CIOMS FORM DE-BFARM-16249069 SUSPECT ADVERSE REACTION REPORT I. REACTION INFORMATION 1. PATIENT INITIALS 1a. COUNTRY DE privacy 2. DATE OF BIRTH DA MO YR 2a. AGE 57 (Year) 3. SEX Female 4-6 REACTION ONSET DA MO YR 01 01 7. + 13. DESCRIBE REACTION(S) (including relevant tests/lab data) 8-1 CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE TO ADVERSE REACTION 2012 (cont.) [ MedDRA 19.0 LLT (10018276): Gingival bleeding ] [ MedDRA 19.0 LLT (10018287): Gingival pockets ] [ MedDRA 19.0 LLT (10018291): Gingival swelling ] Case narrative including clinical course, therapeutic measures, outcome and additional relevant information: Bericht der Meldenden: "Seit der Einnahme des Blutdrucksenkendes Medikamtenes Ramipril bemerkte ich vermehrt Zahnfleischbluten. Trotz regelmäßigen Zahnarztbesuchen, sehr korrekter Mundhygiene und regelmäßigen professionellen Zahnreinigungen verschlechterte sich der Zahnfleischbefund bis heute. Das Zahnfleisch weist jetzt an mehreren Stellen eine schwammige Beschaffenheit auf, ist stark geschwollen, es haben sich sehr tiefe Taschen gebildet die trotz der intensiven zahnmedizinischen Behandlung nicht in den Griff zu bekommen sind. Auf intensives Nachforschen sind meine Zahnärztin und ich jetzt auf den Verdacht einer Nebenwirkung von ramipril gekommen, denn das Beschwerdebild hat sich seit der Einnahme dieses Medikamtes entwickelt und vor allem verschlechtert." Sender's comment: ¨ PATIENT DIED ¨ INVOLVED OR PROLONGED INPATIENT HOSPITALISATION ¨ INVOLVED PERSISTENCE OR SIGNIFICANT DISABILITY OR INCAPACITY ¨ LIFE THREATENING ¨ CONGENITAL ANOMALY / BIRTH DEFECT ¨ OTHER MEDICALLY IMPORTANT CONDITION II. SUSPECT DRUG(S) INFORMATION (cont.) 20. DID REACTION ABATE 14. SUSPECT DRUG(S) (include generic name) AFTER STOPPING DRUG? ramipril 15. DAILY DOSE(S) 16. ROUTE(S) OF ADMINISTRATION 5 Mg milligram(s) Oral 17. INDICATION(S) FOR USE ¨ YES ¨ NO ¨ NA 21. DID REACTION REAPPEAR AFTER REINTRODUCTION? ¨ YES ¨ NO ¨ NA Hypertension NOS 18. THERAPY DATES (from/to) 19. THERAPY DURATION from 01-JAN-2012 III. CONCOMITANT DRUG(S) AND HISTORY 22. CONCOMITANT DRUG(S) AND DATES OF ADMINISTRATION (exclude those used to treat reaction) 23. OTHER RELEVANT HISTORY (e.g. diagnostics, allergics, pregnancy with last month of period, etc.) [ MedDRA 19.0 (10051361): Adipositas ] (cont.) Continuing: Yes IV. SENDER INFORMATION 24a. NAME AND ADRESS OF SENDER BfArM Pharmakovigilanz Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Allee 3 53175 Bonn, DE 24b. MFR CONTROL NO. DE-BFARM-16249069 24c. DATE RECEIVED BY MANUFACTURER 22-JUL-2016 DATE OF THIS REPORT 22-JUL-2016 24d. REPORT SOURCE ¨ STUDY ¨ LITERATURE ¨ HEALTH PROFESSIONAL 25a. REPORT TYPE þ INITIAL ¨FOLLOW UP ¨ FINAL (Cont.) = Continuation on attached sheet(s) BfArM Pharmakovigilanz Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Allee 3 53175 Bonn, DE Continuation sheet for CIOMS report Report Date: Report Page: DE-BFARM-16249069 7. + 13. Describe Reaction(s) (including relevant tests/lab data) 22-JUL-2016 2 of 4 (... continuation ...) keine Begleiterkrankungen vorhanden, keine Risikofaktoren vorhanden. Reaction text as reported MedDRA coding Duration [MedDRA 19.0 PT (10018276): Gingival bleeding ] Outcome* Term highlighted Time interval 1** Time interval 2*** Start date Unknown 1 Day 01-JAN-2012 Unknown 1 Day 01-JAN-2012 not recovered/not resolved 1 Day 01-JAN-2012 End date [ MedDRA 19.0 LLT (10018276): Gingival bleeding ] [MedDRA 19.0 PT (10018291): Gingival swelling ] [ MedDRA 19.0 LLT (10018291): Gingival swelling ] [MedDRA 19.0 PT (10018290): Gingival recession ] [ MedDRA 