizers will provide participants with many tips so that they can focus fully on the most important thing: their business. NNeeuawenrcge Eenintrgeaanin HaHraalllel 66 Good to k n o w DME XCO TICKETS Book your ticket now: HOW TO GET THE RE DME XCO COORDINATES September 14 and 15, 2016 Wed: 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Thu: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Koelnmesse Halls 5.1 to 9 Deutz-Mülheimer Straße 111 50679 Köln, Germany 18 | dmexco MAGAZIN MAGAZINE2016 2016 The fastest way to get to the exhibition center is by taking public transport to the Köln Messe/Deutz train station or the Koelnmesse tram stop. If you’re driving, please note that parking lots P 21 and P22 have been reserved for dmexco. Please also pay attention to the Koelnmesse information displays when you arrive. E NTR ANCES DME XCO CONFERENCE PROGR AM You can reach the halls via Entrance North, as well as via the new Entrance Hall 6, which is also served by free shuttle buses. Both entrances have cloakrooms that are staffed. Complete information: Mobile with the dmexco App In print in the free dmexco GUIDE (available at the fair) YOUR REMOVABLE DMEXCO HALL PL AN EEnintgraanncge Norrdth DME XCO PART Y 5IFENFYDP1BSUZJTUIF perfect way to end the first day of the trade fair. 5IJTZFBSUIF1BSUZXJMM be held in a new and extraordinary location: Come celebrate with us in the Wolkenburg - food & drinks are included! DME XCO TO GO DME XCO APP A PE RFECT OVE RVIE W MATCHMAKING APP 5IF%.&9$0"11PGGFST a complete mobile service to all trade fair visitors. It’s always up to date and always there when you need it, with top news, hall plans, the complete conference program, and exhibitor profiles. dmexco means networking. SummitSync allows you to share your contact details with trade fair visitors and exhibitors with just a swipe of the screen. Be sure to use SummitSync to get in touch with others at dmexco. Available now: 90 000 + square meters of exhibition space with 15 stages — but there’s no need to worry, as the free dmexco Power Package makes sure you’ll always have a clear overview: tENFYDPhall plan (available at both entrances) tENFYDP(6*%&XJUIUIFMJTUPG exhibitors and the conference program (available at both entrances) t1SPHSBNJOGPSNBUJPOJOGSPOUPG every stage tENFYDPBQQXJUIDPNQMFUF trade fair information and plenty of tips HUNGRY? Visit our food court in Hall 5.1, the dmexco Café at Entrance North or the dmexco Diner on the Boulevard. DME XCO LIVE twitter (@dmexco) facebook (dmexco) dmexco dmexcoMAGAZINE MAGAZIN 2016 | 19 45443deDE (16/07) © 2016 SAP SE oder ein SAP-Konzernunternehmen. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. 20 Die Welt spricht Video Video ist immer und überall – ob auf dem S-Bahnsteig, auf dem Pausenhof, im Supermarkt oder auf dem Laufband im Fitnessstudio. Die Beschränkung von Bewegtbild auf den heimischen Fernsehschirm mutet an wie eine nostalgische Erinnerung. Doch die Online-Video-Industrie braucht eine Revolution. Liebe dmexco Besucher, die Zeiten, in denen Videos der puren Unterhaltung dienten, sind passé: Wer liest noch ein Kochbuch, wenn er bei einem Video-Tutorial live mitkochen kann? Wer studiert mühsam ein Benutzer-Handbuch, wenn er per Video in anschaulichen Schritten die Lösung eines kniffligen Excel-Problems präsentiert bekommt? Und warum nicht eine Vorlesung bei einem weltweit renommierten Professor im virtuellen Hörsaal mitverfolgen – und das kostenlos, zu jeder Zeit und in perfekter Qualität? Video – genauer gesagt Online-Video – ist das Medium unserer Zeit: mobil, qualitativ hochwertig und vor allem schnell. Schließlich ist Zeit die kostbarste Ressource. So ist Ronaldos verschossener Elfmeter zwölf Stunden später schon wieder vergessen angesichts des Extrem-Wetters, das so schaurig-spektakuläre Bilder liefert. Für den Video-Anbieter bedeutet das, dass sein Inhalt kurz und bündig sein muss, und er muss rasend schnell, in bester Qualität weltweit verfügbar sein. Das sind technische Anforderungen, für die wir bereits Lösungen haben. Eine komplexere Herausforderung ist es, den Content zum Nutzer zu bringen, denn der sucht nicht und „on demand“ zu handeln. glomex – The Global Media Exchange ist die Synthese aus danach – er will gefunden werden. Weltweit gibt es etwa eine Milliarde Websites. profunder Kenntnis über Produktion und VerViele von ihnen können Video-Inhalte transpor- breitung digitaler Inhalte aus dem Mutterkontieren. Die wenigsten haben aber die erfor- zern ProSiebenSat.1 mit branchenführender derliche Größe für die bestehenden Syndizie- Expertise in Software und Cloud-Architektur rungsangebote. Sie einzeln anzubinden, wäre sowie einem einzigartigen Setup für BusinessKunden auf der angesichts komganzen Welt. plizierter LizenzAuf der dmexco