CZECH REPUBLIC (Population: 10.5 million) (1) CZECH REPUBLIC: THEATRICAL MARKET OVERVIEW Screens Theatrical admissions (millions) Per capita attendance Box office (EUR millions*) Average ticket price (EUR) Releases Domestic releases US releases European releases** German releases Domestic market share German market share 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 806 10.79 1.0 47.26 4.88 220 48 111 57 6 20.5% 0.65% 828 11.12 1.1 50.84 4.37 226 46 89 86 8 20.4% 2.32% 834 11.06 1.1 52.05 4.78 291 70 118 25 5 20.2% 0.08% 841 11.58 1.1 52.78 5.04 260 50 102 72 7 23.8% 2.07% 689 12.95 1.1 62.47 4.78 255 46 106 80 10 18.4% 2.15% *EUR equivalents are calculated throughout at the exchange rate for December 31 of the year in question. **Excluding German majority films. Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 1 Percentage of annual box office Czech Republic: Theatrical market shares 2011-2015 25 20 15 Domestic 10 German 5 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Czech Republic: Theatrical Releases 2011-2015 350 300 Total 250 200 Domestic 150 US 100 European 50 German 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 2 (2) THEATRICAL RELEASES IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC TITLE DISTRIBUTOR RELEASE DATE ADMISSIONS 2011 German films (100% or majority co-productions) THE THREE MUSKETEERS (Ger/Fr/UK/US) PINA (Ger/Fr) DREI (Ger) LOLLIPOP MONSTER (Ger) WOMB (Ger/Hun/Fr) THE PIANO TUNER OF EARTHQUAKES (Ger/UK/Fr) Hollywood Classic Entertainment 35 Milim CinemArt CinemArt Artcam Praha ED Distribution 20.10.11 15.09.11 14.04.11 27.10.11 18.08.11 01.04.11 53,174 7,952 5,819 1,496 1,187 454 Aerofilms Aerofilms Warner Bros. Czech Republic Falcon Aerofilms Falcon CinemArt Artcam Praha Aerofilms ACFK Artcam Film Europe 29.09.11 26.05.11 14.04.11 10.11.11 10.11.11 07.07.11 31.03.11 27.10.11 20.10.11 27.09.11 21.07.11 21.04.11 103,195 42,843 12,992 8,612 8,604 5,755 2,924 2,632 2,236 1,526 621 459 2011 German minority co-productions ALOIS NEBEL (Cz/Ger/Slvk) MELANCHOLIA (Den/Swe/Fr/Ger) UNKNOWN (US/Ger/UK/Fr) ANONYMOUS (UK/Ger) HODEJEGERNE (Nor/Den/Ger) HANNA (US/UK/Ger) MAMMA GOGO (Ice/Nor/Swe/Ger) CAVE OF FORGOTTEN DREAMS (US/Fr/Ger/Can) LA SOLITUDINE DEI NUMERI PRIMI (It/Ger/Fr) A TORINÓ LÓ (Hun/Fr/Ger/Swz) POST MORTEM (Chile/Ger/Mex) SNABBA CASH (Swe/Den/Ger) Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 3 2012 German films (100% or majority co-productions) CLOUD ATLAS (Ger/US) KONFERENZ DER TIERE (Ger) RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (Ger/Can) A DANGEROUS METHOD (Ger/Can/UK/Swz) HALT AUF FREIER STRECKE (Ger) WER WENN NICHT WIR (Ger) DIE 4. REVOLUTION – ENERGY AUTONOMY (Ger) BAIKONUR (Ger/Rus) EEAP Film Distribution CZ-SK Intersonic Falcon Bontonfilm CinemArt Film Europe Aerofilms Film Europe 22.11.12 22.03.12 13.09.12 26.01.12 29.03.12 12.01.12 04.10.12 07.06.12 128,187 60,108 43,426 23,664 1,297 861 502 220 CinemArt Falcon Bioscop/Magic Box Falcon Aerofilms Film Europe Aerofilms 35 Milim CinemArt Aerofilms Film Europe Verbascum Imago/EuCiGo Film Europe CinemArt 21.02.12 08.03.12 19.04.12 29.03.12 02.02.12 12.07.12 15.11.12 26.01.12 05.01.12 12.04.12 12.07.12 15.11.12 05.01.12 29.11.12 97,203 57,527 24,839 16,669 13,638 12,039 11,350 9,726 9,561 7,721 4,696 3,123 2,982 2,945 2012 German minority co-productions MODRY TYGR (Cz/Ger) CTYRI SLUNCE (Cz/Ger) HYSTERIA (UK/Fr/Ger/Lux) THE VOW (US/Brz/Fr/Aus/UK/Ger) TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY (UK/Fr/Ger) IRON SKY (Fin/Ger/Aus) DEN SKALDEDE FRISØR (Den/Fr/It/Swe/Ger) CARNAGE (Fr/Ger/Pol) LE HAVRE (Fin/Fr/Ger) EN KONGELIG AFFÆRE (Den/Cz/Swe/Ger) FAUST (Rus/Ger) W CIEMNOSCI (Pol/Ger/Can) LOURDES (Aut/Ger/Fr) ET SI ON VIVAIT TOUS ENSEMBLE? (Fr/Ger) Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 4 HOLY MOTORS (Fr/Ger) CSAK À SEL (Hun/Ger/Fr) 2 DAYS IN NEW YORK (Fr/Ger/Bel) MARIEKE, MARIEKE (Bel/Ger) LA TERRE OUTRAGÉE (Fr/Ger/Pol) TOURNÉE (Fr/Ger) Aerofilms Artcam Praha EEAP Film Distribution CZ-SK Film Europe Film Europe Atlantis 29.11.12 13.09.12 31.05.12 21.06.12 13.12.12 31.05.12 2,090 1,907 1,830 164 n/a n/a Asociace Ceskych Filmovych Klubú Aerofilms Film Europe Film Europe Film Europe 11.04.13 21.11.13 25.04.13 03.10.13 16.05.13 5,920 2,386 591 344 79 Bioskop/AQA Bontonfilm Bontonfilm Aerofilms Intersonic Artcam Praha Aerofilms Aerofilms Artcam Praha Film Europe 03.10.13 28.02.13 13.09.13 26.12.13 12.12.13 14.02.13 31.10.13 08.08.13 28.02.13 02.05.13 154,426 102,035 26,726 24,641 13,505 10,012 4,140 4,108 1,525 1,384 2013 German films (100% or majority co-productions) LORE (Ger/Aus/UK) FEUCHTGEBIETE (Ger) DIE VIERTE MACHT (Ger) THIS AIN’T CALIFORNIA (Ger) 4 TAGE IM MAI (Ger) 2013 German minority co-productions RUSH (US/UK/Ger) HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS (US/Ger) THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES (US/Ger/Can) NYMPHOMANIAC: VOLUME 1 (Den/Ger/Fr/Bel/Swe) NIKO 2: LENTÄJÄVELJEKSET (Fin/Den/Ire/Ger) AMOUR (Fr/Ger/Aut) KVINDEN I BURET (Den/Ger/Swe) THE CONGRESS (Isr/Ger/Pol/Fr/Bel/Lux) POST TENEBRAS LUX (Mex/Fr/NL/Ger) INTO THE WHITE (Nor/Swe/Ger) Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 5 LA RELIGIEUSE (Fr/Ger/Bel) LES SALAUDS (Fr/Ger) MÉTEORA (Gr/Ger) SIMON OCH EKARNA (Swe/Den/Ger/Nor) BABYCALL (Nor/Ger/Swe) LA MER À L’AUBE (Fr/Ger) Film Europe Artcam Praha Film Europe Film Europe Film Europe Film Europe 12.12.13 28.11.13 20.06.13 06.06.13 10.01.13 24.10.13 1,187 830 581 393 260 188 CinemArt Bioscop Bontonfilm Intersonic A-Company A-Company Aerofilms 28.08.14 01.10.14 08.05.14 06.11.14 03.07.14 22.05.14 13.12.14 127,066 46,552 34,944 27,573 2,438 883 n/a CinemArt Falcon Aerofilms CinemArt Bontonfilm Forum Film Aerofilms CinemArt 13.03.14 06.03.14 09.01.14 27.02.14 20.03.14 04.09.14 30.01.14 30.10.14 79,896 74,590 60,153 37,072 35,142 14,887 11,971 3,774 2014 German films (100% or majority co-productions) FACK JU GÖHTE (Ger) DER 7BTE ZWERG (Ger) DER MEDICUS (Ger) DIE BIENE MAJA – DER KINOFILM (Ger/Aus) LAUF JUNGE LAUF (Ger/Fr/Pol) SPUTNIK (Ger/Bel/Cz) DIE MEISTERSINGER VON NÜRNBERG (Ger) 2014 German minority co-productions THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL (US/Ger) FAIR PLAY (Cz/Slvk/Ger) NYMPHOMANIAC: VOLUME 2 (Den/Ger/Fr/Swe/Bel) THE MONUMENTS MEN (US/Ger) POMPEII (Can/Ger) A MOST WANTED MAN (UK/US/Ger) THE LUNCHBOX (Ind/Fr/Ger) MAPS TO THE STARS (Can/US/Fr/Ger) Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 6 LE MERAVIGLIE (It/Ger) HROSS Í OSS (Ice/Ger) KIS UYKUSU (Tur/Ger/Fr) SIMINDIS KUNDZULI (Geo/Ger/Fr/Cz/Kaz) SNABBA CASH II (Swe/Den/Ger) PELO MALO (Ven/Per/Arg/Ger) Aerofilms Film Europe Film Europe Artcam Praha Film Europe Cinema Glok 14.08.14 04.09.14 16.10.14 13.11.14 15.05.14 20.11.14 2,538 2,398 1,480 732 n/a n/a CinemArt Bontonfilm Bohemia Motion Pictures Mirius FD Artcam Praha Asociace Ceskych Filmovych Klubú CinemArt Film Europe Film Europe Film Europe 29.10.15 15.01.15 20.06.15 06.08.15 13.08.15 26.02.15 21.05.15 29.01.15 29.10.15 10.12.15 212,192 29,281 12,014 9,206 6,938 3,397 3,159 1,305 1,274 181 Bontonfilm CinemArt Bontonfilm New Europe Aerofilms 31.12.15 27.08.15 30.04.15 12.11.15 14.05.15 36,483 19,833 16,063 7,718 5,382 2015 German films (100% or majority productions) FACK JU GÖHTE 