19.0 LLT (10018287): Gingival pockets ] * Outcome of reaction/event at the time of last observation ** Time interval between beginning of suspect drug administration and start of reaction/event *** Time interval between last dose and start of reaction/event Results of tests Date Test Result 14. Suspect Drug(s) (including generic name) Suspect Drug and batch no. Start date ramipril 01-JAN2012 Unit Normal high range More inform. available (... continuation ...) End date Duration Dose * Name of holder/applicant Route(s) of Administration A: Oral B: C: 5Mg milligram(s) D: E: Identification of the country where the drug was obtained nicht spezifiziert Authorization/Application Number Country of authorization/application Pharmaceutical form (Dosage form) Parent route of administration (in case of a parent child/fetus report) Gestation period at time of exposure Time interval between beginning of drug administration and start of reaction/event Time interval between last dose of drug and start of reaction/event Action(s) taken with drug Normal low range Unknown Indication(s) Hypertension NOS BfArM Pharmakovigilanz Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Allee 3 53175 Bonn, DE Continuation sheet for CIOMS report Report Date: Report Page: DE-BFARM-16249069 22-JUL-2016 3 of 4 Additional information on drug Did reaction reappear after reintroduction? * A: Dosage Text B: Cumulative dose number (to first reaction) C: Structure dosages number D: Number of separate dosages E: Number of units in the interval Active drug substance name ramipril 23. Other relevant history (... continuation ...) Reactions, Symptoms and Events Start date End date Continuing Comments [ MedDRA 19.0 (10051361): Adipositas ] Yes Report duplicates Duplicate source Duplicate number Paul-Ehrlich-Institut DE-CADRBFARM-2016013171 Parent Parent identification Date of birth Age LMP date Weight(kg) Height(cm) Sex Text for relevant medical history and concurrent conditions 0 ADMINISTRATIVE AND IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Safetyreportversion 1 Identification of the country where the reaction/event occur Deutschland Serious No Date Format of receipt of the most recent information for this report 20160722 Additional documents No List of documents held by sender Does this case fulfill the local criteria for an expedited report? No Regulatory authority's case report number DE-CADRBFARM-2016013171 Other case identifiers in previous transmissions Yes Was the case medically confirmed, if not initially from health professional? No Primary source(s) of information Study name Reporter postcode Reporter country Qualification 24 Consumer or other non health professional Deutschland Literature reference(s) Sponsor study number Study type in which the reaction(s)/event(s) were observed BfArM Pharmakovigilanz Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Allee 3 53175 Bonn, DE Continuation sheet for CIOMS report DE-BFARM-16249069 SENDER INFORMATION (... continuation ...) Type Regulatory Authority Organisation BfArM Department Pharmakovigilanz Street address Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Allee 3 City Bonn Postcode 53175 Country Deutschland Fax Telephone E-mail address [email protected] PATIENT INFORMATION (... continuation ...) Investigation number Gestation period Patient age group Adult Weight (kg) 105 Height (cm) 174 Last menstrual periode date Text for relevant medical history and concurrent conditions >18.Lj. bis einschl. 65.Lj. Report Date: Report Page: 22-JUL-2016 4 of 4
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