als vereinbarungen, der führenden Digiindividueller Abtalmesse laden wir rechnungen und Sie als Publisher fragmentierter naein, unseren Markttionaler Märkte nicht umsetzbar glomex – The Global Media Exchange: Der erste welt- platz exklusiv zu besichtigen (s. und auch nicht weite, offene Marktplatz für Premium-Online-Videos geht auf der dmexco an den Start. explore.glomex. profitabel. Was die com). Als Teil eines Online-Branche dringend braucht, ist ein offener Marktplatz, handverlesenen Kreises erhalten Sie die Chanauf dem Inhalte und Reichweite frei und fair ce, mit neuem Video-Content unmittelbar neue gehandelt werden. Ein Marktplatz ohne Mini- Erlöse zu kreieren. Anbieter hochwertiger Inmumgarantien und Einrichtungskosten, ein halte können sich jetzt registrieren – und bereits intuitives und unmittelbares Aktionsfeld, das an Bord sein, wenn glomex auf der dmexco eine bessere Werbeerfahrung bei höherem die Pforten öffnet zum ersten weltweiten MarktWerbepreis erlaubt. Eine globale Medienbörse, platz für Premium-Video-Inhalte. Ihr Michael Jaschke, die es Lizenzgebern und Website-Betreibern CEO, glomex GmbH ermöglicht, Inhalte gegen Reichweite einfach ADVERTORIAL | dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 | 21 , d l r wo l l o r e r p a n i g n s l vi i a l g e r d a n a s We y u g l l o r e r p e r a e w and 22 | dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 A (Post-)Post-roll World Advertisers love pre-rolls and their attention-grabbing effects. Users, however, hate them being in their way when they want to watch movies, news or other content snippets. AOLs Digital Prophet David Shing knows how to get rid of the problem. W e are living in a preroll world, and we are pre-roll guys and gals. We all still do it, I know, but I’d like to present a scary thought exercise: What if we got rid of pre-roll? Being forced to appear at the end of any piece of content would change the advertising dynamic. Consumers would go straight into the content, and we’d no longer be able to “hijack” their attention beforehand. We’d have to ensure that we were consistently producing or partnering with content that fit our brand’s DNA, and that we wanted viewers to associate that type of content with our brands. We would no longer charging tolls on content with pre-roll; we would have to create experiences that make the viewer want to engage further. It would be a huge shift in thinking, but necessary if we want to keep up with such a tidal change in the industry. Such a change would necessitate that brands shift to a post-roll philosophy. That doesn’t just mean making better post-roll. It means a deep understanding of your brand’s DNA, and what content will complement its image and vision. It means connecting viewers with compelling and relevant content at the right time and for the right reasons. Most of all, something which recent research AOL has conducted into “content moments” has also shown, it means imparting to the viewer the emotional momentum that makes them want to continue their journey with the brand. Apple’s “Shot on iPhone” campaign neatly tied together Apple’s vision of coolness for and by the people, giving their consumers a chance to insert their literal perspective in the brand story. Louis Vuitton’s City Guide app was a pitchperfect return to their genesis as a luxury luggage company for stylish jet-setters. For both, the content was useful, engaging, and fitting for the genetic structure of the brand. But more importantly for both, the brand itself was secondary to the quality of the content. The brand itself had taken a “post-roll” presence, and the content had been allowed to speak for itself. Embracing a post-roll philosophy means that brands act more like a logical denouement to a preceding experience, like an exquisitely plated dessert that is complementary in flavor and welcomed by diners even (or especially) if they feel sated by the meal that came before. Brands (and marketers and advertisers) are still obsessed with quantity, to the expense of quality. Buy an audience, hope something sticks; the model stubbornly prevails. With the rise of AR, VR, and livestream experiences that resist the use of traditional formats, we can and must do better. These experiences are becoming more immersive, less suitable for interruption or haphazard branding, and will drastically change what viewers will expect and tolerate. This, in turn, means that our approach must change drastically, and we must be ready to provide creative based on emotion, needs, and specific moments. I often ask audiences if they stay in the theater after a film, and I always get quite a few hands. Why? To see the outtakes, of course, which humanize the actors and create a deeply intimate connection for the