Sophia University “Center for Language Education and Research” Application Procedure for Kamokuto Rishusei (Non-Matriculated Undergraduate Student) Autumn Semester 2016 1. Eligibility Applicants who meet one of the following requirements are eligible to apply for status as Kamokuto Rishusei (non-matriculated undergraduate students): 1) Those who have graduated / will graduate from senior high schools 2) Those who hold a certificate of university qualification examination 3) Those who have finished 12 years of education outside Japan 4) Those certified by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture 5) Those who have been certified by Sophia University as having qualification equivalent to senior high school graduation * For international students: International students must have a status of residence that will allow them to remain in Japan until at least the end of Autumn Semester, March 31, 2017. A temporary visitor visa is not acceptable. 2. Application Procedures The following materials should be sent by registered mail to the Academic Records Section from August 23 (Thu.) to August 29 (Mon.). Only those applications postmarked by the application deadline of August 29 (Mon.), 2016 will be considered. *Any applicant with physical conditions that might require special attention to undertake university work should consult the Academic Records Section, the Center for Academic Affairs 3. Application Materials 1) Application Form / General Data [Form 1] 2) Statement of Purpose [Form 2] Purpose for taking the course(s) should be written in English (approximately 200 words for each course) . 3) Remittance Form (“A” part only) Application Fee: 10,000 yen The application fee should be paid in yen by bank telegraphic transfer using the enclosed remittance form. 4) Certificate of graduation Photocopies are not acceptable. If the transcript is printed in a language other than English or Japanese, it must be translated into English and certified by a school official or an official agency (the embassy or consulate). 5) Official transcripts Photocopies are not acceptable. If the transcript is printed in a language other than English or Japanese, it must be translated into English and certified by a school official or an official agency (the embassy or consulate). 6) The applicant who wishes to take “JAPANESE 1 (AJPN1112~1114) ” should submit “APPLICATION FOR TAKING "JAPANESE 1 " COURSE”. 7) Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Certificate of Result and Scores N1~N3 (for the applicant who wishes to take “総合日本語 1 (AJPN2900)” or “総合日本語 2 (AJPN3000)” ). 8) Certificate of Residence and photocopies of the Residece Card (for international students) 4. Japanese placement test If you want to take a Japanese language course, you must take a Japanese placement test after submitting the application (on which you should write the Japanese course/courses you want to take). There is a possibility that you will be placed at a level different from the one you chose. If you miss the placement test, you will not be able to take any Japanese language courses. September 22 (Thur.) 10:00 am. to 12:45 p.m.. Examination rooms ; Bldg. No.2, 4th Floor The result of the Japanese placement test will be mailed together with the notification of acceptance to each applicant on April 23 (Fri.), 2016. 5. Screening Method Screening decisions will be made by the “Center for Language Education and Research” 6. Notification of Results 1) Notification of Results will be sent to you by mail on September 23 (Fri.), 2016. 2) Those who are accepted will receive the following materials: a) A list of the courses for which they may register b) A form for the payment of relevant fees c) A pledge confirming the student’s acceptance of the rules of the non-matriculated student status 7. Registration Procedures Registration will be completed when the applicant has paid the relevant fees (see next section) and has submitted the pledge to the Academic Records Section of the Center for Academic Affairs. When the procedures are completed, the applicant will receive a student ID card. The materials submitted by the applicant and any fees such as registration and tuition will not be returned; however, in cases such as when the course an applicant has registered for is canceled by Sophia University, tuition fee for that course will be returned. Period for Completion of Registration Procedures: September 26 (Mon.) –October 5 (Wed.) Time: 9:30 - 11:30 and 12:30 - 17:00 (Mon. – Fri.) Please note: 1) If you do not complete the procedures during the stated time period above, your approval for registration will be cancelled. 