July 28 – August 07, 2016 Bulletin 3 1 Organizer: The Modellflug Club Untermünkheim (MFC Untermünkheim e.V.) under the auspices of the Bundeskommission Modelflug im DAeC will be the host of the 18th FAI European Championship for Aerobatic Model Aircraft, Class F3A. Event Management: Mr. Ewald Trumpp Event Director Mr. Jürgen Brenner Deputy Event Director Dr. Josef Hackstein Flightline Director 1 Mr. Jörg Ehrhardt Computation Mr. Ewald Trumpp Contest Director Mr. Andreas Künzel Flightline Director 2 Mr. Holger Küstner PR-Marketing Mr. Martin Küstner Infrastructure Competition Class FAI F3 Radio Control Aerobatics, Class F3A Competition Rules Per FAI Sporting Code Edition 2016, General Section, Section 4 Volume ABR, Section 4 Volume F3 Radio Control Aerobatics, Class F3A. Event Dates: The event will be held from July 28 – August 07, 2016. Location: See Bulletin1 Local Weather July and August offer very good weather conditions. Daytime temperatures are between 20 and 28 degrees Transportation: The nearest International airports are: Stuttgart / Germany (distance 100 km by car to Untermünkheim) Nürnberg / Germany (distance 145 km by car to Untermünkheim) For judges and jury-members who arrive by airplane, the organizer will provide transportation between the airport and the competition site (for arrival and departure). 2 F3 Radio Control Aerobatic, Class F3A: Schedules: P-17 (preliminary) F-17 (semi-final, final) Two Unknowns (final) Classification for: Individuals (overall) Juniors Teams Official Entries: 71 Competitors out of 25 countries are registered for the Championship. Please check the spelling of your names and provide us with feedback if changes are necessary. You will find the names of helpers and supporters on www.ec-f3a-2016.de Status of Final Registration Team Managers and Pilots June 27, 2016 Nation Team Manager Senior Pilot Senior Pilot 1 Austria Waltritsch, Dietmar Bruckmann, Gernot Zeiner, Markus 3 Cyprus Georgiades, Nocolas Georgiades, Nocolas Sheygas, Sergey Laugesen, Morten Kirstensen, Ole Delteil, Jean Paul Paysant-Le Roux, Christophe 2 Belgium 4 Czech Republic 5 Denmark 6 Finland 7 France 8 Germany 9 Hungary 10 Ireland 11 Israel Vanlanduyt, Peter Pokorny, Frantisek Nurila, Lassi Sommer, Heiko Ocsai, David King, David Eliaz, Amir Werion, Gerard Votava, Jan King, David James, Gordon Murphy, James Schenk, Hannes Florian, Loris Chester, Shlomi Gretkiewicz, Jan Gretkiewicz, Jan 18 Russia Alekhin, Alexander Silvestri, Sebastiano 19 Turkey 20 San Marino 21 Spain 22 Switzerland Ferreira, Rui Abaslioglu, Tamer Rombaut, Cris Pelizzone, Marco Weber, Marc Poeker, Philippe Fremming, Ola Bjordal Jensen, Andreas Forster, Robert Omer, Ben-Ami Altea, Gianluca Alekhin, Alexander Butuzov, Sergey Sheviakov, Alexey Silvestri, Sebastiano Selva, Massimo Abaslioglu, Tamer Salta, Serdar Rombaut, Juan Matti, Sandro Vecht van der, Derk 25 United Kingdom Hoyland, Ashley Hoyland, Matthew Rohovyi, Yurii Ortega, Luis E. Vliet van, Danny Oostema, Roy Vasylenko, Oleksandr Fehringer, Gerhard 3 Pavlenko, Ignace Heckmann, Leo Bracht, Andre Ocsai, David Yuval, Levy De Vidi, Andrea Süel, Burak Del Valle, Mario Rubin, Marc Novak, Michael Maller, Raymond Szczepaniak, Jacek Ferreira, Rui Junior Pilot Jorkjend, Henning Debowski, Adam Meerkerk van, Ferry Makarov, Valerii Zahavi, Ram Kaiser, Stefan 23 The Netherlands 24 Ukraine Pedersen, Joen Carayon, Cedric 16 Poland 17 Portugal Laugesen, Morten Burbaud, Loic Poeker, Jeannot