viewer. In this same temporal space, post-roll, lies the opportunity for new, creative brand integrations that don’t impinge or impose on the creativity of the content with heavy-handed or ostentatious branding. David Shing The Australian thought leader is AOLs self-proclaimed “Digital Prophet”. Working in New York he is exploring future business and, together with partners from agencies and marketing, is inventing creative forms of brand engagement. Previously to his role as Digital Prophet he served as VP Media and Marketing at AOL. David Shing, AOL SPE AKING SLOT David Shing Experience Hall, Congress-Centrum Nord September 14, 2016 10:00 AM dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 | 23 Der persönliche Faktor zählt – Daten & Technologien helfen dabei Die Digitalisierung führt dazu, dass Kunden immer anspruchsvoller werden. Jeder Nutzer des mobilen Internets ist daran gewöhnt, jederzeit mit Informationen versorgt zu sein. Am wichtigsten für den Erfolg ist das individualisierte Erlebnis: Technologien & Daten können dabei helfen. sonalisierung bis hin zu kognitiven Lösungen, wie z. B. zur Erkennung von Trends. Unter kognitiven Lösungen versteht man selbstlernende Technologien, die in Sekundenschnelle aus einem großen Pool an unstrukturierten Daten eigenständig Schlüsse ziehen und Entscheidungsalternativen bieten. Auch im Digitalzeitalter sind persönliche Empfehlungen ein entscheidender Faktor. Nur wenn es Unternehmen gelingt, ihre Kunden auf persönlicher Ebene zu erreichen, gelingt die Kundenbindung. Heute können Daten und entsprechende Technologien helfen, den persönlichen Draht herzustellen. Der Trendbegriff hierfür lautet Hyperpersonalisierung. Gemeint ist eine hochindividuelle Ansprache des Kunden auf Basis von Daten und weiteren Faktoren. Das Ideal: Mit Hilfe von generiertem Wissen aus einer Vielzahl der Datenpunkte soll dem Kunden im Entstehen seines Bedürfnisses die entsprechende (Produkt-)Information angeboten werden. Um das zu erreichen, bedarf es auf der einen Seite genauester Echtzeit-DatenAnalysen, auf der anderen Seite aber auch Automatisierungs-Technologien, die in der Lage sind, die Informationsangebote exakt entlang der Customer Journey auszuspielen. Wie das in der Praxis funktioniert, zeigt ein Beispiel des Outdoor-Anbieters The North Face: Der Kunde kann in natürlicher Sprache sein Interesse äußern, etwa, dass er im Oktober für zwei Wochen auf eine TrekkingTour durch Vermont gehen will. Sein digitaler Einkaufsberater (basierend auf IBM Watson) ist nun in der Lage, den Ball aufzunehmen und wie in einem natürlichen Gespräch eine vollständige Ausrüstung zusammenzustellen – von geeigneten Schuhen bis hin zum Schlafsack. Das intellektuelle Spektrum des digitalen Helfers ist verblüffend groß. Es ist in der Lage, auch die Wandererfahrung und -ambition des Nutzers zu berücksichtigen, ebenso wie die typischen Witterungsverhältnisse des Zielortes, die Dauer der Tour und die Menge der Teilnehmer. Der Kunde kann dann entscheiden, welche Produkte er aus dem individualisierten Angebot kauft. Nach Abschluss des Einkaufs ist das personalisierte Erlebnis noch nicht vorbei: Der digitale Einkaufsberater kann den Kunden per Mail Wie also gelingt es Unternehmen, das Kundenerlebnis auf ein neues Level zu heben? Wissen und Technologien sind verfügbar – auch wenn sie noch nicht umfassend eingesetzt werden –, doch für die konkrete Umsetzung mangelte es in der Vergangenheit an praktikablen Lösungen. Das persönliche Erlebnis ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg und Daten sind der Schlüssel zu diesen Erlebnissen. Die Entwicklung hat gerade erst ihren Anfang genommen – man darf gespannt sein, welches kreative Potenzial für Kundenbegeisterungen sich noch entfesseln lässt. erinnern, dass er für seine Reise noch nicht die komplette, gesuchte Ausrüstung erworben hat. Extrem personalisierte Kundenansprache und -information funktioniert jedoch nicht nur im Handel und E-Commerce, sondern auch in anderen Bereichen wie Reiseveranstalter, Telekommunikationsanbieter, Banken, Versicherungsunternehmen, Medien und vielen weiteren Industriezweigen. Allerdings müssen Unternehmen dafür in Technologien und Datenanalyse investieren und auf den neuesten Stand gebracht werden. Unternehmen können ihre Kunden überraschen und ihnen ein Erlebnis bieten, das sie persönlich anspricht. Dazu sollten die Wünsche des Kunden genau gekannt werden – idealerweise bevor sie der Kunde selbst kennt. Die notwendigen Technologien dafür stehen am Markt zur Verfügung. Sie reichen von Datenanalyse-Funktionen über Echtzeit-Per- 24 | dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 | ADVERTORIAL Kognitive Lösungen von IBM unterstützen führende Marken dabei, ihre Kunden in sinnvoller Weise zu verstehen, Verhalten