2 (Ger) LOVE, ROSIE (Ger/UK) OOOPS! DIE ARCHE IST WEG (Ger/Ire/Bel/Lux) DER KLEINE DRACHE KOKOSNUSS (Ger) SCHMITKE (Ger/Cz) PHOENIX (Ger) NICHT MEIN TAG (Ger) CLOUDS OF SILS MARIA (Ger/Fr/Swz) VICTORIA (Ger) VON CALIGARI ZU HITLER (Ger) 2015 German minority co-productions POINT BREAK (US/Ger) HITMAN: AGENT 47 (US/Ger) SHE’S FUNNY THAT WAY (US/Ger) DOKTOR PROKTORS PROMPEPULVER (Nor/Ger) FASANDRÆBERNE (Den/Ger/Swe) Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 7 EN DUVA SATT PÅ EN GREN OCH FUNDERADE PÅ TILLVARON (Swe/Fr/Nor/Ger) Film Europe BIG GAME (Fin/Ger/UK) Indigo Film 3 COEURS (Fr/Ger/Bel) Film Europe FEHÉR ISTEN (Hun/Ger/Swe) Artcam Praha 1001 GRAM (Nor/Fr/Ger) Film Europe DIPLOMATIE (Fr/Ger) Film Europe PIONER (Nor/Ger/Swe/Fr/Fin) Film Europe AMOUR FOU (Aut/Lux/Ger) Film Europe LOVE ISLAND (Cro/Ger/Bos/Swz) Film Europe ¡VIVAN LAS ANTIPODAS! (Arg/Ger/NL) Doc Alliance CEMETERY OF SPLENDOR (Thai/Fr/Ger/UK) Artcam Praha UN ETAJ MAI JOS (Rom/Fr/Ger/Swe) Artcam Praha 16.04.15 18.06.15 05.02.15 05.02.15 23.04.15 09.04.15 16.07.15 18.06.15 25.06.15 23.01.15 17.12.15 12.11.15 3,962 2,867 2,009 1,455 1,330 1,025 481 379 379 325 187 64 Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 8 (3) TOP 10 GERMAN FILMS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC (THEATRICAL), 2011-2015 FACK JU GÖHTE 2 (2015) CLOUD ATLAS (2012) FACK JU GÖHTE (2014) KONFERENZ DER TIERE (2011) THE THREE MUSKETEERS (2011) DER 7BTE ZWERG (2014) RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (2012) DER MEDICUS (2014) LOVE, ROSIE (2015) DIE BIENE MAJA - DER KINOFILM (2014) A DANGEROUS METHOD (2012) ADMISSIONS BOX OFFICE (EUR) 212,192 128,187 127,066 60,108 53,174 46,552 43,426 34,944 29,281 27,573 23,664 1,014,277 560,177 640,413 262,672 259,489 234,622 189,772 176,118 139,963 138,968 103,412 Average admissions for a German film in the Czech Republic, 2011-2015: 23,782 Average box office for a German film in the Czech Republic, 2011-2015: EUR 100,648 Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 9 (4) CZECH REPUBLIC: DISTRIBUTORS OF GERMAN FILMS 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 TOTAL Film Europe - 2 3 - 3 8 CinemArt 2 1 - 1 2 6 Aerofilms Bontonfilm - 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 3 3 A-Company Artcam Praha Asociace Ceskych Filmovych Klubú Intersonic 1 - 1 2 1 - 1 1 1 - 2 2 2 2 35 Milim Bioscop Bohemia Motion Pictures EEAP Film Distribution CZ-SK ED Distribution Falcon Hollywood Classic Entertainment Mirius FD 1 1 1 - 1 1 - - 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 10 (5) CZECH REPUBLIC: HOME ENTERTAINMENT MARKET OVERVIEW Number of TV channels Number of dedicated film channels Annual value of DVD and Blu-Ray business Average retail price: DVD Average retail price: Blu-Ray Annual value of VOD business Average monthly subscription 168 27 €39.7m €11.69 €17.79 €1.7m €6.9 All figures latest available Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 11 (6) CZECH REPUBLIC: GERMAN FILMS ON TV Channel: Film Europe Dates: 17-30 May 2016 The Czech Republic fits neatly into a number of panEuropean TV footprints, notably HBO, Cinemax and FilmBox and, as a result, is well-supplied with mainstream movies on pay-per-view or subscription channels. Film Europe, which covers both the Czech Republic and Slovakia, is clearly a specialist channel and is linked to the leading local arthouse theatrical distributor. Its programming is quite adventurous, including for example, three Ingmar Bergman films and a documentary about Jacques Derrida in the two weeks surveyed. Other unspecified countries on the chart are