Program - IMIS - Universität Osnabrück

The conference “Deportations as a Conflicting Issue” brings
together diverse perspectives for analyzing social and political conflicts that arise before, during, and after deportations.
Investigating and discussing conflicts surrounding deportations is a relevant and revealing issue for migration research
“as it visualizes the lines of conflict in the politics of migration
like a burning lens” (Miltiadis Oulios).
Confere n c e Ve n u e
Universität Osnabrück
Seminarstraße 20 (Gebäude/Building 15)
49074 Osnabrück, Germany
Rooms: 15/130 (Alter Senatssitzungssaal), 15/114, 15/113
Please register by September 12, 2016 at:
Th u r .
21./22.09. 2016
Organ izin g Team
Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken,
Maren Kirchhoff & Helge Schwiertz
Universität Osnabrück
Institut für Migrationsforschung
und Interkulturelle Studien
(IMIS) / FB01
Fachgebiet Migration & Gesellschaft
Neuer Graben 19/21,
49074 Osnabrück, Germany
[email protected]
In Cooperation with the trilateral Research Project “Taking
Sides. Protests against Deportation in Austria, Germany and
Switzerland” (Universities of Vienna, Osnabrück and Neuchâtel), kindly funded by FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds, DFG
(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and SNF (Schweizerischer
Funded by
Layout: Veit Wolfer / Elena Seubert
D e p o rtat i o n s
as a Conflicting Issue
Konflikte um
University of
O s n a b r ü ck
Institute for
M i g r at i o n R e s e a r c h a n d
I n t e r c u lt u r a l S t u d i e s
( IMIS )
»» Helen Schwenken, Universität Osnabrück:
Deportation as an Area of Conflicts
»» Sieglinde Rosenberger & Nina Merhaut, Universität Wien: Politicization from Below: Who Protests
Against Deportations? / Key Results from a Comparative Quantitative Media-Analysis (1993-2013)
»» Dina Bader, Université de Neuchâtel: Ideal-Types of
Anti-Deportation Protests in Switzerland
»» Maren Kirchhoff, Universität Osnabrück & Verena
Stern, Universität Wien: What Impedes Deportations? A Comparative Analysis of 15 Case Studies in
Austria, Germany and Switzerland
16:30 Break and Informal Exchange
17:00 Po diu m sdisk u ssi o n Veränderte Abschiebepolitiken und -praxen – wie verändern sie den
zivilgesellschaftlichen Umgang mit Abschiebungen?
[Panel Discussion, in German, with English translation]
[Changes in Policies and Practices of Deportation
– How Do they Transform the Way of Dealing with
Deportations in Civil Society?]
Moderation: Maren Kirchhoff & Helen Schwenken
(Universität Osnabrück)
»» Mohammed Jouni, Jugendliche ohne Grenzen
»» No Lager Osnabrück
»» Kai Weber, Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen
»» Christiane Schneider, Mitglied der Fraktion Die Linke
in der Hamburgischen Bürgerschaft und Mitglied der
Härtefallkommission Hamburg
18:30 Dinner and Break
20:00 Evening Event [in German]
Miltiadis Oulios: Die Grenzen der Menschlichkeit Blackbox Abschiebung
[The Borders of Humanity – Blackbox Deportation]
09:00 Introduction by the Organizers
09:30 Pan el 1 The Making of Deportability and of
Support Deserving Subjects
»» Helge Schwiertz, Universität Osnabrück: Who is
a Deportable Subject? Contestations about the
Deportability of Migrant Youth in the United States
»» Ines Hasselberg, University of Oxford:
Turning Compliance into Resistance. How ForeignNational Offenders Fight Deportation from the UK
»» Stephan Dünnwald, Universität Göttingen:
Get Ready. The Production of „Deportability“ in
Special-Camps for Balkan Refugees in Manching
and Bamberg
11:00 Break
11:30 Keyn ote
Antje Ellermann, University of British Columbia:
Deportation Resistance in the Brave New World of
Neoliberal Citizenship
12:30 Lunch Break
14:00 Pan el 2 a What Happens after Deportation?
»» Jill Alpes, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: PostDeportation Risks in Congo, Cameroon and Turkey
»» Lucia Thumm, Kathrin Sautter, Verena Biskup &
Maria Jaschick, Universität Osnabrück:
(Back) in Kosovo. On the Situation after „Voluntary Return“ and Deportation. First Results from a
Qualitative Study
»» Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna, University of
Leaving Behind the Deportation Regime?
Experience of Mexicans Deported from the United
States of America
»» Nassim Majidi, Sciences Po Paris:
Post-Deportation in Afghanistan
14:00 Panel 2b The Spatialities of Deportation
»» Silvia Mann, Universität Kassel:
Is Return to Afghanistan Reasonable? How International Politics Are Locally Negotiated. The Case of
Hamburg in 2005
»» David Lorenz, Universität Kassel:
Deportations without Borders – Contested Dublin
»» Aino Korvensyrjä, Universität Helsinki:
Whose Knowledge and for What? Decolonizing AntiDeportation Research
15:30 Break
16:00 Panel 3 Recent Protests against Deportation in
Austria, Germany and Switzerland
»» Monika Mokre, Österreichische Akademie der
We Demand our Rights! The Refugee Protest Camp
»» Sophie Guignard, Universität Bern:
Take Shelter. The Occupation of Lausanne‘s StLaurent Church
»» Sophie Hinger, Sussex University & Ricarda Wiese,
Universität Osnabrück: Beyond Anti-Deportation –
Collective Struggles in Osnabrück
17:30 Com m ents
by Monika Mokre, Österreichische Akademie der
Wissenschaften & Andreas Pott, Universität Osnabrück: Identification of Further Needs for Research and
Closing Discussion
14:30 O PENI N G Pa n e l Taking Sides - Protests against
Deportations [in English]
T h u r s d ay | 2 2 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 6
W e d n e s d ay | 2 1 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 6
14:00 Registration and Welcome