Fremming, Ola Malacioglu, Viken Niklaß, Christian 14 Luxembourg 15 Norway Danksagmüller, Helmut Trumpp, Robin Baggiani, Giorgio Kaiser, Robert Pokorny, Frantisek Nurila, Lassi 12 Italy 13 Liechtenstein Delaere, Bert Senior Pilot Jund, Pirmin Chepomiuk, Hlib Caton, Kevin Hakh, Victor Schedule: Date Thursday 28th July: Friday 29th July: Saturday 30th July: Sunday 31th July: Monday 1 August: st Tuesday 2 nd August: Wednesday 3rd August: Thursday 4th August: Friday 5th August: Saturday 6th August: Time Activity 13:00-17:00 Early arrival and registration of teams, start order draw for Preliminary Rounds Competition site 10:00-19:00 Free unofficial practicing on Competition site Competition site 13:00-19:30 Official practice (part 1) Competition site 13:00-19:30 Model processing (part 1) Competition site 20:00-21:00 Team-Managers meeting Competition site 07:00-13:00 Official practice (part 2) Competition site 07:00-13:00 Model processing (part 2) Competition site 13:00-14:00 Judges briefing P-17 Competition site 14:00-15:00 Judges practice P-17 Competition site 15:00-18:00 Opening ceremony Competition site 07:00-19:00 Preliminary rounds – day 1 P-17 Competition site 07:00-19:00 Preliminary rounds – day 3 P-17 Competition site 07:00-19:00 Preliminary rounds – day 4 P-17 Competition site 07:00-19:00 Reserve day P-17 Competition site 09:00-11:00 Judges briefing and practice F-17 Competition site 18:00-22:00 “Swabian evening” on the competition site with start order draw for semi finalists Competition site 07:00-18:00 Semi-final rounds F17 Competition site Arrival and registration of teams and officials, start order draw for Preliminary 07:00-12:00 Rounds 07:00-19:00 Preliminary rounds – day 2 P-17 Team-Managers meeting, finalists, judges definition of 2 unknown schedules, 19:00-21:00 start order draw for finalists etc. Competition site Competition site Competition site 07:00-16:00 Final rounds (first 10 pilots) (F17, Unknown 1, F17, Unknown 2) Competition site 17:00-19:00 Awards, Closing ceremony Competition site 20:00-00:00 Banquet Sunday 7th August: Site Weinbrenner Halle Departure of teams and officials Official registration The official registration will be done at the competition site. Only the team manager may check in for the team. The team manager must bring the following items to register: FAI sporting licenses for TM and pilots A CD of National Anthem and the national flag of the team`s nation of about 1mX1.5m. All anthems and flags can be taken back after closing ceremony. FAI Anti-Doping forms signed by the competitors Technical Equipment Regulation Compliance forms signed by the competitors and TMs Copy of passport for junior pilots 4 Nation Liechtenstein Luxembourg Training and Model Processing Schedule Team Manager Kaiser, Robert Poeker, Jeannot Belgium Vanlanduyt, Peter Cyprus Georgiades, Nocolas Czech Republic Pokorny, Frantisek Denmark Laugesen, Morten Finland France Nurila, Lassi Delteil, Jean Paul Germany Sommer, Heiko Hungary Ireland Ocsai, David King, David Israel Italy Eliaz, Amir Baggiani, Giorgio Austria Waltritsch, Dietmar Norway Fremming, Ola Poland Gretkiewicz, Jan Portugal Russia Ferreira, Rui Alekhin, Alexander San Marino Spain Switzerland The Netherlands Silvestri, Sebastiano Rombaut, Cris Pelizzone, Marco Meerkerk van, Ferry Ukraine Makarov, Valerii United Kingdom Hoyland, Ashley Turkey Abaslioglu, Tamer Pilots Kaiser, Stefan Weber, Marc Poeker, Philippe Maller, Raymond