Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Japan Market Memo For information only (No.051) Today’s Topic 17 August 2016 Japanese GDP growth (The first preliminary Apr.-Jun. 2016 number) Strong growth supported by Housing and Consumer Expenditures Point 1 Apr.-Jun. 2016 GDP growth was 0.2% Two consecutive quarters growth on an annual basis (%) 3.0 "Real GDP Growth Rate" 2.0 2.0 YoY (Annualized) 2.0 1.0 QoQ 0.5 The first preliminary Apr.-Jun. 2016 real GDP growth rate 0.5 0.2 th 0.0 released by Japan’s Cabinet Office on 15 August was 0.0 positive of 0.0% QoQ (annualized +0.2%). This is a positive growth for two consecutive quarters on an ▲ 0.4 ▲ 0.4 ▲ 1.0 annual basis. It slowed down from Jan.-Mar. 2016 real ▲ 1.7 ▲ 1.7 GDP growth of + 0.5% QoQ (annualized +2.0%), however, ▲ 2.0 Jan.-Mar. 2016 growth rate was inflated by a leap year 15/4-6 15/7-9 15/10-12 16/1-3 16/4-6 (Year/Month) effect. Growth rate of Apr.-Jun. 2016 real GDP can be deemed strong, adjusting a leap year effect. (Note) Data is from Apr.-Jun. 2015 to Apr.-Jun. 2016. (Source) SMAM, based on Cabinet Office, Japan data. Point 2 Housing and Consumer Expenditures increased "Growth Rate and Attribution of Demand Items of Apr.-Jun. 2016 Real GDP" QoQ (%) Net Exports contributed negatively GDP growth of Apr.-Jun. 2016 as a whole was supported by sharp rise of Housing, affected by negative interest rate policy, soared by + 5.0% QoQ compared to previous quarter of - 0.1% QoQ and Consumer Expenditures increase by + 0.2% QoQ for two consecutive quarters, following + 0.7% QoQ rise in the previous quarter. In addition, implementation of FY2015 supplementary budget pushed Public Demand higher by + 2.3% QoQ. On the other hand, external demand contributed negatively by - 0.3% QoQ for the first time in four quarters, mainly due to decrease of Exports of Goods. Future Outlook Attribution (%) GDP 0.0 ー Private Consumption 0.2 0.1 Housing 5.0 0.1 Capex -0.4 -0.1 Private Inventory ー -0.0 Public Investment 2.3 0.1 ー -0.3 Net Exports (Note) Data is for April – June 2016 quarter. (Source)SMAM, based on Cabinet Office, Japan data. Japanese economy is expected to recover supported by large-scaled economic packages and possible BOJ’s additional easing Kumamoto Earthquake and Brexit seemed to have pulled Also, possibility of BOJ’s additional easing is expected to down Apr.-Jun. 2016 real GDP growth rate, however, remain. Japanese economy is likely to recover from Jul.these factors will settle down going forward. On the Sep. 2016 quarter, unless financial markets destabilize other hand, we expect positive impact of large-scaled rapidly or overseas economies change direction. ■当資料は、情報提供を目的として、三井住友アセットマネジメントが作成したものです。特定の投資信託、生命保険、株式、債券等の売買を推奨・勧誘す economic packages (total of over JPY 28 trillion) るものではありません。■当資料に基づいて取られた投資行動の結果については、当社は責任を負いません。■当資料の内容は作成基準日現在のもので あり、将来予告なく変更されることがあります。■当資料に市場環境等についてのデータ・分析等が含まれる場合、それらは過去の実績及び将来の予想で approved by the Japanese cabinet once implemented. あり、今後の市場環境等を保証するものではありません。■当資料は当社が信頼性が高いと判断した情報等に基づき作成しておりますが、その正確性・完 全性を保証するものではありません。■当資料にインデックス・統計資料等が記載される場合、それらの知的所有権その他の一切の権利は、その発行者お よび許諾者に帰属します。■当資料に掲載されている写真がある場合、写真はイメージであり、本文とは関係ない場合があります。 Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Japan Market Memo (No.004) For information only 25 September, 2014 Disclaimer Please read this disclaimer carefully. = This material is for non-Japanese institutional investors only. = The research and analysis included in this report, and those opinions or judgments as outcomes thereof, are intended to introduce or demonstrate capabilities and expertise of Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Company, Ltd. 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The investments may suffer losses and the results of investments, including such losses, belong to the client. = The recipient of this report must make its own independent decisions regarding investments. = The opinions, outlooks and estimates in this report do not guarantee future trends or results. They constitute SMAM’s judgment as of the date of this material and are subject to change without notice. = The awards included in this report are based on past achievements and do not guarantee future results. = The intellectual property and all rights of the benchmarks/indices belong to the publisher and the authorized entities/individuals. = This material has been prepared by obtaining data from sources which are believed to be reliable but SMAM can not and does not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. = All rights, titles and interests in this material and any content contained herein are the exclusive properties of SMAM, except as otherwise stated. It is strictly prohibited from using this material for investments, reproducing/copying this material without SMAM’s authorization, or from disclosing this material to a third party. Registered Number: Kanto Local Finance Bureau (KINSHO) No.399 Member of Japan Investment Advisers Association, The Investment Trusts Association, Japan and Type Ⅱ Financial Instruments Firms Association © Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Company, Limited ■当資料は、情報提供を目的として、三井住友アセットマネジメントが作成したものです。特定の投資信託、生命保険、株式、債券等の売買を推奨・勧誘す るものではありません。■当資料に基づいて取られた投資行動の結果については、当社は責任を負いません。■当資料の内容は作成基準日現在のもので あり、将来予告なく変更されることがあります。■当資料に市場環境等についてのデータ・分析等が含まれる場合、それらは過去の実績及び将来の予想で あり、今後の市場環境等を保証するものではありません。■当資料は当社が信頼性が高いと判断した情報等に基づき作成しておりますが、その正確性・完 全性を保証するものではありません。■当資料にインデックス・統計資料等が記載される場合、それらの知的所有権その他の一切の権利は、その発行者お よび許諾者に帰属します。■当資料に掲載されている写真がある場合、写真はイメージであり、本文とは関係ない場合があります。
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