zu antizipieren, in Echtzeit darauf zu reagieren und so Emotionen beim Kunden zu erzeugen, die einen klaren Wettbewerbsvorteil darstellen. Besuchen Sie IBM & Partner: Erfahren Sie mehr über Lösungen, mit denen Sie Kunden besser kennenlernen. Entdecken Sie Lösungen, die zwischen den Zeilen lesen, um bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen, aus Kaufabschlüssen tragfähige Beziehungen herzustellen, Vertrauen in Loyalität und Kunden in Fans zu verwandeln. IBM @ dmexco 2016 in Halle 8, Stand A-011 oder unter Daring to go This year is the third time dmexco will showcase young digital companies at the Start-up Village. These companies are more than happy to utilize the event to present their solutions — and generate new business as well. e want to establish relationships with digital media,” says Peter Oonk from TVadSync, a young company from Ireland that helps television advertisers reach their target groups on the second screen as well. TVadSync is one of a hundred start-ups that are partners of the Start-up Village at dmexco 2016. This year is the third time dmexco will showcase young digital companies at the Start-up Village. The concept has proved worthy, according to Curt Simon Harlinghausen (Akom), head of the Start-up Initiative at the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (German Association for the Digital Economy – BVDW; see interview on p. 27). The BVDW has been a partner here from the very beginning. Oonk visited the Start-up Village last year — and was immediately impressed. W Photography: dmexco Representatives of other young companies feel the same way. Roman Sidhu from Beemray, a Finnish company using its data expertise to help advertising customers address their target groups more directly, is also mainly interested in finding new customers and partners. This aspect ! w o r G ! s s e n i s u b o D ! s t n ie l c t ee M ! l a n o i s s e f o r p e B has in fact been one of dmexco’s main strengths from the beginning, as the trade fair’s customers not only present their ideas and establish new contacts but also do business at the event. dmexco offers start-ups an inspiring venue for showcasing their business models, as well as a fantastic opportunity to present themselves to numerous business partners from the digital economy. Visitors and exhibitors have the opportunity to experience trendsetters from the digital economy who demonstrate the potential offered by their solutions and present their ideas and visions to the market. The young companies take advantage of all these opportunities, and the start-ups that have been to dmexco before now know how to carefully plan their presentations. “Last year, we were a little inexperienced with our presentation,” says Magnus Hultman from Strossle, a tech company from Sweden that helps advertising customers personalize their content marketing. This year, Strossle plans to utilize more employees and pursue an effective strategy for its presentations — especially by spreading the word about the company among partners and potential customers. Louis-David Mangin from Clarium (formerly ClarityAd) plans to do the same. Clarium, which is based in New York, automatically protects publishers from malware ads, or malvertising. And as far as inviting customers goes, well, why not? After all, dmexco is now internationally famous, thanks to its numerous Satellite events as well. This is how dmexco exports its spirit all over the world to young companies that are grateful for the opportunities it offers. dmexco dmexcoMAGAZINE MAGAZIN 2016 | 25 „Making visitors influencers“ How does the Start-up Village differ from other events and activities for start-ups? Curt Simon Harlinghausen: There are a lot of differences. For example, the visitor spectrum is more varied due to the dmexco concept of a conference, trade fair, and marketplace. There are more international visitors from different sectors, including major brands, agencies, and venture capital providers, as well as influencers and media representatives. Then there’s the broad mix of 100 German and international start-ups that are involved in everything from advertising technology to the Internet of Things and e-commerce solutions. dmexco offers a unique opportunity in Europe to present a company, its ideas, and its innovative team — not to mention the business deals and the potential new partnerships and networks. Why do the start-ups need a separate area? Wouldn’t it be better to put them together with the other exhibitors? Curt Simon Harlinghausen: The Start-up Village has proved to be an effective concept over the last few years. Many start-ups in the early stages of their development prefer to spend money on product development, personnel or performance marketing. They