Tafel Panel 1 KE LH EI M H ER R NSA AL RE GE B NS UR G U NTERSA AL 1 R I NGB ERG 2 6 OB ERSA AL 5 3 4 TEUGN An sechs Standorten informieren Tafeln über das ehemalige KZ-Außenlager Saal. Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung, München TA F E L / P A N E L KZ-Außenlager Saal an der Donau (Standort: Bahnhof) Das Häftlingslager / Alltag im Lager (Forstweg am Ringberg) Die Verbrennungsstätte (Forstweg am Ringberg) aufbauen. Gröditz LEIPZIG Konzentrationslager Flossenbürg Hirschstein (Neuhirschstein) Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Rochlitz Roßwein Nossen Dresden DRESDEN Zschachwitz Mittweida Hainichen Pirna (Mockethal-Zatzschke) Freiberg Wolkenburg Seifhennersdorf Flöha Porschdorf Chemnitz Öderan JiïetÌn (Georgenthal) Königstein CHEMNITZ Hohenstein-Ernstthal Siegmar-Schönau Rabπtejn (Rabstein) Mülsen St. Micheln Zschopau Kamenickõ ©enov Zwickau Wilischthal (Steinschönau) Sa a Venusberg RtynÏ (Hertine) Lengenfeld Aue JezeïÌ (Eisenberg) LitomÏïice (Leitmeritz) Mehltheuer Schönheide Most (Brüx) Plauen Lovosice (Lobositz) Johanngeorgenstadt Hauptlager Main camp Außenlager le Subcamp Pottenstein Würzburg NÜRNBERG Nürnberg Nová Role (Neu Rohlau) KorunnÌ (Krondorf-Sauerbrunn) Ostrov (Schlackenwerth) BoæiËany (Poschetzau) ld a u ) Reuth ( Mo Bayreuth in Kraslice (Graslitz) Svatava (Zwodau) Hohenthan Flossenbürg Altenhammer Grafenreuth v Ma Helmbrechts Holõπov (Holleischen) Hersbruck Stulln Ansbach Hier am Bahnhof kommen am 30. November 1944 die ersten 200 Häftlinge aus Flossenbürg an. Sie werden zunächst provisorisch etwa zwei Kilometer außerhalb des Ortes am Ringberg untergebracht. Eichstätt Do na u Die Arbeitsbedingungen und die Versorgung der Gefangenen in Saal sind katastrophal. Jeder dritte der insgesamt über 740 Häftlinge stirbt. (E lbe ) Panenské Bïeæany (Jungfern-Breschan) PRAHA (PRAG) Hradiπt'ko (Hradischko) a ta Knellendorf Beneπov (Beneschau) Vrchotovy Janovice (Janowitz) Vl Hof (Moschendorf) Gundelsdorf e Ende 1944 wird in Saal an der Donau ein Außenlager des Konzentrationslagers Flossenbürg errichtet. Im Ringberg sollen KZ-Häftlinge für die Messerschmitt-Werke Regensburg eine unterirdische Produktionsstätte zur Fertigung von Kampfflugzeugen The Secret “Ring-Me” Project (tunnel entries on the road to Teugn) 3 4 The Prisoner Camp / Daily Life in the Camp (forest road on Ringberg) 5 The Cremation Site (forest road on Ringberg) 6 Concentration Camp Cemetery and Memorial Site (cemetery at Saal) La b KZ-Außenlager Saal KZ-Grab- und Gedenkstätte (Waldfriedhof Saal) The Subcamp at Saal an der Donau (location: train station) 1 2 Geheimprojekt „Ring-Me“ (Stollenzugänge an der Teugner Straße) PROTEKTORAT BÖHMEN UND MÄHREN Regensburg Obertraubling Saal a.d. Donau Plattling Ganacker Das Konzentrationslager Flossenbürg wird ab 1942 zur Zentrale eines weit verzweigten Netzes von mehr als 90 Außenlagern. Eines der größeren ist das Außenlager in Saal. KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg Am 20. April 1945 räumt die SS das Lager. Die geschwächten Häftlinge werden in Richtung Dachau getrieben. Viele sterben auf diesem Todesmarsch. The Subcamp at Saal an der Donau In late 1944, a Flossenbürg subcamp was established at Saal an der Donau. Under the plan, prisoners from the subcamp were to construct an underground factory at Ringberg hill, where fighter jets would be produced for the Messerschmitt company in Regensburg. The first 200 prisoners from Flossenbürg arrived at the railway station on November 30, 1944. They were initially placed in temporary accommodations about two kilometers outside of town at the Ringberg hill. Work and living conditions for the prisoners at Saal were catastrophic. About one-third of the 740 prisoners died. The SS evacuated the camp on April 20, 1945. The weakened prisoners were sent on a death march toward Dachau. Many died en route. above: In six locations, display panels provide information on the former concentration camp subcamp at Saal. Bavarian Survey Office, Munich below: Beginning in 1942, the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp became the epicenter of a dispersed network of more than 90 subcamps. One of the larger subcamps was located in Saal. Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial Tafel Panel Tafel 1 (Übersicht) am Bahnhof Saal Panel 1 (overview) at Saal train station 2 Schiffsanlegestelle Landing pier Baracken für zivile Zwangsarbeiter Barracks for civilian forced laborers Querstollen Transverse tunnel OT-Büros OT offices R I NGB ERG Stollenzugänge Tunnel entrances KZ-Außenlager Subcamp Vergrößerter Ausschnitt aus einem Luftbild der US Air Force, 19. März 1945 Geheimprojekt »Ring-Me« Luftbilddatenbank Carls, Estenfeld Ab 1943 nehmen die Luftangriffe der Alliierten zu. Die deutsche Kriegsführung beschließt den Bau unterirdischer Anlagen und Großbunker für Rüstungsproduktionen – so auch für die Messerschmitt-Werke Regensburg. Am Ringberg bei Saal soll das erste Düsenflugzeug der Welt, die Me 262, gefertigt werden. Diese „Wunderwaffe“ soll die Kriegswende herbeiführen. » Bei jeder Sprengung schoss eine hellbraune, dicke Staubwolke heraus, und sofort danach wurden die Häftlinge mit Fußtritten und Schlägen in den noch völlig verqualmten Tunnel zur Arbeit getrieben. « Wilhelm Evers, niederländischer Zwangsarbeiter Im Juni 1944 beginnt das Projekt mit dem Decknamen „Ring-Me“. Unter Leitung der Organisation Todt (OT), einer militärisch organisierten Bautruppe, sind vor allem lokale und regionale Firmen auf der Großbaustelle tätig. Neben Deutschen werden dort zivile ausländische Zwangsarbeiter eingesetzt. KZ-Häftlinge müssen die Me 262 auf dem Flugplatz Lechfeld, um 1944 Archiv Peter Schmoll schwersten und gefährlichsten Arbeiten verrichten. In Herrnsaal planieren sie eine Startbahn für die Me 262. Am Ringberg treiben sie in zwölfstündigen Schichten mehrere Stollen voran. Die Produktionsstätte wird nicht fertig gestellt. Nach Kriegsende sprengt die USArmee die Stolleneingänge zu. The Secret “Ring-Me” Project In 1943, Allied forces stepped up the pace of aerial bombardCamp ments.Brothel In response, the German military administration ordered the1943, construction of underground factories afor In mid-July the SS administration established brothel armaments production on behalf of a variety of companies, for camp inmates, housed in a wooden barrack built at the including the Messerschmitt of Regensburg. plan edge of the camp grounds forworks the purpose. A visit toThe a brothel was part to manufacture world’s first jet-powered fighter was of a special the bonus system designed to raise the aircraft, the Me262, the facility nearprivileged Saal. The Nazi regime productivity of maleatprisoners. Only prisoners had hoped to this “secret weapon” hasten the end of the access the bonuses; Jews,would Sinti, Roma and prisoners from war.Soviet The project Ringberg hill was in June 1944 the Unionatwere excluded fromlaunched the bonus system. under the code name The women forced to “Ring-Me”. work in “Sonderbau units” were also concentration campofinmates. AboutTodt 15 female were Under the direction Organisation (OT), aprisoners construction transferred fromalong the Ravensbrück concentration work unit organized military lines, work begancamp at thetosite. at the brothel in Flossenbürg. For thepart, women, Mainly local and regional firms took and this workform wasof forced was a brutal humiliation. After liberation, the carriedlabor out by both German laborers and foreign civilian survivors rarelyConcentration spoke about the abuse they suffered in the forced laborers. camp prisoners were assigned camps. the most grueling and dangerous tasks. Near Herrnsaal, After the war, “Special Building” as prisoners werethe putformer to work leveling ground was for aused landing housing until it was torn in the mid-1950s. strip for for therefugees Me 262. At Ringberg hill, down they labored in 12The camp brothels taboo until the were 1990s. hourtopic shiftsofdigging tunnels.remained The production facilities never completed. After the war, the US military sealed shut the tunnel entrances using dynamite. above: Enlarged section of a US Air Force aerial photograph, 19 March 1945 Luftbilddatenbank Carls, Estenfeld above: Camp brothel, US Army Signal Corps, May 4, 1945 » Holocaust