SILS フレンチプログラム奨学金

Instructions for the SILS French Programme Scholarship for SILS Internal Selection 2017-2018
SILS フレンチプログラム奨学金内部選考 2017-2018 概要
(Note that you have to apply simultaneously to SILS and to the French Embassy, read the instructions below carefully)
1. Purpose of the scholarship 奨学金の目的
The purpose of the French Programme Scholarship is to provide financial assistance for a Japanese SILS student with
excellent academic potential and profound interest in France, to study for one year in France.
2. Scholarship stipend 奨学金の受給期間
Successful applicant will be given the equivalent of 615 Euros every month for 10 months from September to June.
Also, the equivalent of 110 Euros will be given as health insurance fee. Also, the equivalent of 700 Euros will be given
as necessary expenses for study abroad in France such as books, stationary, travel expenses for research trip etc. for
2017-2018 recipient. This information is provided by the French Embassy and may change every year
according to the French government’s rules.
受給者には 9 月から翌年 6 月までの 10 か月間に毎月 615 ユーロが支給されます。また保険代として毎月 110
ユーロが支給されます。また 2017-2018 年度採用者には、別途 700 ユーロが文房具や書籍の購入代、研究旅
Eligibility requirements
- Japanese nationality without double nationality (requirement of the French Embassy in Japan)
- Born after January 1, 1987
1987 年 1 月 1 日以降に生まれた者。
- Enrolled in the SILS French programme
SILS フレンチプログラム履修者。
Wishing to study in France for one year with a long-term project related to France, either within the Waseda
study-abroad programmes (‘mobilité encadrée’) or as an independent applicant (‘mobilité individuelle’), in which case
the applicant must make sure he/she will be accepted by the host institution.
4. Procedure 手続き
1) Application through the French embassy website at Follow the general embassy
procedure. *Make sure to tick the “box for SILS students” on online registration.
ランス大使館の説明に従ってください。オンライン申請上ページの“box for SILS students”にチェックを入
2) Parallel to the general procedure at the French embassy, submit necessary documents at the SILS office by 5pm,
September 15th of the year prior to your departure. Please refer to the necessary documents on the next page.
フランス大使館での申請と平行して、国際教養学部事務所に必要書類を 2016 年 9 月 15 日(木)17 時ま
Necessary documents at the SILS office
① 2017 French Program Scholarship for SILS Internal Selection Application Form and Essays. They are
obtainable at They must be typed, not handwritten, in
English. (Please delete blanks after last sentences in essays. Handwritten signature on the application form is
2017 French Program Scholarship for SILS Internal Selection Application Form とエッセイ。申請用紙等はで入手できます。パソコン打ちで英語にて記入しな
② Photo (4.0cm length by 3.0 width, must be attached to the application form)
縦 4cm×横 3cm の写真。申請書に添付してください。
③ One photocopy of academic transcript in English
④ Both Photocopies of French AND English language proficiency score reports (TCF or DELF and TOEFL or
TOEIC or IELTS) If you do not have a DELF result, please take TCF at Institut français Iidabashi as soon
as possible. See the TCF instruction next page and look at
フランス語と英語両方の語学能力試験のスコアカードコピー(TCF か DELF と TOEFL か TOEIC か
ELTS) もし DELF の結果をお持ちでない場合は、出来るだけ早くアンスティチュ・フランセ東京で
TCF を 受 験 し て く だ さ い 。 説 明 は 次 の ペ ー ジ の TCF に つ い て の 説 明 と をご覧ください。
Result notifications of the first selection will be sent by the SILS office ONLY to successful applicants around
mid-November of the same year through e-mail. 第一次選考に通過した出願者のみ 11 月中旬辺りに国際教養
3) Selected applicants will be called for the second stage of the selection process (interview and presentation, partly in
English, partly in French) in December by the French embassy.第一次選考に通過した出願者は 12 月にフラン
4) Final results will be announced through mail by the French embassy according to their general procedure (January).
最終結果はフランス大使館での選考終了後、1 月にフランス大使館より郵送にて行われます。
5. Contact information 連絡先
Academic Affairs Section, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University
Tel: 03- 5286-1727 - E-mail: [email protected]
To get a French Language Certificate : get the TCF !
フランス語の証明書を取得するには:TCF を受験しよう!
TCF SO : Test de Connaissance du Français Sur Ordinateur (Test of French Knowledge on Computer), a test
that you cannot fail (it gives you a numerical score).
TCF SO とは:コンピュータ上のフランス語の知識のテストです。点数評価ですので、不合格にはなりません。
Test content テスト内容:
Part 1 : Oral comprehension パート 1:口語理解
Part 2 : Linguistic structures and written comprehension パート 2:言語構造と文語理解
Total length: 2h テスト時間:2 時間
See more information here:
With TCF SO, you receive your score right after the test. The original certificate from the French centre
(CIEP) arrives approximately 3-4 weeks after the test, but the score receipt that you get just after the test
can be used for the scholarship application form. The TCF score may also be very useful for your application
for Study abroad !
TCF SO を受験すると、テストのすぐ後にスコアを受け取ることができ、それは奨学金の申請書類として使用可
能です。フランス語センター(CIEP)からの証明書の原本は 3~4 週間後にお手元に届きます。また、TCF のスコ
Validity of the TCF score : 2 years スコアの有効期限:2 年
Price of the TCF test: 13000 yen per person 受験料:1 人 13000 円
To take the TCF you have to enroll at the Reception Desk (‘Accueil’) of the Institut français (Iidabashi) 10
days at the latest before the date of the test. So, for example, if you want to apply to the French scholarship
before the 15th of September, you must enroll and pay (cash) at the Institut with your Waseda SILS ID card
before the 1st of September 2016 at the latest.
TCF の受験にあたっては、遅くともテストの 10 日までにアンスティチュ・フランセ東京(飯田橋)の受付で申込
をする必要があります。例えば 9 月 15 日までにフランスの奨学金に申請したい場合は、遅くとも 9 月 1 日より
Ideal dates: Wednesday 7 and 14 of September because there are few classes at the Institut during the
Summer (but other days earlier are also possible).
申込日時:夏休み期間でアンスティチュ・フランセ東京での授業の数が少ないため、9 月 7 日(水)または 14 日(水)
がおすすめです。(これ以外の日程も、9 月 7 日以前であれば対応可能です)
A TCF SO session is limited to 3 participants at the same time: students will be contacted by Michiyo Aoki
who will set up the schedule (days & time).
試験のセッションは 1 度に 3 人の参加者で行われます:スケジュール(日時)は Michiyo Aoki よりご連絡します。
Strong advice: Contact the Institut français as soon as possible to get an appointment to take the TCF SO
before the 1st of September if possible.
強いアドバイス:早いうち、出来れば 9 月 1 日より前に、TCF SO を受験する為にアンスティチュ・フランセに
Contact Institut français Iidabashi アンスティチュ・フランセ東京(飯田橋):
Reception desk 受付: 03 5206 2500
[email protected]
Map and information 地図と情報:
Michiyo Aoki : [email protected]