セッションⅠ 健康長寿科学研究におけるレギュラトリーサイエンスの意義 講演2 食品安全委員会の役割 を明らかにするとともに、「リスク分析」という新 しい考え方を導入することにより、食品の安全性の 確保を総合的に推進しています。 この食品安全基本法に従って、食品の安全性確保 のための規制や指導を行うリスク管理機関(厚生労 働省や農林水産省など)から独立して、科学的知見 に基づく客観的かつ中立公正なリスク評価を実施す ることを目的として、平成15年7月1日に内閣府に 内閣府食品安全委員会委員 長尾 拓 略 歴 1965 1967 1967 1989 2001 2002 2006 食品安全委員会が設置されました。 食品安全委員会は、食の安全に関し深い識見を有 東京大学薬学部卒業 東京大学大学院薬学研究科修士課程修了(1973年薬学 博士) 田辺製薬株式会社 東京大学薬学部教授 国立医薬品食品衛生研究所副所長 国立医薬品食品衛生研究所所長 内閣府食品安全委員会委員 する7名の委員から構成され、その下に14の専門調 査会が設置されています。このうち11の専門調査会 が、添加物、農薬といった危害要因ごとのリスク評 価を調査審議しています。また、これらの運営のた めに事務局が設置されています。 食品安全委員会の最も重要な役割は、食品に含 私たちは「食」を一日も欠かすことができません。 まれる可能性のあるO157などの病原菌、プリオン、 しかし、私たちが口にする食品には豊かな栄養成分 添加物や農薬などの危害要因が人の健康に与える影 とともに、わずかながら健康に悪影響を与える要因 響について評価を行うことで、具体的には、食品中 (危害要因といいます)が含まれており、どんな食 の危害要因を摂取することによって、どの位の確率 品でも食べれば何らかのリスクがあります。ですか でどのぐらい深刻に健康への悪影響が起きるかを科 ら、食の安全に「絶対」はありません。このため、 学的に評価しています。 食品を食べることによって、現実に人の健康へ悪影 響を及ぼす確率とその深刻さの程度(これをリスク といいます)を科学的に評価し、それに基づき悪影 響をできるだけ低く抑えることが必要です。 近年、我が国は海外から非常に多くの食料を輸入 するようになりました。また、牛海綿状脳症(BSE) や腸管出血性大腸菌O157といった新たな危害要因 が現れたり、遺伝子組換え技術が食品開発へ利用さ れたりするなど、食生活を取り巻く状況も大きく変 化しました。さらに、食の安全を脅かし国民の信頼 感を揺るがすような事件が相次いで起こりました。 こうした情勢の変化と国民の声に的確に応えるた めに、平成15年に食品安全基本法が制定され、食品 の安全性を確保するための新たな行政を展開してい くことになりました。この法律では、国民の健康の 保護が最も重要であることを基本理念として定め、 国、地方公共団体、食品の生産から販売までの事業 者(加工、卸売、小売など)の責務や消費者の役割 20 The Significance of Regulatory Science in Scientific Research on Health and Longevity SessionⅠ Lecture 2 Role of the Food Safety Commission Taku Nagao of the law is that the protection of the health of Commissioner, Food Safety Commission general public in Japan is the top priority. The Past Records 1965 Graduated from Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo 1967 Completed Master’s Programs at Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Earned Ph.D. in 1973) 1967 Tanabe Pharma Corporation 1989 Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo 2001 Deputy Director General, National Institute of Health Sciences 2002 Director General, National Institute of Health Sciences 2006 Commissioner, Food Safety Commission law clarifies the responsibilities of the state, local governments and food-related businesses from production to marketing (such as processing, wholesale, and retail ). It also clarifies the roles of consumers. Furthermore, by introducing a new concept of“risk analysis” , the law also aims to comprehensively promote the guarantee of food safety. Food is an essential part of our daily lives, As required by the Food Safety Basic Law, however, there are no“absolute guarantees” the Food Safety Commission of Japan (FSCJ) in food safety. The foods we consume contain was established within the Cabinet Office on July not only nutrients in abundance, but also agents 1, 2003, for the purpose of implementing risk that may potentially cause adverse health effects assessment in an objective , neutral and impartial (called“hazards”). No matter what the food, there manner based on scientific knowledge. As a risk is always some level of risk. Therefore, it is assessment entity, the FSCJ is independent of important that we, first, be able to scientifically the risk management organizations such as the assess the probability and the severity of such an Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) adverse health effect resulting from a hazard(s) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and in food (called“risk”). Then, these risks should be Fisheries (MAFF), which develop administrative minimized by way of appropriate management measures and regulations in pursuit of food safety. based on the assessment. FSCJ comprises seven commissioners who In recent decades, the circumstances have professional expertise in food safety issues. surrounding the dietary habits of the people of Within the Commission, 14 Expert Committee Japan have changed considerably. Japan has begun have been established,11 of which are dedicated to importing an extremely large amount of foodstuffs implementing individual risk assessments of such from overseas; there has been an emergence