Oregonof State University A lightMemorial brown,Program, dense cloud dust spilled forth from the tunnels after each blast. The prisoners were below: Campforced brothel then immediately withlayout, kicks and blows to March 1944 (excerpt) enter the dust-filled tunnel and get to work. Federal Archives Berlin « Wilhelm Evers, a forced laborer from the Netherlands Waiting rooms, a doctor’s room, and numerous small rooms were located below: Me 262 at the Lechfeld Airfield, along a hallway. The prisoners were ca. observed 1944 and monitored through Peter Schmoll Archive peepholes in the entry doors. Tafel Panel 3 Verbrennungsstätte Cremation site Häftlings-Baracken Prisoner barracks Erdhütten Earthen huts SS-Baracken SS barracks Häftlings-Baracken Prisoner barracks Vergrößerter Ausschnitt aus einem Luftbild der US Air Force, 19. März 1945 Das Häftlingslager Luftbilddatenbank Carls, Estenfeld Die Häftlinge müssen das Lager nach und nach selbst errichten. Zunächst kommen sie in mehreren Baracken unter. Im Februar 1945 wird das Lager vergrößert, über 500 Gefangene werden nach Saal verschleppt. Sie sind in weiteren Baracken, aber auch in zahlreichen Erdhütten untergebracht. Das mit Stacheldraht umzäunte Lager erstreckt sich etwa 350 m entlang der Straße nach Teugn. 70 SS-Angehörige unter dem Kommando des SSHauptscharführers Konrad Maier bewachen das Lager. Unter ihnen sind Wehrmachtangehörige, zahlreiche Volksdeutsche aus Ungarn sowie ukrainische Wachmänner. Waldlager 6 in Mühldorf/Inn, Aufnahme der US Signal Corps, Mai 1945 In solchen „Erdhütten“ waren auch in Saal Häftlinge untergebracht. National Archives, Washington D.C. Kurz vor Kriegsende lässt die SS ein großes Zelt aufstellen. Mitte April 1945 werden hier mehrere Hundert Häftlinge zusammengepfercht, die mit einem Todesmarsch aus dem aufgelösten KZ-Außenlager Hersbruck nach Saal kommen. The Prisoner Camp The prisoners themselves built the camp over a span of months. At first the prisoners were housed in several barracks. In February 1945, the camp was expanded. More than 500 additional prisoners arrived at Saal. They were housed Camp Brothel in additional barracks and in numerous earthen huts. The In mid-July 1943, SS administration established brothel camp, which wasthe enclosed in barbed wire, extendedaabout for inmates, housed wooden barrack built at the 350camp meters along the roadin toaTeugn. edge of the camp grounds for the purpose. A visit to a brothel The camp was guarded by seventy SS men under the comwas part of a special bonus system designed to raise the mand of SS Hauptscharführer Konrad Maier. The SS unit productivity of male prisoners. Only privileged prisoners had included members of the Wehrmacht, many ethnic Germans access to the bonuses; Jews, Sinti, Roma and prisoners from from Hungary, and Ukrainian guards. the Soviet Union were excluded from the bonus system. In mid-April before the end ofunits” the war, several The women 1945, forcedshortly to work in “Sonderbau were also hundred prisoners had been sent on a death marchwere concentration campwho inmates. About 15 female prisoners from the Hersbruck arrived in Saal. They were all transferred from the subcamp Ravensbrück concentration camp to work crowded into ainlarge tent, which set this up aform shortof at the brothel Flossenbürg. Forhad the been women, time before. forced labor was a brutal humiliation. After liberation, the survivors rarely spoke about the abuse they suffered in the camps. After the war, the former “Special Building” was used as housing for refugees until it was torn down in the mid-1950s. The topic of camp brothels remained taboo until the 1990s. above: Enlarged section of a US Air Force aerial photograph, 19 March 1945 Luftbilddatenbank Carls, Estenfeld below: Waldlager 6 camp in Mühldorf/Inn, photographed the US US Signal Corps, above: Campbybrothel, Army May 1945 Corps, May 4, 1945 Signal Holocaust Memorial Program, Oregon State University Prisoners in Saal were also housed in such earthen huts. National Archives, Washington D.C. below: Camp brothel layout, March 1944 (excerpt) Federal Archives Berlin Waiting rooms, a doctor’s room, and