Belgium; Hungary; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Romania; Spain; Sweden; and Switzerland. Germany is represented in the fortnight surveyed by GELIEBTE CLARA; KRIEGERIN; THIS AIN’T CALIFORNIA and DAS WEISSE BAND. Czech Republic: Films on TV by country of origin France Italy UK Germany Other Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 12 (7) CZECH REPUBLIC: GERMAN FILMS ON DVD Retailer: Sample: Titles listed under drama This analysis is based on the 878 titles listed as ‘drama’ which are available for purchase on DVD and/or Blu-Ray from the online portal of leading Czech entertainment company Bonton. ‘Czech’ covers both the Czech Republic and the former Czechoslovakia. Other Europe consists of Austria; Belgium; Denmark; Finland; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Norway; Poland; Slovakia; Spain; and Sweden. Other comprises Australia; Canada; China; Hong Kong; Japan; Korea; New Zealand; Russia (USSR and CIS); Turkey; and South Africa. German titles available are: DER BLAUE ENGEL; A DANGEROUS METHOD; DON’T COME KNOCKING; FREIER FALL; GEGEN DIE WAND; HEAVEN; LILI MARLEEN; THE PALERMO SHOOTING; DIE PÄPSTIN; and DAS PARFUM - DIE GESCHICHTE EINES MÖRDERS. Czech Republic: DVD titles by country of origin US Czech Republic UK France Germany Other Europe Other Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 13 (8) CZECH REPUBLIC: GERMAN FILMS ON VOD Platform: Voyo Sample: Entire catalogue ‘Czech’ here covers both the Czech Republic and the former Czechoslovakia. ‘Other Europe’ consists of Austria; Belgium; Croatia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Latvia; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Serbia; Slovenia; Spain; and Sweden. ‘Other’ comprises Argentina; Australia; Brazil; Chile; China; Georgia; India; Iran; Israel; Kazakhstan; Korea; Malaysia; Mexico; Palestine; Philippines; Russia (USSR and CIS); Singapore; South Africa; Thailand; and Vietnam. German titles available are: ABSURDISTAN; DIE ABENTEUER DES HUCK FINN; ANONYMA - EINE FRAU IN BERLIN; AUF DER ANDEREN SEITE; DREI; DRESDEN; EFFI BRIEST; FACK JU GÖHTE; FACK JU GÖHTE 2; FINAL CONTRACT: DEATH ON DELIVERY; FREIER FALL; HALT AUF FREIER STRECKE; HEADHUNTER: THE ASSESSMENT WEEKEND; JOHN RABE; DAS LEBEN DER ANDEREN; DER MEDICUS; MEIN BRUDER IST EIN HUND; MEIN FÜHRER - DIE WIRKLICH WAHRSTE WAHRHEIT ÜBER ADOLF HITLER; MORGEN IHR LUSCHEN! DER AUSBILDER-SCHMIDT FILM; NANGA PARBAT; NANCY & FRANK: A MANHATTAN LOVE STORY; NICHT MEIN TAG; DER ROTE BARON; SOMMERSTURM; DIE SUPERNASEN; DIE TÜR; VORSTADTKROKODILE; VORSTADTKROKODILE 2; VORSTADTKROKODILE 3; DAS WEISSE BAND; DER WIXXER; ZÄRTLICHE CHAOTEN; ZWEI NASEN TANKEN SUPER; and ZWÖLF METER OHNE KOPF. Czech Republic: VOD titles by country of origin Czech Republic US France Italy UK Hong Kong Canada Germany Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 14 (9) CZECH REPUBLIC: COMMENTARY A small but dynamic market of just over 10 million people who, on average, go to the movies just over once a year, the Czech Republic is like Poland in having retained a small but significant arthouse sector. But, unlike Hungary, Romania and other former Eastern bloc countries, it hasn’t been swamped by runaway production (although Barrandov studios remain busy) and Hollywood movies. There is also, for obvious historical reasons, a certain affinity with Germany that ensures a broader range of German films than one would expect in so small a territory. But with an average of only seven films released over the five-year period surveyed, the Czech Republic is unlikely to ever be a major market for German films. Statistics on the number of screens