are therefore very happy to have an opportunity to effectively present themselves and network with one another in the Village without having to invest a lot of money to do so. In addition, the Village makes it easier for them to distinguish themselves from established companies. What opportunities does dmexco offer start-ups? Curt Simon Harlinghausen: The biggest opportunity is to be able to present ideas and products in depth, meet potential customers, partners, and investors, and transform the expected 50,000 or more trade fair visitors into influencers. To what extent do the start-ups help dmexco in terms of attracting new target groups and making the event more dynamic? Curt Simon Harlinghausen: It’s always a case of give and take. dmexco currently invests a good deal of money in the Start-up Village concept, because of course it knows that creative ideas and new companies will increase diversity in the future, that talent and an international approach to business will become more important in the digital ecosystem, and that successful start-ups might eventually move from the Village into the other halls. And of course start-ups are also a strategically important issue when it comes to increasing visitor diversity. Photography: dmexco, company Why should visitors go to the Start-up Village? What’s there for them? Curt Simon Harlinghausen: Visitors who go there become acquainted with an extensive and exciting range of German and international start-ups that address different aspects of the sector, present new ideas and disruptive models and methods, and serve as a source of inspiration, creativity, and know-how. Networking, discussions, questions, and amazement are just a few of the facets of the Start-up Village. dmexco Sta rt-up Vil l a ge 100 young digital companies In 2014, dmexco began showcasing young digital companies in a separate area known as the Start-up Village. The partner of the Start-up Village initiative is the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (German Association for the Digital Economy – BVDW). The Start-up Village highlights exhibitors who offer a product or service for digital marketing, the media or the advertising industry, or else market technologies for the Internet of Things. The Start-up Village is a combination stage, lounge, and exhibition. In particular, it offers start-ups the opportunity to meet customers who might place orders with them early on, and in this manner it supports the development of these young companies. The number of exhibitors in the Start-up Village will be limited to 100 in 2016. Start-ups must apply to participate. A panel then selects the companies, which are allowed to participate at a discounted price. dmexco additionally supports the young companies in the Start-up Village through organized tours of the Village and the incorporation of the start-ups into the conference. The concept has attracted a lot of interest among start-ups: The first event in 2014 featured 18 high potentials that presented their innovative ideas and solutions. This number increased to 24 in 2015 — and this year it will skyrocket to 100, including many international start-ups, some of which are from the so-called hot spots: the USA, Israel, India, the UK, and Hong Kong. Curt Simon Harlinghausen (Akom) is head of the Start-up Initiative at the BVDW. He explains why dmexco offers start-ups a unique platform in Europe. dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 | 27 %00) 6)0):%28)28,)1)2-2)-2)12)8>;)6/ 26 | W&V ??-2016 Fotos: Unternehmen, Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;MVWMRHHEW2IX^ BUCHEN SIE QUALITÄT: DIGITALE MARKEN DER BAUER MEDIA GROUP. ÜBERZEUGEN SIE SICH VON DEN KOMMUNIKATIONSLÖSUNGEN UNSERER DIGITALEN MARKEN – AUF UNSEREM STAND IN HALLE 8, GANG D 047/E 048. BAUERADVERTISING.DE PRINT WEB MOBILE TABLET Besuchen Sie uns auf der dmexco: Halle 7 / C009 D008 Gemeinsam finden wir die passende Lösung für Sie! Value-Driven E-Mail-Marketing NATIVE DELIVERY Mit E-Mail-Marketing Native Ads persönlich zustellen. Auf dem Silbertablett. dmexco-Vortrag: 15. September, 16:00 Uhr Agentur denkwerk zählt zu den führenden Digitalagenturen Deutschlands. Wir sind ein Team von 180 Denkern und Machern aus 19 Nationen. Gemeinsam sind wir auf einer Mission, die digitale Welt sinnvoller, schöner und funktionaler zu gestalten. Lernen Sie uns in Halle 7/A010 kennen! Conversational Commerce bezeichnet den „Einsatz von Chat, Messaging Diensten oder anderen (Sprach-)Schnittstellen, um mit Menschen, Marken oder Services und Bots zu interagieren, die bisher keinen richtigen Platz im bidirektionalen asynchronen Messaging-Kontext hatten“ (Chris Messina, Januar 2016). Durch den Anschluss der Messenger an einen Kundenservice oder einen Bot kann