KADENA CIVILIAN PERSONNEL SECTION INTERNAL JOB ANNOUNCEMENT 求人広告 #AF 52-16 0 http://kadenafss.com/life-career/careers/cpo-civilian-personnel-section Eligible Employees: ALL 18 LRS MLC EMPLOYEES Eligible employees who are interested in being considered for the following vacant position(s) must read below instructions carefully. Opening date: 8 September 2016 Closing Date: 14 September 2016 How to apply: Please submit your applications to Kadena Civilian Personnel Section (CPS) Japanese Staffing by close of business of the closing date. Applications should be submitted via: 1. Email to [email protected] 2. Fax to (Base Operator) 098-938-1111 / (Extension) 634-2256. 3. Designated drop box at Room B-202, Building 721-A (2nd floor) Required documents: KADENA AB Form 1EJ, 20090413 (APPLICATION FOR KADENA V/A) and copies of required licenses/certifications if any. Application form is available on above 18th Force Support Squadron Home Page. Please limit your documents only to application and required documents. Applicants are responsible to ensure your application is completed and to ensure to provide the required documents. Acknowledgement: Kadena JN Staffing sends email acknowledging receipt of your application received via email or fax. Therefore, email address must be legible for us to send the acknowledgement. However, please contact Kadena JN Staffing if you don’t hear from us within 1 business day after the submission of application to confirm receipt. Note: acknowledgement email only contains our receipt of your applications without review of contents. Contact phone number: 632-7912 募集対象: 18 LRS に勤務する全 MLC 従業員 本求人広告に記載された職種へ応募する従業員は、下記の注意事項をご確認ください。 発行日: 平成 28 年 9 月 8 日 締切日: 平成 28 年 9 月 14 日 応募方法: 応募書類を、上記締切日までに嘉手納人事課雇用担当へ以下のいずれかの方法で提出してください。 1. 電子メール送信 [email protected] 2. ファックス送信 (外線番号) 098-938-1111 / (内線番号) 634-2256 3. 投函箱での受付(建物番号 721-A, B-202) 応募書類: KADENA AB Form 1EJ, 20090413 (嘉手納応募履歴書) と応募に必要な免許証・証明書等の写し。応募履歴書は 第 18 フォースサポート中隊のホームページからダウンロード(PDF フォーム形式)できます。(上記のホームページを参 照)。応募の際は必要書類のみ提出してください。また、書類不備は選考の対象外となるため、応募者の責任において各 自確認を行ってください。 応募書類受信のお知らせ: 嘉手納人事課雇用担当では、応募書類等の受信確認の電子メールをお送りしていますので、メ ールアドレスは読みやすい字で記入をお願いいたします。また、応募書類提出後1稼働日を経過しても受信の通知がない 場合はご連絡下さい。<注意> 受信した書類等の不備については、お知らせいたしかねますので、ご了承ください。 問い合わせ先: 632-7912 OofffePage 0foffo FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Job Announcement #AF 52-16 語学能力に関する規定の変更 Language Proficiency Level (LPL) Certificate Requirement Change 語学能力を証明する書類が必要となります。応募する職種の LPL をご確認の上、該当する証明書を添付して下さ い。 ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TEST (EPT) Language Proficiency Level – LPL 4 (Exceptional) 3 (Fluent) 2 (Average) 1 (Elementary) PRE-1 (Minimal) TOEIC ALCPT TOEFL (PBT) TOEIC (CBT) TOEFL (iBT) CASEC EIKEN 860 - 990 730 – 859 550 - 729 400 - 549 350 – 399 NA 90 – 100 75 – 89 65 – 74 40 – 64 600 550 – 599 460 – 549 430 – 459 NA 250 210 – 249 140 – 209 120 - 139 NA 100 80 – 99 50 – 79 40 – 49 NA NA 870 560 – 869 475 – 559 NA 1st Pre 1st 2nd Pre 2nd 3rd 注意事項 2006 年 4 月 18 日付第 5 空軍の規約覚書により、直属の部下及び指揮系統下の親族雇用、さらに人選権・人事措置・ 職務評価に影響を及ぼす事が可能な者が親族の選抜を促す行為等が禁止されています。 親族とは、父、母、夫、妻、息子、娘、兄弟、姉妹、叔(伯)父、叔(伯)母、従兄弟(姉妹)、甥、姪、義父、義母、 義兄弟、義姉妹、継父、継母、継子、継兄弟、継姉妹、異母(父)兄弟、異母(父)姉妹、祖父母、孫等。 また、応募申込書 1 ページ目下段に記載されてる項目欄(記入例を参考)が未記入の場合は書類不備とみなされま すので御了承下さい。 記入例 アメリカ軍人又は軍属(SOFA)の扶養 家族ですか? Are you a family member of a SOFA status personnel? YES NO 応募先の職場に家族・親戚が働いている場合は、その方の 氏名をお書きください。 If any, list your family member/relatives who are employed in the command where this position is located. なし(None) 又は 浦島太郎 (伯父) これまでに逮捕又は法律に違反して有罪の判決を受けた事がある方 は詳細を記入して下さい。 Have you ever been arrested, indicted or convicted for any violation of law? If so, state complete circumstances. なし(None) 又は 窃盗・器物破損 これらの欄が未記入の場合は書類不備としてみなされ、面接者 紹介リストには載りません。下記の署名と日付の欄も記載がな い場合は書類不備となりますので、記入漏れのないようご確認 下さい。 私は、募集要項の資格条件を読み、これらの条件を満たしているものと信じます。なお、本求人広告申込書を受付終了前に人事課に届くよう確認するのは私の責任であるこ とを了解しています。本申込書中のすべての項目について、もし虚偽の記述をした場合には、直ちに解雇又は本申込書が不承認になりうることを私は承知しています。ここ に記入した事柄は私の知る限り、また信じる限り事実であることの証明として署名します。 I have read the qualifications required for this position and believe that I meet these requirements. I also understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that my application reaches the Civilian Personnel Flight prior to the closing date. I understand that falsification of any item herein may result in the immediate termination of my employment or disapproval of my application. I place my signature in certification that the information contained herein is the truth to the best of my knowledge and belief. 