Malacioglu, Viken Werion, Gerard Delaere, Bert Pavlenko, Ignace (Jr) Georgiades, Nocolas Sheygas, Sergey Votava, Jan Pokorny, Frantisek Kirstensen, Ole Laugesen, Morten Pedersen, Joen Nurila, Lassi Paysant-Le Roux, Christophe Burbaud, Loic Carayon, Cedric Heckmann, Leo (Jr) Trumpp, Robin Niklaß, Christian Forster, Robert Bracht, Andre (Jr) Ocsai, David (Jr) King, David James, Gordon Murphy, James Chester, Shlomi Zahavi, Ram Omer, Ben-Ami Yuval, Levy (Jr) Schenk, Hannes Florian, Loris Altea, Gianluca De Vidi, Andrea (Jr) Practice Time Friday 13:00 13:10 Model Processing 13:10 13:40 13:40 14:20 14:20 14:40 14:40 15:00 15:00 15:30 15:30 15:40 15:40 16:20 16:20 17:00 17:00 17:10 17:10 17:40 17:40 18:20 18:20 19:00 Bruckmann, Gernot Zeiner, Markus Danksagmüller, Helmut Novak, Michael (Jr) Fremming, Ola Bjordal Jensen, Andreas Jorkjend, Henning Gretkiewicz, Jan Debowski, Adam Szczepaniak, Jacek Ferreira, Rui Alekhin, Alexander Butuzov, Sergey Sheviakov, Alexey Silvestri, Sebastiano Selva, Massimo Rombaut, Juan Del Valle, Mario Ortega, Luis E. Matti, Sandro Rubin, Marc Jund, Pirmin Vecht van der, Derk Vliet van, Danny Oostema, Roy Rohovyi, Yurii Vasylenko, Oleksandr Chepomiuk, Hlib Hakh, Victor (Jr) Hoyland, Matthew Fehringer, Gerhard Caton, Kevin Abaslioglu, Tamer Salta, Serdar Süel, Burak Saturday 07:00 7:40 7:40 8:10 8:10 8:40 8:40 8:50 8:50 9:20 9:20 9:40 9:40 10:10 10:10 10:40 10:40 11:10 11:10 11:50 11:50 12:20 12:20 12:50 5 Official Practice and Model Processing Below you will find the schedule for official practices and model processing for all teams. Unofficial practicing will only be allowed on Thursday 28th July 2016. Each model aircraft must bear the national identification mark (nationality abbreviation of the International Olympic Committee). The letters must be at least 25mm high. Each model aircraft shall carry FAI model sticker(s) with mention of the FAI licence number, national identification mark, competitor name and model identification code (letters and/or numbers). A FAI model sticker will be put on each part of the model aircraft so that the individual parts (wing(s), tail, front and rear fuselage if detachable) may be separately identified. The letters and numbers on the FAI model sticker must be at least 10mm high and clearly visible. Each competitor must present a correctly completed FAI Specification Certificate for each model aircraft entered in accordance with the Sporting Code. Specification certificates must be signed and stamped by the National Aero Club (National Airsport Control Organisation). In case of a model aircraft is presented for processing without FAI Specification Certificate, a FAI Specification Certificate could be delivered by the organizer at a cost of EUR 8.- each. FAI Jury: Mr. Michael Ramel – President Mr. Pierre Pignot Mr. Bernhard Schaden Mr. Emanuel Fernandes Judges: Germany France Switzerland Portugal Reserve not on site Mr. Norbert Polatschek Mr. Dimitry Chapligin Mr. Amram Leshed Mr. Peter Uhlig Mr. Gianluigi Giannoni Mr. Hermann Kleeb Mr. Tom Erik Sörensen Mr. Esa Eirola Mr. Pilippe Marquet Mr. Francisco Pineiro Austria Russia Israel Germany Italy Liechtenstein Norway Finland Belgium Spain Reserve Judges: Mr. Nicolas Bleas Mr. Edward Wojciechowski Mr. Robert Ailes Mr. Anders Rasmussen Mr. Albert Wamsler France Poland United Kingdom Denmark Germany 6 On site (only for the German judge) Awards: FAI Medals (Gold, Silver, Bronze) and Diplomas will be awarded in accordance to the FAI S/C to:. 