numerous small rooms were located along a hallway. The prisoners were observed and monitored through peepholes in the entry doors. Tafel Panel Tafel 1 (Übersicht) am Bahnhof Saal Panel 1 (overview) at Saal train station 4 links: Lagerstärkemeldung vom 28. Februar 1945 In rot sind die Zahlen für den Stichtag 31. März 1945 ergänzt. Insgesamt durchlaufen mehr als 740 Häftlinge aus 15 Nationen das Außenlager Saal. Alltag im Lager Internationaler Suchdienst, Bad Arolsen Neben der Schwerstarbeit leiden die Häftlinge am meisten unter dem ständigen Hunger. Die dünne Suppe muss aus der 600 Meter entfernten Kantine der Organisation Todt (OT) gebracht werden. Die SS setzt zumeist deutsche Häftlinge zur Bewachung ihrer Mitgefangenen ein und versorgt sie dafür etwas besser. Diese „Kapos“ bestrafen andere Häftlinge schon für kleinste Vergehen mit brutalen Misshandlungen. Zwei bis drei Häftlinge müssen auf einer Holzpritsche schlafen. In den Erdhütten liegen bis zu 40 Häftlinge dicht nebeneinander auf Brettern unter dünnen, völlig verlausten Decken. Im Lager gibt es nur eine Abortbaracke und eine offene Latrine. oben: Beschwerde des Kommandoführers Maier an die OT-Bauleitung, 6. März 1945 Die Hervorhebung belegt das massenhafte Sterben der Häftlinge. Internationaler Suchdienst, Bad Arolsen » Ich war in vielen Lagern, aber Saal war das schlimmste Lager, die Häftlinge haben Gras gegessen, es war grausam. « Rafael Israelewicz, Häftling im Außenlager Saal Kranke und Verletzte werden nach Flossenbürg gebracht oder in Saal in das Krankenrevier eingewiesen. Dort erhalten sie keine angemessene Behandlung. Die meisten sterben an Ruhr, Typhus oder Fleckfieber. Bei der Räumung des Lagers steckt die SS das Krankenrevier in Brand; die Befreier finden 16 Tote vor. Daily Life in the Camp Alongside the grueling labor, the prisoners suffered most Camp Brothel from constant hunger. thin soup they received ata mealIn mid-July 1943, the SSThe administration established brothel times wasinmates, brought housed from theinOrganisation Todt (OT) canteen, for camp a wooden barrack built at the 600 meters away.grounds for the purpose. A visit to a brothel edge of the camp The SS generally employed their was part of a special bonusGerman system prisoners designedto toguard raise the fellow inmates. In return, these Kapos received extra rations productivity of male prisoners. Only privileged prisoners had as a reward. Kapos Jews, meted out Roma severeand punishments for access to theThe bonuses; Sinti, prisoners from minor transgressions. the Soviet Union were excluded from the bonus system. The to work in “Sonderbau units” were Twowomen or threeforced prisoners shared a single wooden bunk. Inalso the concentration camp inmates. Aboutslept 15 female prisoners earthen huts, up to forty prisoners crowded onto were transferred from the concentration campas to work wooden boards, withRavensbrück only thin, lice-ridden blankets at the brothel in Flossenbürg. For lavatory the women, thisand formone of covering. The camp had only one barrack forced labor was a brutal humiliation. After liberation, the open latrine. survivors rarely spoke about the abuse they suffered in the Sick and injured prisoners were sent to Flossenbürg or camps. transferred to the sick bay at Saal, where they received After the war, the former “Special Building” was used as inadequate treatment. Most died of dysentery, typhoid, or housing for refugees until it was torn down in the mid-1950s. typhus. When the camp was cleared, the SS set fire to the The topic of camp brothels remained taboo until the 1990s. sick bay. The bodies of sixteen prisoners were found at liberation. left: Prisoner list of 28 February 1945 Theabove: prisoner numbers forUS the date of 31 Camp brothel, Army March 1945 are written in red ink. More Signal Corps, May 4, 1945 than 740 Memorial prisoners from different Holocaust Program, Oregonfifteen State University countries were held at the Saal subcamp in all. below: Camp brothel layout, International Tracing Service, Bad Arolsen March 1944 (excerpt) Federal Archives Berlin right: Complaint by Kommandoführer Waiting rooms, a