申込日付 Date of Applying 本人の署名 SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE 24 Dec 2013 Jiro Yamamoto 又は 山本 次郎 KADENA AB Form 1EJ, 20090413 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 電子署名 又は 自筆の署名 Job Announcement #AF 52-16 Position Title/Series Tractor-Trailer Driver, MLC-2370, BWT 2-7, LPL: 0 Grade/LAD Work Place Number of position(s) 18 LRS/LGRDDO, Vehicle Operations, Kadena AB 1 Summary of duties: Operates gasoline, diesel, or electric truck tractor with semi-trailer, truck and trailer unit, or oil and refueling tractor trailer (with 10 to 100-ton capacity) to transport unusually bulky and heavy cargo, haul supplies, materials, tools and/or equipment from one place to another within the installation or over public roads and highways. Plans the proper placing/loading (provides forklift services) of various types of cargo such as construction equipment, lumber, cement, etc. to prevent damage to tractor trailer or cargo and prevents shifting of loads which would cause overturning. Operates vehicles ensuring safety, compliance with schedules, and procedures and policies (traffic and safety rules and regulations) such as overhead clearances and bridge tonnage allowance over routes to determine the shortest and safest route. Also may be required to operate a bus (30 or more passenger) and must be familiar with towing procedures of all types of vehicles. Performs operator maintenance of equipment’s to include checking fuel, oil, tires, brakes, fluid levels and cleaning and washing vehicles to ensure safe and proper operation of assigned vehicles. Maintains and completes records and documents actions such as operator inspection checklist/forms and accident/incident reports. Operates communication devices, e.g. two-way radio, to maintain communications with fellow employees, supervisors or respective officials when necessary. Performs other related or incidental duties as assigned. Basic Qualifications: Qualification requirements emphasis is on the quality of experience, not necessarily the length of time. Although a specific length of time and experience is not required, you must show through experience and training that you possess the quality level of knowledge and skill necessary to perform the duties of the position at the level for which you are applying. Although a specific length of training and/or experience is not required, applicants must have sufficient training and experience, paid or unpaid, of sufficient scope and quality that fully provides the ability to perform the full range of duties of the position. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES (KSAs): Your qualifications will be evaluated on the basis of your level of knowledge, skills, abilities and/or competencies in the following areas: 1. Quality of experience in the same line of work (experience in the related field). 2. Must possess a government of Japan (GOJ) Heavy vehicle driver’s license (more than 11 tons) - 大型自動車運 転免許 (11 トン 以上) and be able to obtain a government vehicle (GOV) driver’s license. 3. Must have a GOJ forklift license - more than one ton (フォークリフト運転技能講習修了証-1t 以上) and be able to obtain a GOV forklift license. 4. Must possess a GOJ trailer towing license. (牽引免許) and be able to obtain a GOV trailer towing license. 5. Must have no record of serious traffic violations. 6. General knowledge of office automation – preparing, storing, retrieving and printing electric files. 7. Ability to communicate in English in speaking, reading and writing. Job Related Requirements: 1. Must be able to lift and carry up to 75 pounds (34 kilograms). 2. Must be physically and mentally capable of maintaining high standard of duty performance. 3. Must be able to work irregular shifts to include nights, weekends and holidays. 4. May work outside of normal duty hours if requested. Work Schedule: Mon-Sun (40 hours per week), 1st shift 0700-1600 (Recess 1100-1200); 2nd shift 1500-2400 (Recess 1900-2000); 3rd shift 2300-0800 (Recess 0300-0400) Required document 必要書類: KADENA AB Form 1EJ, 20090413 Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement, see page 2 語学能力を証明する書類のコピー(2ページ参照) Copies of license(s) 免許証等のコピー: As underlined above. 上記下線部参照 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
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