materials as food additives and pesticides. of new hazards, such as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and enterohemorrhagic ・Risk assessment Escherichia coli O157 : H7 ; and new technologies, The Commission’ s most important role is the such as recombinant DNA techniques for food implementation of risk assessments of the effects productions. There has also been a spate of on human health of hazardous substances that may incidents which have threatened food safety and be found in foods, which include E. coli bacteria undermined public trust. (O157 : H7), prions, food additives, and pesticides. In In order to respond adequately to these other words, the Commission scientifically assesses changes in circumstances and to public concern, the possibility and severity of adverse effects on the Food Safety Basic Law was enacted in 2003, health covered by ingesting hazardous substances and it was resolved to develop new administration contained in foods. for ensuring the safety of food. The basic principle The Commission assesses risk when 21 SessionⅠ The Significance of Regulatory Science in Scientific Research on Health and Longevity Lecture 2 requested by the risk management bodies, mainly to prevent the spread and reoccurrence of the the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare and the hazard; and accurate and easy-to-understand Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. information will be swiftly provided to the public In addition, it also determines areas where it is through the media, government publication and necessary to assess risk on its own initiative, and the website. conducts“self tasking assessment.” T h e F S C J i s i n a p o s i t i o n t o m a k e ・ Providing information recommendations through the Prime Minister to FSCJ uses its website to update information the ministers of the relevant risk management in an easy-to-understand format on such topics as bodies regarding policies to be implemented on the BSE, Avian influenza, and other foodborne illnesses. basis of the results of risk assessments. The Commission also began providing information through its e-mail newsletters (FSCJ e-magazine). ・Promoting risk communication In addition, it also publishes brochures that Risk communication is an inseparable part of introduce the Commission’ s activities, leaflets the risk management framework for the protection for children, glossaries on food safety, and the of public health. Through risk communication, quarterly journal“Food Safety”(in general, four information and opinions are shared among publications a year). stakeholders including consumers. Along with conducting risk communication on matters related to risk assessments in areas of high public concern, the FSCJ also plays a supporting role by collaborating with the risk communication conducted by risk management bodies. FSCJ strives to ensure transparency, by, in principle, making the Commission’ s meetings (in principle held every Thursday) and the meetings of the Expert Committees open to the public, and by posting the minutes of all meetings on the Commission’ s website. ・ Responses to emergency situations Through regular close coordination, the FSCJ and other risk management organizations collect and analyze information on the occurrence of foodborne illnesses, striving to prevent damage and minimize risk to public health. The FSCJ has prescribed procedures to respond appropriately to all kinds of emergency situations caused by food-related hazards such as foodborne illnesses, and periodically conducts simulated emergency response training. Furthermore, in the event of a food-related emergency, a whole-of-government response will be appropriately and swiftly implemented 22 The Significance of Regulatory Science in Scientific Research on Health and Longevity SessionⅠ Lecture 2 23 SessionⅠ 24 The Significance of Regulatory Science in Scientific Research on Health and Longevity Lecture 2
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