are somewhat erratic (it seems unlikely that 18% of the country’s screens shut down between 2014 and 2015), but other key indicators show a steady growth in the theatrical market, with admissions up 20% between 2011 and 2015 and box office increasing by an impressive 32%. While the size of the country limits the number of films opening each year (an average of 250), European movies make up a greater proportion of those opening than in most countries, while local product is also widely distributed, cornering an annual market share of around 20%. The lists of minority co-productions in Section (2) are thus impressively long. In the case of German films, while the big numbers go, as elsewhere, to English-language movies like THE THREE MUSKETEERS, RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION and to animated children’s fare like KONFERENZ DER TIERE, DER 7BTE ZWERG and OOOPS! DIE ARCHE IST WEG, there is clearly a niche – and sometimes more than that – for more ‘culturally’ German films such as DREI, FEUCHTGEBIETE and PHOENIX. They only sell between 3,000 and 5,000 tickets, however, and Germany is not the biggest source of European films, coming in third place after France and the UK. The most notable German successes of the past two years have been the two FACK JU GÖHTE movies, the second one of which is the only German film of the past decade to take more than EUR 1 million at the Czech box office. Indeed, the sequel made it into the Republic’s annual Top 20, ahead of MAD MAX: FURY ROAD, TED 2 and PIXELS. Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 15 Among local distributors, arthouse specialist Film Europe is German cinema’s most faithful Czech client, with eight releases over the five-year period surveyed, while crossover specialist and Czech market leader CinemArt handled six. But the market remains a small one: Film Europe’s eight German releases averaged just over 600 tickets at the box office. The home entertainment scene is more interesting. Prague is, for a number of reasons (not the least of them geographical), one of the hubs of Central and Eastern European pay-TV channels and, increasingly, VOD platforms. The aforementioned theatrical distributor Film Europe has its own movie channel, while the availability of arthouse titles and German films on DVD is currently quite wide, to judge by the titles on the roster of top Czech entertainment company Bonton. Likewise VOD specialist Voyo has most of the Czech classics in its catalogue, alongside a good selection of European and German movies. The latter currently account for just under 2.5% of the titles on Voyo – about the same as Germany’s theatrical market share. These are, however, niche operations and, with HBO, Cinemax, Filmbox and Netflix vying for local audiences, it seems unlikely that they are major earners (download and streaming figures are no more available in the Czech Republic than they are anywhere else). It is once again a question of availability vs. viability. And, given the algorithms used buy Netflix, films which are not watched tend to fall off the platform. (10) CZECH REPUBLIC: SOURCES AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CIA World Factbook, XE Currency Converter, European Audiovisual Observatory, Box Office Mojo, Cesky Statisticky Urad (CSU, Czech Statistical Office), Czech Film Center, Unie Filmovych Distributoru (UFD, Film Distributors’ Association), Associace Televiznich Organizaci (ATO), Cinando,,, Film Europe, Nova TV Market Study Czech Republic 2011-2015, July 2016, by Split Screen for German Films 16
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