1st, 2nd, 3rd European Individual Champions 1st, 2nd, 3rd European Junior Champions 1st, 2nd, 3rd European Team Champions Individual Champion: “J. de Dobbelleer Trophy” (current holder Mr. Stefan Kaiser, Liechtenstein) Junior Champion: “Her Serene Highness Princess Marie of Liechtenstein Trophy” (current holder Mr. Jan Votava, Czech Republic) Team Champion: “Capitain Luc Mommer Trophy” (current holder Team Austria). In addition to the FAI awards, the organizing committee will have the pleasure of presenting additional awards. Entry Fees: Team manager Senior competitor Junior competitor Official Helper Supporter Banquet: EUR 300.EUR 400.EUR 250.EUR 80.EUR 70.EUR 50.- Language: The official languages are English and German. Anti-Doping: If a competitor has to take, for a medical condition, any of substances listed on the WADA Prohibited List, then he must have a “Therapeutic Use Exemption” from the FAI. FAI Sporting Licences: The possession of a valid FAI License of every competitor and team manager must be registered in FAI License data base Frequencies: 2.4 GHz, 35 and 40 MHz allowed, though the use of 2.4 GHz by all competitors is highly appreciated. Protests: All protests must be presented by the Team Manager in writing to the Contest Director at the competition and must be accompanied by the deposit of a fee of EUR 50.-. The deposit is returned only if the protest is upheld. Insurance: Every competitor, team manager and helper must possess an individual liability insurance. The championship will be covered by limited third-party liability insurance covering all competitors for model accidents involving injury to others and damage to property. The organiser is not responsible for any other injury, loss, heft or damage to persons or property. All visitors are required to have their own medical and travel insurance. 7 Visa Requirements: All individuals travelling to Germany have to obtain eventually required visas well in time by themselves. If invitation letters etc. should be needed, please contact the organizer. Accommodation: Several hotels are available in and around Untermünkheim and you are invited to reserve directly by phone, fax or internet independently of the F3A European Championship organization. Rooms from about EUR 40.- for up to about EUR 70.- per person and night including breakfast will be available. Please note, that the bed-room contingent listed below is reserved until May 15, 2016! EZ = single room DZ = double room 1 Landgasthof Krone (3 km to competition site) Familie Kraft Kirchstraße 2 74547 Untermünkheim-Enslingen Tel. 07906/372 Fax. 07906/8461 www.krone-enslingen.de EZ: 42€ DZ: 70€ breakfast included 2 Gasthof Adler (3 km to competition site) Familie Schäfer Kupferstraße 5 74547 Übrigshausen Tel. 07944/459 Fax 07944/9405070 www.adler-uebrigshausen.de EZ: ab 42€ DZ: ab 72€ breakfast included 3 Traube Untermünkheim (5 km to competition site) Hohenloherstrasse 40 74547 Untermünkheim Tel. 0791/6971 www.traube-untermuenkheim.de EZ: ab 36€ DZ: ab 57€ breakfast included 4 Landhotel Gasthof Krone (7 km to competition site) Familie Knapp + Familie Bauer Hotel-Restaurant Sonneck Familie Klenk 5 (10 km to competition site) Hauptstrasse 40 74635 Eschental Tel. 07944/670 Fax. 07944/6767 www.krone-eschental.de Fischweg 2 74523 Schwäbisch Hall / Gottwollshausen Tel.0791/970670 www.sonneck-klenk.de 8 EZ: ab 70€ DZ: ab 99€ breakfast included EZ: ab 