im Messenger eine Zwei-Wege-Kommunikation geführt werden, die keinen synchronen Ablauf benötigt. Der E-Commerce der Zukunft Conversational Commerce – DAS Thema 2016. Vor allem im amerikanischen und asiatischen Raum gibt es erste Anwendungsbeispiele, die auf ein neues Zeitalter des E-Commerce hindeuten. Dort verkaufen, wo sich die Kunden sowieso aufhalten, ohne Umwege über eigene Shopsysteme – kann das den klassischen E-Commerce ablösen? Messenger Apps ersetzen immer mehr die klassischen Social-Media-Kanäle. Der erweiterte Funktionsumfang bietet mittlerweile deutlich mehr als die reine Kommunikation, beispielsweise durch das Browsen in der App selbst oder die Möglichkeit, direkt Geld zu überweisen. Warum sollten die Nutzer also noch andere Kanäle benutzen? Vielleicht müssen sich einfach die Marken an die Nutzungsbedingungen der Kunden anpassen und nicht umgekehrt? Genau hier setzt Conversational Commerce an. Für den Nutzer bietet Conversational Commerce diverse Vorteile: Der Einkauf befriedigt das aus dem aktuellen Kontext entstandene Bedürfnis, und zwar direkt, einfach und schnell im bereits genutzten Messenger. Die Kommunikation mit der Marke ist durch die Interaktion in natürlicher Sprache einfach und persönlich. Die Marke tritt als Freund auf, der weiß, was der Nutzer in diesem Moment braucht. Der Kunde steht im Mittelpunkt – und dieses Mal wirklich! Das bietet auch für Marken neue Möglichkeiten: Die Begleitung des Nutzers setzt deutlich früher in der Customer Journey an, und dies auch in einem bisher nicht bespielten Kanal. Conversational Commerce kann direkt zu Beginn eingesetzt werden, um den Nutzer zu inspirieren und mit den Angeboten vertraut zu machen. Während des Kaufprozesses sorgt die Personalisierung und der beschleunigte Checkout für eine verbesserte Conversion Rate. Und auch nach dem eigentlichen Kauf können die Marken mit kontextbezogenen relevanten Zusatzangeboten einen verbesserten Service bieten. Eben darin liegen auch die Herausforderungen für die Marken: Wie stellt man seine eigene Marke optimal dar, wenn man sich auf einer Drittplattform bewegt? Wie differenziert man sich vom Wettbewerb, wenn der erste Fokus nicht mehr auf dem Produkt oder Preis, sondern auf der Betreuung und dem Service liegt? Zusätzlich bedingt Conversational Commerce diverse technische Anforderun- gen wie zum Beispiel die Payment-Integration in den Messenger selbst. Um das optimal zu meistern und Conversational Commerce gewinnbringend einzusetzen, braucht man neben einer ausgefeilten Idee vor allem eins: Daten! Kundendaten, Informationen zu potenziellen Nutzern, kontextbezogene Daten, Produktprofile, Daten, um den Bot zu einem lernfähigen System weiterzuentwickeln. Es reicht aber nicht aus, diese Daten einfach zu sammeln. Der Knackpunkt ist die intelligente Auswertung und Kombination der Daten, um eine optimale User Experience zu schaffen. Die wichtigste Frage ist und bleibt: Welche Informationen braucht der Nutzer genau und in welchem Kontext? Welche Informationen wünscht der Kunde wirklich, welche sind eher störend oder vielleicht sogar unheimlich? Wie man den Nutzer wirklich in den Mittelpunkt stellt, erläutert denkwerk im Seminar „Conversational Commerce“ auf der dmexco. ADVERTORIAL | dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 | 29 FAVORITE APPS PL ATFORMS/MES SENGERS TapTennis and (because of the music especially) Everything. And I literally mean everything: YouTube, Snapchat, Discord, Facebook, Vine, Younow, Instagram, Twitter, Slack, Twitch, Flixel, Yodel, Google. WE AR ABLES Apple Watch (unfortunately wearables are still more annoying than useful) DE VICES iPhone SE, an iPad Mini and a MacBook Pro 13" CONNECTING WITH FANS WHILE ON THE MOVE Smartphone (perfect for everything these days) A prototype He has been compared with LeFloid — and he’s also a little crazy. However, he is somewhat more grown up as well, and his more than 900,000 followers on YouTube and other channels can always learn something from him. AlexiBexi is popular: Some of his videos have generated as many as 11 million views, which is the type of rating some TV stations can only dream of. Like all other YouTubers and influencers, AlexiBexi exemplifies the mentality of the younger generation — people who are already consumers today and might be dmexco visitors tomorrow. The things AlexiBexi does and shows are commented on thousands of times, one example being his test of the battery in the Huawei Mate 8 smartphone. AlexiBexi thus provides an interesting setting for ads, even though it requires advertising customers to be thick-skinned. 