doctor’s room, and Maier, head of the prisoner labor detail, numerous small rooms were located to the OT construction administration, along a hallway. The prisoners were 6 March 1945 observed and monitored through Excerpt: “… The irregularities described peepholes in the entry doors. above have resulted in the death of 10 prisoners over the past 12 hours.” International Tracing Service, Bad Arolsen » I was in many different camps, but Saal was the worst. The prisoners ate grass. It was horrible. « Rafael Israelewicz, inmate of Saal subcamp Tafel Panel Tafel 1 (Übersicht) am Bahnhof Saal Panel 1 (overview) at Saal train station 5 Verbrennungsstätte, Mai 1945 Die Verbrennungsstätte Archiv Peter Schmoll Anfangs werden die Toten des Außenlagers in einem Massengrab auf dem alten Saaler Friedhof vergraben. Weil die katastrophalen Bedingungen im Lager immer mehr Opfer fordern, reicht der Platz bald nicht mehr aus. Die SS lässt die Toten daher in einem Feld neben dem Häftlingslager begraben. » Im Winter mussten wir nicht mehr auf unsere Felder, aber dass man Leichen vom Lager verbrannte, darüber wusste ich Bescheid. Ich habe auch den Rauch aufsteigen sehen, es lag ein süßlicher Geruch in der Luft. « Ottilie Brandt (Jahrgang 1920), Anwohnerin Später errichtet die SS am Waldrand eine provisorische Verbrennungsstätte aus Betonteilen und Bahnschienen. Hier wird nun die stetig wachsende Zahl an Leichen verbrannt. Von den über 740 Häftlingen in Saal sterben nachweislich über 250. Aus dem aufgelösten Außenlager Hersbruck kommen am 18. April 1945 mehrere Hundert Häftlinge in Saal an, die per Bahn und zu Fuß nach Dachau verschleppt werden sollen. Wie viele von ihnen in Saal sterben und ebenfalls hier verbrannt werden, ist nicht bekannt. The Cremation Site The prisoners who died in the subcamp were initially buried in a mass grave at the old cemetery in Saal. However, as the death rate increased due to catastrophic conditions in the camp, room in the mass grave began to run out. The bodies of the dead were then burned in a field next to the prisoners’ Camp Brothel camp. In mid-July 1943, the SS administration established a brothel Cremation site, May 1945 Later the SS orderedhoused the construction of abarrack makeshift for camp inmates, in a wooden builtcremaat the tion facility madegrounds of concrete slabs and railway at edge of the camp for the purpose. A visittracks to a brothel the edge forest.bonus This issystem where designed the bodiestoofraise the dead, was part of the a special the whose numbers continued to soar, burned. productivity of male prisoners. Onlywere privileged prisoners had access thethan bonuses; Jews, Sinti, and prisoners Of the to more 740 prisoners atRoma Saal, more than 250from are the Soviet Union were bonus system. known to have died at excluded the camp.from On 18the April 1945, several The women forced arrived to workatinSaal “Sonderbau weresubalso hundred prisoners from theunits” Hersbruck concentration camp inmates. About 15 female prisoners were camp, which had been dissolved. These prisoners were to transferred the Ravensbrück concentration toof work be deportedfrom to Dachau by rail and on foot. Howcamp many at the brothel in Flossenbürg. Forwere the women, this this group of prisoners died and cremated at form Saal isof forced labor was a brutal humiliation. After liberation, the unknown. survivors rarely spoke about the abuse they suffered in the camps. After the war, the former “Special Building” was used as housing for refugees until it was torn down in the mid-1950s. The topic of camp brothels remained taboo until the 1990s. Signal Corps, 4, 1945 burned there. I saw May the smoke rise, and a sweetish Peter Schmoll Archive » In the winter, we didn’t go out to our fields. Butabove: I knew that bodies from the were being Camp brothel, UScamp Army « Holocaust Memorial Program, Oregon State University odor was in the air. Ottilie Brandt (born 1920), resident below: Camp brothel layout, March 1944 (excerpt) Federal Archives Berlin Waiting rooms, a doctor’s room, and numerous small rooms were located along a hallway. The prisoners were observed and monitored