49€ DZ: ab 82€ 6 7 8 9 10 11 Hotel-Restaurant Ann-Sophie (20 km to competition Hauptstraße 22-28 site) 74653 Künzelsau Tel: 07940/93460 Fax: 07940/934677 www.hotel-anne-sophie.de EZ: ab 89€ DZ: ab 130€ breakfast included Panoramahotel Waldenburg (16 km to competition Hauptstrasse 84 site) 74638 Waldenburg Tel. 07942/91000 Fax 07942/9100888 www.panoramahotel-waldenburg.de EZ: ab 80€ DZ: ab 115€ breakfast included Hotel Goldener Ochsen (12 km to competition Hauptstrasse 4 site) 74549 Wolpertshausen Tel. 07906/9300 Fax 07906/930200 www. hotel-goldener-ochsen.de EZ: ab 69€ DZ: ab 79€ Landhotel Beck (12 km to competition Goldbacherstrasse 11 site) 74635 Kupferzell- Beltersrot Tel. 07944/91700 Fax 07944/917070 www.hotel-beck-beltersrot.de Gasthof zum Löwen Flair Park-Hotel Ilshofen (21km to competition site) Code Word for EC: EC2016_UHM EZ: ab 52€ DZ: ab 79€ breakfast included No longer available due to Flood damage Parkstr. 2 74532 Ilshofen Tel: 07904-703-431 Fax: 07904-703-452 www.parkhotel-ilshofen.de 9 Special prices EZ: ab 79€ DZ: ab 115€ Breakfast and pool included Camping: There will be no camping facilities available at the contest site. Camping is possible in the near surroundings. 1 Campingplatz “Am Steinbacher See” Mühlsteige 26 74523 Schwäbisch Hall Tel. 0791/2984 www.camping-schwaebisch-hall.de 2. Camping am Neumühlsee Manfred Eberhardt Neumühle 3 74638 Waldenburg Tel. 07942/942929 Fax 07942/8522 www.neumuehlsee-camping.de Catering – Restaurants: There are numerous restaurants in and around Untermünkheim that cater to all food preference. The organizer will provide different food at the flying-site (steaks, sausages, dish of the day, coffee, cake, etc.) during the competition days. The average cost for lunches is EUR 10,- for dinners EUR 15,Practice sites: Currently five flying sites will be available for competitors prior and during the championship. The fields are located within a one hour drive from the Contest Site. HMFG- Dörzbach http://www.hmfg.de/seite6.htm Ort: 74677 Dörzbach Remark: The road is marked from Dörzbach on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MBC- Bühlertal http://www.mbc-bühlertal.de Ort: 74424 Bühlertann-Kottspiel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MFG-Öhringen no longer available ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MFC-Schwäbisch Hall http://www.modellflugclub-sha.de/3.html Ort: 74523 Schwäbisch Hall-Bibersfeld Remark: No gasoline engines allowed! All guests are asked to get in touch with Mr. Schwaderer (president) for a briefing. Phone +49791 6614 or Handy (not always possible) +49176 3809 3390 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 MFC-Oberrot www.mfc-oberrot.de Ort: 74420 Oberrot-Kornberg -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------MFC-Brettheim www.mfc-brettheim.de Ort: 74585 Rot am See-Brettheim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Modellflugplatz RCF Crailsheim e.V. www.rcf-cr.de Prolongation Gaugrafenstrasse 74564 Crailsheim (-Roßfeld) The above mentioned aeromodelling clubs are pleased to welcome you. Payments: MFC Untermünkheim e.V. Bankverbindung: VR Bank Schwäbisch Hall-Crailsheim eG IBAN: DE97622901100061254010 BIC: GENODES1SHA Correspondence/Website: Email: [email protected] Address: MFC Untermünkheim Ewald Trumpp Blumenweg 14 D74547 Untermünkheim/Enslingen Germany Website: www.ec-f3a-2016.de 11 Contest Site 12
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