お知らせ 平成28年10月より理学院生を対象とした

平成 28 年度 北海道大学大学院理学院
「TOEIC 受験支援」応募要領
理学院では、平成 28 年 10 月より全理学院生を対象に TOEIC 受験支援を実施します。TOEIC
受験料を全額支援しますので、希望者は下記の要領で応募してください。既に TOEIC を受験し
たことがある学生でも応募できます。なお、TOEIC 成績を理学院生の英語力評価や理学院カリ
象 者:修士(博士前期)課程・博士後期課程に在籍する理学院生で、
TOEIC 公式認定証(試験結果)を理学院在籍中に受領できる者
対象テスト:平成 28 年 10 月~平成 29 年9月に実施される TOEIC
支 援 回 数:1人1回のみ
○「TOEIC 受験支援」の事後キャンセルについて
受験者本人が公式認定証を受け取った後、北大生協より受験生の TOEIC の成績が理学院に
後5日以内に北大生協・キャリアサポート店で受験料を納入し、TOEIC 受験支援を事後キャ
ンセルすることができます。キャンセルした場合でも、TOEIC 受験支援に再度応募すること
【 お問い合わせ 】
国際化支援室(理学部5号館 2-04 室)
受付時間:平日 10:00~16:30
E-mail:[email protected]
E-mail:[email protected]
Application Guidelines of “Financial Aid for TOEIC Examinees”
Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, 2016
From October 2016, Graduate School of Science will offer financial aid to all graduate students in the Graduate
School of Science who take TOEIC. For those students wishing to take the test, please follow the instructions
below, since full amount of test fee is covered. Even students who took the test before may also apply for it.
Examinee’s name will not be made public though the results will be used to assess graduate students’ English
level and improve curriculum of the Graduate School of Science.
Eligible Applicants:
Be enrolled in the master’s degree program (former period of doctoral program) or doctoral degree program in
the Graduate School of Science
Be able to receive official score certificates (results) during enrollment in the Graduate School of Science.
Targeted Test: TOEIC that will be held between October 2016 and September 2017
Valid Number of Times: Only one time per person
○Application Procedure
①Receive an admission exchange ticket at the
Office for International Academic Support,
②Submit an admission exchange ticket to the
Faculty of Science no later than one week prior
Career Support Shop in Hokudai Seikyou and
to the deadline that Hokudai Seikyou settles.
receive voucher code etc. required for the test.
※Take your student ID
○Cancellation of the financial aid after taking TOEIC
After examinees receive the official score certificates, Hokudai Seikyou will send the results to the Graduate
School of Science. If examinees do not want Hokudai Seikyou to send the results to the Graduate School of Science,
they can cancel the financial aid for TOEIC. In that case, please pay the test fees at the Career Support Shop in
Hokudai Seikyou within 5 days on receipt of official score certificates. Even in the case of a cancellation, students
can apply to the financial aid for TOEIC again.
Office for International Academic Support
Career Support Shop in Hokudai Seikyou
(Room 204, Building #5, School of Science)
(Hokkaido University Co-op 2F)
Business Hours: 10:00-16:30 on Weekdays
Business Hours: 10:00-19:00
Phone: 011—706-2916
Phone: 011-709-7717
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]