2) You cannot change or cancel the courses you have registered for. 3) A course for which no degree students register will be cancelled. 4) Please be certain to attend the first day of class. 5) Approval for status as a non-matriculated student is for ONE SEMESTER. If you want to extend further, you must reapply. You may take up to 30 credits of course work during one year . 8. Tuition (Academic Year 2016) Tuition fee: 39,000 yen per credit 9. Grading Students who have completed the course work satisfactorily will be granted credits. However, it is impossible to earn a degree from Sophia University with all credits taken while enrolled as a non-matriculated undergraduate student. Up to 30 credits can be applied to a degree at Sophia University. Applications for credit transfer can only be made after obtaining the status of degree undergraduate student. 10. Information 1) Non-matriculated students cannot obtain a student commuter pass and student train fare discount. 2) Non-matriculated students can use the following facilities: Library: contact the library check-out counter. Computer rooms: contact the Media Center (3rd Fl., Building 2) for detail on user account etc. 3) A Certificate of Attendance can be issued to a non-matriculated student. 4) The student ID card should be in the student’s possession at all times. 5) A non-matriculated student may be dismissed from the University when he/she is judged to be unfit to be at the university. 6) The rules governing degree students are also applied to non-matriculated students. ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR AUTUMN SEMESTER 2016 Classes Make-up classes Final Examination September 29 (Thurs.) – December 22 (Thurs.), January 5 (Thurs.) –January 24(Thu) December 10 (Sat.), December 17(Sat.), January 7 (Sat.), January 14(Sat.) January 25 (Wed.) – February 1 (Wed.) *Although October 10 and November 23 is public holiday, classes will be held. * January 6 (Fri.) is Virtual Wednesday, and the classes scheduled on Wednesday will be held on this day. * January12 (Thur.) is Virtual Monday, and the classes scheduled on Monday will be held on this day. CLASS HOURS lass Cancellations, make up classes or any additional no-class days will be announced on the Loyola bulletin board Class Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hours 9:15~10:45 11:00~12:30 13:30~15:00 15:15~16:45 17:00~18:30 18:45~20:15 Academic Records Section Center for Academic Affairs 7-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 102-8554 JAPANESE LANGUAGE PROGRAM TRACKS The following diagrams summarize the different Japanese language tracks offered by the CLER. Students may move from Track 1 to Track 2 and vice versa, depending on their linguistic qualifications and educational aims. Note: JPN111→JPN112 etc. denotes the normal route. Track 1: Japanese Courses for Non-Native Speakers (Regular Program) JPN111 Japanese 1 (4cr) JPN150 Japanese M1 (4cr) JPN112 Japanese 2 (4cr) JPN200 Japanese M2 (4cr) JPN211 Japanese 3 (4cr) JPN250 Japanese M3 (4cr) JPN212 Japanese 4 (4cr) JPN311 Business Japanese 1 JPN321 Advanced Japanese 1(4cr) JPN312 JPN322 Advanced Japanese 2 (4cr) JPN431/JPN432 Academic Japanese 1-1/1-2 (2cr each) JPN441/JPN442 Academic Japanese 2-1/2-2 (2cr each) Business Japanese 2 JPN407 Translating Japanese to English (4cr) Track 2: Japanese Courses for Non-Native Speakers (Intensive Program) The Japanese Language Intensive Program (JLIP) is an intensive course that is designed to meet the needs of students who are interested in acquiring a solid grounding in spoken and written Japanese in preparation for further academic study at the undergraduate or postgraduate levels, or for pursuing a career in which knowledge of Japanese would be an asset. The JLIP track draws on a wide range of written and audiovisual materials to lead students to develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills at the advanced level. The program comprises four courses: JPN180, JPN270, JPN280, and JPN370. Classes meet for three hours a day (9:15am–12:30pm) from Monday through Friday. JPN180, JPN270, JPN280, and JPN370 are offered every semester. Students who plan to enter the JLIP should have already completed an elementary-level Japanese course (JPN111 or equivalent). Note: JPN180→JPN270→JPN280 →JPN370 denotes the core route. <Track 1> JPN111 Japanese 1 JPN180 Intensive Japanese 1 (8cr) JPN150 Japanese M1 or JPN112 Japanese 2 JPN270 Intensive Japanese 2 (8cr) JPN250 Japanese M3 or JPN211 Japanese 3 JPN280 Intensive Japanese 3 (8cr) JPN212 Japanese 4 JPN311 Business Japanese 1 JPN321 Advanced Japanese 1 JPN370 Intensive Japanese 4 (8cr) JPN312 Business Japanese 2 JPN431/JPN432 Academic Japanese 1-1/1-2 (2cr each) JPN407 Translating Japanese to English (4cr) Track 3: Japanese Reading and Writing Courses (Primarily for Native Speakers to Develop Literacy) and Specialized Japanese Courses JPN340 Reading & Writing (Basics)* (2cr) JPN341 Reading & Writing 1* (2cr) JPN342 Reading & Writing 2* (2cr) JPN343 Reading & Writing 3* (2cr) JPN407 Translating Japanese to English (4cr) JPN349 Japanese Literacy 1 (2cr) (JPN349 is available from AY2016 in place of JPN352) (This course was formerly called “JPN350 College Skills”) JPN353 Japanese Literacy 2 (4cr) (This course was formerly called “JPN351 Japanese Composition”) JPN405 Translating English to Japanese 1 (4cr)/ JPN406 Translating English to Japanese 2 (4cr) (JPN406 can be registered for without taking JPN405) 日本語科目のトラック (漢字圏などアジア系の学生を中心とするコース) 日本語非母語話者向け日本語コース(集中プログラム) 日本語集中プログラム(JLIP)は、日本文化を背景として日本語を教える集中コースである。 このコースは学部や大学院レベルの学術研究を行なうための日本語の読み書きにおける基 礎を身に付けることに興味のある学生、もしくは日本語の知識を身につけることで有利となる キャリアを目指す学生に向けてデザインされたものである。 JLIPトラックは、幅広い分野の書籍や視聴覚教材を用いて、聞く、読む、書く、話す、の4技能 において中上級レベルの実力を学生に身につけさせる。このプログラムは4つのコース (JPN180, JPN270, JPN280, JPN370)からなる。授業は、月曜から金曜の毎日3時間(9:15 ~12:30)実施される。毎学期開講。 JLIP ト ラ ッ クの履 修を 希望 す る学 生は 、す でに初 歩的 な日 本語 を 身に着け てい るこ と (JPN111を修得済みであるか、もしくはこれと同等の日本語力)が必要である。 【欧米系学生向けコース】 【漢字圏学生向けコース】 JPN180 Intensive Japanese 1 (8cr) JPN270 Intensive Japanese 2 (8cr) JPN290 総合日本語 1 (N3 合格済みレベル学生向け) JPN280 Intensive Japanese 3 (8cr) JPN311 ビジネス日本語 1 (2 単位) JPN370 Intensive Japanese 4 (8cr) JPN300 総合日本語 2 (N2 合格済みレベル学生向け) JPN312 ビジネス日本語 2 (2 単位) JPN431/JPN432 アカデミック日本語 1-1/1-2 (各 2 単位) JPN441/JPN442 アカデミック日本語 2-1/2-2 (各 2 単位) JPN407 和文英訳 (4 単位) Class Hours of Japanese Language Courses 1. Courses for Non-Native Speakers A. Regular Program Course No. Title JPN 111 Japanese 1 150 Japanese M1 112 Japanese 2 200 Japanese M2 211 Japanese 3 250 Japanese M3 212 Japanese 4 321 Advanced Japanese 1 322 Advanced Japanese 2 B-1. Japanese Language Intensive Program Course No. Title JPN 180 270 280 370 Intensive Japanese 1 Intensive Japanese 2 Intensive Japanese 3 Intensive Japanese 4 cr 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Hours Five 90-minute classes a week Four 90-minute classes a week cr Hours 8 8 8 8 Ten 90-minute classes a week B-2. 漢字圏などアジア系の学生を中心とするコース Course No. Title cr JPN 290 300 総合日本語1 (Integrated Japanese 1) 総合日本語2 (Integrated Japanese 2) Hours 8 90 分授業 10 コマ/週 8 C. Specialized Japanese Courses Course No. Title JPN 311 Business Japanese 1 312 Business Japanese 2 407 Translating Japanese to English 431 Academic Japanese 1-1 432 Academic Japanese 1-2 441 Academic Japanese 2-1 442 Academic Japanese 2-2 411/412 Academic Japanese IA / IB 421/422/423/424 Academic Japanese IIA / IB/ IIC/ IID cr 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 Hours Two 90-minute classes a week One 90-minute class a week 2. Courses for Native Speakers Course No. JPN 340 341 342 343 349 353 405 406 407 Title Reading & Writing (Basics) Reading & Writing 1 Reading & Writing 2 Reading & Writing 3 Japanese Literacy 1 Japanese Literacy 2 Translating English to Japanese: Theory and Practice 1 Translating English to Japanese: Theory and Practice 2 Translating Japanese to English: Theory and Practice ※JPN349 (2cr) is available from AY2016 in place of JPN352 (4cr). cr 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 Hours Two 90-minute classes a week
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