30 30 | dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 Photography: Company YouTuber AlexiBexi embodies an entire new generation’s attitude toward life. „BLABLABLA“ Attitude toward marketing YouTubers are THE stars for young people: What have you got that others don’t have? AlexiBexi: Well, first of all, that’s a very general question or statement, of course. It’s definitely true that many young YouTubers — or young-acting YouTubers — are viewed as supposed role models for the young generation. The problem is that 90 percent of them aren’t role models at all, and definitely not stars either. That’s why I’m not a big fan of being called a “YouTube star.” Still, there is one aspect that applies to everyone, namely that they’ve all hit a nerve or connected with a niche that gets young people to listen to them. How do you stay in contact with your fans? AlexiBexi: Through public relations work, direct exchanges, and personal encounters. You could also just call it “being approachable”, or being authentic, if you mean that honestly. That’s actually the other half of the deal besides producing the content itself. What other channels besides YouTube can you be seen on? AlexiBexi: A lot of things I do are on YouTube, including productions like the NDR Checker for the NDR broadcasting company, „Die Welt der Kamera“ for Photokina, and “Turn on” for the Saturn electronics retailer. However, there are also spinoffs on other platforms, for example radio (NJOY), the „Turn on“ print magazine, and the ZDF Neo TV Lab on television. These are all different ways of reaching what is in effect the same target group so that they can see or hear what’s going on and where things are headed in the future. Driving Superior Monetisation. We create highly efficient, high-quality programmatic advertising marketplaces. OPENX AT DMEXCO 14—15 September Hall 8.01, B059-C058 Are you interested in advertisers for your platforms? What criteria does a YouTuber use when choosing an advertising customer? AlexiBexi: Even though everyone knows that many big YouTubers exploit their reach with advertising customers rather than making real use of it, for myself I can only say that my partnerships are not only clearly displayed — sometimes in a completely exaggerated way — but also carefully selected. The key criterion is whether a partnership benefits my audience or only my bank account. If I think there’s going to be an imbalance here, then I won’t agree to the partnership. In any case, sustainability is definitely more important to me than greed. What does a YouTuber need to have in order to attract an advertising customer? AlexiBexi: It depends on the customer. The year 2016 has already taught me — and this is also based on my observations of colleagues — that many advertising customers don’t care which interchangeable decal-like images are used to promote their products or services. Fortunately, there are still some clever people who want not only to achieve new goals together but also to build something together, improve their image or even create one to begin with. How are such advertising customers usually integrated? AlexiBexi: Either clumsily, cleverly or honestly — but only after there’s been at least one (honest) phone call or, even better, after a face-to-face meeting. How do your fans and followers react? Are they annoyed or do they like it? AlexiBexi: It depends whether the ad presentations are clumsy, clever or honest. Is your business looking out? Besuchen Sie uns in Halle 6, Stand ĩ31. Wir freuen uns auf Sie! White Label {DSP, SSP, DMP} Get Your Unfair Advantage Professional Reliable Fast solute GmbH Seit 2004 betreibt die solute GmbH, Deutschlands bekanntestes und meistgenutztes Preisvergleichsportal*. Es vereint derzeit über 50 Millionen Angebote zu rund zwei Millionen Produkten. Zu den aktuellen Innovationen gehört das responsive Gutschein-Netzwerk OVISTO. *Quelle: 41. WWWBenutzer-Analyse W3B, Oktober/November 2015 Reichweite mit Substanz Die solute GmbH arbeitet mit über 22 500 Online-Händlern zusammen und baut derzeit ihre internationale Präsenz kraftvoll aus. Unter dem Dach des Preisvergleichsportals erreicht das Unternehmen kauffreudige Kunden in einem vitalen Umfeld. Alle solute-Lösungen sind konsequent auf die Ziele der Partner und auf transparente Kooperation ausgerichtet. UMSATZ IM AUSLAND – OHNE AUFWAND Wer ins Ausland versendet, braucht verlässliche Partner. Für die Listung internationaler Feeds arbeitet solute mit etablierten Top-Partnern in den jeweiligen Ländern zusammen. Erfolgreiche Online-Händler kennen die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden und nutzen die Dynamik des Markts. solute und integrieren zukunftsweisende Entwicklungen sinnvoll und technisch innovativ für ihre Partner. ASIENS MÄRKTE ERSCHLIESSEN solute kooperiert mit Woojoo Ltd. in Seoul. Woojoos neue Shoppingplattformen erschließen den Markt in Südkorea und allen relevanten Regionen