through peepholes in the entry doors. Tafel Panel Tafel 1 (Übersicht) am Bahnhof Saal Panel 1 (overview) at Saal train station 6 Einweihung des KZ-Friedhofs im Park des ehemaligen Donauhotels, 4. November 1950 Seite aus einem Fotoalbum des Bayerischen Landesentschädigungsamtes KZ-Grab- und Gedenkstätte KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg Am Pfingstsamstag 1945 kommandieren die Alliierten Kelheimer NSDAP-Funktionäre zum Lagergelände an der Teugner Straße. Dort müssen sie verkohlte Leichenteile und übereinander geworfene Tote ausgraben und in Einzelsärge legen. Aufgrund der Aschereste geht die amerikanische Militärverwaltung von etwa 360 verbrannten Häftlingen aus. Die amerikanische Militärverwaltung lässt die Toten und die Aschereste mitten im Ort beisetzen. Das Bayerische Landesentschädigungsamt gestaltet den Ehrenfriedhof neu und weiht ihn am 4. November 1950 ein. Die evangelische Kirchengemeinde will jedoch auf diesem Grundstück ihr Gemeindehaus errichten. 1957 werden die sterblichen Überreste auf den Ehrenfriedhof der KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg überführt. Die Gedenkstätte in Saal wird auf den neuen Waldfriedhof verlegt. Die Inschrift des Gedenksteins liefert keinen Hinweis auf das Lager in Saal. Entwurfzeichnung des KZ-Friedhofs im Park des Donauhotels, um 1950 Stiftung Bayerische Gedenkstätten Concentration Camp Cemetery and Memorial Site On 19 May 1945, Allied commanders ordered Nazi Party functionaries from Kelheim to appear at the camp grounds on Teugner Street. The party functionaries were instructed Camp Brothel to excavate the partially cremated remains and the uncreIn mid-July 1943, the SS administration a brothel mated bodies of victims that had been established piled into the mass for camp in aplaced wooden at the grave. Theinmates, remainshoused were then in barrack separatebuilt coffins. edge the camp grounds for the A visit to a brothel Basedofon the amount of ashes at purpose. the site, US military auwas part estimated of a specialthat bonus system raise the thorities about 360 designed prisoners to had been productivity of male prisoners. Only privileged prisoners had cremated there. access the bonuses; Jews,reinterred Sinti, Roma and prisoners from The USto military authorities the remains in the the Soviet UnionThe were excluded from the bonus system. center of town. Bavarian State Compensation Office The womenthe forced to work “Sonderbau units” were also redesigned cemetery ofin honor and held a dedication concentration inmates. About 15 female prisoners were ceremony on 4camp November 1950. transferred from the Ravensbrück concentration camp to work However, the local Protestant parish wanted to build a at the brothel in Flossenbürg. For the women, this form of parish hall on the site, which was dissolved in 1957. The forced labor was a brutal humiliation. After liberation, the remains were reinterred at the cemetery of honor at the survivors rarely spoke about the abuse they suffered in the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial. In Saal, the camps. memorial stone was moved to the town´s new cemetery. After the war, the former “Special Building” was used as The inscription on the memorial stone makes no mention housing for refugees until it was torn down in the mid-1950s. of the subcamp in Saal. The topic of camp brothels remained taboo until the 1990s. above: Dedication of the concentration camp cemetery in the park of the former Donau hotel, 4 November 1950 Page of a photo album belonging to the above:State CampCompensation brothel, US Army Bavarian Office Flossenbürg Concentration Signal Corps, Camp MayMemorial 4, 1945 Holocaust Memorial Program, Oregon State University below: Design sketch for the concentration camp cemetery the park of the Donau below: Campin brothel layout, hotel, ca. 1950 March 1944 (excerpt) Bavarian Memorial Foundation, Munich Federal Archives Berlin Waiting rooms, a doctor’s room, and numerous small rooms were located along a hallway. The prisoners were observed and monitored through peepholes in the entry doors.
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