New Books in the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center 2012 B105 .P53 T75 2012 2012 The memory of place : a phenomenology of the uncanny Trigg, Dylan B105 .S64 M37 2012 Radikalitat des Geistes: Heidegger-Paulus-Proust Marten, Rainer B187 .L6 M34 2012 Aitres de la langue et demeures de la pensee Maldiney, Henri B398 .O5 K57 2012 The ontology of Socratic questioning in Plato’s early dialogues Kirkland, Sean D. B804 .L35 2012 2012 Early twentieth-century Continental philosophy Lawlor, Leonard B809.6 .B49 2012 Beyond deconstruction: from hermeneutics to reconstruction Martinengo, Alberto B819 .C28 2012 The Cambridge companion to existentialism Crowell, Steven Galt B821 .M39 Humanismus im Widerstreit: Versuch uber Passibilitat Mayer, Michael B829.5 .C87 2012 Phanomenologie der Poiesis Cursgen, Dirk B829.5 .D475 2012 Phanomenologie in der Praxis: eine Einführung Depraz, Natalie B829.5 .G27 2012 The Phenomenological mind Gallagher, Shaun & Dan Zahavi B829.5 .G46 2012 The origins of the horizon in Husserl’s phenomenology Geniusas, Saulius B829.5 .I33 2012 Experimental phenomenology: multistabilities Ihde, Don B829.5 .L54 2012X Life, subjectivity & art : essays in honor of Rudolf Bernet Breeur, Roland B829.5 .L63 2012 Lebenswelt und Lebensform : zum Verhältnis von Phänomenologie und Pragmatismus Renn, Joachim B829.5 .M65 2012X Le vivant et sa naturalisation : le problème du naturalisme en biologie chez Husserl et le jeune Merleau-Ponty Moinat, Frédéric B829.5 .R43 2012 The apriori foundations of the civil law: along with the lecture “concerning phenomenology” Reinach, Adolf B829.5 .R685 2012 The Routledge companion to phenomenology Luft, Sebastian B829.5 .S27 2012 In Geschichten verstrickt: zum Sein von Mensch und Ding Schapp, Wilhelm B945 .C274 S74 2012 Stanley Cavell & the education of grownups Edited by Naoko Saito and Paul Standish B945 .S15 F74 2012 The thought of John Sallis: phenomenology, Plato, imagination Freydberg, Bernard B1498 .F74 2012 David Hume: Platonic philosopher, continental ancestor Freydberg, Bernard B2430 .D484 N325 2012 Miracle and machine : Jacques Derrida and the two sources of religion, science, and the media Naas, Michael B2430 .D484 P4213 2013 Derrida: a biography Peeters, Benoit B2430 .H454 M55 2012 Michel Henry: the affects of thought Edited by Jeffrey Hanson and Michael R. Kelly B2430 .L484 A66 2012 A propos, Levinas Appelbaum, David B2430 .L484 N36 2012 Emmanuel Levinas: la philosophie de l’alterite Nanga Essomba, Jean-Thierry B2430 .M3763 P4713 2012 Phenomenology of perception Merleau-Ponty, Maurice B2430 .M3764 D84 2012 Merleau-Ponty : une ontologie de l'imaginaire Dufourcq, Annabelle B2430 .M3764 O75 2012 Merleau-Pontys Weg zur Welt der rohen Wahrnehmung Orlikowski, Anna B2430 .M3764 S359 2012 La transcendance commepProbleme phenomenologique San, Emre B2430 .N363 D4337 2012 Re-treating religion : deconstructing Christianity with Jean-Luc Nancy Alexandrova, Alena B2681 .L43 S83213 2012 Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: philosophical writings Tester, Steven B2779 .G65 2012 Kant and the subject of critique : on the regulative role of the psychological idea Goldman, Avery B2798 .L293 2012 Vom Selbstbewusstsein zum Selbstverstandnis: Kant und die Philosophie der Wahrnehmung Langbehn, Claus B2858 .V38 2012 The philosophical rupture between Fichte and Schelling : selected texts and correspondence Fichte, Johann Gottlieb B3148 .S77 2012 Uber die Freiheit des Willens : eine phänomenologische Untersuchung mit Arthur Schopenhauer Stratenwerth, Gunther B3209 .B833 A25 2012 Quellen, Strome, Eisberge Blumenberg, Hans B3279 .H48 B44513 2012 Contributions to philosophy of the event Heidegger, Martin - translated by Richard Rojcewicz and Daniela Vallega-Neu B3279 .H48 B7413 2012 Bremen and Freiburg lectures: insight into that which is and basic principles of thinking Heidegger, Martin - translated by Andrew J. Mitchell B3279 .H49 A1X vol. 28 2012 National Socialism issue in hermeneutic phenomenological perspective-reflections on Pindar, Aristotle and Meister Eckhart Heidegger, Martin B3279 .H49 C265 2012 The early Heidegger’s philosophy of life: facticity, being, and language Campbell, Scott M. B3279 .H49 E45 2012 Translation and interpretation: learning from Beiträge Emad, Parvis B3279 .H49 H3415 2012 Heidegger and cognitive science Kiverstein, Julian B3279 .H49 M45 2012 Synthetisches Zeug: Technikphilosophie nach Martin Heidegger Meier, Jakob B3279 .H49 S25 2012 Heidegger und der Sinn von Wahrheit Sallis, John B3279 .H49 V25 2012 Geschickte Sprunge: Physik und Medium bei Martin Heidegger Vagt, Christina B3279 .H93 Z88 2012 The Husserl dictionary Moran, Dermot B3279 .H94 A129 Vol. 112 Art, literature, and passions of the skies Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa B3279 .H94 A129 Vol. 113 Phenomenology and the human positioning in the cosmos: the life-world, nature, earth Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa B3279 .H94 C35 2013 The Philosophy of Edmund Husserl Cairns, Dorion B3279 .H94 H8834 2012 Husserl, la science des phenomenes Grandjean, Antoine B3313 .A44 F75 2012X Friedrich Nietzsche : Also sprach Zarathustra Gerhardt, Volker B3317 .B79 2010 Friedrich Nietzsche: liv, filosofi, politik Brolin, David B3317 .N499 2012 Nietzsches Wissenschaftsphilosophie : Hintergründe, Wirkungen und Aktualität Heit, Helmut B3318 .O5 D55 2012 The ontology of becoming and the ethics of particularity Dillon, M. C. B3318 .R4 F7313 2012 Nietzsche and the shadow of God Franck, Didier B3329 .S484 V464 2012 L’eterno confine: saggio su Max Scheler Venier, Veniero B3376 .W564 B72 2012 Groundless grounds : a study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger Braver, Lee BD21 .P435 2012 Thinking about thinking : what kind of conversation is philosophy? Peperzak, Adriaan Theodoor BD112 .G7613 2012 Introduction to metaphysics : from Parmenides to Levinas Grondin, Jean BD161 .K5637 2012 Knowing without Thinking : mind, action, cognition and the phenomenon of the background Radman, Zdravko BD222 .F725 2012X Ansichten der Subjekitivität Frank, Manfred BD241 .D425313 2012 Utopia of understanding: between Babel and Auschwitz Di Cesare, Donatella BD241 .R498 2012 The life of understanding: a contemporary hermeneutics Risser, James BD241 .T45 2012 Hermeneutique critique: Bollack, Szondi, Celan Thouard, Denis BD443 .F3513 2012 The metamorphosis of finitude: an essay on birth and resurrection Falque, Emmanuel - translated by George Hughes BD450 .L555 2012 The rigor of a certain inhumanity: toward a wider suffrage Llewelyn, John BD450 .T5714 2012 La philosophie du drame Tischner, Jozef BD638 .L255 2012 Simultaneity and delay: a dialectical theory of staggered time Lampert, Jay BD638 .R46 2012 Chronopathologies : time and politics in Deleuze, Derrida, analytic philosophy, and phenomenology Reynolds, Jack BF39.9 .H66 2012AX A critical psychology of the postcolonial : the mind of apartheid Hook, Derek BF175.4 .P45 F68 2012X Founding psychoanalysis phenomenologically : phenomenological theory of subjectivity and the psychoanalytic experience Lohmar, Dieter BF175.4 .P45 R43 2012 Vol.1 On psychoanalysis Ricoeur, Paul BF204.5 .D472 2012 Existential-phenomenological psychology: a brief introduction DeRobertis, Eugene M. BF408 .S263 2012 The imagination Sartre, Jean-Paul BF721 .D47 2012 The whole child: selected papers on existential-humanistic child psychology DeRobertis, Eugene M. BH39 .B38285 2012 Aesthetics after metaphysics: from mimesis to metaphor de Beistegui, Miguel BH39 .C75 2012 Critical communities and aesthetic practices : dialogues with Tony O'Connor on society, art, and friendship Halsall, Francis BH39 .T397 2012 Refiguring the spiritual : Beuys, Barney, Turrell, Goldsworthy Taylor, Mark C. BJ1031 .S655 2012 The phenomenology of moral normativity Smith, William Hosmer BJ1838 .S76 2012 On manners Stohr, Karen BL51 .G76514 2012 Die Philosophie der Religion: eine Skizze Grondin, Jean BT28 .A48 2012 The call to radical theology Altizer, Thomas J.J. BV3625 .S4 S65 2011 The staircase of a patron: Sierra Leone and the United Brethren in Christ Smith, Jeremy H. BX4827 .L14 S37 2012 An Introduction to Jean-Yves Lacoste Schrijvers, Joeri HM494 .F57 2012 Phanomenologische Soziologie Fischer, Peter HM621 .H46313 2012 Barbarism Henry, Michel JA71 .G3969 2012 Offentlichkeit: die politische Form des Bewusstseins Gerhardt, Volker JA71 .L595 2012 The politics of logic : Badiou, Wittgenstein, and the consequences of formalism Livingston, Paul M., 1976- JC143 .M4 L413 2012X Machiavelli in the making Lefort, Claude JC181 .F6 2012 The closed commercial state Fichte, J.C., - translated and with an Interpretive essay by Anthony Curtis Adler JC251 .A74 P655 2012 Politische Existenz und republikanische Ordnung: zum Staatsverstandnis von Hannah Arendt Breier, Karl-Heinz N68 .H32 A58 2012 Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes Heidegger, Martin N70 .M235 2012 L’art, l’éclair de l’etre Maldiney, Henri N6494 .M64 C36 2012 The Revolt of Unreason: Miguel de Unamuno and Antonio Caso on the crisis of modernity Candelaria, Michael N8217 .H5 K7413 2012 The severed head: capital visions Kristeva, Julia PN49 .S326 2013 Collected papers VI. Literary Reality and Relationships Schutz, Alfred – edited by Michael Barber PN1650 .M68 M37 2012 The mother in the age of mechanical reproduction : psychoanalysis, photography, deconstruction Marder, Elissa RC480.5 .M315513 2012 The New Wounded: From Neurosis to Brain Damage Malabou, Catherine T14 .B65 2012 Das Gestell Bolz, Norbert
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