Asiens. solute übernimmt Shipping, Zahlung und Abwicklung auf Provisionsbasis. bildet mit seiner hohen Angebotsdichte den Markt transparent ab. Nutzer wissen, dass sie für den besten Deal keinen zweiten Preisvergleich brauchen. Das macht Neukunden zu loyalen Stammkunden mit hohen Durchschnittskäufen. ist damit einer der stärksten Vertriebskanäle für Online-Shops. Das Gutschein-Netzwerk OVISTO verbindet Shopping-affine Endkunden und die OVISTOPartner durch Gutscheine. Es erzeugt einen geschlossenen Kreislauf aus positiven Impulsen. So belebt hochwertiger Traffic die Seiten aller Partner. Mit OVISTO erreicht jeder Partner weitaus mehr Kunden, als er dem Netzwerk zuführt. Die Reichweite vervielfacht sich – ohne aufwändige Kampagnen. Die OVISTO-Gutscheinseiten sind komplett mobile-optimiert. EINFACHE TOOLS, VIELFACHES PLUS solute-Partner können auf viele weitere Marketing-Tools zugreifen: Mit dem Bewertungsmeister hält ein kostenloses Full-Service-Angebot für hochwertige, SEO-relevante Produktbewertungen bereit. Shop-Betreiber können die authentischen, professionell aufbereiteten User-Beiträge höchst einfach integrieren und an ihre eigene Oberfläche anpassen. Sie bereichern auf Wunsch sogar bestehende Bewertungssysteme. Die Marken und Marketingpakete der solute vereinen solide Erfahrung im OnlineGeschäft mit gut dosiertem Innovationsgeist. t %BTsolute Newsletter Network organisiert die persönliche Ansprache aller gewünschten Zielgruppen. t %FSCheckout Vermarkter generiert zusätzliche Umsätze mit jedem abgeschlossenen Verkauf. t .JUEFNNewsletter-Gutschein können sich Kunden einen Preisnachlass auf den Listenpreis für die Buchung eines StandAlone-Newsletters sichern. ADVERTORIAL | dmexco MAGAZINE 2016 | 33 Experience Tw o n e w s t a g e s dmexco Experie nce Ha ll: Experie ncing the worl d of tomorrow toda y From the internet of things (IoT) to wearables, artificial intelligence, and virtual and augmented reality — consumers in an age of increased networking are mainly interested in one thing: the overall experience. The pioneers of global digital business will offer an in-depth look at the changing customer experience in the new dmexco Experience Hall. Renowned sector experts such as David Shing (AOL), Chad Stoller and Travis Johnson (IPG Media Lab), Matthew Luhn (Pixar), Dirk Arnold (BMW), and the cognitive supercomputer Watson (IBM) will stage exciting sessions and impressive live demonstrations to show some 700 spectators how current technology trends and visionary communication possibilities can already be used in daily business. Pure inspiration! Photography: dmexco Two of the hottest trends in global digital business now have two new stages: The Experience Hall and the Motion Hall will offer visitors to dmexco 2016 two additional and impressive thematic showcases. The focus here is on the increasingly important segment of original digital video and the latest developments and marketing opportunities associated with the creation of a new type of customer experience using groundbreaking technologies. 34 | dmexco MAGAZIN MAGAZINE2016 2016 and Motion: at dmexco 2016 dmexco Mot ion Ha ll: Let’s celebrate Vid eo dmexco has established the world’s first international forum for videos and moving images in the form of the SCREEN.ings program that was developed especially for the trade fair. SCREEN.ings, which will take place in the new Motion Hall, will present the topic of original digital video in all of its many facets for the first time — and with all the key players from the various markets. The exclusive format of the dmexco SCREEN.ings has generated a great deal of interest among leading brands: AOL, Bloomberg Media, Facebook, Maker Studios, NBCUniversal, RTL II, RTL Group, Studio 71, Twitter, Vox Media, VICE, ZDF Werbefernsehen, and others will stage exclusive presentations that offer a compact overview of their latest trends and topics — and new content and platforms that are set to make an impact on the marketing, media, and communication industries. The Motion Hall can accommodate 700 people and features stateof-the-art technology and a screening wall 23 meters across. Lights out and curtain up! Masthead Publisher Koelnmesse GmbH, dmexco, Messeplatz 1, 50679 Köln, Germany Project management Petra Schmidt (dmexco) Text André Hoffmann (FAKTOR 3) Art direction Thorn Bolle (Visuelle Kommunikation) Publisher Verlag Werben & Verkaufen GmbH, Hultschiner Straße 8, 81677 München, Germany, Tel. 089/21 83-71 33 Management Christian Meitinger, Dr. Karl Ulrich · Assistance Raoul Fischer, Christina Rose, Irmela Schwab, Christiane Treckmann (W&V) Printing Vogel Druck und Medienservice GmbH, Leibnizstraße 5, 97204 Höchberg, Germany Enclosure in W&V 36/2016
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